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Year 3/4 2013/14 Curriculum Overview Cycle 2

Aut 1 Aut 2 Spr 1 Spr 2 Sum 1 Sum 2

Prime Learning
Who frst lived in
Who is a
superhero in my
local area?
Why Oh Why was
there a WW2? OR
Was it really that
bad to have lived
through WW2? OR
ow could itler
have convinced a
nation li!e
"ermany to #ollow
What is so special
about South A#rica?
What was it li!e in
$anchester in
1%&' ( 1)''?
What*s all this #uss
about chocolate?
#i"t!ry +hanges in Britain
#rom the Stone Age
and the ,ron Age
WW2 ( A study o#
an aspect or
theme in British
history that-
turning point in
British history
.Battle o# Britain/
0ocal study o# local
history ta!ing into
account o# a period
o# history that
shaped the locality1
0ocal geography A#rica 2ood
3rade lin!s
4conomic activity
&rt 5rinting
67 te8tiles
'( 7rawing
)O) Starter
&ny vi"it"
*i"it!r" / lin+" t!
the wi,er w!rl,
Archaeological 7ig 3eachers dress up
as superheroes
Air Raid shelters
omewor! (
#amilies visit
,mperial war
buildings 1''
years ago9 &':1''
years ago9 less
than &' years ago
;mpa 0umpa visit
the classroom
L!cal / Manche"ter
3rip to the local
fre station
Whitworth Art
<isit to 3horntons
&%%licati!n !
48planation Reports Recount
&%%licati!n !
istorical digital
+omic creation Research 7igital map
5resentation (
nt>5re?i etc1
7igital art
&ny !ther
A#rican dance
and music
'i"crete curriculum
@ear 6A 5lants9 Animals9 including humans9 Roc!s9 0ight9 2orces and magnets1
@ear BA 0iving things and their habitats9 Animals9 including humans9 States o# matter9 Sound9 4lectricity1

+hristianity ,slam Buddism
How do rules and
laws affect me?
Local Democracy
for Young Citizens
New beginnings
Rules and
Road safety
Getting on and
falling out
Taing part
and participation
!ay no to
Going for goals
Drugs #ducation
including Drugs
awareness wee
Good to be me
Healt$y c$oices
SR4 scheme
years B9 & and C
Respect #or
7evelop a simple
educational game
l thin+ing
5rototyping an
interactive toy
digital music
editing and
writing 3$0
5roducing a
5resenting the
.ngli"h 0 writing
5lace value and rounding
Addition and subtraction
$ultiplication and division
$easurement .including money and time/
5roperties o# shapes
5osition and 7irection
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge/ )h! 3r"t live, in 4ritain5
1ati!nal curriculum c!verage /
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
How peoples lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world
Understand the methods of historical enquiry including how evidence is used rigorously to ma!e historical claims and discern how and
why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed
"ain historical perspective by placing their growing !nowledge into different conte#ts understanding the connections between local
regional national and international history
AfL statements:
$ I can describe events from the past using dates when things happened.(Y3)
$ I can use a timeline within a specific period of history to set out the order that things may have happened.(Y3)
$ I can use my mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events happened.(Y3)
$ I can use research skills to find answers to specific historical questions.(Y3)
$ I can research in order to find similarities and differences between two or more periods of history (Y3)
$ I can plot events on a timeline using centuries.(Y)
$ I can use my mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades.(Y)
$ I can e!plain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people.(Y)
$ I can e!plain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past.(Y)
$ I can e!plain how an event from the past has shaped our life today.(Y)
$ I can research what it was like for children in a given period of history and present my findings to an audience.(Y)
Science (Not linked to topic)
Identify that animals including humans need the right amount of nutrition and that they cannot ma!e their own food% they get nutrition
from what they eat &'()
Construct and interpret a variety of food chains identifying producers predators and prey &'*)
AfL Statements
I can e!plain the importance of a nutritious" balanced diet (Y3)
I can e!plain how nutrients" water and o!ygen are transported within humans and animals (Y3)
I can describe and e!plain the skeletal system of a human (Y3)
I can describe and e!plain the muscular system of a human (Y3)
I can describe the purpose of the skeleton in humans and animals (Y3)
I can identify and name the parts of the human digestive system (Y)
I can describe the functions of the organs in the human digestive system (Y)
I can identify and describe the different types of teeth in humans (Y)
I can describe the functions of different types of teeth in humans (Y)
I can use food chains to identify producers" predators and prey (Y)
I can construct food chains to identify producers" predators and prey (Y)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 6
LC 7
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge: ho is a s!perhero in my local area"
National c!rric!l!m co#erage:
Use fieldwor! to observe measure record and present the human and physical features in the local area
AfL statements:
$ I can use the correct geographical words to describe a place+ &'()
$ I can use some basic ,rdnance Survey map symbols+ &'()
$ I can carry out research to discover features of villages towns or cities+ &y*)
$ I can e#plain why people may be attracted to live in cities+ &'*)
$ I can e#plain why people may choose to live in one place rather than another+ &'*)
$ I can name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the United -ingdom and in our school+ &'*)
%esign &echnology
"enerate develop model and communicate their ideas through discussion annotated s!etches
Select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tas!s
Select from and use a wider range of materials and components including construction materials te#tiles and ingredients according to their
functional properties and aesthetic qualities
.valuate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their wor!
Understand how !ey events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the worlds
AfL statements:
$ I can prove that my design meets some set criteria. (Y3)
$ I can follow a step#by#step plan" choosing the right equipment and materials.(Y3)
$ I can design a product and make sure that it looks attractive. (Y3)
$ I can choose a te!tile for both its suitability and its appearance. (Y3)
$ I can select the most appropriate tools and techniques for a given task. (Y3)
$ I can work accurately to measure" make cuts and make holes. (Y3)
$ I can use ideas from other people when I am designing.(Y)
$ I can produce a plan and e!plain it. (Y)
$ I can evaluate and suggest improvements for my designs.(Y)
$ I can evaluate products for both their purpose and appearance. (Y)
$ I can e!plain how I have improved my original design. (Y)
$ I can present a product in an interesting way.(Y)
$ I can measure accurately. Y)
$ I can persevere and adapt my work when my original ideas do not work.(Y)
Science (not linked to topic)
Compare how things move on different surfaces &'()
/otice that some forces need contact between two ob0ects but magnetic forces can act as a distance &'()
,bserve how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others &'()
Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet and identify some
magnetic materials &'()
1escribe magnets as having two poles &'()
2redict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other depending on which poles are facing &'()
()L Statements
I can e!plore and escribe how ob$ects move on different surfaces (Y3)
I can e!plain how some forces require contact and some do not" giving e!amples (Y3)
I can e!plore and e!plain how ob$ects attract and repel in relation to ob$ects and other magnets (Y3)
I can predict whether ob$ects will be magnetic and carry out an enquiry to test this out (Y3)
I can describe how magnets work (Y3)
I can predict whether magnets will attract or repel and give a reason (Y3)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 6
LC 7
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge/ )hy !h why wa" there a ))25
1ati!nal curriculum c!verage
Study of an aspect or theme in British history that e#tends pupils chronological !nowledge beyond 3455
How Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world
Understand the historical concept of cause and consequence
AfL statements
$ I can describe events from the past using dates when things happened+ &'()
$ I can use a timeline within a specific period of history to set out the order that things may have happened+ &'()
$ I can use my mathematical !nowledge to wor! out how long ago events happened+ &'()
$ I can use research s!ills to find answers to specific historical questions+ &'()
$ I can research in order to find similarities and differences between two or more periods of history+ &'()
$ I can plot events on a timeline using centuries+ &'*)
$ I can use my mathematical s!ills to round up time differences into centuries and decades+ &'*)
$ I can e#plain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people+ &'*)
$ I can e#plain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past+ &'*)
$ I can e#plain how an event from the past has shaped our life today+ &'*)
$ I can research two versions of an event and e#plain how they differ+ &'*)
$ I can research what it was li!e for children in a given period of history and present my findings to an audience+ &'*)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 6
LC 7
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge/ )hat i" "! "%ecial ab!ut S!uth &rica5
1ati!nal curriculum c!verage
Locational kno*ledge
locate the worlds countries using maps to focus on .urope &including the location of 6ussia) and /orth and South America concentrating on
their environmental regions !ey physical and human characteristics countries and ma0or cities
identify the position and significance of latitude longitude .quator /orthern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere the 7ropics of Cancer and
Capricorn Arctic and Antarctic Circle the 2rime8"reenwich 9eridian and time :ones &including day and night)
Place kno*ledge
understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region in Africa
H!man and physical geography
describe and understand !ey aspects of;
physical geography including; climate :ones biomes and vegetation belts rivers mountains volcanoes and earthqua!es and the water
human geography including; types of settlement and land use economic activity including trade lin!s and the distribution of natural
resources including energy food minerals and water
$eographical skills and )ield*ork
use maps atlases globes and digital8computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
AfL statements
$ I can use the correct geographical words to describe a place.(Y3)
$ I can use grid references on a map.(Y3)
$ I can use an atlas by using the inde! to find places.(Y3)
$ I can describe how volcanoes are created.(Y3)
$ I can locate and name some of the world%s most famous volcanoes.(Y3)
$ I can describe how earthquakes are created. (Y3)
$ I can carry out research to discover features of villages" towns or cities.(Y)
$ I can plan a $ourney to a place in &ngland. (Y)
$ I can e!plain why people may be attracted to live in cities.(Y)
$ I can e!plain why people may choose to live in one place rather than another. (Y)
$ I can locate the 'ropic of (ancer and 'ropic of (apricorn.(Y)
to create s!etch boo!s to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
to improve their mastery of art and design techniques including drawing painting and sculpture with a range of materials <for e#ample pencil
charcoal paint clay=
about great artists architects and designers in history+
AfL statements
$ I can use sketches to produce a final piece of art.(Y3)
$ I can use different grades of pencil to shade and to show different tones and te!tures.(Y3)
$ I can create a background using a wash.(Y3)
$ I can use a range of brushes to create different effects in painting. (Y3)
$ I can identify the techniques used by different artists.(Y3)
$ I can use digital images and combine with other media in my art.(Y3)
$ I can use I' to create art which includes my own work and that of others.(Y3)
$ I can compare the work of different artists. (Y3)
$ I recognise when art is from different cultures.(Y3)
$ I can use marks and lines to show te!ture in my art.(Y)
$ I can use line" tone" shape and colour to represent figure and forms in movement.(Y)
$ I can show reflections in my art.(Y)
$ I can print onto different materials using at least four colours.(Y)
$ I can integrate my digital images into my art.(Y)
$ I can e!periment with the styles used by other artists.(Y)
Science (some links to topic)
6ecognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways &'*)
.#plore and use classification !eys to help group identify > name a variety of living things in the local and wider environment &'*)
6ecognise that environments can change and this can sometimes pose dangers to living things &'*)
()L Statements
I can group living things in diferent ways (Y4)
I can use classifcation keys to group, identify and name living things (Y4)
I can create classifcation keys to group, identify and name living things for others to use (Y4)
I can describe how changes to an environment could endanger living things (Y4)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 6
LC 7
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge/ )hat wa" it li+e in Manche"ter in 1960 : 1;005
1ati!nal curriculum c!verage
a study of an aspect or theme in British history that e#tends pupils chronological !nowledge beyond 3455
a study over time tracing how several aspects of national history are reflected in the locality &this can go beyond 3455)
a study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 3455 that is significant in the locality+
AfL statements
$ I can describe events from the past using dates when things happened.(Y3)
$ I can use a timeline within a specific period of history to set out the order that things may have happened.(Y3)
$ I can use my mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events happened.(Y3)
$ I can use research skills to find answers to specific historical questions.(Y3)
$ I can research in order to find similarities and differences between two or more periods of history.(Y3)
$ I can plot events on a timeline using centuries.(Y)
$ I can use my mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades.(Y)
$ I can e!plain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people.(Y)
$ I can e!plain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past.(Y)
$ I can e!plain how an event from the past has shaped our life today.(Y)
$ I can research two versions of an event and e!plain how they differ.(Y)
$ I can research what it was like for children in a given period of history and present my findings to an audience.(Y)
Science (some links to topic)
Identify common appliances that run on electricity &'*)
Construct a simple series electrical circuit identifying and naming its basic parts including cells wires bulbs switches and bu::es &'*)
Identify whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery &'*)
6ecognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit &'*)
6ecognise some common conductors and insulators and associate metals with being good conductors &'*)
()L statements
I can identify and name appliances that require electricity to function (Y)
I can construct a series circuit ( Y)
I can identify and name the components in a series circuit (including cells" wires" bulbs" switches and bu))ers) (Y)
I can draw a circuit diagram (Y)
I can predict and test whether lamp will light within a circuit (Y)
I can describe the function of a switch within a circuit (Y)
I can describe the difference between a conductor and insulators* giving e!amples of each (Y)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 6
LC 7
Year 3/4 Prime Learning Challenge/ )hat<" all thi" u"" ab!ut ch!c!late5
1ati!nal curriculum c!verage
Locational kno*ledge
identify the position and significance of latitude longitude .quator /orthern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere the 7ropics of Cancer and Capricorn Arctic
and Antarctic Circle the 2rime8"reenwich 9eridian and time :ones &including day and night)
Place kno*ledge
understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United -ingdom and a region
within /orth or South America
H!man and physical geography
describe and understand !ey aspects of;
physical geography including; climate :ones biomes and vegetation belts
human geography including; types of settlement and land use economic activity including trade lin!s and the distribution of natural resources including
energy food minerals and water
AfL statements
$ I can use the correct geographical words to describe a place.(Y3)
$ I can use an atlas by using the inde! to find places.(Y3)
$ I can e!plain why people may be attracted to live in cities.(Y)
$ I can e!plain why people may choose to live in one place rather than another.(Y)
$ I can locate the 'ropic of (ancer and 'ropic of (apricorn.(Y)
use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative functional appealing products that are fit for purpose aimed at particular
individuals or groups
generate develop model and communicate their ideas through discussion prototypes pattern pieces and computer?aided design
select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tas!s <for e#ample cutting shaping 0oining and finishing= accurately
select from and use a wider range of materials and components including ingredients according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities
investigate and analyse a range of e#isting products
evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their wor!
understand how !ey events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world
AfL statements
$ I can prove that my design meets some set criteria. (Y3)
$ I can follow a step#by#step plan" choosing the right equipment and materials.(Y3)
$ I can design a product and make sure that it looks attractive. (Y3)
$ I can select the most appropriate tools and techniques for a given task.(Y3)
$ I can work accurately to measure(Y3)
$ I can describe how food ingredients come together. (Y3)
$ I can use ideas from other people when I am designing.(Y)
$ I can produce a plan and e!plain it. (Y)
$ I can evaluate and suggest improvements for my designs.(Y)
$ I can evaluate products for both their purpose and appearance. (Y)
$ I can e!plain how I have improved my original design. (Y)
$ I can present a product in an interesting way.(Y)
$ I can measure accurately. (Y)
$ I can persevere and adapt my work when my original ideas do not work.(Y)
$ I know how to be both hygienic and safe when using food.(Y)
Science (linked to topic)
Compare and group materials together according to whether they are solids liquids or gases &'*)
,bserve that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in
degrees Celsius &'*)
Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature &'*)
()L Statements
I can group materials based on their state of matter (solid" liquid" gas) (Y)
I can describe how some materials can change state (Y)
I can measure the temperature at which materials change state (Y)
I can e!plain the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle (Y)
LC 1
LC 2
LC 3
LC 4
LC 6
LC 7

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