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Teaching Sequence

Aim: to arise awareness about animals in extintion. To recognise aeroterrestrial

animals of South America. To talk and record with technological devices
Learning outcome: to produce a video. To talk about South American animals in
extinction. To use technological devices.
Content:Los cambios en la naturalea
The lesson: Animals of South America
Course: !th . "# students
Total of classes: Three of $#% each
&irst class
Linguistic exponents: There is a'an ( )animal* +ave ,ou ever seen(..- .here
have ,ou seen(- /n ( )countr,'habitat*
preparation: Teacher explains students the, are going to watch a video about
South America. Teacher asks about the name of South American countries.
Then Teacher encourage to provide names of animals the, have learnt from
Science class. Teacher makes a list on the blackboard.
core task: Students watch the video 0Animals of South America12 the, can take
notes of the animals the, recognise. Teacher gives students a sheet of paper
with names of animals and students tick the names the, know or recognise.
Then2 Student share and check within groups of four children maximum.
follow up: Teacher asks: .hat animals are in the video- Students can read from
the paper or answer in L3. Teacher provides 4nglish version. The whole class
check. Teacher asks: +ave ,ou ever seen one of them- .here-
&irst class evaluation criteria: 5o the, share- 5o the, recall previous
knowledge- 5o the, tr, to use L6 in front of the class- Are the, sh,-
7aterials for first class: a video 08ational 9eographic: Animals of
South America1 from :outube http:''www.,'watch-v;!wv<uLu=g>k2
downloaded with atubecatcher downloader. Sheets of paper with names of
Second class
Linguistic exponents: This is a()animal*. The, live in ( )countr,'habitat*/t is(
)colour* /t has( )long tail'small e,es'etc*
<reparation: Teacher shows a powerpoint presentation with pictures of different
animals in extinction of South America with the name of countr, or countries
the, live. Students name the animals the, remember in L6.
Core: Teacher and students download the presentation on students? netbooks or
iphones. /n groups students choose one animal from the ppt. /n a sheet of paper
the, draw2 colour label and write the name2 countr, or habitat it belongs. The,
can also describe it using colours2 parts of the bod, or ad@ectives.Teacher
gathers the drawings and descriptions.
&ollow up: Teacher gives a photocop, with pictures and descriptions of two
different t,pes of chinchillas2 Students read and write the name of each
according to the text.
Second class evaluation criteria: 5o the, recall 4nglish words- 5o the, know
how to pla, a powerpoint presentation- 5o the, gather information from
7aterials for second class: A power point presentation. Laptop and <ro@ector for
the teacher. 8otebooks or iphones for students. Alank sheets of paper.
Third class
Linguistic exponents: This is (animal) Its (OK/wrong). I lie it. I
dont lie it.
!reparation: "tudents descri#e the drawings and tell what the$ now
and %eelings a#out animals in extinction while teacher records with
&udacit$. Teacher prepares and edits a short 'ideo with the drawings
and the 'oices.
(ore: "tudents cop$ the lin or download the 'ideo to their net#oos
or iphones. In groups students watch) rate and re'iew the 'ideo. The$
tic in a grid under criteria %rom one to ten stars. The$ comment
a#out the 'ideo.
*ollow up: "tudents share the %inal product with the class) %amil$ and

Third class e'aluation criteria: +o the$ recall 'oca#ular$ and language
patterns, +o the$ participate and express %eelings, +o the$ criticall$
7aterials for third class: Laptop and Audacity application for the teacher.
Lightworks application for editing a video. 8etbooks or iphones for the students.
<hotocopies with a grid to grade with stars for the students.
-hole Lesson e'aluation criteria
!re'ious nowledge recall. -ords and patterns recognition. Oral and
written patterns production. In%ormation gathering %rom images and
texts. Technolog$ usage. Tas engagement. (ritical thining.
Teaching Sequence
Animals of South America
Curso: Aula digital: tra,ecto formativo ingles 4<
Segunda cohorte
Capacitando: Laura Viviana Guzman
Capacitador: rof! "orgelina Carlassare
Agosto# $%&'

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