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Persarafan Cutaneous Gerak Bawah

Cutaneous saraf dalam jaringan subkutan memasok kulit dari ekstremitas bawah (Gambar
5.9). Saraf ini, kecuali untuk beberapa di bagian proksimal anggota badan, adalah cabang dari
pleksus lumbal dan sakral (lihat Bab 3 dan 4). Daerah kulit dipasok oleh cabang kulit dari saraf
tulang belakang tunggal adalah dermatom (Gambar 5.9a & B). Dermatom L1A "L5
memperpanjang sebagai rangkaian band dari garis tengah posterior bagasi ke anggota badan,
melewati lateral dan inferior sekitar anggota badan untuk aspek anterior dan medial,
mencerminkan rotasi medial yang terjadi perkembangan. Dermatom S1 dan S2 lulus inferior
menuruni aspek posterior tungkai, memisahkan dekat pergelangan kaki untuk lolos ke

margin lateral dan medial kaki. Meskipun disederhanakan menjadi zona yang berbeda dalam
peta dermatom, dermatom yang berdekatan tumpang tindih, kecuali di garis aksial, garis
persimpangan dermatom dipasok dari tingkat tulang belakang terputus-putus.

femoral nerve
descends with femoral vessels through femoral triangle and adductor canal, then descends with great
saphenous vein.
supplies skin on medial slide of leg and foot

usually arises from both tibial and common fibular nerves
descends between heads of gastrocnemius, becomes superficialat middle of leg, descends with small
saphenous vein, passes inferior to lateral maleolus to lateral side of foot.
supplies skin on posterior and lateral aspects of leg and lateral side of foot

sciatic nerve
forms as sciatic bifurcates at apex of popliteal fossa, descends through popliteal fossa and lies on
popliteus, runs inferiorly on tibialis posterior with posterior tibial vessels, terminates beneath flexor
retinaculum by dividing into medial and lateral plantar nerves.
supplies posterior muscles of leg and knee joint.

common fibular
sciatic nerve
forms as sciatic bifurcates at apex of popliteal fossa and follows medial border of biceps femoris and its
tendon, passes over posterior aspect of head of fibula, then winds around neck of fibula deep to fibularis
longus, where it devides into deep and superficial fibular nerve
supplies skin on lateral part of posterior aspect of leg via its branch, the lateral sural cutaneus nerve,
also supplies knee joint via its articular branch

superficial fibular
common fibular nerve
arises between fibularis longus and neck of fibula, descends in lateral comparyment of leg, pierces deep
fascia at distal third of leg to become subcutaneus.
supplies fibularis longus and brevis and skin on distal third of anterior surface of leg and dorsum of foot

deep fibular
common fibular nerve
arises between fibularis longus and neck of fibula, passes through extensor digitorum longus and
descends on interosseous membrane, crosses distal end of tibia and enters dorsum of foot.
supplies anterior muscles of leg, dorsum of foot, and skin of first interdigital cleft, sends articular
branches to joints it crosses.

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