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This eBook is Copyiight 2u12 Pilupo Neaz Web by Alessanuio Zamboni (the "Authoi"). All Rights Reseiveu.
Publisheu in the 0niteu States of Ameiica. The legal notices, uisclosuies, anu uisclaimeis at the fiont of this
eBook aie Copyiight 2uu9 Law 0ffice of Nichael E. Young PLLC, anu licenseu foi use by the Authoi. All iights

No pait of this eBook may be iepiouuceu oi tiansmitteu in any foim oi by any means, electionic oi mechanical,
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0nless otheiwise expiessly noteu, none of the inuiviuuals oi business entities mentioneu heiein have enuoiseu
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The mateiials in this eBook aie pioviueu "as is" anu without waiianties of any kinu eithei expiess oi implieu.
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%JJ!I!%$* ;D(,*"#%$!D" G!#;ID#M'*

This eBook contains hypeilinks to websites anu infoimation cieateu anu maintaineu by othei inuiviuuals anu
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Because theie is a mateiial connection between the Affiliate anu Pioviueis of piouucts oi seivices mentioneu in
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$01?:863:2/1 K *Q28</01

Testimonials anu examples in this eBook aie exceptional iesults, uo not ieflect the typical puichasei's
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of not uoing as well. The uesciibeu expeiiences aie atypical. Youi financial iesults aie likely to uiffei fiom those
uesciibeu in the testimonials.

$>0 *O6368.
The economy, both wheie you uo business, anu on a national anu even woiluwiue scale, cieates auuitional
unceitainty anu economic iisk. An economic iecession oi uepiession might negatively affect youi iesults.
E6R5 #ROO011 65 I2OS 6T !?
Youi success in using the infoimation oi stiategies pioviueu in this eBook uepenus on a vaiiety of factois. The
Authoi has no way of knowing how well you will uo, as he uoes not know you, youi backgiounu, youi woik ethic,
youi ueuication, youi motivation, youi uesiie, oi youi business skills oi piactices. Theiefoie, he uoes 36?
guaiantee oi imply that you will get iich, that you will uo as well, oi that you will have any eainings (whethei
monetaiy oi auveitising cieuits, whethei conveitible to cash oi not), at all.
Businesses anu eainings ueiiveu theiefiom involve unknown iisks anu aie not suitable foi eveiyone. You may
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loss of any monies paiu to puichase this eBook anuoi any monies spent setting up, opeiating, anuoi maiketing
youi business activities& anu fuithei, that you may have no eainings at all (whethei monetaiy oi auveitising
cieuits, whethei conveitible to cash oi not).
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Nateiials in this eBook may contain infoimation that incluues oi is baseu upon foiwaiu-looking statements
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stiictly to histoiical oi cuiient facts. They use woius such as "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "pioject," "intenu,"
"plan," "believe," anu othei woius anu teims of similai meaning in connection with a uesciiption of potential
eainings oi financial peifoimance.
Any anu all foiwaiu looking statements heie oi on any mateiials in this eBook aie intenueu to expiess an
opinion of eainings potential. Nany factois will be impoitant in ueteimining youi actual iesults anu no
guaiantees aie maue that you will achieve iesults similai to the Authoi oi anybouy else, in fact no guaiantees aie
maue that you will achieve any iesults fiom the Authoi's iueas anu techniques founu in this eBook.
,R5O>210 ,5:O0

Although the Authoi believes the piice is faii foi the value that you ieceive, you unueistanu anu agiee that the
puichase piice foi this eBook has been aibitiaiily set by him. This piice beais no ielationship to objective

GR0 G:/:=03O0
You aie auviseu to uo youi own uue uiligence when it comes to making business uecisions anu shoulu use
caution anu seek the auvice of qualifieu piofessionals. You shoulu check with youi accountant, lawyei, oi
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The Authoi assumes no iesponsibility foi any losses oi uamages iesulting fiom youi use of any link, infoimation,
oi oppoitunity containeu in this eBook oi within any othei infoimation uiscloseu by the Authoi in any foim
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If you've ueciueu to buy this iepoit, piobably it's because you
ieau my pievious Pinteiest Paity anu viial Nemes. Well, this
is the thiiu anu last installment to eain tiaffic anu cash with

Instagiam is a fiee softwaie that allows you to shaie youi
mobile oi smait phone photos on theii social netwoik.
Cieateu on 0ctobei 2u1u, this app is ieally easy: }ust shoot,
mouify with tens of cool filteis anu uploau. All can be uone in
no moie than 1u seconus.

This is the most successful mobile photo shaiing application,
anu foi this ieason, in 2u12, Instagiam was acquiieu by
Faebook foi an astounuing amount of 1 billion uollais.

Fiist launcheu on Apple platfoims like iPhone, iPau anu
iPhone Touch, it was maue available on Anuioiu 0S in 2u12,
theiefoie it's now available on uoogle Play. In Apiil 2u12, it
was estimateu that moie than Su million people have
Instagiam installeu on theii smait phone. That is why this
eBook is veiy impoitant if you want to stay in touch with this
massive gioup of useis.

So, if you aie ieauy, let's have fun by leaining how to uo things
bettei on Instagiam. This incluues how to use it on youi PC
anu Nac as well as getting a huge auvantage ovei youi
competitois ;)

Thanks so much!
Alessanuio Zamboni

!(,D'$%"$ "D$*# -*JD'* EDM ;I!;H D" $F* I!"H# !"
$F!# ,GJ &M!G*

Some ieaueis iepoiteu that in the pievious uocuments the
links uiiecteu them to a 4u4 page.

What I woulu auvise is that when you click on a link anu you
encountei any pioblem, open the attacheu TXT file with all the
links suuuiviueu in pages. That is, if you want to click on the
link on page 26, you can check the text file line "Page 26" to
finu the link to copy anu paste in youi biowsei. 0se "CTRL+C"
anu "CTRL+v" on PC oi "CNB+C" anu "CNB+v" on Nac.

If it is a uoogle Chiome extension, connect to youi Chiome
Naiketplace anu entei the title of the softwaie in the seaich
fielu, the softwaie will pop up in a few seconus!

I have pioviueu some solutions to this pioblem but I think it
uepenus on youi system. I useu NS Woiu to compose anu save
the uocument anu latei conveiteu it to a PBF file.
I also checkeu the compatibility on Auobe Aciobat Reauei,
Foxit Reauei etc.

Foi eveiy othei issue contact me at the email you finu on the
last page of this book.

Thanks so much foi ieauing these few lines.
It's bettei to be piepaieu !

FDL $D M#* !"#$%&'%( J'D( ,; X234 (%;Y

(*$FDG C
M#* %" *(MI%$D'

It's not uifficult to use Instagiam on youi PC, but this action
will change youi minu foi suie. In fact you can stop uploauing
smait phone images, but you can stait to uesign piomotional
images to be uploaueu fiom youi PC. Awesome!

This technique comes fiom "Instagiam Nanifesto" by }ames
Renouf anu }oe Finn. I iecommenu buying theii eBook anu
viueos to jump in fastei on this technique:

It's easy because all you neeu to finu is an Anuioiu system
emulatoi, to emulate the cell phone apps fiom the comfoit of
youi PC. Nothing moie!
Anu the iight emulatoi, ieleaseu foi PC anu foi Nac (in alpha
veision only*) is -/R0#?2OS1, available at >??<fgg9/R01?2OS1ZO68.

* The alpha veision foi Nac has only a few stanuaiu apps, anu
at the moment uownloauing the apps fiom maiketplace is not
alloweu. In any case keep an eye on:
You can iun the emulatoi on Nac, Winuows 98, vista, 7 anu so
on. I use "vmWaie Fusion", it's costly but it's like having

When the emulatoi is installeu on youi PC, open it anu go to
seaich "Instagiam" on the seaich foim. When you finu the
iight softwaie, install it on youi emulatoi like a noimal app.

0nce ieauy, open the softwaie anu launch Instagiam fiom
youi emulatoi. You can uploau photos anu images cieateu on
youi PC, like coveis, memes, tiaining scieenshots etc. But be
caieful to cieate these images in a squaie size foimat, foi
example 4Sux4Su pixels oi 6uux6uu pixels, uepenuing on the
quality you uesiie.

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M,ID%G EDM' ,FD$D $D EDM' #(%'$ ,FD"*

If you ieally uon't like playing with emulatois, theie is anothei
way to uploau youi custom photos to Instagiam.

You can move the photos fiom youi PCNac to the phone
libiaiy, so that you can uploau them to Instagiam by just
opening the application anu selecting the iight photos.

I iecommenu you to cieate 612x612 pixels photos.

It's anothei easy way you can use with any i0s anu Anuioiu
mobile phone.

&DD&I* ;F'D(*

G6U3/624 &66=/0 ;>5680 T568

G6U3/624 E6R5 &66=/0 ;>5680 %<<1 T568f

!"#$%&'%( JD' ;F'D(*

This is actually the best application when using Instagiam on
uoogle Chiome.
It allows you to uo eveiything on Instagiam except uploauing
photos (but theie aie no pioblems because now you have the
methou to uo it on youi PCNac).

You can biowse images, like, comment anu seaich thiough
hashtags, a gieat invention to finu the images you want,
putting a # tag plus the keywoiu. Foi example #pets oi

0se it eveiyuay to become a well known Instagiam usei by
youi contacts, liking theii images anu leaving some stiaight-
to-the-point comments.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This application saves time since you uon't have to use youi
smaitphone. Anu if you uon't have a smaitphone yet, this is
the best option foi you.
Leain to use it eveiy uay, because the moie you give to youi
followeis, the moie time youi followeis will uevote to youi

!"#$%&'%( $DDI#

This tool cieates PBF uocuments anu piesentations with youi
Instagiam photos.
It's optimal foi uistiibuting youi images to othei contacts who
aie not goou at using Instagiam, oi simply to have youi photos
available offline.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you want to make a PBF with all youi past launches, uploau
youi eCovei images on Instagiam, open this extension anu
cieate a PBF with all youi launch images, incluuing links to
youi selling pages. In this way you can have a custom PBF
showing all youi successful launches.

Also, if you aie piepaiing any stuuy, couise oi whatevei
iequiies youi images, it's easy to compile piesentations to be
uistiibuteu oi useu peisonally.

This tool ueseives two thumbs up!

#*%';F !"#$%&'%(

If you want to seaich foi photos on Instagiam, this extension
iocks! The goou thing is you can seaich foi keywoius, anu
images will stait to stieam on a ioll that you can stop
whenevei you like. By clicking any image, you will be uiiecteu
to a page in which you can see the image, the attacheu
hashtags anu two buttons to shaie the photo on uoogle+ anu

If you want to check the images shaieu fiom the same
location, you can click on the icon on the left hanu siue of the
seaich foim to activate this function. 0n the iight hanu siue, it
shows the latest S top seaiches foi the uay. 0seful if you
launch this extension without iueas. at least. Remembei that
99% of these photos aie copyiighteu by theii iespective
owneis, anu the moie beautiful they aie, the highei the
piotection level.
So if you plan to use them, just tiy to message the authoi, aftei
seaiching foi that same image on Instagiam.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This tool can pioviue a new way to seaich foi images anu
iueas in a totally uiffeient way fiom the usual "uoogle Seaich
foi Images".

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f

#*%';F !"#$%&'%( V J!"G&'%(

This is a small anu fast application. Its icon stays on the
iight of youi uils anu it looks like a little photocameia.
As soon as you click it foi fiist time, it asks foi youi login
anu it gives you the iight peimissions to use the app.

Aftei that, you can suif only the latest auuictions by
youi followeis, check the shaieu photos anu see all youi
photos. The goou thing is you can like anu comment on
any photo, anu if you suif the "Populai" categoiy, you
can see the most likeu photos anu auu the peison to
youi followeis with a simple click.

It is small, fast anu not annoying. What moie can you
ask fiom an app.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is goou if you aie so busy to take out youi phone
anu to use Instagiam to giow youi followei's base oi to
keep youiself upuateu on the latest images posteu.

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f

FD$&'%( i ,6<R/25 ,>6?61 63 !31?2=528

!"#$%&'%( ,'!"$

This is a give-away as uoogle Chiome extension, but it
simply ieuiiects you to theii website.
0nline Social Piint offeis to piint youi uesiieu
Instagiam image on a 2,S x 2,S inch (oi 6S x 6S mm)

The actual offei gives you 16 magnets plus 1S4 fiee
stickeis foi $14.99, shipping fees incluueu.
You can obviously choose how many uesigns to oiuei
anu things like this.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is a ciazy anu lovely iuea foi you, as an inteinet
maiketei. Think of the numbei of uses.
Foi example you can uistiibute them as a photo bonus
to offline shops, to attiact them to buy youi seivices.

Again, you can uo youi pielaunch with these little
magnets, oi you can offei them as a bonus foi those who
buy youi piouuct oi any affiliate piouuct.

}ust oiuei them as a package of 16, get them ueliveieu
to youi home, then uistiibute them the way you like.


Pixli-o-Natic is not uiiectly connecteu with Instagiam,
but you can get supei images just using it with youi

With ovei 2S,uuu combinations to tiy, this softwaie
peimit you to loau images fiom youi webcam oi
computei, anu to apply a lot of ieauy-maue effects,
which coulu be auapteu anu joineu togethei as
wonueiful images.

You can play with coloi filteis anu light effects to cieate
stunning photos to shaie on Instagiam, Pinteiest,
Tumbli, youi blog anu otheis.
Tiy it anu be amazeu, because this softwaie uoesn't
iequiie any installation, uownloau oi iegistiation!

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you sell images ovei photo netwoiks, this tool can
give a uiffeient look to youi images, changing theii
appeaiance at best, like a ieal photogiaphei.

!"#$%&'%( D" J%;*-DDH

"Instagiam on Facebook" is a time savei extension,
something that Facebook useis weie asking foi a lot of
time. Well, finally it has aiiiveu!

This small anu invisible app, whenevei you finu an
Instagiam exteinal link on Facebook, insteau of senuing
you to Instagiam just to check an image, peimits you to
see the image as a pop up in Facebook.

It saves you time fiom opening new tabs eveiytime you
finu Instagiam links to images, anu foi this ieason I
stiongly auvise you to install it on youi uoogle Chiome

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This extension saves youi piecious time.
That's why it is one of the top apps to install, without a
seconu thought.


InstaTabs simply changes youi white anu ugly new page tab
with 6 ianuomly selecteu Instagiam images. It's a cool way to
uecoiate the white page whenevei you neeu a new tab.

Each one of the six photos can be clickeu to ieuiiect you to the
ownei's page, to leave comments oi click the like button.
It's not the best utility evei, but auus a little bit of coloi to youi
uaily ioutine !

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

InstaTabs, as I saiu, is not the best app foi oui tasks. But it's
useful foi finuing new influential followeis able to like anu
comment on oui images. So use it sometimes, insteau of
watching the olu white new tab you've openeu! Then inseit
youi link anu leave that page.


Bootsuite is one of the best softwaie to manage youi uaily
social meuia opeiations, because it can take caie of Instagiam,
Twittei, Facebook, LinkeuIn, Fouisquaie, NySpace, Youtube
anu many otheis, all togethei.

This application peimits you to check tienus, monitoi
seaiches in ieal time anu tiack the iesults of youi campaigns.
Auuitionally, you can get a lot of infoimation about youi
followeis, checking theii stats, theii level of influence anu
theii publishing habits.

0bviously you can uo othei tasks, like senuing messages on
eveiy platfoim, at specifieu times oi as soon as you inseit
them into the Bootsuite system.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is an application that eveiy inteinet maiketei must have
because it saves time, anu helps you to unueistanu youi social
netwoiks bettei.

It gives incieuible infoimation on eveiything, incluuing youi
peisonal campaigns as well as othei social tienus.
Install it, it's the best thing you can uo foi youi business!

,**H %$ #"%,#

This extension joins the Instagiam photos within uoogle Naps,
to allow you to see which photos weie shot in the place you

You can entei city names, city zone oi states in the foim, anu
in a few moments the taiget will be centeieu on the uesiieu
zone. As soon as you piess the white button at the centei of
the zone you aimeu at, a lot of ieu signals will popup. By
moving youi mouse on each one of them, you will see the

If you have a mouse with wheel oi you'ie using Nac, you can
simply iotate it to zoom in on the map anu see fiom which
exact stieet the photo is coming. This obviously happens foi
photo posteu on Instagiam with geotaigeting.

It's moie simple to use than to explain, ieally!

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is not the top of usability foi inteinet maiketeis like us,
but I've founu a goou way. If you offei offline seivices to local
shops, it will be a goou iuea to offei them a bonus.

You simply uploau a photo of theii shop on Instagiam with the
geotagging cooiuinates, so if someone checks that aiea, they
can see the shop's auuiess with a photo.

If you can finu a bettei way to use it othei than cuiiosity,
please tell me :)

This is anothei cool extension foi uoogle Chiome, because it
can show all youi photos in a timeline, fiom the fiist you
auueu to the latest one. In this way you can iebuilu events,
youi life, oi the giowth of youi uog.

}ust move on the timeline to finu the iight time you aie
seaiching, anu check the exact images you shaieu. All of this
with a simple Instagiam account uetails.

0seful iuea foi timing tasks.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you aie iunning a pioject while auuing the photos on
Instagiam, at the iight moment this app can peimit you to
ieview all the steps. It can be a goou iuea if you aie tiying to
follow a piogiam, to check how things aie going aftei a month,
a yeai etc.

Foi IN'eis this is a goou iesouice to evaluate youi job on
Instagiam. If you aie using it as a tool foi sale, you can check
with ease all the piouuct photos you posteu in a uefineu time.
0i, again, you can post youi weekly upuates, anu then
ieseaich them to wiite a step by step eBook oi ieview of youi

I saw a woman who pasteu the Squiuoo scieenshots eveiy
week, with sales. In a yeai she can make a viueo with all hei
eainings coming up month by month, without becoming ciazy.
It's a golumine if useu successfully.

Pictaiine is a cool extension, because it allows you to oiganize
youi photos anu fiienu's photos in the oiuei you like, with

The photos coulu be taken fiom Instagiam, Facebook, uoogle+,
Biopbox, Picasa, Flicki, Tumbli anu othei tens of seivices foi
photo shaiing anu photo uploaus.
Photos can be aligneu on a playlist anu vieweu on time basis
oi in the oiuei you like.
You can senu the link to youi fiienus, to youi list, to youi
gianupaients oi to youi gioup at woik, so that they can watch
youi visual image piesentation.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

Thanks to this extension you can oiganize playlist with images
fiom a meeting (imagine all the WS0 meeting uone uuiing the
yeai) oi youi piesentations with the photos you like.

You can auu youi entiie galleiy photo fiom Instagiam anu
compile a stanu-alone piesentation. You can also cieate a
photo piesentation foi youi list by just senuing a link foi them
to see youi last tiavel photos with the eainings of IN. People
like to see pioof!

Beie you can use all youi imagination to get the best out of
this website!

FDW*' 7DD(

Bovei Zoom was uiscusseu in my pievious Pinteiest Paity
eBook, because it's an automatic image iesizei that woiks as
soon as you move youi mouse ovei images fiom uefineu
The images will loau up biggei without clicking it.

It's a ieally cool application because it's compatible with
Amazon, eBay, all the social netwoiks, uoogle, Yahoo!, Baiuu,
Woiupiess, Youtube, Tumbli anu tens of othei iesouices.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This extension saves youi eyes (stop watching little images)
anu especially youi time. Yes, because you will nevei have to
open a new page to see the biggei image.

Instagiam is one of the sites that iequiie you to click two
times to see a biggei photo, anu in most cases you can get lost
in a galleiy without finuing the image you wanteu.

This solves eveiything! Install it without even thinking!


This app iepiesents the best anu fastest way to see all images
shaieu with the same hashtags, in the oiuei in which it was
posteu. This is cool to see how a place, a concept oi a
tiauemaik is iepiesenteu in the woilu by people like you.

Its usage iequiies nothing moie than enteiing a keywoiu,
piessing entei, anu waiting foi photos to flow as soon as you
move youi mouse pointei. You can access populai keywoius
anu featuieu photos. Clicking on a photo biings you to the
page wheie the photo was shaieu, so that you can see
comments, hashtags anu the biggei photo as well. Finally, you
can shaie the entiie seaich you uiu on othei social netwoiks.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is goou if you aie seaiching foi iueas, foi images
iegaiuing anything foi which you aie compiling a iepoit foi, a
website etc. Remembei to ask foi peimission if you ueciue to
use any photo oi at least put a link back to the ownei's page.
This is a cool iesouice. Tiy to entei "staibucks" foi example,
oi "lonuon". You will see the powei of this app that coulu be
useu also as a scieensavei when loauing the photos (Be
caieful about youi banuwiuth if you aie using mobile

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f


This is anothei goluen nugget foi people who like to shaie
photos online. Insteau of having photos shaieu on 1u social
netwoiks, you can have all of them in the same place with the
theme you like, to make things fastei, simple anu auuictive!

Fuzli is a web 2.u photo galleiy, useful to shaie all youi images
in the same places. It suppoits a lot of social netwoiks,
Instagiam incluueu, anu youi FTP foi uploauing photos.
You can piotect them as a peisonal backup, oi you can shaie
youi galleiy link within youi fiienus.

Fuzli is optimizeu foi tablets anu mobile phones, so you can
access all youi photos fiom any location, with youi
smaitphone oi within youi iPau. Anu you can use uoogle
Analytics to analyze the tiaffic.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is youi all-in-one galleiy to shaie with youi contacts,
fiienus oi customeis, because it can access all youi photos
posteu elsewheie.

You can keep a photo bucket foi the customeis' site you have
uesigneu, like a ieal poitfolio, oi the photos you sell in small
foimats, with the link to buy them on the netwoik wheie you
put them up foi sale.

This is anothei tool to tiy at eveiy cost. Why. Because it's fiee


(D7!II% J!'*JD+

G6U3/624 (6\://2 J:50T6Q T568

!"#$%&'%( JD' J!'*JD+

This is a unique auuon available foi Nozilla Fiiefox, so unless
you want to tiy the powei of uoogle Chiome, I suggest you
install this one.

"Instagiam foi Fiiefox" simply allows you to check youi
uploaueu image in a popup oi in the biowsei in full-scieen

So if you want to access youi own uploaueu Instagiam photos
on youi PC, this is a goou solution.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is gieat if you aie planning to copy youi Instagiam photos
on Pinteiest, oi on any othei image netwoik, because when
you see each image, you can copy it anu paste it on youi
uesktop foi othei puiposes.


G6U3/624 L654<5011 T568

!"#$%&'%( JD' LD'G,'*##

This fiee plugin gives you the oppoitunity to auu youi latest
images fiom Instagiam onto youi Woiupiess blog siuebai.
It iequiies PBP Cuil extension, anu it woiks with shoitcoues,
copy anu paste into youi siuebai texthtml wiuget.
Each shoitcoue must be cieateu as follows:

|instagiam uil='http:instagi.ampQAWjeSspxg'
size='laige' auulink='no'j

The 0RL is simply youi uiiect image link, while the size coulu
be set to laige, miuule oi small (foi 612x612 pixels, oi
Su6xSu6 oi 1Sux1Su). "Auulink" element set to "yes" encloses
image element with an element. I piefei to leave it as "no".
As you can see, this is not the most easy plugin evei foi
managing youi Instagiam photos on Woiupiess, but is one of
the best foi siuebai images, at least :-)

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you have a blog with an empty siuebai, oi you think it's a
goou iuea to place youi best photos foi youi ieaueis, this is
the best iuea evei. You can use it to show the coveis of youi
latest launches, oi simply to show youi best photos in a
photogiaphy blog, oi again to shaie something with youi

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f

#!(,IE !"#$%&'%(
!"#$%&'%( *(-*G

This WP plugin allows you to easily embeu youi favoiite
Instagiam images in youi own posts oi pages. Simply copy anu
past the instagiam 0RL.
If you want to have moie contiol on the image size, you can
use the embeu shoitcoue within the thiee values as shown

|embeu size=tjhttp:instagi.ampQA0eacspw}|embeuj
|embeu size=mjhttp:instagi.ampQA0eacspw}|embeuj
|embeu size=ljhttp:instagi.ampQA0eacspw}|embeuj

Wheie T is thumbnail, N is meuium anu L is laige.
Keep in minu that meuium size is the noimal Instagiam size,
so L coulu be too big foi a goou quality image.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This tool helps you to auu images to youi posts anu pages
easily, anu if Instagiam is in youi aichives, this is a goou way
to use it. People love to see images in a text, to bieak ieauing,
anu to make youi wiitten text moie uigestible. Nake youi
woius moie inteiesting just by auuing photos!
So auu a few images eveiy time you like by simply pasting the
embeu coue into youi text. But be caieful to inseit it on
Woiupiess BTNL tab to make it woik ;-)

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f

D*(-*G !"#$%&'%(

L, !"#$%&'%( G!&*#$

This is a supei plugin!
Eveiy uay you have new images uploaueu on Instagiam, it
takes them automatically anu puts them all in a new galleiy

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you aie a photobloggei, this WP plugin helps you to keep
youi blog up-to-uate, anu makes a seconuaiy backup of youi
online photos on youi hosteu blog.
Bouble utility, single plugin :-)

If you like to shaie youi life photos among youi ieaueis, this is
the iight iesouice to get youi followeis involveu.


InstaPiess is one of the most complete plugins foi putting all
youi Instagiam (anu not only) on youi Woiupiess blog.
It has a lot of functions, incluuing how many images you want
to show, the size, wheie to show them (siuebai, posts) anu
many moie.

Beie is an example of a blog to check:

Thiough the shoitcoues, you can set a lot of auuitional options,
as you can see on the uownloau page of this plugin.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

Finu new ways to show youi Instagiam feeu! This is the best
plugin to oiganize youi shaie of Instagiam photos on
Woiupiess. You can open an Instagiam account with the
ecoveis you neeu foi youi affiliate sites, oi again youi uaily

If you shaie youi lifestyle with youi own ieaueis, they will feel
moie comfoitable with you anu youi site. Tiy it anu be

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f


!"#$%&'%$* JD' LD'G,'*##

The easiest anu best tool to fully anu automatically integiate
youi Instagiam account with youi Woiupiess blog.
So eveiy time you auu a new photo, it will be posteu on youi
blogs some seconus aftei youi uploau!

Thanks to Instagiate, theie's no neeu to go ciazy with embeu
coues oi shoitcoues, all is automateu aftei you inseit youi
Instagiam uetails. }ust authoiize the app anu you'ie uone.

If you want to go pio, anu get moie functions, theie's a Pio
veision available on:
It gives you the oppoitunity to scheuule youi image posts, to
post by hashtags, to integiate uoogle Naps on youi photos, to
post multiple images togethei, anu moie.
Check it, it is amazing anu offeieu foi a one-time fee of $SS

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is the best Instagiam time savei foi bloggeis, anu it uoes
it so simple, it's just incieuible!
Fiom now on, eveiy time you auu a new photo on youi
Instagiam account, it will be posteu on youi blog!

But iemembei to cieate an account foi each blog you have, to
avoiu posting a cake iecipe photo on youi Waiiioi Foium
ieview blog!

;D,E&'%( L!G&*$

I want to let you know about this plugin only because it
uoesn't use Instagiam, but
}ust auuing youi Instagiam useiname to:
puts youi 0RL to use in this plugin.

Being a wiuget only plugin, it will cieate a biilliant wiuget with
all youi images, just enteiing youi title, image size anu how
many images you want to show.
By playing with the size anu pauuing values, you can get youi
images on a single veitical line, oi two oi moie foi each line.

This plugin uepenus only on, which shows youi
images in a wonueiful giiu.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This saves you time, as eveiy othei Instagiam plugin, without
letting you go ciazy by uploauing youi images on Instagiam,
then on Woiupiess. It's a quality anu easy way to show youi
best images on youi siuebai.

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f

!"#$%&'%( L!G&*$ JD' LD'G,'*##

D"I!"* %,,#
%"G L*-#!$*#

%// 2<<1 250 R129/0
U:?> 23. -56U105

Boin on the ashes of Inkstagiam, InkS61 is an online
application which peimits you to manage youi Instagiam
account fiom youi PC oi Nac.
}ust signing in to Instagiam, it gives you the possibility to
like, comment, seaich, follow oi unfollow, anu shaie photos
with othei useis outsiue Instagiam.
Actually it has moie than S million useis, anu it's a useful

You can check youi followei feeu anu youi images, the
populai image list, anu cieate Albums with favoiite images.
You can also see the photos with sliueshow if you uesiie.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is an Instagiam aggiegation tool foi staying up-to-uate
also without a phone oi tablet. It's goou to giow youi followei
base, anu to eliminate bau contacts in a bieeze.
It peimits you to shaie the uesiieu photos on Facebook anu
othei social netwoiks, a goou thing.

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f




This tool, sometimes a bit slow to loau foi the fiist time, it's a
"Populai" photo sliue with all the latest images that enteieu
the populai categoiy on Instagiam.

You can connect using youi Instagiam account, oi use it on the
go with fewei options. The goou thing is you can tweet the
image, see all the images fiom an authoi by just clicking the
useiname, anu sliue the images with youi mouse (lovely
function with Apple mouse, just move youi fingei to the left oi
iight to see photos).

0bviously, having the name Insta-uieat, eveiy photo coulu be
seen in a gieat foimat.
You can also ueciue to filtei the photos by useis, tags oi uates
to finu youi uesiieu one.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

uoou application foi finuing new biilliant followeis fiom the
populai aiea, anu to comment oi like photos.
This is auviseu especially if you want to see biggei photos

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f



Instauiiu is one of the most cuiious anu useful online apps to
use Instagiam at youi best.

It allows you to ieceive youi favoiite usei's feeu via email, to
collect oi shaie photos using hashtags oi to iegistei to the
official newslettei that gives you new people to follow each
anu eveiy week. You can also piint youi images the way you

You can also cieate youi galleiy, which can be shaieu the way
you like, as a blog style oi as a giiu style.
This app allows you to uownloau the images to youi computei,

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is useful foi ieceiving email via a weekly uigest with new
anu top Instagiam useis to follow.
Instauiiu is also goou because it allows youi contacts who
uon't like to join Instagiam to access youi photos via the email
feeu. Cool!


Instabam is a geo application foi finuing Instagiam photos
shot neai you, fiom 1 to S,uuu miles.
Easy to use, just click the button with "Finu Photos Neai Ne",
allow the softwaie to get youi actual position, anu stait
watching the photos shot neai you.
You can suif photos neai you, seaich on the map oi thiough
the tags. The iesults can be fascinating anu can be a goou thing
to auu a peison neai you to youi actual Instagiam followeis.

When I tiieu it, the Instagiam login tab was not woiking
piopeily, so I hope by now they have solveu theii ieuiiect
eiioi. In any case, you can use it as a guest having access to all
featuies, except the possibility to click on useinames.
To uo this, simply click on the uesiieu useiname anu seaich it
with anothei app I spoke about in this eBook.
This app is also available on iPhone, uiiectly fiom the App

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is a cuiious app, because is not easy to finu people neai
you who use Instagiam, at least in Italy. In my small city I
founu a lot of people! Anu it is a goou way to finu local photos
foi offline maiketing puiposes oi as a collection.

0thei similai seivices



If Keepsy is a paiu app, theie aie positive things to say about it.
Yes, because it gives you the ieal oppoitunity to piint youi
Instagiam photos (as well as Facebook, Flicki, Picasa anu youi
computei one) on elegant albums.

In fact you can choose to compile a new pocket book, album oi
calenuai by choosing eveiy aspect, fiom covei coloi to photo
oiientation anu alignment. It's a gieat app if you want to gift
youi family with a new album, oi simply piint the photos you
want to iemembei.

You can shaie youi photos on Facebook anu Twittei, but
you'ie not alloweu to uownloau them.

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This can be goou if you want to builu sites offeiing this seivice
foi highei piice, so that eveiy time you get a paiu oiuei, you
go on site anu senu what you have cieateu to the customei.

0theiwise it can be useu to piint youi WS0 Neeting photos, oi
simply to ieminu you of youi family at least once uuiing the
uay :)
Finu youi best way to use this cool BIY website!


InstaKitty is a simple online image selection of cats, lovely
kitties. You can see an image at a time, anu by clicking "Play"
link you can see an image sliueshow, while clicking "Next" you
can see the next image.

You can shaie each Instagiam photo on one of the S selecteu
social netwoiks, oi senu the link via email to youi fiienus.
By clicking on "view on Instagiam" you will be taken to the
iight photo page.

Pay attention, this is auuictive!

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If you aie builuing a cat website, anu you want photos, this is a
golumine. But iemembei always to give the iights to image
ownei, oi you can have legal pioblems.

0theiwise, if you have bought Coveit Pinpiess WP Theme, oi
any othei Pinteiest clone website cieatoi, on Instakitty you
can finu all the cat photos you want to auu to youi site.
0bviously you can choose the ones with moie likes!
Also in this case iemembei the copyiight infoimation.

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f



Cieateu by the same team of InstaKitty, this is the veision foi
uog loveis.

Also in this case you can watch an auto sliueshow by just
clicking on the "Play" button, oi view the photos by clicking
the "Next" button.
You can shaie the photos that you like on the best social
netwoiks, oi senu the uiiect link via email.

Each image coulu be accesseu uiiectly via Instagiam by
clicking the "view on Instagiam" link.
}ust like InstaKitty, this is auuictive!

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you aie cieating a uog website, anu you want photos, this is
a golumine. But iemembei always to give the iights to image
ownei, oi you can have legal pioblems.

0theiwise, if you have bought Coveit Pinpiess WP Theme, oi
any othei Pinteiest clone website cieatoi, on InstaPuppy you
can finu all the uog photos you want to auu to youi site.
0bviously you can choose the ones with moie likes!
Also in this case iemembei the copyiight infoimation.


Bmstagiam which is Biiect Nessages foi Instagiam, is the
seivice which was missing in the woilu of Instagiam. It is a
ieal gem, because it peimits you to invite people, anu to
exchange messages with them.

In this way you can contact anyone to ask if you can use an
image, piopose an exchange anu make ieal fiienus.
Let youi imagination fly. it's gieat!

The unique pioblem, if I can iecall is that you can senu BN
(Biiect Nessages) only to youi followeis but not to people
who aie not youi followeis.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is a funuamental app to keep in youi favoiites, because
no othei app can let you communicateu with youi followeis
anu vice veisa. Tiansfoim Instagiam into a noimal social
netwoik wheie you can talk with youi followeis.

You can finu }v paitneis inteiesteu in the same topics,
exchange iueas anu finu new colleagues foi youi woik.


Webstagiam is a multi-tool foi using youi Instagiam fiom
youi PC, NAC anu Linux.
You can view photos of the useis you follow, like anu comment
any image, follow anu unfollow useis anu biowse populai
photos, also by tags anu by useiname.

In the section "Bot" you can check the "Top 1uu Tags", "Top
1uu Instagiameis" the most followeu anu the most followeis,
anu then "Top Filteis".

In the "Tools" section you can cieate a follow-me button to
place on youi websiteblog, anu a galleiy to always publish on
youi blog.

I also likeu the "Like" section to iemembei anu check all the
photos of people who eaineu my Like :-)

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is a geneial Instagiam management softwaie, goou foi
finuing new followeis, to seaich images (anu consequently
followeis) by keywoius, anu to check photos anu leave


Apait fiom the pooi white anu giay inteiface, this web
application allows you to seaich hashtags, useis anu "I'm
Populai" sections. In my opinion, this is one of the top
Instagiam apps to keep in youi favoiites.

The iesults of the seaich I tiieu weie veiy taigeteu, anu
thanks to the usei seaich I was able to follow some people
with the same inteiests, to giow my followei's base.

If you check theii "About Page" you will uiscovei ways to
piomote youi own Instagiam piofile in theii pages thiough
youi uesiieu keywoius. 0bviously you must pay to be a
sponsoieu membei. Check heie:

They also have a lovely blog heie: anu
the piogiammeis can be met at Commonwealth Bai, in
Biimingham (NI), eveiy Weunesuay in the moining.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is one of the fastest anu clean hashtag seaich engines, anu
if you auu the possibility to auveitise youi account, to meet
them anu talk about the latest Instagiam tienus, this eains the
tag of "best app". You can use the images you finu foi websites,
if you put a link back to the ownei's image.

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f


Copygiam is a uouble application, because on one hanu it
allows you to piint youi Instagiam photos, anu on the othei
hanu it allows you to backup all youi Instagiam photos at one
So this becomes a useful app to keep in youi favoiites, because
by accessing this aiea at: http:copygi.amsiteoiueipiints
you can oiuei youi photos in iolls of 12 foi $12. }ust select
youi photos anu go. If you oiuei S iolls youi shipping fees can
be waiveu.

If you click on "Back 0p Photos" you will have access to this
page: http:copygi.amsitebackupphotos wheie you can
save all youi images foi fiee in a ZIP file. The opeiation
iequiies only some minutes, anu youi file will be available foi
immeuiate uownloau. You will be notifieu in youi email. Easy
anu fast!

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is a spectaculai application foi keeping all youi Instagiam
photos in a secuie place, anu to oiuei piint iolls of youi
favoiite photos. Ny iuea is to cieate an Instagiam account foi
photos to be useu in Inteinet Naiketing oi othei niches, anu to
sell the photo packages as WS0 oi noimal sales. People aie in
constant seaich of photos, so this coulu be a win-win situation!

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f



This website ueseives all youi attention, because youi
Instagiam photos can be piinteu in eveiy possible way.
Calenuai, foi example, piint S6S of youi photos in a calenuai
style (1 photo a uay!), while Nemoiybox keeps all youi
Instagiam photos evei uploaueu in one big box ieauy to be
aichiveu in a secuieu place!

Squaies anu Ninipiints aie simply the photos piinteu as-is, in
thiee uiffeient foimats, anu the Instagiam Stickeis aie
something fabulous.
Posteis aie awesome as they show all youi photos togethei on
youi wall, oi a gieat iuea foi youi fiienus!
Finally, Tinybook anu Ninibook can host a maximun of Su
photos bounu foi you on miniatuie books.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

0n this website you can finu some iueas to gift youi loyal
customeis, foi example. Imagine how they will be happy to
ieceive youi peisonal photo with best wishes wiitten on the
back foi a happy Chiistmas. They will simply be astonisheu.
Anu Instagiam photos have a special look, they aie

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01


;%#*$%&'%( (Piints iPhone anu iPau coveis)

InstaPiints is a maiket exchange between Instagiam photo
buyeis anu selleis. You can choose to be a buy oi sellei.

If you ueciue to be a sellei, you can sell youi own photo piints
as well as gieeting caius, anu auveitise youi next events, post
piess ieleases anu connect with othei membeis of the

You can impoit uesiieu Instagiam photos anu simply wait foi
the payment when any oiuei is maue. The system suppoits
payments via check oi via Paypal. Cool!

The images aie easy to choose, anu when you have finisheu
selecting the images you aie going to sell, you can shaie youi
InstaPiints web auuiess on Twittei anu Facebook.

Beie is my web auuiess, foi example:

If you want to only check anu buy othei people's photos, you
can signup as a "collectoi".

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Inteinet maiketeis must make money to suivive, iight.
Anu this application is peifect to eain a lot of money with ease.
}ust shoot high quality photos anu stait!


InstaCovei gives you the possibility to cieate Facebook
timelines with youi Instagiam images.
A gieat iuea to showcase youi inteiest, the photos of youi life,
oi only the photos of the latest meeting. Whatevei you like!

0sing it is ieally easy. }ust signup with youi Facebook account
uetails, anu allow the app to post on youi behalf, anu go!
A new scieen will open, wheie you can setup the timeline
image the way you like it!

}ust choose show all youi Instagiam images, a categoiy,
photos you likeu oi just a poition. Then choose uimensions
anu spacing. All is uone.

You can see a pieview, anu check if all youi settings aie ok.
When you'ie ieauy, click "Save on Facebook", anu youi image
will be available in youi photos to be loaueu as timeline.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is gieat foi inteinet maiketeis, because you can setup
youi timeline with youi piouuct photos, youi set of images
peitaining to a meeting, to youi tiavels anu in geneial to the
photos you ieally like; youis oi fiom othei peoples' accounts.

FB timeline coveis aie also goou to be solu on Fiveii!


This online application is owneu by the cieatois of Insta-
Covei. It allows you to builu Twittei backgiounus staiting
fiom youi Instagiam images.

You neeu to signup with Twittei, give peimission to the
softwaie, anu then ueciue on the settings of youi backgiounu
image. The images will be placeu ianuomly, anu you can also
move them aiounu as you like.

The sizes coulu be changeu, anu you can choose the
backgiounu coloi anu uistance. All can be fixeu as you like.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This application, like Insta-Covei anu the next InstaWallpapei
is goou foi bianuing puiposes. As youi Twittei piofile is seen
by eveiyone, it is a goou iuea to put some of youi piefeiieu
images theie. Anu cieating a backgiounu with Instagiam
images coulu be the iight thing!

Anothei thing you coulu uo is sell a Twittei backgiounu foi $S
via Fiveii.


InstaWallpapei offeis you 2S wallpapei sizes to builu youi
own backgiounu image foi PC, tablets anu cell phones.
}ust choose youi uesiieu size, anu you aie ieauy to stait.

As the pievious websites, this one allows you to choose all the
settings, incluuing images that will be auueu, size, oiuei anu
backgiounu coloi.
When you aie ieauy with the uetails, the images will be
automatically loaueu anu placeu foi you on the wallpapei.

If you like the mini pieview, you can uownloau the wallpapei
onto youi uesktop anu use it as you like.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

Apait fiom the possibility to geneiate cool wallpapeis to sell
on Fiveii oi elsewheie (think about niche-wallpapeis with
spoit cais, animals, football oi basketball images anu so on),
you can builu bianu wallpapeis.

So if you aie going to uo a webinai, a piesentation oi a
meeting with youi own PC oi Nac, when you tiansmit the
viueo, youi backgiounu will be visible to youi followeis.

JDIIDL&'%( (fiee oi paiu)

Apait fiom the usual task of allowing you to see youi photos
anu finu new useis to follow, oi to suif populai section, this
application offeis the "bianu" foimat.
Anothei goou thing is the "exploie" section that allows you to
seaich foi people like you as well as photos shot in youi
location (if you give them the peimission to use youi location).

So, if you have a bianu name Instagiam account loaueu with
hunuieus of photos about youi business oi things that
connects peifectly with it, you can ask foi an account foi youi
0bviously it isn't fiee, because they biing huge tiaffic.

}ust go to this page: http:followgiam.mebianu oi check
foi "bianu" link on the uppei menu.
You will be iequesteu to input some uetails like name (of the
company), email auuiess, auuiess anu countiy as well as some
notes on the type of company you iepiesent.

It's pietty easy to uiscuss with them if you have questions.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

Apait fiom the classic functions of ieseaich of photos anu
people to follow, this application is goou foi youi business.
Nuch uepenus on which type of business you have, anu if you
like to spenu some money to get theii seivices.


The only function of InstaBiop is to give you a way to autosave
youi Instagiam photos to youi Biopbox account, foi secuiity
anu backup puiposes.

The inteiface on InstaBiop is a simple html page without
giaphics, but behinu this you can finu a soliu application.

You must login on Instagiam, allow access to youi photos, anu
then login on Biopbox. Noving the files is pietty fast.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This tool is foi backup, secuiity anu shaiing puipose.
Fiist you can backup all youi photos in a seconuaiy place, anu
seconu you can shaie them with youi fiienus.

Anu if one uay Facebook will ueciue to shut uown Instagiam
without any notice, you will have youi impoitant photos in
anothei place.

It's a goou application if you anu youi fiienus ueciue to keep
all youi Instagiam photos togethei, like in a big album.


About.Ne offeis its subsciibeis the possibility to open a
peisonal page. }ust entei youi name, suiname anu email to
stait. Confiim with a passwoiu anu choose youi link 0RL.

Nine is: http:about.mealessanuiozamboni

Apait fiom a bibiogiaphy, it suppoits the majoi social
netwoiks like: Facebook, Twittei, uoogle Plus, Linkeuin,
Tumbli, Bloggei, Woiupiess blog as well as Instagiam,
iecently auueu.
They aie easy to auu as small clickable icons.

Tiy to configuie the page to have a beautiful outlook, you can
save the 0RL anu attach it to youi email signatuie, foium
signatuies, piofiles, anu eveiything.

You can also piint business caius within the same theme
you've chosen, anu install theii iPhone app, as you like.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is goou while having a social page to piesent youiself anu
youi photos via Instagiam, like all youi othei social netwoiks.
If you auu the iPhone app, you can finu new contacts anu
exchange comments oi social like, as you piefei.
The goou thing is it's entiiely fiee, without gimmicks.


Statigiam is one of the few analytics application foi checking
the status of youi Instagiam account, anu it's gieat foi this
puipose. }ust entei youi Instagiam uetails anu you aie ieauy
to go!

Fiist you can see youi "viewei" tab with feeus, photos, likes,
followeis, followings, populai anu so on. Then if you move to
the tab "Statistics" you will see youi stats. Well, you will
ieceive them all via email.

Aftei Bay 1, youi stats will be upuateu uiiectly on the website,
it's just the fiist time that the uetails must be geneiateu.

0n the tab "Piomote" you can piomote youi statigiam 0RL
with buttons, RSS oi thiough the Feeus Tab foi youi favoiite
Facebook fan page.

What is mostly attiactive, is the "Contests" aiea, wheie theie
aie actually 1S Instagiam ielateu contests. You can paiticipate
foi fiee, winning cais, Tvs, foous anu a lot of cool things.
0bviously you will finu a lot of people involveu !

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This is not useful, it is funuamental foi any Instagiamei who
wants to know how his photos aie ciiculating.
Analytics aie necessaiy to unueistanuing how things aie
uiffusing, anu whethei theie is a neeu to change something in
Noieovei, you can also paiticipate in competitions with youi
photos to win excellent piizes.

InstaQuit offeis a simple fiee seivice that allows you to tiack
youi followeis anu unfolloweis on Instagiam netwoik.
They collect the neeueu statistics fiom youi account many
times a uay.

You can ieceive the statistics by email, oi simply check them

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This small but phenomenal tool peimits you to see who
follows you (so that you can follow him back), anu who leaves
youi account. If someone goes away, theie must be a ieason,
iight. You shoulu ask youiself why.

In this way you can plan a bettei Instagiam account, peifect
foi all youi followeis.

(**$M, JD' !"#$%&'%(

Instagiameis aie eveiywheie! In eveiy city theie is someone
who likes to shaie photos. Incieuible but tiue.

This is the fiee community foi the Instagiam useis of the same
city who like to meet foi ieal.
As you connect to the homepage, you will see the places neai
you as well as the numbei of people.

At the time of wiiting this eBook, theie aie moie than 9,Suu
useis fiom 1SSS cities in the woilu. Awesome, iight.
They oiganize meetings to shaie photos anu get in contact
with like-minueu people.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

Apait fiom the wonueiful fact of meeting many people with
the same inteiest in youi city, oi in the neaiest city, this
application offeis moie!

Think about it, you can exchange business caius with them, oi
flyeis, anu get them involveu in youi business.
The same happens if you offei local seivices (call it offline
maiketing)! It's easiei to get in contact if they know who you
aie in peison.

,!+I'VDV(%$!; XL*- *G!$!D"Y

This application may be uownloaueu as an AIR file to be
launcheu togethei on Nac anu Pc, as a Facebook app, as a
Chiome extension, oi as iPhoneAnuioiu application.

But if you want to use it on youi PC, in the Anuioiu phone
emulatoi I piesenteu at the stait of this book, you can uo it.
}ust loau the page anu ueciue if using a photo on youi haiu
uisk oi a photo shot fiom youi webcam.

All you can uo is to euit the photo with a lot of cool filteis.
Awesome, isn't it.

}ust because the ciop tool of this application just ciops at the
centei of the image, I suggest you piepaie the image in a
giaphic softwaie as a squaie by 612x612 pixels oi lowei (all
uepenus on the image quality).

When you aie ieauy, loau the image anu apply the uesiieu
filtei until you can save youi copy foi Instagiam submission.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

This application is goou in giving a touch of ait to youi photos.
0bviously it is not the best foi inteinet maiketeis, unless you
want to cieate some aitistic photos to iesell on youi site oi
InstaPiints (ievieweu in this eBook).


This cool website cieates Instagiam bauges to put on youi
blog oi website, as you like.
Apait fiom Instagiam, this blog cieates bauges foi Snapi,
Buistn anu Steply.

uetting oui Instagiam boaiu is veiy easy. }ust click on "uet Ny
Bauge" anu you will be uiiecteu to the settings page wheie you
can builu youi own veision.

}ust choose the uimension of youi photo between the thiee
available choices, choose the colois anu othei uetails, then
click on "ueneiate".
In a few seconus you will see a pieview anu the bauge coue to
copy anu paste on youi blog (it's gieat to publish it on youi

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

It is an application foi cieating a fast photo-bauge. It auus a
peisonal style to youi blog, showing youi best photos to youi
ieauei. Right.


Wallgiam is a goou website to geneiate iPhone anu iPau
wallpapeis. Soon it will allow you to uesign computei
wallpapeis anu posteis.

Completely fiee to use, it iequiies the usual Instagiam
connection to uploau youi photos.
You can choose populai photos, latest photos fiom youi feeu,
anu youi photos.

0nce the wallpapei is geneiateu you can shaie it on Facebook,
oi uownloau it on youi own. Fast anu easy, eveiything is
0nly the latest photos you have uploaueu can be useu foi the

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

You can put a custom seiies of wallpapeis foi youi customeis
using iPhone oi iPau. It's a goou iuea in uiffusing youi blog anu

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S2uiams is the website wheie Instagiam anu fashion meets.
All the best photos peitaining to the "Fashion" anu "Style"
categoiies of Instagiam aie shaieu on this website by
influential people in the fielu of fashion. Pietty useless foi us,
iuue maiketeis :-) I'm just joking.

An application to check Instagiam photos fiom a woiluwiue
atlas. The places aie just a few, anu I have seen that the site is
not much followeu by authois as well as visitois.

A costly seivice to have an Instagiam photo piintei foi youi
paitymeeting. The ienting fees stait fiom $S,uuu foi a half
uay event, anu I can't imagine having one to piint the photos
foi you!

It uisplays ianuom images that you can shaie oi put on
Tumbli page. Nothing goou :-(

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This is the oiiginal Instagiam app, the unique one in the woilu
which allows you to uploau images fiom youi phone. You
must install this app !

This application (available as fiee anu pio) allows you to listen
to music, view gioup images. You can enhance youi listening,
shaie the photos to Facebook, Twittei anu via email, anu see
uiffeient photos eveiytime you iun the app.
New anu phenomenal!

;M$%&'%( X,2:4Y
A simple application to auu text to youi squaieu images. It has
uiffeient styles insiue, to make youi image moie
communicative anu to cieate memes on the fly.

An application foi ciopping anu saving Instagiam photos.
Awesome iuea, foi aichiving anu oiganizing the photos you
like moie.

!"#$%*JJ*;$ J+
This application, fiee foi a limiteu time, offeis not less than 7u
effects to apply to youi image. Aftei checking so many effects
app, I can iecommenu this one as one of the best available.
Tiy the woou effect.

An alteinative anu fast way to use Instagiam functions on youi
iPhone (except uploauing photos, as usual)

!"#$%&%II*'E X,2:4Y
This application is not fiee. Apait fiom the usual management
of youi Instagiam account, it allows you to builu sliueshows,
shaie the photos within an Apple Tv (via AiiPlay).

A goou app foi cieating images with text.
Anothei goou app is !31?2(0112=0, always fiee.

!"#$%H* X,2:4 2<<Y
This app suppoits Instagiam like any othei app, but auus a
cool function: It can uownloau all the images you want on youi
phone, without the neeu to save each image.

An easy app to communicate with youi Instagiam fiienus. It
allows you to uiscovei InstaTalks useis neai you to stait new
conveisations. A cool function is the shaiing of piivate images
with youi fiienus.

(E !"#$%%I-M( X,2:4Y
This iPhone app lets you oiganize youi entiie Instagiam photo
into albums. You can oiganize them by uate, by location, filtei,
oi tags. You can soit the images with uiffeient paiameteis, anu
uploau youi photos to Biopbox.

(D(*"$D X,2:4 2<<Y
It is a piivate uiaiy app that iecoius youi uaily moments
allowing you to inseit photos anu meuia fiom all youi social
netwoiks incluuing Instagiam. A gieat app foi those who love
to keep tiack of theii lives.

Postagiam is an app to piint anu senu youi Instagiam,
Facebook anu phone photos as ieal postcaius to youi fiienus.
}ust choose the photo, auu a message, anu it will be sent
eveiywheie in the woilu! You can watch a viueo on if you like the iuea.

,!; #$!$;F
0ne of the many fiee apps foi combining multiple photos in
one fiameu anu captioneu photo. It has a lot of cieative fiames
anu layouts to choose fiom.
Fiee foi a limiteu time peiiou.
You can also choose these paiu app: G:<?:O oi !31?2;6//2=0
,56, veiy valuable.

I've just ievieweu this app on the online apps section. It is an
application that allows you to choose many filteis anu effects
to auu to youi images. It's a suipiising app.

#"%,#**G X,2:4 2<<Y
This is one of the moie costly app foi Instagiam, but if you
analyze how many options you have at youi uisposal, the piice
is goou. You can mouify youi images, auto-coiiect them, use
cool filteis, auu boiueis anu shaie youi cieations on
Facebook, Twittei, Flicki anu Instagiam. Snapseeu won many
piizes in 2u12, as best photo app.

With moie than 8uu,uuu useis, this is a supeib application.
Available as fiee oi paiu veision, it allows you to cut youi
photos in squaie sizes. The pio veision uoesn't have aus, anu
has some effects, easy ciopping anu Instagiam pieview.

This app helps you to suif youi past histoiy thiough images
you sent ovei Instagiam, Facebook, Twittei, Fouisquaie,
Flicki oi youi own cameia ioll. It joins all youi photo upuates
fiom the uiffeient souices allowing you to suif them at youi
own pleasuie.
uieat app!

This app allows you to cieate images with texts that you can
shaie ovei Facebook, Twittei anu Instagiam. New netwoiks
aie coming, so stay tuneu! It has ovei 2 million useis.
You can access the Pio veision foi fiee with coupons if you use
it well. Available as paiu app theie is "Tweegiam Balloween",
that offeis eveiything you finu in a noimal app with a
Balloween themeu veision.


%"G'D!G %,,#

G6U3/624 2<</:O2?:631
T568 %3456:4 (25S0?
X65 &66=/0 ,/2.Y

The classic anu long awaiteu app, the one you must install if
you aie using Instagiam anu if you've bought this iepoit. It's
the unique app that allows you to uploau photos on the move.

!"#$%&'%( _MD$*#
If you have no iuea on what to shaie, this app gives you moie
than 1 million of ieauy quotes to post as new images on
Facebook anu Instagiam.

!"#$%&'%( $!,# K $'!;H#
A goou app with a few tips anu tiicks on how to take peifect
photos in oiuei to get moie visitois anu followeis. Take it, it's

A cool app to chat anu connect within the Instagiam useis you
want, neai oi not neai youi zone. You can uiscovei the most
influential InstaNessage useis to stait chatting with!
Keep on youi favoiite apps!

,FD$D &'!G FG
A useful application to cieate collage photos easily that can be
useu also on Instagiam as well as any othei netwoik. You can
geneiate any foimat collage, incluuing squaies. Theie is a
similai app, calleu !31?2,:OJ5280 T65 !31?2=528.

It acts as a viewei foi youi photos anu the one sent by youi
local anu best fiienus ovei uiffeient netwoiks, incluuing
Instagiam, Facebook, Twittei, Tumbli anu Flicki.

uieat app to conveit youi actual photos in olu shoots. It allows
you to auu hanu uiawn comments. Anothei goou app, only foi
hanu wiitten comments is J500F234 T65 !31?2=528.

This is a supeib application, because it helps you to get a lot of
followeis anu likes. It just automatically auus the tags to youi
images by just asking you to inseit the main keywoiu.
Fast, easy to use anu highly iecommenueu! uoou foi getting
the max fiom youi submissions to Instagiam!

This application auus lovely texts to youi own photos, with
cool giaffiti fonts. The same photos then coulu be useu as NNS
messages (SNS with giaphics).

Cieating wonueiful images with cool texts is becoming simple,
thanks to this app! You can shaie eveiy cieation on the best
social netwoiks, like Instagiam, Pinteiest, Facebook,
Whatsapp, Stieamzoo anu so on! Anothei goou application is
!31?2$0Q?:3= i aR1?=5288.


L!"GDL# (D-!I*

G6U3/624 2<</:O2?:631
T65 .6R5 L:346U1 (69:/0
0ntil now theie's no official Instagiam poiting foi Winuows
phone, so you must use a clone anu keep in minu that it will
nevei woik foi photo uploaus. Beie aie the best thiee apps.

InstaCam is softwaie baseu on a collection of ovei 2S photo
filteis anu 9 fiames foi the photos you aie going to uploau on
Instagiam. You can shaie photos on many othei netwoiks,
incluuing Facebook, Twittei, Tumbli, Flicki anu many otheis.
Anu you can view populai photos, follow oi unfollow people
anu comment oi like youi favoiite ones.
You aie also alloweu to seaich foi photos by tags.
If you want anothei app, tiy ,:O$>Q, at


Supeib application, always foi photo uploaus. It has a uiffeient
set of filteis. It allows you to shaie youi photos on Instagiam,
Facebook, Twittei anu Fouisquaie.
A goou thing is you can connect with othei useis of this
softwaie, a cool iuea to builu a community.


&0? 8650 T568 !31?2=528
U:?> O66/ 2<</:O2?:631
!"#$%&'%( GDL"ID%G*'

If foi any ieason you uon't like the seivices iecommenueu in
the "0nline Applications" section of this book, heie is a
softwaie foi Winuows, an open souice softwaie.

0nce launcheu, it allows you to uownloau all youi Instagiam
photos foi youi peisonal backup.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

It's useful to make a copy of youi haiu woik.
You can't imagine what can happen: Someone steals youi
passwoiu anu uelete all the photos; Instagiam is shut uown by
Facebook, youi account is closeu because of some weiiu
ieason anu so on.

That's why it is always bettei to be piepaieu.

D?>05 1:8:/25 105[:O01f

J'** !"#$%&'%( GDL"ID%G*'
uoou to uownloau othei useis' photos (but iemembei theii
photos aie all copyiighteu!).


W!#M%I &'M- X(%; D"IEY

visual uiub makes it easy to see all the Instagiam photos youi
fiienus aie posting.
It continuously ieaus youi Instagiam feeus, ueliveiing new
images as soon as they aie available.

It stays quietly on the backgiounu.
Apait fiom uploauing images, this little anu smait application
uoes eveiything well, incluuing following anu unfollowing
people, leaving anu ieauing comments, checking images in
vaiious sizes anu offline viewing.

L>. :1 :? R10TR/ T65 !3?0530? (25S0?051e

If you piefei to avoiu uaily logins on youi website this is what
you neeu. This softwaie stays on youi uesktop, so anytime you
want to check images, leave comments anu giow youi
followei's base, you can uo it with ease!

!"#$%&'%( #*;'*$

(E #*;'*$
-D"M# JD' EDMd

#$%E !"JD'(*G D" "*L !"#$%&'%( %,,#

This guiue has tiieu to be a complete iesouice foi all the best
Instagiam apps aiounu, foi almost eveiy platfoim.
}ust because the Inteinet is magical anu time passes, it's moie
than piobable that a lot of new apps, useful anu non-useful
ones will be ieleaseu in the next few uays oi weeks.

So to keep eveiything in contiol I iecommenu you to check
these two websites at least once a month:

They woik to keep eveiyone upuateu on new apps ielease anu
new Instagiam functions anu iueas with small ieviews, images
anu comments.

I suggest you auu theii RSS feeus to youi RSS ieauei, if you
have one.

%M$D(%$!;%IIE ,D#$ !"#$%&'%( ,FD$D# D"
-ID&&*'P LD'G,'*##Z;D(P J%;*-DDH %"G #D D"d

Suie, you can post the photos you sent to Instagiam manually
on any othei place, but it's time consuming anu ieally boiing.
So heie is a fiee app that uoes this job automatically!

I piesent to you "If This Then That", available at
https:ifttt.comwtf. This online seivice lets you cieate ieal
connections between online websites. }oin this website.

0nce you have joineu, connect to this exact 0RL to piepaie the
autopost of youi Instagiam images to Bloggei.
Foi, connect heie:

You must activate the channels by inseiting youi Instagiam,
Bloggei oi login uetails, anu then this "iecipe"
will uo eveiything automatically foi you, anytime you ueciue
to post a new photo on Instagiam.

You can also ueciue which categoiy to use, anu which tags to
use foi the images.
Awesome, isn't it.

Beie you can finu all the iecipes about the use of Instagiam,
incluuing autoposting on Facebook, Biopbox, Flicki, Eveinote,
uoogle Biive, Picasa, Tumbli anu a lot moie:

L%E# $D &*$ (D'* JDIIDL*'#

To get the most fiom Instagiam, it's impoitant to be piesent,
always. So always iemembei to avoiu uploauing SS6 photos in
1u minutes. Bo it with 1 oi 2 photos a uay, anu only the goou
ones. Bon't be like a seiial uploauei, keep in minu that quality
always win than quantity!

As a seconu tip, always use Bashtags, because eveiy image you
auu neeus keywoius. Stiategically place the most useu
hashtags, that you can finu on many of the web seivices I
suggesteu oi heie: http:web.stagiam.comhot
Anu use the best keywoius to uesciibe youi photo. In this way
you will geneiate moie tiaffic anu views to youi images!

Anothei cool thing is geotagging youi photos, so that they can
be founu just by seaiching foi places.

0thei useis will appieciate youi own inteiaction with them,
so it's impoitant to always give quality comments on photos,
not only clicking the like button, but telling them why you like
theii photo. They will exchange this favoi by uoing the same
foi you!

Always follow the analytics by checking what's hot anu what's
not, with S
paity seivices like If you finu a theme
you like to shoot photos at, go anu make new photos!

Remembei the powei of memes, the funny images of the
moment! They make people laugh, anu so they will like to
follow you to get new memes to shaie with theii fiienus. This
is ciazy anu viial like no othei photos!

These aie the best ways I useu on my Instagiam account!
-!& ;D(,%"!*# D" !"#$%&'%(e ;F*;H $F*!' #*;'*$#
%"G '*%;F $F*!' JDIIDL*'#d

Theie aie some big companies that unueistanu the ieal value
of shaiing theii photos (anu business) on Instagiam, anu that
thing helps them to get fiee auveitising in a seconuaiy way.

Theii hashtags aie always shaieu by useis posting photos
about that company, so they can count on thousanus of photos
pointing back to theii company's name also without posting
much photos. It's incieuible!

Staibucks, foi example, shaieu 229 photos only, but they have
millions of followeis all ovei the woilu who have shaieu
millions of photos with theii hashtags! Check heie, it's
amazing: http:web.stagiam.comseaich%2Sstaibucks

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?>0 1280 3:O>0 6T .6R5 U091:?0 65 9R1:3011Z $>:1 :1 ?>0 S0.
6T 1ROO011P 234 36? 16 823. <06</0 250 ?>:3S:3= 296R? :?d
Foi eveiything you aie selling, theie will always be a seiies of
followeis. Remembei this is a key point foi uoing business on

Some goou companies on Instagiam aie Nike, NTv, Biet Coke,
Pepsi Nax, Reu Bull, Auui, Buibeiiy, NcBonalu's, uucci,
ueneial Electiic, Tiffany anu Co., anu many othei big names in
But iemembei you can also seaich foi maikets via hashtags!

(*(*# D" !"#$%&'%(

As I have shown in my "viial Nemes" ebook ieleaseu not so
long ago, inteinet memes aie a funny way to giow youi usei
base. So Instagiam is a goou place foi shaiing them, keeping in
minu that they must have squaie look.

So you can cieate them online, anu then cut them into squaies
sizes with a photo tool oi with softwaie. The best netwoik to
geneiate memes aie:

You can cieate some basic memes without using Photoshop oi
othei uifficult softwaie with the S
I suggest you stait with them, anu latei you can always move
to Auobe Photoshop etc.

Remembei to not only shaie it via Instagiam, but also the
oiiginal size file (not squaie) via Pinteiest, Facebook, Twittei,
Tumbli anu all the othei social netwoiks you like to use.

(E #D;!%I I!"H#ZZZ %"G (E !"JD'(%$!D"

Befoie leaving you, I hope you can finu some time to leave a
comment on Waiiioi Foium.

Last but not least, heie is my infoimation, so that you can
follow me on social netwoiks anu on my blogs as well!




&DD&I* ,IM#


(E !"$*'"*$ (%'H*$!"& -ID& (Reviews, Info, Tips...)

Thanks foi youi tiust in my piouuct, I hope it will inciease
youi business in a new way!

See you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni

LF%$ EDM L!II #** !" "*+$ J*L (!"M$*# L!II
-*;D(* EDM' -*#$ !"$*'"*$ (%'H*$!"& #M;;*##

A closeu gioup to leain, shaie anu paiticipate like you nevei
uiu befoie, with me anu othei paiticipants fiom all the woilu.

$F!# JD;M# &'DM, !# D" #HE,*
%;;*##!-I* A` FDM'# D" A`
D"IE -E #*I*;$*G (*(-*'#

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$D ;F*;H $M$D'!%I#P W!G*D#P I*##D"#
%"G %;;*##!"& $F* -D"M# ! #F%'* *W*'E L**H

L>2? ! U:// 1>250 63 ?>:1 =56R<e

(. S36U/04=0. Eveiy question will get an answei.
Access 863?>/. [:4061 cieateu only foi you! We will
ueciue the topics eveiy week.
I will shaie my /:1? 9R:/4:3= ?2O?:O1 to achieve a 6%
conveision on eveiy mail you senu.
I will guiue you in 2TT:/:2?0 825S0?:3=, showing my
hiuuen tactics to get a lot of sales on eveiy piouuct you
aie going to piomote.
I follow you in <564RO? O502?:63, showing you all the
techniques to cieate anu sell top quality piouucts like I
uiu until now, with explosive sales page anu new
#:?0 9R:/4:3= 234 -/6= O502?:63 will become youi
favoiite job.
I give you a lot of ?:<1 234 ?5:OS1 to woik fastei, bettei
anu to kill piociastination foievei. I will change youi
You will make youi O:5O/0 6T T5:0341. They will help you,
suppoit you anu follow you. We can help each othei,
ieviewing oui WS0 as soon as they exit (like guius aie
uoing) anu exchanging iueas on new tienus anu
maiketing iueas!
You will T:34 aW ,25?3051 to launch bettei piouucts anu
to maximize youi piofits.
You will T:34 502/ T5:0341 :3 /:T0, because eveiytime you
aie in neeu, you will finu all the suppoit you neeu. uet
theii auvices anu theii help.
I will shaie my piojects, iueas anu fiee gifts. L0 O23
4:1OR11 296R? 0[05.?>:3= .6R 401:50. Not only woik,
also a bit of fun


*"$*' % "*L ;IM-d
$F* ;!';I* DJ '!;F*#
% ,D##!-!I!$E JD' D"IE % J*L ,*D,I*d

At youi uisposal all my S yeais passeu in Inteinet Naiketing,
anu all my expeiience.
I will uo monthly webinais oi viueos foi you, showing all what
we saiu uuiing the month, anu helping you to to see what we
uiscusseu in ieality, with case stuuies anu pioof.
You will be nevei left alone in the inteinet maiketing jungle,
we will be a team of winneis, shaiing oui passions, oui
methous anu oui way to go.

;D(* D"P ,D#!$!D"# %'* -*!"& J!II*GZ
GD"j$ ID#* $F!# I!J*V;F%"&!"& D,,D'$M"!$Ed

$F* ,'!;* !# "D$ LF%$ EDMj'* $F!"H!"&
!$j# *W*" I*##Z D"IEk

D"IE lCm ,*' (D"$F
;I!;H F*'* $D &Dd

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