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Engineering drawing

An engineering drawing, a type of technical drawing,

is created within the technical drawing discipline, and
used to fully and clearly define requirements for
engineered items.
Engineering drawings are usually created in
accordance with standardized conventions for layout,
nomenclature, interpretation, appearance (such as
typefaces and line styles), size, etc. One such
standardized convention is called G!".
#ts purpose is to accurately and unam$iguously
capture all the geometric features of a product or a
component. "he end goal of an engineering drawing is
to convey all the required information that will allow
a manufacturer to produce that component.
1 Overview
2 Engineering drawings: common features
o 2.1 Line styles and types
o 2.2 Multiple views and projections
2.2.1 Orthographic projection
2.2.2 Auiliary projection
2.2.! O"li#ue projection
2.2.$ %erspective
o 2.! &cale
! Eample of an engineering drawing

Engineering drawings are often referred to as '"lueprints' or '"luelines'. (owever)
the terms are rapidly "ecoming an anachronism) since most copies of engineering
drawings that were formerly made using a chemical*printing process that yielded
graphics on "lue*colored paper or) alternatively) of "lue*lines on white paper) have
"een superseded "y more modern reproduction processes that yield "lac+ or
multicolour lines on white paper. ,he more generic term 'print' is now in common
usage in the -.&. to mean any paper copy of an engineering drawing.
Engineering drawings can now "e produced using computer technology. .rawings are
etracted from three dimensional computer models and can "e printed as two
dimensional drawings on various media formats/colour or monochrome0. Engineered
computer models can also "e printed in three dimensional form using special !.
,he process of producing engineering drawings) and the s+ill of producing them) is
often referred to as technical drawing) although technical drawings are also re#uired
for disciplines that would not ordinarily "e thought of as parts of engineering.
Engineering drawings: common
.rawings convey the following critical information:
Geometry 1 the shape of the o"ject2 represented as views2 how the o"ject will
loo+ when it is viewed from various standard directions) such as front) top)
side) etc.
Dimensions 1 the si3e of the o"ject is captured in accepted units.
tolerances 1 the allowa"le variations for each dimension.
Material 1 represents what the item is made of.
Finish 1 specifies the surface #uality of the item) functional or cosmetic. 4or
eample) a mass*mar+eted product usually re#uires a much higher surface
#uality than) say) a component that goes inside industrial machinery.
Line styles and types:-
Lines and geometric forms:
5ndustrial .rawing language is +nown as its read and write drawings of machinery
parts of machinery and e#uipment and is the complete guide for the proper o"jects)
all 6hristoih drawing gives a full picture of the "ody and the #ualities and
dimensions) and the state that it shall) if produced industrially grown "ranches
#ualities or characteristics are present in the "ody to an image or inside the
minerali3ation is difficult to install her on the same painting) 7acon can "e
represented and reflected on the drawing "y a short note) or "y signs termed it might
"e added to the drawing lines to help facilitate the process of setting or reading for a
Eample of this line of aes) and lines function to dimension lines) as well as the
lines are termed out to demonstrate the realistic things present in the "ody for
eample) internal spaces in the "ody) although its eistence it draws dotted lines
mean it: -nli+e hidden lines) visi"le paint lines complete.
4rom the a"ove it is clear that all engineering drawings and mechanical contains the
following types of fonts
1. Lines and realistic and Mujup in the "ody are the lines that represent the
intersection of surfaces that appear in the "ody) and this phenomenon delineates the
2. 4onts hidden and invisi"le from the "ody has come to "e drawn "y dotted lines
are lines that represent the intersection of surfaces hidden in the "ody.
Lines do not eist in the "ody "ut are necessary to read the graphic is ! lines. Aes
/centers of the circles and aes of symmetry0 and lines the function of the
dimensions and dimension lines and num"ers indicate that the amount of dimension
and e#uity lines and determine the course of "loc+s and lines of fracture in metals..
%ultiple views and pro&ections
5mage of a part represented in 4irst Angle %rojection
&ym"ols used to define whether a projection is either ,hird Angle /right0 or 4irst
Angle /left0.
5n most cases) a single view is not sufficient to show all necessary features) and
several views are used. ,ypes of views include the following:
Orthographic projection:-
,he orthographic projection shows the o"ject as it loo+s from the front) right) left) top)
"ottom) or "ac+) and are typically positioned relative to each other according to the
rules of either first*angle or third*angle projection.
4irst angle projection is the 5&O standard and is primarily used in Europe. ,he
!. o"ject is projected into 2. 'paper' space as if you were loo+ing at an 8*
ray of the o"ject: the top view is under the front view) the right view is at the
left of the front view.
,hird angle projection is primarily used in the -nited &tates and 6anada)
where it is the default projection system according to 7& 9999:2::;) the left
view is placed on the left and the top view on the top.
<ot all views are necessarily used) and determination of what surface constitutes the
front) "ac+) top and "ottom varies depending on the projection used.
Auxiliary projection:-
An auiliary view is an orthographic view that is projected into any plane other than
one of the si principal views.
,hese views are typically used when an o"ject
contains some sort of inclined plane. -sing the auiliary view allows for that inclined
plane /and any other significant features0 to "e projected in their true si3e and shape.
,he true si3e and shape of any feature in an engineering drawing can only "e +nown
when the Line of &ight /LO&0 is perpendicular to the plane "eing referenced.
Isometric projection:-
,he isometric projection show the o"ject from angles in which the scales along each
ais of the o"ject are e#ual. 5sometric projection corresponds to rotation of the o"ject
"y ? @$A a"out the vertical ais) followed "y rotation of approimately ? !$.2;@A =B
arcsin/tan/!:A00> a"out the hori3ontal ais starting from an orthographic projection
view. '5sometric' comes from the Cree+ for 'same measure.' One of the things that
ma+es isometric drawings so attractive is the ease with which ;: degree angles can "e
constructed with only a compass and straightedge.
5sometric projection is a type of aonometric projection. ,he other two types of
aonometric projection are:
.imetric projection
,rimetric projection
Oli!ue projection:-
An o"li#ue projection is a simple type of graphical projection used for producing
pictorial) two*dimensional images of three*dimensional o"jects:
it projects an image "y intersecting parallel rays /projectors0
from the three*dimensional source o"ject with the drawing surface /projection
5n "oth o"li#ue projection and orthographic projection) parallel lines of the source
o"ject produce parallel lines in the projected image.
%erspective is an approimate representation on a flat surface) of an image as it is
perceived "y the eye. ,he two most characteristic features of perspective are that
o"jects are drawn:
&maller as their distance from the o"server increases
4oreshortened: the si3e of an o"jectDs dimensions along the line of sight are
relatively shorter than dimensions across the line of sight.
Main articles: ArchitectDs scale and EngineerDs scale
%lans are usually 'scale drawings') meaning that the plans are drawn at specific ratio
relative to the actual si3e of the place or o"ject. Earious scales may "e used for
different drawings in a set. 4or eample) a floor plan may "e drawn at 1:$: /or
1F@'B1D*:'0 whereas a detailed view may "e drawn at 1:2$ /or 1F2'B1D*:'0. &ite plans
are often drawn at 1:2:: or 1:1::.
#howing dimensions:-
,he re#uired si3es of features are conveyed through use of dimensions. .istances may
"e indicated with either of two standardi3ed forms of dimension: linear and ordinate.
Gith linear dimensions) two parallel lines) called 'etension lines)' spaced at
the distance "etween two features) are shown at each of the features. A line
perpendicular to the etension lines) called a 'dimension line)' with arrows at
its endpoints) is shown "etween) and terminating at) the etension lines. ,he
distance is indicated numerically at the midpoint of the dimension line) either
adjacent to it) or in a gap provided for it.
Gith ordinate dimensions) one hori3ontal and one vertical etension line
esta"lish an origin for the entire view. ,he origin is identified with 3eroes
placed at the ends of these etension lines. .istances along the * and y*aes
to other features are specified using other etension lines) with the distances
indicated numerically at their ends.
&i3es of circular features are indicated using either diametral or radial dimensions.
Hadial dimensions use an 'H' followed "y the value for the radius2 .iametral
dimensions use a circle with forward*leaning diagonal line through it) called the
diameter symbol) followed "y the value for the diameter. A radially*aligned line with
arrowhead pointing to the circular feature) called a leader) is used in conjunction with
"oth diametral and radial dimensions. All types of dimensions are typically composed
of two parts: the nominal value) which is the 'ideal' si3e of the feature) and the
tolerance) which specifies the amount that the value may vary a"ove and "elow the
Ceometric dimensioning and tolerancing is a method of specifying the
functional geometry of an o"ject.
#i$es of drawings:
,he -.&. customary 'A*si3e' corresponds to 'letter' si3e) and '7*si3e' corresponds to
'ledger' or 'ta"loid' si3e. ,here were also once 7ritish paper si3es) which went "y
names rather than alphanumeric designations.
American <ational &tandards 5nstitute /A<&50 I1@.2) I1@.!) and I1@.$ are standards
that are commonly used in the -.&.
%echnical lettering:
,echnical lettering is the process of forming letters) numerals) and other characters in
technical drawing. 5t is used to descri"e) or provide detailed specifications for) an
o"ject. Gith the goals of legi"ility and uniformity) styles are standardi3ed and
lettering a"ility has little relationship to normal writing a"ility. Engineering drawings
use a Cothic sans*serif script) formed "y a series of short stro+es. Lower case letters
are rare in most drawings of machines.
Example of an engineering drawing :
Eample mechanical drawing
(ere is an eample of an engineering drawing /see isometric view further "elow0. ,he
different line types are colored for clarity.
7lac+ B o"ject line and hatching
Hed B hidden line
7lue B center line of piece or opening
Magenta B phantom line or cutting plane
&ectional views are indicated "y the direction of arrows) as in the eample a"ove.

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