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Lepa je ova naa Toplica. Atar sela Gornja Reica kod Prokuplja.

This Toplica of ours is beautiful. The village of Gornja Rechica in Prokuplje.

Lepo je videti ovu plantau ruske danarike. Goran ugaja rusku! gruijsku danariku!
stenlej ljivu.
"t nice to see this plantation of Russian cherr# plu$. Goran gro%s Russian! Georgian
cherr# plu$! &tanle# plu$.
A na '! ' hektara e$lje jos i oblainsku vinju i stare aboravljene sorte jabuka.
Goran je vo(arstvo$ poeo da se bavi pre desetak godina.
And also )blacinska sour cherr# and so$e older forgotten apple varieties on '!' hectares
of land.
Goran started fruit gro%ing so$e ten #ears ago.
Tada je! posle saveta sa agrono$i$a! podigao svoj prvi vo(njak. *asadio je ljivu stenlej.
Then! after the advice fro$ agrono$ists! raised his first orchard. +e planted the &tanle#
Godina$a je pove(avao asade pod vo(e$! ali nije kr(io i unitavao stare autohtone sorte
jabuka i ljiva! tavie sa$ ih je rasadjivao! $noio i pod$ladjivao.
Goran voli da eksperi$entie i ugaja neke nove sorte.
+e has $ade bigger nurseries under fruit! but he hasn,t cut do%n and destro#ed the old
native varieties of apples! plu$s! %hat-s $ore he rasadjivao! $ultiplied and podladjivao
the$ on his o%n.
Goran loves to e.peri$ent and gro% so$e ne% varieties!
)vo je plantaa gruijske danarike.
Goran/ )vo je nova sorta na nase$ terenu! vocnjak je asadjen pre cetiri godine.
This is a plantation of Georgian cherr# plu$.
Goran/ This is a ne% variet# on our fields! the orchard %as planted four #ears ago.
0a sa$ asadio i ovaj vo(njak gruijske danarike na '1 ari.
Plod ove danarike i$a soan! obojeni plod.
" also planted this orchard of Georgian cherr# plu$ on '1 acres.
2herr# plu$ fruit dove is juic#! colored fruit.
Plod je poput cvekle. 3oristi se kao dodatak a sosove a $eso! a skupe sokove! obojene
The fruit looks like beetroot. "t is used as a supple$ent for $eat sauces! for the e.pensive
juices! coloured $ar$alade.
)d skoro ova vrsta ljive trai se i u do$a(oj industriji.
)d nedavno ona avrava i u industiji )seina i 4ektar.
5ro$ recentl#! this kind of plu$ is needed in the do$estic industr#.
&ince recentl#! it ends up in the industr# )secina and 4ectar.
Ruska danarika i$a triste! gruijska takodje! niska otkupna cena poslednjih godina nije
ga obeshrabrila.
Goran 6 Ruska danarika! takovana krinska uta! prisutna je kod nas 78/79 godina.
The Russian cherr# plu$ has its $arket ! the Georgian one!too! a lo% purchase price in
recent #ears has not discouraged it.
Goran 6 The Russian cherr# plu$! called krinska #ello%! has been present %ith us for 78/
79 #ears.
: poetku je i$ala dobru cenu! poslednjih godina cena je slabija! budu(i da je bolja
ponuda na tristu. Prvi sa$ krenuo sa rusko$! sada kre(e$ sa gruijsko$ danariko$ i
nada$ se da (e cena biti bolja;
At fist! it had a good price! these last #ears the price has been lo%er! since there is a better
offer in the $arket. 5irst " started %ith the Russian! no% " a$ starting %ith Georgian
cherr# plu$ and " hope that the price %ill be better ...
)ekuje$ dobar posao. " naa industija +isar proivodi $eane $ar$elade i trae
obojene plodove vo(a.
" e.pect good business. And our +isar industr# produces a $i.ed $ar$alade and the# are
looking for coloured fruit.
Goran veruje da je budu(nost ovog kraja u vo(arstvu ato ne tedi ni vre$ena! ni truda! ni
rada! ali ni para; 4edavno je gadinstvo "vanovi( bogatije a traktor i $odernu
Goran believes that the future of this region is in the fruit gro%ing so he doesn,t spare the
ti$e or effort ! no %ork! but also $one# ... Recentl# "vanovic richer far$ tractor and
$odern sprinkler .
3upljeni su ahvaljuju(i subvencija$a danskog progra$a a ravoj vo(arstva 5ruits <
=erries i >inistarstva poljoprivrede;
)va po$oc "vanovi(i$a puno naci.
?ere purchased thanks to grants of the @anish progra$ for the develop$ent of fruit
gro%ing 5ruits < =erries and the >inistr# of Agriculture ...
This assistance "AA4)A"2A $eans a lot.
Goran 6 >nogo! $nogo;>nogo se bolje organiuje! po$ae $i u obradi e$ljita!
berbi! transportu robe; sada sa$ uvek spre$an na posao! a sa stari$ traktoro$ je bilo
Goran / >uch ! $uch $ore ... >uch better organied ! helping $e to land cultivation !
harvest ! RA4&P)RT goods ... no% "-$ al%a#s %illing to %ork %ith an old tractor %as a
4ovi traktor je direktno uticao na bolju proivodnju! a i olakao $i je rad.
Goran se odluio a indijsku veriju fergusona.
The ne% tractor is directl# influenced b# the greater production! and to facilitate $# %ork
Goran has opted for the "ndian version 5erguson.
3upio je traktor $arke Tafe B8 kotao ga je C.'11 evra od ega je '1 odsto subvencija
be porea. )n je preadovoljan kvaliteto$ traktora.
+e bought the tractor brand Tafe B8 cost hi$ C!'11 euros! of %hich '1 per cent subsid#
ta. . +e preadovoljan Dualit# tractors.
"ako je Goran privre$eno aposlen u prokupakoj lokalnoj poreskoj ad$inistraciji! to
nije u$anjilo kvalitet obrade njegovih vo(njaka. Etavie Goran toko$ seone otkupljuje
vo(e od svojih rodjaka i ko$ija u @onjoj Reici;
Although Goran te$poraril# e$plo#ed in Prokuplje local ta. ad$inistration ! it did not
di$inish the Dualit# of the processing of his orchard. >oreover Goran during the season
collecting fruit fro$ his relatives and neighbors in Lo%er RFG"2A ...
Goran 6 )rganiuje$ otkup! i$a$ $agacin! a radi$ a *))> PR)> i >ala Plane.
:speva$o da nadje$o sigurne kupce tako da ko$pletno vo(e i @onje Reice! $ojih
ko$ija i rodjaka! odlai u hladnjae u &rbiji.
Goran / organies the purchase ! " have a %arehouse ! a %ork for *))> PR)> fro$ the
&$all Plane . &edate to find a safe bu#ers to co$plete fruit fro$ Lo%er Recice ! $#
neighbors and relatives ! %ent to cold storage in &erbia .
3ako je rodila dunja! Gorane! ove godineH
Rodila je odlino! kvalitet dunje je dobar! ali su bog sue plodovi neto $anji.
&ince the birth of Duince Gorane this #ear H
&he had a great! Dualit# Duince is good ! but the drought fruit less.
)va dunja je ekoloki drava. Poslednjih pet godina he$ijska sredstva nisu ula u $oju
plantau dunja.
@a li (e i ova dunja avriti kao sirovinaH
The Duince is environ$entall# friendl#. The last five #ears of che$ical agents are entered
into $# Duince plantations .
?hether the Duince ice and end up as ra% $aterials H
*avri(e kao sirovina a hladnjau u industriji )seina ili u 4ektaru a proivodnju
sokova! de$ova! slatka;
A ovo su stare sorte jabuka i toplikog kraja.
Fnd up as a ra% $aterial for storage in the industr# )secina or nectar juice ! ja$! s%eet ...
These are the old varieties of apples fro$ Toplica end .
Ponosan je i na stare! ali i nove asade ovih sorti! sve ukupno na hektar i po.
)ve godine rod je bio odlian;
+e is also proud of the old and ne% planting these varieties ! all of the acre and a half.
This #ear the race %as a great ...
Goran 6 )vo je stara sorta jabuka sarunka. Ranijih godina ova sarunka nije prskana! ali
ahvaljuju(i prskalici! koju sa$ kupio u po$o( 5ruits and =erries/a i >inistarstva
Goran / This is an old apple varieties sarunka . "n previous #ears this sarunka not
spra#ed ! but thanks to the sprinklers! %hich " bought %ith the help of 5ruits =erries and
the >inistr# of Agriculture .
)ve godine prvi put sa$ ih prskao i ralika je evidentna! ne$a crva; &tare sorte
jonatan! budi$ka! para$enka takodje sa$ titio! sitnije su bog sue! ali su jako
This #ear! the first ti$e " spra#ed " ralka is evident! no %or$s ... )ld varieties 0onathan
budi$ka ! para$enka " also protected! s$aller due to the drought ! but the# are ver# good
)ne se ivoe. Alasnici ko$panija u 4e$akoj i Austriji su dolaili ovde! radjen je
. The# are e.ported . Aasnici co$panies in Ger$an# and Austria ca$e here done the
certificate .
4ji$a je potrebna stara sorta jabuka! koja je kvalitetna sa puno vita$ina! sa $ini$alni$
tretiranje$! jedno$ ili dva puta godinje.
Te stare asade niste kriliH
The# need the old varieties of apples ! %hich is good Dualit# %ith lots of vita$ins! %ith
$ini$al treat$ent ! once or t%ice a #ear.
Iou have not cleared the old plantations H
Etavie ja sa$ ih proirio. 4ekada sa$ i$ao '1 ari! a poslednjih godina asadio sa$ jo
jedan hektar ovi$ sorta$a.
>oreover " spread the$ . " used to have '1 acres ! and last #ear " planted another acre
this variet#.
0edini proble$ je cena. )va jabuka se ove godine prodaje po ceni od ' dinara a
The onl# proble$ is the price. This #ear! Apple is alread# selling at a price of ' dinars for
a kilogra$ .
/ )va jabuka je ba sona! be crva i jako kvalitetna! ali otila je a svega ' dinara J1.1B'
:prkos cena$a! koje su desti$ulativne Goran ide dalje.
/ This apple is reall# juic#! no %or$s and ver# high Dualit# ! but she-s gone for onl# '
dinars J1.1B' eurosK .
@espite the prices ! %hich discourage Goran goes on.
0edne godine vie! druge $anje aradi! tre(e bude na nuli! ali ne odustaje. Livi sa$o sa
$ajko$! tako da toko$ seone angauje veliki broj radnika;
)ne #ear $ore ! others less profit! the third is ero ! but do not give up . +e lives %ith his
$other ! so that during the season ! hire large nu$bers of %orkers ...
Goran 6 Toko$ seone angauje$ 811/8'1 radnika. &a$o toko$ desetak dana berbe
vianja 711 radnika! a berbu danakrike '1 radnika! a a berbu starih jabuka 91.
Goran / @uring the season hires 811/8'1 %orkers . 0ust over ten da#s of harvesting
cherries 711 %orkers to harvest danakrike '1 %orkers and harvesting of old jabka 91
&a dva traktora sve to ide $nogo bre. 0edan radi stalno u polju! drugi prevoi radnike.
?ith t%o tractors all goes $uch faster. )ne %orks constantl# in the field! other transport
A ahvaljujuci prskalici ne$a korova. Povrine se tretiraju bog korova i atite od
. And thanks to the sprinkler no %eeds. The surface is treated for %eeds and pests fro$
astisi .
Pri$enjuje$ sve agrotehnike $ere.
Goran prati sva edukativna predavanja! u stalno$ kontaktu je sa struno$ savetodavno$
Applies all cultural practices .
Goran $onitor all educational lectures ! in constant contact %ith Dualified specialist
advisor# services .
&talno ui i eksperi$entie.
=e obira na sve proble$e u vo(arstvu! niske otkupne cene! pojavu ilogria! koji preti
asadi$a vianja i ljiva u Topliko$ kraju! Goran veruje da a vo(arstvo tek dolae bolji
2onstantl# learn and e.peri$ent .
Regardless of all the proble$s in the fruit/gro%ing! lo% prices ! e$ergence ilogria !
%hich threatens crops cherries and plu$s in Toplica end ! Goran believes in silos until
better da#s are co$ing ...
/ &aslua$ vie strunjaka! radi$ i sa$ eksperi$ente u $oji$ vo(njaci$a i tek
onda donosi$ odluke. &tuni saveti su neophodni! stalno i$a novina! ali ipak na
kraju donosi$o sa$i odluke.
/ / +ear $ore e.perts ! " a$ doing e.peri$ents in $# orchards and then $ake
decisions . &ocks tips are necessar# ! al%a#s has the novena ! but in the end $ake
their o%n decisions .
/ 3onkurencija u he$ijskoj industriji je velika! svi bi da arade! a $i bis$o
najbolje reenje;
/ 3onurencija in the che$ical industr# is a large ! all to earn ! and %e-d best
solution ...
=e obira na sve proble$e u vo(arstvu! niske otkupne cene! pojavu ilogria
J=)LF&TK! koji preti asadi$a ljiva i vianja u topliko$ kraju! Goran veruje da a
vo(arstvo dolae bolji dani.
Goran je $lad i vredan ovek.
=e# regardless of all the proble$s in the fruit/gro%ing! lo% prices ! e$ergence ilogria
Jillness K ! %ho threatens crops of plu$s and cherries in Toplica end ! Goran believes that
for fruit better da#s are co$ing .
Goran is a #oung and hard/%orking $an .
)n budu(nost ovog kraja vidi u vo(arstvu! pre svega u ivou. To je potencijal nae
e$lje i veruje$ da (e i godine u godinu biti sve bolje.
)n the future of this region seen in fruit gro%ing! especiall# in e.ports. "t has the
potential of our countr# and " believe d ace fro$ #ear to #ear %ill be better .
Ravoj vo(arstva na jugu &rbije! s$atra Goran u$nogo$e ce avisiti kako od sa$ih
vo(ara! tako od do$a(ih i stranih donatora! od kojih se oekuje da podre ljude! koji ele
da ulau u vo(arstvo i poljoprivredu uopte.
@evelop$ent of fruit gro%ing in the south of &erbia ! Goran believes %ill largel# depend
on ho% the ver# fruit gro%ers as fro$ do$estic and foreign donors ! %ho are e.pected to
support people %ho %ant to invest in fruit gro%ing and agriculture in general

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