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Literature II

Prof: Roco Knipp

Name: Tomas Naranjo Miranda Date: 01/10/2014
Book (title/author/year): Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 1818

Passages from the text Page n Comments & Questions
1. - Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at
least by my example, how dangerous is the
acquirement of knowledge and how much
happier that man is who believes his native
town to be the world, than he who aspires to
become greater than his nature will allow.
Pg 53

The narrator tries to explain it's about that
man should not underestimate the nature
and must respect the limits that have. One
cannot be more than nature or play be a
powerful. Because as we see in the case of
Victor, his knowledge led to his own
destruction and a hole impossible to go out.
One must respect our surroundings such
animals, forests, seas, etc. People cannot
break the circle of life, since when you
believe be a superior thing than something
that cannot speak (nature) is destroying
yourself. The nature wasnt create for
nothing, if not to accomplish the function
that has been given for example the
vegetation, take care of our oxygen.
Everything it has task in the life cycle,
which should be respected and not to break
this feedback.
2. - How, then, must I be hated, who am
miserable beyond all living things! Yet you,
my creator, detest and spurn me, thy
creature, to whom thou art bound by ties
only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of
us. You purpose to kill me. How dare you
sport thus with life? Pg 113

The narrator is trying to say is the Victors
irresponsibility. It is irresponsibility to had
Victor when he leaved the monster alone,
the monster or rather, his own son. The
monster had to go through very difficult
moments, he lived to many circumstances
where himself had learn about the life,
whether, build a shelter, search food and
some water. And where he was rejected by
much people and not even know why this
rejection, why this reaction. And now the
only person who could give him support,
which is Victor, He wanted to murder. His
own father wants to kill him, and just the
monster wanted love and company.

Literature II
Prof: Roco Knipp
3. - Remember that I am thy creature; I
ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the
fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy
for no misdeed. Everywhere I see bliss,
from which I alone am irrevocably
excluded. I was benevolent and good;
misery made me a fiend. Make me happy,
and I shall again be virtuous. Pg 114

The principal point about the author is
trying to say is all are clean and innocent
when we are born, by the course of life, the
personality of the person is changing,
through experience, but this experience is
constructed based lessons that gives the life
and especially the advices of loved persons
around you whether, parents and also the
people you get to know every day, for
example at work or at school.
The monster was always super innocent and
loving creature, always helped and cared
about the people, the nature and around his,
but through bad experiences,
disappointment and rejection of Victor, who
always denied his from the first moment
that the monster opened his eyes. He feels
excluded from society and other more by
his physical appearance, because he was a
mixture of human parts. But if only
everything would have been different,
receiving support and training in his life, the
things had not ended in tragedy, and all it
was over in the best way possible.

4. - I had admired the perfect forms of my
cottagerstheir grace, beauty, and delicate
complexions; but how was I terrified when I
viewed myself in a transparent pool! At first
I started back, unable to believe that it was
indeed I who was reflected in the mirror;
and when I became fully convinced that I
was in reality the monster that I am, I was
filled with the bitterest sensations of
despondence and mortification. Alas! I did
not yet entirely know the fatal effects of this
miserable deformity. Pg 133

The narrator tries emphasize is the goodwill
of the monster, and simultaneously the
desires of learning and feeling of monster
by the society, incorporated in it, because he
didnt have a father figure or someone to
help and orient in the course of life. He
always stayed alone, just surviving. Also
you can see the rejection himself, when he
saw in the water, where he accepted be a
real monster, but really who is the real
monster, he or the society, as always the
society rejects the different, and always
search a degree of superiority over the rest,
always the people want humiliate for
different physical aspects. No for those
qualities you should reject the person
because one does not have to blame for that,
the important is inside, he always to care for
others, through the shadows, and share the
happiness and sadness as part of one, as him
own sense

Literature II
Prof: Roco Knipp
5. - These wonderful narrations inspired
me with strange feelings. Was man, indeed,
at once so powerful, so virtuous and
magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He
appeared at one time a mere scion of the
evil principle and at another as all that can
be conceived of noble and godlike. To be a
great and virtuous man appeared the highest
honour that can befall a sensitive being; to
be base and vicious, as many on record have
been, appeared the lowest degradation, a
condition more abject than that of the blind
mole or harmless worm. Pg 140

The author is focus and judge is a critique
of society, of how men who are, supposed,
noble and honest. They are so changing and
discriminators beings according to their
own convenience, they are so selfish and
individualistic people who do not care about
him or next to him. How laws and
governments, have only made things worse
and creating a hierarchy, where for
example, stealing the need for and feed his
family, he is called a thief and infamous.
But stealing from a higher political and will
not be condemned, apart is the
representative of the people. Also how
through history, murder and crimes have
been, in many cases, a sudden way, with
uncontrollable hatred and greed. Because
man has not been able to control these
unpleasant events, since one of the virtues
that we deference animal is the reason, is
able to think and meditate, to make the right
decision. It's the monster question and
cannot understand
6. - God, in pity, made man beautiful and
alluring, after his own image; but my form
is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even
from the very resemblance. Satan had his
companions, fellow devils, to admire and
encourage him, but I am solitary and
abhorred. Pg 155

The narrator is focusing in the grief and
misfortune that the monster is having,
without he wanted is, it's like a scar, a mark
that always take, and as the monster see
herself in the subject of the Catholic
religion, how God created his similarity to
him, but in his case, was not so lucky,
because his creator, created a someone
unusual, but still, for all the events he has
lived, reflects, about Satan, how is possible
that had companions, we all know, Satan is
a wretch, but still had friends and
colleagues who followed him, he was never
alone, but the monster, from the beginning
he is worse than Satan and was the worst
situation. Also as you can read below,
speaking according to the Catholic religion,
the God gives the company of women to
men because, you could say, is the grace of
living and existing, to have a companion
and lover who support you through thick
and thin to procreate the humanity, where
we see the monster asks Victor to create a
companion, where the monster is within
Literature II
Prof: Roco Knipp
their rights and justifiable reason, everyone
is entitled to love, but that right as Victor
says could endanger future generations,
because if Victor cannot control 1 monster
never could with 2.

7. - Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live?
Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the
spark of existence which you had so
wantonly bestowed? I know not; despair
had not yet taken possession of me; my
feelings were those of rage and revenge. I
could with pleasure have destroyed the
cottage and its inhabitants and have glutted
myself with their shrieks and misery. Pg.

The narrator want to judge the act of the
people, as in a way, the monster went from
being an adorable creature to a person with
anger, but more than anger, disappointment
could say. He gave all of himself, to
understand people, listening and
understanding every word than they said
until he read books about the lives of
people, but when the big moment arrives,
where would the union, was all chaos. But
not for the monster, but for the people,
because the monster was able to have a
conversation with the old man, where I
could see, that he had all the enthusiasm and
availability to give the best, where he did a
phenomenal way, where did it in a great
way. But his physical appearance was a
mark against, and the grandpas family
acted very shocked, Felix in a very
aggressive way, hitting the monster. The
monster should have been received in a
manner contrary, because they should have
thankful he did many things for them,
because as the monster called them "the
spirit of the forest" but the blindness of the
people, makes them a prototype of God,
which is equal to the humans, thing that
never will give (I mean physically), just see
the monster as a menace and an enemy

8.- I thank you, Walton, he said, for your
kind intentions towards so miserable a
wretch; but when you speak of new ties and
fresh affections, think you that any can
replace those who are gone? Can any man
be to me as Clerval was, or any woman
another Elizabeth? Even where the
affections are not strongly moved by any
superior excellence, the companions of our
childhood always possess a certain power
The message about this text, one must to be
caring and fight for what you have, nothing
in this life is replaceable, whether the
family, friends or a life, the inner circle is
very important for the development of a
person, because when you ignore it and go
away, in that moment one regrets, no one
knows what you have until you lose it.
Since in those same experiences when one
is a child, either at school or where you live,
Literature II
Prof: Roco Knipp
over our minds which hardly any later
friend can obtain. Pg 262

these people are going to know you're going
to grow to be a person with feelings, moral
and values, it is always good to have some
company, and that through their
experiences, what other people have
experienced, you can learn from it to avoid
making the same mistake, and so we can
draw your own conclusions

Metacognitive Journal
1. What I liked about this novel was about subjects that many things still unknown
for example the cloning, the right of men to do and snatch the role of Gods creation. Also
talk about the moral that there things like the creation which man cannot act and that is the
Supreme God can decide on the life of men. Finally, about the responsibility of a
father/mother to protect your children brought into the world.

2. I felt confused when about Victors psychology because, during the story gives
essential turns, know your youthful is a happy boy who runs away the multitudes to take
protection in his family. He is a little innocent and is fascinated to scientific topics. When
him mother dies he have a small unhappiness. During him time at university he becomes
motivated person and invades the crazy idea about create a living thing. In that moment
when he created a monster, he becomes a sick man, mentally

3. I started to think about the theme of rejection in society, until today this present
day, as seen in disabled people were left out of the system, not for lack of opportunity, but
for lack of infrastructure. Unfortunately also to the discrimination of women, but each time
has been improved, but there is still, as it always has been discriminated against women as
we see in a job, the conditions are given to women, whether salary, the position in the
company, etc. To women are always different from a man

4. - I stopped reading because the book is very long and talk about interesting topics,
than yourself, you have to take time to understand, because it uses a vocabulary a bit tricky
and you have to look up words in the dictionary and there give a correct interpretation in
the context of which it is spoken as to misinterpret some message about the feelings of
people, you cannot continue to read and be lost the plot of the story

5. - What I disliked about this novel was it a book very difficult to understand and a
little slow, I mean, the events happens too slow, also it is told in two different people and
sometimes you do not know who is speaking But it is a very interesting book about
obsession that can create something and the consequences it can have. I recommend it to
people interested in literature and one could say that crime as well.
Literature II
Prof: Roco Knipp
6. - I finally understood the common people had learned from their parents how to
behave. The creature is not totally bad, society makes his bad because the people away
from him. There is a lot of intolerance near the monster. People can accept anyone, even a
criminal, but not the monster.

7. - I was distracted by the book has themes that exist in society, but that does not
speak daily. That is why, in many occasions, sometimes appeared something not
comprehended, skipping me to doubt, I had to look up the meaning in the computer and
even if it was not clear to me, I had to find an example, that so you can adapt in the context
of the book in order to move forward, as the author uses a very complicated language for

8. - The time went by quickly because It is very interesting to the period in which the
book was written work, and has a very attractive plot, where you cannot stop reading
because you need to know what happens at the end, although it is a bit obvious, but
include the large vocabulary that has the book and the style of the author. And also in the
environment of people, be what many people think, that the monster is a stupid screw in
the head, but in reality, it is not, the opposite is true, it is a highly recommended book to
read and again

Literary elements journal
Term (and definition) Evidence Implication/ Impact
1.- Climax is the most intense
part of a story
The climax in this novel
is the Elizabeths death
(Franksteins wife)
The Elizabeths death means
that has been gone the most
precious of Victor and the
monster had a step more
forward than Victor.
2.- Allusion is the act or
practice of making a casual or
indirect reference to
something; the act of alluding
The allusion in this novel
is when victor gave life to
the monster (God, Adam)
Victor believed to be a god,
but he is only a person
playing to be a god, where
this irresponsibility brings
fatal consequences for
example the Victors family
3. - Theme is defined as a
main idea or an underlying
meaning of a literary work that
may be stated directly or

Theme in this novel is a
mortal knowledge who
had victor
He always was a very
studious and intelligent
person, could have become
a great scientist, but the
crazy idea to create a life,
led him to the
irresponsibility and madness
Literature II
Prof: Roco Knipp
4. - The setting of a story is the
time, place and social and
religious environment.
Obviously, the setting in
this novel is Ginebra, the
hometown of Victor
Victor traveled for many
place but, the most
important was Ginebra, Its
because where the monster
can find Victor and the
monster tried fix the
problem. He proposed create
a female monster
5. - Genre is a type or category
of literature or film marked by
certain shared features or
conventions. The three
broadest categories of genre
include poetry, drama, and
Its a Tragedy and
Science Fiction, because
you could never create a
life and because the books
have many died
In that time, the book was
very interesting because no
one rote about this genre,
and also the book was wrote
for a women
6. - Point of view is the angle
of considering things, which
shows us the opinion, or
feelings of the individuals
involved in a situation.
Because we have many
letters or narrators,
Walton, Victor, the
monster and Felix
This is more attracted for
the reader, because you can
see different perspective and
thinking, about the monster,
the nature, etc.
7. - Symbolism is the use of
symbols to signify ideas and
qualities by giving them
symbolic meanings that are
different from their literal
Light means with the
kindness and the
knowledge, for example
in the first letter to Victor
You can see also the light in
the scientific context,
because with the light victor
discover of secret of the life
and he created the monster
8. Foreshadowing or guessing
ahead is a literary device by
which an author hints what is
to come.

The moon appears each
moment when the
monster is near to show
up. The moon is a symbol
of darkness, as the
The monster had an evil
characterization, Because,
when the monster appears
always the nature had a bad

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