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SOAP Calls
A new script wizard allows to generate http messages that send SOAP requests over HTTP. The wizard imports a WSDL file from the file system
and then displays a list of web service methods found in the WSDL. You select one or more of the methods. For each of them the POST body of
the SOAP message is generated. For input parameters placeholders are generated that can be updated in the XML stream that is displayed.
Open a HTTP Script
Create an empty http script or open an exisiting one.
Launch the Web Services Wizard
Menu: --> or corresponding tool bar button. Select the wizard and hit . Script Script Wizard Generate Web service messages Next
Click the button to select a WSDL file. WSDL files that are available via URL must be downloaded first. If the WSDL is zipped, as Browse
generated by the SAP J2EE wsnavigator the file must be unzipped first and the top-level WSDL should be selected.
Hit to load the WSDL. Next
Select SOAP Methods
On the next screen you get a list of web service methods found in the WSDL. Check the ones that you want to include in the script and hit ag Next
ain. At this point the POST bodies will be generated. This will only succeed if a full JDK is used to run the editor.
This functionality is available as of EEM 7.1 SP05
Using this functionality requires a full Java SDK (32 bit). Using only the JRE is not sufficient in this case.
Inspect POST Bodies
You get the final screen of the wizard that displays all selectec web service methods - see screenshot. Input parameters to the web service
methods are populated with example data. For collections typically two elements are created if the cardinality allows to do so. You will most likely
have to review / change the default values to useful data in the context of the call.
This part of the wizard works for simple input data. It may fail, however, for arbitrarily complex data structures or for special data types.
In such a case please submit the WSDL via an OSS message to review the problem.
Finish / review script
Click to populate the messages into the script. Finish
To handle authentication automatically it may be useful to activate automatic retry of the authentication message. For this purpose, open the
script configuration. In section switch to . Common / Script Execution Executor type xmlretry
If you have started with an empty script it may be required to remove the initial message that was generated.Labels parameters dummy
JDK/JRE Problems
If the EEM editor has problems to detect the JDK correctly, you can try these options:
Adapt your PATH environment variable to contain the folder with javac.exe.
Configure the EemEditor explicitly to launch with a specified JDK. It will then pick the javac compiler bundled with the JDK. For this
purpose, add this parameter to : EemEditor.ini
-vm c:/full/path/to/javaw.exe
Add this JVM parameter to : (replacing the example EemEditor.ini -DExternalCompiler=C:\soft\jdk1.6\bin\javac.exe
path given here with the full path to your javac.exe) and then restart the EEM Editor.

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