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Republic of the Philippines


floor, Francisco Good Condominium II Bldg.
Esda cor. apagmahal !t., "iliman, #ue$on Cit%
It is an honor for me to congratulate the Philippine &ational
Police for it's ne(l% published )Compendium of !i* +perational
aster Plans,, that shall ser-e as a guiding tool of the
organi$ation to achie-e its -ision, mission and goals.
.his compendium (ill surel% help all P&P uniformed
personnel to full% understand and effecti-el% implement the
-arious operational plans designed to address ma/or threats to
criminalit%, safet% and securit%. It's timel% publication is an
indication of the P&P's sincere effort to trul% ma0e our countr% a
safe place to li-e, (or0 and do business in.
In behalf of the "I1G famil%, I commend the Chief, P&P and
his staff most especiall% the "irectorate for +perations for the
efforts the% e*erted in ma0ing the publication of this compendium
a realit%.
Republic of the Philippines
"epartment of the Interior and 1ocal Go-ernment
&2.I+&21 P+1ICE C+I!!I+&
Camp Crame, #ue$on Cit%
+n behalf of the Philippine &ational Police, I am both
honored and happ% to (elcome the publication of this
)compendium of the !i* +perational aster Plans,. I especiall%
(ould li0e to commend Police "irector Edgar 2glipa% and his staff
at the directorate for +perations for coming up (ith this handout
at a -er% opportune time.
It gi-es me great pleasure to find in this handout an honest
reflection of the faith, mission, and -ision of the Philippine
&ational Police. +ur dreams of achie-ing organi$ational
discipline, moral integrit%, and professional aptitude are aptl%
reflected in this brief -ersion of the P&P's operational plans.
2s such, I encourage e-er%one to read this handout and
ta0e it to heart. It is m% fer-ent hope that e-er% police officer, in
all stations throughout the countr% be made to 0no( and appl%
the principles and procedures contained in this handout. .his is a
must read for e-er% police officer (orth his uniform.
Congratulations and Carr% +n3
Police "irector General
Chief, P&P
Republic of the Philippines
"epartment of the Interior and 1ocal Go-ernment
&2.I+&21 P+1ICE C+I!!I+&
Camp Crame, #ue$on Cit%
For the past fe( %ears, the Philippine &ational Police has
relied on numerous operational plans for -arious 0inds of police
acti-ities and to counter different t%pes of crimes. .hus, this
decision to compile and summari$e our operational plans into this
)Compendium of si* +perational aster Plans, is a (elcome
mo-e, as it (ould help pro-ide a concise and complete reading
facilit% to our police officers.
I, therefore, encourage e-er%one, especiall% our police
officers in the field to read this Compendium. Ignorance of it
does not onl% e*cuse an%one, it also creates man% dangerous
things not onl% to oneself but also to the entire Philippine &ational
2B4526 ta%ong lahat3
Police "eput% "irector General
"eput% Chief P&P for +perations
Republic of the Philippines
"epartment of the Interior and 1ocal Go-ernment
&2.I+&21 P+1ICE C+I!!I+&
Camp Crame, #ue$on Cit%
E-er% na-igator 0no(s ho( hard it is to find an island in the
middle of the open sea (ithout certain tools li0e a map or a
compass. But (ith the aid of such tools success becomes a
gi-en. .he 7Compendium of si* +perational aster Plans, (as
published precisel% to achie-e such success in the field of la(
enforcement. .his is one of the tools of the trade necessar% for a
police officer to accomplish his duties (ith a high le-el of
efficienc% and proficienc%.
.his publication 8 launched under m% humble (atch as
"irector for +perations 8 pro-ides a concise but complete -ersion
of the P&P's operational plans. It is m% hope that this handout
becomes an integral part of e-er% policeman and his police
station's )sur-i-al 0it,.
2B4526 and God bless all of %ou3
Police "irector
"irectorate for +perations
.his compendium of the si* 9:; aster Plan for
police +perations (as prepared b% the "irectorate
for +perations to ser-e as a read% reference of all
P&P units in the performance of their mandated
.his compendium is a compilation of all 1+Is,
directi-es, policies, memoranda circulars and other
issuances, (hich (ere pre-iousl% issued and
published b% the P&P. .his (ill become a unit
propert% and not a personal cop% of the unit
commander and (ill remain on file at the
unit<station and made a-ailable to all concerned,
especiall% to those (hose tas0s<functions ha-e
direct bearing on the conduct of police operations
of the unit.
.he users of this compendium are en/oined to
read carefull% and understand full% its contents
be able to effecti-el% and efficientl% carr%out the
-arious tas0s in accordance (ith the applicable
.he Philippine &ational Police is a separate
entit% from the 2rmed Forces of the Philippines. It
is mandated in the Philippines Constitution that the
state shall establish one national police, (hich is
ci-ilian in character and national in scope. 2s a
national police, it is primaril% charged (ith the
enforcement of la('s and maintenance of peace
and order in the countr%. It shall li0e(ise ensure
public safet% and internal securit%. !ection => of
R2 :?@A defines the functions of the Philippine
&ational Police to include its collateral functions.
.itle Page &o.
9aster plan for 2ntiBCriminalit% Campaign;
9Counter Insurgenc% aster Plan;
9aster Plan for the Protection of
the En-ironment and &atural Resources;
9aster Plan for the Campaign
2gainst Illegal "rugs;
SANG-INGAT "! - !#
9aster Plan for !ecurit% Co-erage;
SA$LOLO !1 - !
9P&P aster Plan for "isaster
Preparedness C anagement;
PNP IMPLAN TO E' O' ( &) 1#" % 111
9!tandard +perating Procedures &r A;
E*ECUTIVE ORDER ( 115 1)3 - 1)&
91ocali$ation of Peace Efforts;
E*ECUTIVE ORDER ( 3 1)" - 1)!
9Creating of &ational 2ntiBCrime Commission;
9Creation of &"1EPCC;
9&ational 2ntiB"rug Program of 2ction;
LOI 1"+!4 $ALI$ASAN 15 - 1!
LOI )+!& NIYOG 1!# - 1!3
3&+!3 DUHAT 1!4 - 1!&
LOI 4&+!3 CHESA 1!" - 1!!
9PRE!I"E&.I21 "ECREE &o. @0A;
9R2 DAA0;
RA N.' "!4) ))& % )55
RA N.' !##3 )5& - )!4
To assist the Chief, PNP in the exercise of command,
control, direction, coordination and suer!ision of all the
acti!ities concernin" oerations, emlo#ment and
delo#ment of the PNP$
&$ Plans, directs, controls, coordinates ands
suer!ises PNP oerations and inte"rates suort acti!ities'
($ Assesses, e!aluates and reares mo)ili*ation,
demo)ili*ation, assi"nment and+or location
emlo#ment+delo#ment of units in coordination ,ith other
directorial Staffs'
-$ Preares, coordinates and issues oerational
lan, orders and directi!es in accordance ,ith Chief,
PNP.s olicies and "uidelines'
/$ Maintains acti!e liaisonin" ,ith the other Oeratin"
%nits of the militar# and other la, enforcement a"encies'
0$ Maintains close suer!ision, direction, control and
coordination of oerational acti!ities of all oeratin" units
and re"ional offices of the PNP' and
1$ Performs such other duties as hi"her authorities
ma# direct$
"Law enforcer" is one whose prime responsibility is to
enforce the law and whose constitutional duty is to preserve
peace, to defend and protect the people.
There are several law enforcement officers appointed and
designated by operation of law. Police officer is just one of them.
Thus, there is indeed a clear delineation of duties and
responsibilities, and definition of jurisdiction in the application of
their respective law enforcing authority.
As distinguished from other law enforcers, a police officer is
a general law enforcer who executes and enforces all existing
general, local, special and penal laws other than those specifically
and exclusively assigned to other law enforcement agencies of
the government.
A law enforcer is presumed to now the law he has sworn to
enforce, !ne must not be allowed to exercise and perform the
delicate duty as a law enforcer unless he nows how to enforce
and execute the law, including its boundaries and limitations
otherwise, abuses, anarchy and lawlessness shall prevail.
2a, enforcers must5
". #now the ability to learn how they are interpreted by the
%. &ave the ability to learn how they are interpreted by the
'. #now how to properly execute and enforce such laws$
(. #now how and when to properly effect the arrest of
). &ave the technical and legal now*how to protect and
defend the innocent from harassment, and prosecute offenders
who are probably guilty of a felony or a crime.
%nless the fore"oin" mandator# re6uirements are
accomlished satisfactoril#, a ne, "raduate from the olice
academ# and other la, enforcement trainin" centers must
not )e allo,ed to 7oin or )e aointed as a re"ular mem)er
of the Philiine National Police or an# la, enforcement
a"enc# of the "o!ernment$ To do other,ise is )# itself a
deli)erate !iolation of the constitution, a disser!ice to the
eole, and at their useless and un7ustifia)le exense and
/S01 11, A23 11, 1!" P456577580 C.89353:35.8;
=0>2 > 75010 .? 16.34 3. 94506@ 45A906? ?2.A 945B0258< 1.6@
.2 A06358< 40>3, > 25<43 3. 4>B0 > C.=6 .? 2510 3. ?566 459
0A73D 93.A>14 ?.2 340 @>D, 340 25<43 3. 4>B0 > 9406302 3.
9708@ 340 85<43, 340 25<43 .? 0B02D =.2E58< A>8 3. >99:20
45A906? >8@ 459 ?>A56D > 65?0 =.234D .? 4:A>8 @5<853D, >8@,
340 25<43 3. 65B0 =534 4.8.2, @5<853D >8@ 2097013 .? 459
?066.=A08 65B58< 58 > F:93 >8@ 4:A>80 9.1503D :8@02 340
C609958< .? @0A.12>1D
E832:930@ =534 340 1.89353:35.8>6 A>8@>30 3. 902B0
>8@ 72.3013 340 70.760, 6>= 08?.21029 94.:6@ C0 340 B02D
?5293 72.3013.2>30 .? 4:A>8 25<439' F>5658< 34>3 3>9E, 34020
59 8. A2593.3065>8 20>9.8 ?.2 340A 3. 8>B5<>30 340 60<>6
1.A760G53D >8@ 3014851>6 583251>1D 58 340 08?.210A083 .?
6>=9' W534.:3 201.<85H58< >8@ 209701358< 340 9>81353D .?
4:A>8 25<439 >9 08942580@ 58 340 C.89353:35.8, 340D 1>8
80B02 58@:10 7:C651 2097013 .2 1.AA>8@ .C0@50810 3.
.his Plan shall ser-e as the aster Plan in (hich all plans and
programs of the P&P shall conform (ith and supplement.
It shall prescribe the grand strateg% to be underta0en b% P&P
+ffices and personnel on crime pre-ention, control and suppression, in the
total fight against all forces of criminalit%.
.he campaign against crime is a continuing concern. It is a (ar
that the police can not (in alone, and can not in an% real sense fight alone.
Police can not change the )root dri-ers, of crime such as po-ert%,
unemplo%ment, poor housing, moral education, freedom, ci-il liberties,
ambitions, d%sfunctional families and other ills of socioBeconomic
opportunities. .hus, all aspects of police (or0 should be premised upon
acti-e communit% consent, trust and participation.
In so doing, de-eloping effecti-e crime pre-ention, control and
suppression strategies has presented the P&P (ith a fundamental dilemma.
+n one hand, crime (ill al(a%s be committed and, indeed, a continuing
mandate. From this perspecti-e, the police is -ie(ed solel% as a professional
crime buster and often critici$ed if public e*pectations are not met. +n the
other hand, the communit% needs to belie-e that the police is or can become
effecti-e crime buster.
.hus, the P&P has been compelled to rethin0 and redesign its
entire approach to this main tas0 through clearer prioriti$ation of targets
(ith emphasis on pre-ention, control and suppression of crime and more
resources mo-ed into proacti-e policing.
.he primar% concern of the P&P for the ne*t fi-e %ears is curbing
.he P&P shall implement a responsi-e and holistic antiBcrime
strateg% to effecti-e pre-ent, control and suppress the occurrences of crimes
to insure safet% in our communit%.
1. .o reduce inde* crime rate
=. .o impro-e response time
E. .o impro-e crime solution efficienc%
>. .o increase con-iction rate
A. .o operationali$e C+P! through the Police Communit%
Precincts, for the =>Bhour communit% securit% co-erage.
II' DEFINITION OF TERMS /P60>90 900 >7708@5G E;
)1et us intensif% our campaign against crime. 1et us create an
atmosphere of peace, in close collaboration (ith the communit%, local
go-ernment units, &G+s and international organi$ations, dedicating our
resources and enhancing our capabilities and s0ills to address national and
transnational threats to peace and order,.
.he efforts of the Police Regional +ffices 9PR+s;, Police Pro-incial
+ffices 9PP+s;<Cit% +ffices and Police !tations shall be to setBup and
implement a locali$ed 2ntiBCrime Campaign Plan based on this plan. +n the
other hand, the &ational !upport 4nits shall create their efforts in
accounting and neutrali$ing transnational and s%ndicated crime groups, and
support the PR+s in their locali$ed 2ntiBCrime Campaign.
1. !trategic Concept
>' IA72.B0 340 P.6510 S01:253D S02B510 P>1E><0
1; Effecti-e la( enforcement and crime
pre-ention and suppression s%stem.
Foremost among the means of effecti-e la(
enforcement is the (ise utili$ation of all P&P a-ailable assets on the ground.
+ne tested and tried instrument is the Police !ecurit% Containment Ring
!%stem 9P!CR!;, composed of the follo(ing fi-e 9A; ma/or components,
deplo%ment of (hich depends on their a-ailabilit% and the situation on the
a; .he Innermost Containment Ring, (hich
is composed of baranga% tanods, CG+s, &G+s, radio groups,
fire<disaster<calamit% -olunteer brigades that pro-ide locali$ed and needed
police ser-ices to the baranga%s.
b; .he Inner Containment Ring, composed
of the foot patrol elements are in uniform for police -isibilit% (hile the
detecti-e patrol component is in )ci-ilian, attire for police presence. E-en if
there are no uniformed police around the people (ill still thin0 that a police
e%e is (atching them because the% (ill see police detecti-es in ci-ilian
causing the arrest of crime perpetrators.
c; .he third component is the iddle
Containment Ring, (hich is composed of bic%cle or motorc%cleBmounted
patrols at control points (ho shall patrol the residential areas and ma0e the
transport loading and unloading areas as their standb% points. .his (ill
pre-ent mugging of commuters speciall% during nighttime.
d; .he +uter Containment Ring is composed
of designated speciali$ed units li0e the mobile patrols, (hich shall be
deplo%ed at cho0epoints. .heir tas0 is to pre-ent the escape of fleeing
criminal and react to call for police assistance.
e; .he fifth is the +utermost Containment
Ring, (here the special police units 9li0e the !H2. or antiBterrorist units;
and the mobile groups shall ser-e as securit% elements at areas designated
as strong points, (here the% can immediatel% react to call for armed support
to beleaguered police personnel on the ground.
=; 2doption b% police offices<stations of the Crime
and Information anagement !%stem, (hich (ill s%stemati$e the recording,
retrie-al and anal%sis of crime data.
2nother means of effecti-e la( enforcement is
the adoption b% police offices<stations of Crime and Information
anagement !%stem. In simple terms, the Regional, Pro-incial and Cit%, and
unicipal Police +ffices (ill indicate in their local maps the place and time a
crime incident happened. .he resulting inputs (ill constitute the basis for the
deplo%ment or redeplo%ment of police resources to ma*imi$e their use for
anti crime efforts.
E; "eplo%ment of dedicated Police Intelligence
and In-estigation .eams for criminal gang<s%ndicates, terrorists, 0idnappers,
ban0 robbers, carnappers and specific crime prone areas.
.he deplo%ment of dedicated intelligence,
in-estigation and manhunt teams is another means of organi$ational
effecti-eness. .eams for specific acti-ities in-ol-ing Internal
!ecurit%<.errorist Groups, Iidnapping, Robber%, 5i/ac0ing and Carnapping
are formed in all police units in -ar%ing scale depending on the threat
anal%sis and a-ailabilit% of personnel. .hese teams shall conduct legal
offensi-es against members of s%ndicated crime groups to force them out of
the localit% or, better still, to pre-ent them in the commission of crimes.
>; 2ggressi-e 2ntiBIllegal "rugs Campaign
Illegal "rug is the countr%'s' number 1 enem%.
2 high percentage of our populace is affected b% this menace and ma/orit% of
the heinous crimes committed is drugB related. It is for this reason that (e
do not onl% put to /ail drug pushers but also rehabilitate drug users. .he
suppl% and demand reduction strategies should be coupled (ith a
heightened drug education campaign.
A; !trengthening of the Programs for Public
!afet% and Internal !ecurit%
.he go-ernment considers the crimes such as
0illingsJ 0idnappings, e*tortion and etc, committed b% the insurgent groups
as a criminal act not a political act. It is for this reason that crimes
committed b% them should be in-estigated and appropriate cases filed so
that /ustice is afforded to the -ictims.
People (ho feel that the% are not safe in their
houses, streets and place of (or0 are predisposed to crime. .he police
therefore has to lend support.
:; Pursuing the ob/ecti-es for Gender 2(areness
.his concept (ill in-ol-e the strengthening of
Gender and "e-elopment thrust of the P&P in collaboration (ith go-ernment
organi$ations, &G+s and (omen organi$ations in the countr%, as great
percentage of crimes committed no(ada%s, in-ol-e (omen and children as
C' S3208<3408 658E><09 =534 NGO9, 6.1>6 >8@
583028>35.8>6 6>= 08?.210A083 .2<>85H>35.89, 340 AFP, >8@
P2095@0835>6 T>9E F.210 >8@ C083029 >9 B08:09 ?.2 58302><081D >8@
583028>35.8>6 1..702>35.8 >8@ 9:77.23'
.hese organi$ations and agencies are -enues for
effecti-e la( enforcement coordination and support. .he maintenance of
peace and order is a multiBdisciplinar% responsibilit% and the acti-e lin0ages
(ith these agencies and offices (ill redound to the efforts to eliminate
transnational and national crimes in the countr%, to include the criminal
acti-ities of internal securit% threat groups and terrorists.
In addition, this lin0age (ould turn -er% rele-ant and
beneficial during the conduct of special e-ents, li0e, the holding of honest,
orderl% and peaceful elections for both national and local officials of the
1' E84>810 340 1.AA:853D 7>235157>35.8 342: 340
C.AA:853D-O250830@ P.65158< SD930A /COPS;'
.hrough C+P!, there (ill be -oluntar% communit%
support and cooperation (ith la( enforcement<crime pre-ention and control
acti-ities, thus there (ill be enhanced police effecti-eness and efficienc%
gi-en the same police resources.
@' O702>35.8>65H0 340 I830<2>30@ A20>+
C.AA:853D P:C651 S>?03D P6>8 /IA+CPSP;
In order to insure the success of lin0ing up the
contribution of the communit%, the go-ernment and the police in
guaranteeing the safet% and securit% of the communities, the e*isting
Integrated 2rea<Communit% Public !afet% Plan of pro-incial and municipal
go-ernment units shall complement this 2ntiBCrime !trateg%. Close
coordination (ith respecti-e Peace and +rder Councils 9P+Cs;, 1a(
Enforcement Coordinating Committees 91ECCs;, Regional "e-elopment
Councils 9R"Cs;, "isaster Coordinating Councils 9"CCs;, "rug Hatch and
!treet(atch organi$ations, shall be maintained.
0' P2.A.30 340 .CF0135B09 .? >8 >135B0 C25A58>6
J:93510 SD930A
Being in the frontline in the operationali$ation of the
Criminal Kustice !%stem, the police ser-es as an effecti-e catal%st in
promoting the concepts of /ustice for crime -ictims and of enhancing
attainment of the ob/ecti-es of the 2ntiBCrime !trateg%.
?' D0B590 >8 E??0135B0 F00@C>1E M014>859A
.he continued feedbac0 from all recipients of public
safet% ser-ices recei-ed from the citi$ens through the Pro/ect 11@ of the
"I1G, the )4gna%ans, conducted b% the P&P and other go-ernment
agencies, and other sources of reports, complaints, needs, or re/oinders,
shall be the basis for impro-ing the deli-er% of police ser-ices to the
citi$enr%. .his feedbac0 mechanism shall ser-e as the trigger to set off a
series of ad/ustments and if need be, a realignment of the foregoing
strategies to attain the purpose of maintaining a peaceful and prosperous
=. +perational Concept
.he &5#BP&P, through its directorial staff, shall super-ise
and support the Police Regional +ffices in implementing the strategic agenda
and operational concept of this antiBcrime strateg%. .he P&P leadership,
through the &21ECC, the &"CC and the &P+C, shall coordinate and
cooperate (ith other national go-ernment agencies in the reali$ation of the
mission of this antiBcrime strateg%.
.he Police Regional +ffices, through the police
pro-incial<cit% offices and municipal<cit% police stations, shall implement
their locali$ed antiBcrime plans based on this master plan. .heir plans shall
be focused to(ards the implementation of locali$ed acti-ities to attainF 91;
reduction of crime rateJ 9=; impro-ement of response timeJ 9E;
impro-ement of local crime solution efficienc%J 9>; increase in con-iction
rate for cases filed in courtJ and 9A; the operationali$ation of communit%B
oriented policing s%stem 9C+P!; thru the Police Communit% Precincts, for the
=>Bhour communit% securit% co-erage.
.he national support units, through their speciali$ed
operating units and -arious regional offices, shall concentrate their efforts
to(ards supporting all the antiBcrime efforts of the PR+s, e*cept in the
pursuit of specific antiBcrime tas0s assigned to them.
S140A>351 D5><2>A .? 340 JSANDIGAN MASTER
PLANK 20?02 3. >7708@5G
In furtherance of the intent and purpose of this Plan the
follo(ing shall also be underta0en b% offices<units concernedF
1. &5#, P&P
>' DCO 8 Command Group super-isor, responsible in
the successful implementation of this aster Plan.
1; Responsible in the conduct of moral reco-er%
program for P&P personnel in coordination (ith "5R"".
=; !trictl% implement C+P12& P2.&4B26J
E; onitor and super-ise the moral and (elfare
program for the P&P personnel.
>; !trengthen policies and guidelines for the
proper selection of personnel for designation to 0e% positions, particularl% at
municipal station le-elJ and
A; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1' DI
1; 4pdate and -alidate (atchBlists on criminals
and furnish the same to tas0ed unitsJ
=; Pro-ide timel% intelligence and
counterintelligence information or similar support, as needed, in the
implementation of this PlanJ and
E; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
@' DO
1; +PR for this aster PlanJ
=; !uper-ise and monitor the progress of the
acti-ities of tas0ed units in the implementation of this PlanJ
E; !uper-ise the implementation of the !trategic
concepts on la( enforcement, pre-ention and suppression s%stem, and
Integrated 2rea<Communit% Public !afet% Plan.
>; Coordinate (ith the P2+C.F, PC.C and
&"1EPCC for an effecti-e integration of antiBcrime efforts (ith local and
international offices and organi$ationsJ and
A; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
0' DL
1; Pro-ide eLuipment and logistical support to all
tas0ed unitsJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
?' DC
1; Pro-ide necessar% fund support needed in the
implementation of this PlanJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1; onitor the progress of cases being
in-estigated until their final disposition in courtJ
=; Conduct preBcharge in-estigation of personnel
in-ol-ed in -iolation of the IC4 guidance of the CP&PJ and
E; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1; "isseminate -arious thrusts of the P&P in
containing all forms of criminal acti-ities throughout the countr%J
=; !uper-ise the implementation of the
Communit% +riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!; in this PlanJ
E; Come up (ith acti-ities to catal%$e the fi-e 9A;
pillars of CK! to be an effecti-e s%stem for antiBcrime effortsJ
>; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1; "esign training programs<seminars for all P&P
personnel to enhance their abilit% in the performance of their assigned duties
relati-e to this Plan's operational conceptJ
=; 2ssist "PR in the conduct of oral Reco-er%
ProgramsJ and
E; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
)' Police Regional +ffices 1B1E, 2R, C2R and &CR
a. .he main implementors of this aster Plan, thus %ou
are directed to perform acti-ities but not limited to the follo(ingF
1; Pursue more meaningful interfacing (ith other
go-ernment agencies through the R1ECC, RP+C and other regional
coordinating bodiesJ prepare and update and operational I2<CP!P of e-er%
pro-ince and municipalit% under %our /urisdictionJ
=; Coordinate (ith -arious go-ernment agencies
and &G+s concerned in de-elopment programs and the go-ernment's
po-ert%Balle-iation pro/ectsJ
E; +perationali$e the strategic concept and
operational concept as contained in this PlanJ
>; !upport go-ernment agencies, particularl% the
pillars of the Criminal Kustice !%stem, and those concerned in the dri-e
against la(less elementsJ and
A; .ogether (ith the Pro-incial "irectors 9P"s;,
constantl% e-aluate the performance and continuousl% assess the fitness,
Lualifications, and ser-ice reputation of local police chiefs. .he Pro-incial
"irectors shall closel% coordinate these e-aluations (ith the concerned local
go-ernment e*ecuti-es.

b. Pro-ide other support<assistance to other operating
units tas0ed (ith la( enforcement functions.
E. &ational !upport 4nits
1; !upport<assist all P&P units in the conduct of
in-estigation and in the filing and prosecution of criminal cases, to insure the
con-iction of suspectsJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directedJ
1;. 1aunch sustained campaign against drug chain
and s%ndicates and other related offensesJ
=;. Pro-ide other support<assistance to all P&P
units pertaining to antiBillegal drugs operationsJ and
E; Perform other tas0s, as reLuested< directed.
1' IG
1; Conduct intelligence and counterBintelligence
operations in support of this PlanJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
@' TMG
1; 2ssist all P&P units in the conduct of
in-estigation of crimes in-ol-ing motor -ehiclesJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as directed<reLuested.
0' SAF
1) 2ssist the PR+s in speciali$ed crime
operationsJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1; Promote crime pre-ention a(areness b%
tapping the support of the media and the communit%J
=; Formulate<distribute antiBcrime slogans< tips<
posters<leaflets<pamphlets, etcJ and,
E; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
<' CLS
1; Pro-ide forensics technical support to PR+sJ
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.

>. 2ll +ther &!4s
a. Pro-ide technical<administrati-e support to all PR+s,
&!4s and other P&P attached agenciesJ and,
b. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1. Respect for human rights shall be paramount, and strict
adherence (ith the P&P +perational Procedures 9Re-ised Rules of
Engagement; shall al(a%s be emphasi$ed in all police operations.
=. 2ll P&P units shall reBassess respecti-e resources and
capabilities. 2ll IP12&s and !+Ps, shall be updated to conform (ith this
master plan.
E. .as0ed units shall operate on the e*isting logistical and
financial allocations. &5#BP&P shall pro-ide additional logistical and
financial support on a caseBtoBcase basis.
>. a*imum coordination (ith national go-ernment agencies,
local go-ernment units, nonBgo-ernment organi$ations and all sectors of the
communit%, for the success of the antiBcrime strateg%, is authori$ed and
highl% encouraged.
A. In order to insure uniformit% in adopting<implementing the
C+P! and I2<CP!P concepts, all chiefs of police<police super-isors
implementing them must al(a%s be guided b% the )Communit%B+riented
Policing !%stem 9C+P!; anual for the P&P, issued thru &2P+1C+
Resolution &r =000B1A@ dated +ctober E1, =000 and I2<CP!P guidelines and
:. .his aster Plan shall supersede P&P 1+I 10<?E
!2&"IG2& 9P&P 2ntiBCrime !trateg%;. 5o(e-er, all applicable issuances,
+4s<+2s not in conflict (ith this aster Plan are still in effect.
@. 2ll R"s, PR+s and "irs, &!4s shall submit IP12&s to this
Plan and periodic reports on its implementation.
D. .his aster Plan shall ta0e effect upon appro-al.
2. .o impro-e the Police !ecurit% !er-ice Pac0age, the follo(ing standard
operating procedures and guidelines shall be implementedF
1. !+P M01 B P+1ICE BE2. P2.R+1 PR+CE"4RE!
.his !+P prescribes the basic procedures to be obser-ed b% all P&P
4nits and mobile patrol elements in the conduct of -isibilit% patrols.
=. !+P M0= B B2&.26 I216E
.his !+P prescribes the deplo%ment of DAN of the P&P in the field
to increase police -isibilit% and intensif% antiBcrime campaign nation(ide.
E. !+P M0E 8 !I62!2.
.his !+P prescribes the guidelines in the conduct of inspections
to ensure police -isibilit%.
>. !+P M0> B RE2C. 1::
RE2C. 1:: (as launched in 1??= as the people's direct lin0 to
the police to recei-e public calls for assistance and complaints for prompt
action b% police authorities. .his !+P prescribes the procedures in the detail
of "ut% +fficers, .elephone +perators and Radio +perators for RE2C. 1::J
their term of dut% and responsibilities.
A. !+P M0A 8 1IG.2! 92&.IBII"&2PPI&G;
Hith the creation of the Presidential 2ntiB+rgani$ed Crime .as0
Force 9P2+C.F;, the P&P is no( in the support role in the campaign against
0idnapping in terms of personnel reLuirements. !+P M: sets forth the P&P's
guidelines in its fight against 0idnapping acti-ities.
:. !+P M0: B 2&.IBC2R&2PPI&G
.his !+P prescribes the conduct of an allBout and sustained 2ntiB
Carnapping campaign to stop<minimi$e carnapping acti-ities, neutrali$e
s%ndicated carnapping groups, identif%<prosecute go-ernment personnel
in-ol-ed in carnapping acti-ities, and to effecti-el% address other criminal
acti-ities related to carnapping.
@. !+P M0@ B 2&.IB.ERR+RI!
.his prescribes the operational guidelines in the conduct of
operations against terrorists and other la(less elements in-ol-ed in
terroristic acti-ities.
D. !+P M0D 8 K+I&. 2&.IBB2&I R+BBER6 2C.I+& C+I..EE
92&.IBB2&I R+BBER6;
.his !+P pro-ides o-erall planning, integration,
orchestration<coordination and monitoring of all efforts to ensure the
successful implementation.
?. !+P M0? B 2&.IB5IK2CII&G<5IG5H26 R+BBER6
.his !+P sets forth the guidelines and concepts of operations to
be obser-ed in the conduct of antiBhi(a% robber%<holdBup<hi/ac0ing
10. !+P M10 B P2G1212&!2G<P2G226+!B5+PE
.his !+P sets forth the concept of operations and tas0s of all
concerned units in the campaign against Partisan 2rmed Groups and loose
11. !+P M11 8 2&54&. BR2G+ 9&E4.R21IO2.I+& +F H2&.E"
.his !+P sets forth the ob/ecti-es and concept of operations and
tas0s of all concerned units in the neutrali$ation of (anted persons.
1=. !+P M1= B 2&.IBI11EG21 G2B1I&G
.his !+P sets forth the operational thrusts to be
underta0en b% the P&P that (ill spearhead the fight against all forms of
illegal gambling nation(ide.
1E. !+P M1E B 2&.IB!#42..I&G
.his !+P sets forth the concept of operations in the campaign
against professional sLuatters and sLuatting s%ndicates.
1>. !+P M1> 8 KERIC5+
.his !+P prescribes the operational guidelines to be underta0en
b% the &5#, P&P in the establishment of a Luic0 reaction group that can be
detailed (ith the office of the !I1G 9+!I1G;, (ith personnel and eLuipment
reLuirements of that reaction group supported b% the P&P.
1A. !+P M1A 8 &E&2 92&.IBPR+!.I.4.I+&<G2GR2&C6;
.his !+P sets forth the operational thrusts to be underta0en b%
the P&P that (ill spearhead the fight against prostitution and -agranc%.
1:. !+P M1: 8 2&.IBP+R&+GR2P56
.his prescribes the guidelines to be follo(ed b% tas0ed P&P
4nits<+ffices in enforcing the ban on pornographic pictures, -ideos and
1@. !+P M1@ B G4I"E1I&E! I& .5E C+&"4C. +F 2RRE!., !E2RC5,
2&" !EIO4RE
.his !+P prescribes the procedure and manner of conducting an
arrest, raid, search and<or search of person, search of an% premises and the
sei$ure of properties pursuant to the 1?D@ Philippine Constitution, Rules of
Court, as amended and updated decision of the !upreme Court.
1D. !C5E2.IC "I2GR2 +F !2&"IG2& 2!.ER P12&
1?. 2&.IBI11EG21 1+GGI&G 9Please refer to !2&G622& aster
=0. 2&.IBI11EG21 FI!5I&G 9Please refer to !2&G622& aster
=1. 2&.IBI11EG21 "R4G! 9Please refer to B2&2. aster Plan;
B. .o strengthen lin0ages (ith other go-ernment and &G+s, local and
international la( enforcement organi$ations, the 2FP, and Presidential .as0
Force and Centers as -enues for interagenc% and international cooperation
and support, the follo(ing shall be implemented.
1; R41E! 2&" REG412.I+&! IP1EE&.I&G E+ D=? 2! 2E&"E"
B6 E+s >1 2&" >1B2 91ECC;
=; P&P IP1EE&.I&G P12& .+ E+ :1.
E; P&P IP1EE&.I&G P12& .+ E+ :=.
C. .o enhance communit% participation thru the Communit%B+riented
Policing !%stem 9C+P!; and uniform implementation of C+P!, the
C+4&I.6B+RIE&.E" P+1ICI&G !6!.E 9C+P!; 2&421 shall be
". .o operationali$e the Integrated 2rea< Communit% Public !afet% Plan
9I2<CP!P;, I2<CP!P G4I"E1I&E! shall be implemented.
E. "efinition of .erms
2. Republic 2ct :?@A, as amended b% Republic 2ct DAA1
B. Pertinent &2P+1C+ Resolutions
C. &5#BP&P 1+I 10<?E !2&"IG2& 9P&P 2ntiBCrime !trateg%;
". .he P&P Program .hrusts for C6 =001
E. )Pulis ng Ba%an, 1ing0od ng amama%an, b% P""G 1E2&"R+ R
F. .he +perational PP2s and PER.

.he insurgenc% problem, (hether of the communist or the secessionist
t%pe, has social, economic, political and securit% dimensions. .he securit%
part, as manifested b% armed guerilla acti-ities, is the most -isible sign or
s%mptom of the problem. .he securit% acts onl% because of the political
organi$ation that pro-ides the leadership and the direction. +n the other
hand, the dissatisfaction and grie-ances of the people resulting from the
socioBeconomic and political conditions in the area pro-ide the insurgenc%
mo-ement the reason for its being. .hus, insurgenc% ma% not be sol-ed b%
police<militar% solution alone 9although police<militar% action is -ital and an
important part;, but b% a pac0age of go-ernment policies and programs that
can effecti-el% and simultaneousl% address the socioBeconomic, the political
and the militar% aspects of the situation. 2ccordingl%, the (hole go-ernment
machiner% and instrumentalities must strongl% and coordinatel% be made to
bear on the problem.
.his ser-es as the longBrange and holistic master plan of the P&P in
(aging an internal securit% support operations nation(ide. Premised on the
estimate of the national situation and other considerations, it prescribes the
counterinsurgenc% support strateg%, operational concept, scheme of
implementation, ser-ice support, and coordinating instructions in order to
accomplish the P&P,s internal securit% support mission.
2ll subseLuent and supplemental Programs of 2ction, 1+Is, and
other related issuances to be prescribed and e*ecuted b% P&P units and
personnel at all le-els (hich (ould ha-e a bearing on internal securit%, must
therefore conform (ith the intent<spirit and strategic and operational
guidelines embodied herein. .his is to ensure the continuit%, unit%,
consistenc% and s%nerg% of all internal securit% efforts at all times.

1' G0802>6
.he Go-ernment, through the 2FP and the P&P, had
launched -arious campaigns and pacification dri-es in the past decades to
resol-e the continuing communist insurgenc% threat. 2s a result, the
communist insurgent mo-ement e*perienced a do(ntrend in its part%
building, arm% building and alliance (or0. .his do(ntrend (as attributed
among others to the -igorous implementation of the series of the P&PPs
!andugo C+I& campaign plans and the 2FP Campaign Plan 1ambatBBitag.
.hese de-elopments, ho(e-er, did not lead to the do(nfall
of the Communist o-ement. .he CPP<&P2, instead, staged a strategic
(ithdra(al to a-oid decisi-e defeat b% the go-ernment forces.
!ubseLuentl%, the CPP<&P2 launched a rectification campaign to regain
control of 1C lost areas and restore its influence in the rural areas.
2dditionall%, the CPP, ha-ing e*perienced a regression in the 6earl% subB
stages of the !trategic "efensi-e !tage focused its acti-ities on ideological,
political and organi$ational 9IP+; (or0 to rebuild the part%, its arm% and
mass organi$ations.
"uring the Philippine Constabular%<Integrated &ational
Police 9PC<I&P; era, internal and e*ternal securit% (ere tas0s relegated to
the 2rmed Forces of the Philippines 92FP;. .he PC<I&P then, as one of the
four ma/or ser-ices of the 2FP had pla%ed an indispensable role in counterB
insurgenc% until its deacti-ation in 1??1, (ith the passage of R2 :?@A,
(hich resulted in the birth of the P&P. R2 :?@A further placed the P&P as the
lead agenc% in the maintenance of internal securit% although it too0 until
1??A, for the P&P to full% assume its primar% role in internal securit%.
5o(e-er, (hen R2 DAA1 (as passed into la( in 1??D, internal securit% (as
once again gi-en to the aegis of the 2FP. oreo-er, E*ecuti-e +rder &o.
110 issued on Kune 1A, 1??? mandated the P&P to support the 2FP in I!+
for the suppression of insurgenc% and other serious threats to national
.he militar% and police counterBinsurgenc%
campaigns and other complementing efforts b% concerned ci-il go-ernment
agencies 1G4s and &G+!, ma% be classified into three ma/or operations or
acti-ities, namel%F 91; Internal !ecurit% +perations 9I!+; b% the 2FP and the
P&P to pro-ide securit% to the people and the go-ernmentJ 9=; &ational
"e-elopment operations b% the ci-il go-ernment agencies to address the root
causes of insurgenc%J and 9E; Peace Process b% the +ffice of the Presidential
2ssistant on the Peace Process 9+P2PP; to complement the o-erall go-ernment
effort to attract rebels bac0 to the mainstream of societ%, in the spirit of
eLualit%, peace, reconciliation and unification. Essentiall%, these three mutuall%
complementing efforts are the go-ernment's threeBpronged strateg% in
addressing the countr%'s insurgenc% problem.
In line (ith the go-ernment's threeBpronged strateg% in
addressing the insurgenc% problem, the P&P and the 2FP ha-e e*panded their
roles and acti-el% participated in the ci-il go-ernment's de-elopment acti-ities
that stri0e at the root causes of insurgenc%. 2s one recogni$ed (ea0ness of this
underta0ing is the lac0 of coordination and unit% of efforts among the
militar%<police and ci-il go-ernment agencies, thus the &ational Peace and
"e-elopment Plan 9&P"P; (as formulated.
2midst these changes in the operational
en-ironment, coupled (ith the recent political e-ents in our countr%, the P&P
has to formulate and adopt a comprehensi-e plan that (ould define the general
guidelines<concepts of operations and tas0s to be obser-ed and follo(ed b% all
P&P units<offices in supporting the 2FP in the suppression of insurgenc% and
other serious threats to national securit% in con/unction (ith the &P"P and
E*ecuti-e +rder &o. 110.
)' S32>30<51 G:5@>810
>' T40 N>35.8>6 P0>10 >8@ D0B06.7A083 P6>8
.his Plan sets forth the go-ernment's o-erall plan for addressing
insurgenc%. It recogni$es insurgenc% as a multiBdimensional problem reLuiring a
holistic and collaborati-e response and in-ol-ement of all sectors of go-ernment
and of the citi$enr%. It prescribes the Clear 8 5old 8 Consolidate 8 "e-elop
9C5C"; operational methodolog% and en-isions to launch a concerted,
integrated and collaborati-e campaign to address insurgenc% and its root causes
through the )left 8 hand, and the )right 8 hand, responses. .he )left 8 hand,
response in-ol-es the conduct of political and socioBeconomic reforms to
address the root causes of insurgenc% and (in the hearts and minds of the
people, (hile the )right 8hand, response in-ol-es the conduct of offensi-e
operations that directl% contribute to the decisi-e defeat of the insurgents and
the dismantling of their politicoBmilitar% infrastructures. .hese offensi-e
operations include diplomatic, political, intelligence, ps%chological and militar%
C' S32>30<D .? MT.3>6-A772.>14M
.he &ational Peace and "e-elopment Plan has adopted the !trateg%
of Q.otal 2pproachQ. Its holistic approach to effecti-el% address armed conflicts
in the countr% consists of a securit% component, a political component and a
socioBeconomic component. .he securit% component directl% addresses -iolent
conflicts, the political component see0s to tap the full cooperation of local
go-ernment units and ci-il societ% to promote good go-ernance and local peace
initiati-es, (hile the socioBeconomic component focuses on (a%s and means to
eradicate<alle-iate po-ert%.
.his is the implementation of the &ational Peace and "e-elopment
Plan and consistent (ith the &ational !trateg% of ).otal 2pproach, and the
Clear 8 5old 8 Consolidate and "e-elop ethodolog% prescribed in the national
plan. It en-isions the clearing of baranga%s one after the other b%
simultaneousl% and decisi-el% defeating CPP<&P2 armed groups, dismantling
1C politico 8 militar% infrastructures and more importantl% Hinning the 5earts
and inds of the People. .he !+. concept is applied in dismantling the politico
8 militar% structure of the enem% and emplo%s the .RI2" of intelligence,
combat and ps%chological operations as separate (eapons s%stem to decisi-el%
defeat its armed groups.
I intend to ha-e all the P&P +ffices and units consistentl% and
-igorousl% perform our tas0s as mandated b% R2 DAA1 and further pro-ided
in E+ 110. .he Police Regional Police +ffices and other tas0ed P&P 4nits
shall be emplo%ed accordingl% to help support the 2FP neutrali$e the 1C
nation(ide. .his (a%, the armed components, the infrastructures, and the
political machiner% of the CPP<&P2<&"F (ill be dismantled b% the
go-ernment. I li0e(ise intend to ha-e the organi$ation help 1ocal
Go-ernment 4nits 91G4s; reBestablish or strengthen go-ernment authorit%
and control o-er insurgenc%Baffected baranga%s, and ha-e lin0ages (ith
other securit% and de-elopment agencies and organi$ations to help attain
the aims of the &ational Peace and "e-elopment Plan of the go-ernment. In
so doing the P&P (ould be able to effecti-el% implement and succeed in this
campaign plan as the P&P (ill be greatl% in-ol-ed in harnessing all
go-ernment resources in the fight against insurgenc% and its root causes.
1' B2.>@ OCF0135B0

.he P&P, in strengthening its participation and in-ol-ement in the
go-ernment's peace and de-elopment machiner%, and concurrent (ith its
statutor% functions and mandate through E*ecuti-e +rder 110, shall support the
2FP in I!+ for the suppression of insurgenc% and other serious threats to
national securit% and to perform its tas0s in the &ational Peace and
"e-elopment Plan.
)' S7015?51 OCF0135B09
a. .o de-elop the capabilit% of field units to full%
operationali$e this I!+ support plan for the go-ernment and the 2FP in
b. .o support the 2FP in the isolation of the underground
infrastructure and front organi$ations of the insurgents in the to(ns and
cities from the general population
c. .o enhance intelligence acti-ities against threat
d. .o enhance the conduct of legal offensi-e against the
e. .o support the go-ernments' &ational Peace and
"e-elopment Plan to include the Peace and Reconciliation plan.
1' S32>30<51 C.81073
a. .he P&P shall basicall% support the 2FP's I!+
Campaign Plan )Balangai, through the conduct of limited internal securit%
operations, sustained la( enforcement and PCR acti-ities, intensi-e
information gathering and the conduct of in-estigation and prosecution of
I!+ related cases.
b. .he P&P campaign plan shall also follo( the ClearB
5oldB!upport operational methodolog% as herein indicated in support to the
integration efforts of the militar% and other ci-ilian agencies of the
go-ernment as en-isioned in the &P"P and the strateg% of ).otal 2pproach,.
.he CLEAR S3><0 shall in-ol-e the conduct of
combat, Intelligence and Ps%chological operations as separate (eapons
s%stems to directl% lead to the destruction of the insurgent armed groups.
.he end state of this phase is dismantled 1C politicoBmilitar% infrastructure
in the affected baranga%s and the decisi-e defeat of the main enem% armed
groups in the targeted guerilla fronts. .he P&P (ill support the 2FP (ho is
primaril% responsible for the Clear !tage.
.he HOLD S3><0 shall in-ol-e the utili$ation of the
territorial defense forces to limit the freedom of action and mo-ement of the
CPP<&P2, limit its access to resources and reduce mass base support to the
CPP<&P2<&"F. .his phase shall ha-e the follo(ing end state. Integrated
2rea<Communit% Public !afet% Plan 9I2<CP!P; is organi$ed and established, in
order to protect the people, defend communities and secure -ital assets and
installations. .he P&P (ill be primaril% responsible for the 5old !tage in areas
(hich are turned o-er to the P&P or (here there are no 2FP units assigned.
5o(e-er, other areas especiall% in those areas (here 2FP units are present or
(here 2FP super-ises C2FG4 then the I2<CP!P is responsible.
.he SUPPORT S3><0 is a )(or0 in progressF. It
shall in-ol-e police support to consolidation and de-elopment acti-ities of
other agencies of go-ernment. .he P&P (ithin its capabilit% shall pla% a
supporti-e role in these acti-ities, including but not limited to the conduct of
medical and dental ci-ic action, adult literac% programs and pro-iding
securit% in support and in coordination (ith 2FP to ci-il go-ernment agencies
in their deli-er% of basic ser-ices in farBflung and strifeBtorn area.
.he C.89.65@>35.8 S3><0 aims to strengthen
go-ernment control and authorit% in contested baranga%s and de-elop the
capabilit% of local officials to effecti-el% go-ern their baranga%s. .his stage
has the follo(ing endBstateJ

1; Go-ernment authorit% and control in contested
areas reestablished or strengthened,

=; Go-ernment ser-ices deli-ered,

E; CounterBorgani$ations further e*panded and
consolidated, and

>; ass support for the go-ernment is enhanced.
.he D0B06.7A083 S3><0 has the follo(ing for its
end stateF
1; Root causes of insurgenc% effecti-el%
addressed, and
=; Political and socioBeconomic reforms planned
at the beginning of the campaign are sustained.
c. .he o-erlapping and interrelated phases of this
methodolog% ma% be conducted simultaneousl% or seLuentiall% depending on
the pre-ailing situation in the targeted area. .he efforts of the P&P shall
focus in supporting the 2FP on the Clearing and 5olding phases, and (ithin
the local unit capabilit% the% shall pro-ide appropriate support to local
go-ernment units and other concerned agencies in the Consolidation and
"e-elopment Phase.
d. .he principle of integration of efforts shall be applied
to accomplish an I!+Brelated mission. .his principal thrust reLuires the P&P,
militar% and the ci-il go-ernment agencies to (or0 cohesi-el%, and to unif%
efforts to ensure a focused, effecti-e and holistic approach in addressing
insurgenc%. .he role of the police aside from supporting the 2FP in
neutrali$ing the insurgent politicoBmilitar% infrastructure is to help create a
ph%sicall% and ps%chologicall% secured en-ironment conduci-e for socioB
economic de-elopment.
)' O702>35.8>6 C.81073
>. .he &5#BP&P, through its directorial staff, shall
super-ise and support the Police Regional +ffices in implementing the
strategic agenda and operational concept of this counterBinsurgenc%
strateg%. .he P&P leadership, through the &21EC, the &"CC and the &P+C,
shall coordinate and cooperate (ith other national go-ernment agencies in
the reali$ation of the intent of this counterBinsurgenc% strateg%.
C. .he Police Regional +ffices, through the police
pro-incial<cit% offices and municipal<cit% police stations, RGs and PGs
shall implement their locali$ed counterBinsurgenc% plans based on this
master plan. .heir plan shall be focused to(ards the implementation of
locali$ed acti-ities to attainF 91; de-elopment of the capabilities of fields
units to support the 2FP in the resolution of I!+ problemJ 9=; isolation of the
underground infrastructure and front organi$ations of insurgents in to(ns
and cities from the general populationJ 9E; enhancement of intelligence
acti-ities against threat groupJ and 9>; enhancement of legal offensi-e
against the insurgents.
1. .he !pecial 2ction Force is designated as the reser-e
mobile<stri0e unit of &5#, P&P. It shall be deplo%ed<committed to support
the police Regional offices as situation (arrants and<or upon reLuest.
@. .he P&P &ational !upport 4nits, through their
speciali$ed operating units and -arious regional offices, shall assist<support the
local police units in the conduct of I!+ related acti-ities in accordance (ith their
mandated mission and functions.
0. Role of P&P and 2FP on Enem% 2ffected Baranga%s
particularl% in areas (ith guerilla fronts
I8?6:0810@ I8?5632>30@ T420>3080@
2s sho(n in the abo-e schematic diagram, the 2FP
ta0es the primar% responsibilit% in responding to affected areas, particularl%
in areas (ith -er% acti-e and acti-e guerilla fronts. In these areas, the 2FP
(ill see0 to dismantle<neutrali$e the insurgent political and armed
components b% mobile battalions of a tas0ed unit appl%ing the !pecial
+perations .eam 9!+.; concept and the .RI2" concept of Intelligence. In
built B up areas not affected b% insurgenc%, including cities and urban center,
the P&P ta0es the lead role. It shall continue its normal police functions,
such as the enhancement of la( enforcement acti-ities, maintenance of
peace and order to ensure public safet% intensified intelligence, police
communit% relation acti-ities and other related police operations.
?. In areas (here the 2FP due to its limited resources,
cannot ph%sicall% occup% or adeLuatel% secure an area, and (here P&P units
are present or a-ailable, the P&P (ithin its capabilit% shall initiall% pro-ide
securit% in the area until 2FP reinforcements shall ha-e arri-ed. 5o(e-er, in
areas (here there is preponderance of 2FP forces or (here it is declared b%
+2<polic% that the% are the +PR, the P&P shall, through the conduct of
limited combat support operations assist the 2FP mainl% because the police
personnel to be committed on this aspect are the same personnel that are
performing la( enforcement functions.
+n the ground, the Regional "irectors, P"s
and Chiefs of Police are en/oined to enter into memorandum of understanding
(ith their 2FP counterparts purposel% to delineate and define their respecti-e
responsibilities<tas0s and command relationship based on their capabilities,
limitations and the pre-ailing threat situation and (ithin the limits of the +2
set b% "I1G<P&P and "&"<2FP.
<. .he P&P through the PR+s, PP+s<CP+s and P!
shall underta0e the follo(ing specific acti-ities during the C60>258< >8@
H.6@58< P4>909 of the operational ethodolog%F
1; O702>35.89 % T459 94>66 ?.1:9 .8 340
1.1; Conduct of population and resource
control<denial measures depending upon the pre-ailing situation and legal
consideration, such as but not limited to the establishment of chec0points, and
roadbloc0J emplo%ment of o-ert and co-ert population sur-eillanceJ screening
and controlling of displaced persons in the affected areas.
1.=; "eplo%ment of police -isibilit% patrols in
rear areas to pre-ent the entr%<incursion of the enem% in threatened<conflict
1.E; Conduct of limited police operations such
as ambush, raid, clearing and other similar operations depending upon the
capabilit% and limitation of forces and threat situation on the ground.
1.>; Implementation of the crime pre-ention
and suppression programs pro-ided for in 1+I !andigan 8 ilen%o.
1.A; Intensification of the pre-enti-e and proB
acti-e measures and guidelines set forth in 1+I 2G2P dated +ctober 1:, =000.
1.:; Pro-ision of appropriate securit% measures
to go-ernment -ital installations<facilities, defense of communities and
protection of the people from insurgent terroristic actions.
1.@; Conduct holding operations in areas
cleared b% the 2FP forces to protect the communit% from possible enem%
depredations and terroristic acti-ities, (ith the support of C2FG4s, CG+s, and
the local go-ernment units upon reLuest of, or in coordination (ith local 2FP.
1.D; +perationali$ation of the Integrated
2rea <Communit% Public !afet% Plan 9I2<!P!P; through close coordination (ith
the 1ocal Go-ernment 4nits, 1ocal Peace and +rder Councils, 1a( Enforcement
and "isaster Coordinating Councils, in order that it shall appropriate ser-e as
the unified and integrated direction of the local public safet% programs and
create an acti-e shield against the problems associated (ith internal securit%.
1.?; !trengthen the -arious programs for
public safet% and internal securit%
); I830665<0810 O702>35.89L
.his shall focus on the follo(ingF
=.1; Conduct intensi-e and sustained
intelligence gathering to identif% threat groups and monitor their mo-ements,
plans<acti-ities etc.
=.=; Conduct of special pro/ects and case
operations to neutrali$e or negate insurgent leadership, logistics fund support,
plans and terroristic acti-ities, safe houses and other support facilities.
=.E; Intensif% counter intelligence operations to
detect and neutrali$e enem% infiltration, sabotage and sub-ersion, in
coordination (ith the intelligence units of the 2FP and other la( enforcement
=.>; Enhance the mobili$ation and utili$ation of
the Baranga% Information &ets 9BI&s;
3; P.6510 C.AA:853D R06>35.89
.his shall focus on the follo(ingF
E.1; Conduct public information campaign that
(ould reduce the influence of the insurgent on the populace through the triB
E.=; Implement measures to gain, preser-e and
strengthen ci-ilian support for the programs of the go-ernment in counterB
E.E; !upport the comprehensi-e, integrated
and holistic peace process of the Go-ernment pursuant to E*ecuti-e +rder &o. E
issued b% President Gloria acapagal 2rro%o on Februar% =D, =001 9!ee 2nne*
BB ;
E.>; aintain a databan0 of issues against the
insurgents and de-elop positi-e issues for the P&P and 2FP for media
E.A; Conduct ci-ic action, information dri-es,
dialogues, li-elihood pro/ects, ci-il assistance and de-elopment, and other allied
PCR acti-ities designed to (in bac0 the enem% mass base.
>; L0<>6 O??0895B0 A135B53509L
.his shall in-ol-e the follo(ingF
>.1; Pro-ide efficient and (ellBcoordinated
in-estigation documentation and prosecution of all I!+ related cases, in
coordination (ith the "&"<2FP, "+K and the Commission on 5uman Rights.
>.=; !ustain the filing of I!+ related cases and
follo(Bup the prosecution of cases in court against the insurgents.
4. In the C.89.65@>35.8 >8@ D0B06.7A083 P4>909, the
acti-ities are as follo(sF
1; 2ssist the 1ocal Go-ernment 4nits 91G4s; and
concerned ci-il go-ernment agencies in the strengthening and consolidating
control and authorit% o-er targeted baranga%s<areas pursuant to the strategic
concept laid do(n in the &P"P.
=; Pro-ide<e*tend appropriate securit% co-erage to
ci-il go-ernment agencies, local go-ernment units &G2s, &G+s and G+'s in the
deli-er% of basic ser-ices and de-elopment pro/ects to the communit% during
the consolidation and de-elopment phases.
E; Participate in, and support the 1ocal Chief
E*ecuti-es 91CEs; in the selection process of the Ci-ilian Golunteer
+rgani$ations 9Banta% Ba%an<Iababa%an;.
>; Intensif% intelligence gatheringF
A; Ensure that the Integrated 2rea<Communit%
Public !afet% Plan 9I2<CP!P; is full% operationali$e in coordination (ith the
local go-ernment units.
5. CounterBorgani$ation effort against insurgents<
secessionists abo-e ground organi$ations.
Counter B organi$ation such as the CG+s<Banta%
Ba%an<Iababa%an and C2FG4s are organi$ed in baranga%s that ha-e been
deBinfluenced or cleared from enem% control.
.he C2FG4s and CG+s<Banta% Ba%an<Iababa%an
shall, during the holding phase, augment the P&P for territorial defense in
order to free the 2FP maneu-er forces to go on all offensi-e. .he CG+s shall
help mobili$e the people to support the go-ernment, the police and the
militar% against the insurgents.
2nother important element of counter organi$ation is
the settingBup of peoplePs organi$ations and cooperati-es in the cleared
baranga%s for -arious li-elihood pro/ects and communit% B based
reforestation 9(hen appropriate;. .he peoplePs organi$ations 9P+s; and
Cooperati-es can also ser-e as the nuclei for rural economic de-elopment
and en-ironmental protection to be orchestrated b% concerned go-ernment
agencies under the baton of the go-ernor or a%or.
F. +rgani$ation of CG+s for I!+ !upport

.he CG+ is an o-ert but unarmed component of the
1ocal "efense +rgani$ation. .he% are directl% under the control and
super-ision of the local chief e*ecuti-es (ho shall be assisted b% the local
police and<or militar% elements in the communit%.
.he PCR elements of P&P units<offices in
collaboration (ith the local officials, recruit -olunteers to become members
of the CG+s from all sectors of societ% such as peasants, (or0ers, students,
professionals, businessman, religious sectors, out of school %outh and
.he CG+s shall among others perform the follo(ing
tas0s in support of the police and the militar% in the areaF
1; Collect intelligence reportsJ
=; Conduct ronda and similar neighborhood (atch
E; 2ssist in the dissemination of public
>; 2ssist in pro-iding safet% and securit% ser-ices
in cases of emergenc%J
A; !upport and assist in the identification and
implementation of communit% de-elopment pro/ectsJ and
:; Perform other related tas0s.
E. Conduct of regular meetings of Coordinating Councils
to plan, monitor, super-ise and re-itali$e I!+ go-ernment efforts
Go-ernment fora such as the peace and order
councils, de-elopment councils and the disaster coordinating centers and
area coordinating centers are e*cellent -enues or facilities through (hich
-arious go-ernment programs are discussed and facilitated.
Concerned P&P units are therefore directed to
acti-el% participate in the acti-ities of these bodies for the attainment of a
re-itali$ed internal securit% support operations to the 2FP and the
go-ernment as a (hole.
6. .he operationali$ation of the "I1G<P&P
and "&"<2FP Koint IRR to E+ 110
.he core ob/ecti-e of the Koint IRR is to delineate the
roles and responsibilities of the P&P and 2FP in the implementation of the
pro-isions of E+ 110 in the areas of +perations, Intelligence, Police
Communit% Relations and In-estigation of I!+ related cases and other
related acti-ities. 1i0e(ise, it set forth the concept in Internal !ecurit%
+perations to be conducted /ointl% b% the 2FP (ith the P&P in the support
role in order to preser-e the internal securit% of the !tate against insurgents
and other serious threats to national securit%.
Relatedl%, the ClearB5oldBConsolidateB"e-elop
operational methodolog% shall be applied to carr% out the integrated and
focused effort of the militar%, police, the entire go-ernment machiner% and
the &G+s, G+s, P+s in addressing insurgenc% as outlined in the &ational
Peace and "e-elopment Plan and the !trateg% of .otal 2pproach. 9!ee
2nne*B ;F !chematic "iagram of the +perational ethodolog%;
In furtherance of the intent and purpose of this Plan the
follo(ing shall also be underta0en b% offices<units concernedF

1. NHQ PNP D52013.25>6 S3>??
a. D52013.2>30 ?.2 O702>35.89
1; onitor the progress and de-elopment of this
campaign planJ
=; Coordinate<(or0 closel% (ith the Koint 2FPBP&P
!ecretariat on Internal !ecurit% Coordinating !%stem 9I!C!; for the
continuous e-aluation and assessment of internal securit% condition of the
E; Prioriti$e the deplo%ment of !2F operating
units to critical areas, especiall% (hen there are more critical areas than the
a-ailable operating unitsJ
>; onitor the operationali$ation of the Integrated
2rea<Communit% Public !afet% PlanJ
A; Generate and maintain additional reser-e
elements from a-ailable personnel at &5#BP&PJ and
:; Perform other tas0s as directed.
b. D52013.2>30 ?.2 P.6510-C.AA:853D R06>35.89
1; Plan, de-elop and super-ise the PCR acti-ities
of tas0ed unitsJ
=; 2ssist the PR+s in the establishment of
effecti-e interBagenc% lin0ages (ith concerned go-ernment units and &G+s.
E; "e-elop and pursue PCR acti-it% design to gain
the support and cooperation of the populace on the go-ernmentJ and
>; Perform other tas0s as directed<reLuested.

c. Directorate for Persoe! a" Recor"s Maa#e$et
1; FillBup personnel strength of all mobile forces
in accordance (ith the staffing patternJ
=; Recommend the replacement and<or reshuffle
of field commanders (hen necessar%J
E; Prioriti$e the distribution of recruitment Luota to
areas (here the 2FP is not present.
>; ComeBup (ith policies and guidelines on
the proper selection of 0e% positions in insurgenc% affected areasJ and
A; Perform other tas0s as directed.
d. D52013.2>30 ?.2 I830665<0810
1; Pro-ide polic% direction to PR+s in their
intelligence effortsJ
=; Intensif% the conduct of intelligence and CI
operations in support of the 2FPJ
E; Pro-ide timel% and rele-ant intelligence
and estimates of the situation to all tas0ed unitsJ
>; 2ssess continuousl% the intelligence priorit%
reLuirementsJ and
A; Perform other tas0s as directed.
e. D52013.2>30 ?.2 I8B0935<>35.8 >8@ D030135B0
1; !uper-ise the PR+s in their in-estigation efforts
and in the ser-ice of (arrants of arrest against ". personalitiesJ
=; onitor and follo(Bup the cases filed against the
insurgents in the proper court and<or at the Commission on 5uman RightsJ
E; !uper-ise the PR+s and other tas0ed P&P
units<offices in the implementation of the legal offensi-eJ and
>; Perform other tas0s as directed<reLuested.
f. D52013.2>30 ?.2 L.<593519
1; 2llocate and reBallocate -ehicles, firearms and
communication facilities based on criticalit% of the area and threat situationJ
=; Plan for and support the additional logistical
reLuirement of tas0ed unitsJ and
E; Perform other tas0s as directed<reLuested.
g. D52013.2>30 ?.2 P6>89
1; Responsible in the reBorgani$ation of the
Regional and Pro-incial obile Groups in accordance (ith the staffing patternJ
=; Perform other tas0s as directed.
h. D52013.2>30 ?.2 C.A732.66029457
Pro-ide additional fund reLuirements of tas0ed
i. D52013.2>30 ?.2 H:A>8 R09.:210 >8@ D.132580
1; !uper-ise and monitor the training
acti-ities of tas0ed unitsJ
=; !uper-ise the !C+4. .raining of all mobile
forcesJ and
E; "irect and super-ise the training to impro-e
police in-estigati-e techniLues.
/. D52013.2>30 ?.2 R090>214 >8@ D0B06.7A083
1; Conduct continuous research on organi$ational
and indi-idual eLuipment that ma% be appropriate for use in I!+J and
=; Conduct continuous e-aluation on the e*isting
organi$ational and indi-idual eLuipment for usefulness, ser-iceabilit% and
applicabilit% in I!+.
)' NSU9
a. PNP S7015>6 A135.8 G2.:7
1; 2ct as the primar% mobile force of P&PJ
=; !ustain training and retraining of personnel for
I!+ to maintain the highest le-el of tactical proficienc%J and
E; Perform other tas0s on orders.
b. A%iatio Sec&rit' Gro&(
1; aintain and enhance the ser-iceabilit% of
primar% air assetsJ
=; Prioriti$e the allocation of flights for an efficient
deli-er% of air support to I!+J
E; Establish, maintain and impro-e airBtoBground
communications s%stemJ and
>; Conduct a sustained training on the operation
and deplo%ment of air assets as a measure to maintain the highest le-el of
air tactical proficienc% in support to I!+.
c. M>2535A0 G2.:7
1; aintain and enhance the ser-iceabilit% of
primar% maritime assetsJ
=; Prioriti$e the allocation of materials for an
efficient deli-er% of aritime support to I!+J
E; aintain and impro-e shipBtoBground
communications s%stemJ
>; Conduct a sustained training on the operation
and deplo%ment of (atercraftsJ and
A; Perform other tas0s on orders.
d. P.6510 C.AA:853D R06>35.89 G2.:7
1; 2ssist PR+s in the conduct of PCR and other
PCR operations in support to I!+J
=; Conduct ci-ic action, information dri-es,
dialogues and counter propaganda using the print and broadcast media to
discredit and isolate the threat group politicoBmilitar% hierarch%J
E; Conduct series of coordination (ith other
go-ernment agencies and &G+s for possible support in con/unction (ith the
implementation of this planJ
>; 2ssist PR+s in the processing of the threat
group's members (ho (ill a-ail of the amnest% and bali0Bbaril programsJ
A; Perform other tas0s on orders.
e. I830665<0810 G2.:7
1; Intensif% information gathering and intelligence
operations against CPP<&P2<&"F top leadershipJ
=; Pro-ide timel% intelligence information to
tas0ed unitsJ
E; Perform other tas0s on orders.
f. Cri$ia! I%esti#atio a" Detectio Gro&(
1; 2ssist PR+'s in the case buildBup and other
documentation against CPP<&P2<&"F personalitiesJ
=; Pro-ide in-estigation teams to other tas0ed
unitsJ and
E; Perform other tas0s on orders.
g. P.6510 S01:253D P2.30135.8 O??510
1; !ustain and enhance the securit% of
embassies, -ital installation, and GIPs from atrocitiesJ and
=; Perform other tas0s on orders.
h. C.AA:851>35.89 >8@ E60132.8519 G2.:7
Pro-ide additional communication reLuirements to
tas0ed units.
.he main implementors of this master plan , thus directed
to perform the follo(ing sub/ect to the +2 (ith the 2FP, P&P priorit% for
2ntiBcrime, a-ailable P&P resources, threat le-el and other local
a. Conduct limited internal securit% operations,
gathering of information and PCR acti-ities in support to the 2FP.
b. ReBdeplo% forces, firearms, -ehicles and
communication eLuipment to address the enem% threatJ
c. "etermine o(n )force mi*, in the deplo%ment of
forces for I!+ and la( enforcement, gi-ing more emphasis to the identified
primar% thrust or local areasJ
d. Coordinate closel% (ith the 2FP 2rea Commands
(ithin respecti-e 2+Rs in the conduct of internal securit% operationsJ
e. Continue to conduct !C+4. .raining until all
personnel of the mobile forces are trainedJ
f. !ee to it that all %our lo(er offices ha-e I2<CP!P's
and C+P! Plans and are full% implementedJ
g. !trengthen the organi$ation of C++Ps and<or
organi$e ne( ones in cleared areas in respecti-e 2+Rs to bolster the e*isting
h. Prepare to conduct I!+ in areas (here no 2FP are
i. Coordinate closel% (ith Peace and +rder
Council<"e-elopment Coordinating Council 9P+Cs<"CC; on other acti-ities
that reLuire the acti-e participation of ci-ilian agencies and the pri-ate
/. Render Luarterl% report on the Internal !ecurit%
Condition 9I!C; of pro-inces<municipalities (ithin their respecti-e
/urisdictionJ and
0. Perform other tas0s on orders.
>. O3402 NSU9
a. 2ssist and support the I!+ of PR+s in conformit%
(ith their respecti-e area of interest or field of e*pertiseJ and
b. Continue to perform their respecti-e missions.
1. Respect for human rights shall be paramount, and strict
adherence (ith the P&P +perational Procedure 9Re-ised Rules of Engagement;
shall al(a%s be emphasi$ed in all police operations.
=. 2ll P&P units shall reBassess respecti-e resources and
capabilities. 2ll IP12&! 2&" !+Ps, shall be updated to conform (ith this
master plan.
E. .as0ed units shall operate on the e*isting logistical and
financial allocations. &5#BP&P shall pro-ide additional logistical and financial
support on a caseBtoBcase basis.
>. a*imum coordination (ith national go-ernment units, nonB
go-ernment organi$ations and all sectors of the communit%, for the success of
this strateg%, is authori$ed and highl% encouraged.
A. In order to insure uniformit% in adopting<implementing the
C+P! and I2<CP!P concepts, all chiefs of police<police super-isors implementing
them must al(a%s be guided b% the QCommunit%B+riented Policing !%stem
9C+P!; anual for the P&PQ issued thru &2P+1C+ Resolution &r =000B1A@
dated +ctober E1, =00 and I2<CP!P guidelines and reLuirements.
:. .his aster Plan shall supersede P&P 1+I >1<?: C2P2IG&
P12& !2&"4G+ III 9P&P Counter Insurgenc% !trateg%;. 5o(e-er, all applicable
issuances, +4s<+2s not in conflict (ith this aster Plan are still in effect.
@. 2ll R"s, PR+s and "irs, &!4s shall submit IP12&s to this
Plan and periodic reports on its implementation.
D. .his aster Plan shall ta0e effect upon appro-al.
Police "irector General
Chief, P&P
1. !trengthen the 2d-ance !ecurit% Control Point 92!CP;
established at the respecti-e area of responsibilit% in order to pre-ent police
stations<precincts from the attac0 of the 1ocal Communist .errorists 91C.s;.
!+P M 1 8 E+ "IREC.IGE +& 2"G2&CE !EC4RI.6 C+&.R+1
P+I&. dated &o-ember A, 1???.
=. Intensif% legal offensi-e campaign particularl% in the
documentation and filing of criminal charges against the ".s, including the
ser-ice of pending (arrants of arrest.
!+P M = B E+ "IREC.IGE RE &+.ICE +F .ERI&2.I+& +F
K2!IG "." K4&E @, 1???.
E. Enhance the coordination and cooperation bet(een the 2FP
and P&P in the conduct of intelligence and counterBintelligence operations on
matters in-ol-ing suppression of insurgenc% and other serious threats to
national securit%.
!+P M E B +2 B6 .5E 2FP 2&" P&P +& .5E C+&"4C. +F
I&.E11IGE&CE 2&" C+4&.ERBI&.E11IGE&CE +PER2.I+&! "." FEBR42R6 1?,

4. !trengthen lin0ages (ith &G+s, local and international la(
enforcement organi$ations, the 2FP, and Presidential .as0 Force and Centers as
-enues for interagenc% and international cooperation and support.
!+P M 1@ +F !2&"IG2& B IP1EE&.2.I+& +F E+ D=? 2!
2E&"E" B6 E+s >1 2&" >1B2 91ECC;
!+P M 1D +F !2&"IG2& B C2P2IG& 2G2I&!.
.R2&!&2.I+&21 CRII&21 !6&"IC2.E! 9P&P IP1EE&.I&G P12& .+ E+ :=;
A. Enhance communit% participation thru the Communit%B
+riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!;
!+P M 1? +F !2&"IG2& B C+4&I.6B+RIE&.E" P+1ICI&G
!6!.E 9C+P!; 2&421
:. +perationali$e the Integrated 2rea<Communit% Public !afet%
Plan 9I2<CP!P;
!+P M =0 +F !2&"IG2& B I2<CP!P G4I"E1I&E!
BL D0?58535.8 .? T02A9
A2A0@ C.8?6513 - refers to an% conflict bet(een
go-ernment forces and organi$ed groups (hich in-ol-es the actual use of
armed force and (hich disrupts normal social, economic, political and
cultural acti-ities in a specific geographical area.
C083029 .? G2>B53D B 2re the )source of strength and
balance,J that characteristic, capabilit% or localit% from (herein the enem%
deri-es its freedom of action, ph%sical strength or the (ill to fight. It is the
)hub of all po(er and mo-ement,. Its attac0 should be the focus of all
operations. Centers of gra-it% can change. 2 ma/or shift in operational
direction, the replacement of a 0e% enem% commander, the fielding of ne(
units or (eaponr% can significantl% shift centers of gra-it%.
C.AC>3 O702>35.89 B .hese shall mean offensi-e and
defensi-e operations such as attac0, counter attac0, bombing, artiller%
barrage and other tactical actions in-ol-ing the use of bigger, tactical forces,
bigger caliber (eapons, better armored -ehicles and both air and na-al
(eapons s%stems.
C.AA:853D-O250830@ P.65158< SD930A /COPS; B an
integrated approach to the communit%'s public safet% concern (hich is based
on the notion that the police can pro-ide better ser-ices to the communit%
through the de-elopment of an effecti-e partnership bet(een and among
them. !uch partnership must be based on trust and good(ill in order to
facilitate -oluntar% communit% support and cooperation to la(
enforcement<crime pre-ention and control acti-ities, thus enhance police
effecti-eness and efficienc%, gi-en the same police resource.
C.:8302 I89:2<081D B .hese are the economic, socioB
cultural, political reforms and de-elopment including the militar% and police
actions underta0en b% the Go-ernment in order to defeat insurgenc%.

C.:8302 I830665<0810 B 2n aspect of intelligence de-oted
to offensi-e actions to destro% or neutrali$e the effecti-eness of ad-erse
intelligence acti-ities and to underta0e defensi-e actions to protect
information against espionage, indi-iduals against sub-ersion and
installations or material against sabotage.
G.B028A083 F.2109 - refers to the 2rmed Forces of
the Philippines, the Philippine &ational Police and other armed groups
supporting the go-ernment forces.
I8?.2A>35.8 B Refers to une-aluated material of e-er%
description including those deri-ed from obser-ations, communications,
reports, rumors, imager% and other sources from (hich intelligence is
I8?.2A>35.8 G>340258< B It is an acti-it% aimed at
identif%ing the composition, organi$ation and leadership, disposition, training,
strateg% and tactics, logistics, combat effecti-eness, plans and other related
information about the insurgents and other threat groups. It also includes the
acLuisition of other related information<data that indirectl% or directl% relate to
insurgenc% and other serious threats to national securit% such asF data on
criminal elements<groups that can be e*ploited b% or can s%mpathi$e (ith
insurgentsJ results of securit% sur-e% and personnel securit% in-estigationJ case
buildBup as part of legal offensi-eJ anal%sis<assessment of reco-ered sub-ersi-e
documentsJ and, data about the terrain, (eather and the people in certain
I89:2<081D B a condition of sub-ersi-e political acti-it%,
ci-il rebellion, re-olt or insurrection against a dul% constituted go-ernment
or occup%ing po(er, (here irregular forces are formed and engaged in
actions, (hich ma% include guerilla (arfare, that are designed to def%,
(ea0en and<or o-erthro( the go-ernment and occup%ing po(er.
I830<2>30@ A20> + C.AA:853D P:C651 S>?03D P6>8
/IA+CPSP; % is the blue print for the protection of li-es and properties in a
gi-en localit%. It is focused on total mobili$ation of all a-ailable resources
and the simultaneous conduct of complementar% programs in-ol-ing the
ci-ilian, police and militar% components of the societ%. It has ten 910; areas
of concern namel%F crime pre-ention, la(Benforcement, prosecution,
corrections, fire pre-ention and suppression, counterBinsurgenc%,
en-ironmental protection, health and sanitation, ci-il defense and
communit% de-elopment.
I830<2>30@ T02253.25>6 D0?0890 SD930A /ITDS; B Is a
strateg% of integrating the efforts of mobile, forces, territorial forces 92FP
designated territorial forces, C22 companies, P&P and local defense
organi$ation;J local go-ernmentJ local sectoral organi$ations 9&G+s, P+s;
and the local populace into an effecti-e defense and securit% s%stem that (ill
secure and insulate the localit% from enem% influence incursion or reBentr%.
I830665<0810 - 2 meaningful statement or a product
deri-ed from information (hich has been selected, recorded, e-aluated,
anal%$ed, integrated and interpreted so that its immediate mandate or
potential significance to the de-elopment and e*ecution of plans, policies
and operation is made clear.
I83028>6 S01:253D B refers to the (ide range of measures
ta0en b% the go-ernment to free and protect its societ% from sub-ersion,
la(lessness and insurgenc%. It is established and maintained primaril% to
create an atmosphere of relati-e peace and order under (hich national
de-elopment could be achie-ed.
I83028>6 S01:253D O702>35.89 8 acti-ities designed to
preser-e internal securit% against insurgents, secessionists and terrorists.
2mong others, it includes territorial defense operations, intelligence, combat,
militar% and police ci-il relations and ps%chological operations.
I8B0935<>35.8 B .he process (hereb% the facts of the
commission of an offense, identit% of the person<s responsible and the place
of commission of the offense, are 0no(n through e*amination of the crime
scene, inter-ie(, or Luestioning of the (itnesses, the complainants or
suspects, and other pieces of e-idence presented.
N>35.8>6 D0B06.7A083 8 refers to those actions ta0en b%
the go-ernment to foster and strengthen its responsi-eness and capabilities
to meet the needs of the societ%, and to promote the gro(th of a -iable
political, economic and social institution that (ill insure freedom from
conditions bearing potentials for internal conflict.
N>35.8>6 S01:253D - refers to the state or condition
(herein the people's (a% of life and attitudes, their institutions, territorial
integrit% and so-ereignt%, including their (ellBbeing, are protected, and
enhanced. It is s%non%mous (ith the protection of the political, economic,
ps%choBsocial, militar%, geoBecological and technoBscientific en-ironment of
the nation.
O702>35.8>6 C.832.6 9OPCON; 8 .hose functions of
command in-ol-ing composition of subordinate forces, the assignment of tas0s,
the designation of ob/ecti-es and the authoritati-e direction necessar% to
accomplish the mission. +perational control should be e*ercised b% the use of
the assigned normal organi$ational units through their respecti-e commanders
or through the commanders of subordinate forces established b% the
commander e*ercising operational control. It does not include such matters as
administration, discipline, internal organi$ation and unit training e*cept (hen a
subordinate commander reLuests assistance.
O2@02 .? B>3360 B is a document (hich reflects enem%
composition, disposition, strength, tactics, logistics, training, combat
effecti-eness, miscellaneous data and personalities.
P.6510 F:8135.89 8 .hese are the regular, customar% or
normal duties and acti-ities of the police in the performance of its mandate, as
enumerated in !ection => of R2 :?@A 9"I1G<P&P 1a( of 1??0;, as amended b%
R2 DAA1.
P25A>2D+L0>@ R.60 B 2s used herein, shall mean pro-iding
the principal planning, direction, control and resources for internal securit%
operations. .his shall also include the responsibilit% for preparing internal
securit% assessment and other related documents and reports unless specified
b% la( or directed b% competent authorit%, as (ell as the establishment and
administration of an appropriate Re(ards !%stem.
S:77.23 ?.2 C.AC>3 O702>35.89 8 2ssisting the lead
agenc% in internal securit% operations (ith personnel and material resources
(ithin the capabilit% of the P&P.
T420>39 3. N>35.8>6 S01:253D B these are dangers to
the components of &ational !ecurit% that could come from (ithin or from
(ithout the nation state. .he% ma% be political, economic, militar%, ps%choB
social, technoBscientific and geoBecological in nature including but not limited
to organi$ed<s%ndicated crimes, terrorism, rebellion, coup d'etat and
+learing of the
infrastructure thru
,T-.A/ 0ay1
-e*establishment of
2overnment control 3
authority in recovered
!rgani4ation of +5!s 3
6ormation of People8s
!rgani4ation ,P!19+oops
of 2ov8t control
and authority
:anctioning of
local officials
;xpansion of
P!s9+oops ,or
conversion of
as such1
6ull blast to
6ield !fficers
of <2As
wor together
under the
baton of the
!rchestration of
development efforts
through +!+, -!+,
/</9A6P* lead agency
w9support of /.L29P<P
/!= > legal offensive
P.A * media offensive
/.L29P<P * as lead agency
with support of /!= 3 A6P
+A627s9+5!s * augment P<P
field forces
+5!s * mobili4e popular
support to 2ov8t and A6P
+/A9<AP+ * organi4e
A6P * support agency
/.L29P<P * prosecute
dissident local officials
+/A9<AP+ *
livelihood projects
/;<- * reforestation
!thers * support to
L+;s * orchestration
of development efforts
A6P * support agency
/.L29P<P* as lead
<AP+ * implement
:ocial -eform
!thers * provide
support 3
cooperation per :-A
convergence plan
L+; * convergence
A6P > support role
a; !ection 1= of Republic 2ct 9R2; M :?@A as amended b%
!ection E of R2 M DAA1
b; E+ &o. E0? concerning the ReBorgani$ation of the Peace
and +rder CouncilsJ
c; E+ &o. E1? concerning the ReBorgani$ation of the 1ocal
"e-elopment CouncilsJ
d; E+ &o. 11E concerning the &ational Reconciliation and
"e-elopment Program 9&R"P;J
e; E+ &o. 101= concerning the 1ocal Integrated !ecurit%
"efense PlanJ
f; Koint 2FPBP&P !+Ps relating the CounterBinsurgenc%J
g; )ProB"emocrac% PE+P1E'! H2R, Boo0, 1??1J and
h; E*ecuti-e +rder 9E+; M 110
i; 2FP Campaign Plan 01<?? )B212&G2I,
/; E+ 11A, series '??, B 1ocali$ation of Peace EffortsJ
0; &ational Peace and "e-elopment Plan dtd Kan =000.
l; P&P C+I& aster Plan 9PB01 !2&"4G+;
m; +2 on Intelligence C CounterBIntelligence +pns dtd 1?
Februar% =001
n; =000 Re-ised Rules of Criminal Procedures
o; +2 on K!+P on I!+ dtd 0@ Kan 1???
p; +2 on Intelligence and CounterBIntelligence +perations
dtd 1? Februar% =001
L; E+ &o. E dtd =D Februar% =001
I. I&.R+"4C.I+&
.his master plan prescribes the guidelines to be follo(ed
b% tas0ed P&P 4nits<+ffices in assisting lead go-ernment agencies in the
enforcement of la(s o-er Philippine territorial (aters, la0es, ri-ers,
mountain ranges, forest, to include la(s and ordinances that ha-e been set
forth to preser-e, protect and enhance our en-ironment and natural
resources, in close coordination (ith the "epartment of the En-ironment and
&atural Resources, "epartment of 2griculture, &ational useum and other
tas0ed go-ernment agencies and nonBgo-ernment organi$ations.
.he Philippines is one of the countries in the (orld blessed (ith
significantl% rich natural resources. In fact, almost all 0inds of minerals,
metals, precious stones, animal species, plants, and trees can be found in
this -er% uniLue archipelago.
5o(e-er, Filipinos and foreigners ali0e ha-e e*ploited these
resources, and e-en (orse, to the e*tent of o-er e*ploiting and destro%ing
it. .he most affected are our marine, aLuatic and forest resources. .he
continuing degradation of our remaining natural resources has reached
critical proportion due to illegal destructi-e methods for business or personal
moti-es. Further contributing to the deterioration of our en-ironment is the
e*acerbating pollution emanating from -ehicles brought about b% the rapid
urban gro(th and industriali$ation.
.he follo(ing are the fi-e 9A; immediate concerns that should be addressed
in order to insure protections of the en-ironmentF Forest ProtectionJ
Protection of FisheriesJ arine 1ife, and 2Luatic ResourcesJ Ensuring Clean
and !afe 1and, 2ir and HaterJ Preser-ation of Endangered !pecies and
+ther Hild 1ifeJ and Protection of Cultural Properties 92nne* )B' 8 Fi-e
Immediate Concerns;.
9!ee 2nne* )2,;
It is the C,P&P's intent for the P&P through its &ational !upport 4nits
9&!4s;, Police Regional +ffices 9PR+s;, Police Pro-incial +ffices 9PP+s;, Cit%
and Police !tations to assist concerned go-ernment agencies in protecting
and conser-ing the countr%'s natural and manBmade resources, including its
cultural sites and heritage.
Coordination ma% be underta0en (ith nonBgo-ernment organi$ations
to further impro-e the current status of the nation's (ildlife and other
resources in the preser-ation and protection of all of our countr%'s natural
and manBmade resources.
.o protect, conser-e and de-elop our en-ironment and natural
resources, in coordination (ith and in direct support of all concerned
go-ernment agencies.
Protect 1i-es B
People must learn to properl% utili$e and protect our
en-ironment, cultural properties and natural resources. It is unfortunate for
our countr% to ha-e e*perienced disasters that claimed thousands of li-es
(hich can be attributed to peoples' rec0less and erroneous utili$ation of our
natural resources. .he disaster that had happened in +rmoc is a clear
picture of nature's (a% of retaliating to man's irresponsi-eness.
Enhance Public !afet% B
Public safet% remains to be the top priorit% of the P&P.
"estruction of li-es and propert% caused b% continuous misuse, abuse, and
malpractices of the people on our natural resources must be full% stopped in
order to protect these resources and promote public safet%. 5ence, the P&P,
being deputi$ed to enforce en-ironmental la(s, should relentlessl% conduct
operations that (ould effect the arrest and con-iction of -iolators and
preempt the same from ensuing.

.he P&P shall assist in the enforcement of en-ironmental and
cultural properties la(s in close coordination (ith tas0ed go-ernment
agencies B
9 !ee anne* )B, B !ummar% of Pertinent Pro-isions of
En-ironmental, Cultural and &atural Resources Protection 1a(s ;
>. Communit% Participation in the protection,
conser-ation and de-elopment of en-ironment and natural resources.
Communit% participation is an indispensable element in the
protection, conser-ation and de-elopment of natural resources. .he
reali$ation of the -ision to li-e in a communit% (ith -ast source of natural
resources and an en-ironment (orth% of emulation (ill come about through
the -oluntar% communit% support and cooperation to en-ironmental
protection la( enforcement, pre-ention and control acti-ities.
1; +perationali$ation of the Integrated 2rea<Communit%
Public !afet% Plan 9I2<CP!P;.
+ne of the areas of concern embodied in the I2<CP!P
is the protection of the en-ironment and natural resources. 2s part of the
SAFETY PLAN 9I2<CP!P; is the blueprint for the protection of li-es and
properties in a gi-en localit%. .he I2<CP!P concept reLuires the total
mobili$ation of all a-ailable resources and the simultaneous conduct of
complementar% programs that (ill in-ol-e the ci-ilian, police and militar%
components of societ%.
.he primar% responsibilit% of the P&P is to assist the "E&R,
&ational useum, "2 and other tas0ed go-ernment agencies in the conduct
of antiBcrime operations implementing appropriate en-ironmental, cultural
and natural resources protection la(s.
=; .he emplo%ment of both territorial 4nits<offices and
selected &ational !upport 4nits 9&!4s; in the conduct of an allBout and
sustained campaign to protect and preser-e our en-ironment, natural
heritage and natural resources should be e*ecuted in tandem (ith concerned
go-ernment agencies. !elected &!4s (ith suitable<rele-ant capabilities
shall be tas0Borgani$ed to trac0 do(n crime groups in-ol-ed in illegal
acti-ities that contribute to the degradation of the en-ironment and natural
.he &5#BP&P, through its directorial staff, shall super-ise
and support the Police Regional +ffices and selected &ational +perational
!upport 4nits in implementing the strategic agenda and operational concept
of this master plan. .he P&P leadership, through the &21ECC, R1ECC and
PR+s, shall coordinate and cooperate (ith other national go-ernment
agencies in the reali$ation of the mission of this plan.
.he Police Regional +ffices, through the police
pro-incial<cit% offices and municipal<cit% police stations shall select and
organi$e capable and dedicated P&P personnel to be utili$ed in police
operations against -iolators of en-ironmental, cultural and natural resources
protection la(s. P&P personnel selected for this purpose shall undergo
training on en-ironmental, cultural and other related la(s, to ensure their
effecti-eness in the conduct of operations.

In order for the operational concepts to become d%namic,
assessment on the operations conducted shall be made together (ith the
"epartment of 2griculture, &ational useum and the "epartment of
En-ironment and &atural Resources counterpart, to determine its
effecti-enessJ and further recommend ne( approaches, manner of
operations, ad/ustments on the implementing plans, amendments to
en-ironmental la(s, and other recommendations that (ill assure the
preser-ation of our natural resources.
1. &5# P&P B
a; "C+ B +-erall super-isor in the
implementation of this planJ
b; "+ B
1; "esignated as +PRJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
c; "I
1; Pro-ide intelligence and perform intelligence
operations< supportJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
d; "PCR
1; Inform the public regarding the
Command's effort in this underta0ingJ
=; obili$e &G+s and G+s re enforcement
of la(s on en-ironmental protection and in raising public a(areness on these
E; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
e; "P1 B
1; Initiate at the national le-el the updating
of necessar% agreements and<or /oint underta0ings (ith "E&R, "2 and other
go-ernment and nonBgo-ernment agencies concerned in this acti-it%J
=; Initiate the deputation b% concerned
go-ernment agenc%<s of all P&P personnel in-ol-ed in this operation.
E; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
f; "5R"" 8
1; Pro-ide P+Is for the training in coordination
(ith concerned agenciesJ
=; Pro-ide training cadres<lecturers and
information materials in coordination (ith concerned agenciesJ
E; onitor de-elopment<completion of training
of respecti-e P&P personnelJ
>; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
g; "1 B
1; Pro-ide logistical reLuirements of tas0ed
units upon reLuest and as neededJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
h; "C B
1; Pro-ide additional fund releases to P&P
units upon appro-al of C, P&PJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
=. 2RIGR+4P
a; Conduct<assist in the enforcement of all fisher%
la(s, rules and regulationsJ
b; Conduct<assist in the e*amination of fish
suspected to ha-e been caught b% the use of e*plosi-es, prohibited fishing
eLuipment, or no*ious or poisonous substancesJ
c; Conduct<assist in the apprehension,
in-estigation and filing of criminal and<or administrati-e bodies against
-iolators of fisher% la(s, rules and regulationsJ
d; "ispose confiscated fishes pursuant to
alacaRang Circular &o. 1E0 dated !eptember =:, =000 and other related
e; .a0e custod% of impounded fishing boats
including fishing gears and other paraphernalia used in illegal fishing, (hen
applicable, pending the final resolution of the criminal<administrati-e case
f; 2ssist the Bureau of Fisheries and 2Luatic
Resources on information dissemination against all forms of illegal fishingJ
g; Ensure the attendance of apprehending officers
and fish e*aminers to court hearingsJ and
h; !ubmit reports on operations conducted and
accomplishments to "+.
i; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
E. .G B
a; Conduct<assist in the enforcement of
en-ironmental protection la(s such as la(s in smo0e belching, (aste
dumping, and other related ordinancesJ
b; !upport the conduct of operation in
coordination (ith "E&R and other go-ernment and nonBgo-ernment
agencies concerned re dri-e against -ehicular air pollutantsJ
c; !upport other P&P units in the apprehension of
persons transporting illegall% gathered forest and marine productsJ and
d; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
>. CI"G
a; Conduct operations to assist in the
enforcement of cultural heritage protection la(sJ and
b; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
A. 2!G
a; Conduct air patrol<reconnaissance operation
(ithin capabilit% in coordination (ith the go-ernment agencies concerned,
if necessar%J
b; 4nderta0e measures to pre-ent the smuggling
of protected species of Philippine flora and fauna, through airports, other
e*it points and through air tra-elJ and
c; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
:. !2F B
a; !upport other P&P units deputi$ed to enforce
en-ironmental la(sJ
b; 2cts as the reser-e force to be deplo%ed
an%(here, on ordersJ and
c; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
@. 1!!
a; 1ogistical support shall be carried out through
the normal logistics procedures and channels e*cept in cases reLuiring
emergenc% allocationJ and
b; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
D. +ther &ational !upport 4nits B
!upport<2ugment the operations of the aritime
Group, .raffic anagement Group, 2-iation !ecurit% Group and Police
Regional +ffices.
?. 2ll R"s, PR+s 1 81E, C2R, 2R, and &CR
a; .rain Lualified P&P personnel to be utili$ed
during police operations for assisting in the enforcement of en-ironmental
la(s and other e*isting ordinances for the preser-ation and protection of
natural resources, cultural heritage and the en-ironmentJ
b; !elect and train Lualified personnel on
en-ironment, cultural heritage and natural resources protection in
coordination (ith "2, "E&R, &ational useum and other go-ernment and
nonBgo-ernment agencies concernedJ
c; Conduct /oint underta0ings (ith concerned
agencies in the conduct of sustained cultural and resources protection
operations. +perations shall be assessed together (ith counterparts of
concerned agencies to determine future underta0ings and possible courses
of actionJ
d; !upport, through local police units and other
mobile forces, locali$ed police operations on the apprehensions of -iolators
of en-ironmental protection la(sJ and
e; Perform other tas0s as ordered.
a. Coordination and consultation (ith Peace and +rder
Councils, &G+s, and other Ci-ilian +rgani$ations is highl% encouraged.
b. Respect for human rights is of paramount importance in all
c. 2dherence to rules of engagement is a must.
d. !election, organi$ation and training of personnel to be
utili$ed in police operations to help enforce en-ironmental la(s for the
pre-ention and preser-ation of natural resources and en-ironment must be
completed (ithin one 91; month upon receipt of this plan.
e. Confiscated<sei$ed items shall be turnedBo-er to
go-ernment agenc% concerned for proper disposition.
f. In-estigation and filing of appropriate charge<s against the
apprehended person<s shall be the responsibilit% of the go-ernment agenc%
g. R"s concerned shall submit to &5# P&P 92ttnF "5R"";
2fter .raining Report immediatel% upon completion of training.
h. Result and assessment of the first month of actual
operations must reach &5#P&P 92ttnF "+; &1. @A da%s upon receipt of this
i. 1ateral coordination is encouraged.
/. .his master plan shall ta0e effect upon appro-al and shall
supersede other instruction inconsistent (ith it.
Police "irector General
Chief, P&P
Cop% furnishedF
Command Group
2ll R"s, PR+s
2ll "irs, &!4s
2. "efinition of .erms
B. !ummar% of Pertinent Pro-isions on En-ironmental,
Cultural Properties and &atural Resources Protection
C. 1+I 1@<?> I21II2!2& 9P&P's Campaign Plan to Protect
+ur En-ironment and &atural Resources;
". 1+I =D<?: &I6+G 9P&P's Campaign Plan to Protect the
Coconut Industr%;
E. 1+I E:<?E "452. 9P&P's Campaign Plan 2gainst Illegal
F. 1+I >:<?E C5E!2 9P&P's Campaign Plan 2gainst the
"estruction of arine 1ife;
G. Presidential "ecree &o. @0A 9Re-ising P.". &o. ED? 8 .he
Forestr% Reform Code of the Philippines;
5. Republic 2ct &o. DAA0 9.he Philippine Fisheries Code of
I. Republic 2ct &o. @?>= 9Philippine ining 2ct of 1??A;
K. Republic 2ct &o. ?00E 9Ecological !olid Haste anagement
2ct of =000;
I. Republic 2ct &o. D@>? 9 Philippine Clean 2ir 2ct of 1???;
1. Presidential "ecree ?D> 9Re-ising R.2. E?E1 8 Pollution
Control 1a(;
. Republic 2ct &o. :?:? 9.o*ic !ubstances and 5a$ardous
and &uclear Hastes Control 2ct of 1??0;
&. Republic 2ct &o. @AD: 9&IP2! 2C. 8 2n 2ct Pro-iding for
the Establishment and anagement of &ational
Integrated Protected 2reas !%stem;
+. Republic 2ct EA>@ of 1?=? 9 2n 2ct "efining and
Penali$ing Cruelt% to 2nimals;
P. Common(ealth 2ct &o. @E of 1?E: 92n 2ct Prohibiting
the 5unting, Iilling, Hounding, or .a0ing of the
#. Republic 2ct E?DE of 1?E= 92n 2ct for the Protection of
Hild Flo(ers and Plants;
R. Presidential "ecree &o.E@> 92mending Certain !ection
of R.2. >D>: 8 Cultural Properties Preser-ation and
Protection 2ct;
2&&ES )2,
a. A)&ac&!t&re B fisher% operations in-ol-ing all forms of
raising and culturing fish and other fisher% species in fresh,
brac0ish, marine areas.
b. Air Po!!&tat B means an% matter found in the atmosphere
other than o*%gen, nitrogen, (ater -apor, carbon dio*ide,
and the inert gases in their natural or normal
concentrations, that is detrimental to health or the
en-ironment, (hich includes but not limited to smo0e,
dust, soot, cinders, fl% ash, solid particles of an% 0ind,
gases, fumes, chemical mists, steam and radioBacti-e
c. Air Po!!&tio B means an% alteration of the ph%sical,
chemical and biological properties of the atmospheric air,
an% discharge thereto of an% liLuid, gaseous or solid
substances that (ill or is li0el% to create or to render the
air resources of the countr% harmful, detrimental, or
in/urious to public health, safet% or (elfare or (hich (ill
ad-ersel% affect their utili$ation for domestic, commercial,
industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate
d. A)&atic Po!!&tio B the introduction b% human or machine,
directl% or indirectl% of substances or energ% to the aLuatic
en-ironment (hich result or is li0el% to result in such
deleterious effects as to harm li-ing and nonBli-ing aLuatic
resources, pose potential and<or real ha$ard to human
health, hindrance to aLuatic acti-ities such as fishing and
na-igation, including dumping<disposal of (aste and other
marine litters, discharge of petroleum or residual products
of petroleum or carbonaceous materials<substances and
other radioacti-e, no*ious or harmful liLuid, gaseous or
solid substances, from an% (ater, land or air transport or
other human made structure. "eforestation, unsound
agricultural practices such as the use of banned chemicals
and e*cessi-e use of chemicals, intensi-e use of artificial
fish feed and (etland con-ersion, (hich cause similar
ha$ards and deleterious effects shall also constitute
aLuatic pollution.
e. A)&atic Reso&rces B includes fish, all other aLuatic flora
and fauna and other li-ing resources of the aLuatic
en-ironment, including but not limited to see corals.
f. Ati)&es B are cultural properties found locall% (hich are
one hundred %ears or more of age or e-en less, but their
production ha-ing ceased, the% ha-e, therefore, become
or are becoming rare.
g. Artifacts B are articles (hich are products of human s0ills
or (or0manship, especiall% in the simple product of
primiti-e arts or industr% representing past eras or
h. Artificia! Reefs B an% structure of natural or manBmade
materials placed on a bod% of (ater to ser-e as shelter and
habitat, source of food, breeding areas for fisher% species,
and shoreline protection.
i. Catc* Cei!i#s B refers to the annual catch limits allo(ed
to be ta0en, gathered or har-ested from an% fishing area
in consideration of the need to pre-ent o-er fishing and
harmful depletion of breeding stoc0s of aLuatic organisms.
j. C*e$ica! S&+stace B means an% organic or inorganic
substance of a particular molecular identit% including an%
combination of such substances occurring in (hole or in
part as a result of chemical reaction or occurring in nature.
k. C!ose" Seaso B the period during (hich the ta0ing of
the specified fisher% species b% a specified fishing gear is
prohibited in a specified area or areas in Philippine (aters.
l. Co$$ercia! Fis*i# B the ta0ing of fisher% species b%
passi-e or acti-e gear for trade business or profit be%ond
subsistence or sports fishing.
m. Cora! Reef B a natural aggregation of coral s0eleton (ith
or (ithout li-ing coral pol%ps, occurring in intertidal and
subtidal marine (aters.
n. C&!t&ra! Pro(erties B are old buildings, monuments,
shrines, documents, and ob/ects (hich ma% be classified
as antiLues, relics, or artifacts, landmar0s, anthropological
and historical sites, and specimens of natural histor% (hich
are of cultural, historical, anthropological, archaeological or
scientific -alue and significance to the nation historical
ob/ects and manuscriptsJ household and agricultural
implements, decorati-e articles or personal adornmentJ
(or0s of art such as paintings, sculptures, car-ings,
/e(elr%, music, architecture, s0etches, dra(ings, or
illustrations in part or in (holeJ (or0s of industrial and
commercial art such furniture, potter%, ceramics, (rought
iron, gold, bron$e, sil-er, (ood, or other heraldic items,
metals, coins, medals, badges, insignias, coat of arms,
crests, flags, arms and armor, -ehicles or ships or boats
in part or in (hole.,
o. Ecos'ste$ B means the ecological communit% considered
together (ith nonBli-ing factors and its en-ironment as a
p. E!ectro fis*i# B the use of electricit% generated b%
batteries, electric generators and other source of electric
po(er to 0ill, stupef%, disable or render unconscious
fisher% species, (hether or not the same are subseLuentl%
q. E"a#ere", Rare, a"-or T*reatee" S(ecies B aLuatic
plants, animals including some -arieties of corals and sea
shells in danger of e*tinction as pro-ided for in e*isting
fisher% la(s, rules and regulations.
r. E%iro$eta! Co$(!iace Certificate .ECC/ B is the
document issued b% the go-ernment agenc% concerned
certif%ing that the pro/ect under consideration (ill not
bring about an unacceptable 8en-ironmental impact and
that the proponent has complied (ith the reLuirements of
the en-ironmental impact statement s%stem.
s. Gree*o&se Gases B means those gases that can
potentiall% or can reasonabl% be e*pected to induce global
(arming, (hich includes carbon dio*ide, methane, o*ides
of nitrogen, chorofluorocarbons, and the li0e.
t. Fis*er'-A)&atic Pro"&cts B include not onl% fin fish but
also mollus0, crustaceans, echinoderms, marine mammals
and all other species of aLuatic flora and fauna and other
products of aLuatic li-ing resources in an% form.
u. Fis*i# 0it* E1(!osi%es B the use of the d%namite, other
e*plosi-es or other chemical compounds that contains
combustible elements or ingredients (hich upon ignition
b% friction, concussion, percussion, or detonation of all or
parts of the compound (ill 0ill, stupef%, disable or render
unconscious an% fisher% species. It also refers to the use
of an% other substance and<or de-ice (hich causes an
e*plosion that is capable of producing the said harmful
effects on an% fisher% species and aLuatic resources and
capable of damaging and altering the natural habitat.
v. Fis*i# 2it* No1io&s or (oisoo&s S&+staces B the use
of an% substance, plant e*tracts or /uice thereof, sodium
c%anide and<or c%anide compounds or other chemicals
either in ra( or processed form, harmful or harmless to
human beings, (hich (ill 0ill, stupef%, disable or render
unconscious an% fisher% species and aLuatic resources and
capable of damaging and altering the natural habitat.
w. Forest Pro"&cts B means timber, pulp(ood, fire(ood,
bar0, tree top, resin, gum, (ood, oil, hone%, bees(a*,
nipa, rattan, or other forest gro(th such as grass, shrub,
and flo(ering plant, the associated (ater, fish, game,
scenic, historical, recreational, and geological resources in
forest lands.
x. 3a4ar"o&s 2aste B are hereb% defined as substances that
are (ithout an% safe commercial, industrial, agricultural or
economic usage and are shipped, transported or brought
from the countr% of origin for dumping or disposal into or
in transit through an% part of the territor% of the
y. 3istorica! Site B is an% place, pro-ince, cit%, to(n, and<or
location and structure (hich has pla%ed a significant and
important role in the histor% of our countr% and nation.
!uch significance and importance ma% be cultural, political,
sociological or historical.
z. Ifectio&s 2aste B means that portion of medical (aste
that could transmit an infectious disease.
aa. Kai#i B refers to the shifting and<or permanent slashB
andBburn culti-ation of forest land ha-ing little or no
pro-ision to pre-ent soil erosion.
bb. 5a6e B an inland bod% of (ater, an e*panded part of a
ri-er, a reser-oir formed b% a dam or la0e basin
intermittentl% or formerl% co-ered b% (ater.
cc. Miera!s B refers to all naturall% occurring inorganic
substances in solid, gas, liLuid or an% intermediate state
e*cluding energ% materials such as coal, petroleum,
natural gas, radioacti-e materials, and geothermal energ%.
dd. M&ro7A$i B fishing method that reLuires di-ing and other
ph%sical or mechanical acts to pound the coral reefs and
other habitat to entrap, gather or catch fish and other
fisher% species.
ee. Natioa! C&!t&ra! Treas&re B is a uniLue ob/ect found
locall%, possessing outstanding historical, cultural, artistic
and<or scientific -alue (hich is significant and important to
this countr% and nation.
ff. Natioa! M&se&$ B referred to as the useum, shall be
the agenc% of the go-ernment (hich shall implement the
pro-ision of this act.

gg. Natioa! Par6 B refers to a forest reser-ation essentiall% of
natural (ilderness character (hich has been (ithdra(n
from settlement, occupanc% or an% form of e*ploitation
e*cept (ith in conformit% (ith appro-ed management plan
and set aside as such e*clusi-el% to conser-e the area or
preser-e the scener%, the natural and historic ob/ects, (ild
animals and plants therein and to pro-ide en/o%ment of
these features in such areas.
hh. No7Go%er$eta! Or#ai4atio B an agenc%, institution,
foundation or a group of persons (hose purpose is to
assist peoples organi$ations<associations in -arious (a%s
including but not limited to organi$ing, education, training,
research, and<or resource accessing.
ii. &uclear Hastes B are ha$ardous (astes made radioacti-e
b% e*posure to the radiation incidental to the production or
utili$ation of nuclear fuels but does not include nuclear
fuel, or radioisotopes (hich ha-e reached the final stage
of fabrication so as to be usable for an% scientific, medical,
agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose.
jj. Peo(!es Or#ai4atio B a bonafide association of citi$ens
(ith demonstrated capacit% to promote the public interest
and (ith identifiable leadership, membership and
structure, its members belong to a sector<s -oluntaril%
band themsel-es for their o(n upliftment, de-elopment
and greater good.
kk. P*i!i((ie 2aters B include all bodies of (ater (ithin the
Philippine territor% such as la0es, ri-ers, streams, cree0s,
broo0s, ponds, s(amps, lagoons, gulfs, ba%s and seas and
other bodies of (ater no( e*isting in the pro-inces, cities,
municipalities and baranga%s and the (aters around
bet(een and connecting the islands of the archipelago
regardless of their breadth and dimensions, the territorial
sea, the sea beds, the insular shel-es, and all other (aters
o-er (hich the Philippines has so-ereignt% and /urisdiction
including the =00Bnautical miles E*clusi-e Economic Oone
and the continental shelf.
ll. Pre$i&$ 3ar"0oo" B refers to narra, mola-e, dao,
0amagong, ipil, acacia, a0le apa(it, banu%o, bat0uling,
hetis, bolangeta, tae0, tindalo, and manggis
mm. Pri%ate 5a"s B refers to lands co-ered b% either
administrati-e or /udicial title or FREE P2.E&., 5+E!.E"
and !21E! P2.E&. and .+RRE&! .I.1E obtained under
the 1and Registration 2ct 92ct &o. >?:, as amended;.
Realt% .a* "eclaration is not acceptable proof of o(nership
9"E&R 2dministrati-e +rder &o. 1=1, !eries of 1?D?;, also
includes titled lands and alienable and disposable lands
(ith appro-ed applications for homestead, free and
emancipation patents.
nn. Protecte" Area B refers to identified portions of land and
(ater set aside b% reason of their uniLue ph%sical and
biological significance, managed to enhance biological
di-ersit% and protected against destructi-e human
oo. 8&arr'i# B a process of e*tracting materials such as
marble, basalt, andesite, conglomerate, tuff, adobe,
granite, gabbro, serpentine, inset filling materials, cla% for
ceramic tiles and building bric0s, pumice, perlite and other
similar materials from the ground. 2lso the process of
e*tracting, remo-ing and disposing Luarr% resources found
on or underneath the surface of pri-ate or public lands.
pp. Re!ics B are cultural properties (hich, either as a (hole or
in fragments, are left behind after the destruction or deca%
of the rest of its parts and (hich are intimatel% associated
(ith important beliefs, practices, customs and traditions,
periods and personages.
qq. Se!ecti%e 5o##i# B is the s%stematic remo-al of the
mature, o-er mature and defecti-e trees in such manner
as to lea-e adeLuate number and -olume of health%
residual trees of the desired species necessar% to assure a
future crop of timber, and forest co-er for the protection
and conser-ation of soil, and (ater.
rr. S(ecia! Pri%ate 5a" Ti$+er Per$it .SP5TP/ B issued to
land o(ners themsel-es b% the !ecretar% of "E&R to cut,
gather, collect, or remo-e narra and other premium
hard(ood species found in their pri-ate land 9"E&R emo
Circular &o.== !eries of 1??0;.
ss. Ti$+er 5icese A#ree$et .T5A/ B .hese permits (ere
issued b% the "E&R, pursuant to P.". @0A and the old
constitution and continue to be in full force and effect until
their e*pir% dates sub/ect to the same term and conditions
as originall% granted and appro-ed unless Congress ma%
pro-ide other(ise 9!ec E, E*ecuti-e +rder &o. =@D, !eries
of 1?D@;.
tt. Ti$+er S*ari# A#ree$et .TPSA/ B 2ll licensed issued
b% the "E&R to utili$e timber resources from forest areas,
in lieu of .12, in compliance (ith !ec = 2rticle SII of the
&e( Constitution as implemented under E.+. =@D, series of
1?D@ 9"E&R 2dministrati-e +rder &o. @D, !eries of 1??0;.

!tatistics from the Bureau of Forest "e-elopment 9BF";
maintains that 11.1 million hectares of forest land are still co-ered (ith
timber, satellite data and sur-e%s conducted b% other Luarters re-eal a
considerabl% smaller figure. 2ccording to the Forestr% "e-elopment Center
of the 4ni-ersit% of the Philippines, the remaining li-ing forests ma% onl%
co-er an area of bet(een 1.? million and =.> million hectares. !imilarl%,
the 4nited &ations Food and 2griculture +rgani$ation 94&BF2+; predicted
that the countr% ma% lose all its forests (ithin 1A %ears if the continued
destruction is not a-erted.
Because deforestation's manifold effects on the Philippines'
ecological balance is alread% being strongl% felt, particularl% in the rural
areas, the "E&R admits that a-ailable resources are not enough for
conser-ation and reforestation programs (hich reLuire tremendous funding
to achie-e goals.
.he Bureau of Fisheries and 2Luatic Resources 9BF2R;
claims its inabilit% to stop illegal fishing and har-esting of coral has been
hampered b% lac0 of finance. .he lac0 of public a(areness and cooperation
in matters dealing (ith conser-ation is another stumbling bloc0 in efforts to
sa-e the countr%'s d(indling natural resources.
Blast fishing and muroBami operations ha-e turned
seabeds into 0illing fields, as sho(n here in the Philippines. In a recent
con-ention on Conser-ation in the Pacific and !outheast 2sia, con-enors
appeal for the protection of the reefs.
Coral reefs are considered one of the most producti-e
ecos%stems. .heir direct relationship (ith fish production has long been
establishedF a health% reef supports more fish. 2nd in a countr% li0e the
Philippines, (here a great percentage of the population depends on fishing
as a means of li-elihood, the importance of coral reefs, cannot be
2lread%, fishermen ha-e e*pressed concern o-er the
d(indling fish har-ests. 6et, ironicall%, illegal methods of fishing used b%
fishermen themsel-es ha-e been responsible for some of the damage. .he%
ha-e used d%namite, chemicals li0e sodium c%anide, bamboo poles and
boulders to either stun or scare the fish to(ard their nets. In the process,
the% ha-e destro%ed the coral around (hich the fish ho-er.
.he continuous alteration of the ph%sical, chemical, nuclear and
biological properties of an% (ater, air and<or land resources of the
Philippines, or an% discharge of an% liLuid, gaseous or solid (astes at (ill
has created and rendered harmful, detrimental or in/urious effects to
public health or (elfare, and further ad-ersel% affect their utili$ation for
domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other
legitimate purposes.
2s progress (as slo(l% felt, the attitude and mode of li-ing of
the people changed. .hose (ho li-ed near the ri-er considered the ri-er as
an ideal dumping place for their increasing garbage and other refuse. In
addition, people from other nearb% to(ns, (ho did not ha-e much regard
for the ri-er settled nearb% and -entured into pigger% and poultr% raising.
.he% then turned the pristine ri-er into an instant se(er. !imilarl%, greed%
businessmen thought the ri-er (as a Luarr% and hauled tons of roc0s,
gra-el, and sand.
.he profound impact of man's acti-ities on all components of the
natural en-ironment particularl% the effect of increasing population, resource
e*ploitation, industrial ad-ancement and man's ignorance ha-e caused
se-ere lost to our animal and plant resources. Recent assessment on the
Luantit% of the -arieties of terrestrial, (etland and marine species of both
flora and fauna re-ealed a -er% disturbing figures. Eight% nine percent
9D?N; of the AAD species of birds nation(ide are recogni$ed as threatened
species, li0e(ise >>N threatened species of mammals and D species of
endangered reptiles. !imilarl%, plants in the -ast forest areas in the countr%
are continuousl% e*periencing destruction.
.he depletion of (ildlife resources is attributed to the follo(ing
causes, both direct and indirectF 5abitat destructionJ 5unting, poachingJ
Gro(ing human population and inappropriate practicesJ 1ac0 of 0no(ledge
on the -alue of (ildlifeJ &atural calamities and Introduction of e*otic
.o this end, recogni$ing the critical importance of protecting and
maintaining the natural biological and ph%sical di-ersities of the en-ironment
notabl% on areas (ith biologicall% uniLue features to sustain human life and
de-elopment should be in-o0ed to the people.
.he Philippines has a uniLue and rich cultural heritage.
E-idences of this in the form of ancient churches, ancestral homes, natural
and manBmade sceneries, and the treasures contained (ithin them are
spread out throughout the islands. 5o(e-er, due to a lac0 of a(areness
and attention, man% of these GodBmade and manBmade structures ha-e
fallen into disrepair. Because people ha-e not been properl% educated,
man% historical landmar0s are e*ploited and art pieces are disposed of
rather indiscriminatel%.
.oda%, the Philippines is e*periencing a spiritual and cultural
renaissance. 2s (e loo0 to the promise of the future and stri-e to ma0e a
mar0 globall%, it is important that (e first ta0e stoc0 and become a(are of
(ho (e are as a people. 2rt and culture is integral to the celebration and
rene(al of the spirit . Hritings, art(or0s, relics, and structural landmar0s
are tangible e-idences of our countr%'s past and of the (a% (e li-e. .he%
are the fingerprints of our nation's character.
In -ie( of the abo-e enumerated problems concerning the
en-ironment and natural resources, it is the polic% of the state to protect the
people b% effecti-el% enforcing en-ironmental protection la(s that (ould
address these problems.
1' P:27.90 >8@ S1.70
.his master plan sets forth the concept of
operations, operational guidelines and tas0s of all P&P units<offices in the
total fight against illegal drugsJ integrating<orchestrating the acti-ities of all
concerned &ational Go-ernment 2gencies 9&G2s; in the conduct of antiB
illegal drug campaign at the national do(n to baranga% le-els.
)' D0?58535.8 .? T02A9
/ S00 A880G J1K ;
3' S53:>35.8
>' F>139 >8@ F5<:209
.he drug menace has gro(n to alarming proportion inspite of
pre-ention and suppression efforts b% the P&P and other tas0ed go-ernment
agencies to combat it. "a% b% da% (e are shoc0ed b% crimes committed b%
those high on illegal drugs. &arcotics ma0es possible the (orst and most
heinous crimes in societ%. It distort reason, (rec0 -alues, and ma0e
monster of men. .he number one drug choice in the countr% is
ethamphetamine h%drochloride or shabu, follo(ed closel% b% ari/uana due
to its relati-el% lo( price and a-ailabilit%. )EC!.2C6, or "2 is no( being
introduced in the mar0et particularl% in nightclubs and discos.
!habu finds its origin from China and its entr% into the
countr% is facilitated b% foreign and domesticBbased s%ndicates using
5ong0ong and .ai(an as the staging points. !muggling acti-ities are
perpetrated -ia oceanBgoing -essels from (here multiB0ilos of shabu are
transferred shipBside to smaller sea crafts (hich then unload the illegal drug
to our shores. Interdiction records re-eals that human couriers are being
utili$ed for both inbound and outbound shipments. ails and parcels are
-er% popular for outbound shipments of small Luantities of drugs. +n the
other hand, mari/uana producing areas in the countr% are located in
&orthern 1u$on and in Central Gisa%as.
Comparati-e statistics on the -alue of drugs sei$ed for the past three
decades sho( a tremendous increase from PD0 million pesos (orth for the
period 1?@=B1?@? to more than P=E billion pesos for the period 1??0B=000.
Relatedl%, records sho( that, for the %ear =000 alone, thirt% si* thousand
se-en hundred fift% three 93&,"53; persons (ere arrested for in-ol-ement
in drug related acti-ities, and correspondingl%, a sei$ure of three billion nine
hundred ninet% four million t(o hundred si*t% four thousand four hundred
eight% t(o pesos 9PE,??>,=:>,>D=.00; (orth of illegal drugs. .opping the list
in terms of the -olume of confiscated illegal drugs is ethamphetamine
h%drochloride 9shabu; (ith a lion share of DAN of the total -alue of sei$ed
drugs, mari/uana (ith 1>N and 1N for all the other t%pes of prohibited
C' D5><8.959 .? 340 D2:< M08>10
.he moti-e of the drug lords, traffic0ers, pushers and their
cohorts in the illegal trade is profit. .oda%, e-en a simple and ordinar%
person ha-e entered into the drug trade simpl% because of its e*tensi-e
return. .he present economic crises forced street le-el pushers to the
retailing of prohibited drugs as a means<source of li-elihood. Hhile on the
other hand, man% abusers use dangerous drugs as a -ehicle to escape the
realities< -agaries of po-ert% and its concomitant problems.
Relatedl%, lac0 of 0no(ledge<information, loss of famil%
-alues and other aspects of prohibited drugs caused man% others to fall into
the trap.
A' N>35.8>6 OCF0135B09
1. .o reduce to $ero or at least
minimi$e the Profits deri-ed from illicit drug acti-ities thru suppl% Reduction
and "emand Reduction, in order to fulfill the Freedom fro Fear for our
=. .o address and eradicate or alle-iate the Breeding Grounds<ris0
factors in the en-ironment<social mileu that abet<e*acerbate the drug
problem, in order to fulfill the Freedom from Hant for our people and
thereb% preempt them from committing or becoming -ictims of drugBrelated
crimesJ and
E. .o moti-ationall% enlighten, empo(er and mobili$e the people
to participate in and support the Criminal Kustice !%stem and Go-ernment
machiner% in attaining the t(o aforementioned ob/ecti-es, so that
Participator% "emocrac% shall be institutionali$ed in our societ%.
B' B2.>@ OCF0135B0
.he P&P conducts an allBout and sustained antiBnarcotics
campaign to neutrali$e drug personalities from streetBle-el pushers to big
time drug lords, smugglers and s%ndicatesJ in-estigate and prosecute drug
offendersJ pro-ide for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependentsJ
and empo(er the baranga% as selfBpolicing entities against the drug
C' S7015?51 OCF0135B09
1. !uppl% Reduction B 2rrest of drug personalities and
sei$ure of illegal drugs through intensified police operations.
=. "emand Reduction B Implementation of pre-enti-e
education and public information campaigns to increase a(areness of the ill
effects of prohibited drugs. .his also includes treatment and rehabilitation of
drug dependents.
E. InterB2genc% Cooperation B Promote antiBdrug related
acti-ities among tas0ed go-ernment agencies in close coordination (ith the
&"1EPCC, being mandated to orchestrate and consolidate the drug
enforcement and pre-ention efforts of &ational Go-ernment 2gencies, 1ocal
Go-ernment 4nits and &onBGo-ernment +rgani$ations.
>. Communit% Participation B underta0ing the E Core
Components of Communit% +riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!; namel% Full
!er-ice Policing 9F!P;, Problem !ol-ing 9P!; and Communit% Partnership
9CP;. Generate support, acti-e participation and cooperation of &G+s,
CG+s, other ci-ilian organi$ation in the communit%, including the formation
of ci-ilian organi$ations.
A. International Cooperation B to run after the transnational
drugs s%ndicatesJ and plug<minimi$e the drug traffic to and from the
Philippines. E*change of information and rele-ant technologies that could be
used in the 2ntiB"rugs Campaign could also be accessed through this pillar.
.he PC.C, I&.ERP+1, 2!E2&2P+1, "efense<ilitar% and Police attaches,
embassies, consulates, international &G+s, li0e the International 2ssociation
of Chiefs of Police 9I2CP; and the li0e are the a-enues through (hich
international cooperation could be tapped against transnational s%ndicates
and sources of drugs. .his ne( pillar is but a natural conseLuence of the
)globali$ation of the (orld into a -illage,.
It is a threeBpronged strateg%, each prong assigned to o-ercome
its targeted obstacle and accomplish its allocated ob/ecti-e.
P2.8<L S:776D+D0A>8@ R0@:135.8 C>A7>5<8
It consist of Production, Processing, .raffic0ing, Financing,
Retailing and Consumption pre-ention<control measures to reduce profit to
$ero and thereb% accomplish the first national ob/ecti-e.
P2.8<L D0B06.7A083+R0?.2A P>1E><0 .? P2.<2>A9
/D2:< P200A735.8 C>A7>5<8;
It encompasses Education, Good Go-ernment,
"e-elopment<Industriali$ation, oral<Galues<!piritual Formation and 1egal
Reform Programs to address<sol-e the ris0 factors<deficiencies in the
en-ironment and thereb% attains the second national ob/ecti-e.
P2.8<L P0.760 EA7.=02A083 C>A7>5<8
Its components include Propaganda, +rgani$ational, Political,
Enforcement and Ideological "ri-es to catal%$e into action the people and
eliminate the crisis of citi$enship, and thereb% reali$e the third national
ob/ecti-e. 9Please see 2nne* )1,;. .he operational methodolog% for People
Empo(erment consists of oti-ational enlightenment +rgani$ation and
obili$ation 92nne* ),;. .he ultimate goal is to be able to mobili$e People
Po(er against the drug menace nation(ide, as en-isioned in 2nne* )&,.

.he abo-eBstrategic concept shall be operationali$ed b%
the P&P through the e*ecution of the follo(ing Concept of +perationsF
1' Supply Reduct!" D#$e (SRD)
>' A135B53509 3. C0 :8@023>E08 CD 340 PNP
.he P&P shall endea-or to reduce the suppl% side<segment
of illegal drugs to the barest minimum le-el possible. .his is to
simultaneousl% dri-e the prices of drugs s0%roc0eting high and create acute
shortage of the contraband to death0nell le-el. .he P&P shall bring this
about b% doing the follo(ingF
1; Production Control easures
a; Crop eradication operations 9manual and
b; Confiscation<forfeiture of plantation
c; In-estigation and prosecution of o(ners,
planters, guards, etc.J
d; Interdiction operations to stop di-ersion
of licit production b% land, sea and air, including importation<smugglingJ and
e; +thers.
=;. Processing Control easures
a; !earch and destro% operations to
neutrali$e secret laboratoriesJ
b; !trict enforcement of regulations and
close monitoring of processing chemicals and refining supplies to minimi$e
di-ersion of licit precursor chemicalsJ
c; In-estigation and prosecution of o(ners,
(or0ers, suppliers, bu%ers, guards, etc, in-ol-ed in illegal drug tradeJ and
d; +thers.
E; .raffic0ing Control easures
a; !trict Customs operations to intercept
drug shipmentsJ
b; Border and coastal patrol operationsJ
c; 2irport securit% to pre-ent pilferage<
d; !earch and sei$ure operations, especiall%
(ith the use of SBRa% machines, IB? and the li0eJ
e; Bilateral and ultilateral cooperationJ
f; In-estigation and prosecution of
traffic0ers, couriers and cohortsJ and
g; +thers.
>; Financing Control easures
a; International<bilateral cooperation to
identif%, in-estigate and institute forfeiture proceedings against mone%
laundering acti-ities of drug financiersJ
b; In-estigation and prosecution of "!5
such as drug lords and financiers for ta* e-asionJ and
c; +thers.
A;. Retailing<Pushing Control easures
a; Bu%Bbust operationsJ
b; Patrol<Police -isibilit% operationsJ
c; Chec0 Point operationsJ
d; !aturation "ri-esJ
e; Raids of drug densJ
f; 2rrest, in-estigation and prosecution of
pushers, as ma% be (arrantedJ
g; PoliceBCommunit% CooperationJ and
h; +thers.
C' Re%!"al A"t-Ille%al D#u%& Ta&' (!#ce&
(RAIDTA(&) a"d t)e# A"t-D#u% Sy"dcate& a"d Supply Reduct!"
D#$e (SRD) Ope#at!"&'
R2I".2Fs operations shall focus on the neutrali$ation of
the masterminds, drug lords, traffic0ers, top cohorts from the
Police<ilitar%<Go-ernment and others including the pushers of the different
drug s%ndicates in their respecti-e regions. +n the other hand, their !uppl%
Reduction "ri-e operations shall dismantle and stop the suppl% segment of
the drug chain abo-e including retailing.
2ntiB!%ndicated and !uppl% Reduction +perations shall be
conducted in three 9E; phases, as follo(sF
Phase I B S&r%ei!!ace-Case +&i!" U( B .his (ill include the
re-ie(<updating of intelligence files, identification<listing of target
personalities and instrumentalities<locations<etcJ building up of the potential
case to be filed later b% listing possible (itnesses, scanning for pieces of
e-idence, etcJ and the li0e. .hese (ill be done primaril% b% /oint forces of
&G, CI"G, IG, .G and concerned PR+s.
Phase II B Ne#atio P*ase B .his (ill be e*ecuted b% !ubB
PhasesJ namel%F Preparator%, Proper and PostB&egation. In the PreB
&egation !ubBPhase, coordination<,test bu%s,< application for (arrants<
organi$ation and eLuipage of operating team<s mission briefingB
orientation<etc shall be underta0en. In the &egation Proper !ubBPhase, the
operation<raid is conducted<!+C+Be-idence gathering<collectionBproper
handling of e-idence<secure presence of Brg% +fficials<secure
(itnesses<arrest and .I of suspects<etc shall be conducted. In the PostB
&egation Phase, getting result of lab test<debriefing<preparation and filing of
report<accounting of sei$ed e-idence<etc shall be done.
Phase III B 5e#a! Offesi%e P*ase B It shall include the
preparation and filing of criminal charges, confiscation<forfeiture procedure,
pursuing ta* e-asion cases, pro-iding protection to (itnesses, preser-ation
of and accountabilit% for e-idence, ma*imum securit% to pre-ent escape of
drug suspects, case trac0ing and follo(Bup, prosecution acti-ities and the
li0eJ until the case is resol-ed<decided b% the courts. .he goal here is to
assure the con-iction and secure the ma*imum penalt%, preferabl% death,
for the personalities in-ol-ed in drugs. .his phase shall be done primaril% b%
the PR+s<PP+s<CP+s<Pol !tations concerned, so as not to tie do(n<o-er
burden the R2I".2Fs and for continuit% in the prosecution of cases.
1' PRO& a"d Ot)e# Re%!"al NSU& a"d T)e# A"t-
Pu&)e#&*U&e#&+ SRD+ a"d ,ANAT Ope#at!"&

1; 2ntiBPushers<4sers +perations
.he 2ntiBPushers<4sers +perations such as the
conduct of bu%Bbust, raids of drug dens, arrest of those engaged in pot
sessions and the li0e shall be retained and conducted b% the PR+s through
their respecti-e PP+s<CP+s<Police !tations<Precincts and obile Groups.
Hith the help and support of &G2s, 1G4s and &G+s,
PR+s<PP+s<CP+s<P!s<PPs shall also address the root causes<breeding
grounds that prompted them to be pushers<users such as underta0ing
li-elihood pro/ects and<or treatment and rehabilitation.
9&+.EF 2ntiBPushers<users and "R" +perations shall be
done b% the PR+s through their respecti-e PP+s<CP+s<P!s<PPs as part of
their C+P! implementation in their respecti-e 2+RsJ that is, F!P, P! and CP
=; B2&2. +perations
.o disinfect<clear and empo(er drugBaffected baranga%s to
become selfBpolicing communities and e-entuall% turnedo-er to baranga%
officials, B2&2. +perations shall be conducted thereat. For this purpose, all
baranga%s shall be assessed b% the Intelligence Communit% (ith the help of
Baranga% +fficials, and categori$ed according to the degrees of drug
affectation. .he categori$ation shall be as follo(sF
.arget priorit% 1BCategor% 1 B !eriousl% affectedB (hen =.AN
or more of the local population are drug dependents
and<or e*istence of pushers<drug traffic0ers, drug
s%ndicates and<or K plantation
(ithin the baranga%.
.arget Priorit% =BCategor% = B1ess !eriousl% affected B (hen 1.0N to
=.>?N of the local residents are drug dependents.
.arget Priorit% E BCategor% EB.hreatened to be affectedB(hen
less than 1N of the populace are drug
.arget Priorit%> B Categor% >B 4naffected 8 (hen there are no
pushers and users.
Parameters to be considered in this categori$ation should beF
a; &umber of users and pushers
b; Presence of protectors<coddlers, s%ndicates
c; &o of "rug related cases
d; &umber of users and pushers apprehended and
number of those (ho -oluntaril% surrendered for
B2&2. +PER2.I+&! in drugBaffected baraga%s shall be conducted b%
the follo(ing outfitsF
a; Clearing of drugBaffected baranga% of narcotics abusers
and traffic0ers, and empo(er the baranga% fol0s to become a selfBpolicing
communit% against the drug menace.
b; .he P&P field units (ith the cooperation of the different
&G2s, 1G4s and<or &G+s, shall address the rootcauses<Breeding Grounds
that prompted pushers and abusers to indulge in drugs through
de-elopmentBoriented pac0age of pro/ects and acti-ities.
.he process of disinfecting and empo(ering a target baranga%
shall entail se-eral operations and acti-ities to be e*ecuted b% phases.
Phase I B !ocial In-estigation and PlanningB It shall include
intelligence gathering about drug s%ndicates, pushers and usersJ baseline
and social research to 0no( the socioBeconomic rootBcauses of drug
traffic0ing and addictionJ operations and de-elopment planningJ etc.
Phase II B &eutrali$ation B 2t this stage, appropriate police
operations b% P&P line units shall be conducted to arrest drug personalities,
their goons<henchmen, pushers, etc. .he ob/ecti-e is to remo-e the
atmosphere of fear in the communit%.
Phase III B Field 4nits shall underta0e the application of !canningB
2nal%sisBResponse B 2nal%sis 9!2R2; problemBsol-ing methodolog% designed
to identif%<locate (ho<(hat are the persons<entities that can be tapped as
QGuardiansQ to counter the drug menace in the baranga%. .hese Guardians
shall be organi$ed and mobili$ed to form a lin0 against the drug menace.
Phase IGB .his shall in-ol-e the implementation of de-elopment
pro/ects designed to address<alle-iate the rootcausesJ such as pro-ide
alternati-e li-elihood for the pushers, (orth(hile alternati-es and
rehabilitation for the drug dependentsJ and the li0e.
Phase GB Baranga% Empo(erment B Field 4nits shall /ointl%
empo(er the barang% fol0s against the drug menace b% organi$ing BI&s,
conducting rondas, educating the local fol0s about the ill effect of drugs,
implementing operation QPri-ate E%eQ, etc. .his (ill continue until the
barang% is completel% rid of pushers, ushers and drug personalities.
Phase GIB !elfBPolicing Communit% B .he baranga% shall be
declared drugBfree once the set of criteria are met. .his (ill be culminated
(ith the signing of a emorandum of 4nderstanding 9+4; bet(een the
Brg% Chairman and the P&P P"<C"<C+P in the presence of 1G4s, &G+s, and
other ci-ic groups.
E; Counterintelligence
Counterintelligence shall be intensified and sustained b% IG
and Intelligence personnel of R2I".2Fs and PR+s<PP+s<CP+s<Police
!tations<Precincts (ith the support of P.FIC, &BI, &IC2 and 2FP to identif%
and (eed out the police, militar%, and other go-ernment personnel (ho are
in-ol-ed in "angerous "rugs. .he immediate superior of such
misfits<scala(ags shall be held accountable under the "octrine of Command
Responsibilit%. .here shall be strict screening 9including drug test;, close
sur-eillance and super-ision of police<militar%<go-ernment personnel (ho
are tapped for antiBdrug efforts.
>; +peration QPri-ate E%eQ
.o enhance the Intelligence and Counterintelligence
efforts of the 2ntiB&arcotics Campaign, PeoplePs Po(er shall be harnessed
through the implementation of operation QPri-ate E%eQ b% all R2I".2Fs and
PR+s. .he citi$enr% shall ser-e as the Qe%e and earsQ of the police b%
collecting and reporting<submitting information<leads<e-idence against
drug personalities, drug chain instrumentalit% and acti-ities, and their
cohorts in the police<militar%<go-ernment. onetar% and other incenti-es
shall be offered and gi-en to an%one (ho could so pro-ide such
info<leads<e-idence that shall lead to the arrest of drug elements 9(ith or
(ithout (arant of arrest; (ho could be caught flagrante delicto 9doctrine of
citi$en Ps arrest situations; and<or location of illegal drug Instrumentalities
such as K plantations. .he amount of re(ard<incenti-e shall be
commensurate to the gra-it% of the crime<notoriet% of the suspect<etcJ and
the schedule of re(ards<incenti-es (idel% disseminated. .he identit% of the
QPri-ate e%e<earQ shall remain anon%mous and special pa%ment scheme shall
be de-ised and implemented to preser-e same. In case it is compromised,
securit% and assistance shall be pro-ided to him<herJ including a-ailment of
the Hitness Protection Program, if Lualified.
A; +perational Guidelines
i; R2I".2Fs and P&P 4nits shall pursue aggressi-el%
the arrest, prosecution and con-iction of suspects and dismantling of their
drug chain instrumentalities such as K plantations, laboratories, support
s%stem, etc.
ii; R2I".2Fs and P&P Regular 4nits shall conduct
coordinated operation (ith each other, other la( enforcement agencies,
other pillars of the CK!, (ith support<assistance of the 2FP, P.FIC, and &BI.
For this purpose, the 1a( Enforcement Coordinating Committees 91ECCs;
and Peace and +rder Councils 9P+Cs at -arious le-els shall be tapped for this
iii; 2ll R2I".2Fs Commanders and R"s, PR+s shall be
e-aluated<rated and held accountable for the performance of their respecti-e
units as (ell as the in-ol-ement of their personnel in illegal drug acti-ities.
For this purpose, the follo(ing are the performance indicators<parametersF
B 2rrest, prosecution and con-iction of drug personalities
B &eutrali$ation of "rug !%ndicates and dismantling of
illegal drug instrumentalities.
B &o. of cases filed in court and con-iction rate.
B &o. of police<militar%<go-ernment personnel
in-estigated<prosecuted for in-ol-ement in drugs<drug
chain acti-ities.
B &o. of Baranga%s cleared<empo(ered<selfBpolicing
B &o of pushers and users rehabilitated.
)' De-a"d Reduct!" D#$e (DRD)
"emand Reduction "ri-e +perations9"R"; B
.hese (ill be underta0en through Primar%, !econdar% and<or .ertiar%
Pre-ention 2pproaches. .ertiar% Pre-ention 2pproaches (hich shall be
coordinated<initiated<pumpBprimed and<or carried out b%
PR+s<PP+s<CP+s<P!s<PPs, as the case ma%be. .hese (ill be done (ith the
support of other &!4s Regional +ffices such as Police Communit% Relations
Group 9PCRG;, 5ealth !er-ice 95!;, 1ogistics !upport !er-ice 91!!;, etc, as
appropriate. .he &G2s, 1G4s, and &G+s shall li0e(ise be catal%$ed,
organi$ed and<or mobili$ed to help in this effort.
.he P&P, in collaboration (ith all other go-ernment tas0ed
units, shall e*ert allBout and sustained efforts to reduce, if not eradicate,
the demand side<segment of illegal drugs. .he &G2s, 1G4s, &G+s, and the
Pri-ate !ector<Ci-il !ociet% shall be harnessed in multiBagenc%<sectoral
efforts and cooperation to address the rootcauses gi-ing rise to and abetting
the drug menace, especiall% the drug dependents and pushers. .he effecti-e
implementation of the Communit% +riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!; and
the Integrated 2rea Communit% Public !afet% Plan 9I2<CP!P;, is the 0e% to
achie-e the goal of reducing the demand side le-el of the drug menace.
.he approaches to $ero in to this side of the campaign (ith
their respecti-e target groups are as follo(sF
a; Primar% Pre-ention 2pproach for &onB4sers
Primar% pre-ention attempts to discourage the
initiation of drug use, especiall% b% children and adolescents. It tries to 0eep
them from )falling into the drug ri-er,. 2 seLuence of mutuall% reinforcing
measures is encompassed b% primar% pre-ention. .he measures and their
respecti-e acti-ities are the follo(ingF
1; Public 2(areness
Public ser-ice announcements
Press conferences
Press materials
Public forums
=; Public Education
InBdepth co-erage on .G and radio
&e(spaper features
Parent mobili$ation and education
!chool curricula
!%mposia for 0e% influencers li0e parents,
teachers, etc.
E; 2ttitude and Beha-ioral Change<
Parenting s0ills training
Peer counseling
Resistance s0ills training
2lternati-es to drug abuse
>; !ocial<Public 2ction
&eighborhood impro-ement
!chool reno-ation
Kob creation
"rugBfree $ones
Police patrol and protection
b; !econdar% Pre-ention 2pproach for )E*perimenters,
and Casual "rug 4sers
!econdar% pre-ention 9inter-ention; discourages the
escalation of drug consumption b% occasional or e*perimental users and
encourages them to return to nonBuse. It tries to get them )out of the drug
ri-er, before too much damage is done BB and then 0eep them out. In
addition to the measures listed under primar% pre-ention, casual users ma%
need direct, oneBonBone assistance, including identification and referral
ser-ices and shortBterm counseling. Increased attention is being gi-en to
(omen of childbearing age (ho ma% put their unborn children at ris0 not
onl% of fetal drug effects, but also of 2I"!. !uccessful inter-ention re"&ces
t*e (re%a!ece of "r&# a+&se.
.he measures and their respecti-e acti-ities are as
1; +utreach Identification and Referral
Communit%Bbased information and
referral net(or0s
Emplo%ee assistance programs
"rugBrelated arrests
Emergenc% rooms
5ealth clinics
!ocial ser-ice agencies
=; Inter-ention
Crisis counseling
!hortBterm counseling
Emergenc% rooms
5ealth clinics
c; .ertiar% Pre-enti-e 2pproach for 2ddicts and
Reco-ering Persons
.ertiar% pre-ention pro-ides treatment and aftercare
to help people get off and sta% off drugs. It tries to sa-e the casualties of
drug use, to re-i-e them, then help them sta% )out of the drug ri-er,.
2ddicted and reco-ering people ma% profit from the 0inds of measures listed
under primar% and secondar% pre-ention, but t%picall% (ill also need intense
and e*tended oneBonBone ser-ices as (ell as longBterm support. Both the
2I"! epidemic and the mounting numbers of children suffering from i &tero
drug e*posure call for intensified pre-ention acti-ities at the tertiar% stage.
!uccessful treatment and aftercare re"&ces t*e (re%a!ece of "r&# a+&se.
.he measures and their respecti-e acti-ities are
listed hereunderF
1; "eto*ification
)!ocial, deto*
=; Chemicall% 2ssisted or "rugBFree
!hortBterm residential
1ongBterm residential
E; Relapse Resistance
5alf(a% houses
2ftercare programs
!upport groups 9e.g. 2lcoholics; 2non%mous and
&arcotics 2non%mous;
It is most important to emphasi$e that a single approach can
ne-er do the full pre-ention /ob. .he goal is to combine selected
approaches in the most po(erful seLuence possibleJ to address as man% ris0
groups as the pre-ention budget (ill allo(J to include a range of 0e% setting
in the programJ and to engage po(erful influencers from all segments in
these effort.
3' I83028>35.8>6 C..702>35.8 /IC ;
.here is an o-er(helming e-idence that production, traffic0ing,
and consumption of narcotics and ps%chotropic drugs has alread% reached
global scale, (ith far reaching conseLuences for the international
communit%. .he illicit drug trade has been fueled b% its tremendous
profitabilit%, thus, it has e-ol-ed from a comple* and sophisticated trade into
a commercial industr% and has surpassed the e*pectations and predictions of
man% go-ernment (orld(ide, (ith some serious implications for the future.
.he 0e% factor influencing the production of illicit drugs is the rise in global
2(are of the magnitude of the problem, the 4nited &ations
through its instrumentalit%, the 4& International "rug Control Program and
the -arious con-entions passed in recent %ears, had endea-ored to secure
commitments among the partiesBsignatories as (ell as intergo-ernmental
and international organi$ations, the important role of the suppressing the
gro(ing global drug abuse problem. In response to the challenge, the
4&"CP has sought to focus attention on the underl%ing lin0ages bet(een the
illicit drug phenomenon and other threats facing the international communit%
through the de-elopment of a multidimensional global efforts to re-erse
drug related trends before the% acLuired serious dimensions.
.he go-ernment of the republic of the Philippines is a signator%
to three international drug control con-entionsF .he !ingle Con-ention on
&arcotic "rugs of 1?:1 as amended b% the 1?@= Protocol. .he Con-ention
on Ps%chotropic !ubstances of 1?@1 and the 4nited &ations Con-ention
against Illicit .raffic in &arcotic "rugs and Ps%chotropic !ubstances of 1?DDJ
and the Political "eclaration of the !pecial !ession of the General 2ssembl%
"e-oted to Countering the Horld "rug Problem .ogether held in &e( 6or0
on Kune DB10, 1??D.
.he countr% does reaffirms its commitment to o-ercome the
drug problem through domestic and international strategies to reduce both
the illicit suppl% and demand for drugs. It further recogni$es that the action
against the problem of drugs is a common and shared responsibilit% of all
!tates that must be addressed in a multilateral setting.
.he concern of the international communit% on the gra-it% of the
drug problem is reflected in the more familiar en-ironment of Philippine
drug enforcement and pre-ention. .oda%'s drug s%ndicates are immensel%
impro-ed -ersions of gangs of the past. .he% ha-e the resources and
financial capabilit% to recruit e*perts in fields rele-ant to the trade. .he%
can form armies and influence go-ernments.
.he comple*it% and si$e of the international drug trade,
punctuated b% the abilit% of the traffic0ers to redirect operations from
countr% to countr%, necessitates an eLuall% sophisticated response and
cooperation b% the go-ernments in fulfillment of public safet% concern as
(ell as their obligations under the 4& con-entions aimed at fighting
traffic0ing and drug abuse on the global dimension. .o this end, the I.C.P.+.
8 Interpol remains as an institutional mechanism for international police
cooperation. 2s an intergo-ernmental organi$ation (ith special
arrangements (ith the 4&, it has a total membership of 1:? countries, of
(hich =D are in the 2siaBPacific region to ser-e as a focal point of
cooperation. .he &ational Central Bureaus 9&CBs; conduct police actions
oriented (or0 (ithin the limits set b% their national legislati-e and
administrati-e s%stem.
.he strateg%, therefore, to(ards a (orld(ide fight against
dangerous drugs, is to forge bilateral and multilateral
relationships<agreements bet(een nations 9through the "epartment of
Foreign 2ffairs or through the &ational "rug 1a( Enforcement and
Pre-ention Coordinating Center; to solidif% international cooperation in
chemical control and pre-ention of drug traffic0ing.
1; &5#, P&P
2; "C+ B o-erall super-isor<orchestrator
B; "I B
a; Furnish an updated drug (atchlist on Illegal
"rugs to all tas0ed unitsJ
b; Pro-ide timel% intelligence and counterBntelligence
informations<supports needed in the implementation
of this planJ
c; Continous updating of the illegal drugs situationJ
d; Intensif% information collection efforts to identif% the
drug coddlers<protectors, drug dens<lairs and
outlets, plantation<laborator%, drug net(or0, their
support s%stems and their modus operandiJ
e; 2ssess the effort of all tas0ed unitsJ
f; 2ssist &2RG<"P1 in liaisoning (ith other national and
international organi$ations and police attachesJ
g; Perform other tas0s on order.
C; "+B
a; +PR in the conduct of this planJ
b; onitor the implementation of this planJ
c; 2ssess the operational accomplishments and
effors of all tas0ed unitsJ and
d; Perform other tas0s on order.
"; "1B
a; Pro-ide the necessar% logistical support needed
in the implementation of this planJ and
b; Perform other tas0s on order.
E; "CB
a; 2llocate necessar% fund support in the
implementation of this planJ
b; Perform other tas0s on order.
F; "I"B
a; 2ssist the operating units in the conduct of !+C+
in-estigation, documentation of arrested persons and
sei$ed documents and in the filing of appropriate
charges in court against the suspectsJ
b; onitor and follo( up of all drug cases filed in
courtJ and
c; Perform other tas0s on order.
G; "P1B
a; 2ssist &2RG in liaisoning through its &CB
b; !upport the campaign b% proposing antiBdrug
legislation and tapping the Enactment PillarJ
c; Initiate establishing lin0ages (ith friendl% nations
thru or in close coordination (ith the "epartment of
Foreign 2ffairs 9"F2; or &ational "rug 1a(
Enforcement and Pre-ention Coordinating Center
9&"1EPCC;, in effect, to engender coalition among
so-ereign go-ernments to de-ise an international
drug polic%J and
d; Perform other tas0s on order.
5; "PCRB
a; !ee0 the assistance of the leaders of the -arious
&G+s, P+s, triBmedia, religious sectors, business
and other sectors in the conduct of antiB
illegal drugs operationsJ
b; Responsible for the dissemination to the public of the
-arious thrusts of the P&P in containing illegal drugs
problem throughout the countr%J
c; Responsible in the conduct of press
conferences<releasesJ and
d; Perform other tas0s on order.

=; PR+s 1B1E, &CRP+, C2R and 2RB /ointl% responsible (ith
&2RG in the conduct of these operations in their respecti-e 2+Rs.
a; aintain<energi$ed the Regional 2ntiBillegal "rugs .as0
Forces 9R2I".2Fs; B2&2. being headed b% "R"+s (ith
the Regional Field +fficers of &2RG as "eputies 9(ith
resident<inBplace +PC+& elements from PP+s<CP+s<PPs in
respecti-e 2+RsJ

b; Conduct allBout and sustained 2ntiB&arcotics Campaign b%
implementing the concept of operations in respecti-e
2+Rs, utili$ing their respecti-e R2I".2Fs,
PP+s<CP+s<P!s<PPs,obile Groups and +PC+& Regional
4nits<+ffices of &!4sJ
c; Identif% 4sers<abusers, pushers<suppliers, drug
coddlers <protectors,s%ndicates <traffic0ers <financiers,
including their residences, safehouses, laboratories,
places of con-e%ances and other related information and
ta0e s(ift and agressi-e action against themJ
d; Conduct case buildBup<sur-eillance on suspected
user<abusers,pushers<suppliers drug coddlers< protectors
and s%ndicates<traffic0ers<financiersJ
e; Categori$e the affected baranga%s into Categories 1, =, E
or as seriousl% affected, less seriousl% affected and
threatened to be affected and sub/ect them to
B2&2. +perationsJ
f; Refer to other concerned go-ernment and non
go-ernment line agencies arrested or surrendered drug
g; .urnBo-er drug Bfree baranga%s and related policing
acti-ities to the Communit% thru a emorandum of
4nderstanding bet(een the Brg% Chairman and the P&PJ
h; Conduct Communit% related pro/ects<programs
through sports acti-ities and li-elihood programs to di-ert
%outhPs attention from drugsJ
i; Conduct sustained drug a(areness programs and ensure
continued commitment to drugBabuse pre-ention
/; Primaril% responsible for the suppl% reduction and demand
reduction (ithin respecti-e 2+RJ
0; Conduct performance e-aluation of all operating
l; +perationali$e the PR+s !pea0ers BureauJ
m; .rac0 do(n status of all narcotics cases in coordination
(ith "+K and other members of the criminal /ustice
n; !trengthen counterBintelligence acti-ities against all P&P
personnel suspected of using, pushing<rec%cling sei$ed
narcotics e-idence and protecting drug lordsJ
o; Kointl% assess (ith PR+s, &2RG and concerned
members of RP+C the result of campaignJ
p; !ubmit periodic reportsJ and
L; Perform other tas0s on order.
E; &2RGB /ointl% responsible (ith all PR+s in the conduct of the
follo(ing operationsF
a; Performs primar% role in 2ntiB&arcotics Campaign
against .ransnational and &ational 9t(o or more
regions; drug s%ndicates and sources
b; 2dminister and manage the P&P Rehabilitation and
.reatment Centers, in coordination (ith ""B and "EP
c; Furnish an 4pdated Hatchlist on Illegal "rugs to
all tas0ed unitsJ
d; Pro-ide timel% intelligence and counterintelligence
informations<supports needed in the implementation of
this planJ
e; Continue updating the illegal drugs situationJ
f; Identif% 4sers<abusers, pusher<suppliers, drug
ng their residences, safehouses, laborator%, places of
con-e%ances and other related information and ta0e s(ift
and aggressi-e action against themJ
g; Conduct case buildBup<sur-eillance on suspected
users<abusers, pushers<suppliers, drug coddlers<protectors
and s%ndicates< trafficers<financiersJ
h; Intensif% information collection efforts to identif% the
users<abusers, pushers<suppliers, drug
coddlers<protectors, their support s%stems and their
modus operandiJ
i; Responsible for suppl% reduction related acti-itiesJ
/; .rac0 do(n status of all narcotics cases, in coordination
(ith "+K and other members of the criminal /ustice
0; !trengthen counterBintelligence acti-ities against all P&P
personnel suspected of using, pushing<rec%cling sei$ed
narcotics e-idence and protecting drug lordsJ
l; 2ssess the effort of all tas0ed unitsJ and together (ith
IG, -alidate cleared<empo(ered<selfBpolicing baranga%s
declared as such b% R2I".2Fs and PR+sJ
m; 2ct as action office<liaison office of the P&P in all clustered
and special tas0 groups embodied in the &ational 2nti "rug
Program of 2ction 9&2"P2;
n; Primar% arm<liaison of P&P in tapping<harnessing the
International CooperationJ and
o; Perform other tas0s on orders.
a; 2ssist the operating units in the conduct of in-estigation
and in the filing of appropriate charges in court against the
b; Pro-ide technical and legal assistance to the
operating unitsJ
c; Intensif% collection efforts to identif% the users<abusers,
pushers<suppliers drug coddlers< protectors, their support
s%stems and their modus operandiJ
d; Identif% 4sers<abusers, pusher<suppliers, drug
coddlers<protectors, s%ndicates<trafficers<financiers,
including their residences, safehouses, laboratories,
places of con-e%ances and other related information, and
ta0e s(ift and aggressi-e action against themJ
e; Conduct case buildBup < sur-eillance on suspects users
< abusers, pushers<suppliers, drug coddlers <protectors
and s%ndicates<traffic0ers<financiersJ
f; Perform other tas0s on order
a; Furnish an 4pdated Hatchlist on Illegal "rugs to
all tas0ed unitJ
b; Pro-ide timel% intelligence and counterBintelligence
information<supports needed in the implementation of the
c; 4nderta0e continuous updating of the illegal drugs
d; Intensif% information collection efforts to identif% the users
< abusers, pushers < suppliers < s%ndicates< traffic0ers <
financiers "rug coddlers < protectors, drug dens<lairs
and outlets, plantation<laborator% drug net(or0, their
support s%stems and their modus operandiJ
e; Hith &2RG, -alidate Baranga%s declared as
cleared < empo(ered < self policing b% PPR+s and<or
R2I".2F B2&2.J and
f; Perform other tas0s on order.
:; 2!GB
a; Increase police -isibilit% at the &2I2 domestic airports and
other airports nation(ideJ
b; Conduct open -erification 9!I.2; to all passengers
entering or departing from the airportJ
c; Emplo% IB? to detect and interdict drug cargoes<shipmentJ
d; Perform other tas0s on order.
@; 2RG
a; Conduct open -erification 9!I.2; to all passengers
entering and departing form the ports<piersJ
b; Increase police -isibilit% at the ports<pier nation(ideJ
c; Intensif% uniformed sea lane and coastal patrolJ and
d; Perform other tas0s on order.
D; 1!
a; Pro-ide legal assistance to the operating units
especiall% in the conduct of in-estigation, filing of
appropriate charges and in monitoring the de-elopment
of casesJ and
b; Perform other tas0s on order.
?; C1!B
a; Pro-ide technical assistance in the conduct of
in-estigation, preser-ation of e-idences and other
related actionsJ
b; a0e a-ailable the crime laborator% for drug testingJ
c; Perform other tas0s on order.
"efinition of .erms
1+I B2&2. 92lpha; dated !eptember E, 1??@
1+I >?<6= 9P2G!41+&G; dated "ecember 1:, =000
1+I 1><?> 92RIK42&2 ER2"IC2.I+&;
1+I 01<?? 9Pabo Real B 2lpha;
1+I 0D<?? 9P&P IP12& to E*ecuti-e +rder &o. :1;
a. 2dminister B refers to the act of introducing an%
dangerous drugs into the bod% of an% person, (ith or
(ithout his 0no(ledge b% in/ection, ingestion, or other
means of committing an% act of indispensable assistance
to a person in administering a dangerous drug to himselfJ
b. Centers B refers to an% of the treatment and
rehabilitation centers for drug dependentsJ
c. Culti-ate B means the act of 0no(ingl% planting, gro(ing,
raising or permitting the planting, gro(ing or raising of an%
plant (hich is a source of prohibited drugsJ
d. "angerous "rugs B refers to eitherF
1; Prohibited "rug 8 (hich includes opium and its acti-e
components and deri-ati-es, such as heroin and
morphine, coca leaf and its deri-ati-es, principall%
cocaine, alpha and beta cocaine, hallucinogenic
drugs, such as mescaline, l%sergic acid dieth%lamide
and other substances producing similar effects,
Indian hemp and its deri-ati-es, all preparations
made from an% of the foregoing, and other drugs and
chemical preparations, (hether natural or s%nthetic,
(ith the ph%siological effects of a narcotic or
=; Regulated "rugs B (hich includes selfBinducing
sedati-es, such as secobarbital, pentobarbital,
barbital, amobarbital and an% other drug (hich
contains a salt of a deri-ati-es of a salt of barbituric
acid, an% salt, isomer or salt of an isomer, of
amphetamine, such as Ben$edrine or de*idrine, or
an% drug (hich produces a ph%siological action
similar to amphetamine, and h%pnotic drugs, such as
methaLualone, nitra$epam or an% other compound
producing similar ph%siological effectsJ
e. "eli-er B refers to a person's act of 0no(ingl% passing a
dangerous drug to another personall% or other(iseJ and
b% an% means, (ith or (ithout considerationJ
e. "rug "ependence B means or state of ps%chic or ph%sical
dependence, or both, on a dangerous drug, arising in a
person follo(ing administration or use of that drug on a
periodic or continuous basisJ
f. Indian 5emp B other(ise 0no(n as 7mari/uana', embraces
e-er% 0ind, class, genus or specie of the plant cannabis
sati-a 1, including cannabis americana, hashish, bhang,
gua$a, churrus, and gan/ab, and embraces e-er% 0ind,
class, and character thereof, (hether dried or fresh and
flo(ering, flo(ering or fruiting tops or an% parts or portion
of the plant, seed thereof, and all its geographic -arieties,
(hether as a reefer, resin, e*tract, tincture or in an% form
g. anufacture B means the production, preparation,
compounding or processing of a dangerous drug either
directl% or indirectl% or b% e*traction from substances of
natural origin, or independentl% b% means of chemical
s%nthesis, and shall include an% pac0aging or repac0aging
of such substance or labeling, or relabelling of its
container, e*cept that such terms do not include the
preparation, compounding, pac0aging, or labeling of a drug
or other substance b% dul% authori$ed practitioner as an
incident to his administration or dispensing of such drug or
substance in the course of his professional practiceJ
h. &arcotic "rug B refers to an% drug (hich produces
insensibilit%, stupor, melanchol% or dullness of mind (ith
delusions and (hich ma% be habitBforming, and shall
include opium, opium deri-ati-es and s%nthetic opiatesJ
i. +pium B refers to the coagulated /uice of the opium
popp% and embraces e-er% 0ind, character and class of
opium, (hether crude, or prepared the ashes or refuse of
the sameJ narcotic preparation thereof or therefromJ
morphine or an% al 0aloid of opium enters as an
ingredient, opium popp%, opium seeds, opium popp%
stra(, and lea-es or (rappings of opium lea-es, (hether
prepared for use or notJ
/. Pusher B refers to an% person (ho sells, administers,
deli-ers, or gi-es a(a% to another, on an% terms
(hatsoe-er, or distributes, dispatches in transit or
transports an% dangerous drug or (ho acts as a bro0er in
an% of such transactions,
0. !ell B means the act of gi-ing a dangerous drug, (hether
for mone%, or an% other material considerationJ
l. 4se B refers to the act of in/ecting, intra-enousl% or
intramuscularl%, or of consuming, either b% che(ing,
smo0ing, sniffing, eating, s(allo(ing, drin0ing, or
other(ise introducing into the ph%siological s%stem of the
bod%, an% of the dangerous drugsJ
m. +pium Popp% B means an% part of the plant of the species
papa-er somniferum 1, including the seeds there of.
2&&ES )B,
!ummar% of Pertinent Pro-isions of En-ironmental,
Cultural and &atural Resources Protection 1a(s
1. F+RE!. PR+.EC.I+&
a. P. ". &+. @0A B Forestr% Reform Code of the Phils.
Pursuant to the pro-isions of Presidential
"ecree &o. @0AJ as amended, and 1etter of Instructions &o. 10=0 and other
pertinent policies, la(s and regulations, the !ecretar% of the En-ironment
and &atural Resources or his dul% authori$ed representati-e ha-e
administrati-e authorit% to order the confiscation of an% forest products
illegall% cut, gathered, remo-ed, possessed or abandoned, including all
con-e%ances used either b% land, (ater or air in the commission of the
offense and to dispose of the same in accordance (ith pertinent la(s,
regulations or policies. In case (here the apprehension are made b% the
P&P, Philippine &a-%, Coast Guard and other go-ernment la( enforcement
agencies, the apprehending agenc% shall notif% the nearest "E&R officer and
turn o-er the sei$ured forest products to the CE&R+<PE&R+<RE" concerned
for further in-estigation and disposition.
b. P.". &+. EE1 B ReLuiring that all forests be de-eloped,
managed and utili$ed on a sustained %ield basis (ith the benefit of technical
forestr% 0no(Bho( of registered foresters.
2ll holders of timber licenses, leases and<or permits
are reLuired to emplo% and<or engage the ser-ices of registered foresters,
so as to pro-ide the needed e*pertise in safeguarding public interest in the
de-elopment, management, and utili$ation of Philippine forests.
Republic 2ct &o. DAA0 B .he Philippine Fisheries Code of 1??D
!ection D: of the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1??D,
better 0no(n as Republic 2ct DAA0, prohibit an% person from unauthori$ed
fishing or engaging in other unauthori$ed fisheries acti-ities. &o person
shall e*ploit, occup%, produce, breed, culture, capture or gather fish, fr% or
fingerlings of an% fisher% species or fisher% products, or engage in an%
fisher% acti-it% in Philippine (aters (ithout a license, lease or permit.
Fishing for dail% food sustenance or for leisure (hich is not for commercial
occupation or li-elihood purposes ma% be allo(ed. It shall be unla(ful for
an% commercial fishing -essel to fish in ba%s and in such other fisher%
management areas (hich ma% herein after be declared as o-er e*ploited. It
shall be unla(ful for an% person not listed in the registr% of municipalit%
fisher fol0 to engage in an% commercial fishing acti-it% in municipal (aters.

It shall be unla(ful for an% foreign person,
corporation or entit% to fish or operate an% fishing -essel in Philippine (aters.
.he entr% of an% foreign fishing -essel in Philippine (aters shall constitute a
prima facie e-idence that the -essel is engaged in fishing in Philippine (aters
9!ec D@, Republic 2ct DAA0;.
!ection DD also e*presses that it is unla(ful for an%
person to catch, ta0e or gather or cause to be caught, ta0en or gathered, fish
or an% fisher% species in Philippine (aters (ith the use of electricit%,
e*plosi-es, no*ious or poisonous substance such as sodium c%anide in the
Philippine fisher% areas, (hich (ill 0ill, stupef%, disable or render unconscious
fish speciesF Pro-ided, that the proper authorities, sub/ect to such safeguards
and conditions deemed necessar% and endorsement from the concerned 1G4s,
ma% allo(, for research, educational or scientific purposes onl%, the use of
electricit%, poisonous or no*ious substances to catch, ta0e or gather fish or
fisher% speciesF Pro-ided, further, that the use of poisonous or no*ious
substances to eradicate predators in fishponds in accordance (ith accepted
scientific practices and (ithout causing ad-erse en-ironmental impact in
neighboring (aters and grounds shall not be construed as illegal fishing. It
shall be unla(ful for an% person, corporation or entit% to possess, deal in, sell
or an% manner dispose of, an% fish or fisher% species (hich ha-e been illegall%
caught, ta0en or gathered.
It shall be unla(ful for an% person or corporation to
gather, possess, sell or e*port ordinar% precious and semiBprecious corals,
(hether ra( or in processed from, e*cept for scientific or research purposes.
.he confiscated corals shall either be returned to the sea or donated to
schools and museums for educational or scientific purposes or disposed
through other means 9!ec. ?1, Republic 2ct DAA0;..
It shall be unla(ful for an% person, natural or
/udicial, to fish (ith gear method that destro%s coral reefs, seagrass beds,
and other fisher% marine life habitat as ma% determined b% the "epartment.
)uroB2mi, and an% of its -ariation, and such similar gear and methods that
reLuire di-ing, other ph%sical or mechanical acts to pound the coral reefs
and other habitat to entrap, gather or catch fish and other fisher% species
are also prohibited 9!ec. ?=, R.2. DAA0;.
It is unla(ful for an% person or corporation to gather,
sell or e*port (hite sand, silica, pebbles, and an% other substances (hich
ma0e up an% marine habitat 9!ec ?=, Republic 2ct DAA0;.

a. Republic 2ct &o. @?>= B .he Philippine ining 2ct of 1??A
2ll mineral resources in public and pri-ate lands
(ithin the territor% and e*clusi-e economic $one of the Republic of the
Philippines are o(ned b% the !tate. It shall be the responsibilit% of the !tate
to promote their rational e*ploration, de-elopment, utili$ation and
conser-ation through the combined efforts of go-ernment and the pri-ate
sector in order to enhance national gro(th in a (a% that effecti-el%
safeguards the en-ironment and protect the rights of affected communities.
.he "irector, "E&R ma% deputi$e, (hen necessar%, an% member or unit of
the Philippine &ational Police, baranga%, dul% registered nongo-ernmental
organi$ation 9&G+; or an% Lualified person to police all mining acti-ities.
2n% person e*tracting minerals and disposing the
same (ithout a mining agreement, lease, permit, license, or steals minerals
or ores or the products thereof from mines or mills or processing plants shall
be liable to la(. 2n% person (ho (ilfull% destro%s or damages structures in
or on the mining area or on the mill sites shall, upon con-iction, be
imprisoned for a period not to e*ceed fi-e 9A; %ears and shall, in addition,
pa% compensation for the damages (hich ma% ha-e been caused thereb%.
b. Republic 2ct &o. @1:0 B .he 1ocal Go-ernment Code
Pursuant to !ec. EE of R.2. @1:0, other(ise 0no(n
as the 1ocal Go-ernment Code, all pro-inces cities, municipalities and
baranga%s, through appropriate ordinances, are hereb% mandated to
consolidate, or coordinate their efforts, ser-ices, and resources for purposes
of /ointl% addressing common solid (aste management problems and<or
establishing common (aste disposal facilities.
c. R. 2. &+. ?00E B Ecological !olid Haste anagement 2ct of
.he follo(ing acts are prohibited in accordance to
!ec >D, Republic 2ct &o. ?00E or Ecological !olid Haste anagement 2ct of
91; 1ittering, thro(ing, dumping of (aste matters
in public places, such as roads, side(al0s, canals, esteros or par0s, and
establishment, or causing or permitting the sameJ
9=; 4nderta0ing acti-ities or operating, collecting
or transporting eLuipment in -iolation of sanitation operation and other
reLuirements or permits set forth in or established pursuant to this 2ctJ
9E; .he open burning of solid (asteJ
9>; Causing or permitting the collection of nonB
segregated or unsorted (asteJ
9A; !Luatting in open dumps and landfillsJ
9:; +pen dumping, bur%ing of biodegradable or
nonBbiodegradable materials in floodBprone areasJ
9@; 4nauthori$ed remo-al of rec%clable material
intended for collection b% authori$ed personsJ
9D; .he mi*ing of sourceBseparated rec%clable
material (ith other solid (aste in an% -ehicle, bo*, container or receptacle
used in solid (aste collection or disposalJ
9?; Establishment or operation of open dumps as
en/oined in this 2ct, or closure of said dumps in -iolation of !ec. E@J
910; .he manufacture, distribution or use of nonB
en-ironmentall% acceptable pac0aging materialsJ
911; Importation of consumer products pac0aged in
nonBen-ironmentall% acceptable materialsJ
91=; Importation of to*ic (astes misrepresented as
)rec%clable, or )(ith rec%clable content,J
91E; .ransport and dumping in bul0 of collected
domestic, industrial, commercial and institutional (astes in areas other than
centers of facilities prescribed under this 2ctJ
91>; !ite preparation, construction, e*pansion or
operation of (aste management facilities (ithout an En-ironmental
Compliance Certificate reLuired pursuant to Presidential "ecree &o. 1AD:
and this 2ct and not conforming (ith the land use plan of the 1G4J
91A; .he construction of an% establishment (ithin
t(o hundred 9=00; meters from open dumps or controlled dumps or sanitar%
landfillsJ and
91:; .he construction or operation of landfills or an%
(aste disposal facilit% on an% aLuifer, ground(ater reser-oir or (atershed
area and or an% portions thereofJ
.his 2ct also shall co-er the importation, manufacture,
processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and
disposal of all unregulated chemical substances and mi*tures in the
Philippines, including the entr% e-en in transit, as (ell as the 0eeping or
storage and disposal of ha$ardous and nuclear (astes into the countr% for
(hate-er purposes 9R2 :?:? other(ise 0no(n as the .o*ic !ubstances and
5a$ardous and &uclear Hastes Control 2ct of 1??0;.
d. Republic 2ct &o. D@>? B Philippine Clean 2ir 2ct of 1???
&o person shall introduce or cause or allo( the
introduction of leaded gasoline into an% motor -ehicle eLuipped (ith a
gasoline tan0 filler inlet and labeled Qunleaded gasoline onl%Q. .his
prohibition shall also appl% to an% person (ho 0no(s or should 0no( that
such -ehicle is designed solel% for the use of unleaded gasoline. &o person
shall manufacture, import, sell, offer for sale, introduce into commerce,
con-e% or other(ise dispose of, in an% manner leaded gasoline and engines
and components reLuiring the use of leaded gasoline.
&o motor -ehicle shall be registered (ith the "+.C
unless it meets the emission standards set b% the "epartment as pro-ided in
!ection =1 hereof. 2n% -ehicle suspected of -iolation of emission standards
through -isual signs, such as, but not limited to smo0eBbelching, shall be
sub/ected to an emission test b% a dul% authori$ed testing center for this
purpose, the "+.C or its authori$ed testing center shall establish a roadside
inspection s%stem. !hould it be sho(n that there (as no -iolation of
emission standards, the -ehicle shall be immediatel% released. +ther(ise, a
testing result indicating an e*ceedance of the emission standards (ould
(arrant the continuing custod% of the impounded -ehicle unless the
appropriate penalties are full% paid, and the license plate is surrendered to
the "+.C pending the fulfillment of the underta0ing b% the o(ner<operator
of the motor -ehicle to ma0e the necessar% repairs so as to compl% (ith the
standards. 2 pass shall herein be issued b% the "+.C to authori$e the use
of the motor -ehicle (ithin a specified period that shall not e*ceed se-en 9@;
da%s for the sole purpose of ma0ing the necessar% repairs on the said
-ehicle. .he o(ner<operator of the -ehicle shall be reLuired to correct its
defects and sho( proof of compliance to the appropriate pollution control
office before the -ehicle can be allo(ed to be dri-en on an% public or
subdi-ision roads.
e. Presidential "ecree &o. ?D> B Pollution Control 1a(
&o person shall thro(, run, drain, or other(ise
dispose into an% of the (ater, air and<or land resources of the Philippines, or
cause or permit, suffer to be thro(n, run, drain, allo( to seep or other(ise
dispose thereto an% organic or inorganic matter or an% substance in gaseous
or liLuid form that shall cause pollution.
&o person shall perform an% of the follo(ing
acti-ities (ithout first securing a permit from the Commission for the
discharge of all industrial (astes (hich could cause pollutionF
1; the construction, installation, modification or
operations of an% se(age (or0s or an% e*tension or addition theretoJ
=; the increase in -olume or strength of an% (astes in
e*cess of the permissi-e discharge specified under an% e*isting permitJ
E; the construction, installation or operation of an%
industrial or commercial establishments or an% e*tension or modification
thereof or addition thereto, the operation of (hich (ould cause an increase
in the discharge of (aste directl% into the (ater, air and<or land resources
of the Philippines or (ould other(ise alter their ph%sical, chemical or
biological properties in an% manner not alread% la(full% authori$ed.
f. Republic 2ct &o. :?:? B .o*ic !ubstances and 5a$ardous and
&uclear Hastes Control 2ct of 1??0
.he follo(ing acts and omissions shall be considered
1; Ino(ingl% use in chemical substance or mi*ture
(hich is imported, manufactured, processed or distributed in -iolation of this
2ct or implementing rules and regulations or ordersJ.
=; Failure or refusal to submit reports, notices or on
the information, access to records as reLuired b% this 2ct, or permit
inspection of establishment (here chemicals are manufactured, processed,
stored or other(ise heldJ
E; Failure or refusal to compl% (ith the preB
manufacture and preBimportation reLuirementsJ and
>; Cause, aid or facilitate, directl% or indirectl%, in the
storage, importation or bringing into Philippine .erritor%, including its
maritime economic $ones, e-en in transit, either b% means of land, air or sea
transportation or other(ise 0eeping in storage an% amount of ha$ardous and
nuclear (astes in an% part of the Philippines.
a. Republic 2ct &o. @AD: 8 &IP2! 2ct of 1??=
It is hereb% established a &ational Integrated
Protected 2reas !%stem 9&IP2!;, (hich shall encompass outstandingl%
remar0able areas and biologicall% important public lands that are habitats of
rare and endangered species of plants and animals, biographic $ones and
related ecos%stems, (hether terrestrial, (etland or marine, all of (hich shall
be designated as )protected areas,. .he follo(ing categories of protected
areas are hereb% establishedF !trict nature reser-eJ &atural par0J &atural
monumentJ Hildlife sanctuar%J Protected landscapes and seascapesJ
Resource reser-eJ &atural biotic areasJ and other categor% established b%
la(, con-entions, or international agreements (hich the Philippine
Go-ernment is a signator% 9R2 &o. @AD: 9&IP2! 2ct of 1??=;.
.he follo(ing acts are prohibited (ithin protected
9a; 5unting, destro%ing, disturbing or mere possession
of an% plants or animals or products deri-ed therefrom (ithout a permit
from the Protected 2rea anagement BoardJ
9b; "umping of an% (aste products detrimental to the
protected area, or to the plants and animals or inhabitants thereinJ
9 c; 4se of an% motori$ed eLuipment (ithout a permit
from the anagement BoardJ
9d; utilating, defacing or destro%ing ob/ects of natural
beaut%, or ob/ects of interest to cultural communities 9of scenic -alue;J
9e; "amaging and lea-ing roads and trails in a damaged
9f; !Luatting, mineral locating, or other(ise occup%ing
an% landJ
9g; Constructing or maintaining an% 0ind of structure,
fence or enclosures, conducting an% business enterprise (ithout a permitJ
9h; 1ea-ing in e*posed or unsanitar% conditions refuse or
debris, or depositing in ground or in bodies of (aterJ and
9i; 2ltering, remo-ing, destro%ing or defacing boundar%
mar0s or signs.
b. Republic 2ct &o. EA>@ 8 2n 2ct "efining and
Penali$ing Cruelt% to 2nimals
It is unla(ful to o-erdri-e, o-erload, torture,
torment, or neglect to pro-ide (ith necessar% sustenance or shelter, or to
cruelt% beat, or needlessl% mutilate, or 0ill an% li-ing creature 9Republic 2ct
EA>@ of 1?=?, as amended b% Republic 2ct EA>D;.
c. Common(ealth 2ct &o. @E of 1?E:
.he Common(ealth 2ct &o.@E of 1?E: prohibits the
hunting, 0illing, (ounding or ta0ing of the .amara( 9Bubalus mindorensis;
and pro-ides penalt% thereof.
d. Republic 2ct &o. E?DE of 1?E=
It is unla(ful to ta0e, collect, 0ill, mutilate or ha-e in
possession, or to purchase, offer or e*pose for sale, transport, ship or e*port
ali-e or dead flo(ering plants, fens, orchids, club moss and other (ild plants
(ithout permit from the go-ernment.
Presidential "ecree &o. E@> B )Cultural Properties
Preser-ation and Protection 2ct,
It shall be unla(ful to e*port or to cause to be ta0en
out of the Philippines an% of the cultural properties (ithout pre-ious
registration of the ob/ects (ith the &ational useum and a (ritten permit
from the "irector of the &ational useum. &o cultural propert% ma% be
imported (ithout an official certification of e*portation from the countr% of
It shall be unla(ful also to e*plore, e*ca-ate, or
ma0e diggings on archaeological or historical sites for the purpose of
obtaining materials of cultural or historical -alue (ithout the prior (ritten
authorit% from the "irector of the &ational useum. &o e*ca-ation or
diggings shall be permitted (ithout the super-ision of an archaeologist
certified as such b% the "irector of the &ational museum, or such other
person (ho in the opinion of the "irector is competent to super-ise the
(or0, and (ho shall, upon completion of the pro/ect, deposit (ith the
useum a catalogue of all the materials found thereon, and a description of
the archaeological conte*t in accordance (ith accepted archaeological
practices. Hhen e*ca-ators shall stri0e upon an% buried cultural propert%,
the e*ca-ation shall be suspended and the matter reported immediatel% to
the "irector of the &ational useum (ho shall ta0e appropriate stems to
ha-e the disco-er% in-estigated and to insure the proper and safe remo-al
thereof, (ith the 0no(ledge and consent of the o(ner. .he suspension shall
not be lifted until the "irector of the national useum shall so allo( it.
2ll restoration, reconstruction, and preser-ation of
go-ernment historical buildings, shrines, landmar0s, monuments and sites,
(hich ha-e been designated as )&ational Cultural .reasures,, and
)important cultural properties, shall onl% be underta0en (ith the (ritten
permission of the "irector of the &ational useum (ho shall designated the
super-ision of the same.,
P6>8 .8 S01:253D C.B02><0 58 340 3
.+ F S00 D59325C:35.8
a. Republic 2ct :?@A, as amended b% Republic 2ct DAA1J
b. Pertinent &2P+1C+ ResolutionsJ and
c. .he +perational PP2s and PERs.
.his aster Plan sets forth the strategic concepts and operational
guidelines, as (ell as contingenc% plan to ensure the maintenance of peace
and order during the %earBround obser-ance of holida%s, (hich in-ol-es
great concern on mo-ement of the citi$ens, international, national and local
meeting<conferences<e-ents, and rallies<mass action in protest to (ide
range of issues.
1. B2.>@ OCF0135B0
.he P&P, concurrent (ith its mission and functions, conducts
police operations to ensure utmost securit% possible to indi-iduals and -ital
installations, most especiall% during the holding of special e-ents. It shall
underta0e coordinated courses of action necessar% to pre-ent, contain,
neutrali$e persons from inflicting an% harm upon people or damage to
propert% especiall% on acti-ities in-ol-ing foreign guests and tourists.
=. S7015?51 OCF0135B09
In the conduct of pro-iding securit% for -arious e-ents, the P&P,
thru its Police Regional<Pro-incial Police +ffices 9PR+s<PP+s; and &ational
!upport 4nits 9&!4s; shall underta0e the follo(ingF
a. .o catal%$e all P&P units to enhance coordination and
cooperation (ith go-ernment units and pri-ate sectors in their respecti-e
areas of /urisdiction, to be able to come up (ith measures to preempt the
occurrence of crimes that can ad-ersel% affect the safet% and securit% of
indi-iduals and -ital installationsJ
b. .o enhance the le-el of a(areness and preparedness
of P&P personnel in pro-iding securit% to indi-iduals and -ital installations,
and in dealing mass actionsJ
c. .o enhance the units' capabilit% to identif% and
neutrali$e threat groupsJ and
d. .o determine and rectif% P&P -ulnerabilities (hich
ma%be e*ploited b% the threat groups.
.he securit% situation is one of the factors that greatl% affect the
economic conditions of the countr%. .he Philippine &ational Police, being the
forefront of maintaining peace and order and public safet%, underta0es
securit% measures to(ards the attainment of a safe place to li-e, (or0,
in-est and do business in.
Hide range of issues (hich tend to beset<affect the li-es of the
populace are being capitali$ed b% causeBoriented groups<-arious threat
groups, to coerce moderate organi$ation<s to /oin in staging mass actions,
such as rallies, demonstration, stri0e, etc. to pro/ect their positions and
demands. .he situation can li0el% be ta0en ad-antage of b% the
dissidents<terrorists to create an atmosphere of chaos and destabili$ation.
5ence, the need to integrate P&P efforts (ith the national and local
go-ernment units to be able to come up (ith a program of action that is
(ellBcoordinated, unified and responsi-e to the situation at hand to preempt,
pre-ent and<or suppress destabili$ation and<or terroristic acts.
IG. I!!I+&F
.he P&P, concurrent (ith its mission and functions, secures and
protects the people and facilities from an% acts of -iolence, to further ensure
normal functions of the go-ernment, business establishments, and preser-e
the freedom of tra-el and assembl%J orderl% and safe conduct of an% local,
national or international e-ents.
In furtherance of the P&P's thrust in pro-iding securit% co-erage
and public safet% ser-ices to ensure the peaceful and orderl% conduct of an%
e-ent<acti-ities, in close coordination (ith the concerned go-ernment
agencies, nonBgo-ernment organi$ations 9&G+s; and ci-ilian -olunteer
organi$ation 9CG+s;, the follo(ing shall compose the strategic conceptsF
a. .he Police !ecurit% Containment Ring !%stem 9P!CR!;. .he
deplo%ment of (hich depend on their a-ailabilit% and the situation on the
a.1 .he Innermost Containment Ring, composed of
baranga% tanods, CG+s, &G+s, radio groupsJ
a.= .he Innermost Containment Ring, composed of the
footBpatrol elements in uniform for police -isibilit% (hile the detecti-e patrol
component is in )ci-ilian, attire for police presenceJ
a.E .he iddle Containment Ring, (hich is composed of
bic%cle or motorc%cleBmounted patrols at control pointsJ
a.> .he +uter Containment Ring, composed of
designated speciali$ed units li0e the mobile patrols, deplo%ed at
cho0epointsJ and
a.A .he +utermost Containment Ring, (here the special
police units 9li0e !H2. or antiBterrorist units; and the mobile groups shall
ser-e as securit% elements at areas designated as strong points, (here the%
can immediatel% react to call for armed support.
b. .he +perationali$ation of an Integrated 2rea<Communit%
Public !afet% Plan 9I2<CP!P;
.hrough the coordination (ith the local Peace and +rder
Councils, 1a( Enforcement Coordinating Councils and "isaster Coordinating
Council, the formulated and de-eloped I2<CP!Ps of local go-ernment units
are rationali$ed in order that it shall appropriatel% ser-e as the unified and
integrated direction of the local public safet% programs and create an acti-e
shield against the problems associated (ith internal securit%.
c. .he Communit% In-ol-ement thru the Communit% +riented
+riented Policing !%stems9C+P!;
.he function of the communit% in nation building is not
onl% crucial, it is absolutel% imperati-e. Efficient and effecti-e deli-er% of
police ser-ices can onl% be attained through the de-elopment of a
responsi-e partnership, based on trust and good(ill, bet(een the
communit% and the police. .he interaction among the communit% pla%ers,
(hich result in a partnership for a peaceful communit% is called C+P!.
d. Effecti-e Feedbac0 echanism
.he continued feedbac0 from all recipients of public safet%
ser-ices recei-ed from the citi$ens through the Pro/ect 11@ of the "I1G, the
)4gna%ans, conducted b% the P&P and other go-ernment agencies, and
other sources of reports, complaints, needs, or re/oinders, shall be the basis
for impro-ing the deli-er% of police ser-ices to the citi$enr%. .his feedbac0
mechanism shall ser-e as the trigger to set off a series of ad/ustments and if
needed be, a realignment of the foregoing strategies to attain the purpose of
maintaining a peaceful and prosperous communit%.

T40 ?.66.=58< 7.651509 58 B>25.:9 97015>6 0B0839 94>66 902B0
C0 .C902B0L
>' D:258< E60135.89+P60C591530 % T40 PNP, >9 @07:35H0@
CD 340 C.AA5995.8 .8 E60135.89, 94>66 089:20 340 9A..34
5A760A083>35.8 >8@ A>G5A:A 0??0135B08099 .? 340 901:253D
.702>35.89 >8@ @065B02D .? 7:C651 9>?03D 902B5109 @:258< 340 <5B08
7025.@ ?.2 340 06013.2>6 72.1099' A66 PNP 7029.8806 94>66 20A>58
>7.65351>6 >8@ 94>66 :8@023>E0 801099>2D >135.89 3. 720-0A73 340
.11:220810 .? 060135.8-206>30@ B5.60810 >8@ 72.B5@0 1.8358<081D
76>89 3. >@@2099 :83.=>2@ 5815@0839 @:258< 340 083520 060135.8
b. "uring 5olida%s 8.he P&P, in coordination (ith "+.C and
/ointl% (ith the 1G4s, &G+s, CG+s, established a Public 2ssistance Centers
to ensure a secured, safe, and orderl% mo-ement of the
motorists<commuters during the %earBround obser-ance of holida%s. Ensure
the smooth flo( of traffic and conduct preempti-e<pre-enti-e measures to
minimi$e if not totall% eradicate -ehicular accidents.
c. "uring International, &ational and 1ocal
Celebrations % .he P&P, in close coordination (ith the &ational E*ecuti-e
Committee<+rgani$ing Committee, other go-ernment agencies and &G+s,
pro-ides securit% co-erage to the -isiting dignitaries, top ran0ing<senior
officials, delegates and participants to ensure their safet% and the peaceful
and orderl% conduct of all the scheduled acti-ities.
d. "uring ass 2ctions 8 .he P&P, in close coordination (ith
the 1GEs and other la( enforcement agencies, secures the rall%ists, protects
the citi$enr% from acts of terrorism and -iolence brought about b% mass
protest actions and related illegal acti-ities, and ensures the normal
go-ernment functions and normal business operation of -arious industries.
a*imum tolerance shall be obser-ed in dealing (ith rall%ists.
e. +n Bomb .hreats<Bombing Incidents 8 .o efficientl% and
effecti-el% address the threats and destruction posed b% terrorist groups and
indi-iduals, (ho emplo% bombing as means to attain their ob/ecti-es,
through planning, preparation, pre-ention, detection, reaction and post blast
in-estigation, and to be able to identif% and bring the offenders before the
bar of /ustice.
2s situation<magnitude of the abo-eBe-ents demands, a
pro-isional .as0 Force shall be organi$ed b% the concerned PR+s<PP+s<CP+s
that (ill control, direct and super-ise the conduct of securit% operations to
ensure the orderl% and peaceful conduct of the acti-it%.
.he follo(ing .as0 Groups ma%be established under the .as0 Force
depending on the situationF
a. Air(ort Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 state
guests<dignitaries<tourists and their official part%, as (ell as their propert%,
are being secured (hile at the airport area. 2irport facilitation is e*tended to
those arranging the arri-al and departure of the guests, in close coordination
(ith the airport authorities.
b. C!ose7i Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8the safet% of local and
foreign GIP<s shall be arranged and pro-ided b% the closeBin securit%. .he
responsibilit% ends (hen the part% being secured has left the countr%, or an
appropriate order has been issued terminating the closeBin securit%'s

c. Co%o' Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 pro-ision of motorc%cle and
mobile cars for escort duties, as (ell as ensuring the safe and orderl%
mo-ement of the -ehicles and in accordance (ith the protocol arrangement
shall be under the responsibilit% of con-o% securit%.

d. Bi!!et Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 appropriate securit% to the
GIP<s billeted in the different hotels, etc. for their protection from thefts,
0idnappings, etc shall be the responsibilit% of the billet securit%.

e. Ro&te Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 deplo%ment of personnel to
protect a predetermined course of mo-ement 9primar% and alternate route;
from a specific point of origin to its destination.
f. Site Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 the inner circle of a place of
engagement is placed under the o-erall securit% co-erage of P!G personnel
as mandated b% protocol, (ith the P&P in support role. +ther than those
specified 9belo( the GiceBPresident of the Republic of the Philippines, and
that of a -isiting dignitar% of a inister ran0;, site securit% shall be the
primaril% responsibilit% of the P&P.
g. Area Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 the immediate -icinit% and the
outer circle of the place of engagement has to be secured to th(art an%
possible threat.
g.1 .raffic and Par0ing 2rrangement 8 the smooth flo(
of traffic along the routes to be ta0en, and the orderl% and secured
ingress<egress of -ehicles in the designated par0ing areaJ and
g.= Contingenc% +perations 8 the deplo%ment of
e*plosi-e ordnance for paneling purposes, ci-il disturbance management,
special (eapons and tactics 9!H2.; team, read% to address<respond to a
locali$ed emergenc%<crisis situation is included in the securit% plan.
h. Reser%e Force Tas6 Gro&( 8 augmentation of personnel
and eLuipment placed on standb%, read% on call, to attend to certain
emergenc% reLuirements<pre-ailing situation, such as but not limited to
medical and firefighting capabilit%, prison -an, technical<lighting
components<instruments, etc.
i. Ite!!i#ece Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 to gather intelligence
information for use of the .as0 Force.
/. 5o#istics Sec&rit' Tas6 Gro&( 8 to pro-ide logistics support
to the .as0 Force.
1. DPRM %
a. Issue appropriate order for the transfer or
reassignment of organic personnel from one unit to another assignment, to
man the !ecurit% Force. "uring Elections, this must be (ith prior
coordination and appro-al from the C+E1EC, during the election periodJ
b. !upport the additional subsistence allo(ance of
personnel detailed for special securit% operations.
=. DI %
a. Pro-ide timel% intelligence information to all tas0ed
units<officesJ and
b. "ra( up an election (atchlist areas at the pro-incial,
cit%<municipal le-el, in close coordination (ith the 2FP, during elections.
E. DO % +-ersee and monitor the implementation of securit%
preparations for the -arious special e-ents, as embodied in the campaign
>. DL % !upport the logistical reLuirements of tas0ed units
on special securit% operations.
a. +rgani$e &G+'s, CG+'s and ci-ic groups to support
the "I1G<P&P in pro-iding better traffic management and road safet%, and
publish traffic updates such as location of traffic /am, destro%ed bridges,
rerouting plans, etcJ
b. !uper-ise the implementation of the strategic
concept on Communit% +riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!;J lin0age of those
department<agencies hosting<sponsoring the e-ent and those sectoral
groups (hich might stage actions, such as rallies, demonstration, stri0e,
etc., to disrupt the staging of e-ent or embarrass the go-ernment.
&' &CRP+, PR+s 1B1E, C2R and 2R B T40 A>58
5A760A083.29 .? 3459 1>A7>5<8 76>8, 34:9 D.: >20 @520130@ 3.
702?.2A+:8@023>E0 340 >135B53509 C:3 8.3 65A530@ 3. 340 ?.66.=58<L
>' G>3402, A.853.2 >8@ 207.23 >66 58306
A>33029+95<85?51>83 @0B06.7A0839 34>3 =.:6@ 65E06D .11:2 58
5@0835?50@ >20>9 >8@ 207.23 >66 5830665<0810 A>33029 34>3 A>D >??013
340 >135B53D 7>2351:6>26D .8 340 A.B0A0839 >8@ 5830835.8 .? 340
72.309358< <2.:79 >8@ B>25.:9 901:253D 3420>39'
C' P:29:0 A.20 A0>858<?:6 58302?>158< =534 .3402
<.B028A083 ><081509 342.:<4 340 RLECC, RPOC >8@ .3402 20<5.8>6
1..2@58>358< C.@509, 7207>20, :7@>30 >8@ .702>35.8>65H0 340
IA+CPSP .? 0B02D 72.B5810 >8@ 153D+A:85157>653D 58 20970135B0 AOR,
1' C..2@58>30 =534 B>25.:9 <.B028A083 ><081509,
NGO9 >8@ 15B56 9.1503D 3. @591:99 7.995C60 >22>8<0A0839 3. 089:20 >
1.2@5>6 >3A.974020 @:258< 901:253D .702>35.89, >8@ 801099>2D
1.8358<081D A0>9:209+76>89 3. 3>E0 1>20 .? :8?.209008 0B0839 .2
>139, C.34 8>3:2>6 .2 .3402=590, >8@
d. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
@. TMG -
a. 4PR in the traffic direction and control, and motorist
b. 2ttach<detail motorc%cle teams placed +PC+& to
PR+ designated as 4PRJ
c. Catal%$e the organi$ation of land transport s%stem
for a complementar% support on interBrelated program<thrusts.
c. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
D. MG -
a. Conduct negation<barrier patrol along the coastal
areas of the place of engagementJ
b. "etail maritime patrol teams placed +PC+& to PR+,
designated as 4PRJ

c. Catal%$e the organi$ation of (aterBtransport s%stem
for a complementar% support on interBrelated program<thrusts.J and
d. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
?. ASG -
a. !ecure airports and its immediate establishments
against threats of terrorist groups<indi-iduals.
b. E*tend airport facilitation assistance to the -isiting
dignitaries and Helcome Committee coordinating the arri-al<departure of the
c. Catal%$e the organi$ation of airBtransport s%stem for
a complementar% support on interBrelated program<thrusts.J and
d. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
10. SAF 8
a. 2ttach<detail C" personnel, and E+" and 2.4
teams to be placed +PC+& to PR+, designated as 4PRJ
b. !upport the PR+s and the PP+s in terms of E+"
training, and responding to bombing incidents, upon reLuest<ordersJ and
c. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
11. CES -
a. !upport the PR+, designated as 4PR, on
communication net(or0<reLuirementsJ
b. Coordinate (ith different ci-ic and amateur radio
groups<association for the use of their facilities and members to assist the
P&P in the monitoring and reporting of incidents, traffic situation, motorist
assistance, land<seaports area acti-itiesJ and
c. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1=. CSG -
a. Coordinate (ith the securit% agencies and compan%
guard forces for their acti-e role in assisting the P&P in traffic
control<direction and immediate reporting of an% crime incidentsJ
b. Periodic in-entor%<accounting and implementation of
strict control measures to safeguard against pilferage of e*plosi-esJ and
c. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1E. O3402 NSU9 8
a. Pro-ide operational<technical<administrati-e support
to all PR+sJ and
b. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.

a. Personnel detailed in route and area securit% must be facing
out(ard in relation to the GIPs being protected to detect and<(ardBoff
possible hostile action of (ould be attac0ers and shall sta% in their respecti-e
assignment until recall order is gi-en b% the o-erall Commander.
b. Coordination (ith media during li-eBtraffic situations and to
implement reBrouting and ad-isor% programs dealing (ith traffic congestion
shall be ensured.
c. PullBout of detailed personnel shall be onl% after the area has
been cleared of rall%ists<demonstrators and traffic has been restored to
normal flo(.
d. Be reminded that (hile personnel (ould be emplo%ed in
commuters<motorists assistance, ci-il disturbance management, securing
the safet% of GIPs and delegates, the normal operations against criminal
elements and dissidents terrorists should not be o-erloo0ed.
e. 2lert status shall be declared<upgraded<lifted at the discretion of
the R"s based on the pre-ailing situation in the respecti-e 2+Rs.
f. .as0ed units shall operate on e*isting logistical and financial
allocations. &5#BP&P shall pro-ide additional logistical and financial support
on a caseBtoBcase basis.
g. 1ateral coordination to create a(areness, constant
communications and action among tas0ed offices<units, other local
go-ernment agencies, &G+s and other concerned ci-ilian organi$ations in
carr%ing out the mission is highl% encouraged<authori$ed. +ne pla%er's
problem<concern should be regarded as a team problem.
h. .his aster Plan has been concei-ed in order to pro-ide a single
reference material, pre-ent confusion, minimi$e paper(or0, or preclude
repetiti-e issuances of directi-es, guidelines or policies applicable to similar
i. Prepare a specific plan for the specific acti-it% (herein %our
Police +ffice is tas0ed to secure and submit it to &5# P&P 92ttnF "+;.

/. .his 1+I ta0es effect ten 910; da%s after appro-al<signature.
Police "irector General
Chief, P&P
2. Ae1 :;< 8 !2&GBI&G2. Frame(or0
B. Ae1 :=< 8 &2P+1C+ Res &o =000B1A@, 2ppro-ing a
Communit%B +riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!; +perations anual for the
C. Ae1 :>< 8 &2P+1C+ Res &o ?EB0E@, Implementation of
an Integrated 2rea<Communit% Public !afet% Plan 9I2CP!P;.
". Ae1 :?< 8 Pro/ect )Patrol 11@F, "I1G !ecurit% and
E. To efficiet!' a" effecti%e!' a""ress t*e t*reats a" "estr&ctio
(ose" +' terrorist #ro&(s a" i"i%i"&a!s, 0*o &se :+o$+i#< as $eas to
attai t*eir e%i! itets
Ae1 :@< 8 1etter of Instructions 11<?E )I22G+&G,
9Pre-ention, Containment and &eutrali$ation of terrorists from further
Bombing in &CR; dated Kune 1:, 1??E.
Ae1 :A< 8 1etter of Instructions 11<?E )1242B2&, 9P&P
2ntiB.errorism !trateg%; dated a% 1A, 1??E.
Ae1 :B< 8 1etter of Instructions 0><=001 9E+" Capabilit%
Restructuring; dated Februar% @, =001.

F. I sec&ri# t*e ra!!'ists, (rotect t*e citi4er' fro$ acts of
terroris$ a" %io!ece +ro&#*t a+o&t +' $ass (rotest actios a" re!ate"
i!!e#a! acti%ities, a" to es&re t*e or$a! #o%er$et f&ctio a" or$a!
+&siess of %ario&s i"&stries.
Ae1 :C< 8 1etter of Instructions E1<?E 2PI.+&G 9P&Ps
Plan 2gainst Helga ng Ba%an;.
Ae1 :D< 8 1etter of Instructions E=<?E )2C2CI2, 9P&Ps
Contingenc% Plan for anila during .ransportation !tri0e to Pre-ent
.errorism and ensure maintenance of Peace and +rder;.
Ae1 :;E< 8 1etter of Instructions 0D<?E 912B+R "26;
dated =D 2pril 1??E.
Ae1 :;;< 8 1etter of Instructions 1@<6= 911
dated Kul% 1>, =000.
G. O es&ri# a *oest, or"er!' a" (eacef&! e!ectora! (rocess.
Ae1 :;=< 8 1etter of Instructions =><?1 92B+1+B21P52;.
Ae1 :;>< 8 1etter of Instructions A> <?@ 9E1EC.I+&; dated
"ecember 11, 1??@.
Ae1 :;?< F 5etter of Istr&ctios EA-DC .PAG7AAGOS73OPE/
"ate" Marc* ;C, ;DDC.
Ae1 :;@< 8 1etter of Instructions 0E<=001 9521212&; dated
Kanuar% =E, =001.
5. O es&ri# a sec&re", safe, a" or"er!' $o%e$et of
t*e $otorists-co$$&ters "&ri# t*e 'ear7ro&" *o!i"a's.
Ae1 :;A< 8 1etter of Instructions 01<?E 9P2G.2.2P+!;
Ae1 :;B< 8 1etter of Instructions 10<?E 9B21IIBP22R212&;
dated a% E1, 1??E.
Ae1 :;C< 8 1etter of Instructions 95+16 HEEI;
Ae1 :;D< 8 1etter of Instructions 9I21414H2;
I. I (ro%i"i# sec&rit' co%era#e to t*e %isiti# "i#itaries, to(
ra6i#-seior officia!s, "e!e#ates a" (artici(ats to es&re t*eir safet' a"
t*e (eacef&! a" or"er!' co"&ct of a!! t*e sc*e"&!es acti%ities.
Ae1 :=E< 8 1etter of Instructions 1A<=. 9I&"EPE&"E&CE "26;
Ae1 :=;< 8 1etter of Instructions A1<6= 9RIO21 "26;
Ae1 :==< 8 1etter of Instructions 1E<?E 9P2R2&G21;
Ae1 :=>< 8 1etter of Instructions =0<?E 9P2G!4!41I.; dated
Kul% =:, 1??E.
Ae1 :=?< 8 1etter of Instructions 1A<?= 92IB262&;
Ae1 :=@< 8 1etter of Instructions 9BI!I.2;
P6>8 58 340 3
TO H See D&t#but!"
a. Republic 2ct :?@A, as amended b% Republic 2ct DAA1J
b. Presidential "ecree &o 1A::B !trengthening the Philippine
"isaster Control Capabilit% and Establishing the &ational
Program on Communit% "isaster PreparednessJ and
c. .he +perational PP2s and PERs.
.his 1etter of Instructions sets forth the strategic concepts, operational
guidelines and coordinating instructions to be underta0en b% P&P +ffices and
personnel on disaster management. Hith this 1etter of Instructions, the
action that (ill be underta0en b% the concerned P&P units<offices (ill be as
responsi-e and possible (ith the support of the go-ernment agencies and
the communit%.
.he great ocean and seas around the Philippines, (hile pro-iding (ide
a-enues for international trade and commerce and source of tremendous
marine resources, also ser-e as the spa(ning areas of destructi-e t%phoons
and monsoons. Being in the soBcalled CircumBPacific belt of fire and
t%phoons, our countr% has al(a%s been sub/ected to series of natural
disasters and calamities %earl%, (hich usuall% result in deaths, miseries and
massi-e destruction of propert%.
"isasters, (hich could be natural and humanBmade, (ould cause
enormous loss in terms of human li-es and propert%, the destruction of
en-ironment and the setbac0 of economic de-elopment. It has been noted
that the number and costs of disasters continue to rise o-ertime. .his is in
-ie( of the increasing -ulnerabilities of societies and communities to natural
and manBmade disasters. +n the other hand, po-ert% and population
pressures ha-e forced gro(ing numbers of poor people to li-e along harm's
(a% 8 on flood plains, unstable hillside and earthLua0eBprone $ones. .heir
e*traordinar% -ulnerabilit% is perhaps the most important cost of the high
number of disaster casualties. oreo-er, in cities and communities
e*periencing rapid industriali$ation and urbani$ation, the lac0 of disasterBris0
mitigation programs contributes to their increasing -ulnerabilit% to disaster.
In (hate-er part of the countr% (e are located, the possibilit% of
e*periencing the gloom and the star0 realit% of all t%pes of ha$ardsF
t%phoons, floods, flashfloods, drought, earthLua0es, -olcanic eruption,
landslide, fire, maritime disasters, air disasters, oil spills, etc., is al(a%s
Relatedl%, the P&P's inherent dut% for public safet% dictates the
pro-ision of area securit%J search, rescue<reco-er%, e-acuation and relief
operation in affected areas, in support to the tas0ed go-ernment
agencies<instrumentalities of the "isaster Coordinating Councils. .he
program thrusts shall be pursued thru the implementation of 0eeping the
police units and personnel read% to ser-e, and pro-ide support to communit%
.he Philippine &ational Police, as the "isaster Coordinating Council
operating unit, conducts disaster preparedness acti-ities, pro-ides securit%
co-erage in disaster areas, and assist in search and rescue, e-acuation, and
relief operations.
.his aster Plan embraces all concei-able contingencies, short of (ar
emergenc%, ma0ing use of all a-ailable resources the P&P can muster to
e*ecute the &"CC Calamities and "isaster Preparedness Plan. .he intent
concei-ed in this 1+I is to ma0e operation plans promulgated b% the
different regional commands functional and actionBoriented and is capable of
meeting simple or multiple contingencies. .his 1+I encourages the concept
of selfBreliance b% promoting the spirit of selfBhelp and mutual assistance
among the local officials and their constituents (hich the local P&P units (ill
be in contact (ith and<or (ill be (or0ing (ith during disasters and
calamities. Preparedness is constant alertness and constant enhancement of
capabilities. Readiness is preparedness for the (orst.
2s memberB2genc%, the P&P is tas0ed to organi$e Police 2u*iliar%
!er-ices in the cities, municipalities and baranga%sJ and to pro-ide securit%
co-erage in disaster areas.
In furtherance of the "I1G<P&P mandated functions, the
follo(ing shall compose the strategic conceptsF
SERVICE PAC$AGE - Effecti-e la( enforcement and crime pre-ention
and suppression s%stem, through the Innermost Containment Ring of the
Police !ecurit% Containment Ring !%stem 9P!CR!;, (hich is composed of
baranga% tanods, CG+s, &G+s, radio groups, fire<disaster<calamit% -olunteer
brigades that pro-ide locali$ed and needed police ser-ices to the baranga%s.
emergenc% preparedness is a /oint responsibilit% of the national and local
go-ernment, its effecti-eness (ill depend largel% on the s0ills and resources,
and the in-ol-ement of pri-ate organi$ations and the general public in the
area of disaster. .hrough close coordination (ith the "isaster Coordinating
Council, the formulated and de-eloped I2<CP!P of the P&P, in consonance
(ith the local go-ernment units is rationali$ed in order that it shall
appropriatel% ser-e as the unified and integrated direction of the local public
safet% programs to be more resol-e to confront disaster on a total s%stem
the communit% in nation building is not onl% crucial, it is absolutel%
imperati-e. Efficient and effecti-e deli-er% of police ser-ices can onl% be
attained through the de-elopment of a responsi-e partnership, based on
trust and good(ill, bet(een the communit% and the police. .he interactions
among the communit% pla%ers, (hich result in a partnership for a peaceful
communit% is called C+P!.
feedbac0 from all recipients of public safet% ser-ices recei-ed from the
citi$ens through the Pro/ect 11@ of the "I1G, the )4gna%ans, conducted b%
the P&P and other go-ernment agencies, and other sources of reports,
complaints, needs, or re/oinders, shall be the basis for impro-ing the
deli-er% of police ser-ices to the citi$enr%. .his feedbac0 mechanism shall
ser-e as the trigger to set off a series of ad/ustments and if needed be, a
realignment of the foregoing strategies to attain the purpose of maintaining
a peaceful and prosperous communit%.
.he acti-ities to be underta0en shall be as follo(sF
a. Preparation F In-ol-es planning, readiness through
information dissemination and training, and preBpositioning of
response<reaction teams to meet all foreseeable threats<emergencies.
Planning and operation shall be done on an interBagenc%, multiBsectoral
basis to optimi$e the utili$ation of resources. Goals and ob/ecti-es ha-e to
be more realistic and attainable.
b. +rgani$ation 8 In-entor% of eLuipment, manpo(er and
resources of different participating go-ernment agencies, nonBgo-ernment
organi$ations and pri-ate entities (hich can be readil% tapped (hen the
situation so reLuires. Considered the Council's frontier in its response are
the follo(ing association<groups, but not limited toF medical, contractors,
fire -olunteers, mountain climbers, engineers, communications, transport,
c. 2ccounting 8 Resources and eLuipment committed shall be
accounted for ma*imum utili$ation<disposition and the proper turnBo-er of
same after the disaster operations.
d. Coordination B &et(or0ing (ith the 1G4s, other
go-ernment agencies such as "PH5, "EC!, "!H", the nonBgo-ernment
organi$ations and pri-ate entities.
.he deplo%ment of P&P personnel in e-er% municipal<cit%
throughout the countr%, become magnanimous to the first line of response
mobili$ed to the scene<disaster response operation. Rescue and reco-er%
operations shall be conducted at the Baranga%<unicipal<Pro-incial nearest
the disaster incident until such time that the appropriate agenc% concerned
should ha-e ta0en o-er the control of the rescue operations.
.o this end, regular<simulated e*ercises and drills (ill be
conducted at all le-els to enhance the P&P's and communit% reaction
capabilit% and ensure precision and spontaneit% in responding to
a. DCO 8 Command Group super-isor, responsible in
the successful implementation of this 1+I.
b. DO
1; +PR for this 1etter of InstructionsJ
E; !uper-ise and monitor the progress of the
acti-ities of tas0ed units in the implementation of this 1+IJ
E; !uper-ise the implementation of the !trategic
Concepts on continuous impro-ement of police securit% ser-ice pac0ageJ and
the operationali$ation of the Integrated 2rea<Communit% Public !afet% PlanJ
>; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
c. DL
1; Pro-ide eLuipment and logistical support to all
tas0ed unitsJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
d. DPCR %
1; !uper-ise the implementation of the strategic
concepts on Communit% +riented Policing !%stem 9C+P!;J lin0age (ith other
&"CCBmember agencies, &G+s and CG+sJ and effecti-e feedbac0
mechanismJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
e. DC
1; Pro-ide necessar% fund support for the
additional subsistence allo(ance<ha$ardous dut% pa% of personnel in-ol-ed
in the search and rescue<reco-er% operationsJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1; "esign training programs<seminars for all P&P
personnel to enhance their abilit% in the performance of their assigned duties
relati-e to this 1+I's operational conceptJ and
>; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
)' P.6510 R0<5.8>6 O??5109 1-13, ARMM, CAR >8@ NCR
.he main implementors of this 1+I, thus directed to
perform acti-ities, but not limited to the follo(ingF
1; Pursue more meaningful interfacing (ith other
go-ernment agencies through the R"CC, RP+C and other regional
coordinating bodiesJ prepare and update and operational I2<CP!P of e-er%
pro-ince and municipalit% under their /urisdiction. Re-ie(<identif%
technological, doctrinal and operational gaps in respecti-e "CC s%stem and
disaster management programs in preparation for emergenciesJ
=; +perationali$e the strategic concept and operational
concept as contained in this 1+I. Institutionali$e the practice of constant
impro-ement focusing on operational efficienc%, increased speed and
correcti-e ser-ice, and impro-ed internal and public communicationsJ
E; aintain peace and order and the safeguarding of
essential facilities during disaster or ci-il disturbancesJ
>; Pro-ide securit% co-erage in disaster areas, as (ell
as to go-ernment and pri-ate officials engaged in disaster relief operations
and other dignitaries assisting<assessing distress areas. 2dditionall%,
underta0e traffic control and direction in clearing the streets from -ehicular
congestion and other obstructionsJ

A; !ustain the participation of 1G4s, ci-il societies, and
-olunteer groups< au*iliar% public safet% ser-ices at the baranga% le-el in
partnership (ith the communit%, in pro-iding traffic, safet% and securit%
ser-ices in cases of emergenc% and in times of calamities b% promoting the
traditional ba%anihan and the spirit of -oluntarism. Forge stronger
partnerships (ith ci-il societ% groups, &G+s, ci-ic organi$ations, pri-ate
institutions and other ser-iceBoriented groups 9p!lce; to create a
(ider scope of operational support and assistanceJ

:; a0e the communit% eLuall% proBacti-e and
responsi-e to cooperation and collaboration in ensuring a peaceful, stable
and safe communit%J
@; +rgani$e, de-elop, eLuip and mobili$e P&P
Radiological Response .eams 9R#R.s;, (hich shall ser-e as rapid
deplo%ment units that could Luic0l% deplo%ed to perform precursor% police
functions in case of radiological emergencies. Prepare in-entor% of
eLuipment, facilities, and supplies. Identif% items and programs for
procurement and repairJ
D; 2s Chairman, Regional "isaster Coordinating
Councils, e*cept 2R and C2R, shall perform the follo(ing duties and
responsibilities, namel%F
a. Establish a ph%sical facilities to be 0no(n as
the Regional "isaster +perations Center 9R"+C;J
b. Coordinate the disaster operations acti-ities in
the region from the R"+C or from an% for(ard operating facilit% (ithin the
c. Implement (ithin the region the guidelines set
b% the &ational "isaster Coordinating Council 9&"CC;J
d. 2d-ise the Chairman, &"CC on the status of
disaster preparedness programs, disaster operations, and rehabilitation
efforts underta0en b% the region and the pri-ate sectorJ
e. Establish polic% guidelines on emergenc%
preparedness and disaster preparedness and disaster operations in-ol-ing
rescue, relief and rehabilitation for the R"CCJ
f. Con-ene the Council as often as necessar% to
effecti-el% coordinate the original efforts on disaster preparedness,
emergenc% operations, relief, reco-er% and rehabilitation acti-itiesJ
g. Call on all militar% units and go-ernment
departments, bureaus, agencies and instrumentalities and corporations as
(ell as the pri-ate sector under the area of their /urisdiction for assistance in
preparing for, reacting to and reco-er% from the effects<calamities and
regional ci-il emergenciesJ
h. 2d-ise the 1ocal "isaster Coordinating Councils
on disaster managementJ and
i. !ubmit appropriate recommendations to the
&"CC as necessar% such as the declaration of a state of calamit% in disasterB
stric0en areas in the area.
?. Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.

3' N>35.8>6 S:77.23 U8539
a. TMG
1; Ensure that traffic at the disaster area (ill be
orderl% in order to speed up rescue<reco-er%, relief and rehabilitation
operationsJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as directed<reLuested.
b. SAF
1; Performs rescue operations and other special
operations that ma% contribute to the success of disaster relief operationsJ
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1; Catal%$e the organi$ation of
&G+s<-olunteers re plans and programs of go-ernment agencies and pri-ate
sector that (ill promote communit% and citi$en's participation in the
maintenance of peace and order and public safet% in the disaster areaJ
=; 2ssist in pro-iding relief assistance to the
-ictims of disasterJ and
E; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
d. CLS
1; Pro-ide forensics technical support to PR+sJ
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.

e. CES %
1; a0e a-ailable the communication unit to
recei-e< transmit disaster information, and closel% coordinate (ith the
accredited radio groups for a concerted utili$ation of their communication
facilities, in times of impending and<or actual emergenc%J and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
f. HS
1; 2ssist in pro-iding medical and dental ser-ices
to -ictims of disasterJ and
=; Perform other tas0s as reLuested<directed.
1. 2lthough the possibilit% of radiological catastrophe is remote in
the local setting, the potential and catacl%smic conseLuences of such e-ent,
the local P&P units shall prepare and plan courses of actions on radiological
emergencies, in coordination (ith the Philippine &uclear Research Institute
9P&RI; and the Philippine 2tmosphere. Geoph%sical and 2stronomical
!er-ices 9P2G2!2;.
=. !imulated drills to be regularl% conducted to test the
effecti-eness of preparations, bring out fla(s and (ea0nesses, and
correcti-e<remedies effected to heighten le-els of readiness of s%stems,
procedures, organi$ation, eLuipment and logistics to enhance reaction
capabilit%, and ensure precision and spontaneit% in responding to
E. .he pro-ision of securit% co-erage, handBinBhand (ith immediate
relief, rehabilitation and communit%Bbased de-elopment effort in areas
affected b% the disaster<calamit% shall be coordinated and s%nchroni$ed all
plans and pro/ects of all go-ernment agencies and instrumentalities.
>. 1ateral coordination to create a(areness, constant
communications and action among tas0ed offices<units, other local
go-ernment agencies, &G+s and other concerned ci-ilian organi$ations in
carr%ing out the mission is highl% encouraged<authori$ed. +ne pla%er's
problem<concern should be regarded as team problem.
A. 2ssistance rendered b% &"CC memberBagencies,
&G+s<-olunteers in the aftermath of disasters and calamities ha-e to be (ell
recogni$ed. .heir tangible effort during the disaster operation eases the
load of policeman's (or0, (hich ma% become complicated in their absence.
:. P&P 5eadLuarters and other P&P units in the calamit% stric0en
areas shall not become depositories of relief goods in order that speculations
contrar% to moral<decenc%<honest%, can be a-oided.
@. In order to insure uniformit% in adopting<implementing the
I2<CP!P concept, all chiefs of police<police super-isors implementing them
must al(a%s be guided b% the I2<CP!P guidelines and reLuirements.
D. .his aster Plan has been concei-ed in order to pro-ide a single
reference material, pre-ent confusion, minimi$e paper(or0, or preclude
repetiti-e issuances of directi-es, guidelines or policies applicable to similar
?. 2ll R"s, PR+s and "irs, &!4s shall submit IP12&s to this 1+I
&1. fifteen 91A; da%s from date of receipt of this 1+I, and thereafter,
periodic reports on its implementation.
Police "irector General
Chief, P&P
2. Ae1 :;<F !2I1+1+ Frame (or0
B. Guidelines in responding to calamities and disasters that
perenniall% -isit the countr% (ith the primar% ob/ecti-es to sa-e life, pre-ent
needless suffering, protect propert%, and minimi$e the damagesF

Ae1 :=<F Presi"etia! Decree No. ;@AA "ate" J&e ;;, ;DBC F
Stre#t*ei# t*e P*i!i((ie Disaster Cotro! Ca(a+i!it' a" Esta+!is*i# t*e
Natioa! Pro#ra$ o Co$$&it' Disasters Pre(are"ess
Ae1 :><F Natioa! Disaster Coor"iati# Co&ci!
Me$ora"&$ Or"er No ; "ate" Ja&ar' ;A, ;DCD F Pro%i"i# for
Co$$&it'7+ase" Resc&e, E%ac&atio a" Re!ief O(eratios "&ri#
Disasters or E$er#ecies a" Eco&ra#i# Vo!&teeris$ fro$ a$o# t*e
cocere" Citi4er' for s&c* P&r(oses
Ae1 :?<F 5etter of Istr&ctios ;>-D> .SAK5O5O/ Ca!a$ities
a" Disaster Pre(are"ess P!a "ate" A(ri! ;, ;DD>
Ae1 :@<F 5etter of Istr&ctios >>-D> .FIRES/ "ate" A(ri! ;,
;DD> FG&i"e!ies o PNP Persoe! i Assisti# Fire Cotro! a" Post Fire
Ae1 :A< 8 5etter of Istr&ctios @E-DA .KA5IGTASAN/ "ate"
Octo+er ;E, ;DDA

C. Guidelines to be obser-ed in responding to radiological accidents
and other catastrophes arising from radiationBrelated incidents
Ae1 :B<F Re%ise" Natioa! Ra"io!o#ica! E$er#ec'
(re(are"ess a" Res(ose P!a .RADP5AN/

Ae1 :C< F 5etter of Istr&ctios =E-=T .SAKORO/ "ate"
A&#&st =, =EEE
". Ae1 :D< F &2P+1C+ Resolution &o ?EB0E@, Implementation
of an Integrated 2rea<Communit% Public !afet% Plan 9I2CP!P;
E. Ae1 :;E< 8 Pro/ect )Patrol 11@F, "I1G !ecurit% and
"e-elopment Plan
2. Rules 11E and 1=: on Criminal Procedure of the 1?DA Rules of
B. !upreme Court "ecision in the case of Ricardo C. Galmonte, et alJ
C. +2 bet(een "+1E and &2P+1C+J and
". P&P Rules of Engagements dated Kanuar% 1>, 1??E
.his letter directi-e prescribes the police operational procedure o be
strictl% obser-ed and religiousl% follo(ed b% all P&P units and personnel
(hile in the conduct of police operations or in the performance of other
mandated tas0s. .his (ill enable P&P units<personnel to uniforml% and
consistentl% implement the guidelines and preclude the unnecessar% and<or
e*cessi-e use of force, especiall% firearms in the performance of duties. 2s
past e*periences (ill sho(, there (ere instances of operational lapses or
deficiencies in decision (hich unfortunatel% had resulted in a number of
fatalities, thus seriousl% damaging the P&P's image as the la( enforcer and
protector of the people. In fact, some personnel ha-e been unnecessaril%
charged in court as a conseLuence of nonBobser-ance of the Police
+perational Procedure. .herefore, it is imperati-e that e-er% policeman
should immediatel% stop and correct these d%sfunctional incidents and
&othing in these police operational procedure shall pre-ent the
formulation of more detailed guidelines pending the subseLuent issuance of
a 4&IF+R 2&421 +F +PER2.I+&! to be promulgated b% this
Regardless of the t%pes of functions to be performed and<or police
operations to be conducted, all P&P units and personnel shall compl% (ith
and appl% the follo(ing rulesF
A. 4nder all circumstances, the use of force, including firearms, is
/ustifiable onl% b% -irtue of the D.1325809 .? S06?-D0?0890
>8@ D0?0890 .? > S32>8<02.
B. .he use of force, especiall% firearms, shall be applied onl% as a
last resort, (hen all other peaceful and non-iolent means ha-e
been e*hausted. Hhene-er resorted to, onl% necessar% and
reasonable force sufficient to conduct selfBdefense and<or
defense of a stranger and<or subdue<o-ercome the clear and
imminent danger posed or resistance being put up b% a
malefactor or group shall be applied.
C. 2fter a shootBout, the police officer shall chec0 (hether the
suspect still poses danger or he has been (ounded and
disabled. 5e shall then be brought (ith adeLuate securit% to
the nearest hospital for medical treatment.
". .he police siren and megaphone shall be used to influence<(arn
the offenders<suspects to stop and peacefull% gi-e up.
E. .he use of force, especiall% the use of firearm, shall be
tempered (ith such considerations as 0eeping foremost in the
la( enforcers' minds the safet% of the hostage and pre-ention
of crossfire casualties or damages to third parties. 2
reasonable force to neutrali$e the -ehicle and enem%<suspect's
resistance is sufficient.
. In case of una-oidable engagement (ith the criminal elements,
immediate remo-al of the casualties from the crime scene shall
be underta0en after the necessar% s0etches, pictures and other
in-estigati-e reLuirements are accomplished. .he -ictims'
bodies shall al(a%s be segregated from those of the suspects.
2ll the !+P's of 125A0 91080 58B0935<>35.8 shall be strictl%
G. 5uman rights shall be strictl% obser-ed and respected at all
In addition to the General Rules, the P&P personnel shall conform (ith
and obser-e the guidelines and procedures for e-er% police function or
operation as follo(sF
1' R:609 .8 A220939L
a. 2ll arrests shall be effected pursuant to Rule 11E of the
1?DA Rules on Criminal Procedures, as amended.
b. It shall be the dut% of the officer e*ecuting the =>22>83,
to arrest the accused and to deli-er him to the nearest police station or /ail
(ithout dela%.
c. .he head of the office to (hom the (arrant of arrest has
been deli-ered for e*ecution, shall cause the (arrant to be e*ecuted =53458
/1#; @>D9 from receipt thereof. If the accused<respondent is not arrested
(ithin the said period, the station concerned shall submit a report thereof to
the court of origin also (ithin ten 910; da%s follo(ing the e*piration of the
original 10 da% -alidit%.

d. 2n arrest, unless dictated b% gra-e urgenc%, shall not be
carried out in the middle of the night, during !aturda%s, !unda%s or legal
holida%s to gi-e the suspect the opportunit% to e*ercise his right to bail.

e. 2 peace officer effecting (arrantless arrest shall strictl%
compl% (ith the rules on arrests and gi-e due regard to the dignit% and right
of the indi-idual to be arrested.
)' R:609 .8 S0>21409 >8@ S05H:209L
a. 2ll searches and sei$ures shall be conducted in accordance
(ith Rule 1=: of the Rules on Criminal Procedure, as amended.
b. Personal propert%, papers and other -aluables shall not be
ta0en (ithout a search (arrant, e*cept dangerous (eapons or an%thing
(hich ma% be used as proof of the commission of an offense.
c. !earch of house room or premise should be made in the
presence of t(o (itnesses of sufficient age and discretion residing in the
same localit% particularl% (hen the la(ful occupant is not present in the
3' R:609 .8 C401E+C4.E0 P.5839L
a. +nl% mobile chec0points are authori$ed and the% shall be
established onl% in con/unction (ith onBgoing operations<situation, or (hen
there is a need to arrest a criminal or fugiti-e from /ustice. .he conduct of
searches and arrests in said chec0points shall be done (ith ci-ilit% and (ith
due regard to the innocent passersb% and commuters. .he area, (here the
chec0points are established, shall be properl% lighted, and legible and clear
signs shall be e*hibited to sho( that the searches are being conducted.
Enforcement officers shall at all times be in uniform (ith their identification
cards and nameplates on, and led b% an officer (ith the ran0 of at least an
Inspector. !trictl%, there shall be no mulcting, e*tortion nor harassment of
dri-ers, passengers, traders, etc.
b. In the e-ent chec0points<roadbloc0s are ignored and the
motorists<suspects bump the roadbloc0 in an attempt to elude arrest or
a-oid inspections, the team leader shall automaticall% contact the ad/acent
units for the conduct of pursuit operation and<or b% setting up of road
bloc0s against the fleeing motorists<suspects. Harning shot is not
encouraged due to the confusion it can create to the dri-er<passengers of
the -ehicles. egaphone or police siren shall be used instead of (arning
shots. &otation of the Plate &umber of the -ehicle is a must since the
-ehicle ma% be able elude the pursuit operations.
c. In the e-ent the occupants of the -ehicles fire to(ards the
personnel manning the chec0point, o-er0ill tendencies shall be a-oided to
a-oid tragic and embarrassing situations (hich can ad-ersel% affect the
organi$ation and the go-ernment. Reasonable force to immobili$e the
-ehicle and<or neutrali$e the suspect's resistance shall be sufficient.

4' R:609 .8 S>3:2>35.8 D25B09
a. !aturation dri-es can onl% be conducted inF
1.; Critical areas pinpointed as places (here criminals
are hiding.
=.; Prostitution dens, lairs of prohibited drug
users<dealers and places (here illegal gambling and other illegal acti-ities
b. Police saturation dri-es, if conducted, shall strictl% compl%
(ith the statutor% reLuirements on (arrants of arrest and search (arrants,
and shall be done (ith due regard to the human rights of the persons in the
area, including those to be arrested.
c. .o underta0e the actual arrest, the police operati-es shall,
(hene-er possible, limit themsel-es to the specific residences (here the
suspects ma% be found, e*cept in cases of hot pursuit.
d. .he police operations must be led b% an officer of
responsible and accountable position, accompanied b% an% of the dul%
elected baranga% 9-illage; officials in the area, and the names of the persons
arrested shall be properl% entered in the baranga% doc0et, including the
names of the arresting officers and the reason or reasons therefor.
e. !aturation dri-es must be conducted in an orderl% and
disciplined manner, and as such, la( enforcement agents are prohibited
from brandishing their (eapons, or pointing them at innocent residents.
f. Intrusions of residences and acts tantamount to in-asion of
pri-ac% and acts degrading to human dignit% are strictl% prohibited.
5' R:609 .8 C5B56 D593:2C>810 M>8><0A083 /CDM; O702>35.89
@:258< 9325E09, 6.1E.:39 >8@ 6>C.2 @597:309L
.he pertinent pro-isions of the Public 2ssembl% 2ct of 1?DA 9Batas
Pambansa Blg DA00;, the 1abor Code of the Philippines, as amended and
other applicable la(s, shall be obser-ed during rallies, stri0es,
demonstrations or other public assemblies. 2ccordingl%, la( enforcement
agents shall at all times, e*ercise ma*imum tolerance. &o e*cessi-e or
unreasonable force shall be emplo%ed on such occasions as to maim or harm
indi-iduals. +nl% such force as ma% be necessar% and reasonable to pre-ent
or repel an aggression ma% be used, and onl% as a last resort. .he
emplo%ment of teargas and (ater cannons shall be made under the proper
ad-isement and command of a responsible or superior police officer. &o
arrest of an% leader, organi$er or participant shall be made during the public
assembl% unless he -iolates during the assembl% an% of the pertinent la(s.
G0802>6 P.651D
a. .he in-ol-ement of the P&P during stri0es, loc0outs and
labor disputes in general shall be limited to the maintenance of peace and
order, enforcement of la(s and legal orders of dul% constituted authorities.
b. 2n% reLuest for police assistance shall specif% the acts to
be performed or conducted b% P&P personnel.
c. 4nless directed b% the President or personall% b% the
Chairman, &2P+1C+, upon consultation (ith the !ecretar% of 1abor and
Emplo%ment or (hen reLuested b% the latter, personnel from the 2FP shall
not inter-ene nor be utili$ed in an% labor dispute.
d. 2 peaceB0eeping detail shall be established in a stri0e or
loc0out area, (hen deemed necessar% for the purpose of maintaining peace
and order in the area. .he members of the peaceB0eeping detail shall sta%
outside the A0 meter radius from the pic0et line, e*cept, if the A0 meter
radius includes public thoroughfares.
e. 2n% person (ho obstructs the free and la(ful ingress to
and egress from the emplo%ee's premises in contemplation of 2rticle =:>,
par. 9e; of the 1abor Code, as amended, or (ho obstructs public
thoroughfares ma% be arrested and accordingl% charged in court.
f. In the matter of determining (hether a stri0e, pic0et or
loc0out is legal or not, should be left to "+1E and its appropriate agencies.
g. "uring the pendenc% of a stri0e<loc0out, the police and the
militar% personnel concerned are discouraged from sociali$ing (ith an% of
the parties in-ol-ed in the contro-ers%.
&' R.60 .? PNP 7029.8806 @:258< 0B5135.8 >8@+.2 @0A.6535.8 .?
9O:>33029 @=06658<9L
a. P&P participation shall onl% be limited to gi-ing securit%
assistance to such e-iction<demolition acti-ities.
b. P&P members shall obser-e ma*imum tolerance.
5o(e-er, (hen the e-iction<demolition escalates to such a degree 8 or
de-elops to actual disturbance 8 (hich is alread% be%ond the capabilit% of
the demolition team, P&P elements shall emplo% reasonable force to Luell
the disturbance.
2. echanics of implementation of the foregoing rules of
engagements shall be thoroughl% discussed to all concerned. For this
purpose, respectable go-ernment prosecutors, Commission on 5uman Rights
la(%ers, and other Lualified resources persons shall be in-ited to elucidate
on them among respecti-e units and personnel. Report compliance on this
matter shall be submitted to this 5Ls 92ttnF +"+; 2!2P.
B. .horough dissemination and deep internali$ation thereof shall be
ensured and made to filter do(n to the police stations and to the last man in
e-er% unit.
C. 2s a matter of operational !+P, before an% unit or element is
dispatched, all concerned shall be reminded about the General Rules and the
!pecial Rules applicable to the t%pe of operations to be conducted or
functions to be performed.
". 2fter e-er% operation, debriefing shall be conducted to
emphasi$e the lessons learned as part of educating the members of the unit.
E. In an% operation to be conducted, person to person coordination
b% the operating units (ith the units ha-ing /urisdiction of the area shall
be done to enhance immediate cooperation and a-oid misencounter.
+peration Center of said units shall monitor the operation being conducted
and be read% to rela% to all concerned elements significant de-elopments
that ma% happen that need immediate action.
F. +bser-ance and implementation of these rules b% respecti-e
units and personnel are considered 1.AA>8@ 2097.895C5653D'
G. &onBobser-ance of these rules shall be dealt (ith drasticall% and
shall, ipso facto, be considered e-idence of negligence in an% administrati-e
5. Hithin thirt% 9E0; da%s from receipt of this emorandum, all
regional "irectors and "irectors of &ational !upport 4nits shall submit
detailed implementing guidelines on all aspects of police operations for
consolidation b% this 5Ls 92ttnF +"+;. !aid consolidated guidelines shall be
the basis of a anual of +perations to be uniformit% obser-ed thereafter.
I. .his re-ised directi-e shall ta0e effect immediatel%. 1etterB
"irecti-e of this 5Ls dtd Kanuar% 1>, 1??E, sub/ect as abo-e, and all other
pre-ious issuances in conflict (ith this re-ised directi-e are hereb% rescinded
or modified accordingl%.


P R E A M , L E
H5ERE2! recognition of the inherent dignit% and of the eLual
inalienable rights of the members of the human famil% is the foundation of
freedom, /ustice and peace in the (orld.
H5ERE2! disregard and contempt for human rights ha-e resulted in
barbarous acts (hich ha-e outraged the conscience of man0ind, and the
ad-ent of a (orld in (hich human beings shall en/o% freedom of speech and
belief and freedom from fear and (ant has been proclaimed as the highest
aspiration of the common people
H5ERE2! it is essential, if man is not to be compiled to ha-e recourse,
as a last resort, to rebellion against t%rann% and oppression, that human
rights should be protected b% the rule of la(,
H5ERE2! it is essential to promote the de-elopment of friendl%
relations bet(een nations,
H5ERE2! the peoples of the 4nited &ations ha-e in the Charter
reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignit% and (orth
of the human person and in the eLual rights of men and (omen and ha-e
determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger
H5ERE2! ember !tates ha-e pledged themsel-es to achie-e, in coB
operation (ith the 4nited nations, the promotion of uni-ersal respect for and
obser-ance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
H5ERE2! a common understanding of these rights and freedom is of
the greatest importance for the full reali$ation of this pledge.
&+H .5EREF+RE, the General 2ssembl%, proclaims this 4ni-ersal
"eclaration of 5uman rights as a common standard of achie-ement for all
peoples and all nations, to the end that e-er% indi-idual and e-er% organ of
societ%, 0eeping this declaration constantl% in mind, shall stri-e b% teaching
and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and b%
progressi-e measures, national and international, to secure their uni-ersal
and effecti-e recognition and obser-ance, both among the peoples of
member !tates themsel-es and among the peoples of territories under their
A235160 I
2ll human beings are born free and eLual in dignit% and rights. .he%
are endo(ed (ith reasons and conscience and should act to(ards one
another in a spirit of brotherhood.
A235160 )
1. E-er%one is entitled to all rights and freedom set forth in this
"eclaration, (ithout distinction of an% 0ind, such as race, color, se*,
language., religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
propert%, birth or other status.
=. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the
political, /urisdiction or international status of the countr% or territor% to
(hich a person belongs, (hether it be independent, trust, nonBself
go-erning or under an% other limitation of so-ereignt%.
A235160 3
E-er%one has the right to life, libert% and the securit% of person.
A235160 4
&o one shall be held in sla-er% or ser-itudeJ sla-er% and the
sla-e trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
A235160 5
&o one shall be sub/ected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment.
A235160 &
E-er%one has the right to recognition e-er%(here as a person before
the la(.
A235160 "
2ll are eLual before the la( and are entitled (ithout an% discrimination
to eLual protection of the la(. 2ll are entitled to eLual protection against
an% discrimination in -iolation of this "eclaration and against an% incitement
to such discrimination
E-er%one has the right to an effecti-e remed% b% the competent
national tribunals for acts -iolating the fundamental rights granted him b%
the constitution or b% la(.
A235160 !
&o one shall be sub/ect to arbitrar% arrest, detention or e*ile.
A235160 1#
E-er%one is entitled in full eLualit% to a far and public hearing b% an
independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his of his rights
and obligations and of an% criminal charge against him.
A235160 11
1. E-er%one charged (ith a penal offense has the right to be
presumed innocent until pro-ed guilt% according to la( in a public trial at
(hich he has all the guarantees necessar% for his defense.
=. &o one shall be held guilt% of an% penal offense on account of
an% act or omission (hich did not constitute a penal offense under national
or international la(, at the time (hen it (as committed. &or shall a hea-ier
penalt% be imposed than one that (as applicable at the time the penal
offense (as committed.
A235160 1)
&o one shall be sub/ected to arbitrar% interference (ith his pri-ac%,
famil%, home or correspondence, nor to attac0 upon his honor and
reputation. E-er%one has the right to the protection of the la( against such
interference or attac0s.
A235160 13
1. E-er%one has the right to freedom of mo-ement and residence
(ithin the borders of each state.
=. E-er%one has the right to lea-e an% countr%, including his o(n,
and to return to his countr%.
A235160 14
1. E-er%one has the right to see0 and to en/o% in other countries
as%lum from persecution.
=. .his ,right ma% not be in-o0ed in the case of prosecutions
genuinel% arising from nonBpolitical crimes or from acts contrar% to the
purposes and principles of the 4nited &ations.
A235160 15
1. E-er%one has the right to a nationalit%.
=. &o one shall be arbitraril% depri-ed of his nationalit% nor denied
the right to change his nationalit%
A235160 1&
1. en and (omen of full age, (ithout an% limitation due to race,
nationalit% or religion, ha-e the right to marr% and to find a famil%. .he% are
entitled to eLual rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its
=. arriage shall be entered into onl% (ith the free and full consent
of the intending spouses.
E. .he famil% is the natural and fundamental group unit of societ%
and is entitled to protection b% societ% ands the !tates
A235160 1"
1. E-er%one has the right to o(n propert% alone as (ell as in
association (ith other.
=. &o one shall be arbitraril% depri-ed of his propert%.
A235160 1
E-er%one has the right to freedom of opinion and e*pression, this right
includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone
or in communit% (ith others and in public or pri-ate, to manifest his religion
or belief in teaching, practice, (orship and obser-ance,
A235160 1!
E-er%one has the right to freedom of opinion and e*pression, this right
includes freedom to hold opinions (ithout interference and to see0, recei-e
and impart information and ideas through an% media and regardless of
A235160 )#
1. E-er%one has the right to freedom of peaceful assembl% and
=. &o one ma% be compelled to belong to an association
A235160 )1
1. E-er%one has the right to ta0e part in the go-ernment of his
countr%, directl% or through freel% chosen representati-es.
=. E-er%one has the right to eLual access to public ser-ice in his
E. .he (ill of the people shall be the basis of the authorit% of
go-ernmentJ this (ill be e*pressed in periodic and genuine elections (hich
shall be b% uni-ersal and eLual suffrage ands shall be held b% secret -ote or
b% eLui-alent free -oting procedures.
A235160 ))
E-er%one, as a member of societ%, has the right to social securit% and
is entitled to reali$ation, through national effort and international coB
operation and in accordance (ith the organi$ation and resources of each
!tate, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his
dignit% and the free de-elopment of his personalit%
A235160 )3
1. E-er%one has the right to (or0, to free choice of emplo%ment,
to /ust and fa-orable condition of (or0 and to protection against
=. E-er%one, (ithout an% discrimination, has the right to eLual pa%
for eLual (or0.
E. E-er%one (ho (or0s has the right to /ust and fa-orable
remuneration insuring for himself and his famil% an e*istence (orth% of
human dignit%, and supplemented, if necessar%, b% other means of social
>. E-er%one has the right to form and to /oin trade unions for the
protection of his interests.
A235160 )4
E-er%one has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable
limitation of (or0ing hours and periodic holida%s (ith pa%.
A235160 )5
1. E-er%one has the right to a standard of li-ing adeLuate for the
health and (ellBbeing of himself and of his famil%, including food, clothing,
housing and medical care and necessar% social ser-ices, and the right to
securit% in the e-ent of unemplo%ment, sic0ness, disabilit%, (ido(ed, old
age or other lac0 of li-elihood in circumstances be%ond his control.
=. otherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and
assistance. 2ll children (hether born in or out of (edloc0, shall en/o% the
same social protection.
A235160 )&
1. E-er%one has the right to education. Education shall be free, at
least in the elementar% and fundamental stages. Elementar% education shall
be compulsor%. .echnical and professional education shall be made
generall% a-ailable and higher education shall be accessible to all on the
basis of merit.
=. Education shall be directed to the full de-elopment of the human
personalit% and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding tolerance and
friendship among all nations
E. Parents ha-e a prior right to choose the 0ind of education that
shall be gi-en to their children.
A235160 )"
1. E-er%one has the right to participate in the cultural life of the
communit%, to en/o% the arts and to share in scientific ad-ancement and its
=. E-er%one has the right to the protection of the moral and
material interests resulting from an% scientific, literac% or artistic production
of (hich he is the author.
A235160 )
E-er%one is entitled to a social and international order in (hich the
rights and freedoms set forth in this "eclaration can be full% reali$ed.
A235160 )!
1. E-er%one has duties to the communit% in (hich the alone the
free and full de-elopment of his personalit% is possible.
=. In the e*ercise of his rights and freedoms, e-er%one shall be
sub/ect onl% to such limitations as are determined b% la( solel% for the
purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms
of others and of meeting the /ust reLuirements of moralit%, public order and
the general (elfare in a democratic societ%.
E. .hese rights and freedom ma% in no case be e*ercised contrar%
to the purposes and principles of the 4nited &ations.
A235160 3#
&othing in this declaration ma% be interpreted as impl%ing for an%
!ate, group or persons an% right to engage in an% acti-it% or to perform an%
act aimed at the destruction of an% of the rights and freedom set forth
Hith the e*ception perhaps of 2rticle == the entirel% of the principles
of the 4ni-ersal "eclaration of 5uman Rights can all be found under e*isting
Philippine la(s.

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