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growing in faith...sharing Gods love


1 LeAnn (Appelgate) Gaulke
2 Jeff & Shannon Hellie
Jeff & Cimber Strayer
3 Mattox Krull
6 Misty Lynch
Emily Havelka
7 Ken & Brenda Arnote
Samuel Bandstra
8 Rebecca Schrodt
Cheri Richter
Ryan & Carrie Hook
9 LeAnn Fleming
John Richter, II.
10 Charity (Little) Bandstra
Jon McMartin
Wade Lookingbill
Tyson Strayer
Presley Bland
11 Jim Fleming
Andy Lynch
Aaron Fleming
12 John & Cheri Richter
13 Bradd McMartin
14 Merle Appelgate
15 Donald Mann
Doug & Linda Svendsen
Todd Richter
16 Christian & Elise Kloster
18 Claire Handorf
John Fleming
Jim Little
Fred Yergler
Tyler Wiese
Ronda (Groth) Drahozal
19 Doug Beane
20 Doug Lynch
Kyle & Krysti Krull
21 Karen Collins
22 Ann (Koster) Schaffer
23 Cooper Langenbau
24 Kaleb Appelgate
Beckett Kloster
25 Samuel Messerly
27 Shakayla Lamer
28 Drew Ferkin
29 Don Carlon
Philip Ormston
30 Carol Burt
Diana Collins
31 Sonya Beichley Rouser
Greetings Chapel friends,
In football parlance Im in overtime at Mayo. Seven weeks has been stretched to nine
weeks. God is good! One of my nurses paid me the nicest compliment Never forget,
Dean, the blessing you are to our doctors and staff. I am truly humbled and blessed.
You never know who youre going to run into at Mayo. Last week we sat next to Garrison
Keeler in a Mayo Caf! That's the word from Lake Wobegone!
On another matter: Jay Beichley has resigned as our Youth Pastor. Thank you, Jay, for
your faithful and gifted service to our youth. God richly bless you as you try out new
Lets take a look at the October preaching series:
I will be preaching on The Building Blocks of Faith
October 5
I Believe in Jesus Christ
October 12
I Believe in the Holy Spirit
October 19
I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins
October 26
I Believe in Everlasting Life
See you soon!
Pastor Dean Kelly
Promotion Sunday
Parents presented their children with either Bibles or devotional books (l-r) Betula Zeller,
Michele Messerly, Denjinia Zeller, Dain McBride, Ross Murty, Tonia Dudley/McBride,
Tanya Collins, Jacob Collins, and David Collins.
Jr. Sunday School students are playing the bells to "Jesus Loves Me" with Heidi
Langenbau directing them.
Chapel News

Congratulations on Dain McBrides
& Tonia Dudleys marriage on
October 4 at Chapel. They have two
children, Ross Murty and Kyan
McBride, in 6
& 3
respectively at GMG. Dain McBride
is now working in Waterloo at Iowa
Auto Rebuilders, and Tonia is
employed at Iowa School of Beauty in
Chuck Rosacker and Larry
Catherwood are assistant football
coaches at GMG. Buy coupon books
worth $250 for only $20 from any
Chapel football player.
Congratulations to those connected
with Chapel who were on GMGs and
Marshalltowns Homecoming courts,
including seniors Ella Gruen & Bryce
Newcomb; sophomore, Garrett Groth;
and crown bearer, Violet Jackson.
Congrats to Homecoming Queen, Ella
Thank you to Chapel friends who
brought garden produce to their
church family!
Marla Hlas thanks all who helped
them at State Fair, including Eli Odle
who helped with a bull that got loose.
Michael Burt, ISU senior, has been
offered a job next year with ADM.
He had a summer internship with
them this summer. Congratulations!
Congrats to Chris Bland & Amy
Niedermann on being part of IVCCD
Plant Services Dept for receiving a
Quality Award.
Committee chairs, if you have not
given Amy Niedermann your charge
conference reports and/or forms,
please do so immediatelyThey are
past due!
Parenting Class
The parenting class will be using a
book called Ten Mistakes Parents
Make With Teenagers by Jay
Kesler. Dee Burt will lead the class
that meets in the upstairs nursery
classroom during Sunday School.
All welcome for discussion and
Bible Studies
Womens Bible Study started on
September 24 and will continue
each Wednesday night from 6-7:30
pm at Sue Kosters home and will
end December 10. Kathryn Burt is
leading from the book, The Lord Is
My Shepherd: Resting in the
Peace and Power of Psalm 23.
Whether you are facing green
pastures or dark valleys, goodness
& mercy or the presence of
enemies, this study will encourage
and comfort you in following the
Good Shepherd through every
season of life. Every woman in the
church can benefit from this study.
Mens Bible Study will continue to
meet each Sunday night in
October at 6 pm in various homes.
Contact Dan or Randy Beichley for
a copy of the study book, The
Good and Beautiful Life: Putting
on the Character of God by
James Bryan Smith.
Harvest Breakfast
The Green Mountain UCC ladies
invite Chapel ladies to their
Harvest Breakfast on Saturday,
October 4, at 9:00 am. Linda
Havelka from Storks Nest,
Marshalltown, will present the
Memorial Sunday
Please give the names of any
deceased Chapel people to Vaugn
Kloster by October 26. Memorial
Sunday is November 2, where
they will be recognized during
On August 9, Andrew and
Megan Burt were married in
Ames. Andrews job is the
District Sales Manager for Gold
Country Seed by Monsanto.
Dr. Megan is job searching for
a Physical Therapy job in the
Rochester area.
YF Activities
All youth, grades 7-12, please
mark the following upcoming
activities on your calendars:
Sat, September 27: 6 pm, YF help
with Jr. Sunday School make
prayer candles.
Sun, Oct 12: Meet after church,
lunch included; possible bike ride,
depending on weather
Sat & Sun, Oct 25-26: YF Retreat,
more details later
Sun, Nov 9: Meet after church
Sun, Nov 23: Meet after church
Annual Charge Conference
Our district superintendent, Jackie
Bradford, will lead Charge
Conference on Sunday night,
November 9, at 5:00 pm at Toledo
Living Faith UM Church. UM
church members from Belle Plaine,
Chelsea, and Garwin are also
invited. Committee chairmen
should have already given their
required forms to Amy
Niedermann. The nominations
committee has been working on
their slate of nominees and will
present them at Charge
Conference. Chapel officers and
chairmen of committees are
especially encouraged to attend
but everyone is welcome.
A big thank you to all who helped
beautify our church, both inside and
outside! You are very much
Sarah Beane, recovering from
hospital stay with infected gland
Cindy Ormston, hospitalized
Sept 28
Patti Cornwell, ER Sept 27 with
Hepsy, Paul Daniels mother,
skilled care, gaining strength
Phillip Ormston, remains same in
TX hospital
Cheri Richters mother, staph
Dan Steens mother, broken hip
Cindy Ormston, continued
Je! Koster, health concerns
Cindy, Dana Rosackers friend,
needs knee scooter and job
Dottie, Bill Ormstons sister"in"
law, gallbladder surgery Sept 2
Chapels men and womens Bible
Donald Mann, was at MMSC and
then at Mercy West DSM, for
pacemaker & defibrillator Sept 18
Chapel News

Promotion Sunday
Promotion Sunday was held September 7 at 9:30 am. We have about 59
students in Sunday School and 21 teachers in the Junior Sunday School
classes. Wow! Jr SS superintendent Heidi Langenbau introduced the
children, who then played Jesus Loves me with their bells. Thank you,
Marla Hlas, for letting the children use your bells and to Heidi Langenau for
directing. Last years teachers and helpers received sacks of candy bars, a
pen, an apple and a poem entitled :One Hundred Years From Now. Michele
Messerly came up front to present her children, Betula & Denjinia, with
devotional books. Tonia Dudley & Dain McBride presented their son, Ross
Murty, with a Bible as did David & Tanya Collins to their son, Jacob.
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed rolls and drink, compliments of the
We hope many of our children will make it a weekly habit to head to Chapel.
A big thank you to Junior Sunday School Superintendent Heidi Langenbau
for her leadership, and thank you, Chapel, for your wonderful support of our
Sunday School activities.
Philips Birthday On October 29, Philip Ormston will be 27 years old. Since he is
still hospitalized from a serious car accident, lets all send Philip a birthday card at
Zale Lipshy Hospital, 5151 Harry Hines Blvd, Rm 607, Dallas, TX 75390.
Hello parents of children preschool thru high school! We need to update
our photos for our youth wall in the Fellowship Hall. This year I'm
asking everyone to bring their own photo. It can just be a snapshot from
home or a school pic, whatever is easier! You can give it to me or leave at
church on back table in fellowship hall (please mark what its for if you do
that). Thanks in advance! Heidi Langenbau
Audio Sermons
Feel free to check out the audio sermons on the blog again at: http://
We hope that you can now access and hear them loud and clear. Please reply
to me if you cannot get them to play once you have adjusted your speakers.
Under the home tab you will see audio sermons. Each week will have a
different player. Click the play button for the sermon/week you want to hear.
Thank you, Lori Somers
SS Teachers for Oct: SS Teachers for Nov:
Opening 9:30-9:40: Janice Collins Opening 9:30-9:40: Bill & Tammy Backoff
Preschool/Kind: Janice Collins Preschool/Kind: Janice Collins
Grades 1-4: Jennifer & Paul Daniel Grades 1-4: Marvalyn Kelly
Grades 5-6: Lynn Handorf Grades 5-6: Ross Iverson
Jr/Sr High: John Richter Jr/Sr High: John Richter
M&M: Mike Vint M&M: Dan Beane
SS Supt: Lynn Handorf SS Supt: John Richter
Parenting: Dee Burt Parenting: Dee Burt
Edited Musicians for 2014
Oct: Kelly Newcomb & Sue Koster
Nov: Susan Beichley & Marvalyn Kelly
Dec: Kelly Newcomb & Kathryn Burt
Sat, Nov 1: Daylight Savings
Time; turn back clocks tonight
Sun, Nov 2: Memorial
Mon, Nov 3: 6 pm Scouts
Wed, Nov 5 : 6 pm, Womens Bible
Sun, Nov 9: 9:30 am Sunday
School election; Operation
Christmas Child Shoeboxes
are due; Charge Conference
5 pm, Living Faith UM
Church in Toledo
Mon, Nov 10: 6 pm Scouts
Wed, Nov 12&19: 6 pm Womens
Bible Study
Sun, Nov 23: Harvest Home
Potluck; between after
church Sun, Nov 23, to
before church Nov 30:
Hanging of Greens; same
jobs as last year
Mon, Nov 24: 6 pm Scouts
Wed, Nov 26: 5-7 pm,
Festival of Trees, Gladbrook; 6pm
Womens Bible Study
Sun, Dec 7: 2:30 pm:
Caroling, Zenos afterwards
Sun, Dec 14: 10:30 Cantata
during worship service; 6 pm Live
Nativity, Garwin; 6:30 soup supper,
all invited to lunch afterwards
Sun, Dec 21: 6:00 pm,
Christmas program & gift
unwrapping at Chapel; Age
Level committee in charge
Wed, Dec 24: time ?
Candlelight service at Chapel
Chapel News
. . .
Pictorial Directory
We hope you are using the back part of
your pictorial directory to get Chapel
friends addresses, phone numbers, and
emails. Here are some corrections:
1. Delete Gladys Appelgate
2. Duane Beichley, change to 264 Corsair
Cir, Linn Creek, MO 65052,
3. Delete Martha Bessman
4. Delete Harriett Fleming
5. Kevin & Carrie Groth, change to 3331
St, Gladbrook, IA 50635;
6. Delete Gruens
7. Add Jeff Hughes, 1177 250
Garwin, IA 50632
8. Vaugn Kloster, change to 707 Edgeland
St, Gladborok, IA 50635
9. Add Kyle, Krysti & Mattox Krull, 706
St, Garwin, IA 50632, 712.310.9750
10. Dain McBride, add Tonia, also Ross
Murty, change to PO Box 50, Gladbrook,
IA 50635
11. Dean Messerly, add Michele, also
Betula & Denjinia Zeller, change to
1008 Sanford Ave, Marshalltown, IA
12. Eli Odle, change to 612.749.5256
13. Bill Ormston, add 641.750.3562
14. Delete Dick & Joan Svendsen
15. Mike Vint, add

Chapel Email
The Chapel Church email address
( is a great way to
stay in touch during the week with our
Chapel family and friends. Many find
this is a very handy way to share
exciting news, prayer requests or
announcements about activities
happening at Chapel. If you would like
to be added to the list, please let Linda
Svendsen know at Please keep
this email address for future references
and limit the number of forwards that
are sent to this address because some
people are unable to open them. Thank
Green Showers: Please plan to
join us in the Fellowship Hall after
church on Sunday, October 19, to
greet our two newlywed couples,
Dean & Michele (Zeller) Messerly
and children Sam, Sarah & Joe
Messerly and Betula & Denzinia
Zeller, and also Dain & Tonia
(Dudley) McBride and children,
Ross Murty & Kyan McBride. After
greeting them, the Volunteers will
provide lunch and drink. There will
be envelopes in the narthex for
green showers for both couples.
Welcome to Chapel Church,
Messerlys and McBrides!
Chapels youth, grades 7-12, are
collecting money for CROP, an
agency that provides food and
resources to needy people all over
the world. Also, join in the CROP
Walk on Sunday, October 5, at 2:00
pm at the Gladbrook Peace UCC
Church. The Walk is for all ages. A
supper will be provided afterwards.
Please give your donation to any YF
member or put a check made out
CROP in the offering plate by
October 5.
Thank you.
Worship Attendance
Aug 24: 102
Aug 31: 89
Sept 7: 82
Sept 14: 74
Chapel News
Month of October: Clergy Appreciation
Month by PPR Committee
Wed, Oct 1: 6:00 pm, Womens Bible
Study at Sue Kosters
Thurs, Oct 2: 12:45 pm UMW Officers;
1:30 pm UMW; Program Phyllis Mann &
Claire Handorf; Spiritual Growth Marcia
Wiese; Hostesses Marcia Wiese & Donna
Lynch; Roll Call One of Your Favorite
Childhood Stories
Fri, Oct 3: Wedding Rehearsal & Supper
of Dain McBride & Tonia Dudley at
Sat, Oct 4: 9 am 4-H; Green Mtn UCC
Womens Fall Harvest Breakfast; Storks
Nest, program; all Chapel women invited;
5 pm Wedding of Dain & Tonia
Sun, Oct 5: 9:30 am SS; 10:30 am
Worship, communion; 2 pm CROP Walk
at Peace Church, Gladbrook; 6 pm Mens
Bible Study
Oct 8: 12:30 LCA Salad Luncheon;
Devotions Carolyn Kloster; Roll Call Your
Favorite Vacation; Entertainment Shirley
Svendsen; 6:00 pm Womens Bible Study
at Sue Kosters
Sun, Oct 12: 9:30 am SS; 10:30 am
Worship; Childrens Church (Nicholas &
Jacob Collins, treats); 6:00 pm Mens
Bible Study at Dan Beanes
Mon, Oct 13: 6 pm, Cub Scouts
Wed, Oct 15: 6:00 pm Womens Bible
Study at Sue Kosters
Fri, Oct 17: Newsletter items due to Amy
or Sue
Fri-Sun, Oct 17-19: UMWs Mission U
Fri-Sun, Oct 17-19: UMW Mission
Education Event, MCC
Sun, Oct 19: 9:30 am SS; 10:30 am
Worship; after church reception for
newlyweds Dean & Michele (Zeller)
Messerly and Dain & Tonia (Dudley)
McBride and all of their children; 6:00
pm Mens Bible Study
Mon, Oct 20: 5-8 pm, GMGs PIE
(Partners in Education) invites you to
Pizza Ranch
Wed, Oct 22: 6:00 pm Womens Bible
Study at Sue Kosters
Sun, Oct 26: 9:30 am SS; 10:30 am
Worship; give deceased names from this
last year to Vaugn Kloster
Mon, Oct 27: 9:00 am Newsletter
Mailers; 6 pm Cub Scouts
Wed, Oct 29: 6:00 pm Womens Bible
Study at Sue Kosters
Joel & Sarah Vint Michael Svendsen
4327 132
St. 216 Stanton Ave, Apt. 101
Urbandale, IA 50323 Ames, IA 50014
Michael Burt Chad Plaehn
201 Gray Ave. Central College Campus Box 152
Ames, IA 50014 812 University Stree
Pella, IA 50219
Eli Odle
North Central University Summer Langenbau
910 Elliot Ave #869 1355 Prairie Trail Pkwy #203
Minneapolis, MN 55404 Ankeny, IA 50023
612-749-5256 Andrew & Megan Burt
2502 17th Ave NW
Tyler Krull Rochester, MN 55901
CPO 711
2000 University Ave
Dubuque, IA 52001
Thank You
The House of Compassion Supply Closet Team wants to thank you for
contributing school supplies at the bus and at your church. It helped
make the School Supply Project successful again this year. We were able
to give out school bags to children who would have otherwise gone without
or, at the very least, found it a hardship for the family to buy what they
needed. With your help, we were able to collect supplies and give out 881
backpacks/bags at St. Paul's and upwards of 100-150 additional ziploc bags
filled with supplies at HOC the following few weeks (no backpacks).
Families expressed gratitude and hundreds of thank you notes were left
from students and parents alike. Thanks so much for helping to make the
beginning of school so much more enjoyable for many students!
This is what we do at the House and why we are so grateful for your

Karen Frohwein and the HOC Supply Closet Team
Pastor Appreciation Month
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Thank you, Chapel pastors, for sharing
Gods love and your wisdom with us!
Chapel NEWS
Fill Some Shoeboxes!
Chapel is invited to participate in Operation Christmas Child ( again this year. You
may take as many of the flattened 10 ! x 6 " shoe boxes as you like, fill them with supplies, and return them to the
narthex by Sunday, November 9. Please take labels that indicate if the box is for a boy or girl and ages 2-4, 5-9 or
10-14. You may view the DVD that is enclosed in the green folder. Gift suggestions include: School pens, pencils,
sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring & picture books;
Toys small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch a Sketch, toys that
light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky; Hygiene Items toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic
bag), comb, washcloth; Other hard candy & lollipops (double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball camps,
sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries). Do NOT include war-related items such as
toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; liquids or lotions like hand sanitizers; breakable items; or aerosol
cans. In a separate envelope, you may write a note to the child and include a picture of yourself or your family. If you
include your name & address, the child may write back. Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box.
If possible, please donate $7 per box to cover shipping & other project costs, or its possible a church
organization may want to donate the shipping costs, or some generous person may write one check for all the boxes!
Contact coordinator Marilyn Willits, 641-486-2244 from Evangelical Free Church, Marshalltown, if you have questions.
The boxes, which are in the narthex, need to be returned by November 10-16 to E Free Church so please return them to
the narthex table by Sunday, November 9. Over 8.5 million boxes will be given out to needy children all over the
world. We hope Chapel is successful in filling all of our boxes!
Senior Citizens Lunch at Chapel
The Chapel Church Volunteer ladies hosted about 40 Gladbrook senior citizens and guests on a rainy
Friday, September 12, 2014, at 11:30 pm at their church. After Pastor Dean Kelly gave the blessing, guests
were served meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans/bacon, tomatoes, fruit cup, rolls/butter, apple cake &
caramel topping, and drinks. The tables were decorated by Lois Groth with burlap bags filled with corn and
beans that were surrounded with fall leaves. Those who helped prepare and serve the meal were Carolyn
Kloster, Karen Handorf, Shirley Svendsen, Claire Handorf, Carol Lamer, Lois Groth, and Sue Koster.
The program theme was Farm Life. Sue Koster read a poem entitled Just Down the Road. She
introduced Etta, the Vets Wife aka Claire Handorf. Etta told a humorous story, A Porker in the Family,
about a pig with three artificial legs. The group enjoyed an audience participation activity called Fracas at the
Sue Koster ended the program by reading the poem, A Farmer by Trade. The rain had stopped by the
time everyone headed for home.
The next senior citizens lunch is Friday, October 10, at the Memorial Building at 11:30 am. Please get
reservations to Jeanne Paustian, 473-2802 or home 473-2843. All seniors are welcome!
This is just a friendly reminder that if you have any items that you are wanting put in the newsletter, it must be
given to Sue or Amy N. by the deadline stated in your email or Sunday bulletin.
Also any information that you want shared on emails, please send them to Sue or Amy N by Wednesday. Email
announcements are sent out on Thursdays.
Chapel NEWS
Administrative Council
Members Present: Stan & Sue Koster, Chuck
Rosacker, Ron & Lois Groth, Allen & Dee Burt,
Nancy Peshel, Kathryn Burt, Jim & LeAnn
Fleming, Rick Bessman, Lori Somers, Heidi
Langenbau, Leon Lamer, Dan Steen, Phil &
Karen Collins, Jeff Koster, and Amy
President Dan Steen called the meeting to order
at 12:15 pm. He thanked Jim & LeAnn Fleming
and Carolyn Kloster for the delicious lunch. Sue
Koster made the motion to approve the minutes
of the last administrative council meeting as
printed in the Chapel Chimes. The motion was
seconded by Allen Burt and it passed.
Treasurers Report, Jim Fleming- Jim
presented the treasurers report. The balance on
hand at the end of August was $17,935.43. Dee
Burt moved to approve the budget following
explanation of the expenses disbursed for the ice
cream social. Chuck Rosacker seconded the
motion and motion passed.
Pastoral Report- Pastor Dean felt that the
treatments this past week were unsuccessful. He
felt like he took a step backwards. They are
going to run more tests and check his heart.
Keep him in your prayers. He plans to preach
next week through December.
Trustees Report, Leon Lamer- The plan to
establish rules for the church will be on hold for
now. We will ask the Scouts to use the basement
for their meetings. This will allow the fellowship
hall to be available for our members as needed
on those nights the scouts are at church. Will be
checking out the awning over the entry way.
Redirected eave spouts and put on extensions so
that the basement will stay dry. Having problems
with the PA system, and the lapel mic not
picking up. Currently have quotes for wireless
microphones with option to try a new one. Leon
Lamer will contact them to test out a new lapel
mic. The table and mirror by the doorway is
being refinished by Dan & Tricia Steen. Room
off altar, which is being used as a storeroom,
will be cleaned out and space will be reutilized.
PPR, Ron Groth- Due to health reasons, Pastor
Dean was ready to give up but decided to do
more treatment and continue on as planned.
Plans continue for Jennifer Daniel to cover while
Pastor Dean is in Florida. We need to explore
options if Pastor Dean is not able to fulfill his
commitment. Jay Beichley has resigned as Youth
Pastor. Leon Lamer mentioned that some of the
youth were not asked to participate during Youth
Sunday; we want to make sure that all youth will
be involved in the future. Dan Steen said that
this was discussed today. Jennifer Daniel is paid
$125.00 (for filling the pulpit). Jay Beichley has
not turned in any hours as youth pastor but will
be paid $125.00 for preaching on Youth Sunday.
YF, Dee Burt- Reported for Marla Hlas, will be
meeting to set up activities for the youth. Burt's
hope to help however they can to revitalize our
youth activities. Jeff Koster moved to
approve the committee reports, Allen Burt
seconded and motion carried.
Sunday School/Jr. Sunday School/
Childrens Church, Heidi Langenbau-
Ordered same books and program. Agreed
that sending postcards for Promotion Sunday
was a good idea. Sunday School classes have
been covered - all except May 2015. If you
are interested in teaching either Jr./Sr. High
or grades 1-4
, please contact Heidi
Langenbau. The committee is planning a fun
night September 27 at the church for the Jr
Sunday School. More details to follow.
Sunday School Treasurer, Rick Bessman-
For the third quarter, the Sunday School had
an income of $259.56. Sunday School
expenses were $212.54. The ending balance
for Sunday School was $3,014.53.
Chuck Rosacker moved to approve the
Sunday School reports, seconded by Allen
Burt, motion carried.
Lay Leader, Randy Beichley- No report.
Witness Ministries, Kathryn Burt- They
were in charge of Mothers/Fathers Day.
Will be planning our Advent study and
meeting soon to review material for that.
They also may be inviting people to tell of
their faith journeys.
Mission Committee, Dee Burt- The Mission
committee met on September 7 to review
upcoming mission opportunities. On August
, they supported a group of youth who
went to the Wolfe Ranch and fixed some
fence and on August 18
, nine others,
including adults, went back to finish. Mission
Minutes will continue to help inform
congregation about where the budget goes.
Discussed about Dan Beane going to Belize
summer of 2015, all pending on Sarahs
health. Projects are being reviewed and an
informational meeting will be set up soon to
see if there is interest in the trip. Discussion
followed about supporting projects closer to
home; if anyone has projects to present,
please contact Dee Burt. This is all about
learning to do things for others and spiritual
growth. Carol Lamer started the Emergency
Food Box 28 years ago and resigned but
Leon Lamer took her position. The Mission
Committee contributes to both the Marshall
County and Tama County food boxes.
Age-Level Ministries, Lois Groth Lois
reported that the Christmas Program will be
coordinated by Heidi Langenbau and Ann
Jackson. Thank you, ladies!
Nurturing Committee- Cheri Richter.
Allen Burt reported that most of us worship
in different ways - four or five ways in an
hour. We blend ideas and need to continue to
remember our mission statement to grow in
faith and share Gods love. Feel free to contact
a committee member with any concerns. We
appreciate the addition of Dean Messerly
leading hymns during the service.
Lori Somers moved to approve the work area
reports, seconded by Phil Collins and motion
Old Business - Discussion about the band
equipment being left in the Fellowship hall.
Pastor Dean had asked for the Youth Sunday
for the summer months, June-July-Aug. Dan
Steen will find out the plans for the youth band
and if drums, guitars, etc. can be taken home,
if finished with them, or stored out of sight to
prevent them from being damaged. The Youth
band has been asked to practice at a different
time out of respect for the Sunday School
classrooms nearby. Thank you to all who are
New Business Having a double green
shower, with refreshments, for Dain & Tonia
McBride and Dean & Michele Messerly on
October 19

right after church in the Fellowship
Hall. Two envelopes are on the back bulletin
The north side of the church will need to be
power washed; Stan Koster has a power
washer and will complete that job.
Amy Niedermann reminded committee chairs
that Charge Conference forms are due by
September 28. Sue Koster will help Amy
prepare the forms.
Dain McBride and Tonia Dudley are being
married on Oct 4 at Chapel.
Dan Steen will send a letter to Jay Beichley to
thank him for his service to Chapel Church.
The next meeting will be Sunday November 2
with Allen and Dee Burt providing the meal.
Dee Burt moved to close the meeting,
seconded by Chuck Rosacker. Motion carried.
Allen Burt closed our meeting in prayer. The
meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.
Amy Niedermann

The Gladbrook Chapel UMW met Thursday, September 4, 2014, at 7 pm in the church fellowship hall. Our shepherdess, Linda
Frazier from Conrad, presented a program Calling to Practice Hospitality in Welcoming All Women. She used the story in Mark of
a woman touching Jesus garment and being healed of her illness. She also informed us of district and state events, areas of concern
that are mentioned in the district newsletter, The Link. We sang He Touched Me in closing.
Susan Beichley opened the meeting. Roll call (describe something you and a sibling did together) was answered by seven members
and one guest. The minutes of our July meeting were read and approved. The treasurers report was presented and placed on file.
There were no bills presented.
Karen Collins gave an Education and Interpretation report on a new book about David Wilkerson written by his son. She also
mentioned Teen Challenge, founded by David Wilkerson that is located in Colfax. A program was presented in LeGrand by this
Seven cards have been sent.
Our project from July will be completed this month with sweat pants in varying sizes being purchased by Kathryn Burt and Karen
Handorf for the elementary schools in Gladbrook and Green Mountain.
There will be a double green shower for McBrides and Messerlys on Sunday, October 19, after church. There will be refreshments
for this event.
Election of officers was held to fill positions on Membership Nurture & Outreach and Nominating committees. Sue Koster made
and Karen Handorf seconded the motion we cast a unanimous ballot with Shirley Svendsen and Connie Buchman filling those posts
respectively. Motion carried.
Susan Beichley talked about Human Trafficking, which is one of the major focuses of UMW this year. She has a DVD on the
subject if anyone wants to view it.
Carolyn Kloster expressed an interest in attending the Mission U this year, held at MCC in Marshalltown next month. Sue Koster
made and Marcia Wiese seconded the motion we pay her registration fee of $120. Motion carried.
Our UMW trip is this month on Saturday, September 20. We are going to Hudson and Cedar Falls. We were reminded to sign up if
we have not already.
Prayer concerns were expressed for ailing members of our community.
Susan Beichley read our monthly scripture and closed with prayer.
Sue Koster and Karen Collins served a delicious dessert on tables decorated with books.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kloster, secretary
Chapel NEWS
Chapel NEWS
The Ladies Cemetery Aid met Wednesday, September 3, 2014, at the church. Vice president Vivian LeVier called the meeting to
order with a reading about Autumn.
Shirley Svendsen led devotions with readings, Beauty Is and September.
Roll call (a sport I enjoy watching) was answered by five members and one guest. The minutes of our July meeting were read and
approved. Kathryn Burt expressed a verbal thank you from Cindy Ormston for thinking of her during her hospitalization. The
treasurers report was presented and placed on file. There were no bills presented.
Committee reports:
Funomics: pay $.25 if you have done your fall cleaning and $.50 if you have not.
Flags: the next day the center flag will be flown on Patriot Day, September 11.
Hiring: the Smiths have been paid their fourth of five payments.
Calendar: we reviewed the calendar for October and November where there had been changes made.
Cards: five cards have been sent since our July meeting.
Membership: we welcome Karen Handorf as a new member today.
Old Business:
We need a new location for the storage of the flagpoles, which are on a running gear.
David and Andrew Collins painted the fence and archway at the cemetery. The secretary will send them a thank you note.
New Business:
Carolyn Kloster reported one of the large flags is beyond repair. She will leave it at the American Legion for disposal and will
purchase another large flag to replace it.
Vivian LeVier mentioned we may want to update the plot chart at the cemetery. She has visited the Reinbeck cemetery and they do
a very good job of cross-referencing the plots owners and names of the deceased in those plots. They also indentify where the plots
are. We are to be thinking of how we can improve on our system by checking other cemeteries.
Vivian LeVier closed the meeting with a humorous saying.
Kathryn Burt entertained with a quiz about cakes that Jo Svendsen had used, a September trivia quiz, and a Back to School word
search, a favorite of Jo Svendsen.
Phyllis Mann served a delicious chocolate cake on a table decorated in a fall theme.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Kloster, secretary
Who is the LCA?
The Ladies Cemetery Aid (LCA) was organized in 1908 to arrange for the care and beautication of the
cemetery. The original cemetery land, along with the church land, was donated by John Yetley, Sr. in 1873. The Avenue
of Flags to honor deceased veterans was rst own in 1976, and the Veterans Stone was erected in 1987. A small
building was constructed to the northwest of the church in 1978 for a storage and work area for the ice cream socials.
This building was entrusted to the ownership of the Trustees in 2005.
The rst ice cream social was held on June 17, 1908, to raise funds for the work of the LCA. The early socials
were held in members homes. Except for the war years when sugar was rationed, the socials continued until 1991 when
the churchs two yearly socials were combined into one church-wide event.
Projects for the LCA include hiring someone to mow and trim the lawn at the cemetery, maintaining the fence in
front (which was recently painted by the David Collins Family), purchasing ags, agpoles and markers, and arranging
for the engraving of veterans names on the Veterans Stone. The LCA helps with funeral lunches, dinners and kitchen
expenses. Flags are own for patriotic special days and holidays, and for funerals. The Avenue of Flags is own
Memorial Day weekend and is in charge of the Trustees. Cards are sent to church constituents in times of sickness,
bereavement, and celebration of special anniversaries, and gifts are given at Christmas to shut-ins and honorary
The membership of LCA is currently at seven. New members are needed and welcomed. Thank you to
everyone who helps in any way to support the LCA.
~Submitted by Kathryn Burt
Chapel NEWS
Chapel Volunteers
The Chapel Volunteers met on Thursday, September 18, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Members present:
Kathryn Burt, Shirley Svendsen, Barb Plaehn, Connie Buchman, Claire Handorf, Karen Handorf, Michele Messerly, Carolyn
Kloster, Cindy Krull, Lori Somers, Janice Collins, Carol Lamer, Sue Koster, and Tricia Steen.
Co-President, Sue Koster, called the meeting to order, and welcomed everyone, who each told what Chapel Church meant
to them. Secretarys report was read by Tricia Steen and approved. Five thank you notes were read. Treasurers report was read by
Shirley Svendsen. Bills were presented. The Card and Gift List was approved.
Ofcers continue as co-presidents Carol Lamer and Sue Koster; secretary Tricia Steen; treasurer Shirley Svendsen; and
gifts/cards Carolyn Kloster. She reported that 12 cards had been sent since March. Reports were as follows:
! Easter Sunrise Breakfast on April 20, 2014: Cheri Richter purchased groceries, group made casseroles and cut up
fruit day before Easter.
! Baccalaureate Lunch on May 14: Kathryn Burt reported attendance of 120 and bars and drink were served.
! Promotion Sunday Lunch on August 25: Carol Lamer, Shirley Svendsen & Sue Koster served rolls and drink to
97. The Sunday School paid for the expenses.
! Senior Citizens Dinner on September 12: Karen Handorf and Carolyn Kloster planned the meal, and 33 were
served, plus seven workers. Lois Groth decorated the tables in a farm theme; Claire Handorf & Sue Koster
entertained guests with some farm comedy. Prot was $144.
President Koster thanked all those who helped throughout the year with various activities.
Bridal Reception on October 19: The Volunteers will host a reception lunch for newlyweds Dean & Michele Messerly and
Dain & Tonia Dudley/McBride and their children after church on Sunday, October 19. Food committee, Kathryn Burt & Karen
Handorf; decorations, Lois Groth & Janice Collins; workers, Shirley Svendsen, Tricia Steen, Connie Buchman, Carol Lamer & Sue
Koster. There are envelopes in the narthex for green showers for both couples.
It was decided not to have an extra fall activity this year.
Harvest Home Sanctuary Decorations: Bring fall decorations, like gourds, pumpkins, bushel basket, quilt, canned goods,
etc, to church November 2 so the sanctuary will be decorated by November 9. Janice Collins will let us know when we can help her
Festival of Trees: Chapel will participate in Gladbrooks Festival of Trees/Tree Lighting on Monday, November 24, from
5-7 pm in the City Centre. Committee to decorate tree are Claire & Karen Handorf, Connie Buchman, Carol Lamer and Tricia
Steen. Everyone is encouraged to view the many decorated trees anytime between then and Christmas.
Hanging of the Greens: This will be completed after the Harvest Home dinner, Sunday November 23:
! M&M Sunday School Class: Decorate the Fellowship Hall tree, set out nativity set, and set up outside nativity
! Kathryns Adult Class & Jr/Sr High: Decorate the sanctuary tree, garland above folding door/Fellowship Hall
! Adult II (inactive older class): Set up nativity in narthex
! Parenting Class: Bulletin board background, garland around card window, wreath in narthex
! Wreaths on East Sanctuary Wall: Lois Groth & Janice Collins
! Non-Sunday School attenders are encouraged to participate in any groups.
Dehanging of the Greens: Take down anytime after church Sunday, January 4, 2015, and before Sunday School on Sunday,
January 11.
The Live Nativity scene in Garwin will be held on Sunday, December 14, at 6 pm. Michele Messerly, Cindy Krull and Sue
Koster will each provide a jelly roll pan of bars. Janice Collins will provide crackers for soup.
Christmas Cantata will also be held Sunday, December 14, at Garwin United Methodist Church rst and then at Chapel
during the worship service. Garwin and Chapel singers have participated in past years.
Christmas Caroling will be held on Sunday, December 7, meeting at Chapel at 2:30 pm. We will ask Darrel and Barbara
Burt if they will make the necessary calls to caroling families. If anyone knows of people in our community who should be caroled
to, please contact Barbara Burt. We will once again purchase boxed candy, including boxes for diabetics. Claire Handorf and Karen
Handorf will purchase these. We will divide into two groups and meet at Zenos about 5:30 pm for pizza afterwards. Dean Messerly
and Sue Koster will lead singing for the two groups. Carol Lamer will make arrangements with Zenos.
Winter Outing: Lori Somers will check with New Hope Church to see if they have a Christmas presentation. Hopefully,
we will not get snowed out, like last year!
The next meeting will be Thursday, March 12, in the Fellowship Hall at 7 pm. Janice Collins will have devotions, and
Connie Buchman & Lori Somers will have lunch. We will plan activities for Easter (April 19, 2015). We will check with Marla
Hlas, YF leader, to see if the Volunteers will provide the breakfast and the YF, the program. Thank you to Barb Plaehn and Cindy
Krull who served ham sandwiches, apples with caramel dip, and drink.

Secretary, Tricia Steen
growing in faith...sharing Gods love
A monthly publication of
Chapel United Methodist Church
1597Abbott Avenue
Gladbrook, Iowa 50635
Pastor Dean J. Ke!y" #319$230"0627 OR #319$290"8190
Pastor Jennifer Daniel" #641$485"8996
Secretary Amy Niedermann" #641$499"2530;
Group Email:
Chapel Blog:
Usher s Musi ci ans Acol yt es Musi c & Fl ower s Chi l dr en s ser mon Nur ser y Sunday School
Oct Rick Bessman &
Chuck Rosacker
Kelly Newcomb
& Sue Koster
Jacob Burt &
Garrett Groth
Preschool/Kind: Janice Collins;
Grades 1-4-Jennifer and Paul Daniel
Grades 5-6: Lynn Handorf
Jr&Sr: John Richter
Parenting: Dee Burt
Darwin &
Donna Lynch
Marla Hlas Micah Daniel &
Devan Mann
M&M: Mike Vint; SS
Supt: Lynn Handorf
12 Ross & Beverly
Childrens Church
(Treats- Nicholas & Jacob
Micah Daniel &
Devan Mann
Adult I: Kathryn Burt
Dan & Sarah
Cathy Vint Janice Collins &
Pat Cornwell
26 Doug & Marla Hlas Pastor Dean
Collins & Pat
Doug Hlas
& Gayle
Decker Mann
& Kasey
Ron & Lois Groth Marla Hlas Jake Hlas &
Garrett Grioth
Preschool: Janice Collins;
Gr1-4: Marvalyn Kelly;
Gr 5-6: Ross Iverson;
Jr/Sr: John Richter
Parenting: Dee Burt
Bill & Cindy
Childrens Church
Treats: Ross Murty
& Kyan McBride
Jake Hlas &
M&M: Dan Beane
SS Supt: John Richter
Dean Messerly
Marci Krull
Dee & Jacob Burt
Randy & Susan
Claire Handorf Dee & Jacob Burt
Dale & Heidi
Pastor Dean Dan & Tricia
Adult I: Kathryn Burt

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