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Almost everyone has experienced their own intuition.

Millions of people can walk into a house for sale, and
instantly know its the right place for them to live. (Or know
its not.) or some couples, it takes !ust one look to
recogni"e their lifetime partner. Many people also experience
their pets# a$ilities %to know&. 'ogs have $een known to
howl inconsola$ly at the moment of their masters death,
even if they#re separated $y thousands of miles. (n our own
lives, we get more hooked into our own story $y glimpses
our intuition gives us of how things can turn out. (ntuitive hits
make life more interesting) Often, the inner voice is a *uiet
one. +eople are used to important things $eing said in a loud
voice. ,he inner voice can also $e cryptic and fleeting. (t can
$e visceral, like the hair standing up on your head, or your
guts contracting ('o not proceed)). Or, it can $e the voice of
your mother or a $est friend.
'r. Orloff, M', a psychiatrist, Assistant -linical +rofessor of
psychiatry at .niversity of -alifornia at /os Angeles... and
author of several $ooks, including the New York Times $est
seller Emotional Freedom (www.',
descri$es thus1 &(ntuition is a talent some people are $orn
with2like math or music. 3ome have more of a propensity
for it, $ut everyone can learn to develop powerful intuitive
skills to serve them in their lives.& 3he descri$ed intuition as
what we feel rather than think. (t#s a continuum that runs all
the way from trusting your gut to seeing the future. 'r. Orloff
suggests some simple signals that your intuition is at work1
Signs that your intuition is saying " yes "...
4our shoulders are relaxed.
4ou find yourself leaning toward the person you are
talking to.
4ou $reathe normally.
4ou have goose $umps. ((nterestingly, goose $umps can
indicate that your intuition knows you have hit the mark
4ou feel your gut tighten and you notice a somewhat
sinking feeling.
Signs that your intuition is saying " no "...
4ou feel a lump or constriction in your throat.
4ou find that you are holding your $reath2a sign that
you#re afraid.
4our skin crawls or you feel chills.
4our shoulders tighten or you feel knots in them.
,he hair on the $ack of your neck stands up.
4ou feel drained, with a sense of malaise.
5xisting aches and pains feel aggravated.
,he intuition#s most important role is to indicate what, where,
and whom is part of our potential growth and fulfillment.
6O7 'O 4O. ,5// 765,658 (,#3 4O.8 (MA9(:A,(O:
O8 4O.8 (:,.(,(O:;1 (t is always $oth) (t is the
imagination, with its a$ility to create pictures, that allows
your intuitions to $e delivered. ,he imagination provides
tools that the intuition uses to send messages. (t#s your
imagination and your intuition working together. 4our
imagination is activated $y following along with the directions
of the guided meditation. (t leads you into the right fre*uency
and resonance to receive awareness. (t functions to produce
images and impressions the intuition is communicating.
,o $egin, think of something important that you want to
know. 7hat do you want your intuition to illuminate; +ut it
into a *uestion form in your mind, then, let it go.
:ow, take a couple of $ig deep $reaths to relax.
<reathe in through your nose and out your mouth. /et your
$ody sink into the chair. 9et comforta$le.
(magine yourself inside your home, $y the door you use
when you go outside. (n your imagination, open the door and
walk outside. Make it a nice day. /ook around and locate a
telephone=perhaps its an old>fashioned telephone $ooth
right outside your door or in the street. May$e its a cell>
phone on a $ench.
7hen you see the telephone, go up to it. 4oure going to use
the phone to call up your intuition, so pick a phone num$er.
+erhaps its your own num$er, or a family mem$er#s, or a
phone num$er from childhood.
Make yourself comforta$le, then, remem$er the *uestion you
want to ask your intuition.
+ick up the phone, dial the num$er you !ust chose, and let it
ring. (f anyone answers, assume it#s your intuition. 3ay &6i&
and ask your *uestion. ,hen !ust listen for the answer.
7hen the call is over, hang up, and in your imagination, walk
$ack into the house and then to where you are presently
sitting. 4ou might want to write down the message, words, or
feelings that came to you.
(nstead of actual words or thoughts, you can also get a
strong and informative feeling as an answer to your
*uestion, or a telling picture will appear in your minds eye.
4ou can call up your intuitive self any time, using this
Acknowledge yourself for tuning into your inner guidance
3ay a prayer of gratitude, dance a dance or give yourself a
$ig smile.
4ouve done it) 4our intuition1 youve got it and you know how
to use it.
Les Price, a speaker, author, coach and intuitive with over 18
years experience in business, personal and spiritual development,
prescribes 5 Easy Exercises to Improve Your Intuition Practice
them on a re!ular basis " and allow your inner#!uidance to lead
your way"
1 $heck Your Inner#%essa!e &ervice 'aily
In the same way that we receive emails and &%&()ext messa!es
* your spirit is always tryin! to !et your attention and pass on
messa!es to you &o take a moment now, close your eyes, !et
+uiet, enter into the stillness within your heart and ima!ine a
desk there ,hat messa!es are waitin! -or you. You may see a
notepad, sticky notes, maybe an ob/ect, shape, or see there is a
voicemail on your inner#messa!e machine
0 )ake Your 'ecisions -or a )est 'rive
Your intution and ima!ination are very power-ul I- you have a
decision to make then ima!ine the two alternatives &tep into the
-irst option, ima!ine it in your mind ,hat do you see. -eel. hear.
sense. believe. 1ow travel 12 minutes in time and check in a!ain
1ow travel 12 days. 3ow do you -eel now. 1ow 12 years. ,hat is
the conse+uence o- havin! made that choice(decision I- you -eel
li!htness, peace and /oy then trust yoursel- I- you -eel -ear,
hestiation or contraction then this may not be the best choice4
5 6ust 7sk4
8emember the old bible sayin! 97sk and you shall receive:..
,ell "you would be surprised how many people never ask their
intuition -or help or !uidance $an you tryin! to climb %ount
Everest with a !uide who has done the climb many times * yet
you never ask them -or help..
&o" when you ask * ask speci-ically, ask without expectation, ask
without pro/ectin! -ear or emotion, and ask like you expect to
receive an answer4
; &way " 1ot 6ust a 'ean %artin and %ichael <uble $over4
Your body is a ma!ni-icent ener!etic vessel In any moment that
you ask it a +uestion * it will !ive you an immediate answer" so
why not !et your body to speak to you.
=or this exercise we are !oin! to train your body to be a !iant
pendulum, so make sure your body is well hydrated with water
=ind an area where you can stand up and have plenty o- room to
move )his process works best i- you can -ace north $lose your
eyes and tell your body you want it to !ive you a clear si!nal -or
YE& * by swayin! -orward 1o ask it to !ive you a si!nal -or 1> by
swayin! backward 1ow test it by statin! 9I am a male(-emale: *
and wait -or it to sway and !ive you an answer ,hen you have
done this * you have trained your body and your unconscious to
help !uide you
I- you -ind your body is con-used or you !et con-lictin! answers *
check in to see whether you are really bein! open with your
+uestion * or i- in -act you are askin! a loaded or leadin! +uestion
* hopin! to !et the answer you want4
5 ?se the @itchen &ink4
I love this little exercise by intuition expert &haron @lin!er Aauthor
o- Intuition and <eyondB
$lose your eyes and ima!ine that your li-e is like a li+uid pourin!
out o- the tap o- a kitchen sink in -ront o- you ,hat colour is the
li+uid. ,hat does the sink and tap look like. 3ow would you
describe the -low or lack o- -low. Put the plu! in the sink and
allow the sink to -ill 'oes it -ill all the way. 6ust a little. Is it
leakin!. Is it easy to -ill or a stru!!le.
1ow place your hands in the li+uid Immerse yoursel- in it 3ow
does it -eel. 7re you happy with it. Is the consistency ri!ht. 'o
you want to stay in it or wash it o--.
)his exercise will !ive you some !reat insi!ht into the patterns
and attitudes that are currently appearin! in your li-e4
$omin! aside -rom Les Price, we shall see the 5 intuitive
!ames that 6e-- 8ichards, ,estern $anadaCs 3ottest
%entalist uses every day# !ames that up your intuitive
skill immensely when you use them
1. The Dice Game:
Playin! the !ame is simple * take a six sided numbered
die and a small cup &hake the dice inside the cup *
placin! the cup down on the table so it covers the die
and you canCt see what number has been rolled
1ow close your eyes * and see one o- the six numbers
on the die * the -irst one that comes to mind Li-t the
cup * were you ri!ht. @eep a runnin! tally o- the
number o- times your intuitive -eel was correct Your
!oal should be D2E accuracy with this exercise
2. The Blind Game:
$lose your eyes and navi!ate a part o- your home or
yard without usin! your natural vision =eel your
surroundin!s @now where thin!s are ,ith enou!h
practice you will eventually be able to -ind your way
around your home throu!h sensin! your surroundin!s
and bein! consciously aware o- the ener!y and space
around you Exercise caution when playin! this !ame * I
donCt want anyone !ettin! hurt FB
3. The Name Game:
,hen in social situations where you are meetin! and
interactin! with new people )ry and !et a sense o- what
a personCs name is be-ore they introduce themselves
%ake a +uick mental !uess * trust your !ut * !o with
your instinct and you will be -loored by how accurate you
4. The Phone Game:
)his is a variation on )he 1ame Game ,hen you
receive a phone call * instead o- lookin! at the call
display * -eel who it is that is callin! you %ake your
mental !uess I canCt stress the trust in what you
initially -eel enou!h * this is key
5. The Card Game
)ake a deck o- 50 playin! cards &hu--le the deck Place
the deck -ace down and -ocus on the identity o- the top
card HisualiIe whether the card is a red card or a black
one )urn it over $ontinue throu!h the deck trackin!
every correctly identi-ied color >nce a!ain shoot -or
D2E accuracy @eep in mind that missin! 122E o- the
colors is /ust as incredible
'oin! these deceptively simple exercises on a daily basis
will help to !row your intuitive skill set )ry and -ind time
to per-orm these exercises each and every day >ver
time you will -ind that your rate o- accuracy will improve
!reatly 8emember * we all have muscles * those who
work them are the ones with stren!th and power )hink
o- these !ames as a part o- your daily routines
$onsistent practicin! the use o- your intuitive skills is
the key

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