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... through Bertha Dudde

Influence by the prince of lie
on people! thin"ing ....
#oo" at hu$anity! conduct. It i do$inated by the pirit of lie
and thi i cauing indecribable confuion. %u$an thin"ing &ill
ditance itelf e'er further fro$ the truth( for the hu$an being
$entally accept the lie and ha no &ay of recogniing it a uch(
and thu the peron! e$otional life &ill be led atray a &ell.
It i therefore undertandable that the layer around the hu$an
oul continue to thic"en( thu the person distances himself
more and more from the truth since the spirit in him
cannot express itself, i.e. the soul is incapable of receiving
spiritual truths.
) oon a a peron! thin"ing ta"e the &rong direction the
'oice of the pirit gradually ubide until( in the end( it i no
longer heard. *he reult i a hu$an race &hich li'e in co$plete
ignorance( &hich tri'e to&ard co$pletely different goal than
they &ere originally uppoed to achie'e. %ence( earthly life i
entirely unsuccessful( becaue as long as the human being
lives in error he turns to the power from which he should
separate himself.
*he God+oppoing po&er ube,uently $a"e ue of thi inclined
&ill and deter$ine the being to co$$it God+oppoing action in
order to detroy all tie and to ub-ugate the being co$pletely.
)nd thi tate a$ong $an"ind can no& clearly be recognied ....
.arthly life i li'ed totally independently fro$ God( people only
rarely thin" of the One fro$ Who$ e'erything e$erged .... or
e'ery thought relating to piritual $atter i an/iouly "ept
God i no longer publicly profeed( pro'iding %e i at all thought
of. )ll thee are 'iible ign of po&er &hich are hotile to God(
for their influence gro& tronger the &ea"er the hu$an being
beco$e. )nd ince the hu$an being "eep ditancing hi$elf
e'er further fro$ the eternal Deity( hi trength to reit the e'il
influence gro& contantly &ea"er.
Intead( he recei'e the trength fro$ the God+oppoing po&er
&hich upport hi$ in all earthly underta"ing. *hu earthly
ucce i al&ay guaranteed through thi aid trength and the
earthly ucce( in turn( contribute to&ard a co$plete
eparation fro$ God( for the hu$an being no longer need di'ine
trength( cone,uently he no longer call upon God either but
denie %i$ ....
)nd it i the ad'erary! intention to alienate the hu$an being
co$pletely fro$ thought of God( for then he &ill ha'e abolute
control o'er hi$.
%e ha beco$e a 'ictor o'er the being &hich had the choice to
&ho$ it &anted to concede 'ictory. It ha choen God!
ad'erary and thu &al"ed it earthly path in an entirely &rong
direction ....
Yet God will not let these beings fall .... %e &ill pro'ide the$
&ith the e'idence that e'erything earthly &orth tri'ing for i
alo ub-ect to %i po&er .... that %e can detroy it if it
correpond to %i &ill.
%e by no $ean hapha0ardly detroy &hat the hu$an being
dee$ deirable( but thi &or" of detruction &ill( fro$ a piritual
point of 'ie&( alo be of greatet ad'antage for countle
1et people &ho do not recognie it profound ignificance &ill be
orely affected by it( for they &ill loe e'erything &hich( until
no&( ignified their &hole life. )nd once again they are facing the
deciion .... to tri'e for the a$e again or to recognie the
tranience of it and to gather e'erlating poeion for
For at the $o$ent of detruction the ad'erary loe po&er( and
if the peron recognie the i$potence of the latter the poibility
i gi'en that he $ight recognie a different #ord abo'e hi$elf
and turn to %i$.
.arthly poeion i the hare of the e'il po&er for it contain
unredee$ed piritual ubtance( and the hu$an being hould
not deire &hat &a hi place of abode for an infinitely long ti$e
before ....
he hould not tri'e to&ard o$ething &hich too" hi$ endle
ti$e to o'erco$e ....
)nd thu the ob'iou &orthlene of it ha to be pro'en to hi$(
o that he &ill turn a&ay fro$ it and to&ard that &hich &ill
co$e after hi$( after hi life on earth. %e $ut relin,uih earthly
$atter and deire piritual thing( then he &ill alo o'erco$e the
final for$ and liberate hi$elf fro$ e'ery chain.
%o&e'er( piritual thing continue to e/it and therefore belong
in the real$ of truth ....
Worldly thing( ho&e'er( are tranient( thu they belong to the
real$ of dar"ne( to untruth( for it only helter i$$ature
piritual ubtance &hich did not recognie the truth and
therefore &ere banihed. 2one,uently( the hu$an being can
ne'er "no& the truth a long a he deire earthly good and(
preciely becaue of thi deire( concede po&er to the prince of
)nd a long a he tri'e for earthly poeion he &ill be
do$inated by the lie( and hi thin"ing ha to be $iguided( for
the prince of lie trie to influence the peron! thought firt and
to co$pletely ditance hi$ fro$ the truth.
*herefore( the tate of people i e/tre$ely alar$ing and can only
be re$edied if God %i$elf brea" the ad'erary! po&er by
detroying earthly poeion ....
3ublihed by friend of ne& re'elation of God 4 Infor$ation(
do&nload of all tranlated re'elation( the$e+boo"let at5

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