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IEEE Std 830-1998

(Revision of IEEE Std 830-1993)

Software Requirements Specification
E-Mail Tokri
October 5, 2004
Re!ision 2"0
Names Mail-Id
$%M&ES' '%&(ER )T&* +200,45,-bits-pilani"ac"in
$ ./0%1%2%2(% RE((1 +200,445-bits-pilani"ac"in
2EE&ES' (ES'3%2(E +200,444-bits-pilani"ac"in
R%0EE. 5%6R +200,447-bits-pilani"ac"in
%S'/S' 5%2('/ +200,448-bits-pilani"ac"in
S'/&%(/T1% 9OSE +200,450-bits-pilani"ac"in
56(% $/R%2 $R/S'2% +200,45#-bits-pilani"ac"in
%2%2T'%R%M 5 +200,452-bits-pilani"ac"in
S62/& 3%'&%0%2/ +200,454-bits-pilani"ac"in
T+is ;ocument ;escribes t+e functional an; non-functional requirements an;
preliminar< anal<sis of E-Mail Tokri pro=ect" /t is aime; to pro!i;e a brief ;escription of
t+e pro=ect an; to pro!i;e as a reference for bot+ t+e :lient an; T+e 2eptune Team"
Software requirement specification (SRS)
% ;ocument ;escribin> t+e requirements of a software s<stem from t+e user?s point
of !iew"
%n SRS ;ocument specifies@
1 T+e require; be+a!ior of a s<stem in terms of input ;ata, require; processin>,
output ;ata, operational scenarios an; interfaces an;
2 T+e attributes of a s<stem inclu;in> performance, securit<, maintainabilit<,
reliabilit<, a!ailabilit< an; safet< requirements an; ;esi>n constraints"
%lias@ user requirement specification, functional specification
# Introduction 8
1.2 (ocumentBs 3urposeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""""""""""""""""""""" 7
1.6 (ocumentBs O!er!iew AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ##
#"4 :lient :ontact (etails AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""""""""""""""""""""" #2
2 !erall "escription #$
2.1 O!er!iew of :urrent S<stem AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""" #,
2.2 3ro;uct 3erspecti!e AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" #4
2.5 6ser :+aracteristics AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" #4
2.7 %ssumptions an; (epen;encies AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" #8
$ %ser Interface Requirement &'
,"# E-Mail Tokri user &o>in panel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 20
,"2 E-Mail new user si>n-up panel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2#
,", Main E-Mail Tokri panel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""" 22
3.7 :onfi>uration 3anel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" 24
3.8 :ompose Mail panel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" 28
( Specific Requirements $$
4"# 5eneral Cunctionalit< RequirementAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" ,4
4"#","# Sen;in> %ttac+ments AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" ,D
4"#","2 (ownloa;in> %ttac+ments AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ,D
4"#"4"# Si>n-/n AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"""" ,4 Si>n-up AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,4 (ispla< user specific mailsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" ,4 Store Mails correspon;in> to a user AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""" ,4
4"#"5 Mail :lassification AAAAA"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,4
4"#"5"# Cin;in> Similarities AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,4 Cormin> 5roups AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ,7 :reatin> Mail 5roups AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" ,7
4"#"5"4 2on Similar Mails to /nboE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,7
4"#"5"5 %utomatic Mail :lassification AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,7
4"#"5"D Re-:lassification AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""" ,7
4"#"5"D"# 6ser acceptance for new >roup after reclassification AAAAAAAAAA"" ,7
4"2 2on-Cunctional Requirements AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ,8
) "esi*n Constraint ('
5"#"# 'ar;ware :onstraints AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 40
5"#"2 Software :onstraints AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" 40
+ ,roduct -cceptance Criteria (#
-ppendi. - (&
-ppendi. / )'
&ist of Tables
&ist of Ci>ures
# E-Mail Tokri 2etwork (ia>ram AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" #,
3.1 6ser &o>in 3anel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" 20
3.2 2ew 6ser Si>n-up panel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA""" 2#
3.7 :onfi>uration 3anel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"" 24
3.8 :ompose Mail 3anel AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" 28
# Introduction:
T+is section >i!es a ;etaile; intro;uction of E-Mail Tokri an; a brief ;escription of
;ocument purpose an; ;ocumentBs scope
1.1 Introduction
E-Mail Tokri is an automatic mail classification tool" Once properl< set up an;
traine;, it will scan all e-mails as t+e< arri!e an; classif< it base; on <our trainin>" 1ou
can >i!e it a simple =ob, like separatin> out =unk e-mail, or a complicate; oneFlike filin>
mail into a ;oGen fol;ers "E-Mail Tokri ;ownloa; mails from t+e Mail ser!er an;
promises to increase ease of ;<namicall< classif<in> t+e mails into ;ifferent clusters
accor;in> to users criteria" T+ink of it as a personal assistant for <our inboE"
T+is pro;uct is outcome of Software En>ineerin> course pro=ect b< 2eptuneBs team"
'ence <our contribution of !aluable comments an; su>>estions are most welcome, so t+at
we can impro!e on present !ersion an; release neEt !ersion of t+e pro;uct into t+e
1.2 Documents Purpose
T+is ;ocument is inten;e; for un;erstan;in> t+e ;efinition of requirements t+at are
necessar< for t+e ;e!elopment of t+e E-Mail Tokri"
T+is ;ocument act as basis for@
1 :ommon un;erstan;in> between t+e two au;iences
re>ar;in> Specifications of t+e E-Mail Tokri pro=ect"
2 2ee;s to be satisfie; in t+e arc+itectural an; ;etaile; ;esi>n of t+e E-Mail
Tokri 3ro=ect"
3 2ee;s to be satisfie; in t+e !erification, !ali;ation an; acceptance testin>
for t+e E-Mail Tokri pro=ect"
1.3 Documents Scope
T+is ;ocument outlines t+e require; functions t+at E-Mail Tokri software is require;
to perform" T+is ;ocument presents t+e ;etaile; specification of eac+ requirement an;
t+ese requirements are cate>oriGe; b< users an; i;entifie; b< t+e 2eptuneBs after careful
anal<sis an; requirements >at+erin> from t+e client" T+is ;ocument will not ;escribe
;esi>n ;ecisions unless eEplicitl< state; b< t+e client" T+is ;ocument will onl< ;escribe
w+at functionalities t+e s<stem is require; to pro!i;e" /mplementation ;etails will be
;escribe; in t+e S(( ;ocument"
1.4 Definitions
T+is section lists all ;efinitions use; t+rou>+ out t+is ;ocument"
E-Mail Tokri E-Mail Tokri is an automatic mail classification tool" Once properl<
set up an; traine;, it will scan all e-mails as t+e< arri!e an; classif<
it base; on users trainin>"
:lassifier (<namicall< classif<in> t+e mails into ;ifferent clusters accor;in>
to userBs criteria"
Mail 5roup 5roup wise Mail (istribution 5roupin> t+e similar class of mails
into one fol;er"
:lusterin> :ollection of mails wit+ t+e same fiel; properties"
Mail ;ownloa;in> (ownloa;in> mails into +ar; ;isk an; simultaneousl< ;eletin>
t+ose mails from mail ser!er ;atabase"
Table #@ (efinitions
1.5 Acronyms
T+is section lists all acron<ms use; t+rou>+ out t+is ;ocument"
SRS Software Requirement Specification
S(( Software (esi>n (etails"
0($ 0a!a (e!elopment $it
:.S :oncurrent .ersion S<stem
6M& 6nifie; Mo;elin> &an>ua>e
6/ 6ser /nterface
M.M Microsoft .irtual Mac+ine
M(5 Messa>e (i>est 5
SMT3 Simple Mail Transfer 3rotocol
3O3, 3ost Office 3rotocol
Table 2@ %cron<ms
1.6 Documents Overview
T+is ;ocument +as D sections@
#0 Introduction
T+is section of t+e ;ocument contains a brief summar< of t+e pro;uct to be ;e!elope;"
T+is section inclu;es t+e purpose an; au;ience of t+is ;ocument, t+e pro=ect scope, list all
t+e ;efinitions an; acron<ms use; in t+is ;ocument" 5enerall<, it >i!es t+e rea;ers a
pre!iew of t+e ;ocumentBs contents"
&0 !erall "escription
T+is section of t+e ;ocument ;escribes t+e +i>+-le!el o!er!iew of t+e pro;uct, its
en!ironment, anticipate; users an; all known assumptions an; ;epen;encies"
$0 %ser Interface Requirements
T+is section ;escribes t+e basic user interface in t+e E-Mail Tokri" Curt+er ;etails of
t+e 6/ of t+e s<stem suc+ as t+e tables an; la<out will be ;escribe; in t+e S(("
(0 Specific Requirements
T+is section of t+e ;ocument ;escribes all requirements compre+ensi!el<"
T+is section inclu;es@
(1) Cunctional Requirements
(2) 2on-functional Requirements
)0 "esi*n Constraints
T+is section of t+e ;ocument will list all t+e minimum software an; +ar;ware
constraints nee;e; to implement t+e s<stem"
+0 ,roduct -cceptance Criteria
T+is section of t+e ;ocument outlines t+e crucial criteria t+at nee;s to be implemente;
before t+e pro;uct can be consi;ere; finis+e; b< t+e client"
1.7 Client Contact Details
T+e client for t+is pro=ect is@
Name: Vijaya Ganesh Varadarajan
Email@ !>anes+-prit+!i"bits-pilani"ac"in
1.8 References
1 /an Sommer!ille", Software En>ineerin> @Dt+ E;ition ,3earson E;ucation"
1 /EEE Stan;ar; 7,0-#88,, H/EEE Recommen;e; 3ractice for Software
Requirements SpecificationsH
2 3+illips, ("@ T+e Software 3ro=ect Mana>er?s 'an;book, /EEE :omputer Societ<,
3 3ressman, Ro>er S", software En>ineerin>@ % 3ractitionerBs %pproac+I,4t+ E;,
& !erall "escription: :
T+is section >i!es o!er!iew of current s<stems a!ailable in t+e market an; t+e pro;uct
perspecti!e of t+e E-Mail Tokri w+en release; into market"
2.1 Overview of Current System
E-Mail Tokri is an automatic mail classification tool" Once properl< set up an;
traine;, it will scan all e-mails as t+e< arri!e an; classif< it base; on <our trainin>" T+e
current s<stem pro!i;es functions of E-mail mana>ement users" 9elow is t+e ;ia>ram of
t+e E-Mail Tokri we are ;e!elopin>"
Ci>ure #@ E-Mail Tokri 2etwork (ia>ram
One powerful software a!ailable to t+e customer to;a< is Outlook EEpress" /n t+e
/nternet ;omain it enables user to ;ownloa; mails from t+e Mail ser!erJ t+is stan;ar;s
base; mo;el re;uces bur;en on ser!er b< usin> 3O3, protocol an; ;eletin> t+e mails
from t+e mail ser!er after it ;ownloa;s mails on to t+e +ar; ;isk "T+e main ;rawback of
t+is pro;uct is it lacks in ;<namic mail classification"
T+e main purpose of E-Mail Tokri is to o!ercome t+e ;rawback of abo!e s<stem an;
pro!i;e simple interface to user w+ic+ uses 3O3, protocol to ;ownloa; mails from t+e
Mail ser!er an; promises to increase ease b< ;<namicall< classif<in> t+e mails into
;ifferent clusters accor;in> to similarit< factor amon> t+e mails" &ike, t+e user will be
able to classif< Spam mails into one fol;er from t+e set of mails recei!e or a complicate;
=ob like filin> mail into a ;oGen of fol;ers, clusterin> t+e mails into one fol;er, w+ic+ are
+a!in> same similarit< factor" K+ere t+e similarit< factor is a non static statistical !alue
calculate; on t+e basis of fiel;s consi;ere; for classification"
2.2 ro!uct ers"ective
T+is pro;uct is aime; at emplo<ees, stu;ents an; e!er< t<pe of users" K+ene!er t+ere
is limite; space allowe; on mail ser!er, user can ;ownloa; mails on to +ar; ;isk an;
t+e< will be ;elete; from t+e mail ser!er, w+ic+ remo!es bur;en on Mail ser!er" T+e
pro=ectBs purpose is to classif< t+e mails into ;ifferent clusters accor;in> to userBs
criteria" %t t+e en; of t+e pro=ect, t+e s<stem will +a!e its co;es an; functionalities
re!iewe;, its mail mana>ement s<stem an; user interface impro!e;"
2.# ro$ect Sco"e
T+e pro=ect will mainl< focus on t+e Mail classification !ersions"
2.4 ro!uct %unctions
E-Mail Tokri S<stem
E-Mail Tokri s<stem can be broa;l< classifie; into 4 ;ifferent parts
2.4.1 Mail System (Sending & Receiving Mails)
The Mail system is used for sending and receiving mails to and
from the mail server. Lie the ste!s follo"ed to send a mail are
1. 6ser >i!es compose comman;
2. T<pes sub=ect"
3. T<pes contents"
4. Specifies recipients"
5. 5i!e Sen; comman;"
6. /f)RecipientBs Mail Ser!er recei!es mail successfull< * mail sent else report
problem "
2.4.2 #ser $nterface
E-Mail Tokri +as a simple 6ser /nterface w+ic+ +as t+e followin> components,
#0%ser si*n-in panel
Cor t+e user to lo>in to access +isL+er set of mails on t+e +ar; ;isk, as t+e E-
Mail Tokri pro!i;es ser!ices to multiple users"
&0New user Si*n-up panel
To a;; a new user to t+e s<stem"
$0 Main panel
T+e main panel pro!i;es access point to t+e followin> ser!ices
1 :lassif<in> t+e inboE mails
2 Repl< t+e recei!e; mails
3 Corwar; t+e recei!e; mails"
4 (elete t+e mails"
5 To rea; 2eEt mail"
6 To rea; t+e 3re!ious mail"
(0 Composin* mail panel0
:omposin> mail panel +elps user to compose mails an; sen; t+e mails "
2.4.% Mail &lassification System
Ci>ure 2" Mail :lassification S<stem
T+e main function of mail classification s<stem is to classif< t+e mails of user inboE
into ;ifferent clusters ;epen;in> on t+e similarit<" Crom t+e abo!e ;ia>ram we see t+at
user# inboE mails are classifie; into ;ifferent fol;ers after user >i!es classif< comman;"
%ll most all t+e inboE mails +a!in> similar fiel;s are clustere; to>et+er an; ;ifferent
fol;er like 9/TS, Mo!ies, /ntel, Tom are create; containin> one clusters eac+ an; t+e
remainin> mails w+ic+ are not clustere; are left in inboE onl<" T+e classification
al>orit+m consi;ers t+e main four fiel;s )to, from, sub=ect, :c* to classif< t+e mails into
;ifferent fol;ers"
2.4.4 'ile Management System
T+e main functions of t+e file mana>ement s<stem can be broa;l< classifie; into 4
#0 Storin* aut1entication details of t1e user and pro!idin* security to users
Cile is maintaine; to store lo>ins an; passwor;s of ;ifferent users usin> M(5
al>orit+m" %s E-Mail Tokri pro!i;es ser!ices to multiple users, aut+entication re>ar;in>
t+e lo>in +as to be maintaine; so t+at users will not able to access ot+er users mails" T+is
is t+e minimum securit< t+at t+e user is >uarantee;"
&0 Creation of "irectories based on users
Cor eac+ user a ;irector< is create; "K+en user >i!es ;ownloa; comman; all t+e mails
from t+e mail ser!er are store; into userBs ;irector<"
$ Storin* *roup wise mail0
K+en user >i!es classification comman; t+e mails are >roupe; an; store; into
;ifferent fol;ers correspon;in> to !arious >roups"
( Storin* t1e aut1entication details of users mail accounts0
% file is maintaine; in userBs ;irector< re>ar;in> t+e userBs Mail ser!er confi>uration
;etails to access +isL+er account on t+e Mail ser!er"
2.5 &ser C'aracteristics
T+e users of E-Mail Tokri are@
%ll t+e users can use t+is pro;uctJ t+ere is no specific user +ierarc+< le!el to access it"
T+is software pro;uct supports user le!el securit< to access mails" T+ere are two le!els of
aut+entication use; in E-Mail Tokri software"
%t t+e first le!el of aut+entication user +as to >i!e +isL+er lo>in an; passwor; so t+at
+eLs+e will be able to access +isL+er set of mails on t+e +ar; ;isk, as E-Mail Tokri
pro!i;es ser!ices to multiple users"
%t t+e secon; le!el of aut+entication, user +as to >i!e aut+entication ;etails about t+e
mail accountLaccounts so t+at E-Mail Tokri software access an; ;ownloa;s t+e mails from
t+e ser!er usin> t+ese aut+entication tokens"
T+is secon; le!el of aut+entication nee;s to be >i!en for t+e first time, w+ene!er user
+as lo>>e; in as a new user or w+en e!er new mail account is create; on ;ifferent Mail
ser!ers" K+ere as first le!el of aut+entication nee;s to be >i!en e!er< time user uses E-
Mail Tokri pro;uct, as E-Mail Tokri pro!i;es ser!ices to multiple users at t+e same time"
2.6 Constraints
2.(.1 )ard"are &onstraints
Minimum +ar;ware requirements for E-Mail Tokri to function properl< are t+e followin>
#" 3rocessor@ /ntel base; #DD M'G
2. R%M@ #27 M9
3. 'ar;-;isk space@ 4 5b
4. 2etworkin>@ Et+ernet #0L#00"
5. 56/ support nee;e;"
2.6.2 Soft"are &onstraints
E-Mail Tokri is tar>ete; towar;s t+e followin> platforms@
1. Operatin> S<stem@ Kin;ows or M2/N"
2. /nterpreter@ M.M
2.6.3 Algorithm constraint
1 T+e number of parameters use; in t+e al>orit+m for classification is fiEe;" %fter
clear un;erstan;in> of mail s<stem, 2eptuneBs +a!e come up wit+ four suc+
parameters" 2amel<
1. Subject
2. From
3. To
4. Cc.
2 6sin> fiEe; number of wor;s, a minimal ;ictionar< base; met+o; for token
matc+in> for classification is use;"
3 Cormat to be followe; for sub=ect fiel; of t+e mail is fiEe;" Onl< t+e first
section of t+e sub=ect fiel; is consi;ere; ;urin> classification" /t woul; lea; to
easier classification"
EE@- 9usiness@0#-Rams" Onl< t+e 9usiness fiel; of t+e strin> will be consi;ere;"
1 %l>orit+m ;oes not support user base; criteria for classification"
2.7 Assum"tions an! De"en!encies
1 T+is pro=ect assumes t+at all t+e users +a!e at least one !ali; email account"
2 T+is pro=ect assumes t+at t+e 6sers will enter !ali; aut+entication ;etails to
access mails"
3 T+is pro=ect assumes t+at t+e s<stem is connecte; to network"
$0%ser Interface Requirement: :
T+is section ;escribes some of t+e ma=or user interface in t+e 2eptuneBs E-Mail
Tokri" % furt+er ;etail of t+e 6/ of t+e s<stem suc+ as t+e tables an; :SS la<out will be
;escribe; in t+e S(("
#.1()mail *o+ri &ser ,o-in anel
Ci>ure ,"#@ 6ser &o>in 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e user lo>in panel of E-Mail Tokri" Ma=or t+in>s on t+e
user lo>in panel are@
1 &abel of t+e software an; lo>o@ T+e first panel of t+e software i;entifies t+e
software name an; lo>o"
2 6ser name TeEt Ciel;@ % teEt fiel; is t+ere for enterin> t+e 6sername require; for
t+e lo>in into t+e software"
1 3asswor; TeEt Ciel;@ % teEt fiel; is t+ere for enterin> t+e 3asswor; require; for
t+e lo>in into t+e software" T+e passwor; is into a +i;;en form from t+e user i"e"
onl< stars appear instea; of c+aracters"
2 Si>n-/n 9utton@ To &o> into t+e software"
3 Si>n-6p 9utton@ /f t+e user is new +e can si>n up an; +a!e +isL+er passwor;
re>istere; wit+ t+e software" T+is button will take user to a new 6ser Si>n 6p
#.2()mail *o+ri .ew &ser Si-n)&" anel
Ci>ure ,"2@ 2ew 6ser Si>n-6p 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e user lo>in panel of E-Mail Tokri" Ma=or t+in>s on t+e
user lo>in panel are@
1 &abel of t+e software an; lo>o@ T+is i;entifies t+e software name an; lo>o"
1 6ser name TeEt Ciel;@ % teEt fiel; is t+ere for enterin> t+e 6sername require; for
t+e lo>in into t+e software"
2 3asswor; TeEt Ciel;@ % teEt fiel; is t+ere for enterin> t+e 3asswor; require; for
t+e lo>in into t+e software" T+e passwor; is into a +i;;en form from t+e user i"e"
onl< stars appear instea; of c+aracters"
3 Re-Enter 3asswor; TeEt Ciel;@ %not+er teEt fiel; for enterin> t+e 3asswor;
require; for t+e lo>in into t+e software" T+is s+oul; be same as t+e 3asswor;"
T+e passwor; is into a +i;;en form from t+e user i"e" onl< stars appear instea; of
4 Si>n 6p 9utton@ /f user presses t+is button, +eLs+e will be re>istere;" T+is button
will take user to t+e main panel of t+e software"
#.#/ain ()mail *o+ri anel
Ci>ure ,",@ Main 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e main panel of E-Mail Tokri" Ma=or t+in>s t+at can be
foun; on t+e main panel are@
1 Menu bar consist of Cile, %ction an; M< Mail Menus" T+ese menus will be
;escribe; in t+e subsequent interfaces"
2 My 2older ,anel" T+is fol;er ;escribes all t+e user-;efine; fol;ers inclu;in> t+e
;efault /nboE" T+e fol;ers will contain all t+e classifie; mails clustere; to>et+er
eEclu;in> /nboE w+ic+ contain all t+e ;efault mails ;ownloa;e; from mail
3 My Mail ,anel" T+is 3anel consist of t+e followin> components@
o Classification Button: T+is button pro!i;es t+e functionalit< of
classif<in> mails" More ;etails of t+is component is >i!en in t+e
subsequent panels"
15 Reply Button: T+e button pro!i;es t+e functionalit< of repl<in> an email"
K+ene!er clicke; it will pop up t+e mail selecte; from t+e Email list
table an; ;ispla< t+e Mail Repl< 3anel" T+e ;etail of Mail Repl< 3anel is
>i!en in ,"8"
15 Forward Button: T+e button pro!i;es t+e functionalit< of forwar;in> an
email" K+ene!er clicke; it will pop up t+e mail selecte; from t+e Email
list table an; ;ispla< t+e Corwar; Mail 3anel" T+e ;etail of Corwar; Mail
3anel is >i!en in ,"#0"
15 Next Button: T+e button pro!i;es t+e functionalit< of mo!in> from one
mail to t+e neEt imme;iate mail" /f t+e mail is t+e last one it will s+ow t+e
first mail from Email list table"
15 Preious Button: T+e button pro!i;es t+e functionalit< of mo!in> from
one mail to t+e pre!ious imme;iate mail" /f t+e mail is t+e first one it will
s+ow t+e first mail onl< from Email list table"
15 !elete Button: T+e button pro!i;es t+e functionalit< of ;eletin> t+e mail
as selecte; in t+e Email list table" /f no mail is selecte; t+e ;eletion will
not be performe;" %fter ;eletion, t+e neEt subsequent mail is selecte; an;
;ispla<e; in 9o;< panel"
15 E"ail #ist ta$le: T+is list will ;ispla< all t+e mails from t+e selecte;
fol;er from M< Col;er 3anel" 9< ;efault, it will s+ow t+e mails from
/nboE" T+e list is sin>le item selecte; i"e" onl< mail can be selecte; for
!iewin>" T+e list +as a scroll bar to scroll up an; ;own t+e mails"
2 /ody ,anel" T+is 3anel consists of onl< one component ;ispla< area to ;ispla<
t+e mail as selecte; from t+e Email &ist table as ;escribe; as abo!e" T+e ;ispla<
area +as +oriGontal an; !ertical scrollbars t+at is enable; onl< if require; b< t+e
;ispla< e;itor"
3.4 %ile /enu
Ci>ure ,"4@ Cile Menu
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e Cile Menu of E-Mail Tokri" T+e submenus t+at are
inclu;e; in t+e menu an; t+eir functionalit< are as follows@
1 My Settin%s Menu: T+is menu will pop up a :onfi>uration 3anel for all t+e
confi>uration settin>s for E-Mail Tokri" T+e confi>uration is use; for all t+e
connection mana>ement of t+e userBs mail mana>ement s<stem"
2 Close Men: T+is menu will close ;own t+e E-Mail Tokri application"
3.5 Actions /enu.
Ci>ure ,"5@ %ctions Menu
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e %ctions Menu of E-Mail Tokri" T+e submenus t+at are
inclu;e; in t+e menu an; t+eir functionalit< are as follows@
1 !ownload Mails Menu: T+e menu is use; for initiatin> contact wit+ t+e user
mail ser!er an; ;ownloa;s all t+e mails from ser!er to t+e +ar; ;isk" T+e
application makes use of t+e confi>uration ;etails as pro!i;e; b< t+e user in t+e
confi>uration 3anel"
2 Co"pose Mail Menu: T+is menu will pop up a :ompose Mail 3anel for
composin> mails" T+e ;etails of t+e panel will be ;escribe; later"
3.6 /y /ail /enu
Ci>ure ,"D@ M< Mail Menu
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e %ctions Menu of E-Mail Tokri" T+e submenus t+at are
inclu;e; in t+e menu an; t+eir functionalit< are as follows@
1 Reply Menu: T+e function of t+is menu is same as t+e Repl< 9utton component
as ;escribe; in t+e M< Mail 3anel Repl< 9utton ),",*"
2 Forward Menu: T+e function of t+is menu is same as t+e Corwar; 9utton
component as ;escribe; in t+e M< Mail 3anel Corwar; 9utton ),",*"
3 Next Menu: T+e function of t+is menu is same as t+e 2eEt 9utton component as
;escribe; in t+e M< Mail 3anel 2eEt 9utton ),",*"
4 Preious Menu: T+e function of t+is menu is same as t+e 3re!ious 9utton
component as ;escribe; in t+e M< Mail 3anel 3re!ious 9utton ),",*"
5 !elete Menu: T+e function of t+is menu is same as t+e (elete 9utton component
as ;escribe; in t+e M< Mail 3anel (elete 9utton ),",*"
3.7 Confi-uration anel
Ci>ure ,"4@ :onfi>uration 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e :onfi>uration 3anel of E-Mail Tokri" T+e followin> are
t+e ;etails of t+e confi>uration 3anel@
1 P&P Serer Text field: 6ser +as to pro!i;e t+e mail 3O3, ser!er a;;ress" T+e
a;;ress s+oul; be in proper format" T+e format can be stan;ar; /3 a;;ress of
mail ser!er or t+e stan;ar; ser!er ;omain name" 3O3, is 3ost Office 3rotocol
use; for ;ownloa;in> mails from ser!er to t+e user +ar; ;isk"
2 SMTP Serer Text field: 6ser +as to pro!i;e t+e mail SMT3 ser!er a;;ress" T+e
a;;ress s+oul; be in proper format" T+e format can be stan;ar; /3 a;;ress of
mail ser!er or t+e stan;ar; ser!er ;omain name" SMT3 is Simple Mail Transfer
3rotocol for sen;in> mails" T+e 3O3, a;;ress an; SMT3 a;;ress can be same"
3 Userna"e Text field: 6ser +as to pro!i;e t+e username for accessin> mail ser!er"
6sername is use; w+ile ;ownloa;in> mails"
4 Password Text field: 6ser +as to pro!i;e t+e passwor; for accessin> mail ser!er"
/ts use is same as t+at of 6sername"
5 Reply Address: 6ser can pro!i;e t+e repl< a;;ress of +imself" T+e Repl<
%;;ress is use; for Mail Repl< 3anel an; Corwar; Mail 3anel" T+e ;etails of t+e
respecti!e panels are >i!en furt+er below panels"
6 &' Button: T+e button component pro!i;es t+e functionalit< to up;ate t+e
c+an>es fille; b< t+e user" T+e confi>urations are subsequentl< up;ate; an; t+e
:onfi>uration 3anel is close;"
7 CANCE# Button: :onfi>uration 3anel is close; wit+out an< mo;ification of t+e
confi>uration ;etails"
#.0Com"ose /ail anel.
Ci>ure ,"7@ :ompose Mail 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e :ompose Mail 3anel of E-Mail Tokri" T+e followin> are
t+e ;etails of t+e :ompose Mail 3anel@
1 To Text field: T+is is t+e Email a;;ress of t+e recei!er" 6ser +as to >i!e onl< one
email a;;ress +ere" T+e email a;;ress s+oul; be in proper format" Cor eEample@
2 Fro" Text field: T+is is t+e Email a;;ress of t+e sen;er" 6ser +as to >i!e onl<
one email a;;ress +ere" T+e email a;;ress s+oul; be in proper format" Cor
eEample@ +#84524,-prit+!i"bits-pilani"ac"in"
3 Cc Text field: T+is is t+e Email a;;ress of t+e secon;ar< recei!er" % secon;ar<
recei!er is t+e recei!er w+o will >et a carbon cop< of t+e mail" 6ser +as to
suppl< onl< one email a;;ress +ere" T+e email a;;ress s+oul; be in proper
format" Cor eEample@ +#84524,-prit+!i"bits-pilani"ac"in"
1 Su$(ect Text field: 6ser can specif< an< sub=ect matter +ere"
2 Body: T+e bo;< pro!i;es t+e e;itor to compose t+e mail messa>e" 2o cut paste
comman;s are pro!i;e; an; t+e user is able to t<pe all simple t<pes of messa>es"
3 SEN! Button: T+e button component pro!i;es t+e functionalit< to sen; t+e
messa>e to t+e respecti!e To Recei!er an; :c Recei!er" T+e :ompose Mail
3anel is subsequentl< close;"
3.9 /ail Re"ly anel
Ci>ure ,"8@ Mail Repl< 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e Mail Repl< 3anel of E-Mail Tokri" T+e followin> are t+e
;etails of t+e Mail Repl< 3anel@
1 To Text field: T+is is t+e Email a;;ress of t+e recei!er" T+e Email a;;ress is t+e
same as t+e CROM Email a;;ress from t+e mail selecte; from Email &ist table"
T+e email a;;ress s+oul; be in proper format" Cor eEample@
2 Fro" Text field: T+is is t+e Email a;;ress of t+e sen;er" 9< ;efault, t+e Repl<
%;;ress is set to as pro!i;e; b< t+e user in t+e :onfi>uration 3anel" T+e email
a;;ress s+oul; be in proper format" Cor eEample@ +#84524,-prit+!i"bits-
3 Cc Text field: T+is is t+e Email a;;ress of t+e secon;ar< recei!er" % secon;ar<
recei!er is t+e recei!er w+o will >et a carbon cop< of t+e mail" 6ser +as to
suppl< onl< one email a;;ress +ere" T+e email a;;ress s+oul; be in proper
format" Cor eEample@ +#84524,-prit+!i"bits-pilani"ac"in"
4 Su$(ect Text field: Sub=ect fiel; is set to t+e sub=ect of t+e messa>e selecte; for
Repl< from Email &ist table" Essentiall< t+e sub=ect fiel; is a;;e; wit+ a clause
ORE@B so as to mark it a repl< messa>e"
5 Body: T+e bo;< pro!i;es t+e e;itor to compose t+e mail messa>e" /t alrea;<
consist of t+e messa>e as sent b< t+e recei!er" 2o cut paste comman;s are
pro!i;e; an; t+e user is able to t<pe all simple t<pes of messa>es"
6 SEN! Button: T+e button component pro!i;es t+e functionalit< to sen; t+e
messa>e to t+e respecti!e To Recei!er an; :c Recei!er" T+e Mail Repl< 3anel is
subsequentl< close;"
#.11 %orwar! /ail anel
Ci>ure ,"#0@ Corwar; Mail 3anel
T+e ;ia>ram represents t+e Corwar; Mail 3anel of E-Mail Tokri" T+e ;etails of t+e
Corwar; Mail 3anel are same as to Mail Repl< 3anel as ;escribe; abo!e" T+e onl< fiel;
t+at +as some c+an>e is ;escribe; as@
1 Su$(ect Text field: Sub=ect fiel; is set to t+e sub=ect of t+e messa>e selecte; for
Corwar; from Email &ist table" Essentiall< t+e sub=ect fiel; is a;;e; wit+ a
clause OCK(@B to mark it as a forwar;e; messa>e"
( Specific Requirements: :
T+e followin> format will be use; w+en presentin> eac+ requirement@
Requirement I"3,riority: % unique i;entifier t+at separate eac+ requirement to ai;
testin> an; traceabilit<" /t contains t+ree parts, an; t+e< are@
1 % c+aracter t+at i;entifies t+e requirement to w+ic+ le!el of user ;oes it assi>ne;
2 % number t+at i;entifies t+e requirement or;er wit+in t+at user le!el
3 % ;ot place; between t+e two i;entifiers to separate t+e two"
4.ample: R"# ;enotes Re>istere; user le!el an; requirement number one" )% requirement
priorit< le!el t+at in;icates w+ic+ requirement is more important to be implemente; t+an
t+e ot+ers"*
,riority field format e.planation:
1. Mandatory: Man;ator< means t+at it is a core requirement w+ic+ +as to be
implemente; in or;er to consi;er t+e s<stem satisfactoril< complete;" T+is t+en
implies t+at if <ou ;o not meet all t+e man;ator< requirements, t+e s<stem will not
be consi;ere; satisfactor< b< t+e client"
2. 5i*1ly desirable: 'i>+l< ;esirable means t+e requirement is +i>+l< ;esirable to be
implemente; in t+e E-Mail Tokri" T+is requirement is part of t+e non-core
requirements w+ic+ will not affect t+e acceptance of t+e final pro;uct b< t+e client if
not meet"
3. If 6ime permits: /mplement if time permits means t+e requirement will be
implemente; after implementin> man;ator< an; +i>+l< ;esirable requirements, an;
onl< if t+e ;e!eloper +as t+e time to implement it" T+is requirement is part of t+e
non-core requirements w+ic+ will not affect t+e acceptance of t+e final pro;uct b<
t+e client" /t a;;s !alue to t+e pro;uct"
T+e non-core requirements +a!e priorit< le!el amon>st t+emsel!es to ;etermine t+eir
importance le!el )t+is applies to bot+ +i>+l< ;esirable an; implemente; if time permits*"
T+is is ;etermine; b< t+e requirement number, as t+e requirement wit+ smaller
requirement number will +a!e +i>+er requirement number in implementation t+an t+ose
wit+ +i>+er requirement number"
E">" Requirement priorit<@ +i>+l< ;esirable )2* will +a!e +i>+er priorit< of
implementation t+an requirement wit+ priorit<@ +i>+l< ;esirable )4*"
/t is possible for some non-core requirements to +a!e t+e same priorit< le!el in t+e
same cate>or<" /n t+is case, t+ose requirement must be implemente; if eit+er one of t+em
is implemente;"
4.1General Functionality Requirement
Use cases refer Appendix A
4.1.1 *o"nload +,mails
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C"# L Mandatory
"ownloadin* mails:
1. E-Mail Tokri must pro!i;e t+e facilit< of ;ownloa;in> mails from t+e ser!er"
2. T+e mails are ;ownloa;e; from t+e ser!er an; are store; on t+e userBs +ar; ;isk"
"ownloaded mails:
1. T+e mails ;ownloa;e; must be ;elete; from t+e userBs account in t+e ser!er"
4.1.2 Sending +,mails
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C"2 L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to perform t+e followin> sen; mail tasks@
#":ompose mails"
2"Repl<in> recei!e mails"
,"Corwar; mails"
4"#"2"# :ompose E-mails
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C"2"# L Mandatory
1. E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to enter t+e teEt of t+e mail"
2. E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to specif< recipient L recipients of t+e mails"
3. E-Mail Tokri allows t+e user to specif< recipient L recipients for recei!in> cop< L
copies of t+e mail"
4"#"2"2 Repl< to Recei!e; E-mails
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C"2"2 L Mandatory
1. E-Mail Tokri must ;ispla< t+e teEt of t+e mail bein> replie; to"
2. E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to e;it t+e teEt of t+e mail bein> replie; to"
3. E-Mail Tokri must ;ispla< t+e sub=ect of t+e mail bein> replie; to wit+ a
PRE@Q a;;e; in t+e be>innin> of t+e sub=ect line"
4 E-Mail Tokri must ;ispla< t+e email i; of t+e sen;er of t+e mail bein>
replie; to, as t+e ;efault recipient"
5 E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to a;; recipients"
6 E-Mail Tokri allows t+e user to specif< recipient L recipients for recei!in>
cop< L copies of t+e mail" Corwar; E-mails
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C"2", L Mandatory
1. E-Mail Tokri must ;ispla< t+e teEt of t+e mail bein> forwar;e;"
2. E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to e;it t+e teEt of t+e mail bein> forwar;e;"
3. S<stem must ;ispla< t+e sub=ect of t+e mail bein> forwar;e; wit+ a PCK(@Q
a;;e; to t+e be>innin> of t+e sub=ect line"
4. E-Mail Tokri must allow t+e user to specif< recipients"
5. E-Mail Tokri allows t+e user to specif< recipient L recipients for recei!in>
cop< L copies of t+e mail"
4.1.3 -ttachments.
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C", L Mandatory
4-Mail 6o7ri must allow t1e user to send attac1ments w1ile replyin* to8 forwardin*
and composin* mails"
4"#","#Sen;in> %ttac+ments
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C","# L Mandatory
#" S<stem must allow user to browse +is mac+ine to searc+ file to attac+"
2 E-Mail Tokri must ;ispla< t+e files on +ar; ;isk in a Cile (ialo> 9oE"
1. S<stem must allow user to select a file to attac+"
2. S<stem must allow user to sen; t+e mail wit+ attac+ment" (ownloa; %ttac+ments
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ 5C","2 L Mandatory
1. S<stem must ;ownloa; t+e attac+ment alon> wit+ a mail, if t+e mail +as an
attac+e; file wit+ it"
2. S<stem must let t+e user sa!e t+e attac+ment to +isL+er ;esire; location on
+isL+er mac+ine"
4.1.4 'ile Management
4"#"4"# Si>n /n
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ CM"# L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri must allow re>istere; user to si>n in into t+e s<stem after pro!i;in>
t+e ri>+t combination of E-Mail Tokri username an; passwor; specifie;"
4"#"4"2 Si>n 6p
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ CM"2L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri must allow an unre>istere; user to si>n up"
4"#"4", (ispla< user specific mails
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ CM", L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri must ;ispla< t+e mails of t+e user w+en +e si>ns in"
(0#0(0( Store mails correspondin* to a user
Requirement I"3,riority: 2M( 3 Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri must store t+e mails of user into t+e ;irector< specificall< allocate; to
t+e user b< t+e E-Mail Tokri"
4.1./ Mail &lassification
4"#"5"# Cin;in> Similarities
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :"# L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri will fin; out t+e similarit< between two mails base; on entries in
CROM, TO, :c an; S690E:T fiel;s usin> classification al>orit+m"
4"#"5"2 Cormin> 5roups
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :"2 L Mandatory
9ase; on similarit< between mails, s<stem will form propose; >roups of mails
an; su>>est t+e >roups to t+e user"
4"#"5", :reatin> Mail 5roups
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :", LMandatory
S<stem must mo!e t+e mails of a >roup to a ;ifferent ;irector< base;
on acceptance of t+e >roup b< t+e user"
4"#"5"4 2on similar Mails to /nboE
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :"4 L Mandatory
/f a mail is not part of an< >roup s<stem must lea!e t+e mail in /nboE"
4"#"5"5 %utomatic Mail classification
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :"5 L Mandatory
/f a newl< arri!e; mail is foun; to be part of an< eEistin> >roup t+en s<stem
must mo!e t+e mail to t+e ;irector< correspon;in> to t+e >roup"
4"#"5"D Re-:lassification
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :"D LMandatory
E-Mail Tokri must allow user to perform re-classification of mails" %ll t+e mails
w+ic+ were pre!iousl< part of a >roup will also be consi;ere; for re-classification"
4"#"5"D"# Su>>estion for new >roup after Re-classification
Requirement I"L,riorit<@ :"D"# L Mandatory
S<stem must su>>est new >roups to t+e user after reclassification"
4.2 .on)%unctional Re2uirements
T+is section ;etails t+e non-functional requirements require; b< t+e propose; s<stem
in or;er to function properl<"
4.2.1 Checking
Requirement /(L3riorit<@ 2C"#L Mandatory
%ut+entication :+eckin>@ Kit+ t+is c+eckin>, t+e s<stem will not allow
unaut+oriGe; user to perform functionalities t+at +eLs+e ;oes not allowe; to ;o"
4.2.2 Security
Requirement /(L3riorit<@ 2C"2 L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri ;oes not allow users to !iew ot+er userBs ;etails for pri!ac< an;
securit< reason"
4.2.3 Portability
Requirement /(L3riorit<@ 2C",L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri must be portable between Microsoft Kin;ows an; &inuE" 9ot+
intranet an; internet !ersion of E-Mail Tokri s+oul; be portable"
4.2.4 Maintainability
Requirement /(L3riorit<@ 2C"4L Mandatory
E-Mail Tokri s+oul; be mo;ular" Specificall<, file contents s+oul; be eas< to
maintain as t+e contents of t+e ;atabase c+an>e often"
4.2.5 Performance
Requirement /(L3riorit<@ 2C5 (Mandatory)
E-Mail Tokri s+oul; be able to support multiple users at a time"
) "esi*n Constraints: :
5.1 System Si!e
5.1.1 Har!are Constraints
6sers s<stem s+oul; +a!e t+e followin> requirements in or;er to E-Mail Tokri to
function properl<"
1. 3rocessor@ /ntel base; #DD M'G
2. R%M@ #27 M9
3. 'ar;-;isk space@ 4 5b
4. 2etworkin>@ Et+ernet #0L#00
5.1.2 Soft!are Constraints
T+e software is eEpecte; to be installe; on t+e followin> platforms@
1. Operatin> S<stem@ Kin;ows or M/26N,
2. /nterpreter@ M.M
+ ,roduct -cceptance Criteria: :
T+is section ;etails t+e criteria t+at nee;s to be complete; b< t+e
propose; s<stem in or;er to be accepte; b< t+e :lient as succession"
1. T+e propose; s<stem must implement all requirements in section t+at are BMan;ator<B"
2. T+e propose; s<stem must implement all non-functional requirements ;efine; in
3. T+e (e!eloper s+oul; pro!i;e t+e :lient t+e followin> ;ocuments alon> wit+ t+e
propose; s<stem"
1 T+is ;ocument )Software Requirement Specification - SRS*
1 Software (esi>n (ocument )S((*
2 Test 3lan
3 6ser (ocumentation
%ppen;iE %@ :
%se Case I" : #
%se Case Name : (ownloa; emails
2unctional Requirement I" : 5C"#
1. "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes t+e process of ;ownloa;in> t+e emails from t+e ser!er"
2. -C6RS
2.1 ,rimary -ctors
2.2 Secondary -ctors
6serBs mail ser!er"
3. %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
4. S64,S
4.1 6ser pro!i;es username an; passwor; to ;ownloa; mails from ser!er"
4.3 /f username or passwor; wron> s<stem reports error"
4.4 6ser >i!es :+eck Mail comman;
4.5 S<stem copies Mails from ser!er to userBs +ar; ;isk"
4.6 S<stem ;eletes mails from ser!er"
%se Case I" : &
%se Case Name : Sen;in> emails
2unctional Requirement I" : 5C"2,5C"2"#,5C"2"2,5C"2",
#0 "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes t+e process of sen;in> emails"
2. -C6RS
2.1 ,rimary -ctors
2.2 Secondary -ctors
RecipientBs mail ser!er"
3. %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
4. S64,S
4.1 /f user >i!es :ompose mail comman;"
4.1.1 6ser >i!es compose comman;
4.1.2 T<pes sub=ect"
4.1.3 T<pes contents"
4.1.4 Specifies recipients"
4.1.5 5i!es sen; comman;"
4.1.6 /f )RecipientBs Mail Ser!er recei!es mail
successfull<* mail sent else report problem
4.2 /f user >i!es repl< comman;
4.2.1 E;its sub=ect"
4.2.2 E;its contents"
4.2.3 %;;s recipients"
4.2.4 5i!e sen; comman;"
4.2.5 /f )RecipientBs Mail Ser!er recei!es mail
successfull< * mail sent
else report problem
4.3 /f user >i!es forwar; comman;
4.3.1 E;its sub=ect"
4.3.2 E;its contents"
4.3.3 Specifies recipients"
4.3.4 5i!e sen; comman;"
4.3.5 /f)RecipientBs Mail Ser!er recei!es mail
successfull< * mail sent
else report problem
%se Case I" : $
%se Case Name : %ttac+ments
2unctional Requirement I" : 5C",,5C,"#,5C","2
#0 "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes t+e process of sen;in> an; recei!in> t+e attac+ments from an
2. -C6RS
1. ,rimary -ctors
2. Secondary -ctors
3. %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
4. S64,S
4.1. Sen;in> %ttac+ments"
4.1.1 S<stem must allow user to searc+ t+e file to attac+"
4.1.2 E-Mail Tokri s+oul; ;ispla< t+e list of files on userBs mac+ine"
4.1.3 S<stem must allow user select t+e file to attac+"
4.1.4 %ttac+e; file also sent wit+ t+e mail"
4.2 (ownloa;in> %ttac+ments"
4.2.1 S<stem must allow user to ;ownloa; attac+ment to +is mac+ine"
4.2.2 E-Mail Tokri must allow user to sa!e attac+ment to ;esire; pat+ in +is
%se Case I" : (
%se Case Name : Mail :lassification S<stem
2unctional Requirement I" : :"#,:"2,:",,:"4,:"5,:"D,:"D"#
"4SCRI,6IN : :lassif< emails base; on similarities" Store similar mails in a Separate
fol;er" Mails not belon>in> to an< >roup are left in common fol;er inboE"
&0 -C6RS : a0 ,rimary -ctor @ 6ser
b0 Secondary -ctor @ 2%
$0 %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M:
(0 S64,S : #" 6ser >i!es classif< comman;
2. :lassification al>orit+m applie; to all mails"
3. 5roups su>>este; to users"
4. Similar mails mo!e; to a common fol;er"
5. Mails not fallin> in an< >roup left in
common fol;er calle; inboE"
%se Case I" : )
%se Case Name : Si>n /n
2unctional Requirement I" : CM"#
3. "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes +ow a re>istere; user can si>n in to t+e s<stem"
4. -C6RS
4.1 ,rimary -ctors
4.2 Secondary -ctors
$0 %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
4. S64,S
4.1 S<stem must ask username an; passwor; of a user"
4.2 S<stem must !erif< t+e ri>+t combination of username an; passwor;"
4.3 S<stem s+oul; report Si>n-/n problem if !erification fails"
4.4 On successful Si>n-/n s<stem s+oul; allow user access to +is L +er mails"
%se Case I" : +
%se Case Name : Si>n 6p
2unctional Requirement I" : CM"2
#0 "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes t+e +ow an unre>istere; user can si>n up to t+e s<stem"
2. -C6RS
1. ,rimary -ctors
2. Secondary -ctors
3. %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
(0 S64,S
4.1 T+e s<stem must ask t+e username an; passwor; )in ;uplicate* from a new user"
4.2 T+e s<stem must sa!e t+e combination of username an; passwor; of t+e new user"
4.3 S<stem s+oul; Si>n-/n t+e new user"
%se Case I" : :
%se Case Name : (ispla< Emails
2unctional Requirement I" : CM",
#0 "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes t+e process of ;ispla<in> t+e mails of an user w+en +e si>ns in "
2. -C6RS
1. ,rimary -ctors
2. Secondary -ctors
3. %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
(0 S64,S
4"# S<stem must ;ispla< t+e mails of a particular fol;er selecte; b< t+e user"
%se Case I" : 8
%se Case Name : Store Emails
2unctional Requirement I" : CM"4
#0 "4SCRI,6IN
T+is use case ;escribes t+e process of storin> t+e mails of user in a ;irector< specific to
t+e user"
2. -C6RS
1. ,rimary -ctors
2. Secondary -ctors
RecipientBs mail ser!er"
3. %S4 C-S4 "I-9R-M
(0 S64,S
4.1 S<stem must store t+e mails of eac+ user separatel< "
4.2 S<stem must store mails part of a >roup in t+e fol;er correspon;in> to t+e >roup"
%ppen;iE 9@ :
6ractability Matri. 6 in t+e rowLcolumn intersection illustrates t+at t+e requirement in t+e row uses t+e
facilities specifie; in t+e requirement name; in t+e column" R means t+at t+ere is some ot+er weaker
relations+ip between t+e requirements"
R e 0. id
1 1 1 ' ' ' ' & & & & & &
' ' ' M M M M 1 2 % 4 / (
1 2 % 1 2 % 4
" "
" #
# "
5 0

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