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1. What is police discretion?

2. How do the internal and external mechanisms influence police discretion?

3. Is there a better solution to improving police discretion?
4. How would you describe police culture?
5. How does stress affect the policing community? Police stress and providing counseling to
stressed officers is the focus of most police departments, especially with long-term career goals. The
purpose of this research is to examine the effect the stress has on the individual police officer and his
personal life. The research interest is in the area of policing where he has studied police discretion,
police stress, and violence against police officers. Research revealed that it is a function of situational,
environmental and some biological factors. This research contends that much of what is called police
stress in reality evolves from the creation of role ambiguity and role conflict. Currently, there are three
different research projects, which includes a national longitudinal study of police stress and coping
strategies. All of the police stress studies confirmed several important points. The sources include job
attitudes and psychological distress. The police stress survey; Reliability in relation to job satisfaction
and organizational commitment. Stress was the key factor. The stress research interest began in the
area of policing where it studied police discretion, police stress, and violence against police. The
informants were chosen for their knowledge and experience in the areas of domestic violence, policing
and police stress. The officers involved were in law enforcement for 10 or more years. In addition, both
officers have extensive experience treating police stress. Participants will also become aware of some
different symptoms accompanying police stress. Some become alcoholics and some suffer from "police
stress," seen in a variety of emotional disorders or heart attacks. Some have become alcoholics and
some suffer from "police stress", seen in a variety of emotional disorders or heart attacks. The effects of
hardiness, police stress, and life stress on police officers illness and absenteeism. It also found that
police officers who had high police stress tended to have a high level of future illness and future absence
from work.
6. What hypothesis can you make between stress and police officers who have to make
difficult/easy situational decisions?
7. Explain how the myths of policing impact the publics expectation of police work?
8. Compare male and female officers as to their different strengths and weaknesses?
9. Are hiring Quotas fair? Explain your answer
10. What motivates an individual to become a police officer?

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