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Constitutional Law I (Prof.

Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola)

Prof. Michael Vernon Guerrero Mendiola
Arellano University School of Law
II. Amendments to or Revision of the Constitution
I. Amendments viz Revisions
II. Proposal (!rticle #VII$ ections % and & of the %'() Constitution)
A. Background. (Article XIV, Section 1 of the 1935 Constitution, original; or Article XV, Section 1 of the 1935
Constitution, as amended; Section 1 of the 1973 Constitution)
*+++ Gon,ales -. Co..ission on Elections, GR L2!"#$, # %ove&'er "#$(, )n *anc,
+once,cion -+./ 0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri"#$(2nov"#$(24r5l2!"#$5"#$(.ht&l6 7
*++% /el 0osario -. Car1onell, GR L829($, 20 :cto'er "#(0, )n *anc, Ma;asiar -./
0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri"#(02oct"#(024r5829($5"#( 7
B. Modes
1. By Congress.
2. By Constitutional Convention.
3. By People's Initiative.
*++& /efensor2antia3o -. Co..ission on Elections, GR "2(82<, "# March "##(, )n *anc,
=avide .r. -./ 0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri"##(2&ar"##(24r5"2(82<5"##(.ht&l6 7
*++4 La.1ino -. Co..ission on Elections, GR "(9"<8, 2< :cto'er 200$, )n *anc, +ar,io
-./ 0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri200$2oct200$24r5"(9"<85200$.ht&l6 7
C. Frequency o A!ending t"e Constitution.
III. Call for a Constitutional Convention (!rticle #VII$ ection 4 of the %'() Constitution)
A. Background. (Article XIV, Section 1 of the 1935 Constitution, original; Article XV, Section 1 of the 1935
Constitution, as amended; Article XVI, Section 1 () of the 1973 Constitution)
IV. Submission
A. Background
*%++ Tolentino -. Co..ission on Elections, GR L89"<0, "$ :cto'er "#(", )n *anc, *arredo
-./ 0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri"#("2oct"#("24r589"<05"#(".ht&l6 7
V. Ratification (!rticle #VII$ ection 5 of the %'() Constitution)
A. Background (Article XIV, Section 1 of the 1935 Constitution, original; Article XV, Section 1 of the 1935
Constitution, as amended; Article XVI, Section of the 1973 Constitution)
VI. The position of the Consitutional Convention in the Philippine system of government
VII. Prospective Applicability
A. #ested rig"t
*&++ Ta3u. /octors Enter6rises -. !6sa7, GR !""!!, 80 Au4ust "#!!, >irst =ivision, +ru? -./
0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri"#!!2au4"#!!24r5!""!!5"#!!.ht&l6 7
B. $peciic provisions
1. 1%&3 Constitution 'Article III( $ection 2)*
Article +I#( $ection 11*
*&+% Union Car1ide La1or Union -. Union Car1ide Phili66ines Inc., GR 9"8"9, "8
%ove&'er "##2, @hird =ivision, Melo -./
0htt,,hil.net23ud3uris23uri"##22nov"##224r59"8"95" 7 Article II( $ection %
2. 1%-& Constitution
1 See also Lambino v. Commission on Elections !"esolution of 1 #o$em%er &&'( )
2 See Union Carbide Labor Union v. Union Carbide Philippines Inc., *" +131+, 13 #o$em%er 199, ,hird -i$ision, .elo !/(
(htt01223334la30hil4net25ud5uris25uri196&2mar196&2gr7+&1&'7196&4html) );
3 See Ao! v. Cusi" *" 89+':9, 19 #o$em%er 196, ;n <anc, A=uino !/(
(htt01223334la30hil4net25ud5uris25uri1962no$1962gr7l7+':971964html) );
Co67ri3ht (c) &+%4. *erne Guerrero 8 % 8 CC *92NC2! 4.+ Phili66ines

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