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Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan

College of Nursing
S.Y. 2011-2012
College of Nursing
Xavier University college of Nursing envision itself to become
the leading institution in the feld of nursing education which shall
provide the society with nurses who will provide an excellent health
care, who shall be responsive to the needs and demands of local
and global market
"he College determined and committed to provide an excellent
education that is Christian in orientation, holistic in approach,
#ilipino in character, global in perspective and geared toward the
development of the total person
"o reali$e our vision, the College of Nursing is commited to%
& 'rovide (uality education responsive to the needs and goals
of the community and country)
* 'rovide an environment conducive to academic, moral and
spiritual growth of students, faculty and sta+
, Cultivate the habit of critical thinking and scientifc approach
in problem-solving and decision making)
. 'rovide opportunities for involvement in community activities
and services that will promote physical and spiritual ftness,
cultural and environmental consciousness and a sense of
national identity
Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan
Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan) is a Filiino! Cat"oli# and $esuit
a#ade%i# #o%%unity dedi#ated to t"e integral develo%ent of t"e erson
for t"e needs
of &indanao and t"e #ountry.
As a University! Xavier ursues trut" and e'#ellen#e in tea#"ing! resear#"
and servi#e to #o%%unities( it is #on#erned )it" #onte%orary ro*le%s+ it
reares %en and )o%en )it" #o%eten#ies! s,ills and a ,een sense of
resonsi*ility to t"eir #o%%unities.
As a Filiino university! Xavier is #o%%itted to t"e are#iation!
reservation and enri#"%ent of t"e Filiino #ulture and "eritage as )ell as
t"e )elfare and sustaina*le.
As a Cat"oli# university! Xavier fosters in its %e%*ers a dee
ersonal #o%%it%ent to $esus C"rist %anifested *y loyalty to t"e C"ur#"
and a life of )itness and loving servi#e #"ara#teri-ed *y a referential otion
for t"e oor.
As a $esuit university! Xavier a#,no)ledges its "istori#al lin,ages )it"
t"e So#iety of $esus and is rooted in .gnatian sirituality and an edu#ational
tradition of li*eral edu#ation )"i#" today in#ludes te#"nology and t"e
various rofessions and a/r%s t"e i%ortan#e and ne#essity of #ooeration
a%ong $esuits and t"e laity in %ission. .n su%! Xavier University see,s to
for% %en and )o%en of #o%eten#e! #ons#ien#e! and #o%%it%ent in
servi#e of t"e C"ur#" and t"e Filiino eole.

/n /spiring Clinical 0nstructor chooses Xavier University College of
Nursing% 1easons 2ehind
C"oosing as to )"ere )ould . e%loy %y self as a #lini#al instru#tor
)as never a "ard 0o* for %e as it )ould *e for so%e. After #o%leting %y
re1uire%ents for %e to 1ualify as a #lini#al instru#tor! . never loo,ed far and
*eyond to 2nd an institution for %e to *e art of! Xavier University-College of
Nursing! . #"oose you3
. #"ose Xavier University-College of Nursing for 4 reasons. 5"e 2rst is
t"at . "ave *een longed #onvin#ed of t"e 1uality of edu#ation t"is institution
"as to o6er. &y for%al edu#ation started also in XU. .t )as )ay *a#, in 1778
)"en . )as a res#"ooler. 5"ere! . "ave learned t"e values of "onesty!
oliteness! and integrity. For% t"at on! . never let go of t"e Atenean
edu#ation desite t"e %any ti%es #ir#u%stan#e )ould try to drift %e a)ay
fro% Xavier edu#ation. . *elieve t"at t"e years of studying in Xavier
University "ave *een a great fa#tor to %y develo%ent as a erson. .t
"eled %e reali-e t"at . s"ould *e a "olisti# *eing! )"ose %ission in life is to
s"are 9od:s goodness to t"e less fortunate+ and t"at "as *een %y drive as .
)as a##o%lis"ing %y nursing degree! and no) an asiring #lini#al
5"e se#ond reason is t"at . )ould li,e to give *a#, to t"e institution t"e
goodness and values it taug"t %e. . )ould li,e to s"are in t"e institutions
%ission and vision in t"eir develo%ent of asiring nurses and guide
students in t"eir 0ourney *eing enrolled in t"e ;a#"elor of S#ien#e in Nursing
degree. . o)e a *ig *ul, of %y su##ess to t"e ,ind of edu#ation . "ad )it" t"e
XUCN and XU-A<C in totality. 5"at is )"y in %y dee gratitude . )ould li,e to
ay it for)ard to ot"er students! )"o )as li,e %e in t"e ast and give t"e%
t"e 1uality e'erien#e . "ad )it" XUCN.
=astly! . #"ose Xavier University College of Nursing *e#ause it is si%ly
t"e *est Nursing S#"ool in t"e #ity of Cagayan de >ro. Setting *ias aside! it
"as *een at t"e inna#le of nursing edu#ation and is a #onsistent to Nursing
=i#ensure ?'a% erfor%er. .t )ould give %e a sense of ride *eing art of
t"is restigious institution. . o)e a great deal of gratitude to %y s#"ool! %y
al%a %atter! %y se#ond "o%e! Xavier University College of Nursing.

"he * sub3ects 0 would like to teach are4
.t "as al)ays *een %y drea% to tea#" %edi#al-sgurgi#al nursing and
e%ergen#y nursing. For t"at reason! . )ould li,e to *e an instru#tor in 104.1!
)"i#" #overs %edi#al-surgi#al nursing #on#ets! and 108.1! )"i#" #overs
e%ergen#y roo% #on#ets. A good tea#"ing strategy to e%loy for *ot"
su*0e#ts is *y using si%ulation s#enarios )"erein a student nurse )ill *e
given a situation! eit"er one of )"i#" re1uires utili-ation of e%ergen#y
nursing #on#ets or sy#"iatri# #on#ets! and "e is to a#t uon t"e given
situation a##ordingly. 5"is )ould #ater to t"e level of learning t"at of )"i#" is
on t"e ali#ation and synt"esis level. 5"at is 1uite la#,ing in our #urri#ulu%
today and . 2nd t"e great need for t"is ,ind of tea#"ing strategy to *e
"56 !07708N /N9 V0708N 8# "56 70X /##0:0/"0N; 587'0"/:7 8#
X/V061 UN0V6170"<-C8::6;6 8# NU170N;
A. Mission, vision of Northern Mindanao Medical Center
@rovide 1uality #are to surgi#al atients *y #o%etent!
#o%assionate! #aring! intelligent surgi#al nurses and attendants!
t"ere*y en"an#ing faster re#overy of surgi#al atients.
Nurses and nursing attendants %ust *e #areful in t"e o%ission
and #o%%ission in t"e ro#ess of delivering #are to atients.
<evelos relations"is oenness and trust a%ong %e%*ers of
t"e organi-ations at all levels.
.dentify strengt" and )ea,ness of nurses and attendants
assigned in t"e surgi#al )ard.
.%le%ent training rogra%s t"at )ould en"an#e nurse:s
#o%%uni#ation s,ills and understanding of Filiino ersonality.
.dentify and develo resour#es t"at #an *e %ini%i-ed for lo#al
uses in "ealt" #are. ?n#ourage innovative s#"e%es in#luding
#o%%unity-*ased "ealt" rogra%s! )"erein t"e state and t"e
eole #an s"are resonsi*ilities to develo rogra%s t"at )ill
develo rogra%s t"at )ill e6e#tively *ring "ealt" #are to eole
at %ini%al #ost. ?du#ate t"e u*li# on aroriate and 0udi#ious
use of "ealt" #are fa#ilities and servi#es in order to lo)er %edi#al
B. Mission, vision of XUCHCC
5"is #o%%ittee ena*les t"e oorest of t"e oor to attain "ealt"
and %aintain "ealt"y lives
5"e #o%%ittee is #o%%itted to rovide "ealt" servi#es to t"e
oorest of t"e oor *ase on "u%anitarian values to)ards self
C. Mission, vision of MCH
5"at #o%re"ensive e'#ellent 1uality #are to our #lientsBatients
#an *e a#"ieved *y a #o%etent! #aring! #o%assionate!
#o%%itted! dedi#ated and value oriented nursing sta6.
5"e nursing ersonnel s"all rovide safe! et"i#al! ro%t!
e6e#tive! ro%otive! #urative and re"a*ilitative "ealt" #are
1otational 'lan%
.n#lusive <ate CAD< .CU ?D
$ul. 1E!18!22!
9rou 1 9rou 2 9rou 4
Aug. 2!4!18!
9rou 2 9rou 4 9rou 1
Aug. 41
Set. 1!F!1G!1E
9rou 4 9rou 1 9rou 2
CAD< 9rou 1 .CU 9rou 2 ?D 9rou 4
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
4. 4. 4.
G. G. G.
E. E. E.
8. 8. 8.
F. F. F.
H. H. H.
7. 7. 7.
10. 10. 10.
11. 11. 11.
12. 12. 12
14. 14. 14.
7"U96N"=7 C:0N0C/: #8CU7
Clinical /rea% ?%ergen#y Doo%
/gency or 5ospital% Nort"ern &indanao &edi#al Center
/rea 9escription% 5"e 4 )ee,s #lini#al e'osure in t"e ?%ergen#y Doo%
in#ludes )ide range of #lini#al learning e'erien#e on t"e #are of atients
)it" various "ealt" ro*le%s! alying t"e nursing ro#ess! t"e #ore
#o%eten#ies of nursing ra#ti#e and ali#ation of related s,ills learned
during t"e revious years )it" #lini#al instru#tor and sta6:s suervision.
=i,e)ise! dis#ussions )ill also *e in#luded )"i#" )ould %ainly revolve on
diagnosti#s tests or ro#edures in relation to organ syste%s involved to su#"
#ases in t"e area! t"e use of aroriate #are lans and ali#ation of
indeendent and as )ell as deendent interventions. Devie) on %edi#al and
t"eraeuti# #on#ets )it" a#1uisition of #urrent trends in t"e e%ergen#y
roo% %odalities )ill also *e in#ororated during t"e H "our s"ift toget"er
)it" t"e integration of "olisti# #are and C"ristian #on#ern #are to se#i2# t"e
;eneral 8b3ectives% Cit"in t"e t"ree )ee,s of #lini#al e'osure in t"e
?%ergen#y Doo%! t"e students are e'e#ted to #arry out t"e follo)ing tas,s(
1. Utili-e aroriate ,no)ledge! s,ills and attitude t"at t"e students
osses in rendering t"e aroriate nursing #are
2. ;e oriented )it" t"e "osital oli#ies! "ysi#al set-u! as )ell as t"e
%edi#al sta6 and non-%edi#al ersonnel as )ell
4. 9ain s,ills )it" a##ura#y in roviding nursing #are in t"e follo)ing
a. Ad%ission #are in t"e ?D
*. Assess%ent of %edi#ally ill #lients
#. A##ura#y in ta,ing t"e vital signs and @re#ision in #lients needing
#ontinuous %onitoring
d. 5a,ing ?C9
e. &edi#ation Ad%inistration
f. @la#ing N95! Foley Cat"eter
g. Assisting in .ntu*ation and %inor oerations
". Cound dressing
i. Ne*uli-ation and Su#tioning
0. Dendering assistan#e during a C><? e.g. erfor%ing C@D
G. Aly nursing t"eories learned in during le#tures in t"e #lini#al setting
E. @ro%ote and rovide 1uality nursing #are ! a*iding to t"e 11 ,ey areas
of nursing ra#ti#e! to t"eir rese#tive atients
>eek &
9ay & ?uly &@, *A&*
table 7pecifc /ctivities 7pecifc 8b3ectives 6valuation
1.) C"e#,ing of
attendan#e! unifor%s
and ara"ernalia:s
2.) S"ort rayer
*efore duty
4.) @re Conferen#e
G.) =istening to
endorse%ents *y
outgoing sta6s.
E.) 9rou >rientation
a. individual and
grou e'e#tations
*. re1uire%ents
8.) >rientation to t"e
a. @"ysi#al Set-u!
S>@:s! rules and
*. ?%ergen#y roo%
sta6 and ot"er
#. ?1ui%ents and
F.) Student fo#us(
a. distri*ution of
*. triage nursing
#. ta,ing vital signs
d. %edi#ation
e. #arrying out
do#tor:s orders
f. erfor%ing
g. revie)ing of
#"arts and ot"er
". indeendent
H.) 1
grou ta,es a 40
%in. *rea, )"ile t"e
grou re%ains in
t"e area
7.) 2
grou ta,es a 40
%in. *rea, )"ile t"e
grou re%ains in
t"e area
10.)%a,ing of sa%le
At t"e end of t"e s"ift! t"e
students )ill gain and
strengt"en #on2den#e in
erfor%ing di6erent nursing
ro#edures )it" t"e
ali#ation of t"e follo)ing(
1. ?sta*lis"ing raort to
t"e sta6! duty
%e%*ers and atients
2. 9iving due rese#t to
atients and sta6
4. Assessing t"e aitient
G. @roer do#u%entation
on all ro#edures done
E. Assisting duty%ates in
t"e area in t"e
e'e#ution of nursing
8. Dendering "ealt"
tea#"ings in t"e area
F. >*serving and
u"olding atient:s
A s"ort s"aring
a*out t"e
gained during
t"e 1
day in t"e
se#i2#ally t"e
<is#ussions on
t"e vaired
@ro*le%s and
during t"e 2rst
day of duty.
11.)Continuation of
roviding nursing
12.)C"e#,ing of
inidiviudal #"arting
14.)@rearing for t"e
ednosre%ent to
in#o%ing s"ift
1G.)After Care
-?nd of <uty-
>eek *
9ay & ?uly **, *A&*
table 7pecifc /ctivities 7pecifc 8b3ectives 6valuation
1. C"e#,ing of
attendan#e! unifor%s
and ara"ernalia:s
2. S"ort rayer *efore
4. @re Conferen#e
G. =istening to
endorse%ents *y
outgoing sta6s.
E. Assigning of tas,s and
8. 5riage Nursing
F. Student fo#us(
a. Ad%ission
*. Carrying out
do#tor:s orders
#. &edi#ation
d. ?C9! o'ygen
and .AF
e. <is#"arge
f. Ielat"
H. 1
grou ta,es a 40
%in. *rea, )"ile t"e
grou re%ains in
t"e area
7. 2
grou ta,es a 40
%in. *rea, )"ile t"e
grou re%ains in
t"e area
10. )ard #lass(
Co%le%entary and
12. Continuation of
roviding nursing
14. C"e#,ing of
inidiviudal #"arting
1G. @rearing for t"e
ednosre%ent to
in#o%ing s"ift
1E. After Care
At t"e end of t"e s"ift! t"e
students )ill gain and
strengt"en #on2den#e in
erfor%ing di6erent nursing
ro#edures )it" t"e
ali#ation of t"e follo)ing(
1. ?sta*lis"ing raort to
t"e sta6! duty
%e%*ers and atients
2. 9iving due rese#t to
atients and sta6
4. Assessing t"e aitient
G. @roer do#u%entation
on all ro#edures done
E. Assisting duty%ates in
t"e area in t"e
e'e#ution of nursing
8. Dendering "ealt"
tea#"ings in t"e area
F. >*serving and
u"olding atient:s
H. Continue fa%iliari-ing
)it" ?D setu! S>@!
olo#ies! nursing
ersonnel and ot"er
"ealt" rofessionals
7. Utilii-es t"e e'isting
#"ain of #o%%and in
i%le%enting a#tivities
<is#ussions on
t"e vaired
@ro*le%s and
during t"e
se#ond day of
18. @ost-Conferen#e
-?nd of <uty-
>eek ,
9ay & ?uly *B, *A&*
table 7pecifc /ctivities 7pecifc 8b3ectives 6valuation
1. C"e#,ing of
unifor%s and
2. S"ort rayer *efore
4. @re Conferen#e
G. =istening to
endorse%ents *y
outgoing sta6s.
E. Assigning of tas,s and
8. 5riage Nursing
F. Student fo#us(
a. Ad%ission
*. Carrying out
do#tor:s orders
#. &edi#ation
d. ?C9! o'ygen
and .AF
e. <is#"arge
f. Ielat"
H. 1
grou ta,es a 40
%in. *rea, )"ile t"e
grou re%ains in
t"e area
7. 2
grou ta,es a 40
%in. *rea, )"ile t"e
grou re%ains in
t"e area
10.)ard #lass(
e%ergen#y nursing
11. Continuation of
roviding nursing
12. C"e#,ing of
inidiviudal #"arting
14. @rearing for t"e
ednosre%ent to
in#o%ing s"ift
1G. After Care
At t"e end of t"e s"ift! t"e
students )ill gain and
strengt"en #on2den#e in
erfor%ing di6erent nursing
ro#edures )it" t"e
ali#ation of t"e follo)ing(
1. ?sta*lis"ing raort to
t"e sta6! duty
%e%*ers and atients
2. 9iving due rese#t to
atients and sta6
4. Assessing t"e aitient
G. @roer do#u%entation
on all ro#edures done
E. Assisting duty%ates in
t"e area in t"e
e'e#ution of nursing
8. Dendering "ealt"
tea#"ings in t"e area
F. >*serving and
u"olding atient:s
H. Continue fa%iliari-ing
)it" ?D setu! S>@!
olo#ies! nursing
ersonnel and ot"er
"ealt" rofessionals
7. Utilii-es t"e e'isting
#"ain of #o%%and in
i%le%enting a#tivities
10.For%ulation of a##urate
NC@:s and "ealt"
tea#"ing in t"e area
Dotational 1ui-
#overing toi#s
on ?%ergen#y
nursing and
)ard #lasses!
1E. @ost-Conferen#e
-?nd of <uty-
Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan
College of Nursing
S.Y. 2011-2012
7ample /Cliating :etter%
9reetings and @ea#e in C"rist3
Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing "u%*ly as,s your
er%ission to allo) our student nurses to *e a/liated in your restigious
institution. Ce )ill *e 2elding our students fro% level t)o to level four into
di6erent #lini#al areas se#i2#ally( @edia )ard! &aleBFe%ale Surgi#al )ard!
&aleBFe%ale &edi#al )ard! @rivate Doo%sBSuites! .CU and ?D as art of t"eir
#lini#al e'osure.
Ce *elieve t"at your institution is a great avenue for our students learning
and develo%ent. Your institution )ill surely rovide t"e% t"e 1uality
e'erien#e t"at )ill furt"er i%rove our student nurses: ,no)ledge! s,ills
and attitude. Ce *ot" s"are t"e sa%e vision of striving for e'#ellen#e and
roviding 1uality nursing #are to our #lientele. Ce envision our students to
osses t"e sa%e vision and develo t"e% into *e#o%ing nursing )it"
#o%assion! #ons#ien#e! #o%eten#e and #o%%it%ent to t"e nursing
rofession. Ce )ill *e greatly "onored to )or, )it" you in t"e future.
@reared *y(
@aolo Dafael <. ?sguerra
Noted *y(
<r. Da%ona Ieidi C. @alad! DN! &AN! &A?d
<ean! College of Nursing
V06>7D0N70;5"7 8N "56 0N"6;1/"08N 8# 0N"6N70V6 NU170N;
'1/C"0CU! /N9 NU170N; :6/961750' /N9 !/N/;6!6N"
5"e integration of intensive nursing ra#ti#u% and nursing leaders"i
and %anage%ent see% to "ave overlaed )it" t"e #lini#al e'erien#e t"at
is due to us nursing students. . t"in, "aving t"ese 2 *ig su*0e#ts #annot *e
a##o%%odated in one se%ester only. . feel derived of t"e #lini#al
e'erien#e . oug"t to "ave if t"e @ra#ti#ing Clini#al .nstru#tor! Sta/ng and
C>@AD rotations )"ere given its due "ours+ )"i#" . *elieve are 8G "ours er
rotation. . #ould truly are#iate t"ese areas if it )ere given %ore ti%e for us
to fun#tion )ell and e%*ra#e t"e roles of @C.! Sta6 Nurses and C>@AD
nurses. .f so%e %inor su*0e#ts #an *e ta,en during t"e su%%er *efore G
year 1
se%ester starts! t"en it )ould *e a great "el to t"e #urri#ulu%
*e#ause it )ill give us e'tra ti%e for t"ese rotations to *e 2lled in. Iaving
t"e N=& D=? during t"e 1
se%ester of t"e G
year is also a good otion for
t"ese rotations to *e given a%le ti%e and student nurses #ould are#iate
*eing a @C. or a C>@AD nurse.

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