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A verb must agree with its subject :

Subject Verb
Third person singular subject He, she, it, the car, Zaini Enjoys, has, does, is
First and second person singular
I , you Enjoy, have, do, am/are
Plural subject We, you, they, the cars Enjoy, have, do, are

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Noun a naming !ord e"g" tree, eraser, pen"
Verb a !ord or group o# !ords that e$presses an action or a state o# being% a doing or
action !ord e"g" go, is, have"
Pronoun a !ord that stands #or a noun% e"g it, they, him"
They enjoy learning statistics"
He enjoys the &aths class"
'erbs used in various tenses also must agree !ith their subjects"
(he has eaten a lot o# rice"
They have drun) much soya bean mil) today"
He is revising his Economics #or the e$amination"
They are trying to !rite their term papers"
*+har doesnt drive very !ell"
&y sisters dont !atch T' very much"
He was #rightened by the noise outside"
They were #ined #or e$ceeding the speed limit"
Practice 1
The students in the school (has / have) a very heavy workload.
The problem with Azman is that he seldom (relax / relaxes) after work.
Despite the awful weather the hockey match(were / was) not postponed.
!y friend "ock #ui (have / has) not written to me for a lon$ time.
!any students (starts / start) to run short of money towards the end of term.
The teacher sometimes (don%t / doesn%t) $ive us enou$h time to take down his notes.
The main aim of this sub&ect (are / is) to help you improve your 'n$lish.
(t (are / is) sometimes very difficult to identify errors a student makes.
The planners of this year%s convocation ceremony (is / are) reor$anizin$ the proceedin$s.
( a$ree with what he (says / say) about the problem of $ettin$ a &ob after $raduatin$.
Underline the correct verb, making sure the subject and
verb agree.
Practice 2
Practice 3
Read the passage in the previous page, changing the singular subject
student into plural form students; and making any other necessary
changes. Make the subjects agree ith the verbs and change ords like
his, himself, etc.
The first few weeks at boarding school can be very difficult for new students
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The frst few wees at boar!ing schoo" can be ver# !i$cu"t for a new
stu!ent% &irst"#' the (rob"em of "iving awa# from home )!. is, are* a
common source of insecurit# for some stu!ents% The new stu!ent often )".
#nd, #nds* that "ife awa# from his fami"# $%. is, are* !i$cu"t to begin
with% Secon!"#' the stu!ent a"so $&. discovers, discover* that the new +
foun! in!e(en!ence )'. is, are* !i$cu"t to co(e with% ,e )(. has, have* to
coo for himse"f an! he now a"so )). ash, ashes* his own c"othes% A
stu!ent )*.is, are* res(onsib"e for running his own "ife (erha(s for the frst
time an! this can be a shoc at frst- &ina""#' the new stu!ent sometimes )+.
encounter, encounters* (rob"ems in the area of stu!#% ,e )!,. is, are*
res(onsib"e for his own stu!# time an! he must ensure that he
)!!. do, does* su$cient wor to master his subject an! that he a"wa#s
)!". hands, hand* in his (rojects an! assignment on time%
/n the other han!' a stu!ent a"so )!%. needs, need* to have some
in! of interest outsi!e the c"assroom to tae his min! o0 the (ressures of
aca!emic "ife% The new stu!ent )!&.has, have* man# choices of c"ubs an!
societies which he )!'. are, is* ab"e to gain from at the schoo"% /nce the
initia" 1shoc is over' the stu!ent can sett"e !own to one of the most
enjo#ab"e an! rewar!ing times of his "ife%
The students in the school (has / have) a very heavy workload.
The problem with Azman is that he seldom (relax / relaxes) after work.
Despite the awful weather the hockey match(were / was) not postponed.
!y friend "ock #ui (have / has) not written to me for a lon$ time.
!any students (starts / start) to run short of money towards the end of term.
The teacher sometimes (don%t / doesn%t) $ive us enou$h time to take down his notes.
The main aim of this sub&ect (are / is) to help you improve your 'n$lish.
(t (are / is) sometimes very difficult to identify errors a student makes.
The planners of this year%s convocation ceremony (is / are) reor$anizin$ the proceedin$s.
( a$ree with what he (says / say) about the problem of $ettin$ a &ob after $raduatin$.
Practice 2 -omplete the folloing te.t by underlining the correct verb in
Practice 3
A. Countable and uncountable nouns

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Countable Nouns
Singular countable nouns (or their pronouns take a singular verb)
Plural countable nouns(or their pronouns) take a plural verb.
The pencils cost ,- sen each"
They cost ,- sen each"
The student studies hard every night"
He/she studies hard every night"
People o#ten think he is not honest"
They o#ten think he is not honest"
Uncountable Nouns
Use a singular verb with uncountable nouns.
&any &alaysian parents #eel that education is the most important gi#t
they can give to their children"
*mbition has led many a man to be dishonest"

).Today friendship do not seem to last as in the $ood old days.
*.The donation are enou$h to $et a computer for the club.
,. (n all the tutorials attendance has been increasin$ly encoura$in$ these past few weeks.
-. .arenthood are not somethin$ many youn$ couples worry about.
/. The payment of taxes have to be accelerated.
B. Collective Nouns
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Countable Nouns
Singular countable nouns (or their pronouns take a singular verb)
Plural countable nouns(or their pronouns) take a plural verb.
The pencils cost ,- sen each"
They cost ,- sen each"
The student studies hard every night"
He/she studies hard every night"
People o#ten think he is not honest"
They o#ten think he is not honest"
Uncountable Nouns
Use a singular verb with uncountable nouns.
&any &alaysian parents #eel that education is the most important gi#t
they can give to their children"
*mbition has led many a man to be dishonest"
Practice 4 -orrect the folloing sentence, making the subject and verb
Collective Nouns
0ollective nouns are nouns which refer to $roups of people (team crowd family) or animals
(herd flock)
nouns can
be used
both in
and plural"
a) We use the in the sin!ular when we consider the as a !rou" rather than
The #amily is the smallest unit in the society" It is the corner # stone o# a communal li#e"
The jury was made up o# t!elve men and !omen"
The army o#ten co # o"erates !ith the navy and the air #orce"
The team is the best in the country"
b) We use the in the "lural when we consider the as individuals rather than a
&y #amily have al!ays given me their #ull support"
The jury were unable to agree" $hey couldn/t reach a verdict"
The team are staying in (ingapore and preparing #or their big game"
0ther e$amples
The "ack o% cards was stre!n all over the #loor
The bundle o% ra!s was tightly tied !ith a string"
The ajority o% students "ass their mid 1 semester e$ams every year"
*n entire %lock o% shee" !as lost in the bad !eather"
c/ $he %ollowin! collective nouns are used only with a "lural verb and "ronoun.
e "olice have many duties to #ul#ill" It is not al!ays easy #or the"
The %olk in my street try to )eep their houses neat and tidy"
The youth o# today have many opportunities to enjoy themselves"
The cattle were driven into their enclosure"
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Practice 5 -hoose suitable plural or singular forms of the verbs and
The &ury (consist / consists) of twelve men and women and (is / are) chosen from names on
the electoral role.
The class (was / were) listenin$ attentively as (its / their) teacher explained the experiment to
The committee (meets / meet) every month.
The procession (was / were) slowly makin$ (its / their) way to the centre of town.
The mob (was / were) runnin$ here and there wavin$ (its / their) posters and shoutin$ loudly.
The firm of solicitors (was / were) well 1 known for (its / their) dependability and
A swarm of bees flew an$rily from (its / their) hive. ((t / They) attacked a small boy who had
upset (it / them).
The police (is / are) often called upon to perform extremely dan$erous duties.
The board of directors (was / were) dissatisfied with the chair 1 man%s decision.
0ountry folk (is / are) said to be more friendly than (its / their) city counterparts.
A bunch of keys (has / have) been found in the car 1 park.
The company (has / have) moved to (its / their) new premises in 2akarta.
The crew of the spaceship (was / were) examined by a panel of doctors to ascertain how the
time in outer space had affected (it / them).
The $overnment (was / were) elected with an increased ma&ority.
A herd of cows (was / were) scattered over the three fields 3uietly eatin$ the $rass and
flickin$ the flies with (its / their) tails.
C. &n%initives and 'erunds
a* Two singu"ar subjects joine! b# and
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Today many school children love to $et to$ether and paint their own rooms especially durin$ the
school vacation. To paint the walls (). re3uire re3uires) skill and patience althou$h many children do
an e3ually professional &ob even without any previous experience. #owever there are certain basic
steps to follow to achieve a smooth finish. That is why painters say paintin$ (*. (s are) a skill not
everyone can master as some &ust have no patience. To scrape the walls (,. 4eeds need) ade3uate
sandpaper and ample stren$th. #ence scrapin$ (-. re3uires re3uire) a lot of ener$y that is if you
want a &ob well done. .aintin$ a wall without scrapin$ it (/.is are) time 1 savin$ but the result mi$ht
not be satisfactory.
Also keepin$ your neck in one position (5. (s are) tirin$ too. !ake sure you place plenty of
newspaper sheets on the floor for obvious reasons. 6eepin$ your balance on the ladder while your
eyes are focused on the walls (7. (s are) difficult.
The next thin$ you would need is a proper type of brush. 8uyin$ the ri$ht type (9. seems seem)
easy these days with 3uite a ran$e on sale in hardware stores. :et $ood paint thou$h it is expensive
as it is more durable; and it can be washed to remove the stains if any. "electin$ the ri$ht colour
(<.appears appear) easy.
4ow $et down to the business of paintin$. :o slow to be$in with. :ettin$ the han$ of it ()=.
is are) easy fun to be$in with. !ovin$ your hand up and down or ri$ht and left > always in the same
direction 1 is the trick of the trade. 0arry on with this until you have painted the wall. Don%t $ive up half
1 way thou$h. That is dissatisfyin$. #ave music while you paint. (t is $ood company.
2nfnitives an! 3erun!s
*n in#initive or a gerund ta)es a singular verb
To !rite a good composition needs a !ell 1 thought out plan"
Painting these large rooms is certainly an arduous tas)"
Practice 6 Underline the correct verbs in the folloing paragraph.
T!o singular subjects joined by and ta)e a plural verb"
a2 The peasant and his !i#e live a peace#ul li#e in that small village"
b2 (ilas &arner and his money were soon parted"
c2 (mo)ing and drin)ing are bad #or your health"
(. Subject with Attached )hrases
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Subject with Attached )hrases
My Form Three Biology teacher, like other Science teachers in my school, tries to
make her lessons interesting.
2n the sentence above' a singu"ar subject with certain attache! (hrases is sti"" a
singu"ar subject' therefore it is fo""owe! b# a singu"ar verb%
/ther e4am("es5
The head prefect' with severa" others' as "ate for schoo" to!a#%
0h Meng' as we"" as her e"!er brother' is a (romising stu!ent%
My neighbour on the right' together with his gran!son' often jogs in Taman 6a#a%
Practice 7 -omplete the folloing sentences ith suitable verbs that agree ith
the subject.
,aneem' a"ong with her sisters' 77777777777777for e4tra 8ng"ish "essons at a centre
near b#%
Mr% 9ai' with his gran!father' 7777777777777777 to the :u!!hist tem("e at "east once a
3eorge' "ie Vivian' 7777777777777777777too chi"!ish for his age%
The c"ass monitor' as we"" as his assistant' 777777777777777777a ver# res(onsib"e
The secretar# of the 9iterar# an! ;ebating <"ub of our schoo"' besi!es the treasurer'
777777777777777ver# invo"ve! with the organi.ation of the forthcoming ("a#%
M# mother' as we"" as m# sevent# + #ear + o"! !a!' 7777777777777eating out%
The (resi!ent' with severa" others'7777777777777777in the hea! + masters o$ce to
!iscuss the matter further%
The Mathematics teacher' in a!!ition to the 8ng"ish teacher'
7777777777777777777777giving e4tra c"asses to assist the weaer stu!ents in the
coming fna" e4am%
The vi""age hea!man' a"ong with the other vi""agers' 7777777777777777("anning to
"aunch a c"ean"iness cam(aign%
The manager of the ba!minton team' together with his ("a#ers'
7777777777777777going to Singa(ore for a frien!"# game this weeen!%
goes go is are
*. $wo subjects se"arated by either++++or,neither+++..nor
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,aneem' a"ong with her sisters' 77777777777777for e4tra 8ng"ish "essons at a centre
near b#%
Mr% 9ai' with his gran!father' 7777777777777777 to the :u!!hist tem("e at "east once a
3eorge' "ie Vivian' 7777777777777777777too chi"!ish for his age%
The c"ass monitor' as we"" as his assistant' 777777777777777777a ver# res(onsib"e
The secretar# of the 9iterar# an! ;ebating <"ub of our schoo"' besi!es the treasurer'
777777777777777ver# invo"ve! with the organi.ation of the forthcoming ("a#%
M# mother' as we"" as m# sevent# + #ear + o"! !a!' 7777777777777eating out%
The (resi!ent' with severa" others'7777777777777777in the hea! + masters o$ce to
!iscuss the matter further%
The Mathematics teacher' in a!!ition to the 8ng"ish teacher'
7777777777777777777777giving e4tra c"asses to assist the weaer stu!ents in the
coming fna" e4am%
The vi""age hea!man' a"ong with the other vi""agers' 7777777777777777("anning to
"aunch a c"ean"iness cam(aign%
The manager of the ba!minton team' together with his ("a#ers'
7777777777777777going to Singa(ore for a frien!"# game this weeen!%
$wo subjects Se"arated by *ither+++..or,Neither++.nor
2f the subjects are ("ura"
8ither the footba""ers or the ba!minton ("a#ers are training in 3enting
Neither the scouts nor the gir" gui!es have com("aints to mae%
Neither #our frien!s nor m# frien!s have seen him%
The singular verb is use! if the subject $noun/ nearest it is singular%
8ither the actors or the !irector has to be at the (o"ice station%
Neither the (assengers nor the !river has the in!ness to he"( the beggar%
The plural verb is use! if the subject $noun/ nearest it is plural%
8ither the teacher or the stu!ents are atten!ing the function%
Neither the !octor nor the nurses have the si"" to save the (atient%
Practice 8 -omplete the folloing sentences ith suitable verbs that agree
ith the subject.
'ither "alleh or ?ozina ++++++++++++++++broken the window.
4either my uncle nor my aunt ++++++++++++++++the way to the new airport.
There is no need to call the fire bri$ade. The firemen are already there. 'ither one of the
onlookers or my nei$hbour +++++++++++ already phoned the fire bri$ade.
The boss is really an$ry with us. #e says that either you or ( ++++++++++++++to be blamed
for this $ross error.
4either the boy nor his sisters ++++++++++++++in the city.
4either the bus drivers nor the conductors ++++++++++++++aware of the strike.
There is somethin$ seriously wron$. ( can%t $et the computer to work. 'ither the disk drive
or the printer +++++++++++++repair.
4either "ue nor her classmates ++++++++++++++++actin$ in the play this time.
4either my $randmother nor her brothers ++++++++++heard about the tra$ic accidents.
have are nee!s has nows are
"ive am
-. (eteriners
Singular Whoever, whatever, either (of), neither (of), the
other, another, each(of), each one, ever
Singular ver!
Singular or Plural "ncounta!le Singular or Plural
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Singu"ar !eterminers )each' ever#' either* tae a singu"ar verb%
P"ura" !eterminers )both' few' man#* tae a ("ura" verb%
A number of !eterminers )some' an#' a""* can tae either a singu"ar or ("ura"
verb accor!ing to the noun that fo""ows them%
84am("e 5
Some tea was "eft in the cu(%
Some boys were ("a#ing soccer%
1ach of the stu!ents was ase! to com("ete a =uestionnaire%
2hoever arrives home frst can start cooing !inner%
3ome books were missing%
4oth >ahari an! his sister are going to stu!# music%
#n, all, $o%e, %ore ver! &ounta!le
Plural 'oth (of), few (of), other$ %an (of), $everal (of) Plural ver!
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Practice ( Underline the verb in each sentence hich agrees ith its
4either of the man%s two sisters (are / is) able to swim.
!ore men than women (likes / like) to watch wrestlin$ on T@.
After the match every spectator (were / was) deli$hted with the team%s performance.
"everal of my friends (are / is) tryin$ to apply to that Aniversity this year.
'very car lorry bus and motor cycle (needs / need) a road licence.
8oth lecturers (was were) very well attended.
All the money he spent on the computer (was were) a total waste.
(%m sure you will do whatever (is are) best for your family.
!ost students (spend spends) a lot of time readin$ in the library.
!any of the pictures on display (has have) been exhibited before.
"ome think he is a fool while others (believes believe) he is a $enius.
'ach student (is are) expected to complete four assi$nments per term.
"everal friends of mine (has have) lost their &obs recently.
"ome water (was were) drippin$ from the tap.
All food (is are) to be kept in the locker.

Practice 1) -hoose appropriate verbs in the passage belo to complete it.
'. Sentences with .%alse subjects.
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4either of the man%s two sisters (are / is) able to swim.
!ore men than women (likes / like) to watch wrestlin$ on T@.
After the match every spectator (were / was) deli$hted with the team%s performance.
"everal of my friends (are / is) tryin$ to apply to that Aniversity this year.
'very car lorry bus and motor cycle (needs / need) a road licence.
8oth lecturers (was were) very well attended.
All the money he spent on the computer (was were) a total waste.
(%m sure you will do whatever (is are) best for your family.
!ost students (spend spends) a lot of time readin$ in the library.
!any of the pictures on display (has have) been exhibited before.
"ome think he is a fool while others (believes believe) he is a $enius.
'ach student (is are) expected to complete four assi$nments per term.
"everal friends of mine (has have) lost their &obs recently.
"ome water (was were) drippin$ from the tap.
All food (is are) to be kept in the locker.

M# c"assmate ?os"ina an! 2 enjo# Sun!a#s because both of us (1. take, takes) the
!a# o0 from stu!#ing an! go to @ua"a 9um(ur% An# (erson who (2. Has, have) ever
been to @ua"a 9um(ur wi"" now that there are "ots of things to !o there% Man#
sho(s (3. Stay, stays) o(en a"" !a# on Sun!a#' so frst of a"" we usua""# !o some
sho((ing% Ahen each of us (4. has, have) bought what we want we then usua""# go
to the <entra" Maret% :oth of us (5. enjoy, enjoys) the <entra" Maret since it is so
fu"" of interesting an! co"ourfu" goo!s% Man# things so"! in the sta""s in the maret
(6. is, are) =uite chea( a"though if #ou have time to "oo aroun! @ua"a 9um(ur' #ou
might fn! better bargains e"sewhere% These !a#s few things (7. are, is) rea""#
chea( in @ua"a 9um(ur% After some time in the <entra" Maret we usua""# go to one
of the (ars to re"a4 an! have a (icnic% Ae often meet some of our frien!s there an!
we have such a goo! time that nobo!# wants to go home at the en! of the !a#%
Severa" of our frien!s (8. share, shares) a house in Peta"ing 6a#a an! sometimes
we go bac to their ("ace for !inner% After !inner neither of us (. want, wants) to
"eave but we have to catch a bus home to (re(are for Mon!a# morning% Mon!a#
(1!. is, are) !u"" in com(arison with our won!erfu" !a# o0%
Sentences with .%alse subjects.
,ere an! there are not rea" subjects of a sentence% The rea" subject fo""ows the
verb to be ) isBareBwasBwere*
Ah + wor!s are not rea" subjects% The rea" subject fo""ows the verb to be%
84am("es 5
There as a !e"iberate e0ort to im(rove the stan!ar! of 8ng"ish in the schoo"%
There ere man# (rob"ems so"ve! that wa#%
,ere are the resu"ts of #our mi! + term e4amination%
Ahat are #our conc"usions regar!ing the e"ectionC
Aho is #our Science tutorC
Practice 11 Underline the correct verb to complete the folloing
Ahere ) is' are* the f"e on new stu!entsC
There )has' have * been man# brea + ins in m# !istrict recent"#%
)have' has* there been an# !eve"o(ments "ate"#C
,ow ) are' is* #our (arents getting on in their new houseC
,ere )is' are* m# a!!ress% ;ont "ose it%
)Are' 2s* there an#one who can s(ea 8ng"ish hereC
Ahich )are' is* the best metho! of motivating our stu!entsC
There )has' have* been three or four (hone ca""s since #ou went out%
Ahat' accor!ing to the e4(erts' )is' are* the main (rob"emC
)Aas' Aere* there some (eo("e here a few minutes agoC
,ere )is' are* the "atest information about the test%
Aho )was' were* the foun!ers of that com(an#C
There )are ' is* going to be man# changes ma!e in the !e(artment this semester%
Ahat ) has' have* he an! his frien!s been !oingC
Ahen )are' is* #our fna" e4amination !ue to startC
/. 0uanti%ier )ronouns
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3uanti#ier Pronouns
Verbs after =uantifer (ronouns use! with of ) a "ot of' none of* agree with the
object fo""owing the (re(osition of%
Aor!s "ie someone' an#bo!#' no one' ever#one tae a singu"ar verb%
5uanti#er 6ronouns
Most of
A "ot of
Some of
The majorit# of
None of
,a"f of
A"" of
A thir! of
The rest of
The remain!er of
DEF of
6lural countable nouns
The (eo("e
The cars
The stu!ents
6lural verb3ingular countable nouns
the wor"!
the ba""
the tree
3ingular verbUncountable nouns
the cheese
the tea
the seasomeone somebo!# something
an#one an#bo!# an#thing
no one nobo!# nothing
ever#one ever#bo!# ever#thing
1.amples 7
The rest of the cheese as eaten b# mice% ) uncountab"e noun*
The rest of the wor"# is covere! b# oceans%)singu"ar countab"e noun*
The rest of the cans ere so"! o0 chea(% )P"ura" countab"e noun*
Most of the s$%ar as covere! with ants% ) Gncountab"e nouns*
Most of the car is rust#% ) Singu"ar countab"e noun*
Most of the cars ere (are! near the schoo"% ) P"ura" countab"e noun*
So&eone is nocing at the !oor%
'obo#y is answering%
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3uanti#ier Pronouns
Verbs after =uantifer (ronouns use! with of ) a "ot of' none of* agree with the
object fo""owing the (re(osition of%
Aor!s "ie someone' an#bo!#' no one' ever#one tae a singu"ar verb%
5uanti#er 6ronouns
Most of
A "ot of
Some of
The majorit# of
None of
,a"f of
A"" of
A thir! of
The rest of
The remain!er of
DEF of
6lural countable nouns
The (eo("e
The cars
The stu!ents
6lural verb3ingular countable nouns
the wor"!
the ba""
the tree
3ingular verbUncountable nouns
the cheese
the tea
the seasomeone somebo!# something
an#one an#bo!# an#thing
no one nobo!# nothing
ever#one ever#bo!# ever#thing
1.amples 7
The rest of the cheese as eaten b# mice% ) uncountab"e noun*
The rest of the wor"# is covere! b# oceans%)singu"ar countab"e noun*
The rest of the cans ere so"! o0 chea(% )P"ura" countab"e noun*
Most of the s$%ar as covere! with ants% ) Gncountab"e nouns*
Most of the car is rust#% ) Singu"ar countab"e noun*
Most of the cars ere (are! near the schoo"% ) P"ura" countab"e noun*
So&eone is nocing at the !oor%
'obo#y is answering%
Practice 12 -omplete the folloing sentences by choosing the correct
Some of the !urians )was' were* going ba!%
The majorit# of the au!iences )was' were* c"a((ing "ou!"#%
,a"f of m# "eisure hours )is' are* s(ent jogging an! ("a#ing tennis%
Most of the cars foun! in Ma"a#sia ) is' are* manufacture! "oca""#%
Some wi"" s"ee( at m# house' some at Sa""ehs ("ace an! the rest of the (eo("e
)is' are* going to fn! somewhere e"se to s"ee(%
),as' ,ave* an#one seen m# re! f"e%
A"most HEF of the stu!ents this #ear )is' are* from the "oca" (rimar# schoo"s%
A ffth of the stu!ents )has' have* fai"e! the entr# test%
Nobo!# )"ies' "ie* the new o$ce manager + hes too e4acting%
The rest of the te4t boo ) has' have* to be rea!# b# Mon!a#%
2n Ma"a#sia most of the tra!itiona" houses ) is' are* ma!e of woo!%
The majorit# of cars on Ma"a#sian roa!s )is' are* from 6a(an%
&. 1elative )ronouns 2 Who3 Which3 $hat
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1elative )ronouns 2 Who3 Which3 $hat
Verbs fo""owing re"ative c"auses beginning with (ronouns ) Aho' Ahich' That* agree
with the noun before the (ronoun%
1.amples 7
The man who lives in that house is a frien! of mine%
The men who live in that house are m# frien!s%
Ahere are the biscuits which &e"t in #our mouthC
Ahere is the f"e which has a"" m# notes in it C
,istor# is the subject that ca$ses me most (rob"ems%
3eogra(h# an! 8ng"ish are the subjects that co&e most easi"# to me%
Practice 13 -omplete the folloing sentences by underlining the correct
The cat that often )sit' sits* on our grass ) be"ong' be"ongs* to the man ne4t !oor%
The thing which most ) anno#s' anno#* me ) is' are* that 2 wore! har! a"" !a# without
a brea%
Po"icemen who )!ont' !oesnt* wear a uniform )is' are* ca""e! ("ain + c"othes co(s%
/f a"" the cro(s which )is' are* grown in Ma"a#sia' rubber is the most famous%
The water that ) is' are* !ri((ing !own the wa"" )is' are* from the burst (i(e%
Men an! women who )wor' wors* in the factor# )is' are* fre=uent"# i""%
Stu!ents who )!oesnt' !ont* =ua"if# for a scho"arshi( ver# often )face' faces*
The furniture which )a((ea"s' a((ea"* to me most ) is' are* the rattan set%
A (erson who )visits' visit* foreign countries ) are' is* ca""e! a tourist%
The factor which often )(rove' (roves* !ecisive in ba!minton )are' is* stamina%
3ingular 3ubject 6lural 3ubject
Man# a
The number of
Three hours
&ort# i"ometers
The (ercentage
Singu"ar verb
A number of
The 8ng"ish
The (o"ice
A (ercentage
P"ura" Verb
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S"ecial -eatures to Watch out %or in A!reeent
There are a number of s(ecia" cases which stu!ents shou"! note5
84am("es 5
Many a true wor! is s(oen in jest%
0 number of stu!ents are going on stu!# visit to Austra"ia ne4t month%
8he number of can!i!ates for this #ears e4amination is higher than "ast #ears%
Mathematics was m# worst subject at schoo"%
8hree hours is "ong enough for an# written e4amination%
8he nes about the i!na((e! chi"! is not ver# goo!%
Practice 14 -omplete the folloing sentences by underlining the correct
1. The letters ( (writes / write) to my $ood friend (don%t / doesn%t) reach him on time. ( wonder what is
wron$ with the mail.
2. The employees (hope / hopes) to $et medical benefits from now on.
3. To plant one%s own ve$etables (need / needs) much care and attention.
4. A carton of drinks (was / were) ordered this mornin$ for the meetin$.
5. Busoff and his mother (spend / spends) many hours to$ether in the library.
6. !y youn$er sister bou$ht a beautiful pair of sandals last week but her old ones (are / is) still
pretty $ood so she still (wear/ wears) them.
7. Time and tide (wait / waits) for no man.
8. A kilo of $rapes (is / are) extremely expensive these days.
9. !aria ?idza and !alik (assists / assist) the Debatin$ 0lub members every Cednesday afternoon.
10. :oin$ for brisk walks (is / are) a healthy thin$ to do.
11. The head prefect and his assistant (are/ is) plannin$ a surprise concert as part of the Teachers%
Day celebrations.
12. 2ohari (were / was) $iven a set of tools on his birthday.
13. Ce had a pleasant surprise for #ari ?aya this year. A crate of red apples (were /was) delivered to
our house early in the mornin$. (t was from our lon$ lost Ancle #ashim.
14. A bou3uet of flowers sent to a sick friend in hospital (is / are) a thou$htful $esture.
15. "uccess in life (needs / need) consistent hard work and a lot of determination.
16. A&eet and Deepa (is / are) $ettin$ married soon.
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The (ercentage of chi"! abuse cases in Ma"a#sia )has' have* been growing in recent
8ight# i"os )is' are* e4cessive for a man of his height%
Ahen the news of the e4("osion )brea' breas* out' there wi"" be genera" (ub"ic%
Peo("e in this (art of the wor"! ver# rare"# )worries' worr#* about the co"!%
A "arge number of roa! acci!ents )is' are* cause! b# care"essness%
Ten (ages ) is' are* =uite enough for #our term (a(er%
The 6a(anese ) has'have* investe! heavi"# in the Ma"a#sian econom#%
The number of !eaths on the roa! )is' are* on the increase%
Man# a man )has' have* wishe! he has ha! a better e!ucation%
The (o"ice )is' are* not sure about the whereabouts of the esca(e! convict%
Read the following sentences and underline the correct answer.
Read the following sentences and underline the correct answer.
17. 2ulia :iri&a and .athma (write / writes) $ood essays.
18. The hunters took to their heels when they (was / were) pursued by a pack of wolves.
19. The board of directors (donate / donates) $enerously to the needy every year without fail.
20. "ome thieves (has / have) broken into the premises recently.
21. (t (is / are) becomin$ increasin$ly difficult to motivate the youn$ to read these days.
22. :reed (has / have) destroyed many families.
23. 'ducation (is / are) a life 1 lon$ process.
24. .olishin$ two cars on a "unday mornin$ (is / are) not somethin$ ( en&oy.
25. !otor 1 racin$ is a dan$erous sport yet many teena$ers these days (is / are) crazy about it.
26. Cindow 1 shoppin$ (is / are) a favourite pastime of many school children
27. .aintin$ the $rilles (take / takes) many hours.
28. .atience (is / are) essential if you want to be a nurse.
29. All the villa$ers (have / has) come forward to support the environment campai$n.
30. The tailor you and your friends $o to (is / are) reliable.
31. 'atin$ out too often (is / are) unhealthy indeed.
32. The $raduates (look / looks) smart in their robes.
33. The trainees (work / works) hard to complete their pro&ects.
34. They (were / was) told to park their cars in their respective parkin$ lots.
35. The netball players (train / trains) every !onday.
36. The tutor sometimes (praises / praise) us althou$h we know we often do not deserve it.
37. !any athletes (practice / practises) in the evenin$s for the comin$ tournament.
38. !any teena$ers feel that studyin$ overseas (is / are) $lamorous.
39. 0leanliness in our compound (is / are) everyone%s responsibility.
40. The team of nurses (is / are) in an emer$ency meetin$ ri$ht now.
41. A pla$ue of locusts (is / are) feared by every farmer in the villa$e.
42. A bunch of bananas (is / are) not cheap nowadays.
43. The $ardener and his assistant (come / comes) to mow our lawn once a fortni$ht.
44. Animal Darm and )<9- (is / are) two well 1 known books written by :eor$e Erwell.
45. The principal and her senior assistant (hold / holds) a meetin$ for the staff once a month.
46. The head prefect and the assistant head prefect (walk / walks) round the school premises
re$ularly to see to the cleanliness of the school compound.
47. The twins (have / has) different interests.
48. 0yclin$ and skatin$ (is / are) two popular activities of the children in my nei$hbourhood.
49. The $ardener and his wife (is / are) a happy couple.
50. The information the students $athered at the recent book fair (has / have) stimulated them to
complete the assi$nment.
51. To paint the four walls of this study on your own (is / are) a demandin$ &ob.
52. Decisions like that (is / are) not easily made.
53. Chen the board (meets / meet) tomorrow we will $et some sort of decision.
54. 0ookin$ your own meals (is / are) far better than eatin$ out at hawker stalls.
55. 'atin$ plenty of fresh fruit (keep / keeps) you healthy.
56. Travellin$ 9= kilometres every day to $et to his office (is / are) very tirin$.
57. Attendance at all lectures seminars and tutorials (is / are) compulsory for all.
58. The man involved in the robberies (is / are) bein$ interviewed by the police.
59. "usila to$ether with her youn$er sister often (visit / visits) the book stores.
60. #alimah alon$ with her best friend Fawiyah (cycle / cycles) two kilometers every evenin$.
61. #asnah like 'velyn (love / loves) readin$.
62. 4either 2oseph nor his sisters (is / are) comin$ to the match this evenin$.
63. Chere (is / are) the students who worked on this experimentG
64. Chat (is / are) your chief forms of recreationG
65. The 'n$lish teacher like the mathermatics teacher ($ives / $ive) a lot of homework to the
66. "imran as well as 6ushboo (exercise / exercises) re$ularly.
67. 8esides the coach the team mana$er (was / were) also invited to the openin$ ceremony.
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68. Furina with her friends ( was / were) at the book fair last ni$ht.
69. !any a teacher in !alaysia( has / have) wished for more space in the classroom for lan$ua$e
70. Ene of the most difficult decisions teena$ers have to make these days ( is / are) where to re$ister
for their A 1 levels
71. Daiza as well as her eldest sister (en&oy / en&oys) readin$.
72. 'ither Emar or his elder brother ( is / are) attendin$ the ceremony.
73. 'ither you or ( (is / am) to blame for the loss of the book.
74. 'ach of the participants ( hope / hopes ) to win a prize at this competition.
75. 'very one of the competitors (know / knows ) the rules of the debatin$ competition as everyone
(has / have) been briefed ade3uately.
76. #ere ( is / are) the $oods you purchased.
77. !uch ( has/ have ) been said about the cleanliness of the canteen but very little ( has / have )
been done so far.
78. Anybody who ( is / are) 3ualified can apply to study at the colle$e.
79. 4ot one of the workers (has /have) arrived yet.
80. 'ach of the boys ( has / have) a personal file.
81. #ow you complete the assi$nment ( is / are) up to you.
82. Chat results examines (is / are) $oin$ to $et after takin$ an examination (is / are) what worries
many of them.
83. A lar$e percenta$e of the farmers in this villa$e ( depend / depends) on the $overnment aid.
84. 4either @imal nor her sisters (is / are) interested in sport.
85. 4either ?avin nor A&eet ($o /$oes) to movies fre3uently.
86. 4either #ar&it nor Ah "en$ (is are) interested in s3uash.
87. #alimah to$ether with her children (walk walks) in the Hake :ardens almost every evenin$.
88. Chat children do with their leisure time (is are) of $reat concern to their parents.
89. "ome of the people at the meetin$ (was were) an$ry at the hasty decision made by the
90. A number of problems (has have) arisen since we last met.
91. 'ach ?in$$it and sen we spend (has have) to be accounted for.
92. The percenta$e of youn$ persons involved in dru$ abuse (is are) increasin$.
93. #ere ( isare) the information you asked for earlier.
94. There (is are) many a slip Itwixt the cup and the lip.%
95. Ene hundred and ten kilometers per hour (is are) too fast on that narrow road.
96. "omeone (is are) knockin$ at his door but nobody is answerin$.
97. Thou$h there were a few rich people there the ma&ority of the spectators (was were) poor
peasant folk.
98. There (has/have) been a marked decline in the number of student failures.
99. 4either of the men ( look looks) happy thou$h both of them (hashave) every reason to smile.
100. !ost of the rubbish (has have) been cleaned up. 4ow the place doesn%t look so untidy.
101. !ost of the cakes (was were) eaten and only a few curry puffs remained.
102. That is the man who (donate donates) a lot of money to the blind. #e is really $enerous.
103. Althou$h many students (is are) willin$ to participate in the debate some of them (has have)
many other demands on their time.
104. 'ither ?ohana or her aunt ( cook cooks) the meals for the family.
105. Dauziah to$ether with her three cousins (visit visits) the museum durin$ the holidays.
106. 4either 2amal nor his classmates (want wants) to type the article.
107. 4either you nor ( (am are) $oin$ to report this matter to the principal.
108. 4either Faidi nor his parents (know knows) the result of the examination.
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109. 'ither 2amilah or her nei$hbours (water waters) the plants in the $arden.
110. #ere (is are) my assi$nments teacher.
111. There (has have) been many robberies in our nei$hbourhood recently.
112. "tudents who ( don%t doesn%t) wear the school uniform will have to see the discipline teacher.
113. Chile ( was in 2apan ( learned that the 2apanese (is are) very polite people.

9ood :uck
4" Total 5rammar
Pelangi Publications
6y Francis Foo 7 Hamidah Hamid
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<" Essential English =sage 7 5rammar
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