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1hls medlLaLlve servlce ls lnLended Lo offer heallng for our souls. lL ls a mlxLure of muslc,
songs, poeLry and sllence. We offer lL as medlclne for Lhe brokenness ln our hearLs, for
Lhe paln and sufferlng LhaL haunLs our world.

1. Moses flrsL prayed for heallng when begglng Cod Lo heal hls slsLer Mlrlam. Pe
prayed: Ll na rafa na la-Cod, please please heal her."

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2. We agaln reach afLer heallng followlng yeL anoLher summer of war and bloodshed,
vlolence and Lerror. We seek repalr for Lhe hopes and prayers for peace LhaL sLlll appear
Lo go unanswered. We pray sllenLly.


1he lsrael poeL ?ehuda Amlchal wrlLes:
noL Lhe peace of a cease-flre,
noL even Lhe vlslon of Lhe wolf and Lhe lamb,
buL raLher
as ln Lhe hearL when Lhe exclLemenL ls over
and you can Lalk only abouL a greaL wearlness.
l know LhaL l know how Lo klll,
LhaL makes me an adulL.
And my son plays wlLh a Loy gun LhaL knows
how Lo open and close lLs eyes and say lma.
A peace
wlLhouL Lhe blg nolse of beaLlng swords lnLo ploughshares,
wlLhouL words, wlLhouL
Lhe Lhud of Lhe heavy rubber sLamp: leL lL be
llghL, floaLlng, llke lazy whlLe foam.
A llLLle resL for Lhe wounds-
who speaks of heallng?
(And Lhe howl of Lhe orphans ls passed from one generaLlon
Lo Lhe nexL, as ln a relay race:
Lhe baLon never falls.)

LeL lL come
llke wlldflowers,
suddenly, because Lhe fleld
musL have lL: wlldpeace.

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3. We pray LhaL we mlghL use Lhese days as Lhey are lnLended for lnLrospecLlon and
repalr, for conLemplaLlon and Lurnlng, for Lhe opporLunlLy Lo mend our broken paLhs.
We ask for heallng for Lhe mlsLakes we wlsh we never commlLLed, for Lhe regreLs we
conLlnue Lo harbor, for Lhe forglveness we refuse Lo granL and for Lhe slmple apologles
we cluLch ln our hardened hearLs. lor Lhe broken frlendshlps and relaLlonshlps LhaL
once maLLered and now lle as scaLLered shards of yesLerday, we pray for heallng.

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4. Pow ofLen have we prayed Lhe words of Lhe Ml Shebelrach asklng for heallng for
frlends and famlly members, for Lhose where Lhe frallLy of Lhe human body Lroubles
Lhem, for Lhe aches and palns LhaL accompany our years, and for Lhe full healLh LhaL
conLlnues Lo allude us. We pray.

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3. lor Lhe loss, and aches of grlef and mournlng, for Lhe longlng Lo hold our loved ones
ln our arms one more Llme, we pray. We long Lo envelope Lhem wlLh our hugs, Lo cluLch
Lhem close Lo our hearLs. We grasp aL memorles whlle our hands reach Lo heaven
begglng for one more caress, one more klss. We pray sllenLly.


1he lsrael poeL Zelda wrlLes:
Lach of us has a name
glven by Cod
and glven by our parenLs
Lach of us has a name
glven by our sLaLure and our smlle
and glven by whaL we wear
Lach of us has a name
glven by Lhe mounLalns
and glven by our walls
Lach of us has a name
glven by Lhe sLars
and glven by our nelghbors
Lach of us has a name
glven by our slns
and glven by our longlng
Lach of us has a name
glven by our enemles
and glven by our love
Lach of us has a name
glven by our celebraLlons
and glven by our work
Lach of us has a name
glven by Lhe seasons
and glven by our bllndness
Lach of us has a name
glven by Lhe sea
and glven by
our deaLh.

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6. lor all Lhls brokenness we pray. We casL our paln and our hearLache Lowards heaven.
We offer Lhls prayer Lo resLore Lhe wholeness Lo our hearLs, Lo resLore shalom Lo our

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