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Maria Fernanda Rmz 8A

NewtonS Discoveries and Inventions

1. The telescope Isaac newton invented the telescope in 1671, he make it by using a
curved mirror to reflect and focus the light, this idea was not a new one, people
had tried this idea but no one can finish it or complete this, he started to create
this idea at 1668 and finished at 1671, he used 3 years to make this possible. He
used many tools as, alloy that is a speculum metal, a pitch lab, spherical
aberration, eye piece etc. This is an image of how it was the telescope

2. The three laws of motion. According to Newton's first law...
An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced
force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and
in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
This law is often called
"The law of inertia".
Well this law is about that an object will maintain the same force, can
be unbalance or balance, all objects have motion and forces, and here is
an example to have an idea: If you are on a car and you crash, what do
you think what force are you applying, Balance or Unbalanced? It is
unbalance, this is why you ALLWAYS need to have the seatbelt.
According to Newton's second law... Acceleration is produced when a force acts
on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the
amount of force needed (to accelerate the object) this law is about acceleration,
acceleration has force and it has to do with mass. Heavier the object require
more force. Lighter the object it will require less force. Here is an
This person is trying to move the car BUT we need to know a
Force= mass times acceleration. So the answer will be 50
newtons (use the formula to resolve the problem or photo.)
According to Newton's third law...
For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
This means that all things have a reaction, if a pencil falls, theres a reaction, that
is: that your pencils falls and can break. Here is an example more realistic: a
rocket the action of pushing the rocket upwards with an equal force. Another
thing is that all action have a reaction.
Maria Fernanda Rmz 8A

3. Color Spectrum It is about that
light can make colors, well light enters
and you put a prism(its like a diamond)
then light become red, yellow, green and
This must be in a dark place with a light reflect. Newton try without dark light and it
didnt work.

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