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For Immediate Release

Annual Nature Online Art Competition
JUPITER F!ORI"A #eptem$er %& %'(4 ) - Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery
announces a call for entries for the gallerys 4th Annual Nature urie! Art
"ompetition for the month of Octo#er $%&4' The gallery in(ites all $) an! *) artists
+inclu!ing photography, from aroun! the -orl! to ma.e online su#missions for
possi#le inclusion in to the Gallerys No(em#er $%&4 online group art e/hi#ition'
Light Space & Time encourages entries from artists regar!less of -here they resi!e
an! regar!less of their e/perience or e!ucation in the art 0el! to sen! the gallery their
#est interpretation of the theme Nature #y su#mitting their #est representational or
non-representational art' 1or this theme2 Nature su#3ects -oul! inclu!e geographical
su#3ects2 natural o#3ects2 -il!life2 natural en(ironments2 or anything not create! or
su#stantially altere! #y man' The !ea!line to apply to this art competition is Octo#er
$42 $%&4'
5inners of the 6Nature6 Art 7/hi#ition -ill recei(e e/tensi(e -orl!-i!e pu#licity in the
form of email mar.eting2 4%8 press release announcements2 498 e(ent
announcement posts2 e/tensi(e social me!ia mar.eting an! !istri#ution2 in or!er to
ma.e the art -orl! a-are of the art e/hi#ition an! in particular2 the artists
accomplishments' There -ill also #e lin.s #ac. to the artists -e#site inclu!e! as part
of this a-ar! pac.age'
:n a!!ition to the a#o(e2 artists shall also recei(e a !igital A-ar! "erti0cate2 7(ent
;ostcar!2 7(ent "atalogue2 ;ress <eleases an! Le(eraging =our Success mar.eting
materials if they place in this e/hi#ition'
:ntereste! artists shoul! pro(i!e to us -ith your #est Nature art no- or #efore the
!ea!line' Apply Online >ere? http?@@---'lightspacetime'com
A$out !i*ht #pace + Time Online Art ,aller-
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery con!ucts monthly theme! art competitions an!
monthly art e/hi#itions for ne- an! emerging artists on a -orl!-i!e #asis' :t is Light
Space & Times intention to sho-case this incre!i#le talent in a series of monthly
theme! art competitions an! art e/hi#itions #y mar.eting an! !isplaying the
e/ceptional a#ilities of these -orl!-i!e artists' The art gallery -e#site can #e (ie-e!
here? http?@@---'lightspacetime'com
Contact. ohn <' Aath
Telephone. BBB-4C%-*9*%
Email. infoDlightspacetime'com

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