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Europe, past and present

Past simple. An action or situation in the past where the exact time is given.
Present perfect. An action or situation in the past when either the action or the situation
or the time period is still continuing; an action or situation which started in the past and
finished very recently; a series of repeated actions in the past which may continue into
the present.
Exercise 1
Look carefully at these sentences and decide if
they are grammatically correct () or not ().
a) Spain joined the European Union EU) in 1!"#.
$) %ungary has $een a mem$er of the EU since
c) Spain is a mem$er of the EU since 1!"#.
d) %ungary has joined the EU in &''(.
e) )ur*ey hasn+t joined the EU yet.
f) ,rance joined the EU for many years.
g) -enmar* was a mem$er of the EU since 1!#..
h) -enmar* $ecame a mem$er of the EU in 1!#..
i) )he EU has recently harmonised its employment laws after many years of negotiation.
j) /ritain has disagreed with EU policy on several occasions.
Exercise &
Match each of the correct sentences from exercise 1 with one of the explanations
below. Which tense (or tenses) do we use for each type of sentence !ick the
correct box. !he first one has been done for you.
a) An action or situation in the past where the
exact time is given
b) An action or situation in the past when either
the action or the situation or the time period
is still continuing this can also refer to a
negative action or situation)
c) An action or situation which started in the
past and finished very recently
d) A series of repeated actions in the past which
may continue into the present
2008 9203 Page 1 of 6
Europe, past and present
Exercise .
"ewrite each sentence using the #erb in brackets in the correct tense. $ou may ha#e
to change the word order.
a) 0oland $e) a mem$er of the EU since &''(.
$) 1 never visit) 0aris $ut 1 go) to 2ersailles last year.
c) /ritish Airways just announce) a new fare to 3oscow.
d) 0eter not finish) his homewor* yet.
e) 3aria ever see) a $ullfight4
Exercise (
%am works as an office assistant for Mrs &riggs. '#ery morning she gi#es %am a
list of things to do. !his is the list she ga#e %am this morning(
Open mail t half past nine
Buy l00 envelopes
Take the parcels to the post office !efore co"ee #rea$
Make coffee for the secretaries t 11 o%cloc$
Take the new fax machine to the basement t 2 o%cloc$
Buy a birthday card for Julie
Replace the light bulbs in the reception area
ollect the pay che!ues from Mr "riffiths
)t is now fi#e o*clock and %am is telling Mrs &riggs about the things he has (or
hasn*t) done yet. %am has made notes on the list of errands to remind him. What
does %am say to Mrs &riggs Write four sentences using the past simple and four
sentences using the present perfect.
2008 9203 Page 2 of 6
Europe, past and present
Exercise 5
+omplete the ,uestionnaire below by asking your partner ,uestions. $our partner
should then complete her - his ,uestionnaire by asking you ,uestions.
+ompare your answers with another pair. What are the most common types of
holiday. transport and accommodation in your group
/s a group. discuss the three topics under these headings.
the most enjoya$le
the $est value
the most expensive
the most unusual
the cheapest
the most exciting
Acme travel research company
--travel habits questionnaire--
&ate' ((((( )ame of inter*iewee' ((((((((((((((((
A Types of holiday YE
Has the interviewee
ever had ...
a #each holida+
a cit+ holida+
a foreign holida+
a s$iing holida+
a pac$age tour holida+
a school trip holida+
a camping holida+
B Means of transport YE
Has the interviewee
ever been ...
on an underground train
on a plane
on a ho*ercraft
in a helicopter
on a tram
on a ferr+
C Accommodation YE
2008 9203 Page 3 of 6
Europe, past and present
Has the interviewee
stayed ...
in a hotel
in a +outh hostel
with another famil+
in a tent
on a farm
2008 9203 Page , of 6
Europe, past and present
Exercise 6
+hoose the correct word-s to fill the gaps.
1. )here are &# mem$ers of the EU; the first mem$ers ................... in 1!5".
a) have joined $) joined c) already joined
&. )here+s a new play on in 7ondon. 1t ................... at the )heatre 8oyal.
a) has just opened $) has opened c) opened
.. 1 wrote an essay last night9 $ut 1 ................... time to type it yet.
a) didn+t have $) haven+t had c) don+t have
(. )he population of 7ondon increased dramatically until 1!(59 $ut since then it
................... considera$ly.
a) has decreased $) decreased c) is decreasing
5. :hildren ................... the right to vote9 and they pro$a$ly never will.
a) never had $) have never had c) didn+t have
6. 3any countries are poor; some of them ................... for many years.
a) are $) were c) have $een
#. 1 have ta*en the driving test four times; the last time ................... in 3arch.
a) was $) is c) has $een
". )hat meal was wonderful; 1 ................... such delicious chic*en;
a) never had $) have never had c) haven+t had
!. 1 wish 1 could get a jo$. 1 <<<< for so many.
a) applied $) had applied c) have applied
1'. She is still young9 $ut she ................... a lot in her short life.
a) has achieved $) achieves c) achieved
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Europe, past and present
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