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18 MARET 2014
This Joint operation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreeme!") is made and signed on
11 Februari 2014 by and between :
registered in "ndonesia a##ording to the Law of "ndonesia Limited Liabiity !ompany$ has ega
domi#ie at "%&'%()"A in this matter represented by #$ MU#IDIN %UD#A JUMAT as
&ire#tor the hoder "ndonesia "& (passport) no : A &'244&( (hereinafter referred to as the
GOMMAFLEX INCORPORATED Limited Liabiity !ompany registered in !A%A&A
a##ording to the Law of "%&'%()"A Limited Liabiity !ompany$ has ega domi#ie at
!A%A&A in this matter represented by FRANCOI) FORTIN$ CEO the hoder !A%A&A "&
(passport) no GA12&02&* (+, MARIE ANNE ME))IER* BOUC#ERVILLE* -UEBEC*
CANADA* J4B '.8 (hereinafter referred to as the )ECOND PART%")
FIR)T PART% and )ECOND PART% separatey here referred to as T#E PART%" and
atogether hereunder refereed to as T#E PARTIE)"$ sha pre*iousy eu#idate fa#ts as
foow :
+here T,( F"-)T .A-T/ is the #ompany that a#ti*ities in the fied of asset
management and pro*iding the ban0 guarantee from Top 21 .rime 2an0 reated to the
pro3e#t in*estment and duy i#ensed and 4uaified to perform pro3e#t in*estment for
.ri*ate .a#ement .rogram For humanitarian and *arious other .ro3e#t5program in
+hereas T,( )(!'%& .A-T/ is #apabe of pro*iding su#h e4uipment$ spares$ s0ied
ad*i#e$ #ounse$ manageria and te#hni#a assistan#e due to it7s e8perien#e in the design$
engineering and operation of e4uipment reated to business throughout the word and duy
i#ensed and 4uaified to perform pro3e#t in*estment in "ndonesia6
+hereas T,( .A-T/ in intended to estabishment a Join 'peration for pri*ate
.a#ement .rogram For ,umanitarian and *arious other .ro3e#t5program in "ndonesia6
The .arties sha #ontribute their best efforts to impement this Agreement with stri#t
#onfidentia and mutua benefit basis6
%'+$ T,(-(F'-($ in #onsideration of the abo*e hereinafter the parties hereby agree to
#onsummate this 3oint 'perating agreement and enter into this Agreement upon the foowing
terms and #ondition as foow :
Ar!/01e 1
"n this Agreement$ uness the sub3e#t or #onte8t otherwise re4uires :
The foowing words and e8pressions sha ha*e the foowing meanings :
16 .ro3e#t :are the .ro3e#t by the Joint operation as
atta#hed hereto as Ae2 1 or any other .ro3e#t as
mutuay agreed by the parties6
26 2an0 9uarantee : is the 2an0 9uarantee within amount of
: 10600060006000$00 (Ten 2iion (uro)
issued by Top 21 .rime 2an0and on behaf the entire
pro3e#t wor0 issued to the Joint 'perations operated by
and between the First .arty and the )e#ond .arty
;6 2usiness &ay :is any other day beside )aturday$ )unday or any other
pubi# hoiday whi#h the #ompanies open for business6
46 Joint 'peration :is the business operated by and between the First party
and the )e#ond .arty to finan#e the pro3e#t6
16 'perationa !ost :is the #osts and e8penses in#urred for the term of this
Agreement in the operation of the Joint 'peration whi#h reate
to the day<to<day operation su#h as saaries for empoyees and
staff$ rent and other payments due to insuran#e #osts reating to
the maintenan#e of #asuaty and iabiity$ insuran#e interest and
re4uired prin#ipa amorti=ation$ repair and up0eep property and
e4uipment used in #onne#tion with the operation of this
Agreement and #osts for the pur#hase of offi#e suppies and
>6 Fis#a year :is the finan#ia year on the end of ?December@ when the
.arties de#ided to #ose the Joint 'peration 2oo00eeping6
A6 Lo#ation :The Lo#ation sha primariy by$ but not imited to$ the
9ermany and "ndonesia
B6 -eferen#es to Anne8es$ -e#itas$ !auses$ and )#hedues and Appendi#es are to re#itas and
#auses of and s#hedues and appendi#es to this AgreementC
D6 The headings are for #on*enien#e ony and sha not affe#t the interpretation hereofC
106 A #apitai=ed terms and definition defined in any other agreements in #onne#tion with this
Agreements sha ha*e the same definition and meaning in this AgreementC
Ar!/01e 2
The purpose of this Agreement is to #ooperate in pro*iding the 2an0 9uarantee within amount of
: 10600060006000$00 (Ten 2iion (uro) issued by Top 21 .rime 2an0for purposes of obtaining
2an0 oan for the finan#ing the .ro3e#t or other a#ti*ity whi#h shoud be agreeaby by the
Ar!/01e '
The s#ope of #ooperation #o*ering the obigations of the .arties are the foowing :
16 To form a 3oint 'peration organi=ation between the parties as an impementation of this
Agreement$ whi#h the .arties sha obiged its representati*es as 'rgani=ing !ommittee and
'rgani=ing with su#h other tites whi#h may be de#ided by the .arties from time to time6
26 To #oe#t and pro*ide data$ information$ and do#umentation tor the purpose to fa#iitate the
;6 To determine the terms and #ondition and the main prin#ipe of the Joint operation whi#h
manage the me#hanism$ responsibiity and the rights of ea#h party6
46 The F"-)T .A-T/ sha pro*ide a the ne#essary re4uirement for issuing !ertifi#ate of
&eposit on behaf of the entire .ro3e#t wor0 issued to the Joint 'peration operated by and
between the F"-)T .A-T/ and T,( )(!'%& .A-T/$ #orresponden#e$ data pro#essing6
16 The )(!'%& .A-T/ sha pro*ide a the ne#essary e4uipment for this Joint 'peration$
in#uding #ars$ #omputers$ to rent offi#es and ma#hinery as ong as its reated to perform this
Agreement6 The said pa#e for the Joint 'peration sha be o#ated at "ndonesia $ an address
where the )(!'%& .A-T/ has obtained Ta8 -egistration number to #ondu#t #ommer#ia
business #omprising6
>6 The F"-)T .A-T/ sha #oaborate with the )(!'%& .A-T/ in formuation a finan#ing
pan whi#h sha .ro3e#t targets and reated finan#ing strategies$ in#uding fund budget6
Ar!/01e 4
16 The .arties are obiged to #ontribute their best efforts in good faith to impement this
Agreement with mutua benefit basis6
26 The .arties sha grant a##ess information on any reated information$ whether mar0ed or not
as E!onfidentiaF$ for the purpose of this Agreement6
;6 The .arties sha grant a##ess to any of its fa#iities for the purpose of this Agreement6
46 The F"-)T .A-T/ is responsibe for the issuing of a 2an0 9uarantee within amount of
: 10600060006000$00 (Ten 2iion (uro) issued by Top 21 .rime 2an0and pro*iding its own
fund for the purpose of the 3oint operation6
16 The )(!'%& .A-T/ is responsibe to 'pening Joint A##ount for the a#ti*ating of 2an0
9uarantee$ within amount of : 10600060006000$00 (Ten 2iion (uro) under The F"-)T
.A-T/ instru#tion by .ower of Attorney6
>6 The .arties are obiged to abide the terms and #onditions of this Agreement6
Ar!/01e +
16 The parties ha*e the right to get the #ommitment from the other .arty that the fund obtain is
for the purpose of the pro3e#t6
26 The .arties ha*e the right to propose the usage of the fund obtained for the used in the
agreed pro3e#t6
;6 The parties ha*e the right to re#ei*e re*enue as a resut of the performan#e of this
46 The .arties ha*e the right to demand the other .arty to perform its obigations under this
Ar!/01e ,
16 The .ro3e#t finan#ed by the Joint operation are the pro3e#ts as set out in Anne8 1 of this
Agreement or any other pro3e#ts as further agreed by the .arties6
26 The Joint 'peration sha be obigated to #aused the owner of the pro3e#t to insured the
pro3e#t on a reputabe insuran#e #ompany with an insuran#e #ost it estimated to be the same
or bigger than )tipuated Loss Gaue
Ar!/01e &
The )(!'%& .A-T/ sha fuy responsibe on the #ost and ta8ation$ under foowing
#onditions :
16 The )(!'%& .A-T/ are responsibe in pro*iding fund for the 'perationa !ost6
26 The )(!'%& .A-T/ are obiged to pay saary$ aowan#e and bonus to their representati*es
and personne who are member of the 'rgani=ation in a##ordan#e with its interna reguation
e8#uding the 'perationa !ost and The )(!'%& .A-T/ sha soey be responsibe against
#ost and e8penses$ whi#h are reasonaby and propery in#urred by the parties in performing
the responsibiities of this Agreement6
;6 "n the e*ent in#urred an additiona #ost in performing this Agreement whi#h e8#eeded the
budget appro*ed by the .arties in the operationa !ost$ su#h additiona funding re4uest sha
be submitted by the 'rgani=ation to the .arties sub3e#t to the .arties appro*a6
46 The )(!'%& .A-T/ are entited to pay in#ome ta8 whi#h may be imposed under this
Agreement$ under the pre*aiing aws and reguations6
Ar!/01e 8
16 The fund the purpose of operating the Join 'peration is a##umuated from :
3$ T4e B35 G63r3!ee 7/!4/ 3m86! 89 : 10$000$000$000*00 ;Te B/11/8 E6r8< T4e
)ECOND PART% 96= : 10$000$000$000*00 ;Te B/11/8 E6r8< 98r B35 C43rge>$
;0*001 ? 9r8m T8!31 V316e 89 BG<
26 The fund #oe#ted sha be used for the finan#ing the .ro3e#t and 'perationa !ost6
;6 2ased on the finan#ing .ro3e#t #ondu#ted by the Joint 'peration$ the .arties agree that
re*enues re#ei*ed sha be :
a6 "n #ase the )e#ond .arty re4uires fund it sha be in written re4uest and the fund
wi be disbursed by 3oint 'peration through the )(!'%& .A-T/ with 161 H
interest per annum6 This fund purposes to be used for the pro3e#t ony6
b6 "n the other pro3e#ts besides pro3e#t as appro*ed by the parties$ it must be done
by the First party through Joint 'peration and the net profit after interest$
operation #osts and a appi#abe ta8es wi be spit 10 H : 10 H between the
First .arty and )e#ond .arty6
'r any other #onditions as mutuay agreed by the .arties6

46 The Joint 'perationa sha operate in Ja0arta organi=ed by the 'rgani=ation whi#h sha
estabish a Joint 'peration #ompany ban0 a##ount into whi#h a monies re#ei*ed as
re*enue$ and from whi#h (pro*ided the suffi#ient funds are a*aiabe) sha be paid a
e8penditures in#urred in the #ourse of operations$ in#uding without imitations the First
.arty management fee and any other #ost in#urred under this Agreement6
Ar!/01e (
16 The terms of Agreement sha e deemed to ha*e #ommen#ed of 11 Februari 2014 and
sub3e#t to the pro*isions hereof$ sha #ontinue for the entire period of .ro3e#t6
26 "n #ase one of the .arties intend to terminate this Agreement$ then the .arty intended sha
notify the other party in writing regarding the said matter not ater than one (1) mount prior
to the intended effe#ti*e date of the termination of this Agreement6
;6 The .arties ha*e the right and entite to re3e#t the said re4uest for terminating the Agreement
before effe#ti*e date of the termination of this Agreement as mentioned in #ause 1 abo*e of
this Agreement with some reason unti the effe#ti*e date of the termination of this
46 2oth .arties agreed to sette any outstanding matters in reation to this Joint 'peration6
Ar!/01e 10
16 The .arties may terminate this Agreement if one of the foowing e*ent o##urs :
a6 The other .arty is in defaut$ being unabe to fufi or fais to perform any terms and
#onditions of this Agreement and a suppements and amendments and any anne8es
b6 Any #hange in the appi#abe aw or reguation or it be#omes 0nown to the .arties$ as
the #ase maybe whi#h sha ma0e it unawfu for the other .arty to #ontinue this
#6 Any representations$ #o*enants and warranties gi*en by the other .arty under this
Agreement is not #orre#t or is in brea#hC
26 Ipon the termination of the Agreement the parties and the Joint 'peration sti obigated to
#arry out their remaining obigations under this Agreement6
Ar!/01e 11
16 The .arties a#0nowedges that the information and 0nowedge dis#osed by the other .arty
is highy uni4ue$ *auabe and #onfidentia6 !onfidentiaity between the parties sha at a
time be preser*ed and neither party sha 0nowingy re*ea or disseminate #onfidentia data
obtained as a resut of the Agreement6 The .arties a#0nowedge su#h data or information
sha ony be used in reation of the performan#e of this Agreement6
26 This !onfidentiaity sha not #eased e*ent if this Agreement is terminated6
Ar!/01e 12
16 "f by any reason of for#e ma3eure the .arties hereto are pre*ented from or unabe to perform
their obigations hereunder they sha be reeased from the obigations under this Agreement
to be performed subse4uent to the o##urren#es of an e*ent of for#e ma3eure6 Fore the
purposes of this Agreement EFor#e Ja3eureF sha be deemed to mean any #ir#umstan#es
beyond the #ontro of the party affe#ted in#uding$ but not imited to6 A#ts god$ fire$ food$
war$ embargo$ a##ident$ abor troube$ or any aw or reguation of the -epubi# of "ndonesia6
26 "n the e*ent of for#e ma3eure$ the suffering .arty sha notify the other .arty in writing at the atest of A
(se*en) days after the o##urren#e of the e*ent of the for#e ma3eure6
Ar!/01e 1'
The .arties represent and warrants to one another that :
16 "t is a #orporation duy organi=ed$ *aidy e8isting$ and in good standing under the
pre*aiing aws$ with the #orporate authority to #ondu#t its business in the manner in whi#h
su#h business is being #ondu#ted and is to be #ondu#ted hereunder6
26 "t has fu #orporate power and authority to e8e#ute$ dei*er$ and perform this Agreement6
;6 This Agreement has been duy authori=ed and e8e#uted on behaf $ is a ega$ *aid and
binding obigation on it$ and is enfor#eabe against it in a##ordan#e with is terms6
46 "t has$ and wi maintain in for#e throughout the term of this Agreement$ a re4uired
permits$ i#ense and #ertifi#ates ne#essary to perform its obigation hereunderC
16 "t is nit re4uired to obtain the #onsent of any other party for the e8e#ution$ dei*ery$ or
performan#e of this Agreement and the e8e#ution$ dei*ery and performan#e of this
Agreement wi not #onstitute a brea#h of any agreement to whi#h it is a party or by whi#h it
is bound$ nor wi it #ontra*ene any pro*ision of its deed of estabishment or arti#es of
asso#iation$ or *ioate$ #onfi#t whit$ or resut in a brea#h of any aw$ order$ 3udgment$
de#ree$ or reguation binding on it or to whi#h any of its businesses$ properties or assets are
>6 There are no #aims$ a#tions$ suits or pro#eedings pending against it$ the out#ome of whi#h
#oud materiay and ad*ersey affe#t the transa#tions #ontempated by this Agreement$ and
it is not sub3e#t to any order$ writing$ in3un#tion or de#ree whi#h #oud materiay and
ad*ersey affe#t its abiity to perform the transa#tion #ontempated by this Agreement6
A6 There is no pro*ision of any e8isting aw$ rue$ mortgage$ indenture #ontra#t$ finan#ia
statement$ agreement$ resoution$ or any other do#uments binding on it that woud #onfi#t
whit or any way pre*ent the e8e#ution$ dei*ery$ or #arrying out of the terms of this
B6 %ot ta0e any a#tion in#onsistent with the .arties obigation under Agreement and sha
pro*ide su#h assistan#e needed as is reasonaby re4uested by the other .arty6
D6 Ise a reasonabe endea*ors to 0eep in for#e a i#enses$ appro*as$ authori=ations and
#onsents whi#h may be ne#essary in #onne#tion with the performan#e of its obigations
under this Agreement and sha so far as it reasonaby #an do so$ perform its obigations
under this Agreement in su#h a way as not to pre3udi#e the #ontinuation of any su#h
appro*a$ authori=ation$ #onsent or i#ense6
106 The .arties sha hereby warrant that it sha #ompy with any ree*ant ega re4uirements in
the performan#e of its obigation under this Agreement6
116 The .arties sha at a time 0eep proper boo0s of a##ount in reation to its obigations under
this Agreement6
126 The .arties sha pro#ure that the re#ords are 0ept in safe #ustody in the manner e8pe#ted of
a reasonaby prudent finan#ier and sha not without the prior written #onsent of the other
.arty$ to posses$ #ustody or #ontro of them otherwise than pursuant to any #ourt order$ or
any dire#tion of 9o*ernmenta Agen#y or other body whit whose dire#tion it ordinariy
#ompies (in whi#h #ase the .arties sha prompty notify the other .arty of the issuan#e of
any su#h order or dire#tion)
Ar!/01e 14
16 The .arties agree to indemnify the other party for any oss or damage whatsoe*er suffered$
or that may be suffered (in#uding but not imited to dire#t and #onse4uentia oss) as a
resut of any a#t or omission by the .arty$ whether negigent or otherwise$ in the
performan#e of any duty$ obigation or fun#tion under this Agreement or in any way arising
out of its being party to this Agreement6
26 The .arties sha responsibe on its behaf in#uding ega e8penses thereon$ for any #aims
in#urred by any third party(ies) for its faiure in performing its obigations under this
Ar!/01e 1+
The .arties to this Agreement agree that no .arty sha ha*e the right to assign or transfer any of
its rights hereunder$ or any part thereof$ to any party without the prior written #onsents of the
other .arty6
Ar!/01e 1,
16 Any and a disputes arising in #onne#tion with this agreement sha$ so far as is possibe$ be
setted ami#aby among the parties6
26 Faiing su#h ami#abe settement$ any and a disputes arising from$ or in #onne#tion with
this Agreement$ or it7s performan#e (in#uding the *aidity of this Agreement) sha be
setted by arbitration to be hed in Ja0arta$ "ndonesia$ in the (ngish anguage through
B3=3 ArA/!r3>e N3>/831 I=8e>/3 ;BANI< / 3008r=30e 7/!4 !4e 137 N8$'0 89 1(((
regarding Arbitration and Aternati*e &ispute )ettement6
;6 The de#ision of the 2A%"7s 2oard of Arbitration sha be fina$ binding and in#ontestabe
and may be used as a basis for 3udgment thereon in the -epubi# of "ndonesia or esewhere6
46 .ending the submission to arbitration and thereafter and unti the "ndonesian 2oard of
Arbitration pubishes it7s award$ the .arties sha #ontinue to perform a their obigation
under this Agreement without pre3udi#e to a fina ad3ustment in a##ordan#e with the said
16 The .arties hereto wai*e the appi#ation of Arti#e 12>> and 12>A of the !i*i !ode of
-epubi# of "ndonesia6
Ar!/01e 1&
16 Any noti#e$ by way of demand of otherwise$ sha be gi*en by tee8 or #abe or by dei*ery
in person addressed as foows :
BRANC# OFFICE INDONE)IA F8r 3= 8 Ae4319 89
'r to su#h other address as may be designated in writing by either party in a##ordan#e
with the foregoing6 Any noti#e so gi*en sha be deemed to ha*e been re#ei*ed on the
first wor0ing day foowing the day sent$ e8#ept noti#e by persona dei*ery$ whi#h sha
be deemed re#ei*ed when dei*ered6
26 +ithout imiting any other means by whi#h a .arty may be abe to pro*e that a noti#e has
been re#ei*ed by another party$ a noti#e wi be deemed to e duy re#ei*ed :
a6 +hen a re#eipt has been signed by a .arty6
b6 "f sent by fa#simie upon re#eipt by the sender of an a#0nowedgement or transmission
report generated by the ma#hine from whi#h the fa#simie was sent indi#ating that the
fa#simie was sent in its entirety to the re#ipient7s fa#simie number6
#6 (8#ept that if a noti#e is ser*ed by hand$ or is re#ei*ed by fa#simie on a day whi#h is
not a 2usiness &ay$ or after 1:00 p6m6 on any 2usiness &ay$ that noti#e wi be deemed
to be duy re#ei*ed by the re#ipient at D:00 a6m6 on the first 2usiness &ay after that
;6 A noti#es and other #ommuni#ation between the parties sha be hed in the (ngsh
Ar!/01e 18
1 (8#ept for any matter is ne#essary sub3e#t to$ and e8#usi*ey #ontroed by the Law of the
-epubi# "ndonesia6
2 For the purpose of Agreement$ the parties hereby #hoose the registar7s 'ffi#e of &istri#t
!ourt of )outh Ja0arta as their ega permanent domi#ie6
Ar!/01e 1(
16 )houd any pro*ision of this Agreement be or be#ome unenfor#eabe or in*aid$ su#h
enfor#eabiity or in*aidity sha not affe#t the *aidity and enfor#eabiity of remaining
pro*ision of this Agreement6
26 Faiure by any of the .arties$ to e8er#ise any or a it7s rights hereunder$ or any partia
e8er#ise thereof$ sha not a#t a wai*er of su#h rights grated hereunder of by genera aw
without ha*ing to wait for the o##urren#e or re<o##urren#e of a simiar or any other e*ent
gi*ing rise to su#h rights6
;6 Ipon signing of this Agreement by and between the .arties$ any e8isting written or ora
proposas$ arrangement$ or agreement made by between the .arties sha be no onger *aid
and sha be unenfor#eabe6
46 Any matters not #o*ered or inade4uatey #o*ered in this Agreement sha be #o*ered or
further e8pained by the .arties in a separate Addendum to be signed by the .arties$ whi#h
sha #onstitute an integra and inseparabe part of this Agreement6
16 This agreement is e8e#uted in a te8t using the (ngish anguage whi#h sha be the
go*erning anguage despite transation into any other anguage6
%ow$ therefore in #onsideration of the mutua #o*enants #ontained herein and the agreement
referred to herein$ the .arties hereto #ause this Joint 'peration Agreement to br e8e#uted in
Ja0arta on the date first herein abo*e written in two origina #opies$ ea#h ha*ing e4ua ega
*aidity and enfor#eabiity6
BRANC# OFFICE INDONE)IA F8r 3= 8 Ae4319 89
+itness of F"-)T .A-T/
,(A& 'FF"!( ,'%9K'%9
Init 1010$ 10F Jiramar Tower$ 1;2 %athan road
Tsim )ha Tsui$ Kowon$ ,ong0ong
Tep (B12)B102 21D2 5 Fa8 (B12)B102 21D;

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