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By Polat Kaya
I have been interested in the ancient Turanian identity of Sardinians ever since I
saw some pictures of Turkish BALBAL-like stone statues, Menhirs and olmens in
Sardinia! To me they were the remnants of the civili"ation of the ancient Turanian
peoples! #ecently, I have seen some very interestin$ and e%citin$ photos of ancient
artifacts from Sardinia in the internet and facebook! Some very talented Italian
friends have presented their e%cellent photos of artifacts of ancient Sardinia! In this
study, I wish to brin$ clarity to some of the ancient names that have been used in
identifyin$ the Sardinians! Sardinians were close kins of &truscans, 'orsicans
(Saka people), *elas$ians, *hoenicians and 'arta$inians and also Anatolians and
other Turanians!
The island of Sardinia, with many ancient structures in the forms of so-called
+,#A-.&, M&+.I#, /LM&+, 0ell-Temples and even a pyramid or "i$$urat
like structure, are the center of attractions re$ardin$ its 1oriental1 past! But all of
these have remained a riddle with respect to who built them and what their purpose
The followin$ back$round information from several internet reference sources
re$ardin$ ancient Sardinia and Sardinians are relevant to this study! I believe
important information in Turkish re$ardin$ these ancient Sardinians are hidden in
the names that were used in identifyin$ these ancient peoples and their civili"ation!
They become obvious and meanin$ful only after the names are deciphered, in
different manners, into Turkish!
The ancients were talkin$ about the power of words! I have shown that power of
words by usin$ Turkish, that is, a monosyllabic and a$$lutinative lan$ua$e of the
ancient world! As a word of caution, I must note that this presentation is an unusual
way of e%plainin$ thin$s! The reader is probably not used to readin$ such
presentations, therefore, the reader must read it carefully and patiently!
#ef!2! http344en!wikipedia!or$4wiki4Sardinia
"Sardinia (Italian: Sardegna Sardinian: Sardigna) is the second-largest island in
the Mediterranean Sea (after Sicily and before Cyprus). It is an autonomous region
of Italy, and the nearest land masses are (clockise from north) the !rench island
of Corsica, the Italian "eninsula, Sicily, #unisia and the Spanish $alearic Islands.
#he name Sardinia is from the pre-%oman noun &sard'(, romanised as sardus
(feminine sarda)) that the name had a religious connotation is suggested from its
use also as the ad*ecti+e for the ancient Sardinian mythological hero-god Sardus
Pater ,Sardinian !ather, (misunderstood by many modern Sardinians-Italians as
being ,!ather Sardus,), as ell as being the stem of the ad*ecti+e "sardonic".
Sardinia was called Ichnusa (the Latinised form of the Greek Hyknousa),
Sandalion, Sardinia and Sardo y the ancient Greeks and the !omans"
Sardinia has fe ma*or ri+ers, the largest being the #irso, ./. km (01.21 mi) long,
hich flos into the Sea of Sardinia, the $oghinas (../ km) and the %lumendosa
(.34 km). #here are &' artificial lakes and dams hich supply ater and
electricity. #he main ones are 5ake (modeo and Lake $oghinas. #he only natural
freshater lake is Lago di )arat*. + numer of large, shallow, salt-water lagoons
and pools are located along the .,2/6 km (.,.70./7 mi) of the coastline.,
#ef!5! http344en!wikipedia!or$4wiki4Sardinia6*rehistory
,Sardinia is one of the most geologically ancient bodies of land in 8urope. #hough
e+idence of human +isits date from the "alaeolithic period, permanent settlements
only appear much later in the 9eolithic age, around :666 $C.
#he first people to settle in northern Sardinia probably came from the Italian
mainland +ia $orsica, particularly from ,truria (present-day #uscany), hile those
ho populated the central region of the island around the salt lakes of Cabras and
St ;iusta may ha+e arri+ed from the Iberian "eninsula by ay of the $alearic
Islands. #he settlements founded around the ;ulf of Cagliari seem to be of +arious
8+idence of trade ith <egean (8astern Mediterranean) centres is present in the
period .:66 $C onards) for e=ample fine ceramic products from $ydonia ha+e
been reco+ered in Sardinia.'citation needed( <s time passed, the different
Sardinian peoples appear to ha+e became united in language and customs, yet
remained di+ided politically as +arious small, tribal groupings, at times banding
together, and at others aging ar against each other. >abitations consisted of
round thatched stone huts, similar to those of present-day shepherds.,
,%rom aout -&.. )$ onwards, /illages were uilt around the round tower-
fortresses called nuraghi (9orthern Sardinian nuraghes, Southern Sardinian
nura0is, plurals of nuraghe and nura=i respecti+ely), hich ere often reinforced
and enlarged ith battlements. #he boundaries of tribal territories ere guarded
by smaller lookout nuraghi erected on strategic hills commanding a +ie of other
territories. #oday some 1,... nuraghi dot the Sardinian landsca2e" +ccording to
some scholars the nuragic 2eo2les are identifiale with the Shardana, a trie of
the "Sea Peo2les".':(,
The source reference (Ref.1) above gives us the following river names:
,Sardinia has fe ma*or ri+ers, the largest being the #irso, ./. km (01.21 mi) long,
hich flos into the Sea of Sardinia, the $oghinas (../ km) and the %lumendosa
(.34 km). #here are &' artificial lakes and dams hich supply ater and
electricity. #he main ones are 5ake (modeo and Lake $oghinas. #he only natural
freshater lake is Lago di )arat*. + numer of large, shallow, salt-water lagoons
and pools are located along the .,2/6 km (.,.70./7 mi) of the coastline.,
1. About the Sardinian River names TIRSO, COGHINAS and
a) The name TIRSO is a somewhat altered form of the Turkish name "TUR SU"
meanin$ "#ur water" (#ur ri/er) where the name TUR is one ancestral name of
the Turanian Tur 4Turk4/$u" peoples and is also a name of the Sky 8ather -od, the
Sun--od and the Moon--od of the ancient Turanians! The Sun, described as "OD
ER", "UTU ER" (TUR), means 1the 8ire Man1, ("the Sun man") of the sky!
This is the personification of the Sun and it has become a name of the Sun--od
believin$ 'entral Asiatic Turanians, The name T,# in the form "UTU ER" also
means the "bull man" (cattle man) which refers to their "domesticated cattle"
based economy! In this re$ard, in addition to cattle raisin$, there is also the
domesticated sheep and horse raisin$ by the ancient Turanians! The ancient Turkish
word UT means 1o%1 (cattle) and "UT ER" means 1male cattle1, that is, "the
)3LL"! The so-called &n$lish term OX is an altered form of Turkish word
OKUZ - meanin$ the same! The name Italia is also based on the Turkish
e%pression "UT ILI" meanin$ "the cattle country"! Turkish word SU means
So, this river name TIRSO is one first si$n that the ancient Sardinians were
Turkish speakin$ T,# (Turk4/$u") peoples9
b) The name of the COGHINAS river, rearran$ed as "GOC-HAN-SI" is the
altered form of the Turkish name "GK HAN SU" meanin$ "4ater of Sky
Lord" where the name GK HAN, meanin$ 1Sky Lord1, was the name of one of
the si% sons of the OGUZ Kagan in the Turkish /$u" :a$an epic story! So the
name of this Sardinian river has been $iven after the name of the Turanian Sky
Lord - (GK HAN)! This a$ain makes the Ancient Sardinians a Turanian
Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples9 Below we will see that they called themselves by the
Turkish name "AN TURKIZ" (GK TURKIZ) meanin$ "we are the Sky #urks,
we are the lord #urks"5
c) The name of the FLUMENDOSA river, rearran$ed as "MEN-AL-OD-SU-F"
is the altered form of the Turkish name "MEN AL OD SU" meanin$ "I am the
!ed %ire water", "I am the !ed Sun ri/er"! So, the name of this river is also
dedicated to the Sky eity (Sun -od), that is, to that "RED FIRE" but in Turkish9
Thus, this is another name that makes the ancient Sardinians a Turanian
Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples and their ori$inal lan$ua$e was T,#:IS.9
Turkish word MEN means "I, I am", AL means "red", OD means "fire", AL
OD means "red glowing fire6 sun"!
The very fact that Sardinia has ;< artificial lakes is indicative of the fact that this
island is normally a dry place! 8rom literature, we learn that Sardinia seems to be
havin$ chronic water shorta$e problems presently! My view is that, if this is so
now, this problem must have e%isted in Sardinia in ancient times as well! The
ancient Sardinians bein$ the 1Sea *eople1, that is, bein$ masters of the 1waters1,
must have faced this water problem and conceived solutions for it - to survive on
the island! I feel that =>>> +ura$hes in the country must have somethin$ to do in
solvin$ this water shorta$e problem on the island!
2. Sardinian Well Temples and Water worshipping:
A paper by Sandro *intus, Blue *lanet, at url
http344www!catpress!com4dedpla4ac?ue4uetempli!htm, $ives a $ood account of the
so-called "The Ancient Water Temples of Sardinia"! .e describes them as ,#he
ell temples here, 1,666 years ago, the nuraghi peoples orshipped the ?aters,!
This is very much the ancient Turanian worshippin$ cult where the under$round
waters were re$arded as sacred and important for life preservation where surface
waters were insufficient! The so-called -reek "YER-SU""ORPHEUS" myth is
very much a story of this ancient Turanian water cult! Accordin$ to Apollodorus
and a fra$ment of *indar, Orpheus@s father was Oeagrus, a Thracian kin$! &ven
the name THRACIAN (referrin$ to the people of Thracia) rearran$ed as
"THRANCI-A", is the altered form of the Turkish word "TURANCI O"
meanin$ "he is #uranian"! Additionally, the name THRACIA is from the Turkish
e%pression "TRK YU" meanin$ "house of #urks"!
The mytholo$ical name OEAGRUS, rearran$ed as "O-AGER-SU", is the altered
and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "O AKAR SU" meanin$ "it is
running water", "It is ri/er water"! Thus, this so-called 1-reek mytholo$ical
name is actually a personification of the runnin$ waters! .is mytholo$ical son was
ORPHEUS who was supposedly a born musician9
In this conte%t, the name ORPHEUS, rearran$ed as "PER-SU-OH", is the altered
and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish word "BIR SU O" meanin$ "it is one water",
"it is any water"! The music of ORPHEUS is the mytholo$ical personification of
the 1voice1 (i!e!, the sound) of runnin$ waters in nature! All runnin$ waters make
natural 1music1 as they run over the rocks and waterfalls! .is (ORPHEUS) music
was so beautiful that when he 1played1, all animals followed him, even the trees
followed him and the fish Aumped for Aoy! Bes, the life $ivin$ water (S,) was so
important for livin$ bein$s that wherever its musical 1voice1 was heard, every
livin$ bein$ went $ravitated to it - so that they could drink from it or benefir from
it9 &uropeans use this word ORPHEUS as their own, but they do not know that it
has also been usurped from Turkish - contrary to the known .ellenic mytholo$y!
Most likely, the Sardinians also had an under$round water system to overcome their
water shorta$e problems! The prsence of 10ell Temples1 in Sardinia is an
indication of it! Similar to this is the KANAT water system of ancient Turkistan
(where means "kanat""canal, water guidance system" for a subterranean
water) conduit system) which brou$ht the under$round waters to surface to be
used by people!
3. Sardinian BETILE and Turkish word TEPELI:
#ef!C! http344en!wikipedia!or$4wiki4-iantsD5=E$rave
"Giants7 gra/e (Italian: #omba dei giganti, Sardinian: #umbas de sos gigantes) is
the name gi+en by local people and archaeologists to a type of Sardinian
megalithic gallery gra+e built during the $ron@e <ge by the 9uragic ci+ili@ation.
#hey can be found throughout Sardinia, and so far 13. ha+e been disco+ered.
< stone cairn lies o+er the burial chamber itself. Some e=amples ha+e a cup-shaped
entrance similar to the court cairn tombs of Ireland.
#omb of the ;iant in 5anusei.
#here are to general types of giantAs tomb.
In the so-called ,slab type,, uncut slabs are buried on end in the ground, and are
arranged side-by-side. #here is usually a central stele, hich is the largest (up to 7
m in height) slab and has a dooray cut through it. #he sepulchres ha+e a
characteristic rectangular plan ith an apse. #he burial chamber is usually / to ./
meters long and . to 3 meters high. #he structures were originally co/ered y a
mound resemling the sha2e of an o/erturned shi2" 8ear the entrance was an
oelisk (etile in Sardinian), which symoli*es the gods or ancestors who
watched o/er the dead""
The "overturned ship" makes a conve% heap which constitutes a hill shape, that
is, "TEPE" in Turkish! The overturned ship is also a symbol of a 1dead ship1,
hence the symbol of a 1dead sailor1! Ancient Sardinians were Sea-*eople and
therefore - sailors! Buryin$ their dead in mounds shaped like overturned ships
verifies that the ancient Sardinians were 1Sea *eoples1, and also, that reli$iously,
they were the believers of the -od-.ead and the .uman-.ead duality (i!e!,
1TEPE1) concept! 8or that reason, even the =>>> Sura$hes, distributed all over the
country, are all built in the shape of a T&*&!
It is interestin$ to note that the Sardinian reli$ious concept represented by the term
"BETILE" was also used by the *hoenicians! See "Coin of Macrinus" FSabatino
Moscati, 1The world of the *hoenicians, 2G=C, p! =H, and on p! ==, where he uses
the term "BETYL". A B&TBL is defined as "a sacred stone, often in the form of
a lock trimmed into a conical sha2e" See also om2halos"" An omphalos is
defined as "the center or hu of something"! In this conte%t, the S,+ is the
1center1 of our solar system where the solar system turns around the sun, and the
"Head" is the 1hub1 of any livin$ bein$ such as 1man1 and other livin$ bein$s
which include even villa$es, cities, countries as well since they too have a 1head1
(centre) place where a ruler-establishment carries on the $overnin$ of the affairs of
the community!
0e note that the term "betyl" is nothin$ but 1a hill shape1, that is, TEPE in
Turkish! In fact, the *hoenician "BETYL" and the Sardinian "BETILE" are one
and the same - and they are from the Turkish word "TEPELI" - meanin$ "with
head"! Interestin$ly, there is the Turkish word "TAPILI" which means "it is
worshi22ed"! This a$ain hilites the concept of the "human head" as a sacred and
-odly bein$ for the ancient Turanians! This verifies the above reference sayin$3
,#he burial chamber is usually / to ./ meters long and . to 3 meters high. #he
structures were originally co/ered y a mound resemling the sha2e of an
o/erturned shi2" 8ear the entrance was an oelisk (etile in Sardinian), which
symoli*es the gods or ancestors who watched o/er the dead"" Ancient Turks were
1ancestor worshippin$ peoples1! *uttin$ up so-called $rave monuments, menhirs,
dolmens, stela (from Turkish LTA$I meanin$ "dead 2erson7s stone, gra/e
stone") are the livin$ testaments to that ancient Turanian belief9
4. The Roman term Macrinus:
The #oman term Macrinus appears in the titles of #oman kin$s! The #oman
Imperial 'oins have this term Macrinus, and they are even known with the name
Macrinus Denarius! These #oman coins have the "head" of the kin$, that is,
1TEPE1 in Turkish, on one face of the coin! .ere a$ain, we find the Sardinian
"BETILE" (BETYL) concept on the face of these coins! The ancient Sardinian
NURAGHES seems to be another form of the same sacred concept put on the map
of Sardinia in three dimensional form!
The #oman term MACRINUS, rearran$ed as "CUNAS-RIM", is the altered,
restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "GNE$ ERIM"
meanin$ "I am the Sun 9an", "I am the Sun"! By this Turkish definition, the
kin$ is referrin$ to himself as the S,+ - in Turkish, and thus he becomes the 1hub1
(center) of the country!
Interestin$ly, the Aryan #oman term DENARIUS, rearran$ed as "DANRE-IUS",
is the altered, restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "TANRI
YZ" meanin$ "the face of God"! Thus, this name of the coin (DENARIUS)
declared the person on the face of the coin as 1$od@s face1! /f course, the coin
carried the face of a man who claimed himself as -od! But this concept came from
the Turanian reli$ious civili"ation which re$arded the Sun and the .uman head as
parallel in creativity! By this definition in Turkish, the #oman kin$s elevated
themselves to the level of -od - but they did it in a hidden usin$ ana$rammati"ed
Turkish definitions - althou$h they denied the e%istence of this most ancient
Turkish civili"ation of the world9
'uriously, when the Aryan #oman term DENARIUS is rearran$ed as "DANRE-
USI", it is the altered, restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression
"TANRI Zi" meanin$ "God himself"! By this definition in Turkish, the #oman
kin$s not pretend as bein$ 1-od1 but further claim themselves as 1-od himself1
and even act as one9 All of this ama"in$ self-elevation of ancient kin$s are done in
Turkish - the most ancient lan$ua$e of the world9
5. The name SARDINIA and its related versions:
The reference 2 above tells us that3
,#he name Sardinia is from the pre-%oman noun &sard'(, romanised as sardus
(feminine sarda)) that the name had a religious connotation is suggested from its
use also as the ad*ecti+e for the ancient Sardinian mythological hero-god Sardus
"ater ,Sardinian !ather, (misunderstood by many modern Sardinians-Italians as
being ,!ather Sardus,), as ell as being the stem of the ad*ecti+e "sardonic".
Sardinia was called Ichnusa (the Latinised form of the Greek Hyknousa),
Sandalion, Sardinia and Sardo by the ancient ;reeks and the %omans.,
It is said in the above reference that the word SARDONIC is the adAective related
to the name SARDINIA! 8rom the adAective "SARDONIC", most likely, the name
SARDINIA was initially in the form of "SARDONIA"! The -reek form of the
Fivry@s Modern &n$lish - -reek and -reek - &n$lish ictionary, 2GII, p! H=2J! In
this form, the name SARDONIA, rearran$ed as "DORANS-IA", is the
#omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "TURANCi YI" (TURANCI EVI)
meanin$ "house of #uranian"! This would be the one of the most relevant
attributes of the name of Sardinia! As we will see below, other attributes of
Sardinians will support this view!
a) Similarly, the -reek word SARDONIOS, rearran$ed as "S-DORANS-OI", is
the altered and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "aS TURANCI YI"
(BIR TURANCI EVI) meanin$ "one house of #uranians"! This verifies the
above definition obtained from SARDONIA!
b) A$ain, the -reek word SARDONIOS, rearran$ed as "SARI-OD-NOS", is
the altered form of the Turkish e%pression "SARI OD-AN'UZ" meanin$ "we are
the yellow fire of sky", "we are the follower of the yellow fire of sky", "we are
sun worshi22ing 2eo2le"! This refers to their Turanian sun worshippin$ reli$ion!
Turkish word SARI means "yellow", OD means "fire", AN means "sky6 2lurality
suffi0", OD-AN means "Sky %ire", that is, "the Sun"!
c) A$ain, the -reek word SARDONIOS, rearran$ed as "SARI-OD-NOS", is the
altered form of the Turkish e%pression "SARI OD-hAN'UZ" meanin$ "we are
the yellow fire lords", "we are the lords of the yellow fire of sky", "we are the
sun lords"! This refers to their Turanian name of "GN HAN" meanin$ "Sun
Lord" which was the name of the first son of the si% sons of /$u" :a$an! But the
name "GN HAN" was also the name of the *hoenicians who were also named
CANAANITES, that Semiti"ed name was from Turkish name "GN HAN"!
Also called :I+AA+I which is a$ain from Turkish "GN HAN"! This makes the
Sardinians and the *hoenicians Turanian kins of each other! *hoenicians were also
in Sardinia!
See 0ikipedia url http344en!wikipedia!or$4wiki4*hoenicia
,"hoenicia (BC play -f n D-, BS -fD ni D-)'3( from the ;reek: EFGHIJK: "hoinLkM),
as an ancient ci+ili@ation in Canaan hich co+ered most of the estern, coastal
part of the fertile Crescent. Se+eral ma*or "hoenician cities ere built on the
coastline of the Mediterranean. It as an enterprising maritime trading culture
that spread across the Mediterranean from .//6 $C to 166 $C. #he "hoenicians
used the galley, a man-poered sailing +essel, and are credited ith the in+ention
of the $ireme.'1( #hey ere famed in Classical ;reece and %ome as Atraders in
purpleA, referring to their monopoly on the precious purple dye of the Mure= snail,
used, among other things, for royal clothing, and for their spread of the alphabet
(or ab*ad), upon hich all ma*or modern alphabets are deri+ed.,
d) A$ain, the -reek word SARDONIOS, rearran$ed as "SARI-DONOS", is the
altered and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "SARI DONUZ" meanin$
"we are yellow 2ant wearers"! This refers to their wearin$ "yellow pants" as
symbol of their Turanian sun worshippin$ reli$ion!
Turkish word DON means "2ants, aggy trouser6 clothing"!
In order to understand the attributions of the name SARDINIA, let us understand
the multi meanin$s in Turkish hidden in the adAective form of this name,
SARDONIC! ,sin$ the power of Turkish lan$ua$e in decipherin$ this word, in
summary, we can deduce the followin$ attributes about the ancient Sardinians from
its variuos decipherments!
The ancient Sardinians were:
a) "#uranians, from #uran"6
) "#anri elie/ers, Sky-God elie/ers"6
c) "Sky-#urks6 Lord #urks"6
d) "#urks from #urkiye", "2eo2le from +natolia"6
e) "#ur:#urk man"6
f) "water men"6
g) "Saka men (Saka #urks)", "Pelasgians6 "fishermen"6
h) "men of ocean"6
i) "soldiers of the Sun"6
;) "soldiers"K
k) "followers of the sun", "Sun worshi22ing 2eo2le"6
l"-) "the readers of written works"6
l"<) "the to2 readers of written works"6
l"=) "the readers of secrets"6
l"') "the readers of the winds"6
l"&) "the readers of the God"6
m) "water studying men"
n) "men of ocean waters"6
o) "shee2 reeder men"6
2) "cattle reeder men"6
>) "yellow wood dealers"6
r) "knowledge 2eo2le, light 2eo2le"6
s) "wearing yellow 2ants", "yellow 2ants 2eo2le"!
All of these ?ualifications deciphered from the term SARDONIC, make the ancient
SARDINIA as the "home of 2eo2le with these attriutes"! etails of these
findin$s are $iven below 3
5.1 The Romanized word SARDONIC:
a) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "DORANCIS", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "TURANCIYIZ" meanin$ "we are #uranians, we are from
#uran"! This definition identifies Sardinians as Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples!
0ith this definition, Sardinia was a "House of #uranians"!
b) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "DANROCIS", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "TANRUCIYIZ" meanin$ "we are #anri elie/ers, we are
Sky-God elie/ers" ! This definition makes them Sky--od TA+#I believer peoples
of Turan! This a$ain identifies the Sardinians as Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples!
0ith this definition, Sardinia was a "House of #uranian #anri elie/ing 2eo2le"!
c) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "AN-DORCIS", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "AN-TURKIZ" (GK TURKIZ; HAN TURKIZ) meanin$
"4e are Sky-#urks6 4e are Lord #urks"! This definition identifies Sardinians as
bein$ the Sky Turks (-Lk TMrk) and the island of Sardinia as an ancient "House of
d) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "DORCIAS-N", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "TURKIACi" meanin$ "#urks from #urkiye"! This
definition identifies the Sardinians as bein$ from Anatolia! 0ith this definition,
Sardinia was a "House of 2eo2le from +natolia"!

e) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "DORC-INSA", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "TURK INSANI" meanin$ "#urkman"! This definition
identifies Sardinians as "TURKMEN", that is as Turkish peoples9 0ith this
definition, Sardinia was a "House of #urkean"!
This meanin$ can be seen better in the name SARDINIAN (SARDONIAN),
which when rearran$ed as "DOR-INSANA", is a form of the Turkish e%pression
"TUR INSANI" meanin$ "#ur:#urk man"! This definition identifies Sardinians
as "TURKMEN", that is, as the Turkish peoples9
f) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SOCI-ARND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SUCI EReNDi" (SUCU EReNDi) meanin$ "they were
water men", "they were sea 2eo2le"! This meanin$ in Turkish describes them as
1people of the sea1 which they were9 Thus, with this definition, Sardinia was a
"House of Sea Peo2le"!
Turkish word SU means "water", SUCI (SUCU, SAKA) means "water
2rofessional6 skillful 2erson in water affairs6 water carrier", ER means "man6
soldier6 hero6 husand", EREN means "men6 soldiers6 heroes6 husands",
ERENDi means "they are men, they are 2eo2le", EN (AN) means "ancient
#urkish 2lurality suffi0"!
$) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SCA-RNDI-O", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SAKA eReNDi O" meanin$ "He is S+?+ men", "He is
Saka #urks"9 This definition in Turkish not only identifies them as the SAKA
Turks but also puts them under the so-called name "Pelasgians"9 8or clarity, at
this time I $ive only one meanin$ in Turkish of the name PELASGIAN!
The name PELASGIAN, rearran$ed as "PALIGSEAN", is a form of the Turkish
e%pression "BALIKCIAN" (BALIKCILAR) meanin$ "the fishermen"! This
definition in Turkish clearly establishes the reason why the 1*elas$ians1, that is, the
SA:A Turks were called "sea going 2eo2le" by the ancient -reeks! Because they
were the fishermen of the sea9
Additionally, the name PELASGIAN, rearran$ed as 1BILGESAAN" or
1BILGASEAN" is the altered, restructured form of the Turkish word
"BILGICIAN" (BILGECILER) meanin$ "men of knowledge"! This, of course,
reminds us the Turko-Sumerian word "BILGAMESH" (BILGEMISH), that is,
the so-called "GILGAMESH" who was the "2ersonification of knowledge" but
in Turkish!
Turkish word BALIK means "fish", BALIKCI means "fisher, fisherman",
BALIKCIAN (BALIKCILAR) means "fishermen", BILGI means
"knowledge", BILGICI (BILGE) means "he who has ac>uired knowledge"!
*elas$ians were such Turanians!
Turkish name SAKA was the name of "S+?+ #urks", and the word SAKA
(SUCU) means "water man"! Sakas were also called by the name SCYTHIAN
(i!e!, 1ISKITLER1 in Turkish)! The #omani"ed and 'hristiani"ed "SCOTS" of
Scotland, were also the SAKA (ISKIT) Turks9
h) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "OCIANS-RD", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "OKYANuS eRDi" meanin$ "he is man of ocean", "he is
man of o2en sea"! This definition in Turkish, a$ain identifies the Sardinians as
"the sea 2eo2le" and as "men of ocean"! Turkish word OKYANUS means
i) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "ASCIR-OD-N", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "ASKER OD aN" meanin$ "soldier of sky %ire", "Soldiers
of the Sun" which they were as the believers of the Sun -od9
A) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "ASCIRNDO", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "ASKERaNDU" (ASKERLERDI) meanin$ "#hey were
soldiers"which makes them a soldier people - like all other Turks were soldiers
and heroic people9 +o wonder it is said that 1#omans had $reat difficulty in makin$
the Sardinians to submit to their authority! id not they commit a mass suicide
rather than surrenderN1
Turkish word ASKER means "soldier", OD means "fire", AN means "sky6
2lurality suffi0", OD AN means "Sky %ire", that is, "the Sun", ASKERAN
(ASKERLER) means "soldiers", DU (DI, Di, D) means "/eral ending suffi0"!
k) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SARI-ODNC, is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SARI OD aNCi" meanin$ "follower of the yellow fire of
sky", "follower of the sun", "sun worshi22ing 2eo2le" - which they were9
l!2) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SR-OCIAND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "eSeR OKIYANDi" meanin$ "he was the reader of written
works" - indicatin$ that they were literary men9
l!5) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SR-OCIAND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SeR OKIYANDi" (BA$ OKUYANDI) meanin$ either "he
was the to2 reader (of written works)" - indicatin$ that they were accomplished
literary men or "he was ahead-reader1, that is, they were horoscopic people9 This
is to tell events before they happen which was the subAect of astrolo$y - the study of
the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as havin$ an
influence on human affairs and the natural world! The &truscans who were kns of
the Sardinians, were accoplished horoscopic people! Most likely, the Sardinians
were horoscopic also! The term horoscopy is said to be via Latin from -reek
hroskopos, from hOra PtimeQ R skopos Pobserver@! I believe this etymolo$y is
The -reek word HROSKOPOS, rearran$ed as "POSH-KROS-O", is a form
of the Turkish e%pression "BA$ GR$ O" (N GR$ O) meanin$ "it is
foresight, it is foretelling, it is seing efore it ha22ens"! This is e%actly the same
as the Turkish e%pression "SER OKIYANDi" (BA$ OKUYANDI) which is
within the word SA#/+I'! Thus the -reek term is a word that has been
fabricated from Turkish as I showed here!
l!C) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SR-OCIAND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SIR OKIYANDi" meanin$ "he was the reader of secrets" -
indicatin$ that they were men who could read secret (knowled$e)9
l!<) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SR-OCIAND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "eSeR OKIYANDi" meanin$ "he was the reader of the
winds"" As sea people, they were capable of readin$ the winds for their benefit! It
is said that they were tryin$ to understand the li$htnin$ and cloud formations!
&vidently, astrolo$y was a very important field for these ancient peoples!
l!;) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SR-OCIAND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "aSeR OKIYANDi" meanin$ "he was the reader of God" -
indicatin$ that they were very reli$ious men and thus were the readers of written
works about the -od concept9
Turkish words3
OKIYAN means "man who reads:writes6 man who is a scholar",
AS means "one6 2eerless",
ER means "man",
ASER means "one man6 2eerless man6 God6 the Sun6 godly man6
ESER means "written works",
SER (BA$, TEPE) means "head, to2",
SIR means "secret", and
ESER means "wind" !
m) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "S-OCIAN-RD", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "Su-OKIyAN eRDi" meanin$ "he was water studying
man"! As the fishermen of the seas, it is natural that they studied the water in some
kinds of schools! Turkish word SU OKIYAN means "he who studies water"!
n) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "ACON-SI-RD", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "ACUN SU eRD" meanin$ "he was man of ocean waters" -
which they were9
Turkish word ACUN means "endless", SU means "water", ACUN SU
(OKYANUS) means "endless water, oceans"!
o) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "COIANS-RD", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "KOYUNCU eRDi" meanin$ "he was shee2 reeder man"!
They breeded sheep (possibly cattle and horses too as these were the specialty of
the ancient Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples)!
Turkish word KOYUN means "shee2", KOYUNCU means "shee2 reeder"!
p) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "OCIS-ARND", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "OKIZ (OKUZ) EReNDi" meanin$ "they were cattle
reeding men"!
Turkish word OKIZ (OKUZ, KZ) means ")ull"! The probably had horse
breedin$ culture as well Aust like al other Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peopls!
?) The name SARDONIC , rearran$ed as "SARI-ODNC, is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SARI ODuNCu" meanin$ "yellow wood dealer"! "Yellow
pine wood"is mentioned in Sardinia! It is said that Sardinia was the e%ported of
wood for ship buildin$! There must be a 1yellow1 tree special to Sardinian
$eo$raphy like the 1cedars1 of Lebanon (i!e!, *hoenicia)9
Turkish word ODUN means "wood", ODUNCU means "wood dealer"!
r) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "NORSI-ACD", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "NURCU AGaDi" meanin$ "he is lord of enlightenment"!
This definition identifies Sardinians as "knowledge people, light people"! The
name NURAGHE in the form of "NUR AGHE" is also Turkish "NUR AGA"
meanin$ "lord of light, lord of enlightenment"!
s) The name SARDONIC, rearran$ed as "SARI-DONC", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SARI DONCU" meanin$ "he who wears yellow 2ants" -
which the Sardinians (Sardonians) do9 This definition identifies Sardinians as
"yellow pant people"! In this case, the 1yellow pant1 would be the national dress
symbol of Sardinians (SARIDONIAN) as believers of the yellow sun! So their
name also symboli"es this aspect of their clothin$ as a symbol of believin$ in the
Sun! (See also Item =! below)!
Turkish word SARI means "yellow", DON means "2ants6 clothing worn on legs6
dress, clothing", DONCU means "he who wears certain clothing6 he who makes
2ants"! The followin$ picture in 8i$ures 2 and 5 below e%plain this very clearly9
+ow, all of these decipherments that I enumerated above $ive us a lot of new
identity information about the ancient Sardinians - some of which are already
known but some are new revelations!
8i$ure 2! Sardinian (Saridonian) 1Bellow *ants1 men!
(*icture from Antonello di Biase album in 8acebook)
8i$ure 5! Sardinian (i!e! 1SA#I/+IA+1 S 1SA#I/+L,LA#1) showin$ their
national color of 1yellow1
(note the yellow dress of women and the yellow pants of man)
8i$ure C! Sardinian $irls dancin$ with their beautiful yellow4red dresses!
'ompare this with Turkish $irls from Sivas below3
8i$ure <! Turkish $irls from Sivas in a national dance (1Sivas@in Bollarinda1)
'ompare with the costumes of the Sardinian $irls above!
+ote the ancient S,+ symbols on their aprons
and the #&-.&A (AL BAS) symboli"ed with a red (AL) diadem!
(8rom http344www!youtube!com4watchNvS$hTU-V%hABc)
5.2 The name SARDIGNA:
a) The name SARDIGNA, rearran$ed as 1SARI-GNDA", is the altered,
restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "SARI GND"
meanin$ "it is the yellow sun" which refers to their worshippin$ the Bellow
($olden) Sun!
b) The name SARDIGNA, rearran$ed as 1NARSI-AGD", is the altered,
restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "NARCI AGADI"
meanin$ "he is fire dealing lord" which refers to their bein$ people who do work
with fire1! This indicates they were probably doin$ metal smeltin$, iron works and
other metals! Turkish is very much the Sardinan 1+,#A-.&1! See decipherment
n) above!
c) The name SARDIGNA, rearran$ed as 1SAGA-RNDI", is the altered,
restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "SAGA-eRENDI"
meanin$ "they were Saka men"! Thus, this identifies them as the ancient SAKA
Turks! Turkish word SAKA means "water man", "sea man", that is, "Sea
Peo2le"! At this point, I must point out that the &n$lish word SEA is nothin$ but
the alienated and An$lici"ed form of the Turkish word "SU" meanin$ "water"!
All seas are 1endless1 waters9
d) The name SARDIGNA, rearran$ed as 1SARI-GAND", is the altered,
restructured and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "SARI KENT"
meanin$ "yellow city" or "yellow country"! This name SARIGAND is very much
similar to the ancient Turkistan city named SAMERGAND (SAMERKANT)
which is very likely the name SUMERGAND meanin$ the "SUMER CITY"!
Thus, in summary, the Sardi$nians (Sardinians) were3
a) "yellow sun 2eo2le"6
) "2eo2le who used fire (heat) for their works such as metal smelting and
metal works"6
c) "Saka men, water men"6
d) "yellow city men" or "yellow country men"!
5.3 The name SANDALION:
a) The name SANDALION, rearran$ed as "SANDALN-OI", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SANDALaN Y" (SANDALLAR EVI)" meanin$ "house
of oats"! This makes the Sardinians a "people who were intensely involved
with water related works" because in order to $o fishin$ in the open waters, they
needed some kind of boat - implyin$ that they were also boat builders and owners9
Turkish word SANDAL (KAYIK, TEKNE) means "oat", AN plurality suffi%
and Y means "house, home6 country"!
b) The name SANDALION, rearran$ed as "SANDALNI-O", is a form of the
Turkish e%pression "SANDALLI O" (KAYIKCI O)" meanin$ "he is oat
owner", "he is oat uilder"! This a$ain makes the Sardinians a "sea people"
because in order to $o fishin$ in the open waters, they needed some kind of boat -
implyin$ that they were also boat builders and owners9
Turkish word SANDAL (KAYIK, TEKNE) means "oat", SANDALLI means
"2eo2le with oats"!
c) The name SANDALION, rearran$ed as "ANADOLINS" or
"NADOLIANS", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "ANADOLIANIZ"
meanin$ "we are from +natolia"! This indicates that, like the Etruscans, the
Sardinians or the Sandalions were ori$inally from Anatolia9 The statement3
1The figures represented in the bronze statues of men carrying round shields
and wearing helmets with horns could therefore have Anatolian origins. 1 See
Thus, the ancient Sandalion (i!e!, Sardinians) were3
a) "house of oats"6
) "oat owners", "oat uilders"
c) "from +natolia", that is, "were originally +natolians""
+ow let us use some of these ancient back$round information related to the
Sardinians to understand their hidden meanin$s and identities!
6. About the name SARDUS PATER:
a) The so-called name "SARDUS PATER", personifyin$ the ancient Sardinian
mytholo$ical hero-$od, is actually from Turkish e%pression "SARI OD APATIR"
meanin$ "he is the @ellow %ire %ather", that is, the "%ather S38"9
Turkish word SARI means "yellow", OD means "fire", APA (PAPA, BABA)
means "father", APATIR (> "PATER", "PEDER") means "he is father", OD
APA means "fire father (i"e", yellow sun)"!
7. The Latin name SARDO:
a) The Latin name SARDO, in the conte%t of a country, rearran$ed as "SAR-
OD", is an altered and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression SARI yD
meanin$ "it is yellow house", "it is yellow country"! The color 'yellow' comes
from worshippin$ the $olden colored sun! Ancient Sardinians were sun
worshippin$ peoples!
b) The Latin name SARDO, rearran$ed as "SAR-OD", is an altered and
#omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "SARi OD" meanin$ "yellow fire"
which refers to the sun since Sardinians were sun worshippin$ peoples!
c) The Latin name SARDO, read as in Turkish, is from the Turkish word
"SARiDU" meanin$ "it is yellow" which a$ain refers to their sun worshippin$
The color 1yellow1 is also verified from the fact that the Latin words Sardonius,
Sardonia, Sardonium have the meanin$ of "Sardinian" (people) and is also the
name of a
plant called "Sardinian plant", that is, "kind of acrid uttercu2:2oisonous 2lant,
crowfoot", Ffrom 0illiam 0hitaker@s 'lassics Technolo$y 'enter,
10ords Latin-to-&n$lish and &n$lish-to-Latin ictionary1 at url
http344ablemedia!com4ctcweb4showcase4wordsonline!html !J
8or 1Sardinian Buttercup1 plant see
This plant has 1yellow and white flowers1, and probably, amon$ them is also the
1pumpkins1 (s?uash) flowers!
This is the color that we see painted on many ancient Sardinian "NURAGHE"
stone structures called "BETILE" (BETYL),
that is from Turkish "TEPELI" meanin$ "with hill" or "hill like"!
8i$ure ;! Sardinian buttercup (-enus3 #anunculus)
The Latin term RANUNCULUS, rearran$ed as "SARU-CUL-UNN", is from
Turkish name
"SARU GL" (SARI GL) meanin$ "yellow rose" (yellow flower)" Thus, the
source of this so-called
Latin scientific term was Turkish999 The additional -UNN is most likely the altered
form of the Turkish
1plurality suffi% "EN/AN"! This makes the plant name from Turkish "SARI
GLLER" meanin$ "yellow flowers"!
Turkish word SARI means "yellow" and GL means "rose6 flower"!
&ven the so-called Latin word GENUS is from Turkish! It has two forms3
a) when rearran$ed as "GENSU", it is the altered form of Turkish word CINSU
(CINSI) meanin$ "its sort, ty2e, kind, /ariety, category6 genus,6 se06 gender"K
b) when rearran$ed as "GUNES", it is the altered form of Turkish word GNE$
meanin$ "sun"!
All of these indicate that the so-called 1Latin1 lan$ua$e is fabricated from Turkish -
Aust like -reek and all the other 1Indo-&uropean lan$ua$es9
8. About the Greek name HYKNOUSA:
The 0ikipedia reference above $ave us the followin$ additional information at url
http344en!wikipedia!or$4wiki4Sardinia 3
"Sardinia was called Ichnusa (the Latinised form of the Greek Hyknousa),
Sandalion, Sardinia and Sardo y the ancient Greeks and the !omans""
The Greek name HYKNOUSA:
The -reek name HYKNOUSA meanin$ 1Sardinians1 is also an important
alternative name for cross checkin$ those attributions that we found for the term
SARDONIC! This word also contains important and relevant information
re$ardin$ Sardinians but in Turkish!
In summary, we have the followin$ attribes for Sardinians deciphered from the
name HYKNOUSA! The Sardinians were3
a) "House of Sun"6
) "house of Lord (gu*"6
c) "Sky-(gu* lords " (Sky-#urk lords)6
d) "house of Saka Lords", "house of Saka #urks", "house of Saka Huns"6
e) "su2reme lords of the water"6
f) "school 2eo2le", "learned 2eo2le"6
g) "houses of light", "houses of enlightenment", "houses of learned 2eo2le"6
h) "good s2eaker", "good language"6
i) "ocean going 2eo2le", "o2en sea 2eo2le"6
;) "2eo2le who studied water"6
k) "2eo2le who rought running water to houses"6
l) "oat makers, oat owners, oat o2erators, oatmen"6
m) "2eo2le who reeded shee2"6
n) "cattle lords", "house of cattle"6
o) "sky-wise lords"6
2) "/illage-wise lords"6
>) "2eo2le who washed themsel/es""
The detalied decipherments of this name are as follows3
a) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, in the conte%t of a country, rearran$ed as
"KUNASH-OY", is a different form of the Turkish e%pression "GNE$ Y"
meanin$ "Sun House" (House of Sun) indicatin$ that they were ancient Sun-
believin$ Turanians!
Turkish word GNE$ means "sun" and Y (EV) means "house, home,
b) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, in the conte%t of a country, rearran$ed as
"OKUS-HAN-Y" or "KUS-HAN-OY", is a different form of the Turkish
e%pression "OKUZ HAN Y" (OGUZ HAN Y) meanin$ "the house of Lord
(gu*"! This definition in Turkish not only identifies the ancient Sardinians as
believers of the Turranian Sky deitiy /-,W, but also identifies them as bein$ from
the house of Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples!
c) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, when rearran$ed as "KY-OUS-HAN", is a
different form of the Turkish e%pression "GY OGUZ HAN" meanin$ "Sky-(gu*
lord " (Sky-#urk lord) indicatin$ that they were ancient Turanians Sky-
Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples! Sky-Turks (-Lk Turks) are known in history9
Turkish word GY (GK) means "sky" and HAN means "lord6 a 2alace like
estalisment"! By way of metaphore, "sky-dome" is one such establishment of
nature9 !
d) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "SKA-HUN-OY", is a
different form of the Turkish e%pression "SAKA HAN Y" (SAKA HUN Y)
meanin$ "house of Saka Lord(s)"! This definition a$ain identifies them as the
Saka Khans! In ancient India where the Turkish peoples had the -reat Sun &mpire,
the Saka Turks were also called HUN (HUNA) which became the name of the
-reat .un &mpire of the Turks9
e) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "SU-HAKNY-O", is a different
form of the Turkish e%pression "SU HAKANU O" (SUCU O, SAKA O) meanin$
"he is the su2reme lord of the water"! This definition in Turkish identifies them
as the ancient masters of anythin$ to do with water! That is why the Sardinians
were known as 1the Sea *eople1! This definition identifies them as the SAKA
Turks (IS:IT Turks) who were also called by the -reeks "SCYTHIAN".
The -reek name SCYTHIAN, rearran$ed as "SCY-HANTI", is the altered,
restructred and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "SuCU-HANT"
(SUCU HANDI, SAKA HANTI) meanin$ "he is the lord of water"! That is why
the Sardinians were known as "the Sea Peo2le"! They were all so-called
PELASGIANS, that is, the ancient Saka Turks or by the $eneral name of
Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples9 This decipherments also verifies above deciphered
meanin$ under c)! This is only one meanin$ in Turkish, we may have other
meanin$s as well, but not now!
Turkish word SU means "water" and HAKAN means "great lord, su2reme lord",
SUCU means "he who deals with water, water is his usiness6 S+?+ (#urks)",
HAN means "lord", -TI, -DI are verbal sufi% meanin$ "it is"!
f) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "OKUYANHS", is an altered
form of the Turkish e%pression "OKUYANIZ" meanin$ "we are school 2eo2le",
"we go to school", "we are learned 2eo2le"! This definition identifies them as
people who are enli$htened by $oin$ to school, in other words, they had a school
system in their country!
Interestin$ly, the name NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "AGUEN-HR", also embodies
the Turkish e%pression "OKUYAN ER" meanin$ "man of learning"! Thus these
two definitions in Turkish from two different names related to Sardinians to verify
each other! In fact, the term NUR in Turkish means "light6 enligtenment"! 0ith
these confirmations, it can be said with confidence that the NURAGHES were
some kind of "learning" centers built in the form of an elon$ated 1head1 (i!e!,
'TEPE, BA$" in Turkish) surrounded by a villa$e! These elon$ated "heads" we
also find with the ancient 1*hoenician1 men! In fact any learnin$ by man in any
institution involves the "human head" both from the point of teachers and from
the point of learners! .uman head is the creator of everythin$ that is man made on
earth! .ead is the creator9 Thus the NURAGHES, in one meanin$, symboli"e the
"human head"! 8or e%ample, the Turkish man name NURI means "enlightened
$) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "SHUK-OYAN", is an altered
form of the Turkish e%pression "I$IK YAN" (I$IK YLER" meanin$ "houses
of light", "houses of enlightenment", "houses of learned 2eo2le"! This
definition a$ain identifies them as people who are enli$htened by $oin$ to school!
It also means they were people who reli$iously believed in the sun li$ht, that is,
Turkish "NUR"!
h) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "AY-KONUSH", is an altered
form of the Turkish e%pression "EYI KONU$I" meanin$ "good s2eaker", "good
language"! This definition implies that the Sardinians had a 1$ood lan$ua$e1!
Since they called themselves "we are Sky-#urks6 we are lord #urks", their $ood
lan$ua$e must have been the Turkish lan$ua$e as we are vitnessin$ it now throu$h
these decipherments9 (See Item c) under name SA#/+I')!
i) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "OKYANUSH", where letter .
can be ., &, I, is an altered form of the Turkish e%pression "OKYANISI"
(OKYANUSCU) meanin$ "he who goes ocean", "o2en sea 2eo2le"! This
definition identifies the Sardinians as ocean $oin$ people, like all other so-called
The Turkish term OKYANUS which means "ocean" is seen better from the Latin
term OCEANUS! In this case when the Latin name is rearran$ed as "ACEN-SU-
O" or "ACUN-SE-O", it is from the Turkish e%pression "ACUN SU O" meanin$
"it is endless waters"!
A) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "SU-OKHYAN", is a different
form of the Turkish e%pression "SU OKUYAN" meanin$ "he who studies
water"! This definition in Turkish a$ain identifies the ancient Sardinians as people
who studied different aspects of water and its uses - in homes and in the country!
That is why they were called Sea *eaople (i!e!, 1SA:A1 in Turkish)! The Term
SAKA means "water man" in Turkish9 The Saka people not only brou$ht
drinkin$ water to their houses, but they were also the people who provided
irri$ation waters to fields, built water channels, dried up the swampy areas, and also
fished in the rivers, lakes and seas9 +o wonder they also called themselves
"su2reme lords of the water" (see my decipherment c) above)! Their skills in
mastery of waters can be achieved only in schools - indicatin$ that they had a
hi$hly developed school system in their country! In this conte%t the followin$
decipherment of the name is very si$nificant3
k) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "OYH-AKN-SU", is a
different form of the Turkish e%pression "YE AKAN SU" meanin$ "running
water to houses"! This definition in Turkish states that they had runnin$ waters in
their houses! The &truscans were famous for their so-called "AQUADUCTUS"
which itself is a term made up from Turkish "SU AQUTUCUDU" (SU ARIKI,
SU KANALI) meanin$ "it is water carrier, water 2i2e, water channel that guides
running water"! That is what an 1a?uaductus1 is all about9 If &truscans did build
1a?uaductus1, it is a sure thin$ that their bretheren in the ne%t-door island would
also do that9 The reference above states the presence of the ancient water
su22lying system, with its ig underground ducts!
l) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "KAYUHSO-N", is a different
form of the Turkish e%pression "KAYUKCUAN" (KAYUKCULAR) meanin$
"oat makers, oat owners, oat o2erators, oatmen"! Since the ancient
Sardinians (SA:ALA#) were see $oin$ peoples, this definition in Turkish
appropriately identifies them as "oat makers, o2erators and owners"! That is the
trade of water-dealin$ people9 Sardinians are said havin$ war ships operated in the
Mediterranean sea!
Turkish word KAYUK means"oat", KAYUKCU means"oatman, oat maker,
oat owner", KAYUKCUAN (KAYUKCULAR) means "oatmen, oatmakers,
oat owners, oat o2erators", AN (LER, LAR) means "2lurality suffi0"!
m) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "KOYUNSAH", is a different
form of the Turkish e%pression "KOYUNCU" meanin$ "he who reedes shee2"!
Ancient Sardinians (SA:ALA#) were sheep breedin$ people! This definition in
Turkish appropriately identifies them as "owners of shee2" which was one of the
home economic base of all Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples!
Turkish word KOYUN means"shee2", KOYUNCU means"shee2 owner, shee2
n) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "OKUS-HANY", is a different
form of the Turkish e%pression "OKUZ HANU" meanin$ "cattle lord6 house of
cattle"! This definition in Turkish identifies the ancient Sardinians as cattle
breedin$ people! 'attle breedin$ was another one of the home economic base of all
Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples!
Turkish word OKUZ means"o0, ull6 cattle", HAN means"lord6 ig house"!
o) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "KOY-US-HAN", is a
different form of the Turkish e%pression "GY US HAN" meanin$ "Sky wise
lord"! This definition in Turkish identifies the ancient Sardinians as knowled$able
people about the sky or the sky observers!
p) It is also the Turkish e%pression "KY US HAN" meanin$ "/illage wise
lord"! This definition identifies the ancient Sardinians as wise people of villa$e
buildin$, administerin$, etc!! &vidently, the ancient Sardinians were $ood self
sustained villa$e builders as some of the +ura$he pictures indicate so9
?) The -reek name HYKNOUSA, rearran$ed as "YHKANUSO", is a different
form of the Turkish e%pression "YIKANUCU" meanin$ "he who washes
himself:herself"! This definition in Turkish identifies the ancient Sardinians as self
washin$ people! Turanians are known for their bath houses such as Turkish
"HAMAM"! Some of the Sardinian +ura$hes could have a function related to
this concept!(NNN) Interestin$ly, the Latin term HYGIEINA (&n$lish term
HYGIENE), is very much the same as HYKNOUSA , that is, "YIKANUCU"!
The Latin term HYGIEINA, rearran$ed as "EIH-YIGAN", is an ana$rammati"ed
and #omani"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "EYI YIKAN" meanin$ "good
washing" or "wash yourself well"! That is what the 1hy$iene1 is all about9 It is
$ood washin$ and cleanin$9
9. The Latin name ICHNUSA:
In summary, we have the followin$ attributes for Sardinians deciphered from the
name ICHNUSA! The Sardinians were3
a" "a house of sun"6
" "sun and moon 2eo2le"6
c) "sky light" or "light lord" 2eo2le6
d) "sunlight" 2eo2le6
e) "the water lord", "the Saka lord" 2eo2le6
f"-) "water man", like "water li/ing life"6
f"<) "soldier man"6
g) "school 2eo2le", "learned 2eo2le"6
h) "fliers", "flyin 2eo2le", "Icarus" like people1! (This needs to be verified
i) "shee2 reedes""
The detailed decipherments of this name are as follows3
a) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "CUNASH-I", is an altered form
of the Turkish e%pression "GNE$ Y" meanin$ "house of sun"! This was also
one of the decipherments of the -reek name HYKNOUSA!
b) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "CUNASH-I", is an altered form
of the Turkish e%pression "GNE$ aY" meanin$ "sun and moon"! Sardinians
(S.A#A+A) are known to wear a head dress havin$ two horns with a sun disk in
between! The horns make up the "crescent moon" of the Turks, thus, this head
dress symbol of Sardinians is nothin$ but the present "crescent moon and sun"
symbol on the fla$ of the Turks9 The Turkish -od name OGUZ, which is also a
man@s name in Turkish culture, is also homonym with the Turkish word OKUZ
meanin$ 1o%1! Two horns of o% metaphorically form a "crescent moon"! ue to
these homonym nature of the two Turkish words, the "God Oguz" was symboli"ed
in the form of a "BULL"! The term homonym is defined as3 "each of two words
ha/ing the same 2ronunciation ut different meanings, origins, or s2elling"!
c) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "ISHUC-AN", is an altered form
of the Turkish e%pression "I$IK AN" (I$IK hAN) meanin$ "sky light" or "light
lord" which a$ain points to the sun and its li$ht! It is normal for a sun worshippin$
people to identify themselves with the name of their belief - theSun!
d) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "CUN-ISHA", is an altered form
of the Turkish e%pression "GN I$I" meanin$ "sunlight"!
e) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "SUCI-HAN", is an altered form
of the Turkish e%pression "SUCU HAN" (SAKA HAN) meanin$ "the water
lord", "the Saka lord"! This definition in Turkish a$ain identifies the ancient
Sardinian as the Saka Turks!
f) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "SU-CANIH", is an altered form
of two Turkish e%pressions3
f!2) "SU CANI" meanin$ "water man6 water li/ing life"! This definition in
Turkish a$ain identifies the ancient Sardinian 1water people1 so much that it $ives
the impression that they were bein$s who lived in the waterK
f!5) "S CANI" (ASKER) meanin$ "soldier man"! This definition in
Turkish identifies the ancient Sardinian as soldier people - like all ancient
Turanians were9 The Turkish word S means 1soldier1!
$) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "UCIANHS", is an altered form of
the Turkish e%pression "OKUyANIZ" meanin$ "we are school 2eo2le", "we go
to school", "we are learned 2eo2le"! This definition identifies them as people
who are enli$htened by $oin$ to school, in other words, they had a school system in
their country!
h) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "UCHANIS", is an altered form of
the Turkish e%pression "UANIZ" meanin$ "we are fliers", "we fly"! This
definition identifies the ancient Sardinians as 1flyin$ people1! It is curious that the
ancient -reek mytholo$y also talks about a "flying man" named "ICARUS"! See
Icarus - 0ikipedia, the free encyclopedia
,In ;reek mythology, Icarus (the 5atin spelling, con+entionally adopted in
8nglish) ;reek: JNOFP, Qkaros, 8truscan: Rikare'.() is the son of the master
craftsman Baedalus. #he main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape
from $rete by means of ings that his father constructed from feathers and a=.
>e ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting a= caused
him to fall to his death,!
/f course, he did not really fly too close to the sun if he ever flied at all9 But, it is
curious that the Latin term ICHNUSA, meanin$ 1Sardinians1 and also meanin$
"we are fliers", and, the Latin term ICARUS have the same meanin$s in Turkish
after decipherments!
The Latin name ICARUS, rearran$ed as "UCARIS", is an altered form of the
Turkish e%pression "UARIZ" meanin$ "we fly"! I do not belive that this is Aust
a myth and had no connection with ancient reality9 0e also have the pictures of
1,8/ like1 obAects in the ,i$hur Be"eklik ancient ,8/sN Thousand Buddha 'aves
paintin$s, http344www!youtube!com4watchNvSnt0/80GeTM>
Additionally, the name of one of the si% sons of /$u" :a$an was "GK HAN"
meanin$ "Sky Lord" which implies - the ruler of the sky, that is, the sky -od! But
additionally, it implies possibly a $roup of ancient Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples
had invented some kind of flyin$ device by which some people were flyin$! ,i$hur
Be"eklik paintin$s show many 1flyin$1 obAects that emit flame from its bottom9 As
we see here, the ancient Sardinian name ICHNUSA also has the Turkish word
"UANIZ" meanin$ "we are fliers"!
Similarly, The Latin name DAEDALUS, (father of I'A#I,S) meanin$ the 1master
craftsman1, rearran$ed as 1,SA &LA1, is an altered form of the Turkish
e%pression "USTA ELDI" meanin$ "it is the master hand", "it is the skillful
hand"! Makin$ a device that flies, so called a plane, is surely the product of very
many skillful hands operated by knowled$able minds! Thus, this term
DAEDALUS is also made up from a Turkish e%pression! It identifies this
mytholo$ical character as a 1a skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity with
his hands and enli$htened mind1 that builds all kinds of thin$s in the world!
Wecharia Sitchin, in his book named 1The 25T. *LA+&T1, p! 2;G-2H>, talks about
the Aourney of -il$amesh and his lifelon$ friend &+:I, to the Land of Tilmun,
where -il$amesh falls asleep and sees a dream! In awakenin$, -il$amesh talks
about his dream to his friend &+:I,! In his dream, he sees a mysterious
rocketlike thin$ hidden in the mountains! Wecharia Sitchin writes3 ,#he shem that
;ilgamesh reSuired in order to reach the <bode of the ;ods as undoubtedly a
rocket ship, launching of one of hich he had itnessed as he neared the ,landing
place,. #he rockets, it ould seem, ere located inside of a mountain, and the area
as a ell-guarded, restricted @one,! .e then refers to 8i$ure == on pa$e 2H>
where a rocketshiplike obAect is shown!
(In bracket here, I would like to note that the ori$inal form of the name
GILGAMESH was BILGAMESH in Sumerian! But the name BILGAMESH is
also the Turkish word BILGEMISH meanin$ "he who has ac>uired knowledge"!
It is the personification of knowled$e, that is, "BILGI" in Turkish! The name
ENKIDU, the friend of BILGAMESH, in one meanin$, is a form of the Turkish
word "KENDI-U" meanin$ "that is HI9S,L%"! A person and his knowled$e
are always lifelon$ friends9 The source of theis ancient epic story was in Turkish9)
In view of these e%planations, a$ain this "flying man" concept by ancient
Turanians becomes a credible idea to think about9 0hether men were flyin$ or not
in ancient times is not known presently! But, it seems that there are indications
from ancient Turanians pointin$ to the probable reality of that concept in ancient
Turkish word USTA means "master craftsman" such as a master blacksmith, EL
means "hand" and ELDI means "it is hand"!
By the way, it is said that ICARUS was tryin$ to fly away from the island of
CRETE! The name CRETE, rearran$ed as "TERC-E", is the ana$rammati"ed
form of the Turkish word "TURK-Ev" meanin$ "House of #urk"! The ancient
people of 'rete were Turanians as their top city name KNOSSOS is from Turkish
"GNE$" meanin$ 1sun1! The Minoans of CRETE were ancient Sun believin$
Turanians and were also *elas$ians!

i) The Latin name ICHNUSA, rearran$ed as "CUIANSH", is an altered form of
the Turkish e%pression "KOYUNCU" meanin$ "he who reeds shee2"! Ancient
Sardinians (SA:ALA#) were sheep breedin$ people! This definition in Turkish
appropriately identifies them as "owners of shee2" which was one of the main
economic activities of all Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples (in addition to cattle and
horse breedin$)!
So we see that all of these deciphered meanin$s in Turkish are verifyin$ each other
and even more! This is so because the ancient Turanian lan$ua$e of Turkish went
throu$h a confusin$ sta$e from which came the so-called 1Indo-&uropean1 and
Semitic lan$ua$es! +ow decipherin$ the 1Indo-&uropean1 words back to their
possible Turkish meanin$ is doable a$ain by their $iven meanin$s and also by the
power of the Turkish lan$ua$e9
9. *art-5 of this study about the ancient Sardinians will be about the name
NURAGHE and the NURAGHE structures of Sardinians!
0ith all of these insi$ht e%planations, I believe I have e%plained known and4or
unkown attributions about the ancient Sardinians and the name of Sardinia9
I hope that this essay will answer some of the unknown aspects of ancient Sardinia
and the Sardinians9
0ith my best wishes to all,
*olat :aya
The Sardinian Capital City NORA and Sardinian Kinship With the Phoenicians
(Part- 2)
In *art-2 of this study, we noted that Sardinia was called Ichnusa (the Latinised
form of -reek .yknousa), Sandalion, Sardinia and Sardo by the ancient -reeks and
the #omans! And the term SA#/+I' was the adAective of Sardinia! 0e
e%amined many Sardinia related names and words! Amon$ them, we looked at four
different Sardinia related words3 Sardonic, Sandalion, .yknousa and Ichnusa! By
decipherin$ the word 1Sardonic1 we found, inherent in the name, the followin$
definitions in Turkish that were applicable to the Sardinians as their attributes3
"#uranians"6 "#anri elie/ers"6 "Sky-#urks6 Lord #urks"6 "#urks from
#urkiye", "2eo2le from +natolia"6 "#ur:#urk man"6
"watermen"6 "Saka men (Saka #urks)", "Pelasgians6 "fishermen"6 "men of
ocean"6 "soldiers of the Sun"6 "soldier 2eo2le"K "followers of the sun", "Sun
worshi22ing 2eo2le"6"the readers of written works"6 "the to2 readers of written
works"6 "the readers of secrets"6 "the readers of the winds"6 "the readers of the
God"6 "water studying men"6 "men of ocean waters"6 "shee2 reeder men"6
"cattle reeder men"6 "yellow wood dealers"6 "knowledge 2eo2le, light 2eo2le"6
"wearing yellow 2ants", "yellow 2ants 2eo2le" !
Also by decipherin$ the name SANDALION, we found the followin$ definitions
in Turkish that were relevant to the Sardanians3
"house of oats"6 "oat owners"6 "oat uilders"6 "from +natolia", that is,
"were originally +natolians""
And by decipherin$ the -reek name HYKNOUSA, we have the followin$
attributes for Sardinians! The Sardinians were3
"House of Sun"6 "house of Lord (gu*"6 "Sky-(gu* lords " (Sky-#urk lords)6
"house of Saka Lords", "house of Saka #urks","house of Saka Huns"6
"su2reme lords of the water"6 "school 2eo2le", "learned 2eo2le"6 "houses of
light", "houses of enlightenment", "houses of learned 2eo2le"6 "good s2eaker",
"good language"6 "ocean going 2eo2le", "o2en sea 2eo2le"6 "2eo2le who
studied water"6 "2eo2le who rought running water to houses"6 "oat makers,
oat owners, oat o2erators, oatmen"6 "2eo2le who reeded shee2"6 "cattle
lords", "house of cattle"6 "sky-wise lords"6 "/illage-wise lords"6 "2eo2le who
washed themsel/es""
And from the Latin name ICHNUSA, we deciphered the followin$ definitions in
Turkish that are applicable as attributes for the Sardinians! The Sardinians were3
"a house of sun"6 "sun and moon 2eo2le"6 "sky light" or "light lord" 2eo2le6
"sunlight" 2eo2le6 "the water lord", "the Saka lord" 2eo2le6 "water man", like
"water li/ing life"6 "soldier man"6 "school 2eo2le", "learned 2eo2le"6
"fliersC", "flying 2eo2leC" X(this needs to be verified yet9)K "shee2 reeders""
So, the Sardinians, bein$ the readers and writers of many fields, particularly, bein$
masters of water and li$ht related subAects and their scientific understandin$ of
nature in their time, were enli$htened people who endured the harsh conditions of
their environment by in$enious solutions to their problems! The Sardinian
NURAGHES are one of their best built and lon$ standin$ ancient architectural
creations! Their knowled$e and enli$htenment are reflected even in the names
+/#A and +,#A-.& or S, +,#A-.&!
The name NORA, the ancient capital city of Sardinia, has lin$uistic kinship with
the Sardinian name NURAGHE! The name NORA is actually from Turkish
"NUR E" (NUR Evi) meanin$ "house of Light"! NORA is said to have been
built by the *hoenicians, that is, the Turanian GNHANS in Turkish - meanin$ the
"Sun Lords1! Sun and li$ht are inseparable entities! In addition to the word I$I
(I$U, $UA) for li$ht in Turkish, there is also the word NUR meanin$ 1li$ht1! The
*hoenicians, 'arta$inians, &truscans, 'orsicans, Sicilians *elas$ians, Minoans,
Anatolians were all lin$uistically and culturally related Turanians of the ancient
world! The followin$ back$round information $iven at url
http344italytourtravel!com4tours4unknown-sardinia-island!htm is enli$htenin$ 3
,. . . . 8ora the ancient ca2ital of Sardinia. < si=teenth century toer dominates a
promontory by hich you may see the +estiges of the ancient ton, that as
founded by "hoenicians as a double port of call for their sea trading: one port
sheltered from the est ind and another shielded from the mistral. 9ora began a
"unic and then a %oman city, but it disappeared around the third century $.C.,
perhaps because of a cataclysm. #oday it is possible to +isit the remains of a "unic
background, of %oman buildings, of a "unic-%oman temple, of thermal aths
decorated ith beautiful mosaics and abo+e all a pratically intact theatre hich
date back to the Imperial era. It is +ery interesting to disco+er the ancient water
su22lying system, with its ig underground ducts, the mosaics with fine
decorating or mechanical drawings. #he sea still preser+es a part of the old city of
9ora, that sinked because of an earthSuake. Many buildings are no more
recogni@able under the crusts of sea and time. #here is a myth that says that 9ora
as founded by 9orace, son of 9inph 8rithia and 8rmes, ho arri+ed in Sardinia
from Ieria. #he archaeological e=ca+ations demonstrate that Phoenicians
probably founded 8ora in the se+enth century $.C. Many remains itness this
ancient ci+ili@ation: the necropolis ith the "hoenician cremation tombs, the old
le+els of southern houses. Carthaginian monuments are represented by fe gra+es,
#anit #em2le ("hoenician goddess) and some cisterns called Ta bagnarolaU. 8ora
ruins are facing to one clean and hite beach. <fternoon continuation of the trip
toards $arumini. Risit to one of the most important archaeological places in
Mediterranean area: S3 83!+DI, the biggest and most famous of them and a
good taste of the primiti+e grandeur of the islandAs only indigenous ci+ili@ation.
#he snag is access: the site lies a kilometre outside the +illage of $arVmini, /6km
north-east of CWgliari. Its dialect name means simply "the nuraghe" and not only
is it the biggest nuraghic comple= on the island, but itAs also thought to be the
oldest, dating probably from around ./66 $.C. Comprising a bulky fortress
surrounded by the remains of a +illage, Su 8ura0i as a palace comple= at the
+ery least X possibly a capital city. #he central toer once reached 3.m (no
shrunk to less than ./m), narro passageays and stairs, connect its outer
defences and inner chambers. #he hole comple= is thought to ha+e been co+ered
ith earth by Sards and Carthaginians at the time of the %oman conSuest, hich
may account for its e=cellent state of preser+ation. Continuation to Senorbi small
historical capital of the #re=enta region. Yinner and o+ernight stay in the special
hotel Tda S8R8%I9ZU famous for hospitality, simply genuine country farmer
,#he city as founded by "hoenician seafarers around I[-RIII century $.C. 5ittle
e+idence remains of this ancient period in 9oraAa history, hoe+er an important
testimony is "la Stele di 8ora" (#he Star of 8ora), on hich there is an
inscription hich bears the name of Sardinia. 9oraAs "unic history, to a large
e=tent, also remains a mystery, although the materials used in the construction of
tombs suggest that it as a rich merchant settlement.1
This story is also informative as follows3
1. The Ancient Sardinian Capital City of NORA:
8irst the name NORA is said to be the name of the ancient capital city of Sardinia!
This name is very enli$htenin$ because it is from the Turkish word "NUR E"
(NUR Evi) meanin$ "house of light", "home of light" where Turkish word NUR
means "light" and E (Ev) means "house, home; country"! This tells us that the
ancient Sardinians were Turkish speakin$ people! This we found in *A#T-2 of this
study where I showed that they were Turanian Saka Turks and Tanri believin$
people! Thus we have another corroboration re$ardin$ their Turanian Turk identity!
Since they were Sun worshippin$ people, and the sun is the source of li$ht,
accordin$ly, they named their capital city NORA (i.e., NUR EVI)! 0e will see that
this name is also present in the name NURAGHE! &ven presently, there is a
Sardinian city by the name NUORO in the north-east of Sardinia! Similarly, there
is the city named ORISTANO which is very much a name like the Turkish name
TURKISTAN! Most likely, ORISTANO was ori$inally the name "NURISTAN
O" meanin$ "country of light" or "light of God", and possibly "TURISTAN O"
meanin$ "country of #ur" or "#ur God"! The Turkish names +,#, +,#IB&,
+,#A+, +,#AB, +,#TA+, +,#T&+, +,#S&L and many other similar names
are used as $irl@s names in Turkish culture! And +,#I, +,#&TTI+, plus others for
It is also very important to note the name "la Stele di Nora" (The Star of Nora)!
'uriously, when the word STELE meanin$ "star" is rearran$ed as "ELTES", we
find that it is the altered and Italiani"ed form of the Turkish word "ILTIZ"
(YILDIZ) meanin$ "star"! .ow close can one $et to the Turkish lan$ua$eN
'learly, it was ori$inally the Turkish word "ILTIZ" (YILDIZ) that someone
restructured to form the word STELE!
I showed above that the name NORA was Turkish "NUR EV" meanin$ "house of
light"! This definition in Turkish make the name "la Stele di Nora" (The Star of
Nora) as the "#he House of Star Light", that is, "House of Sunlight"! A$ain we
find that the name of the city was in Turkish and it was named after the Sun and its
li$ht that they worshipped!
0e must also mention that the name of one of the si% sons of OGUZ KAGAN
(ancestor name of the Tur4Turk4/$u" people) was "YILDIZ HAN" meanin$
"Star Lord"! The Sardinians bein$ Turanian "An Turks" (Gk Turks) - (see
*art-2 of this study), could have also used the name of Yildiz Han in namin$ their
city! In either case, this ancient city was built, named and lived in by ancient
8i$ure 2! #uins of ancient 'apital 'ity of +ora, Sardinia, 'A*/ di *,LA!
It was an ancient harbor city! The tower must have been a "lighthouse"
to $uide the incomin$ ships! +,# means 1li$ht1 and the city has a 1li$hthouse1!
the city named +/#A was indeed a "NUR EVI" meanin$ "house of light" or
"lighthouse"! In this picture,
we still see the Sardinian national color of 1yellow1 still remainin$ on the stones!
0e must also note that the site where the li$hthouse is located is a 1.ILL1 (T&*&,
BAY) shape!
(*icture is from http344www!freewebs!com4"""land4ruinsofnorasardinia!htm)
(See also 'apo di *ula pictures at http344www!sea-seek!com4N$eoS<5GG)
The Italian word CAPO, meanin$ "head6 mind", in the name Capo di Pula, is
also lin$uistically interestin$! In the conte%t of "head6 mind", CAPO (KAPO) is
from Turkish "KAFA" (TEPE, BA$)"head6 mind"! As can be seen from the
picture, the place where the tower is located makes up a 1hill1 (tepe, kafa)
appearance with respect to its environment! Thus we a$ain have the lin$uistic
connection with Turkish!
Additionally, another meanin$ of this word CAPO must be very much in line with
the meanin$ of the Turkish word "KAPU" (KAPI) meanin$ "gate"! A harbour
place is also a "gate" to a country! The Italian word PORTO means 1harbour1
(port)! PORT and PORTICO (meanin$ "enterance, 2orch") are related words in
Italian! But the word PORTICO, rearran$ed as 1COPOTIR1, is the altered and
restructured form of Turkish word "KAPUTIR" (KAPITUR) meanin$ "it is
gate"! Thus, I say this Italian word CAPO is also the same as Turkish KAPU and
Turkish KAFA!
8i$ure 5! 'olumns from the ancient ruined city of +ora, Sardinia
These columns are made in the same style as those found in the Minoan
city of KONOSSOS! These columns of ancient NORA are Turanian round
shaped columns indicatin$ that the city was a Turanian city!
(See picture at http344www!dilos!com4re$ion4crete4knossosEpropylea!html)
8i$ure C! Sardinian 1yellow1 (i!e!, SA#I in Turkish) houses! This color is
very much the color of 1-I+A1 (henna, khenna) that Turkish $irls put on their
before their weddin$ ni$ht - (i!e!, 1-I+A -&'&SI1 in Turkish)! So does the
The term GINA probably $ets its name from the Turkish word "GNO" meanin$
"it is sun"! The *hoenicians were also called by the name KHNA, that is, the
S,+ (-Z+) people!
*hoenicians were Turkish GNHANS9 Turks are also known as AL BA$ meanin$
"red head"!
*hoenicians were also known as 1red people1! So the ancient sun worshippin$
by Turanians probably influenced this -I+A tradition as well9
Sardinian - Phoenician Connection:
8irst, let us understand the people who were named *./&+I'IA+ by the ancient
,Phoenicia (BC play -f n D-, BS -fD ni D-)'3( from the ;reek: EFGHIJK:
PhoinEkF), as an ancient ci+ili@ation in Canaan hich co+ered most of the
estern, coastal part of the !ertile Crescent. Se+eral ma*or Phoenician cities ere
built on the coastline of the Mediterranean. It as an enterprising maritime
trading culture that spread across the Mediterranean from .//6 $C to 166 $C. #he
"hoenicians used the galley, a man-poered sailing +essel, and are credited ith
the in+ention of the bireme.'1( #hey ere famed in Classical ;reece and %ome as
7traders in 2ur2le7, referring to their monopoly on the precious purple dye of the
Mure= snail, used, among other things, for royal clothing, and for their spread of
the al2haet (or a;ad), upon hich all ma*or modern alphabets are deri+ed.
In the <marna tablets of the .7th century $C, people from the region called
themsel+es ?enaani or ?inaani ($anaanites), although these letters predate the
in+asion of the Sea "eoples by o+er a century. Much later, in the :th century $C,
>ecataeus of Miletus rites that Phoenicia as formerly called GHI, a name "hilo
of $yblos later adopted into his mythology as his eponym for the "hoenicians:
,?hna ho as afterards called "hoini=,.'7( 8gyptian seafaring e=peditions had
already been made to $yblos to bring back ,cedars of 5ebanon, as early as the
third millennium $C.
,"hoenicia, is really a Classical ;reek term used to refer to the region of the
ma*or Canaanite port tons, and does not correspond e=actly to a cultural identity
that ould ha+e been recognised by the "hoenicians themsel+es. It is uncertain to
hat e=tent the "hoenicians +ieed themsel+es as a single ethnicity. #heir
ci+ili@ation as organi@ed in city-states, similar to ancient ;reece.'/( >oe+er in
terms of archaeology, language, life style and religion, there is little to set the
"hoenicians apart as markedly different from other cultures of Canaan. <s
Canaanites, they ere uniSue in their remarkable seafaring achie+ements.,
The name PHOENICIAN, rearran$ed as "CONHAN-PEII", is the altered,
restructured and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish name "GNHAN BEYI"
meanin$ "GJnhan Lord", that is, "Sun-God Lord""KINAANI which is from
Turkish GNHANI meanin$ "Sun Lords", and additionally they were also called
by the Semiti"ed name CANAANITE which is the altered, restructured and
Semiti"ed form of the Turkish name "GNHAN IDI" meanin$ "they were
GJnhan 2eo2les"! The name KHNA is the altered and Semiti"ed form of Turkish
"KN O""it is sun" in one hand! Additionally KHNA is also related to the
Turkish word GINA (i!e!, HENNA) which is a reddish colored die that ancient
Turks traditionally used in order to color their hair and hands a reddish color!
*hoenicians (-Mnhans) were also fames for their royal 1purple color1, that is,
1M/#1 in Turkish and it was produced from the sea mollusk called 1M,#&V1!
+ote the Turkish M/# and M,# in Mure%!
The name PHOENICIAN, rearran$ed as "PHENCI-YAN" meanin$ "FENCI
YLER meanin$ "Houses of science"! This definition in Turkish identifies the
*hoenicians as the scientifically learned people! The 8i$ure < below shows these
ancient Turanian -Mnhan Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples in their clean shaven face and
lon$ conical head dresses! &ven at present , the Turkish AL BAY 10hirlin$
ervishes1 wear the same hat!
This name verifies the fact that they called themselves meanin$
8i$ure <! A$roup of *hoenician (Turanian Turkish -Mnhans) $ods, discovered in
the foundations of
the /belisk Temple at Byblos (Lebanon), dates from the 2Gth century B! '!, when
the &$yptians established their control over the ports on
the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea!
(8rom book 1The 0orld of the *.A#A/.S1 by .enri Stierlin, p! 5<-5;)!
*hoenicians, who were the Turanian Turkish peoples named -Z+.A+S, name of
the first son of /$u" :a$an, were man of science, readin$, writin$ and schoolin$!
Thus they were the enli$htened peoples whose alphabetic symbols (dam$a in
Turkish) were taken by the -reeks and the Semites to enli$hten themselves! 0e
must note the ancient Turanian 1conical hat1 that is worn by all of them! The
conical hat which is a Turanian symbol of "AL TEPE" (AYDIN TEPE) meanin$
"enlightened head"! It was also the symbol of the Sky--od and the Sun--od
which li$hted up the world and everythin$ around it! These bron"e statuttes are
wearin$ red conical hats and their bodies are also colored in red! This is because
they were Sun worshippin$ peoples! The Turkish term "AL TEPE" (KIZIL BA$)
has been altered and Semiti"ed as BETEL, or Aryani"ed as BETYL and BETILE
meanin$ "house of God"!
It is said that the *hoenicians had contributed to the foundin$ of the Sardinian city
of NORA! This is e%pected because Sardinians, 'orsicans (:or Sakalar),
&truscans, *hoenicians, Troyans, Minoans and the rest of the *elas$ians were all
Turanian peoples who were kin to each other! They were the 1SA:A T,#:S1
meanin$ the 10ater Turks, Sea $oin$ Turks1! They were all branches of the same
family tree!
.ere, with respect to the name NORA, it is useful to remember the mytholo$ical
*hoenician princess EUROPA whose *hoenician kin$ father had the name
AGENOR! The name AGENOR sounds very much like the Sardinian names
NORA and NURAGHE! &uropa, mytholo$ically was supposedly abducted by
ZEUS who brou$ht her to the island of 'rete! *rincess &,#/*A was from the
*hoenician city of so-called TYRE, that is, "TYR-E" which is the altered form of
Turkish "TUR Evi" meanin$ "house of #3!"! This is e%actly the same as the
name TROY of TroAans - where TROY is the altered form of "TUR Y" meanin$
"house of #ur"9
The name AGENOR, rearran$ed as "AGE-NOR", is from the Turkish name
"AGA NUR" (NUR AGA, NUR BEY) meanin$ "Lord of Light" or "Light
Lord"" In one hand this refers to the SUN that li$hts up everythin$, and
alternatively, it refers to the "human head" - which enli$htens man9
Similarly, the name AGENOR, rearran$ed as "GON ARE", is from the Turkish
name "GN ERI" meanin$ "sun man" (sun elie/er, elie/er of the light6
elie/er of enlightenment6 soldier of sun6 hero of sun"! The :in$ AGENOR was
the kin$ of Turkish GNHANS, that is, the Semiti"ed name 1CANAANITES1 and
the .elleni"ed so-called name "PHOENICIAN"! Therefore, as "sun and
enlightenment1 believin$ people, it was natural for this *hoenician kin$ to have the
name "GN ERI" meanin$ "the sun man"" &ven nowadays, the names
"GNER" and "GNERI" are used as Turkish male names and last names!
But more importantly, the name AGENOR has another meanin$ in Turkish! That
we find when we decipher the name AGENOR as "OGENAR"! In this case the
name AGENOR is an altered form of the Turkish word "OKUNUR" meanin$
"that which is read"! This of course refers to the written works which are read!
*hoenicians produced alphabetically (i!e!, so-called 1abAad1) written books that
were read! In other words, in a way, the mythical name AGENOR was a
personification of the "written material" and, thus, that of "writing"! Ancient
-reeks $ot writin$ from the *hoenicians, that is, the -Mnhan Turks9 The term
1AB[A1 comes from the names of the first four characters in the Turkish
alphabet, that is, A, Be, 'e, e - all concatenated to make AB&'&&! This forms
the word ABCAD - which is then Semiti"ed into 1AB1AD19
8urthermore, the name AGENOR, rearran$ed as "NURE-AG", is from Turkish
name "NURI AGA" meanin$ "Lord 8uri" (8uri )ey) where the name NURI is a
name for Turkish men! NURI also means "enlightened man"!
0ith this insi$ht and understandin$ of the name AGENOR, we can now compare
it with one decipherment of the Sardinian name NURAGHE! The name
NURAGHE, rearran$ed as 1+,#-A-.&1, is from the Turkish name "NUR
AGA" a$ain meanin$ "Lord light" or "Light Lord"! This is also a symboli"ation
of 2) the li$ht $ivin$ Sun and 5) the enli$htened "human head"9
In -reek mytholo$y, kin$ AGENOR was mytholo$ically the twin-brother of
BELUS, and the father of Cadmus and Europa!
The -reek name BELUS (who was the twin-brother of AGENOR, that is,
OKUNUR in Turkish), is the altered, restructured and .elleni"ed form of the
Turkish word "BILI$" - meanin$ "it is knowing, it is knowledge"! Thus the so
called -reek mytholo$ic name BELUS was actually a personification of
"knowledge" - but in Turkish! Indeed when we read written material, we learn
information from it - which is "knowledge"! Thus, AGENOR (i!e!, OKUNUR in
Turkish) and BELUS (i!e!, "BILI$" in Turkish) are definitely twin brother
concepts! They cannot be separated from each other! /ne reads and one learns9 So
the source of all this so called ancient -reek mytholo$y was in Turkish and they
were stolen by way of cipherin$ the Turkish concepts described by Turkish words
and phrases9 Also we note that in mytholo$y, what one sees on the surface can be a
very different thin$ or concept than what the ancients meant alle$orically! .ence,
they can be totally different concepts9
8urthermore, the name BELUS, rearran$ed as "BEL-US", is the restructured form
of the Turkish e%pression "BIL" and "US" meanin$ "knowledge" and "wisdom"
respectively! "BIL" and "US" are a$ain found at the 1head of man1!
8rom all of this, we see that ancient -reek mytholo$y has not told us anythin$
truthfully! In one hand, they kept in the dark the knowled$e and civili"ation of the
ancient Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples - thereby obliteratin$ that ancient
Turanian civili"ation, and in the other hand, they usurped that civili"ation (i!e!, its
knowled$e, it science, it schools, its lan$ua$e, its teachin$s, its canons, its reli$ion
etc,) and presented it in a modified fashion - as if it was their own9 Many Turanian
concepts, traditions and knowled$e were presented in a new form as riddles (e!$!,
A-&+/# and B&L,S Aust above)!
Turkish word BIL means "know" which is the root of verb 7ilmek7 meanin$ "to
know", BILGI means "knowledge" and BILGE means "knowledgale"! 8rom
BIL-& comes another Turkish word "AKIL" meanin$ 12! reason, intelli$enceK
wisdom, discernment, discretion! 5! mind, comprehension, memory! C! idea,
opinion, thou$ht! <! prudence! ;! maturity, a$e of discretion!1
In -reek mytholo$y, the -reek name CADMUS (who was the son of AGENOR
(OKUNUR)), rearran$ed as "UASMCD", is the altered, restructured and
.elleni"ed form of the Turkish word "YAZMaKDi" meanin$ "it is writing"! /f
course, what is read (OKUNUR in Turkish) refers to the written works, that is,
books, writin$s on stone, etc! Turkish word "YAZI" means "writing, words that
are written in some form of writing"! 0ritin$ and readin$, knowled$e and
enli$htenment are all related kin concepts9 But these names and the concepts that
they personified have been mytholo$ically put into riddles that have never been
properly e%plained or understood!
In view of all these concepts, let us now $et back to the name of the mytholo$ical
*hoenician princess EUROPA whose *hoenician kin$ father had the name
a) In one meanin$, the name EUROPA, rearran$ed as "EU-PAR-O", is the
altered and .elleni"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "EYI PARA O" meanin$
"it is good money"! Supposedly, the name of "EUROPE" was from the name of
the *hoenician (-Mnhan) *rincess EUROPA! *hoenicians commercially were very
advanced and hence rich people! 0hen the mytholo$ical name Weus (Turkish S\W)
eloped with the *hoenician *rincess EUROPA, the -reeks actually usurped the
*hoenician school system, and with it, the "good money making" system!
Indeed, since ancient times, he who had studied in schools and learned how to read
and write always earned $ood positions in the $overnment establishments, in
schools and also in the commercial establishments, therefore, they made $ood
money compared to the illiterate farmers9 So, I say that mytholo$ically, the name
EUROPA was a personification of the "God/Goddess" concept in one hand, and
the personification of "money" in the other" But all of these lin$uistic
manipulations were done on Turkish words and phrases9
Turkish word EYI (IYI) means "good", PARA means "money", BIR means
"(ne", BIR O means "God"!
'uriously, the EURO is the current name of the monetary unit of &urope9
Additionally, we have the followin$ meanin$s embedded within this name
b) The name EUROPA, rearran$ed as "PAR-O-UE", is the altered and
.elleni"ed form of a Turkish e%pression "BIR-O Y" meanin$ "House of (ne
God"! In this conte%t, it is the name of the so-called continent of 1EUROPE1
which is coined and based on ancient Turanian reli$ious concepts!
In ancient Syria, the word for -od was also "BAR" (BIR) as an alternative to
"BAAL", Fsee 1An &$yptian .iero$lyphic ictionary1 by &! A! 0allis Bud$e, p!
5>Cb1J! So, a$ain it was a Turanian word! The name SYRIA - (SURIYE in
Turkish) is a name that has been altered from the ori$inal Turkish word
"TURIYE" meanin$ "home of #urs", "land of #urs"! The *hoenician city of
TYRE, that is, "TYR-E" (TUR EVI) is presently known as SUR in Turkish! So,
there has been a T to S 1mistranslation1 in chan$in$ the ancient Turanian name!
c) In the conte%t that EUROPA was the name of a *hoenician princess, the name
EUROPA, rearran$ed as "PERUA-O", is the altered, restructured form of the
Turkish e%pression "PERUyA O" (BIROyA)" meanin$ "goddess""
The name PERU (Semiti"ed as 1PHARAOH1) was the $odly title of the ancient
Masarian (so-called 1&-B*T1) 1$od kin$s1! But PERU is another form of the
Turkish word "BIR O" - meanin$ "(ne God"! PERUYA would be the
femini"ed form of the name PERU, thus, meanin$ "goddess"! PERU is also a
form of the Turkish $irl@s name PERI meanin$ "fairy"!
In concludin$ this section, we can confidently say that the ancient world was a
Turanian Tur4Turk world, and in this conte%t, the so-called 1Mediterranean Sea1
was a Turanian @lake@ surrounded by many clans of the Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u"
peoples - contrary to the totally distorted and false picture presented to us all by the
1ancient1 history writers! The present &uropean civili"ation not only $ot
everythin$ from the ancient Turanian civili"ation, but also, is populated by
countless numbers of ancient Turanian Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples who have all been
converted to 'hristianity - and their names and identities Aryani"ed! /f course,
their ancient Turanian lan$ua$e of Turkish was totally confused by the Aryan
cler$y - while the 1Aryan1 lan$ua$es were fabricated from it - and forced onto the
native Turanians9
*olat :aya
About The Ancient Sardinian NURAGHES and Their
Possible Multifunctional Use
The Sardinian NURAGHE or SU NURAGHE:
The Sardinian NURAGHE is defined by the 0ikipedia link
at Fhttp344en!wikipedia!or$4wiki4+ura$heJ as follows3
,#he nuraghe 'nu ra e( (plural Italian nuraghi, Sardinian
nuraghes) is the main type of ancient megalithic edifice found
in Sardinia. #oday it has come to be the symbol of Sardinia
and its distincti+e culture, the 9uragic ci+ili@ation. <ccording
to the Z=ford 8nglish Yictionary the etymology is ,uncertain
and disputed,: ,#he ord is perhaps related to the Sardinian
place names 9urra, 9urri, 9urru, and to Sardinian nurra
heap of stones, ca+ity in earth (although these senses are
difficult to reconcile). < connection ith the Semitic base of
<rabic n\r light, fire ... is no generally re*ected.,'.( #he
latin ord "murus" (wall) may be related to it (M. "ittau,
philologist), as the old Italian ord ,mora, (tombal rock
mound), as used by Yante in his ,Comedy,. #he deri+ation:
murus-muraghe-nuraghe is debated.,
8irst of all, the etymolo$y of the name NURAGHE is very
much related to the Turkish word NUR meanin$ "light"! The
Latin word 1MURUS1 meanin$ "wall", when rearran$ed as
1URMUS1, is a word that is made up from Turkish word
"RM$" meanin$ "it has een wo/en", "it is a wall"! A
wall is a structure 1woven1 with stones - Aust like the Turkish
ru$s that are woven with woollen or other threads! In Turkish,
1to build a wall1 is e%pressed with the term "DUVAR
RMEK" meanin$ "to wea/e a wall"!
Althou$h, all +ura$heCs are madeup of walls, lin$uistically,
the name +ura$he and the Latin word 1murus1 are not related
to each other!
Turkish word R means "that which is wo/en6 wall"!
Turkish words R and RK are the same as the Sumerian
city names UR and URUK which were the 1woven1 cities of
the Sumerians! Thus, the Turkish words R and RK and
the Sumerian city names UR and URUK are the same words
but belon$in$ to different dialects of the ancient Turanian
lan$ua$e of Turkish9
In Sardinia, the typical nuraghe has the shape of a truncated
conical toer resembling a beehi+e. #he structure has no
foundations and stands only by +irtue of the eight of its
stones, hich may eigh as much as se+eral tons. Some
nuraghes are more than 36 metres in height,
The Sardinian +ura$hes are architectural monuments that,
most likely, had multiple functions in ancient Sardinian life!
,< beehi+e tomb, also knon as a tholos tomb (plural tholoi)
(;reek:]^_FP `abFG, ]^_FG `abFG, ,domed tombs,), is a burial
structure characteri@ed by its false dome created by the
superposition of successi+ely smaller rings of mudbricks or,
more often, stones. #he resulting structure resembles a
beehi+e, hence the traditional 8nglish name,,
The construction of +ura$hes is indeed a mark of e%cellence
in ancient architecture of human $enius! Their circular desi$n
with thick stone walls taperin$ towards the centre all around
as it rises to its desired hei$ht - provides e%cellent durability
a$ainst time and the destructiveness of human bein$s!
+ura$hes show how well the ancient Sardinians were trained
in schools for buildin$ stone structures! They were truly lar$e
and small "stone castles"! A "CASTLE" is defined as ,a
large building or group of buildings fortified against attack
ith thick alls, battlements, toers, and in many cases a
moat., The name CASTLE, rearran$ed as "TS-CALE", is
the ana$ammati"ed form of the Turkish e%pression "TA$
KALE" meanin$ "stone castle"! So even this so-called
1Aryan1 word is made up from Turkish by way of alterin$ and
restructurin$! This 1castle1 structure is clearly visible in the
buildup of the ancient Sardinian +ura$hes and Su +ura%i!
&ven the so-called -reek sayin$ ]^_FP `abFG, ]^_FG `abFG,
,domed tombs, is fabricated from Turkish as follows3
The -reek term "THOLOS TAPHOI", rearran$ed as
"OLO-TSH THPA-OI", (where the symbol . is a multi-
faced letter that can be an ., or an & or an I - as re?uired by
the -reek 1wordsmith1 who fabricated words from Turkish), is
the altered, restructured, stolen and .elleni"ed form of the
Turkish e%pression "ULU Ta$ TEPE Y" meanin$ "large
stone made 7hill7 like house"! The Sardinian NURAGHES
are e%actly within this definition in Turkish! This definition in
Turkish of the so-called .ellenic term indicates that Turkish
was the universally spoken lan$ua$e when -reeks were
fabricatin$ 1Aryan words1 by breakin$ and rearran$in$
Turkish words and phrases! Althou$h they stole the ancient
Turkish lan$ua$e to make 1-reek1 words, they also, and
probably unknowin$ly, put the ancient Turkish words and
phrases into a 1deep free"e1 so that they could later be
recovered from these 1-reek1 words - by decipherin$ them as
I have been doin$9 I want to note that while the 1domed
tombs1 sayin$ may apply to the &truscan 1circular and domed
tombs1, in the case of the Sardinian Sura$hes, this meanin$ is
not applicable because the Sardinian Sura$hes are multi-
functioned ancient Turanian structures built to stand the test of
time over thousands of years! They are in$enious en$ineerin$
marvels built by the ancient Turanian en$ineers9
Turkish word ULU means "great", TA$ means "stone",
TEPE means "hill, head", Y means "house, home"!
In the followin$ reference citin$, we learn that the +ura$hes
are described by the Sardinian term 1S, +,#AVI1 which is
also the name of a particular ancient cd]ty site in Sardinia3
,#he archaeological site "Su 8ura0i" (Sardinian term for
"#he 8uraghe") lies at the foot of the "arco della ;iara,
near $arumini. 9uraghes are the main type of megalithic
edifice found in Sardinia, and the use of these eehi/e-like
uildings still remains unknown" Most archaeologists
assume they ere used as religious temples, meeting halls, or
military strongholds.,
This reference citin$ tells us that the presently used term
NURAGHE is actually an altered and An$lici"ed form of the
Sardinian name "SU NURAXI"! The bo$us letter X in
NURAXI is a replacement for GH or KH letter
combinations! Thus, we can view the name SU NURAXI as
"SU NURAGHI" or "SU NURAKHI"! 'learly, this form of
the Sardinian name has been transliterated as "THE
NURAGHE"! And hence it has been further alienated from
its ori$inal Sardinan form! This observation is very important
for our analysis of the name SU NURAXI as well as the name
NURAGHES in $eneral!
8irst of all, the name SU NURAGHE is a si$nature name of
the ancient Turanian Sea *eoples of Sardinia! This we see as
The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "SUGU-HAN-
ER", is a restructured form of the Turkish e%pression
meanin$ "4ater-Lord man" or "Sea-Lord 9an", that is,
"Lord Sea Peo2le"! Thus, the name SU NURAGHE
identifies these ancient Sea People who built these ama"in$
structures of the ancient Sardinia with the ancient Turanian
another sayin$, they were the SAKA TURKS or the so-called
Turkish word SUCU (SAKA) means 12eo2le who deal with
water related works", HAN means 1lord", ER means 1man",
DENZ means 1sea"! The name DENZ HAN was the name
of one of the si% sons of /$u" :a$an, that is, one of the
ancestor name of Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples!
The name SU NURAGHE is a comple% name that represents
many attributes related to these ancient Sardinian structures!
These so-called 1bee-hive1 like +ura$hes, in one sense
(concept), are Aust like the Turkish YURTS in 'entral Asia,
Fhttp344polatkaya!net4Burt!htmlJ, which are also made up as
one circular room dwellin$! 0hile B,#T is a portable
dwellin$, Su +ura$he is a permanent structure made in the
form of a hill (tepe, bay), but made of stone! Most of the
Sardinian Nuraghes are in TEPE (hillK head) form9 0hen
one searches in -oo$le under 1+ura$he ima$es1, we $et
pictures of many +ura$hes! Below are some e%amples of
8i$ure 2! A Sardinian +ura$he
(8rom http344aC!sphotos!ak!fbcdn!net4hphotos-ak-
8i$ure 5! Inside view
of an open ended
+ura$hi which is very
much like the
buildin$ in #ome -
which is also from the
ancient so-called
1*a$an1 civili"ation! It
is an emulation of the
sky-dome where the
openin$ at the top
represents the sun
shinin$ in the sky!
The openin$ at the top
8i$ure C! 'losed dome of a Sardinian
+ura$he! This is a ma$nificent buildin$
of the ancient Turanians! The conical
(i!e!, T&*&) the enterance to the
+ura$he above, with the arch makin$
of the *antheon
buildin$ is called
1/',L,S1 in Latin!
But 1/',L,S1
rearran$ed as 1,L,-
'/S1 is from Turkish
1,L, -\W1 meanin$
1-reat &ye1 - which
refers to the Sun and
also to the 1human
eye1 at the 1.ead of
an outstreched arms, seems to be
desi$ned as if a person or a deity in
white clothes is $uardin$ the +ura$he!
This person@s head is a$ain$ a conical
1hill1 type structure above the
arch!Ancient Turanian Shamans used
white robes in reli$ious ceremonies!
(picture is from
'learly, what we see above is an ancient
Turanian made 1/M&1 structure
ori$inated by the ancient
Tur4Turk4/$u" peoples! 'uriousely, the
&n$lish word 1DOME1 is an altered
form of the Turkish word 1DAM1
meanin$ "the roof of a uilding" and
also the "roof of the sky" which is a
circular 1dome1 itself!
8i$ure <! +ura$he Barumini! The circular seat (Turkish S&:I)
$ives the impression
that people sat around that central obAect as if they were in a
1sauna room1 or maybe
watchin$ somethin$ on that central circular obAect! A 1sauna1
is a small room used as a
hot-air bath or steam bath! These +ura$he may have even
been used as an observation
room or a discussion room!
(8rom http344devakantieitalie!nl4wp-
I use below the Sardinian form SU NURAGHE meanin$ 1the
+ura$he1 to decipher some of the meanin$s in Turkish
inherent in this name! These meanin$s are relevant to some
likely functions that the Su +urahes could have been desi$ned
Possible Functions of SU NURAGHES:
a) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as
"SURAGHEN-U", is a form of the Turkish e%pression
"SURAGIEN O" (SURAHLER) meanin$ "water-ottles"!
This defnition in Turkish refers to the SU NURAGHE
(NURAGHES) as structures that are likened to 1water
bottles1 and hence, indicatin$ that possibly that they had a
water related function in the water system of ancient Sardinia!
Turkish word SU means "water" and SURAH means
"water-ottle"! These correspondences cannot be due to
b) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "SU-NUR-
AGHE", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "SU-NUR AGI"
meanin$ "water - light we", water-light network"! This
defnition in Turkish refers to Su +ura$hes as bein$ part of a
1water1 related and also 1li$ht1 related network! These are two
functions that some of the Su +ura$hes could have been used
Turkish word NUR means "light" and AG means "we,
c) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "HAGNUR-
SUE", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "YAGMUR
SUYU" meanin$ "rain water"! A$ain this definition in
Turkish refers to the Su +ura$hes as havin$ a funct]on related
to 1rain water1 possibly with the collection of rain water!
In the conte%t of "a water network", some =,>>> Su
+ura$hes of Sardinia all over the country could constitute a
Sardinia-wide water network that could collect and brin$
water to houses!
Similarly, in the conte%t of "the light we, the light network",
some =,>>> Su +ura$hes of Sardinia all over the country
could constitute a Sardinia-wide communication network that
could use li$ht as a means of communication! ay time sun
rays could be manipulated by means of mirrors or some other
reflectors, and at ni$ht time torches could be used to si$nal
from tower to tower!
Su +ura$he could be part of a tower-to-tower communication
network usin$ li$ht very similar to present day wireless
microwave communication towers9 They could also be
weather observin$ towers - where from the open end of the
tower, the movements of clouds , their speed and direction
could be told fairly accurately! This would $ive information
about the winds which was very important for the sea $oin$
peoples! Thus, they could determine the more favourable times
to sail - and where to sail!
The fact that the nura$hes of Sardinia were visible to each
other also supports the view that they could be used as
communication towers for passin$ coded messa$es from
tower to tower! The messa$e transmission could be either with
li$ht or with some other means! After all they were the Sea
*eople, and when they were at sea, they would need some
kind of communication between the boats of a fleet also! The
fact that the towers are called S, +,#A-.& which uses the
Turkish term NUR meanin$ 1light1 implies that li$ht could be
used as means of communication between the towers!
Additionally, +ura$hes could be used as observation towers!
d) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "AGN-SU-
UERH", where ,, T and B are replaceble w]th each other, is
a form of the Turkish e%pression "AKAN SU YERI"
meanin$ "2lace of running water", "2lace of dri22ing
water"! This definition in Turkish implies that at least some
+ura$hes had somethin$ to do with runnin$ water systems!
The reference above states the presence of the ancient water
su22lying system, with its ig underground ducts! The SU
NURAGHES are stone towers that could be used to condense
water from hot humid air, from mornin$ misty air as there
would always be a temperature difference between the stones
of the +ura$hes and the surroundin$ air! Similarly, the rain
water fallin$ on the +ura$hes could be collected in the bottom
center of the nura$he from which a conduit would carry the
distilled water to a nearby water collection point!
The Turkish term "AKAN SU" means not only the "running
(flowing) water" in conduits, channels or rivers, but also the
"dri22ing water" from the ceilin$! The +ura$hes are made
with heavy stones interlaced on top of each other! This would
leave a lot of space between the stones throu$h which some air
movement (draft) would occur! Additionally, since some
nura$hes were built like chimneys with their upper end bein$
open, there would be an updraft as well! /pen holes on the
walls of the +ura$he towers could draw in the surroundin$ air
and let it out throu$h the chimney, the moisture of the air
would condense and the water from the stones could drip to a
central point at the bottom! Thus the system could possibly be
a continuous water condensin$ system from the air! So,
althou$h this description may be adventurous thinkin$ on my
part, it certainly is a possibility in the hands of a 1$roup of Sea
*eople1 who studied all aspects of water in their natural
e) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "ARH-GN-
SU-UE", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "ARI aKaN SU
YI" meanin$ "house of clean running water"! This
definition in Turkish implies some function involvin$ purified
runnin$ water!
Turkish word ARI means "2ure, clean", AKAN means
"flowing, dri22ing", SU means "water", Y (EV) means
"house, home"!
f) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "SU-GEHAN-
UR", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "SU IKAN YeR"
"2lace where water comes out of the ground"" This a$ain
implies that Su +ura$hes were water related places!
Turkish word IKAN means "things that a22ear", YER
means "2lace", GZE means "water s2ring", KAYNAK
means "water s2ring", BULAK means "water s2ring",
PINAR means "fountain", KUYU "water well"!
$) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GAUNR-SU-
EH", is a form of the Turkish e%pression means "GAYNaR SU
Evi" (GZE) meanin$ "oiling water house", "uling
hot water house", "uling hot water s2ring"! This
definition in Turkish implies some function for Su +ura$he
involvin$ $eneratin$ 1hot water1 probably from 1hot water
sprin$s1 from the $round or by means of 1sun1 ener$y! These
"SU NURAGHE" houses (or stations) could act like a
relayin$ stations for hot or cold water to be transported from
place to place and finally to houses in villa$es!
Turkish word GAYNAR means "hot6 hot water6 hot water
from ground", SU means "water"!
This function of "SU NURAGHE" is feasible due to the fact
that Sardinia is known for its hot waters sprin$s bubblin$ out
of the $round at <> to HI de$rees '! Ancient Sardinians bein$
the 1water peoples1 could have utili"ed their knowled$e of
"SU NURAGHES" to utili"e these hot sprin$ waters
throu$hout the country by means of a Su +ura$he network
usin$ thousands of Su +ura$hes! In this conte%t, see the online
internet site information at url
,#he San Saturnine hot springs in $ennett in the centre of
Sardinia ha+e been rela=ing and curing folk for a thousand
years or more) in %oman times they ere knon as +>uae
Lesitanae. #he sulphurous aters, bubble out at 76 degrees C
and are used to treat of different ailments, as ell as for
beauty enhancement 'apparently(.
<nother ancient %oman spa at !ordongianus sits around a big
rectangular simming area and is both +isually and
historically interesting, ith ater at /7dC spouting from a
lionAs head, many %oman relics around and a sophisticated
ater deli+ery system.
#he baths of Santa Maria Is <Suas, located a fe kilometres
from Sardara ton, ha+e to spa resorts eSuipped ith large
pools offering beauty and therapy programmes, e+en in
#he alkaline thermal aters that pour from fi+e springs at a
temperature ranging from /6 to :2C ere +isited e+en back in
the $ron@e <ge, as ell as by "hoenicians and %omans. #he
present baths ere built in the .0th century. ,
h) The so-called Latin name AQUAE LESITANAE,
rearran$ed as "AQAN-ELE-SU-AEITA", is the altered and
ana$rammati"ed form of the Turkish e%pression 1AKAN ILI
SU yITI" meanin$ "it is running warm water house""
A$ain this Turkish definition inherent in the Latin name
AQUAE LESITANAE, is very much in line with its function
as defined in the above $iven citin$! 0e also note that the
#omani"ed term AU,A&, meanin$ 1water1, $ets it meanin$
from the Turkish word 1S,1 but in a totally confused way!
Alternatively, the so-called Latin name AQUAE
LESITANAE, rearran$ed as "UAA-ELEQ-ISETAN", is the
altered and ana$rammati"ed form of the Turkish e%pression
1Y ILIK ISITAN" meanin$ "that which 2leasantly
warms the house"!
Turkish word ILI (ILIK) means "warm, with medium heat",
ISITAN means "that which warms u2", Y means "the
Let us see another similar 1Latin1 word! The Latin words
"aquator" or "aquatoris" mean "water-carrier:earer",
"one who fetches water"!
i) This Latin word AQUATORIS, rearran$ed letter-by-letter
as "SU-QATARI-O", is the ana$rammati"ed form of the
Turkish e%pression "SU GETIRI O" meanin$ "it rings
water", "it fethches water", "it is water carrier"! So, this
1Indo-&uropean1 word is nothin$ but an altered, restructured
and #omani"ed Turkish e%pression, Aust like all of the other
so-called 1Indo-&uropean1 lan$ua$es which have
ana$rammati"ed their words from the mother4father lan$ua$e
of Turkish!
Turkish word SU means "water", "GETIR" means "ring",
"GETIRI" means "he:she:it who rings", O means
A) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GAR-SU-
HUNE", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "GAR SU
HUN" meanin$ "the collector of snow water"! This
definition in Turkish implies a function of the Su +ura$he
involvin$ 1$atherin$ the snow water1 - which is a possibility!
SUN and Sky related meanings and functions:
k) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GUNESH-
UAR", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "GNE$ YER"
(GN I$I YER) meanin$ "2lace of sun light"! This
defnition in Turkish, in one concept, seems to refer to the
+ura$hes as a symbol of the sun and the sunli$ht! The
builders of these monuments were themselves 1sun
worshippin$1 people! Similar to this, the so-called 1obelisks1
of ancient Masar (Misir, 1&$ypt1) were also a symbol of the
Sun -od #a!
l) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GUN-ESH-
UAR", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "GN ISI YERi"
meanin$ "2lace of sun7s heat"! This definition in Turkish
implies that the heat of the sun is bein$ collected at Su
+ura$hes probably to heat water over a network of thousands
of Su +ura$hes throu$hout the Sardinian country! The black
stones of the Su +ura$hes would absorb the heat of the sun
and retain it for a lon$ time after the sun went down - while
reheatin$ the water that was bein$ transfered from place to
place throu$h under$round conduits!
Alternatively, it is a form of the Turkish e%pression "GN I$I
YERI) meanin$ "2lace of sunlight"! This definition in
Turkish implies some function involvin$ 1sunli$ht1! .eat of
sunli$ht can be absorbed not only by the stones of the Su
+ura$he buildin$s but sunli$ht can also come into the Su
+ura$he throu$h the built in chimney, that is, a lar$e openin$
at the top!
It must also be noted that the sin$le Su +ura$he is a
1*antheon1 like construction havin$ a 1dome1 with an
1/culus1 at the top and with an entrance! The Latin term
1OCULUS1 is a word that has been fabricated from Turkish
e%pression "ULU GZ" meanin$ "great eye"! The
1OCULUS1, that is, the "ULUGZ", is a symbol of the sun
in the sky-dome and of the sunli$ht that comes in throu$h that
openin$ (i!e!, the sun) in the dome and which li$hts up the
inside of the dome (i!e!, the earth)! In this case, it is the
sunli$ht comin$ throu$h the openin$ at the top (T&*&) of the
Su +ura$he! The *antheon personifies the sky dome and the
sun shinin$ throu$h it and li$htin$ up the earth! In ancient
Sardinian villa$es, even the houses were made cicular -
probably with an openin$ at the top of the buildin$! These
remind us of the Turanian 1B,#TS1 in 'entral Asia - which
are also one-room circular houses with a central openin$ in its
/+& ,* T/ .&#& ec <, 5>22
m) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GUN-
SURAHE", is a form of the Turkish e%pression " GN
SRAHI" meanin$ "sun water-ottle"! Turkish word
SRAHI means "water ottle"(a water holdin$ decanter)! A
1Su +ura$hi1 buildin$ by way of its shape resembles a
Turkish 1sMrahi1! A$ain this definition in Turkish implies a
function of the Su +ura$he bein$ related to capturin$ the heat
and4or the li$ht of the "sun" and storin$ it for heatin$ in a
system of "running water"!
It seems that a 1Su +ura$hi1 shaped house, with such thick
stone walls, in ancient Sardinia, would be rather a warm house
in winters and a cool house in the hot summers of this
Mediterranean island!
n) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "ESHU-
GURAN", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "I$U
GREN" meanin$ "that which sees light"! This definition in
Turkish refers to the Su +ura$he as bein$ a structure that can
be used to observe 1li$ht1, such as, observin$ the sky, stars,
the sun and even communication si$nallin$ between the Su
This also implies that the +ura$hes were used in an
observation service! That service could be the observation of
the 1sky1 durin$ day time as well as ni$ht! The +ura$hes
seem to have an openin$ at the top of each tower (B&TIL&)
see 8i$ure 2! The inside appearance of this +ura$he reminds
me of the sky observatories of 'entral Asia, particularly, the
one of ,lu$ Bey /bservatory!
If we ima$ine 8i$ure 5 above, bein$ on top of 8i$ure < and
constitutin$ a complete Su +ura$e in its ori$inal form, the
construction could resemble an astronomical observation
tower! The openin$ at the top would pass in front of a band of
the sky as the earth turns around itself! Some kind of ima$e
collectin$ and displayin$ means could display into the bowl-
like obAect in the bottom middle and this would enable those
who sit around it to observe parts of the sky in a dark chamber
durin$ the ni$ht! &ven in the day time, they could oberve the
clouds passin$ by for meteorolo$y purposes! Many of these
bein$ scattered around the country could make up a network
of observation towers (+ura$hes) which has embedded in it
the Turkish e%pressiom "NUR AGI" meanin$ "light
network" or "I$I GUREN" meanin$ "that which sees
light"! These embedded Turkish sayin$s could be an
indication of one of the many functions of this +ura$he
&ven the name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "ANU-
GURESH", is from the Turkish e%pression "ANU GR$"
(GK GR$) meanin$ "seeing the sky6 an oser/atory6
a watch tower"! This implies that at least some of these
+ura$hes were used as Sky observatories in studyin$ the
heavens! Turkish word AN (GK) means "sky", ANI (ANU,
GK) means "the sky6 the sky-God (as in Sumerian
+83), GR means "see", GR$ means "seeing"!
o) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GUA-SU-
ERHN", or "GUU-SA-ERHN" is a form of the Turkish
e%pression "GUyU SU yEREN" (KUYU SU YERLERI)
meanin$ "well-water 2laces"! This definition in Turkish
implies a function of bein$ protected 1well1 sites for
under$round waters! In fact we see this function in the
Sardinian "SU TEMPIESU" constructions also! This I will
analy"e separately in *art-< of this study!
p) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "SENUR-
AGHU", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "SINUR AGI"
we", "order markers", "oundary markers"! This
definition in Turkish reminds us of the so-called
"KUDURRU" border stones by the ancient Turanian
KASSITES in the Middle &ast! *ossibly, some of the
+ura$hes could have been used as boundary markers as well
between the city states of ancient Sardinia- as there are so
many of them!
FIRE related meanings:
r) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "NAR-
USHEGU", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "NAR
OCAGI" (ATA$ OCAGI) meanin$ "glowing fire hearth"!
This definition implies that at least some of these Su +ura$hes
may have been used as a 1fire hearth1 for metal smeltin$!
&ven the name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "GUR-
HANESU", is from the Turkish e%pression "KOR HANES"
(KOR EV, ATA$ EV, FIRIN) meanin$ "house of fire,
furnace"! This also implies that some stron$ fire was used at
least in some of these +ura$he sites! Turkish word KOR
means "glowing fire", HANE (HAN) means "house, 2lace6
2alace", HANES means "the house, the 2lace6 the
This is also verified when we decipher the name NURAGHE
in the form of "NAR-UGHE", we find that it is from the
Turkish e%pression "NAR Y" (KOR EV, ATA$ EV,
FIRIN) meanin$ "house of glowing fire, furnace"! Turkish
word NAR means "glowing fire6 2omegranate", Y (EV)
means "house, home6 a 2lace to stay"!
Ancient Turanians were metallur$ists and therefore they were
known as 1DEMIRGI1 meanin$ "lacksmith"! See my
paper at url
1*rof! :itto, while writin$ about the country life of 1ancient
-reece1, writes3
Zf speciali@ed trades e hear of only to, the trades of the
smith and the potter. #hese ere ,B,9I(3!G(I,, Amen
ho ork for the populaceA, not themsel+es consuming the
product of their on toil. #he demiourgos is the craftsman: in
"lato, the Creator: hence Yemirurge in ShelleyAs "rometheus
Bnbound. It is interesting to notice that these to are the only
crafts hich, in ;reek, ha+e di+ine e=ponents. >ephaestus
(Rulcan) the smith, and "rometheus, also a fire-god, but in
<ttic cult the god of the potters., F:itto, p! <>-<2J!
And also see my paper at url
So it is very probable that the ancient Sardinans used some of
these +ura$hes as metal smeltin$ hearths9
School #elated meanin$s3
s) The name SU NURAGHE, rearran$ed as "NUR-
USHAGE", is a form of the Turkish e%pression "NUR
OCAGI" (BILGI OCAGI) meanin$ "hearth of
enlightening", "house of learning"! This definition implies
that at least some of these Su +ura$hes were part of a learnin$
system! 8or e%ample, if a +ura$he was used as a metal
smeltin$ furnace, then that +ura$he would also be an
e%cellent place for on the Aob learnin$ for smeltin$
8rom all of these e%planations, I f]nd that the name SU
NURAGHE, is first of all a si$nature name that identifies the
ancient Sea people of Sardinia with the Turanian SA:A Turks
who were also named as *elas$ians (@*elas$oi@ by -reeks) in
Ancient times! Additionally, the different decipherments of the
name 1Su +ura$he1 provide for us meanin$s in Turkish that
are descriptive of the possible functions of these very well
en$ineered structures of the ancient Sardinians! It appears that
they were structures with multi-purpose functions as I defined
them above! These various possible functions are all
described in Turkish with e%pressions embedded in the name
S, +,#A-.&!
The ancient Masarians (the so-called 1&$yptians1) knew the
power of words and for that reason they paid e%treme
importance to them! 0e see this power of words in Turkish as
we decipher the name Su +ura$he! This is what I tried to
show in this paper! 'learly, words have information stora$e
capacity in Turkish related to the people to whom they belon$
and to the functions that the words are desi$ned to represent!
These stored meanin$s in Turkish are kept for a lon$ time!
0ith best wishes to all,
*olat :aya

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