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Writing Ratios and Proportions

Lesson Objective
Do Now
By the end of the lesson, we will be able to ____________________________________
(AZ-7.RP.A.1) Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions, including ratios of lengths, areas and other quantities measured in like or
different units.
Review of Inequalities
Solve and graph each of the inequalities. Below that, answer and justify the questions.
1. 2 ! -"#
2. -$ % 12
3. &hen yo' sol(e, wo'ld yo' (keep)flip) the si*n in the ine+'ality shown he,e-

8x > -40
4. &hen yo' sol(e, wo'ld yo' (keep)flip) the si*n in the ine+'ality shown he,e-

-9x 18
Writing Ratios and Proportions
Essential Vocabular
!eac"er #odel
Lets look at the two examples. ead the pro!lems and notice that questions on ratios can !e asked
in a few different ways. Be sure to la!el each of your num!ers.
1. /a01le 1
2. /a01le 2
Vocabulary Term Teacher-Provided Definition Visual
A _________________ of two _________________
A _________________ of two _________________
A _________________ after the number, in order to
be more __________________
Writing Ratios
2anny wo,3s fo, 1oliti4al 4a01ai*ns. 5e has
wo,3ed fo, both Re1'bli4an and 2e0o4,ati4
4andidates. 6he Re1'bli4ans hand o't ,ed
b'ttons7 the 2e0o4,ats bl'e b'ttons. 8(e,
the yea,s, he has 4olle4ted 9# ,ed b'ttons and
:# bl'e b'ttons.
Comparison of part to part
&hat is the ,atio of ,ed b'ttons to bl'e
Comparison of part to whole
&hat is the ,atio of bl'e b'ttons to the total
n'0be, of b'ttons.
Res1ondin* to an oil s1ill in a lo4al e4olo*y, a
s4ientist ta3es a 4ens's of wildlife in lo4al
bodies of wate,. 5e is 4he43in* fo, the i01a4t
of the s1ill. Ret',nin* to his offi4e with the
data, he noti4es that a s0all 1ond has $ f,o*s
and 12 fish.
Comparison of part to part
&hat is the ,atio of f,o*s to fish.
Comparison of part to whole
&hat is the ,atio of f,o*s to total ani0als.
Writing Ratios and Proportions
$uided Practice
"ollow the steps in order to write the ratios. La!el your answer.
Practice A. ;a,th needed shi,ts and 1ants fo, the new s4hool yea,. 5e saw a sale at
<ohl=s and ended '1 1',4hasin* si new 4olla,ed shi,ts. >o', we,e st,i1ed and two we,e
solid. 5e also bo'*ht ei*ht new 1ants.

Pa,t to Pa,t- &hat is the ,atio of 1ants to shi,ts.

Pa,t to &hole- &hat is the ,atio of 1ants to total n'0be, of 4lothes 1',4hased.

Practice . &illia0 t,a(els a lot fo, wo,3. ?n the 1ast yea,, he has flown to fo',teen
states within the @.A. and fo', 4o'nt,ies inte,nationally.

Pa,t to Pa,t- &hat is the ,atio of states to 4o'nt,ies &illia0 has flown to.

Pa,t to &hole- &hat is the ,atio of 4o'nt,ies to total n'0be, of fli*hts ta3en.

Practice C. 6he,e a,e "$ se(enth *,ade st'dents at Ba*net 6,aditional. 8f these, 9C
a,e *i,ls and 1D a,e boys.

Pa,t to Pa,t- 5ow 4o'ld the n'0be, of *i,ls and boys at B6A be e1,essed as a ,atio.
Pa,t to &hole- 5ow 4o'ld the n'0be, of boys and total st'dents be e1,essed as a ,atio.

Steps: Writing Ratios
1. Identify the units being compared
a. Careful in which order you arrange them
2.Express the ratio in simplest terms
a. (i.e. reduce the fraction)
Writing Ratios and Proportions
%nticipating #isconceptions
6he easiest way to 0a3e a 0ista3e is by for!ettin!"misi#entif$in! a
la%el. @s'ally, these wo,d 1,oble0s will tell 's how to set the0 '1. ;et
in a habit of ,eadin* ea4h wo,d 1,oble0 twi4e, and then ,eadin* it
a*ain afte, 4,eatin* the 1,o1o,tion E'st to 4he43 yo', wo,3.
!eac"er #odel
Lets look at the four examples. ead the pro!lems and write a corresponding proportion. #e
wont solve yet. Be sure to la!el each of your num!ers.
1. /a01le 1
Bi43y has $ 2F2s in his 0o(ie 4olle4tion. ?f A st'dent has a 1en4il 4olle4tion. 6he ,atio of
the ,atio of 2F2s to F5A ta1es is 1-9, how 0e4hani4al 1en4ils to ,e*'la, 1en4ils is D-". ?f
0any F5A ta1es does Bi43y ha(e. the st'dent has a total of 2# ,e*'la, 1en4ils,
how 0any 0e4hani4al 1en4ils do they ha(e.
6he lo4al 0o(ie theate, shows only ho,,o, fil0s A ,e4i1e 4alls fo, 1 tables1oon of 4inna0on fo,
and 4o0edies. Gast wee3, the ,atio of ho,,o,s e(e,y 2 4'1s of s'*a,. 5ow 0any tables1oons
to 4o0edies was 9-2. ?f the theate, showed a of 4inna0on a,e ,e+'i,ed if the total 4'1s of
total of 1D ho,,o, fil0s, how 0any 4o0edies s'*a, is D.
did they show.
Writing Ratios and Proportions
$uided Practice
"ollow the steps in order to write the proportion. La!el your answer.
Practice A. Bolly 4an ,ead 9 1a*es of a boo3 in the ti0e that it ta3es <ayla to ,ead "
1a*es. 5ow 0any 1a*es 4an <ayla ,ead in the ti0e that it ta3es Bolly to ,ead 1" 1a*es.

Ate1 1-

Practice . /than d,o(e siteen 3ilo0ete,s in D 0in'tes. 5ow 0any 3ilo0ete,s 4an he
d,i(e in one 0in'te.

Ate1 1-
Practice C. 6o 0a3e 1',1le 1aint, Za43 'sed ,ed and bl'e 1aints. 6he di,e4tions 4alled
fo, a ,atio of 2 4'1s of ,ed fo, e(e,y th,ee 4'1s of bl'e. 5ow 0any 4'1s of bl'e 1aint
will he need if he 0a3es the sa0e 3ind of 1',1le 4olo, when he 'ses 9 4'1s of ,ed.

Ate1 1-
Steps: Writing Proportions
1. Identify the units being compared
a. Careful in which order you label and arrange them
2. Solve by recognizing a pattern or crossmultiplying
Writing Ratios and Proportions
Partner Practice
ead the word pro!lems !elow and answer the questions accordingly. "or now, you are only
setting up the ratios and proportions. $o solving required. Be sure to la!el all num!ers.
&ritin! 'atios
1. 6wo st'dents a,e 4o01a,in* how 0any test +'estions they *ot w,on*. 6hey ,ealiHe that
At'dent A has two in4o,,e4t answe,s and that At'dent B has th,ee.
&hat is the ,atio of in4o,,e4t answe,s of At'dent B to At'dent A.
&hat is the ,atio of At'dent A=s in4o,,e4t answe,s to the total n'0be, of in4o,,e4t
2. A bi,d wat4he, is o't in the woods loo3in* fo, owls. 5e sees a total of 2C owls in one
ni*ht. 8f those 2C, 1" a,e s1otted owls.
&hat is the ,atio of s1otted owls to the total n'0be, of owls.
&hat is the ,atio of s1otted owls to non-s1otted owls.
&hat is the ,atio of non-s1otted owls to the total n'0be, of owls.
&ritin! Proportions
3. ?n a,t 4lass, it ta3es Ien the sa0e a0o'nt of ti0e to wea(e C feet of st,in* on he, loo0 as it
does fo, Pe* to wea(e : feet of st,in* on he,s. 5ow 0any feet of st,in* 4o'ld Ien wea(e if
Pe* we,e to wea(e 1" feet.
4. Ie,,y is d,awin* a s4ale 0a1 of the 4onti*'o's states in the @.A. 8n his 0a1, 2
in4hes ,e1,esent C## 0iles. ?f the 4o'nt,y is 9,### 0iles wide, abo't how 0any in4hes
wide will the 0a1 be.
(. 6he A,iHona 2ia0ondba43s ha(e ten 1it4he,s on thei, ,oste,, th,ee of who0 a,e left-
handed. 8n a(e,a*e, this is how 0any so'th1aws a,e on ea4h tea0. ?f the,e a,e 9#
0aEo, lea*'e tea0s in baseball, how 0any left-handed 1it4he,s a,e the,e in the BGB.
Writing Ratios and Proportions
). Bolly 4an ,ead 7 1a*es of a boo3 in the ti0e that it ta3es <ayla to ,ead $ 1a*es. 5ow
0any 1a*es 4an <ayla ,ead in the ti0e that it ta3es Bolly to ,ead 11 1a*es.
&"ec' for (nderstanding
)tandardi*ed !est Practice

;a,y 4an ty1e thi,ty wo,ds 1e, 0in'te. &hi4h A fa,0e, is sellin* his f,esh 1,od'4e at a lo4al
1,o1o,tion wo'ld dete,0ine how 0any wo,ds 0a,3et. 5e sells fi(e 1'013ins fo, e(e,y se(en
he 4o'ld ty1e in " 0in'tes. Ahow yo', labels. to0atoes. &hi4h 1,o1o,tion below wo'ld
dete,0ine how 0any to0atoes he 4o'ld sell
if he sold D 1'013ins. Ahow yo', labels.




Iose d,i(e his 4a, 7" 0iles 1e, ho',. &hi4h A ba* of B K B=s is 1a43a*ed a44o,din* to
P,o1o,tion below wo'ld dete,0ine how lon* 4olo,. 6he,e a,e th,ee ,ed 4andies fo, e(e,y
?t too3 hi0 to d,i(e $## 0iles. &hy. two *,een ones. ?f a *iant ba* has $" ,ed
4andies, whi4h 1,o1o,tion below wo'ld sol(e
fo, how 0any *,een 4andies the,e a,e. &hy.

Writing Ratios and Proportions
Independent Practice
ead the word pro!lems !elow and answer the questions accordingly. "or now, you are only
setting up the ratios and proportions. $o solving required. Be sure to la!el all num!ers.
&ritin! 'atios
1. 6wo st'dents a,e 4o01a,in* how 0any test +'estions they *ot w,on*. 6hey ,ealiHe that
At'dent A has fo', in4o,,e4t answe,s and that At'dent B has one.
&hat is the ,atio of in4o,,e4t answe,s of At'dent B to At'dent A.
&hat is the ,atio of At'dent A=s in4o,,e4t answe,s to the total n'0be, of in4o,,e4t
2. A bi,d wat4he, is o't in the woods loo3in* fo, owls. 5e sees a total of 99 owls in one
ni*ht. 8f those 99, 12 a,e s1otted owls.
&hat is the ,atio of s1otted owls to the total n'0be, of owls.
&hat is the ,atio of s1otted owls to non-s1otted owls.
&hat is the ,atio of non-s1otted owls to the total n'0be, of owls.
&ritin! Proportions
3. ?n a,t 4lass, it ta3es Ien the sa0e a0o'nt of ti0e to wea(e " feet of st,in* on he, loo0 as it
does fo, Pe* to wea(e 11 feet of st,in* on he,s. 5ow 0any feet of st,in* 4o'ld Ien wea(e if
Pe* we,e to wea(e 2$ feet.
4. Ie,,y is d,awin* a s4ale 0a1 of the 4onti*'o's states in the @.A. 8n his 0a1, 2
in4hes ,e1,esent 2"# 3ilo0ete,s. ?f the 4o'nt,y is ","## 3ilo0ete,s wide, abo't how
0any in4hes wide will the 0a1 be.
(. 6he A,iHona 2ia0ondba43s ha(e ten 1it4he,s on thei, ,oste,, th,ee of who0 a,e left-
handed. 8n a(e,a*e, this is how 0any so'th1aws a,e on ea4h tea0. ?f the,e a,e 9#
0aEo, lea*'e tea0s in baseball, how 0any left-handed 1it4he,s a,e the,e in the BGB.
Writing Ratios and Proportions
). Bolly 4an ,ead 7 1a*es of a boo3 in the ti0e that it ta3es <ayla to ,ead $ 1a*es. 5ow
0any 1a*es 4an <ayla ,ead in the ti0e that it ta3es Bolly to ,ead 11 1a*es.
&o++on &ore Prep, -ustifing %nswers
%he new math assessments will expect us to !e a!le to explain our thinking and how we arrived at
an answer. ead and solve the pro!lem !elow that models this expectation.
&n the !ox !elow, show your work. 'raw a picture of the situation !eing descri!ed.
(n the lines !elow, explain how you arrived at the solution. #hat steps did you take) *se the
sentence stems to write complete sentences in your response.
+mman,el is loo-in! at a s.,are. /e notes the meas,re of one of the si#es is 3x. 0f he
wante# to #raw a %or#er aro,n# it1 how lon! wo,l# it meas,re1 in terms of x2
Aol(e it 2,aw it
Writing Ratios and Proportions
Open.Ended Paragrap" /ra+e
*se the steps !elow to craft a paragraph when you come across open,ended
responses in math class. Begin each sentence with the prompt and complete it
!y descri!ing your work.
1. The first step I took was
2. I did this because
3. Next, I
4. I took this step because
5. Fina!, I had to
". This is how I arri#ed at the answer of $%&'( )N*+,(-,
which answers the .uestion of $repeat .uestion fro/ text

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