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PHYS 6006 MPhys Topics 2014/15

Dear Students,

I have attached a booklet containing titles and abstracts for the MPhys projects we
anticipate will be on offer for the coming academic year (14/15). Please take a good look
(and feel free to discuss with the project supervisors) and then visit the link and submit your top 6 choices of
We will do our very best to take your rankings and preferences into account in
allocating projects. However, please be aware that this is a complex optimization
problem without a unique and perfect solution. For reference, this year (13/14), 85% of
students were assigned one of their top 3 choices, but please do not assume that this
means your 4th-6th choices are irrelevant.
Apart from the MPhys projects advertised in the booklet, you are strongly encouraged
to contact any supervisor with your own idea for a project. In case that you reach an
agreement for a new project please contact the co-ordinator, Dr. Antonios Kanaras
IMPORTANT: Please note that, if you are registered for an "MPhys with X" degree,
you must choose a project in the correct area of specialization. This year, this means the
Astronomy: choose from projects A1, A2 , A5-A19
Space Science: choose from projects A3, A4
Nanotechnology: choose from projects Q2, Q3, Q4, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q16, Q17, Q20,
Q23, O2, O3.
Photonics: choose from projects Q2-Q9 and Q11-Q24
For students on the "plain" MPhys, there are no restrictions on what project you can
choose but it will be great if you try to keep a balance of choices between the different
thematic domains.
Note that this year, we offer 24 projects in QLM, 19 projects in Astronomy, 18 projects
in Theory and 3 ORC projects.
The deadline to submit your preferences is Friday 2nd May 2014 at midnight. Late
submission of this form will almost guarantee that your preferences are not met, so
please submit on time.


A1.Supervisor: Prof. Phil Charles, Dr Tony Bird
Topic: Astronomy
Title: X-ray binary variability: Exploring the I NTEGRAL and Swift space telescope archives
No. of students: up to 4
Time-resolved X- and gamma-ray astronomy using on-line data archives has been revolutionised with the
RXTE (X-ray), and now Swift and INTEGRAL (gamma-ray) space observatories. The most sensitive analysis
of the INTEGRAL data is performed by the Southampton group, and the results provide outstanding
opportunities to study the long-term variability and spectral properties of accreting X-ray binaries over a wide
energy range. These variations include both orbital (usually days to weeks) and long-term variations (hundreds
to thousands of days) that reflect the physical properties of the accretion discs and their interactions with the
mass donor. In particular, INTEGRAL provides access to the higher energies where the dominant processes are
non-thermal, usually synchrotron, emission linked to the acceleration to relativistic speeds in jets associated
with rapidly spinning neutron stars and accreting black holes.
It has not been possible to study such effects prior to the existence of these archives, and this is opening up new
opportunities in accretion physics. This project will also combine the X-ray source RXTE/INTEGRAL light-
curves with data from the Swift/BAT archive for the first time, giving much better coverage of the brighter
sources, whilst exploiting INTEGRALs better spectral coverage and sensitivity to fainter variations. In
particular cases it may even be possible to combine the space work with ground-based optical and infra-red
archives of certain sources.
There are a wide range of sources and behaviour present in the INTEGRAL archive, and combining these data
with those of RXTE and Swift will be a significant task. Consequently, this project is ideal for a team of
students (4 would be ideal) to undertake, in which the data visualisation and analysis is similar for all, but the
resulting science amongst the variety of X-ray sources is very different. The project will therefore involve some
programming work, building on earlier computing courses. Students allocated to this project will be given
appropriate background reading on neutron star/black hole X-ray binaries to help prepare them for this work.

A2.Supervisor: Dr Tony Bird
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Spectroscopic astronomical observations
The newly-acquired spectrograph system will allow spectra of astronomical objects to be acquired and studied,
adding a new dimension to the studies currently possible from the observatory in Southampton. Pilot studies in
2013/14 have shown the capabilities of the system for spectroscopy of bright objects. Building on this, we now
need to push the system further towards fainter objects. This may involve improvements to the hardware (to
allow better placement of objects on the spectrograph slit) and new working methods. With this done, we can
start to make meaningful astronomical observations. Some options for observations include: studies of
planetary nebulae, radial velocity studies, studies of decretion disks in Be stars, and measurement of galaxy
redshifts. There will be flexibility for the students to select their own observing programmes and strategies.

A3.Supervisor: Prof. Betty Lanchester/ TBA
Topic: Space physics
Title:Temperature variations in the upper atmosphere using oxygen and hydroxyl lines in aurora
High resolution spectral measurements of the aurora made from Svalbard, Norway, will be used in this project.
The data from an imaging spectrograph will be combined with measurements from the European Incoherent
Scatter Radar which is colocated with the optical platform, and with high resolution camera data, using a
selection of filters to separate emissions from different atmospheric species.
The metastable emissions of atomic oxygen are measured in planetary atmospheres as airglow and aurora, and
also in astrophysical plasmas, such as gaseous nebulae [Sharpee et al., 2003]. In the auroral atmosphere, the
doublets of O+ 2P at 732.0 nm and 732.0 nm result from ionisation and excitation of oxygen atoms in the high
latitude atmosphere. The ratio of the two emission lines provides a powerful method of determining the density
of the ions in the two upper states. The radar will provide measurements of the ion temperatures and densities.
The aim of the project will be to investigate whether there is a variation in the brightness ratio I(732.0)/I(733.0)
with the temperature of the upper atmosphere, and other changes in conditions. The relative intensity of
hydroxyl lines which originate from different upper levels can also be used as an indicator of the temperature of
the neutral atmosphere.
A suite of existing programmes written in IDL will be available for use, with scope for modification. Analysis
of the radar data will involve standard packages, but it is envisaged that the students will write their own
software for displaying the results, using either Matlab or IDL.

A4.Supervisor: Prof. Betty Lanchester/ TBA
Topic: Space physics
Title: Pulsations in the aurora
The project will use optical measurements of the aurora taken with a special set of cameras known as a multi-
spectral imager called ASK for Auroral Structure and Kinetics. Three different wavelengths are measured
simultaneously, which allows the determination of the energy and flux of the auroral precipitation. Pulsations in
the aurora are caused by wave activity in the magnetosphere, which scatters high energy particles so that they
reach the Earths atmosphere and excite molecular and atomic species. The edges of these varying optical
regions have been measured with high accuracy, and show very sharp gradients at the boundaries. To
understand how such gradients occur is an important question in space physics. The project will make use of
Matlab or IDL programming at a simple level.

A5. Supervisor: Dr Anna Scaife
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Shocks in Galaxy Clusters
No of students: up to 4
Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound objects in the Universe. Consequently when these clusters
interact and merge the violent collisions between them give rise to huge shocks within their constituent gas.
These shocks are generally seen through the strong radio emission they produce via accelerated electrons
spiralling around strong magnetic fields. However these shocks also have a heating effect on the local gas,
causing temperature jumps that can be seen via changes in their thermal X-ray emission. The aim of this project
is to take a sample of galaxy clusters with known radio shocks and examine the temperature jumps in the X-ray
emission produced by these shocks using archival data from the Suzaku X-ray satellite. Measuring these
temperature jumps will allow us to examine the characteristics of the shocks (such as their Mach numbers) and
compare these to constraints from the radio emission as well as determining how they relate to other cluster
properties. The project will make use of python programming and/or bash scripting at a simple level.

A6. Supervisor: Dr Anna Scaife
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Radio Emission from Protostars.
This project will positionally cross-match known objects from the Spitzer infra-red catalogue of protostars with
archival radio catalogues to compile a sample of protostellar objects suitable for testing the Gdel-Benz relation.
The G-B scaling predicts the relationship between bolometric luminosity and radio luminosity for active stars
and the aim of this project is to determine whether protostars are consistent with the general relation or exhibit a
behaviour which cannot be explained by the same underlying physical processes. The students will need to
select their sample by cross-matching infra-red and radio catalogues, fit bolometric luminosities to sample
members using infra-red data and compare the sample to the analytic G-B relation.

A7. Supervisors: Dr F. Shankar/Prof. C. Knigge
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Accretion, Outflows and Evolution of Quasars
Quasars (or, more correctly, quasi-stellar objects -- QSOs) are extremely luminous sources located in external
galaxies. We know today that QSOs are powered by accretion onto the supermassive black holes lurking in the
centres of these galaxies, but many details of this accretion process remain poorly understood. For example,
even though we know that these supermassive black holes must gain most of their mass by accretion during
QSO-like phases, we don't really know how the accretion process evolves over cosmic time. Similarly, we do
not really know why it is that the process of accretion inevitably goes hand-in-hand with mass ejection from
QSOs, in the form of radio jets and biconical winds. It is strongly suspected that these outflows interact with the
QSO environment, and that this feedback provides a mechanism that regulates the growth of both the
supermassive black hole and its host galaxy. This project will look at one or more of these areas of active work
on QSOs. It may involve analyses of observational data (for example from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and/or
theoretical work.

A8. Supervisor: Dr Mark Sullivan
Topic: Astronomy
No of students: up to 3
Title: I dentifying supernovae from their light curves
Type Ia supernovae play a key role in cosmology, acting as our best measure of distance over cosmological
scales. Many ongoing and future large surveys are concerned with locating and studying hundreds of these
events to make next generation measurements of the nature of the dark energy that powers our accelerating
universe. Traditionally, classifying these supernovae from all the other types of astrophysical transients detected
in large surveys has required a spectrum of the supernova event. But such spectra are expensive to obtain in
terms of telescope time, and future surveys will have to rely on different, new techniques.
This project will use archival data from the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) and new data from the Dark
Energy Survey (DES) to investigate techniques to classify supernovae based only on their light curves. You will
develop methods to pick out type Ia supernovae from these large datasets, and, if the project goes well, compare
the cosmological constraints from the photometrically-identified sample to those obtained from the
spectroscopic sample. The project will involve programming, some statistics, and analysis of existing archival
astronomical data.

A9. Supervisor: Dr Mark Sullivan
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Measuring the universe using supernovae
No of students: up to 4
NOTE: This project is best suited to students who previously attended the Tenerife field course.
One of the most striking developments in astronomy in the last 10 years is the discovery that the Universe is not
only expanding, but accelerating. This discovery made use of Type Ia supernovae, cosmic explosions that act as
standard candles and allow accurate distances to be measured in the universe. Southampton is involved in
several new searches for type Ia supernovae that will generate the next generation sample of Type Ia supernova
in the local universe for cosmology. This project will involve setting up the telescope here in Southampton,
characterising its sensitivity, and obtaining photometric (brightness) measurements of a set of type Ia
supernovae. The department telescope is equipped with a CCD camera and set of standard filters, allowing you
to measure the light curve of the supernovae as they evolve. The observations you take will give you the
apparent magnitude of the supernovae. Combining this with knowledge of the absolute magnitude of the
supernovae, and the redshift of the host galaxy from literature and other survey data, you will be able to plot
distance versus redshift, and calculate the local expansion rate of the Universe (the "Hubble constant"). The
project will obviously require night time working. Clear weather can be rare in Southampton so expect to spend
clear nights at the telescope possibly at short notice! If bad weather prevents you gathering enough data, you
will use data obtained with other telescopes to achieve the goals of the project. You will learn to use
astronomical data reduction software to reduce and analyse your data, and measure brightnesses for the

A10. Supervisor: Dr F. Shankar
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Evolution of Lenticulars
The true physical processes behind the formation and evolution of lenticular galaxies remain still quite elusive.
This type of galaxies are intermediate between the most massive, elliptical galaxies, and the less massive, spiral
galaxies, in terms of morphology, but also spectral and photometric features. Lenticulars are broadly
characterized by having a bulge and a disc with no evident spiral features. They seem not to be very active in
forming stars, and have less gas than their counterpart spirals. Nevertheless, being Lenticulars quite a large
subgroup of galaxies, living in many different environments, it is also possible to still further classify them into
separate subclasses. Most probably, each subgroup might have gone through a quite different evolutionary path.
Here it is proposed an analytic and numerical approach to develop basic evolutionary schemes to possibly
distinguish, and eventually break, at least some of the degeneracies present in current models of galaxy
formation and evolution. The project will compare with available data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

A11. Supervisor: Dr F. Shankar
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Probing the Evolution of the most distant galaxies and their connection to the Reionization of the
A number of different techniques are usually employed by astronomers to efficiently detect galaxies at redshifts
above 3 or so. Different groups have published, in particular, a variety of number counts (luminosity functions)
for galaxies in UV and Lyman Alpha up to the highest redshifts accessible, when the Universe was just at its
infancy. It is believed that such first populations of galaxies have played a major role in reionizing the Universe
at z=6. Independent observations, mostly based on the spectrum of the most distant quasars, have in fact
revealed that the Universe, filled with neutral hydrogen at the beginning, was quite quickly reionized by some
powerful sources of radiation, most probably the first galaxies. However, the exact connection between these
structures and the process of reionization is still unclear. This project aims via semi-empirical techniques, to
predict the statistics of high-redshift galaxies, their clustering, as well as their spectral properties, in particular to
constrain their escape fraction, i. e. their capacity of producing and releasing energetic photons which can
effectively reionize hydrogen atoms.

A12. Supervisor: Dr. D. Altamirano and Prof. L. Barack
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: Simulation of orbits in the highly-curved space-time around black holes: theory vs. observations.

Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so powerful even light cannot escape their grasp. Given that
they are invisible to us, the only way to comprehend what they really are, is to understand the spiral-in motion
of matter around them. Modeling and observing the path that matter draws as it falls in to a black hole has been
the focus of much interest among the scientific community, as these paths are drawn at nearly the speed of light,
and the path-shapes describe the most heavily curved regions of spacetime. Therefore these paths contain the
information needed to test predictions of general relativity in the most extreme environments in our universe.
The aim of this project is to perform a comparison between numerical simulations of orbits around black holes,
with real, state-of-the art observations performed with highly accurate X-ray space telescopes. The theoretical
work will involve performing numerical simulations using very recent (2013!!) and unexpected theoretical
discoveries related to the 3D shape of the orbits of test-particles as they move around a black hole. These
simulations will then be used to predict, and test against, what can be seen with current X-ray space telescopes.
The results of this challenging project will be an important contribution to the current effort of testing what we
understand about motion near black holes, and can be a significant contribution to the ongoing effort of
detecting Gravitational waves. Recommended (but not required!!!) for this project is knowing how to use
Linux/MAC operating systems, knowing how to program, the use of software like MATLAB and have taken the
General Relativity Course.

A13. Supervisor: Dr. D. Altamirano
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Thermonuclear burning and a new method for setting constraints on the internal properties of neutron

In sufficiently closed X-ray binaries, accretion can be due to mass transfer from the companion star to the
neutron star. As matter is accreted onto the surface of the compact object, it accumulates until the layer is a few
meters thick. At this point, the density and temperature at the bottom of the layer are so extreme, that nuclear
fusion starts. These runaways burn the fuel layer on a seconds-timescale, and more energy is generated in few
seconds, than the sun emits in an entire week. Understanding the behavior of matter under extreme conditions
remains one of the foundation stones of high energy astrophysics. With masses between 1 and 3 of that of the
sun, and with a radius between 10 and 15 km, neutron stars represent the extremes of density and gravity, i.e.,
they are perfect laboratories to gain knowledge into the limits of physical theories. By constraining the internal
constitution of neutron stars, it is possible to understand the behavior of matter under these extreme conditions.
However, gaining knowledge of the neutron star internal structure has been an unsolved challenge since the
discovery of these compact objects. Several approaches have been proposed to solve this issue. Most of them
focus their efforts on narrowing down the allowed regions in mass versus radius diagrams (see, e.g. Haensel et
al. 2007 for an overview), thereby ruling out some of the models that predict the internal properties of neutron
stars. Another line of investigation approaches the challenge by observing the cooling of neutron stars (see, e.g.,
Yakovlev et al. 2007 and references therein). With this project, the student will tackle this challenging problem
using a novel approach to constrain the internal properties of neutron stars. The student will use observations of
neutron stars which are part of binary systems to gain new insights in the thermonuclear processes that occur on
the surface of the neutron star; this in turn will lead to independent constraints of the internal properties of
neutron stars.

A14. Supervisor: Dr. D. Altamirano
Topic: Astronomy
No. of students: up to 4
Title: Characterization of millisecond X-ray variability around compact objects: Black Hole's event horizon
vs. Neutron Star's (ultra-)hard surface

Neutron stars (NSs) and black holes (BHs) are compact objects. The tiny NSs being no more than 20-30 km in
diameter but containing masses of 1 to 3 times the Sun, represent extremes of gravity, pressure and density,
making them the only stars where matter burns on the outside. While NSs are the densest objects we know in
nature from which we can still see the surface, BHs are denser but invisible behind an event horizon.
Fortunately, some of these compact objects have close companion stars; gas from these stars, attracted by the
compact object strong gravity, funnels and spirals towards it, forming an accretion disk. These systems are
called low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs); the most powerful phenomena we observe from them are directly
related to these accretion disks, as a large amount of gravitational energy is released when the matter approaches
the compact object. This causes the inner accretion disk to reach temperatures as high as 10^7 Kelvin and
therefore to emit the bulk of the energy in the X-ray band of the spectrum. It is the flow of this accreting plasma
onto the compact objects which provides one of the very few opportunities to directly observe the properties of
the tiny (few km) regions of the most strongly curved spacetime known to exist in Nature and, additionally see
General Relativity (GR) effects in action in otherwise inaccessible regimes (e.g. Psaltis 2008). In this
observational project, the student(s) will analyze, study and compare the fast time (periods as low as 1/1000 of a
second!) X-ray variability observed from Black Holes and Neutron Stars. During this project the students will
use of data from different space instruments like RXTE, XMM-Newton and Chandra, and will look for
differences between black holes and neutron stars to pinpoint which are the observational evidences for a hard
surface or an event horizon. These results will then be compared with predictions of General Relativity.

A15. Supervisor: Dr. D. Altamirano
Topic: Astronomy
No. of students: up to 4
Title: High-energy Astrophysics using NuStar: looking at the universe at the 3-80 keV range with the state-
of-the art space telescope.

The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission was launched on June 2012, and it is the very
first (and so far only) focusing high-energy X-ray telescope in orbit. NuSTAR operates in the band from 3 to 79
keV, extending the sensitivity of focusing far beyond the ~10 keV high-energy cutoff achieved by all previous
X-ray satellites. Using its unprecedented combination of sensitivity and spatial and spectral resolution, NuSTAR
is looking to solve long-lasting questions that span from obscured active galactic nucleus (AGN), to Ultra-
luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), non-thermal radiation in young supernova remnants, to the study of Galactic
sources such as black holes and neutron stars (pulsars and not pulsars). New NuSTAR data are becoming
publicly available every month since August 2013, giving a unique opportunity to analyze and study almost
virgin data from very distinct type of sources. During this project, the student will investigate which are the
most promising data available and have the perfect opportunity to decide which type of astrophysical object to
study (as well as, understand and/or decide the reason and importance to study them).
The project will be supervised by Dr. D. Altamirano, but the student will have strong interaction with other
members of the P&A group (such as Prof. C. Knigge, Dr. M. Sullivan, etc) depending on the particular type of
astrophysical source studied. For more information about NuSTAR, please see

A16. Supervisor: Dr. R. Breton
Topic: Astronomy
Title: New pulsar timing technique using the double pulsar eclipses
The double pulsar is the most relativistic binary system known to this day and has provided the most stringent
test of general relativity in the strong field regime so far (see, e.g. Kramer & Stairs, 2008, ARA&A, 46, 541).
One of the most amazing features of the double pulsar is the occurrence of 30-second eclipses when one of the
pulsar dubbed A passes behind the other one, B. These eclipses have been successfully modelled by Breton
et al. (2008, Science, 312, 104), who have showed that the long-term eclipse profile evolution is due to the
relativistic spin precession of pulsar B and performed the first quantitative measurement of such an effect. The
aim of the project is to improve the eclipse model in order to use it as a way to track the rotational phase of
pulsar B. This would effectively provide a way of timing pulsar B that does not rely on observing radio
pulsations from it. The interest lies in the fact that pulsar B has disappeared in late 2009 due to its radio beam no
longer pointing as us because of precession. According to Bretons calculations pulsar B will become visible
again in 2024, and hence finding a way of timing it in the meantime would be greatly valuable. You may see
extra material at

A17. Supervisor: Dr. R. Breton
Topic: Astronomy
Title: The evolution of compact neutron star binaries with low-mass companions
Most pulsars in binary systems are believed to be at the last stage of a long evolution that involves an
intermediate phase that we observe as X-ray binaries, and during which the companion transfers mass and
angular momentum to the neutron star. This process effectively recycles old pulsars into fast spinning ones.
Another important consequence of the mass transfer are the changes in the orbit, which may widen or become
more compact depending on the specific binary parameters. In the last few years, several pulsars in compact
orbit (i.e. few-hour orbital periods) have been found with very low-mass companions (typically a few 0.01M
as well as other very similar systems with higher-mass companions (typically 0.2M
). In both kinds of systems,
called black widows and redbacks, the energetic pulsar is observed to strongly irradiate its companion to the
extent that it ables material from its surface. It has been speculated that redbacks might be the direct descendants
of X-ray binaries, while black widows might be one step further where the companion has been almost entirely
destroyed. The aim of the project is to use the MESA stellar evolution code ( with
new prescription on mass loss, magnetic breaking, etc., in order to investigate the possibility of the X-ray
binaries - redbacks - black widows sequence being happening or not. An exciting recent evidence of the first
step in the chain came from the discovery of a binary system experiencing the transition from X-ray binary to
redback (Archibald et al., 2009, Science, 324, 1411; Stappers et al., 2013, arXiv:1311.7506). You may also be
interested in these papers: Chen et al., 2013, arXiv:1308.4107; Breton et al., 2013, ApJ, 769, 108.

A18. Supervisor: Prof. I . McHardy
Topic: Astronomy
Title: Multiwave band Variability of Blazars
Blazars are a type of active galaxy whose emission is dominated by emission from a relativistic jet oriented
towards the observer. From the radio through to approximately the optical or uv band, the emission is
synchrotron radiation, produced by the relativistic electrons in the jet. At higher energies in the X-ray and
Gamma-ray bands, the photons are almost certainly produced by Compton scattering of some low energy seed
photon population by the relativistic electrons in the jet. There are, however, a number of possibilities for the
source of the seed photons, eg the radio-optical synchrotron photons from the jet or perhaps the UV photons
from the accretion disc. The different possible emission scenarios lead to different possibilities for the flux
relationship between the different energy bands, and also for time lags between bands. We will investigate these
relationships using X-ray and uv-optical data from the Swift observatory, with light curves produced by our own
Southampton data analysis system. We will also produce Gamma-ray light curves using publicly available data
from the Fermi observatory. We will also use the above multi wave band data to produce SEDs, or Spectral
Energy Distributions. If time permits we will fit these SEDs to theoretical models of the relativistic jet which we
will produce.

A19. Supervisor: Prof. I . McHardy
Topic: Astronomy
Title: The Relationship between the X-ray, UV and Optical Variability of
Seyfert Galaxies
The origin of the UV-optical variability in Seyfert galaxies, ie active galaxies which do not contain a relativistic
jet, and its relationship to the X-ray variability, is currently a matter of much discussion. The X-rays are
generally thought to be produced by Compton scattering of lower energy (uv-optical) seed photons from the
accretion disc in a hot corona. So are the X-ray variations driven by variations in the uv-optical seed photon flux?
Or are the uv-optical variations driven by reprocessing of X-rays into lower energy photons by the accretion disc?
In the first case the X-ray variations will lag behind the uv variations and in the second case they will lead. The
Swift observatory has observed many Seyfert galaxies in both X-ray and multiple uv-optical bands and, in
Southampton, we have developed a software system which produces light curves in the various X-ray/uv/optical
bands. The aim of this project is to work systematically through our database, cross-correlating the various light
curves to measure the X-ray/uv-optical lag, to determine what the relationship is between the various wavebands
and hence what the ultimate driver of uv-optical variability in Seyfert galaxies is.

T1.Supervisor: Prof N Evans
Topic: Theory
Title: Mass Generation in Particle Physics
The origin of the masses of the fundamental particles of nature is currently a hot topic in particle physics. In this
project the student will learn how to describe relativistic particles in Quantum Mechanics via the Klein Gordon
and Dirac equations and derive the Feynman rules for their interactions. We will explore the origin of the proton
mass via QCD interactions and by solving gap equations on a computer (using Maple). The project can expand
to include learning about the Higgs mechanism and extensions of the standard model of particle physics such as

T2.Supervisor: Prof S King (up to 4 people)
Topic: Theory
Title: From the Standard Model to Supersymmetry at the LHC
The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will have completed its run at 8 TeV by the time you are starting this
project. LHC is the highest energy particle collider in the world. The first part of the project will involve the
simulation of the production and decay of Standard Model Particles such as top quarks at the LHC, calculating
the production cross-section and the decay patterns using the CalcHEP package, and using kinematic variables
such as Effective Mass and Transverse Mass. The CalcHEP package may also be accessed via the High Energy
Physics Model Database (HEPMDB) ( with an easy web-interface. The second part
of the project will turn to a similar analysis for Supersymmetric Particles, where the Standard Model Particles
appear as background. This project will be very challenging, but may be tackled by anyone who is strong in
computing and has a strong interest in particle physics.

T3.Supervisor: Prof. S. Moretti
Topic: Theory
Title: Black Holes in Geneva
The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), now operating in Geneva, is the most energetic particle accelerator
ever built, colliding two proton beams at 14 Tera eV. The amount of energy produced will be concentrated in a
very narrow region of space-time, thus enabling high density of matter being created. In theories with large extra
(spatial) dimensions and TeV-scale gravity, micro black holes are expected to be copiously produced at the LHC.
Such black holes would be a powerful source of Hawking radiation, thus decaying rapidly into all kinds of
known particles. From the study of these decay products in the LHC particle detectors, it may be possible to
reconstruct the number and size of extra dimensions. This project will consist of initially reviewing the existing
literature and computational tools available in the field and eventually simulating and studying the production
and decay of micro black holes using a so-called Monte Carlo event generator. An estimate of the number of
extra dimension may also be attempted. Despite being very challenging, the project may be successfully carried
out by anyone with a solid computing background and a deep interest in particle physics. The project can be
made more theoretical or experimental, depending on the attitudes of the candidate.

T4.Supervisor: Prof. J . Flynn
Topic: Theory
Title: Molecular dynamics simulations
The aim of the project is to analyse the dynamics of a collection of particles by directly integrating Newton's
second law applied to the motion of every particle. This allows one to see the emergence of macroscopic
properties and thermodynamics from a microscopic system. Students are expected to produce their own
computer code for a gas with particles interacting as hard spheres or in pairs via a central force and perhaps in
an external potential. They can use their code to study particle density and speed distributions or processes like
diffusion, thermal equilibration, and pair-correlation functions

T5.Supervisor: Prof. J . Flynn
Topic: Theory
Title: Two-dimensional quantum mechanics simulations
Two-dimensional quantum systems are of increasing practical importance. For example a 2-D system of
electrons in a uniform magnetic field has implications for the understanding of the quantum Hall effect, while
scanning microscopy and nanofabrication techniques are allowing many 2-D systems to be built and
manipulated. Pedagogically, 2-D systems allow many quantum phenomena to be visualised and exhibit
symmetries not present in 1-D systems. The project aim is to investigate a variety of 2-D quantum systems,
producing visualisations (including animations) of the results to improve your intuitive understanding of
quantum mechanics. These could form the basis of lecture demonstrations of quantum mechanics principles.

T6.Supervisor: Prof T R Morris
Topic: Theory
Title: Deterministic Quantum Mechanics
In this project the student will study 't Hooft's ideas that deterministic mechanics of the discrete cellular
automaton type might underlie quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. The student will be studying and
verifying a number of 't Hooft's original papers, and may develop some of these ideas in a different direction.
Warning: this project requires a very good grasp of quantum mechanics and relativity and very good
mathematical skills. [Reference: G 't Hooft, Nucl. Phys. B342 (1990) 471.]

T7.Supervisor: Prof T R Morris
Topic: Theory
Title: How much of the cosmological constant is fake?
The 2011 Physics Nobel prize was awarded for the discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.
In current theories this is attributed to a cosmological constant (or more generally "dark energy"). The extent to
which lumpiness in the universe can result in average accelerated expansion, thus masquerading as dark energy,
is an area of current research. In this project the student will use General Relativity to investigate a simplified
model of a lumpy universe, one with plane periodic matter, and the extent to which such lumpiness can result in
evolution that mimics dark energy. Warning: this is a very challenging project and is only suitable for a student
with good mathematical skills who has taken and excelled at MATH3006 (Relativity, Black Holes and
Cosmology). A facility with algebraic computing tools e.g. Maple is also recommended [Ref.]

T8.Supervisor: Dr E. Accomado
Topic: Theory
Title: Drell-Yan production of extra W' bosons at the LHC. I n particle physics
This is an exciting time in particle physics, with the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) enjoying a new run at
13 TeV in a year from now, and collecting unprecedented levels of integrated luminosity, in the race to discover
the rst signs of new physics Beyond the Standard Model.Heavy spin-1 resonances are a generic prediction of
many Beyond-the-Standard Model theories. The most frequently discussed case is that of new gauge bosons
associated with extensions of the SM gauge group. Neutral states, known in the literature as Z' vector bosons,
can be introduced by simply adding an extra U (1) factor to the SM gauge group GSM = SU (3)C SU (2)L U
(1)Y. Electrically charged states, known as W' vector bosons, need instead a non-Abelian extension of the SM
gauge symmetry. Some well-known examples of such extensions of the Standard Model are those appearing in
grand unied theories, including Left-Right (LR) models, in Little Higgs models, and in models where the
Higgs is a pseudo-Goldstone boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of an extended global symmetry. A
W' boson can also appear as a Kaluza-Klein excitation of the Standard Model W boson in theories with extra
dimensions. The project consists in analysing the LHC potential in searching for these particles in the so called
Drell-Yan channel: proton proton -> W', W -> fermion + antifermion. The plan is to pursue a complete study,
interfacing the theoretical prediction at parton level with the detector simulation, via Pythia and PGS codes.
Special attention will be devoted to the study of the optimal kinematical cuts able to enhance the signal over
background ratio.

T9.Supervisor: Dr E.Accomado
Topic: Theory
Title: Drell-Yan production of extra Z' bosons at the LHC.
This is an exciting time in particle physics, with the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) enjoying a new run at
13 TeV in a year from now, and collecting unprecedented levels of integrated luminosity, in the race to discover
the rst signs of new physics Beyond the Standard Model. Heavy spin-1 resonances are a generic prediction of
many Beyond-the-Standard Model theories. The most frequently discussed case is that of new gauge bosons
associated with extensions of the SM gauge group. Neutral states, known in the literature as Z' vecor boson, can
be introduced by simply adding an extra U (1) factor to the SM gauge group GSM = SU (3)C SU (2)L U
(1)Y. Well-known examples of such extensions of the Standard Model are those appearing in E6 models, Left-
Right (LR) models, and Higgsless theories. A Z' boson can also appear as a Kaluza-Klein excitation of the
Standard Model Z boson in theories with extra dimensions. The project consists in analysing the LHC potential
in searching for these particles in the so called Drell-Yan channel: proton proton -> gluon, photon, Z, Z' ->
fermion + antifermion. The plan is to pursue a complete study, interfacing the theoretical prediction at parton
level with the detector simulation, via Pythia and PGS codes. Special attention will be devoted to the study of
the optimal kinematical cuts able to enhance the signal over background ratio.

T10.Supervisor: Dr A.Belyaev (up to 4 students)
Topic: Theory
Title: Exploring Higgs Boson within and Beyond the Standard Model
Discovery of the Higgs boson on the 4th of July 2012 started
the new era in Particle Physics of Understanding this Higgs
Boson. This particle which has a properties measured so far to
be consistent with the Standard Model (SM), also consistent
with many promising Theories Beyond The Standard Model
(BSM). Well-motivated, BSM physics is expected to appear at
the LHC any moment and it is exciting time now to explore
the Higgs boson properties in this connection. Moreover, LHC
Data indicate deviation of the Higgs boson couplings from the
SM prediction.
This is illustrated in the figure presenting Higgs signal in the
detector (upper frame) and some deviation of the Higgs
properties from the SM Higgs which can be explained, for
example, in the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric
Model (MSSM) (lower frame). This project is devoted to
exploration of Higgs boson properties at the LHC and ILC
(future international linear electron-positron collider) and
testing its consistency with various BSM models. Students will learn details of the SM Higgs physics and main
features of BSM theories (e.g. Supersymmetry, Technicolour, Extra-dimensions) relevant to the Higgs boson
sector. Based on this, they will undertake the theoretical and phenomenological analysis of the Higgs boson
properties which can be probed at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and International Linear Collider (ILC).
ILC prospects which can explore Higgs boson properties with much higher precision than LHC, become more
and more real our days. Students will have unique opportunity to perform calculations using High Energy
Physics Model Database (HEPMDB) ( with an easy web-interface to powerful tools
which allow to predict, visualise and study Higgs boson Physics at the LHC and ILC within and beyond the
Standard Model.

T11.Supervisor: Prof N Evans
Topic: Theory
Recently a new, remarkable, method for the modelling of QCD (the strong nuclear force and quarks) has been
discovered. The dynamics of quarks is mapped onto a classical gravitational theory in a 5 dimensional anti-de-
Sitter space-time (QCD is sometimes described as a hologram of the gravity theory). Simple models can
describe the lightest bound states in QCD such as the pions, rho and so forth. We will need to understand some
classical General Relativity, Euler-Lagrange equations for scalar fields and the simplest aspects of the QCD-
gravity correspondence to start making models. If time allows we can try to incorporate the dynamics of mass
generation, study the dependence of the theory on the number of quarks and so forth.

T12. Supervisor: Dr. D. Altamirano and Prof. L. Barack
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: Simulation of orbits in the highly-curved space-time around black holes: theory vs. observations.
Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so powerful even light cannot escape their grasp. Given that
they are invisible to us, the only way to comprehend what they really are, is to understand the spiral-in motion
of matter around them. Modeling and observing the path that matter draws as it falls into a black hole has been
the focus of much interest among the scientific community, as these paths are drawn at nearly the speed of light,
and the path-shapes describe the most heavily curved regions of spacetime. Therefore these paths contain the
information needed to test predictions of general relativity in the most extreme environments in our universe.
The aim of this project is to perform a comparison between numerical simulations of orbits around black holes,
with real, state-of-the art observations performed with highly accurate X-ray space telescopes. The theoretical
work will involve performing numerical simulations using very recent (2013!!) and unexpected theoretical
discoveries related to the 3D shape of the orbits of test-particles as they move around a black hole. These
simulations will then be used to predict, and test against, what can be seen with current X-ray space telescopes.
The results of this challenging project will be an important contribution to the current effort of testing what we
understand about motion near black holes, and can be a significant contribution to the ongoing effort of
detecting Gravitational waves. Recommended (but not required!!!) for this project is knowing how to use
Linux/MAC operating systems, knowing how to program, and the use of software like MATLAB and have
taken the General Relativity Course.

T13. Supervisor: Dr. A. J uettner
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: Parallelisation of Statistical data analysis
The Southampton High Energy Group (SHEP) is deeply involved in large scale simulations of Quantum
Chromodynamics, the theory believed to describe how quarks and gluons bind together to form objects like
protons or neutrons. Our results complement the efforts at the large experimental facilities like LHCb, ATLAS
or CMS at CERN. A significant part of our data analysis is done in Python. The task in this project is to
implement a parallelised (over several CPU-cores) data analysis code within Python. The student will learn
about the basics of statistical data analysis and be able to test his new programme on real world simulation data
coming in directly from our high performance computer in Edinburgh. It will be helpful for this project to have
basic knowledge about Linux/MAC and Python.

T14. Supervisor: Prof. C.T. Sachrajda
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: Numerical Quantum Mechanics
The lattice formulation of Quantum Field Theories (in which space and time are approximated by a discrete set
of points), together with large-scale numerical simulations, is an important tool for studying quantities in
particle physics for which perturbation theory cannot be applied. The students will apply the same techniques to
solve problems in Quantum Mechanics. They will start by learning about the path integral formalism of
quantum mechanics and apply Monte Carlo algorithms to evaluate the path integrals. After checking that the
students can use these techniques to solve the harmonic oscillator, they will study more advanced problems
depending on their interests. These may include a study of the origin of the phenomenon of tunnelling in terms
of instanton-like paths. The analyses will require the implementation of techniques for the evaluation of
statistical and systematic uncertainties.

T15. Supervisor: Prof. C.T. Sachrajda
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: Finite-Volume Effects in Lattice Quantum Mechanics
The lattice formulation of Quantum Field Theories (in which space and time are approximated by a discrete set
of points), together with large scale numerical simulations, is an important tool for studying quantities in particle
physics for which perturbation theory cannot be applied. The computations are necessarily performed in finite
volumes, and it is an interesting and useful feature that the finite-volume corrections to the two-particle
spectrum are given in terms of physical two-particle scattering amplitudes. Thus by computing the two-particle
spectrum in a finite-volume one can determine the scattering amplitudes. The students will investigate this
phenomenon in quantum mechanics, both theoretically and computationally, obtaining scattering amplitudes for
a variety of potentials and studying the regions of validity of the theory

T16. Supervisor: Dr. Pasquale Di Bari
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: From Grand Unified Theories to the Matter-Antimatter asymmetry of the Universe
The observation that our observable Universe is made only of matter with just traces of antimatter observed in
cosmic rays and produced in violent astrophysical processes, is a long-standing (cosmological) puzzle within
the Standard Model of particle Physics (SM). This is because there is no viable mechanism able to justify why at
some point during the history of the Universe, matter was produced more abundantly than anti-matter. A
popular way to extend the SM is provided by Grand Unified Theories. Their original motivation is that at very
high energies they provide a way to describe in a unified way the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces.
However, some of these theories also predict the existence of very heavy (`right-handed) neutrinos that should
have masses comparable or below the Grand Unified Scale (~ 10^16 GeV), tremendously higher than the
energies that can be probed in colliders. These new very particles could potentially explain at the same time
why neutrinos are massive and mix through the so called seesaw mechanism and, with their decays, they might
have also produced, in the very early Universe, the matter-antimatter asymmetry through the so called
mechanism of Leptogenesis. In the project we will go through the different steps (as the title says from grand
unified theories to the matter-antimatter asymmetry) and as a last step we will try to reproduce an emerging very
interesting experimental feature in neutrino oscillation experiments: the oscillation probabilities of neutrinos
seem to be different than oscillation probabilities of anti-neutrinos.
REFERENCE: An introduction to leptogenesis and neutrino properties,
Contemp. Phys. 53 (2012) 4, 315 [arXiv:1206.3168 [hep-ph]]

T17. Supervisor: Dr. Pasquale Di Bari
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: The calculation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe in Leptogenesis
Leptogenesis is a mechanism that provides an attractive way to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the
Universe, i.e. the observation that our observabe Universe is made only of matter with just a few traces of anti-
matter in cosmic rays. The mechanism relies on the assumption that new very heavy right-handed neutrinos
exist. These would have been produced in the very early Universe at very high energies.They would have then
decayed into matter slightly more than into anti-matter. In this way a small asymmetry would have been created.
After annihilations of particles and anti-particles, this asymmetry is the only that would have survived and all
matter we observe today would be exactly that small asymmetry. The calculation of the asymmetry can be made
using kinetic equations. In the case of leptogenesis the kinetic equations to be solved are a generalisation of the
so called Boltzmann equations and have to include decoherence of quantum lepton states produced in the decays
of the very heavy right-handed neutrinos. In the first part the project will focus on a general study of the
mechanism of leptogenesis with the derivation of existing results. In the second part it will focus on the
calculation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry solving the density matrix equations in regions of the parameter
space that have not yet been explored but that could contain a very intriguing connections with testable physical
quantities such as the absolute neutrino mass and the neutrino oscillation CP violation parameter.
REFERENCE: An introduction to leptogenesis and neutrino properties,
Contemp. Phys. 53 (2012) 4, 315 [arXiv:1206.3168 [hep-ph]]

T18. Supervisor: Dr. Pasquale Di Bari
Topic: Theoretical Physics/Astronomy
Title: Testing I nflation and New Physics with the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
An inflationary stage with a superluminal expansion of the Universe solves the traditional flatness problem and
the horizon problem of the old cosmological problems with a ever-decelerating expansion. After the original
proposal by Alan Guth it was soon realised that an Inflationary stage can also provide an elegant way to
understand the primordial perturbations that seeded the large scale structure that we observe in the Universe, i.e.
the existence of Galaxies, cluster and super-clusters of Galaxies. The discovery of the acoustic peaks in the
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) anisotropies has provided in the last years a powerful
phenomenological tool to test some of the predictions of Inflation such as flatness of the Universe, approximate
self-invariant primordial spectrum of perturbations and gaussianity of primordial perturbations. These successful
tests might already now be interpreted as a discovery of Inflation. However, recently the BICEP experiment
might have found the smoking gun that had been searched for long time, i.e. the imprint of primordial
gravitational waves on the CMBR anisotropies. In the project all these tests of Inflation will be studied with the
aim to establish what model of New Physics might have produced the gravitational waves responsible for the
signal in the CMB polarization recently detected by BICEP.
Andrew Liddle, Introduction to Cosmology,


Q1. Supervisor: Prof. David Smith
Topic: QLM
Title: Water Analogue of a Transistor
We have recently developed a simple water flow analogue of a transistor as a means of explaining electronics to
the public. We are looking to develop this so it can be presented on YouTube, the Schools website and at the
Royal Societys Summer Science Exhibition in London. One key development will be to go beyond a single
transistor and develop the water based equivalent of both analogue circuits, e.g. an oscillator or Op-amp based
Integrator, and digital circuits, e.g. an adder or digital counter. Making this possible will require basic
measurements of the performance of a single transistor to enable us to develop a mathematical model of a single
transistor which can be used in standard electronics modelling software to predict the behaviour of more
complex circuits. The project will then involve wiring up a range of possible circuits and seeing if they behave
as expected. The outputs from this project will hopefully include both a report on the fundamental science and
materials, e.g. a YouTube video, for public outreach. This project is not an easy option as it will require the
ability to understand electronic and water transistors at a fundamental level and good communication skills.

Q2. Supervisor: Prof. David Smith
Topic: QLM
Title: Raman Spectroscopy of Filled Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes.
Single walled carbon nanotubes are tubes can be thought of as a single layer of graphite, i.e. graphene, rolled up.
Their central cavity has a diameter in the range 0.7-1.3nm. Surprisingly it is possible to fill this central cavity
with other materials, e.g. HgTe and CoI, to produce extreme nanowires with a diameter of the order of one or a
few unit cells. In these extreme nanowires it has been shown that the bonding and crystal structure can be
entirely different from bulk materials with the same chemical formula. Another way of saying this is that we
have discovered materials which have never been seen before. The novelty of these materials has led to many
papers in the best academic journals, e.g. Nature and Science.

Whilst the form of these materials means that investigating the structural arrangement of the atoms is relatively
easy in a Transmission Electron Microscope measuring the functional properties of a wire inside a nanotube has
proved very difficult. We have recently demonstrated for the first time that Raman spectroscopy can be used to
measure the electronic bandgap of the filling of nanotubes and simultaneously measure their vibration spectrum.
We have all the apparatus needed to undertake these measurements (~250k) and access to the best samples in
the world however we dont have enough time to undertake all the measurements. We are looking for two
undergraduates with good grades who could undertake these publishable measurements.

Q3. Supervisor: Dr Otto L Muskens
Topic: QLM
Title: Nanosphere lithography of plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials
Metamaterials are a new class of man-made, artificial materials which use the combined excitations of electrons
and light at the surface of metals to achieve new properties not found in nature. Metamaterials are of interest for
a variety of applications such as optical sensors, nonlinear wave conversion, and optical filters. Colloidal
nanosphere lithography is a versatile tool for fabrication of nanostructures over a large surface area. In this
project, the student will use our home-built nanosphere lithography setup to develop new types of metamaterials
and understand their properties. The optical response of the metamaterials will be characterised using optical
techniques such as broad-band reflection and transmission and will be related to the structural properties using
numerical modelling in COMSOL.
Q4. Supervisor: Dr Otto L Muskens/ Dr Antonios Kanaras
Topic: QLM
Title: Laser hyperthermia using gold nanoparticles for biomedical applications
The application of nanotechnology in biomedicine is a rapidly emerging area of research. The unique properties
of engineered colloidal nanoparticles, equipped with a toolkit of functionalities, open up a wide range of
applications. Of particular interest is the use of lasers, in combination with the strong absorption resonances of
gold nanoparticles, for the treatment of cancer. Nanoparticle laser hyperthermia has enormous promise for
biomedical applications as it enables a new, targeted approach complementary to existing treatments. In this
project, the student will investigate laser heating on various lengths and time scales. The individual and
collective heating effects will be studied from nanoseconds to minutes, and from nanometers to millimeters. The
efficiency of different types of nanoparticles will be investigated and correlated to their optical resonances. The
student will learn to synthesize these particles, as well as to use advanced optical techniques, such as single-
nanoparticle detection, optical microscopy and fluorescence imaging.
Q5. Supervisor: Dr Matt Himsworth
Topic: QLM
Title: A homemade atomic clock
Atomic clocks are the most precise time keepers available which neither lose or gain a second over hundreds of
millions of years. They are extremely important for global positioning systems and broadband RF transmission,
not to mention fundamental physics in tests of relativity and the fine structure constant. This project aims to
make a homemade, but still highly accurate, atomic clock using coherent population trapping in atomic vapour.
These devices are very attractive commercially due to their low cost, low power and small size. Coherent
population trapping is a multi-photon spectroscopic technique which produces extremely narrow, stable,
resonances which are used to control an external microwave oscillator. This project will involve designing and
building low power laser spectroscopy setups, microwave sources, and electronic control systems, as well as
understanding the underlying quantum mechanics.
Q6. Supervisor: Dr Matt Himsworth
Topic: QLM
Title: A micro stabilized laser
Diode lasers can be found in a huge variety of applications from atomic clocks, lidar, trace gas analysis,
ultracold atomic physics, and laser gyroscopes, to name a few. This is due to their small size, low cost and
tunability. One drawback however is their frequency stability. Many applications require the lasers to be stable
to within a megahertz, approximately 1 part in 100 million of their optical frequency, but diode lasers are
limited to 10-100 MHz without external control. There are various techniques to stabilize lasers to references
such as atomic vapours and high finesse cavities, but most are very bulky and sensitive to external noise. This
project aims to miniaturize the whole system using miniature optics, microfabricated vapour cells and compact
electronics. It will involve very accurate laser spectroscopy, electronic and microfabrication.
Q7. Supervisor: Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis
Topic: QLM
Title: FRET Optoelectronics
Hybrid photovoltaics combine the unique benets of inorganic semiconductors and colloidal quantum dots
(QDs) in a new type of solar cell. QDs are small crystalline grain just tens of nm in diameter which absorb light
very efciently due to quantum connement of carriers. However, so far their use in solar cells is limited as it is
difcult to extract the trapped electron-hole pairs from the QDs. Frster resonant energy transfer (FRET), a
result of dipole-dipole coupling, provides a way to transfer the excitation in the QD to a semiconductor in the
vicinity. Hence, when QDs are implemented inside a semiconductor diode where electrons and holes are
separated and to create a photocurrent, their strong absorption properties can be fully exploited without the need
for direct electrical contact. Organic photovoltaics use a combination of different semiconducting polymers with
carefully chosen band gaps to extract carriers from organic dye molecules or QDs.
In our group we design, fabricate and characterise hybrid photovoltaic devices and organic solar cells. The
different aspects of this activity are currently funded by one EU and one EPSRC project and therefore you will
be working alongside experienced researchers while pursuing your own project. Depending on your experience
and interest you have the chance to work on
the design and computational modelling of hybrid solar cells
the fabrication of solar cells in the clean room
the characterisation of the QDs by optical spectroscopy and TEM imaging
the electrical characterisation of the solar cells under simulated solar illumination
the detailed study of the energy transfer mechanism using ultrafast spectroscopy.

Q8. Supervisor: Dr Hendrik Ulbricht
Topic: QLM
Title: Graphene devices for electron quantum optics experiments
Graphene is a truly two dimensional material with unique properties such as the perfect (ballistic) electron
transport which has been predicted at room temperature for graphene. Our graphene work is concentrated on
electronic devices to demonstrate the wave nature of single electrons as well as making use of the extraordinary
mechanical properties of graphene for mass and momentum detection. While our research is on the investigation
of fundamental properties of graphene there is a high potential for applications of graphene for future electronic
and sensor devices. Especially the aforementioned sensitive electron matter wave experiments are promising to
measure tiny phase shifts. So far we have fabricated graphene, analysed it by Raman spectroscopy, designed and
simulated a quantum point contact (a device to select and detect single electrons) in graphene and are about to
fabricate and characterize the device by electric transport measurements. This project is within our collaboration
with nanofabrication, nano-device and computational experts at the Mountbatten nanofabrication centre.
Q9. Supervisor: Dr Hendrik Ulbricht
Topic: QLM
Title: Nanoparticle matter wave interference
We are interested in demonstrating quantum superposition of very massive particles as glass and silicon
spheres to test the limits of quantum mechanics. In this context we have many projects ranging from setting up
optics to trap and stabilise the position of nanospheres, building a source to launch spheres inside vacuum, the
nanofabrication of SiNx gratings for molecule interferometry, setup and stabilisation of diode lasers for an
dipole trap (optical tweezer) of spheres, optical detection and feedback or cavity cooling of spheres, etc. We are
looking for motivated students to join us. We are happy to discuss these optional projects and your interest in
more detail. Just come along and have a look at our lab and the growing experiments. Theoretical and
simulation projects are also possible on the topic.
Q10. Supervisor: Dr Antonios Kanaras
Topic: QLM
Title: Chemical Synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals for biomedical and physicochemical applications.
Colloidal nanocrystals are employed in several fields of science ranging from biology and medicine and the
development of new diagnostic methods, drug delivery, and imaging, to physics and engineering and the
fabrication of novel devices for energy conversion and storage. The major reason for the vast range of
applications of colloidal nanocrystals is the ability to easily tune the density of their electronic states, which
allows the control of their magnetic, optical, electrical, catalytic and mechanical properties, characteristic for
different materials. The aim of this project is to chemically control the shape, size and functionality of inorganic
nanocrystals and study their potential applications in Medicine and/or in imaging, solar cells. The main interests
of our group focus on Nanomedicine, Nanobiophysics and Nanochemistry.
Q11. Supervisor: Dr Vasilis Apostolopoulos
Topic: QLM
Title:THz plasmon waveguides
Terahertz radiation are electromagnetic waves with terahertz frequencies. It is known also as terahertz waves, T-
rays and THz. Terahertz waves are in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between the microwave band
and far-infrared light. Because light of this frequency was traditionally difficult to be generated by optical or
electronic technologies this range was also named the Terahertz gap. In the last 20 years there is an effort in
generating science and technology in this region due to the variety of applications in homeland security (drug
and gun detection) and medicine (cancer detection). Now we can confidently say that with the development of
the Terahertz time domain spectrometer and the quantum cascade laser the Terahertz gap is closing. At present
there is effort in making THz spectrometers miniature and easy to use. Integration is the next step and the
project here is to understand the electromagnetic theory behind plasmon waveguides. In THz, metals are too
perfect in order to create a good Plasmon waveguide, there is no optical field penetration inside the metal and
the Plasmon-polariton is loosely bound and delocalized. Usually doped semiconductor is the semi-metallic
material that is used to anchor the Plasmon mode in the THz regime. The aim is to study how metals and doped
semiconductors behave as waveguides and how they can be combined with an appropriate THz source. The final
aim is to simulate THz plasmon waveguides and investigate how waveguides in the THz regime can be
controlled with generation of carriers from optical fields in the underlying semiconductor substrate. Your
analysis of the problem will be with the finite elements method using MatLab and COMSOL.

Q12. Supervisor: Dr Vasilis Apostolopoulos
Topic: QLM
Title:THz diffusion emitters
Terahertz radiation are electromagnetic waves with terahertz frequencies. It is known also as terahertz waves, T-
rays and THz. Terahertz waves are in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between the microwave band
and far-infrared light. Because light of this frequency was traditionally difficult to be generated by optical or
electronic technologies this range was also named the Terahertz gap. In the last 20 years there is an effort in
generating science and technology in this region due to the variety of applications in homeland security (drug
and gun detection) and medicine (cancer detection). Now we can confidently say that with the development of
the Terahertz time domain spectrometer and the quantum cascade laser the Terahertz gap is closing. At present
there is effort in making THz spectrometers miniature and easy to use. Photo Dember (PD) emitters are an
alternative emitter technology, compatible with time domain spectrometers. They produce THz radiation by
simple ultrafast optical illumination of a semiconductor surface by a pulsed laser with energy above the bandgap.
The strong absorption of light near the surface creates a carrier gradient, which initiates a diffusion current.
Because of the different mobilities, electrons and holes spatially separate on a picosecond time scale and the
resulting dipole radiates at THz frequencies. A similar geometry emerged in 2010 called the lateral PD effect,
which improves on the scheme and gives excellent performance. We reproduced the experiments reported in the
literature and shown that the previous believed theoretical model explaining the THz emission in lateral PD
emission was incomplete. We have developed a new accurate theory which explains the THz emission and we
have published our results. The aim here is to study the emitters behave and which geometry is appropriate to
multiplex them in order to increase their power output. Your analysis of the problem will be with the finite
elements method using MatLab and COMSOL.

Q13. Supervisor: Dr. Simone De Liberato
Topic: QLM
Title: Theory of Photonic Quantum Networks
While the concept of photon, the quantum of light, has been a cornerstone of modern physics for over a century,
only recently is has become possible to study and interact with these particles in their individuality. When we
say that we see a photon, what we usually mean is that we are observing the effect of a photon being absorbed
by some photosensitive device: our eyes, a camera, or a photomultiplier. The individual photon we are seeing,
has thus long ceased to exist when we become aware of its existence. As such, physics has always dealt with
post-mortem studies of photons. In-vivo studies have been made possible by the recent development of photonic
cavities, able to trap an individual photon long enough for us to interact multiple times with it. A cavity can be
easily visualised as composed of two facing mirrors, that trap photons bouncing back and forth between them.
While this naive image of cavity captures well the physics involved (and it is pretty accurate for cavities used in
the microwave regime), many other kind of cavities have been engineered. Most interesting for the present
project are technologies offering the possibility to integrate cavities on-chip, using for example semiconductor
nanostructures or superconducting wires. Such miniaturisation allows us to design and realise whole networks of
coupled cavities, in which the photons are trapped in each cavity, but they can still tunnel from one cavity to the
other. The situation is very similar to solid-state physics, where electrons are bound to an atom, but they can
tunnel to neighbouring atoms (the so-called tight-binding model). From this parallel we can guess that the
photonic states will mimic the physics of electrons in solid, forming photonic bands made of states delocalised
over the whole network. The great freedom allowed in designing these networks: choosing different network
topologies and varying the photonic energies and their tunnelling probabilities, makes it possible to exploit these
systems as powerful quantum simulators. The aim of this project is to probe the physics of different networks,
with the objective to guide the research of novel materials with exotic quantum properties.
You will learn the quantum theory needed to describe photonic quantum networks and you will perform both
analytic and numerical calculations, using Matlab, to calculate their properties.

Q14. Supervisor: Dr. Simone De Liberato
Topic: QLM
Title: Localised Phonon Polaritons
The interaction of optical phonons and light at the surface of a semiconductor, can give rise to localised
electromagnetic modes. These modes are confined close to the surface, in volumes well below the minimal
volume they could occupy in free space (sub-wavelength confinement). Nano-patterning of the semiconductor
surface allows these modes to be exploited to realise extremely efficient photonic resonators. These resonators
can find applications both in devices, like antennas and emitters, and in fundamental physics, as the strong
photonic confinement allows to reach the nonperturbative regime of light-matter interaction.
In this project you will learn the theory of localised phonon polaritons, and then, using both analytic and
numerical (Matlab, Comsol) tools, you will determine how the resonator performances depend upon the sample

Q15. Supervisor: Dr. Simone De Liberato
Topic: QLM
Title: Light-matter coupling in the quantum regime
When the interaction between light and matter is treated within a consistent quantum formalism, many
fascinating and exotic phenomena can emerge. In particular, if the interaction between light and matter is strong
enough, a spontaneous symmetry breaking, reminiscent of the Higgs mechanism recently observed at LHC,
becomes observable. In this project, you will learn the theory needed to describe some simple quantum model of
light-matter interaction, and you will solve them either analytically, or numerically (using the Matlab software).
You will then be able to study the role of the Higgs mechanism in solid-state physics.

Q16. Supervisor: Dr Luca Sapienza
Topic: QLM
Title: Fabrication of nanophotonic devices for single-photon applications
Solid-state single-photon sources are one of the best candidates for the realization of scalable quantum
information technology applications. They can be integrated on a chip, where light can be guided in waveguides
and trapped in optical cavities, and these optical components can be realized making use of a well-established
semiconductor fabrication technology. Optical cavities can allow the efficient vertical extraction of single
photons that can then be optimally coupled into an optical fibre and transmitted over long distances. The student
will acquire hands-on experience on the fabrication of nanoscale devices like optical cavities and waveguides.
She/He will have access to the fabrication facilities of the 80M Mountbatten clean room, where the photonic
devices will be fabricated. Techniques will include e-beam lithography, dry etching and scanning electron

Q17. Supervisor: Dr Luca Sapienza
Topic: QLM
Title: Photoluminescence spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes
Carbon nanotube research has been a very hot topic in the last decades. If we just focus on the photonic
properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes, major milestones can be recognized in the isolation of single
carbon nanotubes suspended on patterned surfaces, the realization of a single carbon-nanotube electrically-
injected light-emitting diode, the demonstration of single-photon emission by carbon nanotubes in solution. This
last result was a major breakthrough in the field, since it demonstrated emission of non-classical light from a
new material system. We will investigate the emission properties of carbon nanotubes under laser excitation,
down to cryogenic temperatures. Photoluminescence experiments will be carried out to investigate carrier
recombination mechanisms at different temperatures and when varying the excitation wavelength. The student
will get hands-on experience of photoluminescence techniques for the optical characterization of nanostructures,
down to cryogenic temperatures.

Q18. Supervisor: Dr. Tim Freegarde
Topic: QLM
Title: Where to look out: strategies for visual collision avoidance in aviation
The service inquiry into the 2009 mid-air collision between two Air Cadet aircraft considered that the visual
scan recommended by the US FAA could take nearly a minute: "Not only is this an impracticable task but the
scene would have changed before the scan was finished." This analytical and computational project will apply
models based upon the measured performance of the eye to the problem of lookout, to evaluate the FAA
technique and compare it with alternative strategies. This project will involve some programming. Prior
experience would be useful, but is not necessary.

Q19. Supervisor: Dr. Tim Freegarde
Topic: QLM
Title: Optimal control theory design of composite pulse sequences for high-fidelity quantum control in atom
The Schroedinger equation is entirely deterministic. Provided that timescales are short compared with
spontaneous emission, it is therefore in principle possible to drive quantum systems between different states or
superpositions with exquisite precision. In practice, unfortunately, inhomogeneities tend to cause dephasing
between different atoms of an ensemble. Fortunately, as long as the inhomogeneities are repeatable, more
complex quantum manipulations can be designed in which the dephasing is cancelled. A range of such
'composite pulse' sequences has been developed for NMR applications, but they have yet to be tailored to
applications of atom interferometry. This mainly computational project, in collaboration with atom
interferometry experimentalists, will use optimal control techniques such as evolutionary algorithms to design
composite pulses specifically for atom interferometry applications. Towards the end of the project, it should be
possible to test the sequences on our atom interferometry apparatus. This project will involve some scientific
programming. Prior experience would be useful, but is not necessary.

Q20. Supervisor: Dr. Luca Sapienza
Topic: QLM
Title: Single-photon emission by solid-state nanostructures
Conventional light sources, such as light emitting diodes and lasers, generate radiation whose properties can be
described by classical Maxwells equations. Non-classical optical sources emitting single photons are, instead,
required for applications in quantum information science. An essential element of secure key distribution in
quantum cryptography is an optical source emitting pulses containing one and only one photon, a so-called
triggered single-photon source. Since measurements unavoidably modify the state of a single quantum system,
an eavesdropper cannot gather information about the secret key without being discovered, if the pulses used in
transmission contain only one photon. One of the goals of quantum information technology is to securely store
information in single photons and transmit it, at the speed of light in the medium, within an all-optical network.
We will work on the optical characterization of the single-photon emission by solid-state nanostructures, under
laser excitation, at cryogenic temperatures. The student will get hands-on experience on laser excitation,
cryogenics and optical characterization of nanostructures, by carrying out photoluminescence experiments.

Q21. Supervisor: Dr. Alberto Politi
Topic: QLM
Title: Quantum states of light in linear optical networks
The use of non-classical states of light has gained significant interest over the last years as a way to achieve new
science and technology applications that include quantum computers, simulators and sensors with unexpected
performances. For example, the propagation and interference of single photons in optical networks can be
controlled to achieve computations that can exponentially outperform classical computers. In this project you
will learn the physics behind evolution of non-classical light and how to simulate its propagation in optical
networks (using Mathematica). You will then calculate interesting quantum mechanical properties (like the
amount of entanglement) that can make relevant optical networks interesting for quantum technology

Q22. Supervisor: Dr. Alberto Politi
Topic: QLM
Title: Generation of non-classical light in integrated structures
Generating and manipulating quantum states of light is important for a wide range of scientific as well as
technological applications. For example, understanding how quantum entanglement plays a major role in
physics will help to develop computers that can solve particular problems exponentially faster than their
classical counterparts, and measurement devices with sensitivity that can beat the Standard Quantum Limit.
Toward this goal, we have to develop integrated optical devices where non-classical states of light can be
generated and manipulated. In this project you are going to characterize nano-fabricated waveguides with laser
light and measure their properties when used to generate non-classical states.

Q23. Supervisor: Prof M. Kaczmarek
Topic: QLM
Title: Functionalised liquid crystals
Organic optical materials, such as liquid crystals form an important part of today's technology, but are mainly
restricted to displays and related devices. Their use in adaptive, optical components, performing efficient control
of light beams could be much wider, if their optical and electrical performance is improved without the loss of
optical quality. One route to achieve that involves merging active nanocrystals with nematic liquid crystals to
combine their functionalities, enhance their electro-optic response and reduce the driving voltage. This project
will explore how the active nature of the nanocrystals fabricated from different ferroelectric materials impacts
the physical, electrical and optical properties of host liquid crystals.

Q24. Supervisor: Prof M. Kaczmarek
Topic: QLM
Title: Stability and optical quality of liquid crystal modulators
Light modulators and displays typically exploit electro-optic properties of liquid crystals to control and switch
light transmission. Liquid crystals are anisotropic materials, so their eective refractive index can be controlled
by an applied electric eld. A standard design for such devices involves two glass substrates, covered with
transparent electrodes, and a liquid crystal layer sandwiched between them. Measuring light transmission with
an applied voltage can provide a very comprehensive estimate on their basic optical and physical parameters,
such as voltage threshold for reorientation, elastic constants, birefringence or liquid crystal layer thickness..
Additionally, an enhanced nonlinearity and photosensitivity can be achieved if liquid crystals are integrated with
photoconductive polymers in the one device. Optical quality and long term reliability of any optical devices are
one of the most important issues that often determine the success of a given technology. In this project a set of
measurements will be carried out to determine the quality, uniformity and the stability of the optical and
electrical response of liquid crystal - photosensitive polymer devices.

O1. Supervisor: Dr J acob Mackenzie
Topic: ORC
Title: Towards planar waveguide amplifiers in space
With concern growing over the effects of excess atmospheric CO2 on climate dynamics, new and varied
techniques are required to determine its concentration, distribution and the complete carbon cycle during all
times of the night and day throughout the year. This project is linked with NASA offering a potential technical
solution for an upcoming mission, and will involve the characterisation of Er-doped waveguide devices, and
assessment for applicability to planar waveguide power amplifiers. Training and use of the integrated photonics
clean room will be a requirement of the project, with the goal to develop optimised deposition processes for
fabricating low-loss waveguides, which will underpin a new generation of amplifiers suitable for space-borne
LIDAR systems.

O2. Supervisor: Dr Anna Peacock and Prof Lagoudakis
Topic: ORC
Title: Nonlinear optical characterization of organic and nanocrystalline semiconductors
The search for new materials with larger and faster nonlinear properties is of great interest for the development
of next generation photonics technologies. In particular, organic and nanocrystalline (quantum dots)
semiconductors are showing great promise as materials for nonlinear optical applications. The aim of this
project will be to characterize the nonlinear absorption and refraction in a range of these novel semiconductors
using the z-scan technique. By establishing the nonlinear figure of merit for each material it will be possible to
quantify the performance for specific applications including novel ultralow threshold lasers, frequency
conversion, all-optical switching and modulation.

O3. Supervisors: Prof Dan Hewak
Topic: ORC
Title: Probing on the Nanoscale
The ORC is fortunate to have a Nanonics Multiprobe System, which allows exploration of material properties,
material modification and synthesis, all on the nanoscale. This project will give a student the opportunity to
work with state of the art materials and devices at a resolution on the order of nanometres. Those interested in
this project should look carefully at the system as it is described at:

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