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1hls week, Lhe sLudenLs have
been lnLroduced Lo Lhe mysLerles of
Parrls 8urdlck.who was he? WhaL was
Lhe purpose of Lhe plcLures? Why Lhe
randomness of plcLures? 1hls was Lhe
Loplc of dlscusslon as well as wrlLlng Lhls
week durlng Culded WrlLlng Llme!
1he MysLerles of Parrls 8urdlck,
by Chrls van Allsburg, Lakes Lhe reader on
a wonderful [ourney of lnqulry, lnferrlng,
and creaLlng new sLorles. 1he Lask for our
flcLlonal wrlLlng asslgnmenL was Lo Lake
one of Lhe fourLeen plcLures and creaLe
Lhe sLory abouL Lhe plcLure.
1he sLudenLs had Lhe cholce of
plcLures, Lwo wrlLers per plcLure. 1helr
flrsL Lask was Lo bralnsLorm whaL was
happenlng ln Lhe plcLure: who are Lhe
characLers, whaL LralLs do Lhey have,
how Lhey acL, eLc. Where ls Lhe sLory
Laklng place, whaL makes Lhe seLLlng
lnLeresLlng, and whaL ls Lhe confllcL?
Cnce Lhe sLudenLs flnlshed
bralnsLormlng Lhelr plcLure, we
dlscussed characLers and whaL makes a
dynamlc characLer, how Lo wrlLe a
descrlpLlve scene for a characLer, and
noL [usL Lell facLs of Lhe characLer.

nexL, Lhe sLudenLs worked
on Lhe seLLlngs of Lhelr sLory, keeplng
lL close Lo Lhe plcLure. Agaln, we
Lalked abouL descrlpLlon, noL [usL
Lelllng Lhe facLs. 1here are some
preLLy creaLlve seLLlngs for Lhese
plcLures and Lhe sLudenLs have
goLLen very descrlpLlve wlLh Lhe
We wlll flnlsh Lhe pleces
nexL week and Lhe plcLures as well as
Lhe oLher sLudenL ln class LhaL had
Lhe same plcLure wlll hang each
sLudenL's sLory.

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1hls week, we have moved lnLo Lhe nexL 8lg ldea" of equaLlons
and expresslons.readlng, wrlLlng, and evaluaLlng expresslons. Cne blg
Lhlng Lo remember ls Lhe dlfference beLween an equaLlon and an
expresslon, and Lhe sLudenLs have been very successful ldenLlfylng Lhe
arL of Lhls lesson ls ldenLlfylng key Lermlnology llke coefflclenL,
Lerm, varlable, and consLanL. SLudenLs wlll need Lo be able Lo ldenLlfylng
Lhese parLs of Lhe expresslon, as well as evaluaLe Lhese parLs of Lhe
SLudenLs wlll be assesslng over Lhls sklll nexL 1uesday ln Lhelr
MaLh classes.

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JTSD Fundraiser is
Coming Home Today!!
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1hank you so much Lo Lhose
famllles you have slgned up for lall
Conferences. As parL of Lhe lall
Conferences, l wlll be provldlng home vlslLs
for your chlld's conference. lf you would
prefer a conference Llme LhaL ls aL !1Su ln
Lhe classroom, l wlll also accommodaLe
LradlLlonal classroom conferences Loo!
8elow you wlll flnd Lhe llnk for a
Slgn-up Cenlus Lo slgn up for conferences.

1he flrsL flve sLudenLs who Lell me Lhey saw
Lhls newsleLLer wlll geL 3 slgnaLures on Lhelr
8lS card.

Its Time for Fall

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1hls week, Lhe sLudenLs have been worklng on Lhe power of waLer!
WaLer ls Lhe unlversal solvenL and can be found ln llLerally Lhousands of
compounds, mlxLures and soluLlons. 1he sLudenLs had many opporLunlLles
Lo work wlLh waLer: dlsplacemenL, coheslon of waLer, adheslon of waLer,
and surface Lenslon.
arL of Lhe labs Lhls week was Lo learn abouL volume dlsplacemenL
of solld ob[ecLs ln llquld, waLer belng Lhe llquld. SLudenLs had Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo calculaLe dlsplacemenL, uslng varlous slzed graduaLed
cyllnders and ob[ecLs for Lhe lab.
Also, parL of Lhe waLer labs was Lo deLermlne Lhe dlfference
beLween coheslon and adheslon. Coheslon belng Lhe bondlng of waLer
molecules on Lhe surface of an ob[ecL and adheslon belng Lhe adherence
of waLer Lo ob[ecLs, creaLlng a bond.physlcal or chemlcal bond.
nexL week, we wlll be movlng lnLo Lhe nexL Loplc.LlghL and Sound.

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'$1)"5 We would llke Lo be able Lo compleLe 8C1P elemenLs Lhe sLudenLs
researched and Lhen be able Lo consLrucL a compleLe erlodlc 1able ln Lhe
hallway wlLh Lhe oLher 6
grade classes.

Human-Environment Interaction!Adapting!
We have moved on Lo Lhe nexL Lheme of geography before our
flrsL pro[ecL.Puman-LnvlronmenL lnLeracLlon. 1hls Lheme ls all abouL
adapLlng Lo Lhe envlronmenL.Lhe homes we bulld, Lhe cllmaLe we llve
ln, and Lhe bulldlng of sLrucLures Lo sulL our needs.
1he class ls worklng ln Leams of Lwo Lo research parLlcular
culLures of people and how Lhey adapL Lo Lhelr surroundlngs. 1hese
culLural groups are: Aborlglnes of AusLralla, Amazonlans of Lhe Amazon
8lver 8asln, nomads of Lhe Sahara ueserL, Lsklmos of Lhe ArcLlc, and
naLlve Amerlcans of Lhe SouLhwesL uS.
1he Leams presenLed Lhelr pro[ecLs LhaL Lhey creaLed. 1hese
pro[ecLs wlll be loaded Lo Lhe classroom webslLe lf compaLlble.
nexL week, we wlll compleLe Lhe Lhemes of geography wlLh
learnlng abouL goods and servlces are moved from
place Lo place. 1he sLudenLs wlll be compleLlng a Sherlock" acLlvlLy,
compleLlng a Lravel rouLe for a fake Lrade scenarlo.

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