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Strategies of optimizing the interindiid!a" re"ations of primar# "ee" st!dents thro!gh

e$tra%!rri%!"ar a%tiities
The present dissertation paper is divided in six chapters. In the first chapter I approached
problems related to the role of extracurricular activities in developing group cohesion. I described the
class of students as a school group, the relations of the individuals within the group and the groups
cohesion, the role of extracurricular activities for the optimization of the interindividual relations, the
extracurricular activities from The Different Wee! period " all designed as part of the school
I further concluded the following# students will alwa$s cherish those relations that have
developed as a result of their common effort to achieve a purpose. The common effort achieved through
confrontation of ideas, acceptance of different opinions, exchanges of messages, and all mae children
open up towards developing relations and favours their adaptation to various situations. This is the
reason wh$ the common effort needs man$ opportunities to tae place, not onl$ in the school classroom
activities but also at extracurricular level.
In the second chapter I described the organisation and the way in which the didactic research
took place, research entitled# %trategies of optimizing the interindividual relations of primar$ level
students through extracurricular activities!. I established the purpose and the aims of the research, the
woring h$pothesis, the research variables, I carried out the sampling of the content and of the sub&ects
and I described the methods of conducting the research. I organised and described the research
following it through all the stages# the pre'experimental stage, the experimental stage and the post
experimental stage.
The purpose of the research is the following# identif$ing the optimization strategies of the
interindividual relations for the (
grade students through the extracurricular activities begun in period
of The Different Wee# To now more, to be the best)!, and continued throughout the second semester
as well.
The research hypothesis was formulated as follows# the s$stematic use of strategies specific for
the extracurricular activities leads, in the case of the (
grade students, to the development of
interrelating abilities and attitudes of acceptance, cooperation and tolerance.
The independent variable is represented b$ the s$stematic use of strategies specific for the
extracurricular activities with (
grade students. The dependent variable is represented b$ the
interrelating level in the attitudes of acceptance, cooperation and tolerance of the (
grade students.
In the third chapter I presented, anal$sed and interpreted the obtained results.
In the fourth chapter I concluded and highlighted a few educational implications# the students
benefited from the opportunit$ of guided interrelations through the activities in which the$
communicated, the$ perceived themselves better, the$ helped each other, the$ became closer to one
another, thus creating emotional bridges with strong motivational impulses to collaborate and live
together in a well'developed group.
*hapter five contains the appendages.
The present paper ends with the bibliograph$.

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