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Network Construction Critical Path Method Project Evaluation and
Review Technique Resource Analysis in Network Scheduling
1. What do you ma! "y #$o%&t'
A roject is de!ned as a co"#ination on inter related activities
with li"ited resources na"ely "en$ "achines "aterials$ "oney and
ti"e all o% which "ust #e e&ecuted in a de!ned order %or its
(. What a$ th th$ ma)! #ha** o+ #$o%&t'
Planning$ Scheduling and Control
,. What a$ th t-o "a*)& #.a!!)!/ a!d &o!t$o..)!/ t&h!)0u*
)! a !t-o$1 a!a.y*)*'
Critical Path Method 'CPM(
Progra""e Evaluation and Review Technique 'PERT2
3. What a$ th ad4a!ta/* o+ CPM a!d PERT t&h!)0u*'
)t encourages a logical disciline in lanning$ scheduling and
control o% rojects
)t hels to e*ect considera#le reduction o% roject ti"es and the
)t hels #etter utili+ation o% resources like
"en$"achines$"aterials and "oney with re%erence to ti"e
)t "easures the e*ect o% delays on the roject and rocedural
changes on the overall schedule,
5. What )* th d)6$!& CPM a!d PERT
Network is #uilt on the #asis o% activity
-eter"inistic nature
.ne ti"e esti"ation
An event oriented network
Pro#a#ilistic nature
Three ti"e esti"ation
7. What )* !t-o$1'
A network is a grahical reresentation o% a roject/s oeration
and is co"osed o% all the events and activities in sequence along
with their inter relationshi and inter deendencies,
8. What )* E4!t )! a !t-o$1 d)a/$am'
An event is seci!c instant o% ti"e which "arks the starts and
end o% an activity, )t neither consu"es ti"e nor resources, )t is
reresented #y a circle,
9. D:! a&t)4)ty'
A roject consists o% a nu"#er o% jo# oerations which are
called activities, )t is the ele"ent o% the roject and it "ay #e a
rocess$ "aterial handling$ rocure"ent cycle etc,
9. D:! C$)t)&a. A&t)4)t)*'
)n a Network diagra" critical activities are those whose i%
consu"er "ore than esti"ated ti"e the roject will #e delayed,

1;. D:! !o! &$)t)&a. a&t)4)t)*'
Activities which have a rovision such that the event i% they
consu"e a seci!ed ti"e over and a#ove the esti"ated ti"e the
roject will not #e delayed are ter"ed as non critical activities,
11. D:! Dummy A&t)4)t)*'
0hen two activities start at a sa"e ti"e$ the head event are
joined #y a dotted arrow known as du""y activity which "ay #e
critical or non critical,
1(. D:! du$at)o!'
)t is the esti"ated or the actual ti"e required to co"lete a
trade or an activity,

1,. D:! tota. #$o%&t t)m'
)t is ti"e taken to co"lete to co"lete a roject and just %ound
%ro" the sequence o% critical activities, )n other words it is the
duration o% the critical ath,
13. D:! C$)t)&a. Path'
)t is the sequence o% activities which decides the total roject
duration, )t is %or"ed #y critical activities and consu"es "a&i"u"
resources and ti"e,
15. D:! <oat o$ *.a&1' =MAY >;92
Slack is with resect to an event and 1oat is with resect to an
activity, )n other words$ slack is used with PERT and 1oat with CPM,
2loat or slack "eans e&tra ti"e over and a#ove its duration which a
non3critical activity can consu"e without delaying the roject,
17. D:! tota. <oat' =MAY >;92
The total 1oat %or an activity is given #y the total ti"e which is
availa#le %or er%or"ance o% the activity$ "inus the duration o% the
activity, The total ti"e is availa#le %or e&ecution o% the activity is given
#y the latest !nish ti"e o% an activity "inus the earliest start ti"e %or
the activity, Thus
Total 1oat 4 5atest start ti"e earliest start ti"e,
18. D:! +$ <oat' =MAY >;92
This is that art o% the total 1oat which does not a*ect the
su#sequent activities, This is the 1oat which is o#tained when all the
activities are started at the earliest,

19. D:! I!d#!d!t <oat' =MAY >;82 =MAY >;92
)% all the receding activities are co"leted at their latest$ in
so"e cases$ no 1oat availa#le %or the su#sequent activities which "ay
there%ore #eco"e critical,
)ndeendent 1oat 4 %ree tail slack,
19. D:! I!t$+$)!/ <oat'
So"eti"es 1oat o% an activity i% utili+ed wholly or in art$ "ay
in1uence the starting ti"e o% the succeeding activities is known as
inter%ering 1oat,
)nter%ering 1oat 4 latest event ti"e o% the head 3 earliest event
ti"e o% the
(;. D:! ?#t)m)*t)&'
.ti"istic ti"e esti"ate is the duration o% any activity when
everything goes on very well during the roject,

(1. D:! P**)m)*t)&'
Pessi"istic ti"e esti"ate is the duration o% any activity when
al"ost everything goes against our will and a lot o% di*iculties is %aced
while doing a roject,
((. D:! mo*t .)1.y t)m *t)mat)o!'
Most likely ti"e esti"ate is the duration o% any activity when
so"eti"es thing go on very well$ so"eti"es things go on very #ad
while doing the roject,
(3. What )* a #a$a... &$)t)&a. #ath'
0hen critical activities are crashed and the duration is reduced
other aths "ay also #eco"e critical such critical aths are called
arallel critical ath,

(5. What )* *ta!da$d d4)at)o! a!d 4a$)a!& )! PERT !t-o$1'
=N?V >;82
The e&ected ti"e o% an activity in actual e&ecution is not
co"letely relia#le and is likely to vary, )% the varia#ility is known we
can "easure the relia#ility o% the e&ected ti"e as deter"ined %ro"
three esti"ates, The "easure o% the varia#ility o% ossi#le activity
ti"e is given #y standard deviation$ their ro#a#ility distri#ution
6ariance o% the activity is the square o% the standard deviation
(7. G)4 th d)6$!& "t-! d)$&t &o*t a!d )!d)$&t &o*t'
=N?V >;82
-irect cost is directly deending uon the a"ount o% resources
involved in the e&ecution o% all activities o% the roject, )ncrease in
direct cost will decrease in roject duration, )ndirect cost is
associated with general and ad"inistrative e&enses$ insurance cost$
ta&es etc, )ncrease in indirect cost will increase in roject duration,

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