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... through Bertha Dudde

Sequence of the catastrophic event ....
he teachers in the !e"ond a#$a"s tr" to he#p "ou in the sa%e
$a" and see& to %a&e "ou %ore receptive' "et "our heart is not
a#$a"s $i##ing to receive' creating o!stac#es $hich %a&e the
reception %ore difficu#t. Undivided attention has to !e paid to
the gifts of heaven and all earthly thoughts avoided' then the
thoughts of the friends in the !e"ond $i## find easier access.
Divine #ove sends %essengers to "ou $ho sha## reinforce "our
$i##ingness to receive.
They bring you a revelation that describes in an
understandable way the sequence of the catastrophes
which shall decide the life and death of each individual
On#" fe$ peop#e ta&e notice of the signs of the co%ing ti%e.
he" are indeed surprised a!out o!vious changes or irregu#arities
in nature !ut neverthe#ess dis%iss it care#ess#". he" don(t
recognise therein an e)pression of God(s $i## !ut %ere#" put it
do$n as a coincidence. *nd thus' to !egin $ith the" do not pa"
an" attention to these %anifestations $hen the natura# event
+eop#e $i## first !e %ade a$are of the advancing te%pest !"
whirlwinds. his $i## happen so sudden#" that men and
animals will find themselves in great difficulty for the" $i##
!are#" !e a!#e to %anage against the violent storm' and this
will be the start ....
,ver" no$ and then violent earth tremors $i## !e fe#t and the
s&" $i## gro$ dar&'
a thunderous roar $i## !e heard $hich $i## !e so dreadfu# that it
sends people and animals alike into panic so that the" tr" to
save the%se#ves !" escaping.
-et the darkness $i## stop the% and as their distress !eco%es
intense' the roaring gro$s ever #ouder' and the earthly
tremors ever %ore vio#ent' the earth will open up and huge
masses of water $i## !rea& through from within the earth.
*nd as far as the e"e can see .... water and darkness and an
indescri!a!#e chaos a%ongst peop#e $ho rea#ise their horrendous
situation $ith ut%ost distress.
The days before will be so glorious that peop#e are to so%e
e)tent #ight.hearted and the change $i## co%e so suddenly that
no one can ta&e earth#" precautions' $hich $i## !e entirely
pointless anyway for no earth#" po$er can defend against
these e#e%ents.
On#" the devout person $i## fee# the divine o%nipotence no$ ....
and entrusts hi%se#f to his /reator .... *nd a#though his heart
$i## tre%!#e and &no$ fear $hen he sees the raging of the
e#e%ents he $i## neverthe#ess $ait patient#" unti# he#p arrives' for
he $i## continue to send his thoughts up to 0i% a!ove.
*n"one $ho has grasped the %eaning and purpose of #ife &no$s
that no$ the ti%e of decision has co%e for ever" individua#
person. *nd he $i## tr" to administer spiritual help $herever
possi!#e' he $i## co%fort those $ho are %isera!#e and refer the%
to God' he $i## he#p !" &ind#ing a s%a## #ight in utter dar&ness ....
For God $i## give the% the opportunit" to $or& for 0i% ....
hose $ho have recognised 0i% and offer the%se#ves to !e of
service to 0i% will be assigned a rich field of activity' and
the seed $i## fa## on good ground' for God spares those who
look up to Him or find Him in greatest adversity ....
+u!#ished !" friends of ne$ reve#ations of God 1 2nfor%ation'
do$n#oad of a## trans#ated reve#ations' the%e.!oo&#ets at3

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