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Modes Linux Computer Runs Some are standardize
ID Name Description
0 Halt Shuts down the system.
1 Single-user Mode Mode for administrative tasks.[2][2]
2 Multi-user Mode Does not configure network interfaces an
d does not export networks services.[3]
3 Multi-user Mode with Networking Starts the system normally.[4]
4 Not used/User-definable For special purposes.
5 Start the system normally Same as runlevel 3 + display manager.
with appropriate display manager. ( with GUI )
6 Reboot Reboots the system.
1-5 or customize 3 or 5 Redhat and SUSE
0--->Hault or Stop level Standard across all LINUX distro
1--->Single User Mode(Recovery mode standard across all distro) Usually do not n
eed any passwd to login as root when the system is completly mess up
3--->Redhat/suse-text mode(Command Mode)NON GUI
(4)--->Wildcard Make our own environment(not used by default) Customize we can u
se our own run level
5--->Redhat/SuSE-GUI mode(XWindows)
0,1,6--->Predefined for halt Single,UserMod and reboot
For Changes in system edit nano /etc/inittab
IN runlevels 3 multiuser mode without NFS and it gives bunch of stuff
Trap Ctrl+Alt+Del--->for shoutdown
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
When ups is fail schedule a shutdown for 2 min
pf::powerfail:/sbin/shutdown -f -h +Z "Power Failure: System Shu
tting Down"
Power Restored before Shutdown
pr::powerrokwait:/sbin/shutdown -c "Power Restored: Shutdown Can
Tells init what to do
set default runlevel
All commands in server process lives
cd /etc/init.d--->Inside init.d command line scripts used for different applicat
ions are present
used to Sstart and Kstop things ./filename stop or ./filename start
rc.d--->is used for referencing startup scripts
Different commands which run at different runlevel
cat /etc/rc0.d
cat /etc/rc1.d
cat /etc/rc2.d
cat /etc/rc3.d--->The scripts are all symbolic links whose targets are l
ocated in
cd /etc/init.d
cd /etc/init.d/nfs S88nfs--->symbolioc link
Upstart is an event-based replacement for the traditional init daemon
Start and Stop a process in init file
cd /etc/init--->conf files
normally we do --->services squid stop
status squid
start squid
To Check which deamon process ara running
initctl list | less
Upstart is an event-based replacement for the traditional init daemon the
method by which several Unix-like computer operating systems perform tasks when
the computer is started
Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon which h
andles starting of tasks and services during boot, stopping them during shutdown
and supervising them while the system is running.
It was originally develIE

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