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Greetings and Welcome!

Grace and Peace from God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ. The Catholic-Christian faith community of
Corpus Christi in Aliso Viejo greets you and invites you
to share our Mission and participate in the development
of our community, The Body of Christ.
Fr. Tim
and the
Corpus Christi Pastoral Team
A Catholic-Christian Faith Community
within the Diocese of Orange
Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our Catholic-Christian community seeks to
fully understand, embrace, and live as Gods children and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community Mission Statement
Weekend Masses:
Saturday: 5 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12 Noon
Weekday Masses:
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 a.m.
Holy Days: 7:00 p.m.,(Vigil) 8 a.m.
Reconciliation: By appointment; Thursdays 6:30pm
Baptism: By appointment following contact with
the baptism coordinator, Linda Kmett 492-2361
Marriage: Contact parish office 6 months in advance
Anointing of the Sick: Upon request
Confirmation: Teens contact Haven
Vini Nunez 831-2349
Adults contact Parish Office 389-9008
Liturgical Ministry
Lectors Janice Patronite 448-0945
Julie Pomerleau 362-3580
Eucharistic Ministers Jim Long 362-7750
Music Director Paul Nguyen 714-553-5957
Altar Care Cathy Koperek 380-8388
Liturgy Stacey Settelmayer 297-8517
Faith Formation
Baptismal Info. Linda Kmett 492-2361
Adult Faith Formation (RCIA) Fr. Tim 389-9011
Guppies (3 & 4 year olds) Betina Pang 697-5992
CLOW (5 to 11 year olds) Betina Pang 697-5992
Little Hands of Faith(Walking 1 & 2 yr olds) Betina Pang 697-5992
FISH - Family Ministry (1st-5th grade) Carina Palomino 389-9008
Haven Youth Ministry (9th-12th grade) Vini Nunez 831-2349
JAMS Youth Ministry (6th-8th grade) Vini Nunez 831-2349

Administrative and Finance
Pastoral Council Chris Watson 243-7682
Jean Conklin 831-4212
Janet Cheetham 495-9155
Maria Fider 636-3516
Jim Bresnen 218-1803
Ron Hill 742-0610
Carina Palomino 351-2223
Ryan Bragg 521-751-4285
Finance Committee Dan Newkirk 837-2545
Parish Secretary Betty ONeil 389-9295
Parish Admin. Asst./Receptionist Susan Hays 389-9008
Facilities Manager Marc Jordan 389-1936
Stewardship/Capital Campaign Stacey Settelmayer 297-8517
Pastoral Outreach
The Bread of Life-Eucharistic
Ministry to the Homebound Meedie Younger 714-270-0269
My Fathers House/Bereavement Patty Whaley 768-6485
Hands Across the County Linda Palomino 290-3424
Beta Foster Care Parish Liaison
Community Service
Post Mass Hospitality Jerry Beck 448-0548
Greeters/Pre-Mass Hospitality Pat Hile 633-3025
Mass Setup Ministry Steve Gottron 581-6681
Scrip Pam Rumi 554-5003
Web Site Stacey Settelmayer 297-8517
Maintenance Ministry Kevin McGinn 714-815-6198
Fingerprinting/Safe Environment Susan Hays 389-9008
MOPS Dot Blanchi 714-325-1766
First Saturday Mens Fellowship Brian Brassil 212-5994
Corpus Christi Scouting Troop 700 David Real 360-7256
Corpus Christi Cub Scout Pack 700 Shawn Collins 241-5562
POPS Rick Zimmer 466-8266

Pastor Rev. Timothy L. Ramaekers
27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Phone: 949-389-9008 FAX: 949-831-6540
Rectory (Emergency Only): 949-831-3545
Diocese of Orange Clergy/Diocesan Personnel Misconduct
Toll Free Reporting Line 1-800-364-3064
Page 2 April 12-13, 2014 Palm Sunday
Liturgy of the Week
April 6th
Palm Sunday


Gospel at the Procession with Palms -- Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11).
First Reading -- In spite of my sufferings I am not disgraced. I am not put to shame (Isaiah 50:4-7).
Psalm -- My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Psalm 22).
Second Reading -- Christ emptied himself, and God filled this emptiness with exaltation (Philippians 2:6-11).
Gospel -- The account of Christ's passion according to Matthew (Matthew 26:14 -- 27:66 [27:11-54]).


Sunday, April 20th: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Cor 5:6b-8; Mt 28:1-10


Sunday, April 13th: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord; Julian Calendar Palm Sunday
Monday, April 14th: Monday of Holy Week; Passover (Jewish celebration) begins at sunset
Tuesday, April 15th: Tuesday of Holy Week; Income Tax Day
Wednesday, April 16th: Wednesday of Holy Week
Thursday, April 17th: Holy Thursday; The Sacred Paschal Triduum
Friday, April 18th: Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); Fast and Abstinence; Julian Calendar Good Friday
Saturday, April 19th: Holy Saturday; The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

One of the most comforting parts of the Passion story for me is the agony in the garden. That might sound odd, considering how
the disciples fall asleep while Jesus is in distress. I suppose I could identify with them as they show weakness when Jesus needed
strength. But I am really comforted by Jesus' words. If the Son of God had to tell himself and his Father, "not as I will, but as you
will" (Matthew 26:39), I should be able to say the same. There are times when I would much rather have things always go my way,
but that is not going to happen. So it's comforting to know that Jesus did not take the easy way out, but accepted the Father's will
that he should suffer and die. Whenever we say the Lord's Prayer we pray, "Thy will be done." But how often do we still take the
easy way out? Ever hear someone tell a lie or spreading gossip that hurts a person's reputation? We can choose to do nothing (the
easy way) or gently reproach the other with a simple question, "What would Jesus do?" When I have a chance to help someone in
need, do I tell myself it's none of my business, or do I ask if there is anything I can do? When I am hurt by the death of a loved one,
or am injured in an accident, do I get angry at God for letting this happen, or do I say with Jesus, "Not my will, but yours be done"?
Luke's Gospel ends the temptation of Jesus in the desert with the phrase, "When the devil had finished every test, he left him until
an opportune time" (Luke 4:13). That time came in the garden. and again Jesus had the last word, choosing to do his Father's will.
Our temptations continue every day as we face frustrations, desire for things we can't have, unanswered prayers, or our own
weaknesses. Even though we know God always does what is best for us when we would rather have what we think is best, at least
remember to say, "Not my will, but yours be done."
Tom Schmidt, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
in whom is our salvation, life and resurrection,
through whom we are saved and delivered.
--Entrance Antiphon, Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, The Roman Missal
Page 3 April 12-13, 2014 Palm Sunday

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday April 12-13: Distribution of Blessed Palms, Passion Narrative with musical interlude (All
Holy Thursday, April 17th: Triduum begins, 7:00 PM, Liturgy of the Lords Supper. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament on Altar of Repose will be in meeting rooms 3 & 4 (8:00PM- 11:00PM)
Good Friday Morning, April 18th: Morning prayer (vespers) at 8:00 am
Self-guided Stations of the Cross - all day or you may join Fr. Tim at 3:00PM for Stations of the Cross
Good Friday, April 18th: Triduum continues at 7:00PM with Good Friday Liturgy / Veneration of the Cross
Easter Vigil (Saturday), April 19th: Triduum continues at 8:00PM., reception of catechumens and candidates into the
Church through Baptism or Profession of Faith. (please note...NO 5:00PM Mass)
Easter Sunday, April 20th: REGULAR SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE, 8:00AM, 10:00AM, and 12:00 Noon. All Masses will be
held in the Grand Hall with overflow seating outdoors...please dress accordingly. Special extra parking on Aliso Viejo Park-
way has been arranged for Easter Sunday ONLY. Please use caution and cross only at the lights.

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers.

Our liturgical environment committee is looking for flower donations to make our Grand Hall bloom with
Easter beauty!

All spring flowers welcome, lilies,
hydrangeas, tulips, etc...

Please leave your flower donations
outside on the kitchen ledge during Holy Week (April 15-18). All flowers must
arrive prior to Holy Saturday.

Thank you for your generosity!

Good Friday/Holy Land Collection

It is with the funds from the Good Friday Collection that Holy
Land Franciscans provide presence, care and service to the
people who are living in the Holy Land. You can help preserve
important shrines critical in the history of the Christian Faith,
support pastoral care to the Christian community and provide
for the poor through housing development and scholarship

Please be as generous as your circumstances allow.
Just a Reminder..

CLOW (Childrens Liturgy of the Word), Guppies and Little
Hands of Faith will not be offered Easter Weekend,
Holy Saturday, April 19th and Easter Sunday April 20th.

Fish Seminar classes will be closed Wednesday, April 16th.

Wishing you a Joyous Easter!

Page 4 April 12-13, 2014 Palm Sunday

Haven (High School)
Apr 26 Keep Your Head Up - Keeping your faith in the world.
May 10 Being Purposeful and Proactive Christian Leaders

JAMS (Middle School)
April 27 545-8p Praying with Music
May 18 545-8p How Our Mothers Show us God's Love

Confirmation Year 1
Apr 26 4-5p The Holy Spirit
Apr 27 6-7p Make up Session
Confirmation Year 2
Apr 26 4-5p Social Justice
Apr 27 6-7p Make up session
Join - - Cub Scout Pack 700 - - Chartered by
Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community

Cub Scout Pack 700 is currently accepting applications to join
the Pack. Cub Scouts is open to boys in the 1st to 5th grades.
Current kindergartners can sign up now and start this sum-
mer. Scouting trains youth in responsible citizenship, charac-
ter development, and self-reliance through participation in a
wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs.
Typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizen-
ship, and outdoors skills are taught through a variety of ac-
tivities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking. Dont miss out
on open enrollment. Space is limited.

Contact Debbie Kasper
for more information.
Calling all SINGERS!

Corpus Christi Music Ministry needs you!!! As you may have
noticed, the number of singers at the weekend masses has
decreased, especially for the 5 PM and the noon. If you love
to sing, we want you. Come share the gift of your voice with
your Corpus Christi family, join in fellowship and serve God
through something that you enjoy!

Please contact our Director of Music, Paul Nguyen, at or 949-297-8515 for
more information.
Do you enjoy gardening? Corpus Christis Rose Garden
needs some helping hands
Help needed to keep the rose garden
blooming. Roses need to have the spent
blossom removed so new blossoms will
follow quickly. About one hour a week, a
pair of clippers and gloves is all that is
needed. I will train that person for the
task. Contact Ben Manfre at 949-360-9242
or Chris Bonk at 949-916-5314.
Palm Sunday
CRS Rice Bowl Reflection: Assisting our Neighbors

25% of contributions to CRS Rice Bowl remain in our diocese,
helping to support local poverty and hunger alleviation pro-
grams. This year contributions go to St Callistus Food Bank.
This week, we pray for people in our own community who
struggle with poverty and hunger. Give to your Rice Bowl to
support programs that help the poor in our own community,
as well as in communities around the world.
An Easy and Delicious way to Support Corpus Christi!

Corpus Christis first Diners Night of 2014 will be at Stella's
Italian Restaurant located in Monarch Bay Plaza on
Wednesday April 23rd. Corpus Christi will benefit from a
20% rebate on all meals.

Look for more information in next weekends bulletin.

The Parish offices will be closed on Thursday April 17th
through Monday April 21st, and re-open on
Tuesday April 22nd.

Page 5 April 12-13, 2014 Palm Sunday
Networking and Employment Transition Support

The process of looking for a new position in the current job
market is multifaceted and can feel overwhelming at times.
What has always stood the test of time is becoming con-
nected with the people who can help pave the way for you.
Networking, whether in person or using the current social
media avenues, is still the very best way to land the job you
want. Additionally, in order to have a successful job search,
it is important to have a plan. To share his considerable
knowledge and gifts, Ron Feher will be presenting
Establishing a Transition Plan at our NETS meeting on
April 24, 2014, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Rons presentation
will focus on the realities of looking for a job in this day and
age and in these economic times. It will include the reali-
ties of a job search, the steps for creating a transition plan,
and coordinating your plan with Gods plan. Ron co-
founded the Saddleback Church Career Coaching & Coun-
seling Ministry 13 years ago and does career coaching and
training as an outreach to churches, communities and busi-
nesses. As owner and Chief Improvement Officer for
WhiteRock Business Solutions, Ron utilizes the experience
and skills he has gained over the past 30 years to help busi-
nesses succeed by offering the skills, knowledge, and ex-
perience to turn a firms strategy into reality. WhiteRock
Business Solutions concentrates on ensuring the day-to-day
operations are running efficiently and effectively thus en-
hancing the probability of a companys success. Rons goal
is to make your business better from the inside out. You
dont want to miss this great opportunity to help you plan
and organize your career transition!

Kindly RSVP by contacting Mark Miller at or 949-585-3108.
Grief and Loss Group

Bereavement and major life losses create the most chal-
lenging and painful passages in our lives.

This ministry is offered to assist, to hold out a hand, to walk
with and help guide those who are experiencing grief, loss,
and mourning. A seven-week group begins on Monday, April
7th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the fireside room at St. Timo-
thys in Laguna Niguel. This teaching and support group is led
and facilitated by a licensed family therapist and a specialist
in grief counseling.

Place: Fireside Room/St. Timothys
Time: 7:00 to 8:30 pm Monday Evenings
Dates: April 7th through May 26th

For information or to enroll, kindly contact Terri Loquercio at
949-309-6055 or Sally Hotchkiss @ 949-249-4096.

A Support Group for those who are Divorced and Separated, will begin on Wednesday, April 23rd, from
11:30 am to 1:00 pm in room 8 at St. Timothy Church. This seven-week group will focus on how to minimize
the financial, emotional, and spiritual toll of divorce and separation in the family. Led by Kelly Klaus, an ex-
perienced Marriage and Family Therapist, the group will offer emotional and spiritual tools and support for
those experiencing the pain and transition of divorce. For more information or to register, kindly contact
Sally Hotchkiss at 949-249-4096 or
Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? John 11:40
Many of us say that we believe in God. We go to church on Sunday. We volunteer for events at our parish. But when
life gets hard, the pressure is on, things arent going our way, do we really believe, do we really put our trust in the
Lord? When we live a life of gratitude, being thankful for the gifts we have been given, we really do see that God is pro-
viding all that we need.
Corpus Christi Scholarship Deadline is Approaching

Just a reminder, the Corpus Christi Scholarships are
coming due! Please return your COMPLETED packet
to the parish office no later than April 26, 2014.

Easter Sunday Masses will naturally be SUPER-CROWDED.
Please plan accordingly! Easter is a wonderful time for us
to put on our Corpus Christi BEST faces and smiles, break
out the Easter joy and welcome everyone who seeks us
out...and dont forget to lovingly let visitors know where
the bathrooms and cry room spaces are located.

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