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The difference between Jakarta and Surabaya

Geographical terms

Jakarta is located on the north island of Java, at the mouth of the Ciliwung River, Jakarta Bay. Jakarta is located in the
lowlands at an average elevation of 8 meters above sea level. This resulted in Jakarta is often flooded. South side of
Jakarta is a mountainous area with high rainfall. Jakarta crossed by 13 rivers that everything boils down keTeluk
Jakarta. The most important is the Ciliwung River, which divides the city into two. East and south of Jakarta, bordering
the province of West Java and the west of the border with the province of Banten.

Thousand Islands is an administrative district located in Jakarta Bay. About 105 islands located 45 km (28 miles) north
of the city.

While Surabaya is located in the northern coastal province of East Java. Territory bordering the Madura Strait in the
North and East, in South Sidoarjo and Gresik in the West. Surabaya is located in the lowlands, the height between 3-6
m above sea level except in the southern part of the hill there are 2 ramps in the area, namely Tongue and Gayungan
height between 25-50 m above sea level and in the west a little bumpy. There Surabaya Mas River estuary, which is
one of two pecahanSungai Brantas.

In terms of Government

The legal basis for Jakarta is the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 Year 2007 regarding the Provincial
Government of Jakarta as the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. This law replaced Law No. 34 of 1999 regarding
the Special Province capital city of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta as well as Law No. 11 of 1990 on Regional
Administration Structure Special Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta that the two are not valid anymore.

Jakarta provincial-level status and is headed by a governor. Unlike the other provinces, Jakarta has only division in the
form of lower administrative town and administrative district, which means it does not have its own representation of
the people.

Jakarta has a special status as a Special Capital Region.

While the city of Surabaya, led by a mayor and vice mayor. And deputy mayor is elected directly by the citizens in the
election, having previously selected by the city parliament.
Constitutionally, Surabaya City Council is directly elected representatives of the people by the people of Surabaya in
legislative elections every five years.

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