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Dear Jesus, today I will have my exams.

You know how important they are to me.
So I am humbly asking YOU gra!ious help " divine
I pray to YOU, my dear Jesus,
#lease never let me pani! or get nervous, $ust let me be at
ease " give my very best.
#lease never let me guess nor rely on pure lu!k,
but enlighten my mind " let me think !learly.
#lease never let me resort to !han!es nor to dishonesty,
but let me work to d %ullest o% my ability.
I pray %or YOU guidan!e that as I think.
I may %ind the try solutions.
I maybe able to !orre!tly answer the &uestions.
I may solve those di%%i!ult problems.
I ask, O 'ord,
Your inter!ession,
(hat as I write,
I may not b !areless nor over !on%ident,
I may not b distra!ted but b more !on!entrated,
I may not b in a hurry nor take d exams too lightly.
(oday, O my Jesus, I will take my examinations.
'et me, with YOU help, give my best e%%ort.
'et me, be!ause o% YOU re!eive the best %ruit%ul results.
Prayer for Preparation to Study
)rant me pea!e, O )od, as I open my
books and notes. Open my mind to
(hy will, and may I dedi!ate these
hours to (hy Son, Jesus *hrist.
O%%er me insight, O 'ord, that I might
understand these things, and see them
as a part o% (hy +ingdom.
,ay I o%%er (hee my best in reading
and learning that it may be a part o% my
O Jesus *hrist, may this be a worthy
time that is %aith%ul to (hee and bring
me !loser to the goals I have in order
to serve (hee. I o%%er this time and
prayer in (hy holy -ame.
Prayer Before an Exam
O wise )od, I pray that my mind might
be rested, my body energi/ed, and my
spirit inspired %or the exam I must write.
)rant me pea!e and assuran!e so that
I might do the best I am able,
regardless o% what that might be.
0e with my %ellow students and may I
be a good example to them, o%%ering
reassuran!e and !on%iden!e
regardless o% how I %eel.
,ay I be honest and insight%ul, and
able to give a true re!ord o% what I
have learned. In the end, may any
disappointment be born with gra!e,
and any $oy a!!ompanied with humility.
I write this exam with (hee, O 'ord
Jesus *hrist.
Prayer For Peace of Mind
In this time o% anxiety, O loving )od,
grant me pea!e o% mind. 1uiet any
distress and allow me to see !learly my
mission and dis!ipleship.
I pray %or my examiners as well as %or
mysel%, so that they might be wise in
their &uestioning so that it will allow %or
a true a!!ounting o% my learning and
,ay the memory o% my %amily and
%riends remind me o% their support,
regardless o% out!ome, united with
them in the spirit o% love.
,ay I be wise enough to gain enough
rest so all might be ready, my thoughts
organi/ed, and my li%e dedi!ated to
serve (hee whatever the !ost, through
the love o% Jesus *hrist, my Saviour.
Prayer in a Time of Anxiety
2hen I am truly anxious, O )od, remind
me o% my love o% (hy Son, Jesus *hrist.
,ay I reali/e that I will not be abandoned,
but am a!!ompanied always by 3im.
Dispel any sense o% sel%4!on!ern, and
remind me that others are %eeling the
same tensions, whi!h is only natural in
times o% stress.
)rant me insight, )od o% 2isdom, to see
the things that have been taught, to
understand them in the un%olding story o%
(hy *reation, and our pla!e within it.
,ay I lay my head down to rest !on%ident
that (hou art always with us, through the
love and a%%e!tion o% (hy Son, Jesus
*hrist, my edeemer and 'ord.
Prayer Before Retiring at Night
)od o% strength and o% !om%ort, I !lose the
day with thoughts o% (hee.
.s I turn mysel% over to the sleep o% the
present night, grant that (hy benedi!tion
may be upon me, and all whom I love. 2e
depend upon (hy !are, and pray that we
may awake reassured o% (hy presen!e.
-o matter how late it might be, nor how
early I might have to arise, may this time
o% sleep help to restore my !almness and
per!eptiveness, so that when I open my
eyes next, I shall be ready to !ontinue my
study and servi!e o% (hee.
In the last moments o% !ons!iousness, I
resign my li%e and purpose to (hee, and to
(hy Son, Jesus *hrist, in whose -ame I
Prayer When I Awae
,ay my %irst thoughts be o% (hee, O 'ight
o% 'i%e, and may I dedi!ate all that I do
these !oming hours to (hy glory.
I% my task be to study, may I do it without
hesitation. I% I %a!e an examination, may I
meet it with determination and goodwill.
.s I !ast o%% the hour5s6 o% sleep, and
prepare %or my responsibilities %or the day,
may I always remember that (hou art with
me in the person o% (hy Son, Jesus
.s I awaken, &ui!ken my mind, enlarge
my heart, and grant me wisdom to do my
best in all I do this day.
,ay I be a true steward o% the time I have
this day, and dedi!ate all that I do to the
love and !are o% my 'ord and edeemer,
Jesus *hrist.
The Lord's Prayer
Our 7ather, who art in heaven,
hallowed be (hy -ame.
(hy +ingdom !ome, (hy will be done
in earth, as it is in
heaven. )ive us this day our daily
bread, and %orgive us
our trespasses, as we %orgive them
that trespass against
us8 and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us %rom
evil. 7or (hine is the +ingdom, the
power and the glory,
%or ever and ever.
Prayer! for Student! "uring Exam!
Fir!t "ay of Exam!
9(he %ear o% the 'ord is the beginning o% wisdom,
and they who live by it grow in understanding.
#raise will be 3is %or ever.9 #salm :::; :< 5=06
O wise )od, I pray that my mind might be rested,
my body energi/ed, and my spirit inspired %or the
exam I must write.
)rant me pea!e and assuran!e so that I might do
the best I am able, regardless o% what that might
0e with my %ellow students that I might be a good
example to them o% %aith%ulness, o%%ering
reassuran!e and !on%iden!e regardless o% how I
,ay I be honest and insight%ul, able to give a true
re!ord o% what I have learned this past term. In
the end, may any disappointment be born with
gra!e and any $oy a!!ompanied with humility.
I write this examination with (hee, O )od.
Second "ay of Exam!
92isdom has built her house8 she has hewn
her seven pillars. > (he %irst step to wisdom
is the %ear o% the 'ord, and knowledge o% the
,ost 3oly One is understanding.9 #roverbs ?;
:,:< 5=06
2hether I have an exam or not, in!line my
ear to (hy word, and open my eyes to (hy
presen!e. It is so easy to %orget that (hou art
with us.
Dire!t my energy to the a!!omplishment o%
(hy will %or me, allowing my spirit to dete!t
the dire!tion in whi!h I might best be (hy
(oday I %ind mysel% immersed in words,
senten!es, symbols and e&uations @
whatever language whi!h my sub$e!t uses.
,ay they speak !learly and with distin!tion.
,ay my desk be an altar where I may lay
down my li%e through my e%%orts, and dedi!ate
it all to (hee by &ui!kening my knowledge %or
(hy will to be done.
Third "ay of Exam!
92hen I look up at your heavens, the work o% your %ingers, at the moon and
the stars you have set in pla!e, what is a %rail mortal, that you should be
mind%ul o% him, a human being, that you should take noti!e o% himA9 #salm B;
C,D 5=06
2ondrous )od, we look at *reation when we study, and see so mu!h. 2e see
the works o% (hy %ingers in the ma$esty o% s!ien!e and the arts, telling us that
these are the implements by whi!h we build (hy +ingdom.
2e are in awe o% the in%inity o% (hy universe, and seek to know as mu!h as we
are able. ,ay the !ombination o% all our minds open to us an understanding o%
the meaning o% it all..rmed with this vision, may we explore the knowledge we
have and use it wisely. In our examinations, may we display our knowledge
with reveren!e and duty,
9'ord our Sovereign, how glorious is your -ame throughout the worldE9 5#salm
B; ? 5=066 .men.
O loving and mer!i%ul )od, ,y whole existen!e depends on you, I ask you to
send your 3oly Spirit into my heart and mind. 7ill me with your gra!e, beyond
my own personal strength, So that I !an dedi!ate the time and energy I need,
to study. )ive me the strength to resist the distra!tions %rom studying. 2hen I
am studying by mysel%, help me to remember that You are my !ompanion, and
that I am never alone. 3elp my tea!hers to explain things !learly. 3elp me to
respe!t them. 3elp me to pay attention and to listen well in !lass. )ive me the
!ourage to ask &uestions when I donFt understand. )ive me the humility to ask
%or help when I need it. 3elp me to a!!ept my results .%ter I have done all I
!an do. )ive me a spirit o% gratitude 7or the privilege o% learning at this s!hool,
2hile many people in the world do not get su!h a good opportunity. 3elp me
to make the most o% the wonder%ul gi%ts you have given me, .nd to return them
to you with generosity. You have been with me through rough times in the
past. 3elp me to trust that you are here with me now. )ive me hope %or the
%uture, .nd help me to trust that, whatever the %uture brings, You are already
there waiting %or me 2ith your loving embra!e. I O%%er you this prayer through
your Son, ,y 'ord and Saviour Jesus *hrist, 2ho lives and reigns with you,
%orever and ever.
Exam Prayer
As Exam Day Approaches
O )od o% 2isdom, I thank you %or the knowledge
gained and the learning experien!es o% this year.
I !ome to you on this day and ask you to
enlighten my mind and heart.
'et your 3oly Spirit be with me as I prepare %or
exams, guiding my studies, and giving me insight
so that I !an per%orm to be best o% my ability.
#lease grant me the strength to handle the
pressure o% these %inal days o% the term, the
!on%iden!e to %eel se!ure in my knowledge, and
the ability to keep an appropriate perspe!tive
through it all.
3elp me to keep in mind what is truly important,
even as I %o!us my time and energy on these
exams in the immediate %uture.
7inally, may I sense your pea!e in knowing that I
applied mysel% to the !hallenges o% this day.
I ask this through Jesus *hrist our 'ord.

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