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uuy Willey

Nath Lesson Plan #S

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Represent and interpret data. (3.MD.B)
3. uraw a scaled plcLure graph and a scaled bar graph Lo represenL a daLa seL wlLh several
caLegorles. Solve one- and Lwo-sLep "how many more" and "how many less" problems uslng
lnformaLlon presenLed ln scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square
in the bar graph might represent 5 pets. (3.MD.B.3)

-'*&$.$/ 012'3).4', Stuuents will successfully ieau anu inteipiet uata in a bai

-*$/5*/' 012'3).4', Stuuents will coiiectly iuentify by name if a bai giaph is a
veitical oi hoiizontal bai giaph. Stuuents will uiaw lines anu iuentify them as eithei
veitical oi hoiizontal by name.

Materials: Smartboard, whiteboards, pencils, GoMath! workbook, math workbook,
manipulatives (base blocks)

-'66"$78'*39'& :3)."$6,

;&"1<'# "= )9' >*?,
Begin with pioblem of the uay. !"#$ &"'#( )* +,#-./0 .# 1.0 (,023 4/5# &"'#( 67 &,8,9
:15# !"#$3 ;19.0 &"'#( <6 +,#-./0 .# 1.0 (,023 ="8 >5#$ +,#-./0 (.( 4/5# &.#(? ="8
>5#$ >"9, +,#-./ (.( !"#$ 5#( 4/5# &.#( :15# ;19.0?

Because of the complexity of this pioblem, stuuents may woik with a paitnei to
solve the pioblem. Allow stuuents about S minutes to woik on the pioblem. Nonitoi
anu assist as neeueu.

Bave a few gioups come up fiont anu shaie theii solution stiategies to the pioblem.

@$<"3A )9' ;&"1<'# BC9"<'DE&"5FG

Bave stuuents biing theii uoNath! woikbook anu a pencil to the caipet in the fiont
of the ioom

Show pioblem on the inteiactive whiteboaiu

Bave stuuents open theii book to page 1u7 anu follow along

Reau pioblem out louu to class

Bave stuuents ciicle the title of the giaph

Bemonstiate veitical anu hoiizontal lines using bouy motions. Stietch aims out high
foi veitical anu acioss foi hoiizontal

Bave stuuents uiaw a hoiizontal anu veitical line in an empty space in theii

!5/2 :" $"'9 +59:#,9 .& :1.0 @95+1 .0 5 A,9:.-5/ "9 1"9.B"#:5/ @95+13

C# :1, A,9:.-5/ 0.(, "& :1, @95+1D .: :,//0 '0 :1, #5>, "& :1, 0:'(,#:03 C# :1, 1"9.B"#:5/
/.#,D .: :,//0 '0 #'>E,9 "& E""203 ;.9-/, :1,0, .# $"'9 E""23 F"8 /,:G0 /""2 5: :1,
H',0:."#3 ="8 >5#$ E""20 (.( I,:1 9,5(? J"92 8.:1 $"'9 +59:#,9 :" 0,, .& $"' -5# :,//
1"8 >5#$ E""20 I,:1 9,5( &9"> /""2.#@ 5: :1.0 @95+13 Nonitoi foi assistance.

Bave one gioup come up to the whiteboaiu anu shaie theii stiategy to ueteimine
the numbei of books Seth ieau.

Challenge question: J1" 9,5( ) &,8,9 E""20 :15# K5:,? Allow paitneis to woik on
the pioblem. Bave one gioup come up anu shaie theii answei anu how they
ueteimineu it.

J15: .& 4>$ 9,5( 7 >"9, E""20? ="8 >5#$ E""20 (.( 4>$ 9,5(?

(9*&' *$+ (9"H B8" +')'&#.$' #*)9 /&"5F6G,

Tiei S stuuents will now go anu woik with Nis. Wittlesey. She will come into the
ioom to woik with iuentifieu IEP stuuents. This is the same gioup eveiy uay.

Bave the iest of the stuuents woik on pioblems 2 anu S fiom Shaie anu Show page
1u8. When stuuents complete theii woik have them iaise theii hanus anu check
theii woik. Those stuuents that miss 1 oi both of the pioblems will woik with Tiei 2
inteivention with Nis. Bass at the fiont of the classioom. I will pull those that uiu
not miss any pioblems- usually that is about 7 oi 8 stuuents, but can vaiy fiom uay
to uay.

(#*<< E&"5F6 B8.'& IG,

Bave stuuents open theii uoNath! woikbook to page 1u8 anu look at the giaph fiom
the shaie anu show pioblem.

C2D E"$0 5#( @.9/0D L93 J.//,$ .0 @".#@ :" :9$ 5#( -15//,#@, $"'3 M""2.#@ 5: :1, @95+1
&"9 &5A"9.:, 85$ :" ,N,9-.0,O 0'++"0, :15: 15/& :1, #'>E,9 "& 0:'(,#:0 :15: A":,( &"9
0"--,9 -15#@,( :1,.9 >.#(0 5#( A":,( &"9 85/2.#@3 ="8 >5#$ -1"0, 85/2.#@ 5#( 1"8
>5#$ -1"0, 0"--,9?

Nonitoi foi assistance. Some stuuents may iequiie manipulatives to unueistanu the
concept of half. Those that complete the challenge pioblem eaily will begin woiking
on pioblems 4 anu S on page 1u8.

Bave a few stuuents shaie theii solution stiategies foi the gioup.

C'9 #,N: -15//,#@, H',0:."#O M""2 5: ,.:1,9 "& :1, P @95+10 "# :1, :"+ "& +5@, 6QR3
F"8 ,5-1 "& :1,0, 59, :1, 05>, (5:53 S 85#: $"' 5// :" &.90: +': 5 #'>E,9 6 E$ :1,
@95+1 :15: .0 5 A,9:.-5/ E59 @95+1 5#( 5 #'>E,9 P :15: .0 5 1"9.B"#:5/ E59 @95+13

F"8 1,9, .0 :1, -15//,#@,O

I">, 0:'(,#:0 8,9, 0.-2 :1, (5$ :1, 0'9A,$ 850 :52,#D 5#( +9"A.(,( :1,.9 5#08,903
F"8 :8.-, :1, #'>E,9 "& 0:'(,#:0 :15: +9,&,9 02..#@ .0 :8.-, :1, #'>E,9 .: 8503 ="8
>5#$ #"8 +9,&,9 02..#@?

S# 5((.:."#D :1, &"//"8.#@ (5$ 6P >"9, 0:'(,#:0 5((,( 5#08,903 C& :1, :8,/A,D :1,$ 05.(
,.:1,9 1"-2,$ "9 .-, 025:.#@3 !8.-, 50 >5#$ "& :1, 6P 05.( 1"-2,$ :15# .-, 025:.#@3 ="8
>5#$ #"8 +9,&,9 .-, 025:.#@? ="8 >5#$ +9,&,9 1"-2,$?

Nonitoi foi assistance. Allow stuuents on this challenge to woik with paitneis. You
may neeu to use manipulative to assist in solving the pioblem.

Bave gioups shaie theii solution stiategies.

Tiansition to whole-gioup pioblem solving at 1u: 1u

C9"<'DE&"5F ;&"1<'# ("<4.$/

Bave stuuents open theii uoNath! woikbooks to pioblem solving page 1u9.
Bave them biing theii woikbook anu pencils to the fiont anu sit next to theii math

Pull up pioblem fiom page 1u9 on the smaitboaiu.

Bave stuuents ciicle the title of the giaph.

J.:1 $"'9 +59:#,9D 815: (",0 :1, A,9:.-5/ /.#, 5#( :1, 1"9.B"#:5/ 9,+9,0,#: .# :1.0
@95+13 Bave 2 gioups shaie what each line iepiesents in the giaph.

Bave paitneis iuentify the numbei of stuuents that piefeiieu each uiffeient kinu of
book. Shaie answeis anu wiite on smaitboaiu.

M,:0 /""2 5: +9"E/,> #'>E,9 )3 T5.0, $"'9 15#( .& $"' -5# :,// >, 815: :1, 8"9( 15/&
>,5#0? Bave a stuuent shaie.

Bemonstiate half foi class using pencils oi blocks. I have 2 pencils. You have half as
many, how many uo you have. Builu up the numbeis. This is especially impoitant
foi ELL stuuents.

F"8 :15: 8, 2#"8 815: 15/& 9,+9,0,#:0D 8"92 8.:1 $"'9 +59:#,9 :" 0"/A, H',0:."#
#'>E,9 )3 Nonitoi foi assistance.

Bave a gioup come up anu shaie stiategy with the class.

F"8D 81.-1 P 2.#(0 "& E""20 -">E.#,( 8,9, -1"0,# 50 "&:,# 50 E""20 5E"': 5#.>5/0?
Nonitoi foi assistance as gioups woik on pioblem. Bave anothei gioup shaie theii

If time peimitting, have stuuents wiite anu solve a pioblem that matches the uata in
the giaph, anu shaie with one anothei.

uioups uone eailiei can solve pioblems 8a-8u on page 1u9 about the giaphs they
weie woiking on.

:66'66#'$)6, Infoimal assessments will be uone uuiing stuuent woik time anu
assist in ueteimining small gioups. This will also help teachei ueteimine if
manipulatives oi alteinative instiuction is necessaiy. I will use a stuuent
checklist(class list yesno) to ueteimine if stuuents have shown an unueistanuing of
hoiizontal anu veitical. Nath woik will also be tuineu in. Foimal assessment occuis
uuiing the miu-chaptei checkpoint anu enu of chaptei assessment.

This lesson utilizeu whole-gioup, taigeteu small-gioup anu paitnei shaiing to
accommouate foi uiveise neeus of stuuents. Nanipulatives anu a vaiiation in
pioblems piesenteu also auuiess the neeus of uiveise leaineis. Baving stuuents
shaie solution stiategies also allows them to see uiveise means of solving pioblems
in math.

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