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Creat|ng a oster |n M|crosoft owero|nt

D|g|ta| Med|a Commons

!"#$ &'#() *+$ (),)-./)( 0.1 2.*)12.#34 5676 +3( 2.*)12.#34 0.1 8+9 5677:

!" #$%&'()* ,-.$ /-0'%$ '- '1% &2'.&3 0(4% ,-. 5&)' (' /$()'%6
0pen PoweiPoint,
In Winuows: select the 7%0(*) tab, then click 8&*% 9%'./.
In Nacs: :(3% ;< 8&*% 9%'./
In the uialog box that pops up, select #.0'-= unuei 93(6%0 0(4%6 >-$?

Then entei the wiuth anu height of youi postei, in inches. PoweiPoint will
automatically set poitiait oi lanuscape oiientation baseu on the measuiements
you entei. Click @A button.
If PoweiPoint pops up a new message waining you the page size exceeus the
piintable aiea of the papei in the piintei, click @A to continue with the cuiient
page size.

B" 8-5%$8-()' 03(6% 0(4% 3(=('&'(-)

!"# %&'(%)% *(+# ,-.#/,-(01 .(22 &22-. 3-/ & *2(4# (* 567:

If you want youi postei to be biggei than S6", use Auobe Illustiatoi oi InBesign.
Alteinatively, you can cieate it at half size anu then piint it at 2uu% scale
although this is not iecommenueu.
Bon't iesize a postei when it is uone since iesizing a postei will mess up the
layout of the postei incluuing spacing between objects anu foimats of text anu
images. So it is veiy impoitant that you stait youi postei with the iight size.
Typical posteis sizes incluue S6"x24", 48"xS6", 6u"x48", anu 42"x42".

C" D%$(>,()* ,-.$ /-0'%$ 0(4% E, '.$)()* -) '1% $.3%$

In Winuows, D(%5 tab -> F.3%$
In Nacs, go to D(%5 -> F.3%$
You can see the iuleis appeai on the top anu left hanu siue of youi sliuepostei.
At the lowei iight coinei, you can also see the zoom level of youi cuiient view.

Note: the zeio point is in the centei of the iulei anu theie is no way you can
change the way iulei uisplays in PoweiPoint.

In auuition, tuin on 7,)&=(2 G.(6%0 that will help you layout the postei
elements bettei.
In Winuows, D(%5 tab -> 7,)&=(2 G.(6%0
In Nacs, go to D(%5 ;< G.(6%0 ;< 7,)&=(2 G.(6%0

H" I)0%$'()* '%J'
In geneial, youi acauemic postei will have the following elements:
Title anu authoi list
Abstiactintiouuctionmotivationpioblem statement
Resultsfinuings (to uate) oi expecteu
Possible applications, value to society
Futuie woik

K%J' 0(4%0? Bepenuing on youi postei size anu the length of the text, the title size can be

9u-12u, heauings can be 48-72, anu bouy text can be Su-6u.

#$%&'()* & '('3%
To cieate a title, you neeu to inseit a K%J' L-J.
0n PC, unuei I)0%$' tab, select K%J' L-J;
0n Nac, uo to M-=% tab, Inseit->Text Box; 0i go to Nenu, I)0%$' ;< K%J' L-J.
Click anu uiag on the top of the postei to cieate a text box. The text box is
automatically iesizeu to the font size.
To foimat the text, use the toolbai unuei M-=% tab.
Select the text box (oi multiple text boxes), then aujust the settings foi all the text
that is containeu in that (oi those) text box(es).
0i select specific text.
;.4)< =.' 9+3 9-#9> #3$#() 4") 4)?4 @.?A 4")3 9-#9> .3 4") )(&) .0 4") 4)?4 @.? 4. $)-)94
4") 4)?4 @.?:
To foimat the shape of the text box,
use Shape Fill anu Shape 0utline iespectively. Click on
the tiiangle on the button to access Fill Effects anu Line Effects.
0i Right-click on the text box boiuei anu select :-$=&' 91&/%N fiom the
pop-up menu. In the :-$=&' 91&/% uialog box's :(33 anu O()% #-3-$ tab,
you can set the backgiounu coloi of the text box anu place a coloieu
boiuei aiounu it iespectively.

#$%&'()* 1%&6()*0 &)6 ()0%$'()* E-6, '%J'
Similaily, you neeu to inseit text boxes foi heauings anu bouy texts. It is iecommenueu
that you cieate one heauing, then uuplicate the heauing to apply the same style to all
heauings so that you can maintain a consistent look on the postei.

To uuplicate a text box you have foimatteu,
holu uown Ctil key on PC 0ption key on Nac, then uiag away the selecteu text
box. Release the mouse button fiist, then ielease the Ctil0ption key. This is also
the time that you will finu out that having uynamic guiues tuineu on will aiu you
lay out the objects bettei
0i choose P6(' > 7./3(2&'% fiom the menu
0i click on the text box boiuei anu #-/, anu then 8&0'% the text box.
0i click on the text box boiuei anu select 9%' &0 7%>&.3' K%J' L-J, so that eveiy
new text box you inseit will have the same foimat.

To move a Text Box, paik youi pointei ovei a pait of the euge of the Text Box. The
pointei shoulu become a foui-heaueu aiiow. Click anu uiag the Text Box to move.

Q" R66()* K&E3%0 &)6 #1&$'0

0n PC, go to I)0%$' tab, click on K&E3%;
0n Nac, select: I)0%$' > K&E3%N oi fiom the K&E3%0 tab -> New

S" I)0%$'()* *$&/1(20

0n PC, go to I)0%$' tab, click on 8(2'.$%;
0n Nac, select: I)0%$' > 8(2'.$% > :$-= :(3%"""

The common accepteu file foimats aie jpeg, gif, png, anu tiff.
1Su ppi oi 1uu ppi will piint fine foi most images. (ppi - pixels pei inch)
If you uiag the coinei hanule, you will iesize the image piopoitionally; if you
uiag the siue hanule, you will stietch the image that way.

T" :()% '.)()* &33 '1% %3%=%)'0
O%&U% &' 3%&0' VW=&$*() &$-.)6 '1% %)'($% /-0'%$"
E.g. BP Besign}et SSuu, 7mm (i.e. u.S inch) on the siues aie non-piintable
maigins. If the content of youi postei goes all way up to the euge, you eithei have
to shiink the postei anu piint on the same size papei oi you can piint youi postei
at 1uu% on a biggei size papei. Ask a piofessional staff to help you if you aie not
suie how to get the piint settings iight.
O()% ./ '1% -EX%2'0 -) ,-.$ /-0'%$0 5('1 0)&//()* >%&'.$% &)6 *.(6%0
In Winuows, D(%5 tab -> G.(6%0 anu G$(63()%0
In Nacs, go to D(%5 ;< G.(6%0 ;< 9'&'(2 G.(6%0
! Bolu uown 0ption key on Nac oi Contiol key on PC, anu uiag away
the existing guiue in the giay aiea will cieate a new guiue
! Biag away the guiue out of the sliue aiea will make the guiue
! When you uiag a guiue to a coinei to maik the V" maigin, you will
notice a numbei uisplaying on the guiue, which inuicates the exact
position of the guiue.
! 0nce you have the guiues in the position you want, you can then
uiag the object to line up with the guiues.

You can use Zoom bai at the iight bottom coinei to zoom in anu out as necessaiy

Y" #1&)*()* '1% E&2Z*$-.)6 2-3-$
8*# "(9" :-01/&*1 :-2-/* ;#1.##0 3-/#9/-)04 &04 ;&:<9/-)04 (3 =-) 4- .&01
1- "&># & :-2-/ ;&:<9/-)04?

In Winuows: on the 7%0(*) tab, in the L&2Z*$-.)6 9',3%0 menu select :-$=&'
In Nacs: fiom the menu, :-$=&' > 93(6% L&2Z*$-.)6.

Select a fill Coloi anuoi Tianspaiency. The tianspaiency setting allows you to
make the backgiounu image less satuiateu anu make images unueineath paitly


To use an image as youi backgiounu, select 8(2'.$% oi K%J'.$% >(33 anu then
I)0%$' :$-= :(3%.

[" 8$-->$%&6()* ,-.$ /-0'%$
!\" 8$()'()*

Postei templates available on the BNC web site:

Sample postei web sites:
o 1''/?]]/16/-0'%$0"2-=]*&33%$,"/1/
o 1''/?]]555"%/-0'%$0")%']

uuiuelines foi Posteis. (n.u.). Retiieveu }anuaiy 2u, 2u12, fiom
Postei Besign Tips PRI Belp. (n.u.). Retiieveu }anuaiy 2u, 2u12, fiom
Postei Piesentations - 0niveisity at Buffalo Libiaiies. (n.u.). Retiieveu }anuaiy 2u,
2u12, fiom http:libiaiy.buffalo.euulibiaiiesaslguiuesbioposteis.html
Weitheimei, A. (2uu9). 2uu9 Postei Nini-Confeience. Retiieveu fiom
An Effective Postei:Cieating Effective Postei Piesentations. (n.u.). Retiieveu }anuaiy
2u, 2u12, fiom http:www.ncsu.euupiojectposteisNewSiteinuex.html
Besigning confeience posteis Colin Puiiington. (n.u.). Retiieveu }anuaiy 2u, 2u12,
fiom http:colinpuiiington.comtipsacauemicposteiuesign
Cain Pioject: Postei Resouices. (n.u.). Retiieveu }anuaiy 2u, 2u12, fiom

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