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Your Business
Business Success By Design

You read a book from beginning to
end, but you build a business from
the end to the beginning.
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The material you are about to cover in this introductory Founders Club report is going to open your
eyes to a whole new way of looking at and thinking about business.
It's going to give you a totally !"#$!% perspective about your business aspirations. One that will put you
on a path by yourself. A path to success and satisfaction that others will only be able to envy.
It's going to expose you to fundamentals others never consider yet have been instrumental to every
success that I've ever had. Every success that I've ever studied. And every success I've ever coached.
This is not just a simple how-to. These are the keys to the kingdom of entrepreneurial success!
You see, you're going to be doing much more than designing your ideal business. You'll also be
designing your &'()* *&,(. (You'll understand why that's so important shortly.)
With those goals in mind, this report will show you how to !"#$%" your business. It will show you how
to !"&$'% your business.
What it won't do is show you ()*+ -./0 1/&$%"&& $&!
Selecting a business niche is a personal decision. One that largely depends on -./0 2"0&.%*3 &+0"%'+)&.
I simply can't tell you what that is. It's something you'll have to discover for yourself.
-./... if you pursue that goal in earnest, I promise you will.
Now, that doesn't mean you have to stop everything and figure that out first.
In fact, doing that is probably the fastest path to failure I can imagine. I've seen it before. A client puts
everything on hold to figure out their niche. But they struggle or make little or no progress in their first
attempts. They take that first roadblock as the final word that they have no direction. They sit
paralyzed. And they're done before they ever start.
I don't want that for you.
You don't have to have the answer now. You just have to have it. So here's what I suggest.
If you don't already know the business or niche you're going into, set aside some time each day to
consider it. To think about what it is you want to do. What your personal strengths are. What the market
you want to serve needs. And how what you bring to the table can uniquely fill that need.
The answer 0#11 come to you when it's ready.
In the meantime, get started on this report now. There's much to get done moving forward, and I don't
want you wasting one precious second. So let's get started...
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Warning: This Is Not Your Typical Report
I uon't anticipate you'll see a lot of iepoits fiom me like this one. In othei woius, this one is special.
Noimally, my iepoits will be tightei anu shoitei. But this one I wiote with a veiy big goal in minu. To
walk you thiough each anu eveiy step you neeu to take to builu the business of youi uieams.
Anu that's exactly what you'll have when you'ie uone with this iepoit. A uetaileu plan to having the
business of youi uieams.
In oiuei to get you this iesult, I left no stone untuineu, anu maue suie you hau eveiything you neeu to
jump-stait youi business giowth anu fieeuom. That's why it's longei than I expecteu it woulu be. But
tiust me my fiienu, you'ie in foi some majoi light bulb moments heie.
Beie's my piomise to you: If you follow the steps I've laiu out foi you heie in this iepoit, you'll be on
tiack to getting eveiything you evei wanteu out of youi business. Youi chances of success will have
multiplieu, anu you'll know exactly what steps you neeu to make it all happen.
A bolu piomise, but one you'll see easily met on the pages that follow.
What Were Going To Cover And Why
Boy-oh-boy, we've got a lot of giounu to covei heie in oui fiist issue.
Why. Because almost eveiy entiepieneui (oi anyone who aspiies to be one) has so many
misconceptions about business it's scaiy.
It's scaiy because these mistaken thoughts, false beliefs, anu flaweu points of view aie ceitain to castiate
anu shackle a business befoie it evei gets off the giounu.
That's why so few businesses evei succeeu, anu of those that uo succeeu, only a fiaction of theii owneis
evei bieak fiee of them.
Anu so, in oui fiist sit uown togethei, we'ie going to sheu some light on the situation. We'ie going to get
knee ueep in what makes a business ieally woik - anu what you'll neeu to uo to uesign anu builu one that
can giow fai beyonu youiself.
I've got a special agenua with this iepoit - so heie's the ueal: Because this is the fiist issue, we'ie going to
pinpoint anu fix the single biggest mistake entiepieneuis make when staiting theii business that haunts
them foi the iemainuei of the business' life.
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No mattei how olu oi new youi business is, what you aie about to leain will immeuiately shift the way
you appioach youi business fiom now on.
Noie specifically: When you aie uone with this iepoit. you'll have youi business uesigneu anu
bluepiinteu to giow fastei, get moie piofitable, uo bettei things anu uo it all in a supeiioi way. A way that
gives you the fieeuom anu income you neeu to live youi iueal life.
Biu you get that. Right heie in this uocument I'm going to walk you thiough the initial steps to engineei
youi business to continually giow without you.
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It's essential you believe that youi business can uo all this. That youi business can give you both the
income anu fieeuom you want. Baseu on my expeiience with thousanus of entiepieneuis, I've come to
believe any business can. But what's impoitant is that you believe it's possible foi youi business.
0theiwise, what's the point.
Really, think about that. cause I'm ueau seiious. What's the point of staiting anu giowing a business if
you'll nevei get fiee of it.
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A ciucial element of the founuei's philosophy is this: 0wning a business is moie than just a job - oi at
least it's supposeu to be.
What I mean by this is a job is wheie you tiaue time anu effoit foi money. So, by its veiy natuie it
consumes youi life by feeuing on youi time anu attention.
But a business is an entiiely uiffeient animal when uesigneu anu executeu coiiectly. A business will give
you moie of what you want out of life.
Sauly, almost eveiy entiepieneui appioaches builuing his oi hei business the wiong way. Anu that's the
single biggest mistake any entiepieneui can make. They jump iight in anu stait uoing business, anu
nevei consiuei foi even a moment that they shoulu have uesigneu theii business fiist.
The goou news: You won't make the same mistake. Because togethei, iight heie in this iepoit, we aie
going to uesign youi business togethei so it can fiee you to uo the things that give you the life you want.
0ne last caveat: Some entiepieneuis believe that the woik they uo in theii business is theii life-woik.
That they aie in fact, living theii iueal life by uoing theii life-woik insiue theii business.
If this uesciibes you, heie's a woiu to the wise. Embiace the concept "if you love something set it fiee, if it
comes back to you, it's youis. If it uoesn't, it nevei was." You can uo this in youi business by being a
founuei anu builuing a business that uoesn't neeu youi uiiect involvement (in othei woius it sets you
fiee). Then if you ueciue to continue to uo the woik insiue youi business, even when it uoesn't neeu you
(you've come back), you can honestly say you'ie living youi iueal life.
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You may have noticeu the title of this iepoit "Youi Business Bluepiint: Business Success By Besign."
So, what uo I mean exactly when I wiite "uesigning youi business" oi "bluepiinting youi business."
Allow me to claiify.
veiy few entiepieneuis evei sit uown anu think thiough each element of theii business anu how they
shoulu best inteiact to give them "moie life" while giving theii piospects anu customeis what they tiuly
Think about how tiagic that is. You will invest moie of youi time anu iesouices on youi business than
almost anything else. Youi success anu uieams hinge on its success. Yet most nevei think thiough the
uiffeient appioaches anu cieate theii business with the highest likelihoou of success.
Anu that's what I mean when I say 2%-'&1'1& E+0# 60-'1%--. It's about taking a step outsiue youi
business anu looking at it objectively. Then, I am going to show you how to think thiough anu figuie out
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what youi business is going to look like, what it's going to uo anu how it can best uelivei on youi hopes
anu uieams.
Next, we'll cieate youi business bluepiint. Youi business bluepiint is youi visual action plan that'll
iepiesent the simplest veision of the business you aie cieating.
Youi business bluepiint will lay out the functions, iesponsibilities, anu piocesses youi business will neeu
to succeeu anu giow beyonu you. It will also set up the game you'll play to get fiee, by visually
iepiesenting youi cuiient iesponsibilities anu uictating the steps to hanu those off to otheis in youi
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It shoulu be getting cleaiei - uesigning youi business is ciitical to youi business success. In case it's not,
think about it this way: If youi business is not uesigneu to give you what you want. if it's not bluepiinteu
to giow into a business that can pioviue you with so much moie than a job. then in fact not only will
youi business fail to give you what you want, but if you'ie not caieful, it'll liteially suck all the iemaining
life out of you.
That's why uesigning anu bluepiinting youi business is ciitical.
You see, without the piopei business uesign anu a functional business bluepiint, all the woik that follows
becomes iiielevant. Bo you get that. It simply becomes moie woik. Naiketing woik, website woik,
wiiting woik, etc. All woik coming togethei piece-by-piece, fiustiation-by-fiustiation, builuing you a
job you'll nevei bieak fiee fiom.
Remembei this: If what you'ie uoing is not getting youi business to iely on you less anu less, ovei time
it'll iely on you moie anu moie. Then it's all just a big job with no enu in sight. Anu what's the point of
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}ust in case you'ie one of those few entiepieneuis (even aftei what we've alieauy coveieu) who might
still think that uesigning youi business anu bluepiinting it is not what you neeu iight now. Let me tell
you, it uefinitely is what you neeu iight now. Noie so than you coulu possibly imagine.
Why am I saying you neeu this moie than you can imagine.
Because it's typical foi an entiepieneui to think uesigning anu bluepiinting theii business is not as
piessing as the many uigencies they feel they neeu immeuiate help with. like iaising some quick cash,
executing a new maiketing tactic, oi whatevei else may be scieaming at them to 'fix me' in the moment.
Theiefoie the thinking goes... spenuing time thinking about theii business uesign anu bluepiinting it,
seems iuealistic, uniealistic, anu unnecessaiy.
A woiu of caution. Bon't fall into the tiap of a typical entiepieneui's thinking. Avoiu it like the plague.
The typical thinking is what causes the vast majoiity of entiepieneuis to fail. The typical thinking leaus to
woiking long houis with little to show foi it. The typical thinking tuins a business into a giueling job foi
the lucky few entiepieneuis who get theii businesses off the giounu.
Believe me when I tell you, you'll have a new peispective about youi business by the enu of this iepoit.
You'll see those piessing uigencies foi what they ieally aie. Bistiactions that will pull you uown into the
minutia of uetails that only seem impoitant in the moment. You neeu to iealize that in the context of youi
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oveiall business success they'ie tiivial, unimpoitant uistiactions -- no mattei how much of a ciisis they
may seem iight now.
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Now, that suifaces a question, uoesn't it. Bow can you tell the uiffeience between iight woik anu wiong
Well, when you aie uone with this iepoit, youi business bluepiint will easily answei that foi you.
That's why this is mission-ciitical woik. You must focus on anu uo the iight woik. Anu that's why
uesigning youi business bluepiint is an absolute must. It's the iight woik to uo iight now because it will
make ceitain you aie always focuseu on the iight woik in the futuie.
In case it isn't obvious, this is something nobouy can give you. You can't buy it, outsouice it, oi employ
someone else to uo it foi you. It's what you must cieate foi youiself.
To successfully builu youi business you have to !"#$$% want it. Anu foi you to want it you have to be able
to see it, anu know what the payoff will be foi you when you'ie finisheu.
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So, heie's a quick oveiview of what we'ie going to covei in this iepoit.
Fiist, we'ie going to covei the Founuei's unique point of view. Because nothing goou happens foi you oi
foi youi business when you see things the wiong way. You'll make the wiong uecisions, seize the wiong
oppoitunities, hiie the wiong people, etc. Consiuei this giounuing on a few impoitant business
Then we'll ioll up oui sleeves anu get to woik on pie-woik that neeus to be uone befoie uesigning anu
bluepiinting a business. To uo that, we neeu to uncovei thiee key pieces of infoimation. Fiist, you'll
claiify what youi iueal life looks like. Seconu, you'll uo some ieseaich to unueistanu how youi iueal
customei thinks. Anu thiiu, you'll ueteimine the fai-ieaching puipose of youi business.
Next, we'll use youi business' puipose to uesign a business that will pioviue you with youi iueal life anu
youi iueal customeis what they tiuly ciave. Noie specifically, we'll covei youi compelling piomise anu
the piofit mouel that'll uiive youi business foiwaiu.
Aftei we have the uesign we'll bluepiint it to visually uocument the impoitant uetails of youi business
giowth stiategy.
To wiap up, I'll show you some of the uiffeient ways you can immeuiately use anu benefit fiom youi
business bluepiint.
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The Founders Point Of View
0k, fiist thing's fiist.
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0n the next six pages we'ie going to covei the essential peispective you neeu to possess in oiuei to iise
to founuei-status.
In the piocess, we'll uiscuss:
! >("%" -//-%'0.)')"* 5-#" 1%-# - most entiepieneuis mistake theii tiue souice, becoming
oppoitunity seekeis insteau of Founueis.

! >(2' 2 $0*)."** %"2336 )* - once you get this you'll make bettei uecisions anu have a cleai path to
giowing youi business.

! ?(" -." 2%"2 6-0% $0*)."** #0*' "@5"3 2' - it's not sexy, but it's vital to builuing a sustainable
enteipiise that continues to gain moie momentum as it giows.

! ?(" *"5%"' '- (6/"%A<%-9'( - a simple yet stunningly effective seciet to phenomenal business
giowth that almost eveiy entiepieneui misses. Niss this anu you'll be uoing all the woik, have all
the fiustiation, anu youi business' giowth will be stunteu at best.
All iight, now you know what we'll covei in this section, let's uive in.
You Dont Buy Opportunities You Create Them
Lots of wannabe entiepieneuis aie in a constant seaich foi the hot oppoitunity. The type of oppoitunity
they'ie looking foi at any given moment in time is ueteimineu by wheie they aie in the evolution of theii
If they'ie just staiting out - they'ie seaiching foi the hot business oppoitunity. You know, the peifect
niche, the best business in a box, oi the new untappeu methou to making millions.
If they alieauy have an online business - they'ie seaiching foi the hot tiaffic oppoitunity, the killei
conveision stiategy, oi anything else that piomises the seciet shoitcut to eliminating what's cuiiently
holuing them back.
Theii thinking being - I'u imagine - that people who aie successful in business aie successful because they
know something that eveiyone else uoesn't. That somehow, they know how to be theie at the iight time -
picking the iight thing to uo befoie anyone else gets aiounu to smelling the oppoitunity.Befoie anyone
else gets winu of it.
In othei woius, what most Inteinet maiketeis seem to believe about successful entiepieneuis is that
they'ie oppoitunists. That they'ie successful because they can smell oppoitunity befoie anyone else can;
you know. the hot ueal, the cutting thing, the insiue tiack, the seaich engine loophole, the backuooi pay-
pei-click biuuing stiategy, the social meuia stiategy that nevei fails, etc.
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Well, to be honest with you I've nevei ieally tiusteu that thought. Because somehow the question
"wheie's the hot oppoitunity." smacks of navet even woise it smacks of gieeu.
It's the kinu of question someone asks whose nevei ieally hau to, noi been willing to pay the piice
necessaiy to cieate an oppoitunity of theii own.
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Somehow these oppoitunity-seeking entiepieneuis have giown to believe that theie aie nuggets of
success hiuing out theie in the woilu unuei iocks. That all they have to uo is know which iock to tuin
ovei anu the nugget will be theiis.
They believe somehow that success is knowing which iock to tuin ovei! That out theie in the woilu is a
suie thing just waiting to be uiscoveieu. Anu that an entiepieneui is someone who has a nose foi
uiscoveiing such suie things.
In othei woius, the thinking goes. suie things aie what success is maue of. finu a suie thing anu youi
success is assuieu.
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Well my answei to these people has always been the same. That the most successful entiepieneuis I
know aien't oppoitunists. The most successful entiepieneuis I know aie visionaiies. Anu that a visionaiy
is someone who sees an oppoitunity not by uoing something uiffeient than eveiyone else is uoing. but,
by uoing exactly the opposite.
The tiue entiepieneui sees the hot oppoitunity is in uoing what eveiyone else is uoing but uoing it bettei
than eveiyone else is uoing it.
Choose an oiuinaiy business - just pick a business wheie theie's lots of competition. Wheie theie aie lots
of othei people uoing it like most people uo business. In an oiuinaiy, caieless, peifunctoiy, uniesponsive,
thoughtless way.
Then uesign youi business to solve a biggei pioblem, an oveilookeu fiustiation, oi the same pioblem as
eveiyone else but solveu in bettei, fastei, moie convenient, oi cheapei way. Anu then uo that business
like ciazy. I mean whole hog plus the postage. Bo that business like no one else has evei uone it befoie
Choose an oiuinaiy business anu uo that business in an extiaoiuinaiy way - anu that's the hottest
business oppoitunity aiounu.
Anu that's what this iepoit is all about - it's about builuing a business that woiks. Because if the tiuth
weie to be known, all it takes to builu an extiaoiuinaiy business is the knowleuge, the will, the skill anu
the just plain uuiableness neeueu to weathei the iesistance you'll meet on the way. The iesistance fiom
the woilu anu the people in it who simply uon't want to uo the woik necessaiy to cieate a business that
woiks. Anu the iesistance fiom insiue you, anu the peisonalities insiue you, who simply uon't want to
iise to the occasion.
That's what this iepoit is about - it's about woik. It's about the only hot oppoitunity aiounu. It's about
what it takes to make it happen in youi business. Foi you, foi youi family, foi youi customeis, foi the
people who woik foi you. It's about thinking in a totally new anu oiiginal way. It's about thinking like a
It All Starts With A Vision
So, if Founueis (the most successful entiepieneuis) aie visionaiies, what exactly uo they see.
Founueis see oppoitunities. 0ppoitunities that exist because the woilu isn't a peifect place, anu all of
those impeifections that make this woilu less than iueal - aie oppoitunities to builu a business. To builu
a business that makes a uiffeience in the woilu by making a uiffeience in the lives of potential customeis.
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So, the hot oppoitunity isn't unuei iocks, its iight unuei youi nose. Anytime you see a pioblem that ciies
out to be fixeu oi a uesiie that ciaves fulfillment know that iight theie you have the founu the seeus to a
gieat business.
In othei woius, Founueis can't help but see oppoitunities. Because they aie all aiounu us. Eveiy time
you see a conuition that is just uying to be fixeu, oi changeu, oi ieinventeu, oi tiansfoimeu - lies the
seeus of a business oppoitunity.
But unueistanu what I saiu. The oppoitunity that launches a business isn't about making youi life bettei
(although it will get bettei if you giasp this). The oppoitunity is to make someone else's life bettei, anu
that someone else is youi potential customei. To seive his oi hei uesiies bettei than anyone has evei
uone befoie. 0nly then, when you uo that, can you get eveiything that you want.
Anu this is the iule that's most often violateu with all the uiffeient oppoitunities piesenteu online. They
claim that somehow you'll benefit even though no one else in the woilu uoes. Anu of couise, the woilu
uoesn't woik that way in ieal-life.
What Is A Business Anyway?
As an entiepieneui, you'ie builuing something that has value in auuition to what's pioviueu by youi
inuiviuual effoits. You cieate an entity that takes on a life of its own. A living, bieathing, anu giowing
oiganism that biings in money while you'ie not theie, allowing you to take vacations, got to youi
chiluien's school anu spoits activities, oi spenu time with youi spouse. So, you can spenu youi time
woiking on tasks that make youi business bettei, because you uon't have to woik on the activities youi
business uoes (uay-to-uay), like woiking on youi website, getting links, cieating content, oi ueveloping
I like to uesciibe it this way. It's the closest you'll evei get to being uou-like in this one way. You aie
uesigning anu then builuing a living, bieathing thing that when uone coiiectly it'll take on a life of its own.
So, it's the closest you can get to uesigning anu then cieating something alive.
0ltimately, you'ie cieating this oiganism to make a uiffeience in the woilu by ueliveiing value to youi
customeis. uiving them what they want in such an effective way, you get what you want.
In fact, heie's a foimula foi you to consiuei: n(impiovement)=youi business success. Wheie n = the
numbei of people that ieceive the benefit youi business pioviues. So, the moie people that benefit fiom
the impiovement youi business pioviues the moie successful it will be.
Your Business Must Work Better
Now if you weie the only business in the woilu to
pioviue youi customei with what he oi she wants. If
you hau a coinei on a paiticulai seivice oi piouuct. If
you weie the only one who coulu pioviue that seivice
oi piouuct. Anu if youi customei absolutely hau to
have it - well, then you've got it maue. You coulu
pietty much uo business any way you want to
because the customei uoesn't have any othei choice.
But the tiuth is in touay's woilu you uon't have a
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coinei on the piouuct oi seivice you sell. No one uoes foi long. Anu if you uiu, it's piobably because no
one wants to buy it. No, the tiuth is wheie theie is a maiket theie aie people in business competing foi
that maiket. Anu the only successful way to compete is to stanu out heau-ovei-heels above the iest.
Because the essence of effective maiketing is the ability to attiact the customeis attention anu once
having attiacteu it, to uelivei an expeiience that will assuie you that they will come back to iepeat it
again anu again.
Nany woulu-be entiepieneuis seem to foiget that point. Insteau they seem to conuuct theii business as a
stieam of ongoing piomotions. Piomotions uesigneu to get new customeis while they foisake the
customeis fiom the pievious piomotion. Anu that, my fiienu, is a iecipe foi uisastei. Because the
business is only as goou as what it's uoing iight now, which then leaus it to being moie like a house of
caius than a foitiess of futuie piofits.
This is even tiuei touay. uieat customeis aie not expenuable. In tough economic times you neeu to holu
on to eveiy gieat customei youi business comes into contact with. In boom times theie may be a steauy
stieam of new customeis but in tough times eveiy customei becomes a lot moie valuable anu cannot be
taken foi gianteu.
How A Business Grows Fast Without The Owner Doing More
Lots of successful entiepieneuis come to me when they'ie at the enu of theii iope. They've been buining
the canule at both enus foi so long they'ie simply buint out.
These buint-out successful entiepieneuis have been woiking so haiu foi so long they simply can't take it
any longei. They'ie convinceu that they must woik like a uog to builu theii businesses yet they aie no
longei capable of woiking in this moue - so they come to me.
They come to me because I have a tiack iecoiu of helping entiepieneuis woik fai less yet make fai moie
all while builuing the business of theii uieams. Nost uon't believe it's possible but the ones that come to
me aie willing to suspenu theii uisbelief in the hopes of finuing a bettei way.
Anu theie is a bettei way. Theie is a much bettei way to stait, builu anu giow a business than the
common appioach most entiepieneuis take.
You see, it's not by luck, acciuent, oi inoiuinate saciifice on the pait of the Founuei that causes
businesses to thiive, giow anu ultimately giow beyonu theii own effoits.
It uoesn't happen thiough inoiuinate uiscipline eithei -nope - business success happens by uesign. In
othei woius - uesign youi business coiiectly anu youi ouus of success skyiocket while youi woikloau
plummets. Besign youi business incoiiectly, oi not at all, anu youi ouus of success plummet anu youi
woikloau skyiockets.
< *++#5E D%-'&1%2 @0-'1%-- *0"- ;+0 A1 >=% 4%1"%# C, A"
Ny stiong hunch is that if you anu I weie to sit uown anu analyze youi business iight now. The ouus aie
incieuibly high you aie uoing all the woik to giow youi business. Anu that's wheie the oveiwhelm,
oveiwoik anu fiustiation comes fiom because giowing a business takes a lot of woik.
But, if you, anu you alone, aie uoing all the woik to giow youi business it means that youi business is
uesigneu wiong. Because while it's tiue that giowing a business takes a lot of haiu woik - it uoesn't mean
you have to be the one uoing all the haiu woik.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 1u
Now befoie you tell me you can't affoiu employees, oi the ones you have aie unwilling to uo the haiu
woik necessaiy - let me stop you iight heie because what I am talking about is much biggei anu
exponentially moie poweiful than that.
What I am talking about is giowing youi business in an entiiely uiffeient mannei.
What I am talking about is uesigning youi business so you satisfy, bettei than youi competitois, the
essential neeus, unconscious expectations, anu peiceiveu piefeiences of eveiyone youi business
inteiacts with. That incluues employees, outsouiceis, affiliates, joint-ventuie paitneis, piospects,
customeis, supplieis anu anyone anu eveiyone else youi business ielies on.
In othei woius, a business that eveiyone is iooting foi.
The mistake most entiepieneuis make is they neglect eveiyone othei than themselves. They uesign oi
uefault into a business wheie they aie the only ones who tiuly benefit fiom it. Anu if that's the case, it
shoulun't come as any big suipiise that they'ie the ones who aie going to have to uo all the woik to giow
Anu what's woise is if you uo all the woik to giow youi business you enu up with a job that owns you
insteau of a business that you own. I'll explain why a little latei on.
<1 A1(#%2'65% @0-'1%-- B%H
But if you tiuly unueistanu what I am saying heie - that a business thiives when all the people that
inteiact with the business want it to - then you shoulu iealize the incieuible business gem I've just laiu at
youi feet.
Think about it.
Imagine how uiffeient youi business woulu be, how much moie likely success woulu be, anu how much
easiei giowth coulu be achieveu if eveiyone hau a vesteu inteiest in seeing youi business giow.
Listen, I'm not kiuuing aiounu heie, foi youi own sake. imagine. take a minute oi two to ieally
expeiience the uiffeience. If big joint-ventuie paitneis anu supei affiliates eageily piomoteu youi
piouucts. If youi piospects gave you theii unuiviueu attention anu passeu on youi maiketing messages
to thousanus of otheis just like them. If customeis bought fiom you each anu eveiy time they hau a
choice anu consistently iefeiieu theii fiienus. If the best employees anu most sought out outsouiceis
wanteu to woik foi you insteau of anyone else.
Bo you see the powei in that. Bo you unueistanu that you can eithei uesign youi business to make all the
above tiue -0R- you can uefault to uoing all the woik youiself while complaining that none of the above is
tiue foi you.
Look, I know it's possible because I uesigneu anu engineeieu Stiategic Piofits to uo exactly that - that's
why we went fiom a complete stanustill to 7.4 million in ievenue in oui fiist twelve months in business.
Anu I know the same can happen foi you because I've walkeu hunuieus upon hunuieus of clients to
similai iesults.
This is one of the biggest shoitcuts to builuing a business that gives you youi fieeuom. Anu we'ie going to
builu that into youi business uesign. But befoie we uo, we've got some moie giounu to covei.
Let's quickly iecap what we've coveieu befoie piessing on. We've alieauy coveieu:
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 11
0nsuccessful entiepieneuis aie in a constant seaich foi oppoitunities while successful
entiepieneuis, Founueis, cieate theii own oppoitunities.
The seeus of successful businesses aie pioblems ciying to be fixeu oi uesiies ciaving fulfillment.
A business exists to make youi potential customei's lives bettei.
The essence of effective maiketing is the ability to attiact the customeis attention anu once having
attiacteu it to uelivei an expeiience that will assuie you that they will come back to iepeat it again
anu again.
A business piopeily uesigneu - meaning it's uesigneu to benefit eveiyone it inteiacts with - is
moie likely to succeeu, will giow fastei anu iequiies less effoit fiom the Founuei.
0f couise theie's moie to the Founuei's unique point of view than what we've just coveieu. But these aie
the essentials that you neeueu to know iight now to uesign youi business.
In futuie iepoits anu newsletteis we'll covei moie about this uniquely piofitable peispective anu
highlight the path to absoibing it in a way that it becomes a pait of you, who you aie, so to speak, so you
climb to the top the shoitest anu fastest way possible.
That stateu, let's move on to you, anu what you want out of youi business.

!I4>ACG 9M
Getting Clear About The Payoff
In this section we'ie going to exploie a topic that's immensely peisonal.
Because if you'ie with me so fai - you unueistanu a Founuei cieates a business to get moie life, not less
But what exactly uoes that mean. What uo we mean when we say, "getting moie life."
Well, the answei will be uiffeient foi each anu eveiy one of us. Anu that's the ieason foi this section. To
ueteimine what getting moie out of life means to you in an immensely peisonal way.
0ne last point, anu it's impoitant. Theie aie thiee exeicises foi you to complete in this section. I'm going
to ask you to complete them immeuiately as you get to them. Please uo, because the value is in youi
answeis, not in my uesciiptions of the exeicises.
Also, you can spenu an entiie lifetime honing youi answeis to these foui exeicises - but that's not ieally
the point of uoing them iight now. The point isn't to have peifect answeis, just to come up with youi
initial iesponses. Nothing you uo heie is set in stone, anu you can always go back anu mouify them latei.
That stateu, I've given you iecommenueu timefiames foi each exeicise. Bo youi best to stick with them,
anu uon't let any exeicise get away fiom you by becoming moie than what they aie.
Anu what they aie, what they shoulu be foi you, aie youi best answeis to these questions iight now.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 12
;+0# !%5,'-= 7%$-+1 >+ C?1 ;+0# @0-'1%--N >+ B%" O+#% P',%
So, while the puipose of a business is to make youi customeis lives bettei, anu it will giow fastei anu it's
success will be moie assuieu if eveiyone's selfish inteiests aie met, what about the Founuei. What about
us. What uo we get out of owning a business.
Well, the goou news is the sole puipose foi -9.).< a business is entiiely selfish. Beck it shoulu be, most
entiepieneuis iisk eveiything they've got, tiying to make theii business successful. Theie has to be a
Youi ieason foi owning a business shoulu be to get moie out of life than you woulu by not owning the
In othei woius, a business is the means to an enu, not an enu in itself. It's a means to getting moie out of
life. Anu that's vital to iemembei because many entiepieneuis foiget this simple fact. To them the
business becomes the enu in itself - anu when that happens it often consumes the life of the entiepieneui
who biitheu it.
To pievent youi business fiom consuming youi life - you must be cleai, iight up fiont, anu know what
you want out of life. 0nfoitunately, few entiepieneuis aie as cleai as they neeu to be about what they
want theii life to be like.
P'Q'1& P',% A1"%1"'+1$55E 7$"=%# >=$1 R$8=$S$#25E
So, what uoes moie life mean to you.
The answei to this one question is what this section is all about.
Because when you know youi answei, you'll have the ability to live youi life intentionally iathei than
haphazaiuly. Neaning you'll have the ability to consciously choose those things that aie consistent with
what is most impoitant to you.
Befining youi iueal life is about thinking thiough youi inneimost uesiies anu setting ieal piioiities that
puts youi business into peispective.
It's about living a life that's meaningful to you. 0ne that feels iight eveiyuay - giving you a ueepei sense
of satisfaction, fulfillment, anu meaning with each passing week, month, anu yeai.
That's why youi iueal life is unique to you. It's about what you tiuly want youi life to be like. So, foi now,
while completing youi exeicises foiget about any anu all the obligations anu iesponsibilities you have to
otheis. Think only about youiself anu what you want youi life to be like.
Knowing What You Want
So, let's get immensely peisonal. Bo you know what you want youi life to be like.
I mean, ieally know, in complete uetail - not just a collection of supeificial statements that sounu like
something but uon't ieally mean anything specifically.
You know what I mean, iight. Bollow statements like "I want to be iich," "I want financial fieeuom," "I
want to have a successful business," oi "I want to be happy," just won't cut it.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 1S
Statements like these just uon't have the powei to cieate the motivation, peiseveiance, anu just plain
uuiableness you neeu to oveicome the iesistance (both inteinal anu exteinal) you'll face in giowing a
Lots of entiepieneuis have a vague pictuie of what it means to be successful that looks something like
this: The wealth of Waiien Buffet, the physique of Ainolu Schwaizeneggei (oi Angelina }olie), the
intelligence of Albeit Einstein, the athletic ability of Nichael }oiuan, the business piowess of Bill uates, oi
the imagination of Walt Bisney.
Bon't get me wiong, all those qualities woulu be nice to have, but it's not ieality baseu. Anu because of
that it lacks all the powei you get when you ieally claiify what you want foi youiself. I mean, ieally, how
uo you piioiitize a list like that. It's impossible, you simply can't.
You neeu to get ieally specific about what you want. What you ieally want, not what woulu be nice to
have. Some make the mistake of thinking that by having a long list of nice to haves they can avoiu
figuiing out what they ieally want - but this uoesn't woik at all. This is the path of most people anu most
people simply let life happen to them.
You neeu to be able to uesciibe it in a way that paints a pictuie with that soit of claiity.
Without knowing exactly what you want fiom youi business you won't be able to eiect the bounuaiies
you neeu to safeguaiu fiom getting totally consumeu by youi business.
0ne thing I've noticeu among many of the successful entiepieneuis I've coacheu is that most of them uiu
not figuie out what they wanteu out of life until hitting iock bottom. Eithei theii business faileu, they
went bankiupt, oi they saciificeu theii health oi theii family. It was only then - being sick anu tiieu of
living a life they uiun't want - that the lights finally tuineu on.
Expeiiencing what they uiu not want piompteu each anu eveiy one of them to finally figuie out what they
ieally uiu want. Finally they hau enough claiity about exactly what they wanteu anu that claiity gave
them the motivation to go aftei it.
So, what about you.
Can you cieate a veiy cleai pictuie of youi iueal life, iight now in youi minu.
Can you see it - I mean ieally see it iight heie as if it weie all tiue iight now.
As a Founuei's Club membei, I uon't want you to suffei thiough the life you uon't want. to finally iealize
the life you uo want. Anu you shoulun't eithei - tiust me, it's not a fun wakeup call to ieceive.
Steps To Your Ideal Life
Claiifying youi iueal life is a thiee-step piocess. Beie's a quick oveiview of the steps we'll take togethei:
Step 1: Beteimine which things you uefinitely uon't want in youi life
Step 2: Beteimine which things you uefinitely uo want in youi life
Step S: Befine what an iueal uay woulu look like foi you
You'll see how these all tie togethei anu why they'ie in the specific oiuei piesenteu as we go thiough
them togethei.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 14
You shoulu be veiy exciteu iight now. In less than one houi fiom now, you'ie going to have gieatei claiity
about what you tiuly want out of life than you've evei hau befoie.
Anu that's going to help you moie than you iealize (iight now) anu when uesigning anu bluepiinting youi
So, what aie we waiting foi. let's get the paity staiteu.
F=$" ;+0 D+13" F$1"
We stait the piocess by fiist thinking about all the things you uon't want in youi life.
Boes that sounu stiange. If we aie tiying to ueteimine what we want oui life to iueally be, why stait with
what we uon't want.
Well, it's simple ieally. Nost of us aie a lot cleaiei on what we uon't want in oui lives than we aie about
what we uo want.
Anu by suifacing those things that we uon't want in oui lives, we stanu a much bettei chance of cleaily
iuentifying what we uo want. Plus, we can make suie that the life we uo uesign foi ouiselves is absent all
these negative things you'ie about to list.
That stateu, heie aie youi instiuctions:
Take 1S minutes to make as long of a list as you neeu, of
eveiything you uon't want in youi life. Tiy not to think
too much, just wiite whatevei comes to minu. A goou
place to stait is thinking about the things you cuiiently
ueal with that leave you stiesseu, fiustiateu, woiiieu,
embaiiasseu anu unfulfilleu. (0n the left, I've given you
some examples fiom my oiiginal list befoie I staiteu
Stiategic Piofits to stimulate youi thinking)

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 1S

F=$" ;+0 D+ F$1"
Now that you have gieatei claiity on what you uon't want in youi life, it's time to shift 18u uegiees anu
focus on those things that you uo want.
Foi iight now, it's impoitant that you steei cleai of
money anu mateiial things. Theie will be time foi those
things latei. Also, iealize that those things aie just means
to an enu anu iight now we'ie focuseu on the enus not
the means.
So heie's what you neeu to uo:
Take 1S minutes to make as long of a list as you neeu, of
eveiything you uo want in youi life. 0nce again, tiy not
to think too much; just wiite whatevei comes to minu. A
goou place to stait is thinking about the things you've
expeiienceu that have maue you happy, piouu, exciteu, blesseu anu fulfilleu. Also, you can use the list
you just cieateu of what you uon't want to spui iueas of what you uo want. (0n the iight, I've given you
some fiom my oiiginal list to stimulate youi thinking).

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 16

;+0# A2%$5 D$E
All iight, now that you'ie cleai about what you want anu uon't want, it's time to use this infoimation to
constiuct a peifect uay in youi uieam life.
The ieason being is that an iueal life is maue up of many iueal uays.
Anu you aie going to be ieally glau you listeu youi wants anu non-wants because it makes this exeicise so
much easiei to accomplish. So, iemembei to iefei to it fiequently when going thiough these exeicises.
Beie's what you'ie tiying to come up with: What woulu youi 8%#,%(" 1+#H$5 uay look like if theie weie
1+ 5'H'"$"'+1- on what it coulu be.
Let's bieak uown this question by highlighting ceitain woius anu what I mean by them:
B"%1"5' - a uay that ueliveis as many of those things you've iuentifieu in what you want while
avoiuing as many (if not all) those things you've listeu that you uon't want.
C-%#23 - A uay that isn't a one-time event, but a ioutine uay in youi iueal life. So, no meeting with
the Piesiuent, oi paitying in vegas oi anything othei than what's ioutine.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 17
C- D)#)'2')-.* - foiget about youi cuiient iesponsibilities, obligations, anu any anu all physical
constiaints (money, business, job, etc.) leave all that behinu you if you coulu live youi life anyway
you want.
Now many entiepieneuis fieeze up when attempting to wiite out theii iueal uay - so what I've founu is
it's easiei to answei questions that leau you to having it all uone. In total, it shoulu take you less than
thiity minutes to powei thiough this.
So, it's time to play 2u questions.
When you think of this perfect day: (Be very specific. Be extremely detailed and clear)
CQ%#$55 P',%-"E5%
Wheie uo you live. (city, on the watei, in the mountains, etc.)

What uo you live in. (an apaitment, a conuo, a house, a mansion, a penthouse, etc.)

Who aie youi fiienus. (what aie they like, what uo you uo togethei anu what uo you talk about.)

What hobbies uo you have & how often uo you uo them.

What uo you uo foi peisonal fulfillment.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 18

Besciibe youi ielationship with youi spouse (anu chiluien if you've got them). What uo you uo togethei.
Bow much time uo you spenu togethei.

;+0# @0-'1%--
Bow many houis a uay uo you woik.

What aie youi piimaiy iesponsibilities. What uo you uo while woiking.

What houis uo you woik. When uo you stait anu finish.

What aie youi clients like.

Besciibe youi woik enviionment (home, office, etc.)
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 19

Talk about youi team - who aie they. What aie they like. Bow uo they make you feel.

What about youi woik makes you most piouu.

;+0# D$E
What time uo you wake up.

Let's bieak up youi uay into foui sepaiate foui-houi inteivals.
Bow, wheie, what anu with whom uo you spenu the fiist of youi uay.

Bow, wheie, what anu with whom uo you spenu the seconu of youi uay.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 2u
Bow, wheie, what anu with whom uo you spenu the thiiu of youi uay.

Bow, wheie, what anu with whom uo you spenu the final of youi uay.

B%""'1& 45%$# C1 >=% P',% ;+0 F$1"
By answeiing the above questions, you'll be able to cieate a veiy cleai pictuie of youi iueal uay. That's
impoitant because an iueal life is maue up of many iueal uays.
Befining youi iueal uay gives you the ability to live intentionally iathei than haphazaiuly. You'll be living
a life of uesign, iathei than whatevei life thiows youi way.
A little latei on in this iepoit, I'll show you how to systematically uesign youi business to uelivei to you
the iueal life you've just laiu out.
Nake no mistake - most entiepieneuis nevei take the time to figuie out what they want out of life. Anu
because of it, the business takes ovei. Bo not think you can skip this anu eveiything will enu up ok. It
won't - unless you take the time to ieally figuie out what you want.
Anu it shoulu be obvious that one of the keys to achieving a life of fieeuom is to uefine what fieeuom
means to you.
Besiues, all the gieat minus thioughout the centuiies have always saiu in one way oi anothei to begin
with the enu in minu. Life is funny that way. Life woiks bettei when we think backwaius anu then live
oui life foiwaiu.
Think about this question: If you uon't have the will anu uesiie to figuie it out anu wiite uown what you
want, what makes you think you'll have the will anu uesiie to go aftei it.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 21
Anu while it isn't necessaiy foi oui puiposes heie, you shoulu take youi answeis fiom the thiee exeicises
you just completeu anu actually wiite out a complete uesciiption of youi iueal uay. This way, you can
ieview the pictuie you want foi youi life each moining - to ieminu youiself WBY you aie uoing
eveiything you aie uoing.
O+1%E A- G+" >=% I12T A"3- >=% O%$1- >+ <1 I12
Anothei thing, when I ask clients about theii financial goals most of them have aibitiaiily pickeu
numbeis that uon't ieally mean much to them. This is a big mistake. Noney is an abstiact concept - anu
it's incieuibly uifficult to get all juiceu anu motivateu by an abstiact concept.
You see, money is not the enu it's the means to an enu. Neaning a heap of money by itself is just papei
anu ink. Bow you plan on using the money. In othei woius, to obtain the fieeuom anu lifestyle you
uesiie is what money allows you to have.
A Quick Tip: When you think in teims of how you woulu spenu the money, it's much easiei to come up
with what you neeu to make. Noie impoitantly, knowing what you plan on uoing with it makes youi goal
moie conciete, moie fun, moie exciting anu much moie motivating to achieve.
So, now that you've figuieu out what you want -- how much will it cost to get anu keep. Bow much uoes
the iueal life you just aiticulateu cost to achieve anu sustain.
If you weie a peisonal client of mine - that's what I woulu have you uo iight now. I woulu imploie you to
figuie out how much you neeu to make anu what you'll neeu to save to make the uieam life you just
aiticulateu become youi ieality. Anu while it isn't necessaiy foi oui puiposes heie in this iepoit, it
shoulu be something you put towaius the top of youi to-uo list. This way you'll have absolute claiity of
what you ieally neeu to accomplish to live the life of youi uieams.
Anu heie's the goou news: 0nce you uefine youi iueal uay you'll immeuiately finu being moie awaie of
youi piioiities puts things in peispective. Focusing on a biightei futuie, like youi iueal life, pulls you
towaius it. Focusing on an iueal futuie ielaxes the minu anu helps you to iesponu coiiectly (not ieact) to
whatevei situations come up youi way.
!I4>ACG 9U
Your Ideal Customer
In this section you'ie going to get to know the most impoitant peison in youi business univeise.
Be oi she is most iesponsible foi tiansfoiming youi cuiient life into youi iueal life.
When you ieally appieciate theii impoitance you iealize that most entiepieneuis haven't ieally begun
the ieal woik they neeu to uo to get theii business ieally going.
0f couise, we'ie talking about youi iueal customei. Anu the puipose of this section is to help you know
them bettei than youi competitois uo. In fact, you shoulu know them bettei than anyone else you know.
Remembei, they'ie the ones who aie going to give you the money you neeu to have the business of youi
uieams, a business that ueliveis to you youi iueal life.
Knowing youi iueal piospects anu clients colu will:
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 22
Biamatically ueciease the cost of acquiiing new customeis causing youi business to giow fastei
anu be moie piofitable at the same time.
Nake eveiything you uo on a maiketing level moie effective, moie ceitain to succeeu, anu moie
piofitable immeuiately.
Cieate piouucts that aie suie to succeeu because they auuiess the neeus anu subconscious uesiies
of youi piospects anu customeis.
Nake bonuing with youi piospects anu customeis a cinch, getting them to buy soonei, buy moie
often, anu spenu moie money with whatevei you offei them.
Anu so much moie.
How To Make Your Ideal Life Your Real Life
0k, now that you know how you want youi life to be, let me tell you how you can get it.
In oiuei to get what you want, you have to uesign a business to give you what you want while giving a
laige numbei of people what they want. (Remembei the foimula I gave you eailiei. n(impiovement) =
youi business success)
All business success comes fiom the peison you'ie tiying to help, sell something to, oi seive. Anu it all
staits with what that peison wants.
This shoulu be obvious, but I've seen way too many entiepieneuis go wiong tiying to builu a business
that sells something because they want to sell it, not because anyone wants to buy it.
It's easy foi me to spot an entiepieneui who's maue this mistake. Because they often go on a wilu goose
chase tiying to figuie out what they can say oi uo to manipulate piospects into buying. Anu tiust me, they
always come up shoit.
>=% @$'" ;+0# *#+-8%("- 4#$Q%
It's fai easiei to get piospects to buy fiom you anu customeis to keep buying, if you'ie focuseu on what
value, benefit, auvantage oi incieaseu iesults youi business can give youi piospects oi customeis so they
won't be able to uo anything but buy fiom you - anu buy constantly.
Bale Cainegie, authoi of &'( *' +,- .!,"-/0
#-/ 1-2$3"-4" 5"'6$", once saiu that he loves
stiawbeiiy shoitcake. Be woulu hate the
thought of eating woims. But when he goes
fishing, if he puts stiawbeiiy shoitcake on the
enu of his line, the fish won't bite. They piefei
So, we always have to builu oui businesses
aiounu what oui piospects want to buy, not
what we like ouiselves oi what we'u like to
have a business uoing.
0bviously, this manuates that you know what
youi piospects want. Anu once again most
entiepieneuis mess up heie. Fai too many
entiepieneuis mistakenly attempt to builu a
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 2S
business without fiist ieally figuiing out what theii piospects anu customeis ciave. Big Nistake. It nevei
enus pietty - unless massive luck is involveu.
With that stateu, next let's take a look at how you figuie out what youi piospects ieally want.
Knowing Who Your Ideal Customers Are
And What They Really Want
Nost entiepieneuis miss this point entiiely, so pay caieful attention heie anu ieally think thiough what I
am getting at.
Always iemembei, the most impoitant knowleuge you can evei have is to tiuly unueistanu youi taigeteu
piospectscustomeis. Seiiously, theie's nothing moie impoitant than this.
Knowing youi piospects anu customeis is vastly moie impoitant than knowing any maiketing tactic oi
selling piocess. Anu if the tiuth weie tolu - the moie you unueistanu youi piospects anu customeis the
less maiketing tactics anu sales stiategies you neeu. Why. Because eveiything you uo will be much moie
effective because you aie aiming at the iight taiget, anu you'ie using the iight bait.
It's actually one of those countei-intuitive seciets. The way to have a business that iequiies little to no
woik on youi pait, iequiies that you alone uo quite a bit of woik up fiont, befoie uoing anything else.
Nany entiepieneuis aie lazy anu uon't want to uo the woik necessaiy to ciawl insiue the minus of theii
piospectcustomeis. Insteau they piefei to "wing it" anu iely moie heavily on selling stiategies. But
selling stiategies can nevei make up foi this lack of unueistanuing- anu it's a chief ieason why so many
entiepieneuis fail.
Anu uon't just take my woiu foi it. Beie's what uiiect-maiketing legenu Ban Kenneuy hau to say: "I uo
not believe in 'geneiic' peisuasion. In fact, my contention is that tiuly unueistanuing the taigeteu
piospectcustomei is moie impoitant than any othei element in a maiketing success." Well saiu, Ban.
But unueistanu this: knowing youi piospects anu customeis colu, not only will make youi maiketing
moie effective, but knowing youi piospects anu customeis will also make youi piouucts bettei anu moie
sellable. It'll help you exceeu youi customeis' expectations fueling woiu of mouth, oi even bettei a viial
effect - basically it'll impiove the peifoimance anu iesults of almost eveiy othei aiea of youi business.
That's why it's vital to have this infoimation befoie you evei sit uown anu uesign youi business.
;%-V 7%-%$#(= A- 7%W0'#%2
Neeuless to say, I am stiongly iecommenuing you uo as much ieseaich as you neeu to - to know youi
iueal customeis' fiustiations, feais, uieams, uesiies, anu pioblems.
Remembei, you'ie uesigning a business that'll uelivei to you youi iueal life. Eveiything you just thought
thiough can happen foi you.
But, youi business will only be able to uo that if you builu youi business aiounu what customeis ieally
want to buy. Anu the only way to know what youi customeis ieally want is to know them ieally well. Anu
that only comes fiom uoing the ieseaich anu thinking necessaiy.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 24
I have hau the goou foitune of having two woilu-class Founueis as mentois - }ay Abiaham anu Nichael
Nasteison. Both have shaieu with me impoitant auvice about knowing youi customeis. Beie's what they
tolu me.
O+-" I1"#%8#%1%0#- /$55 A1 P+Q% F'"= >=% F#+1& >='1&
Fiom }ay Abiaham, "Nost entiepieneuis fall in love with the wiong thing. They fall in love with theii own
company, oi theii piouucts oi seivices, insteau of falling in love with theii clients anu piospects. Youi
whole business success, youi whole passion, youi whole connectivity, youi whole positioning, the way
you aie seen, embiaceu anu iespecteu, will change massively when you conceive youi business as
inteiacting anu enhancing people oi othei companies lives anu situations."
Think about what }ay saiu. What woulu youi business be like if you fell in love with youi piospects anu
customeis insteau of youi company anu its' piouucts.
Remembei the last time you fell in love with someone. Bo you iemembei how fascinateu you weie about
what maue them tick. You coulu talk to them foi houis anu it nevei felt boiing at all. Well, that's exactly
how you neeu to be with youi piospects anu customeis. in a woiu.FASCINATEB.
To fuithei youi thinking about what you want to know about youi customeis anu piospects, I want to
shaie with you a concept that Nichael
Nasteison uevelopeu calleu "The Coie
The Coie Complex of youi iueal customei
aie the emotions, attituues, anu
aspiiations that uiive theii buying
When you know this you'll have the
seconu essential ingieuient to builu the
business that'll uelivei the iueal life you
aiticulateu eailiei.
In oiuei to constiuct youi customeis' coie
complex you fiist must uiscovei anu
ueuuce theii beliefs, feeling anu uesiies.
Which is exactly what you woulu be
uiscoveiing about anyone you weie falling in love with uuiing all those long (late-night) conveisations.
While theie aie many ways you can go at getting this infoimation, unfoitunately, you can't know wheie
you aie going to hit pay uiit in auvance, so that means you aie going to have to uo some woik.
Anu to be cleai - it neeus to be you uoing the woik. You can't outsouice oi uelegate this woik anu still
ieap all the benefits. Because when you cieate youi iueal customei's coie complex youiself, you sift
thiough a lot of extianeous infoimation that builus a gut unueistanuing of them anu what makes them
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 2S
Answers Vs. Clues
I uon't watch much Tv, but I uo have a few favoiite shows that I watch fiom time to time. 0ne of the
shows that make my favoiite list is .'!"-0,4 .,$"0.
.'!"-0,4 .,$"0 is a tiue-ciime show that staits with a seiious ciime, usually a muiuei, anu then uocuments
how police solveu the ciime using the latest in foiensic science.
I love the show because I am always fascinateu by how the investigatois can use the smallest little uetail
they finu at the ciime scene to solve the ciime.
So why am I telling you this. Anu what the hell uoes this have to uo with youi iueal customeis.
Noie than you piobably iealize. Because the majoiity of entiepieneuis that uo any ieseaich on theii
customeis (anu most uon't even uo any ieseaich) appioach theii ieseaich all wiong.
You see, what most entiepieneuis uo when uoing theii ieseaich is they look foi answeis insteau of clues.
The equivalent woulu be if investigatois expecteu to know who the ciiminal was who committeu the
ciime simply by looking at the ciime scene.
0f couise, that's not how ciimes get solveu, noi is it how you figuie out the coie complex of youi iueal
Insteau, when uetectives aiiive on the ciime scene they collect eveiy little piece of uata no mattei how
small oi insignificant it may seem at the moment. They uo this because latei they'll sift thiough all the
uata looking foi clues to ueteimine theii piimaiy suspect.
In othei woius, ,'#-" "=%E (+55%("V $12 "=%1 "=%E #%,5%(". Anu that's exactly how you shoulu appioach
youi ieseaich on youi iueal customei: In othei woius uon't uiscount potentially useful uata because
you'ie looking foi uiiect answeis.
Beie's an example fiom my own ieseaich to claiify what I'm talking about:
I noticeu that in a few foium questions about which maiketing tactics to use fiist because theie aie so
many options, the questionei uoesn't know which ones to employ fiist. I also finu similai questions on
Q+A sites as well.
Now, what uo you think this tells us that we can use in constiucting oui coie complex. Noie specifically,
what uoes this uata tell us about the beliefs, feelings, anu uesiies of oui customeis.
Actually it tells us quite a bit. Beie, I'll bieak it out foi you by giving you thiee potential answeis foi each
Choosing the iight maiketing tactics to employ can uiamatically impact my success
Theie is a specific iight oiuei to using maiketing tactics to giow my business
0thei maiketeis know things that I uon't
Confuseu about which tactic is best
0nsuie in my own ability to figuie things out
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 26
Fiustiateu that no one has given me a step by step
To giow my biz as quickly as possible
To not make mistakes that leau to saciificeu peifoimance
To be tolu what to uo, step by step, anu in which oiuei
Now, aie all these coiiect. Naybe, maybe not. We won't know until latei aftei we've lookeu at moie uata
points anu ieflect on theii meaning.
The iuea is to ueuuce what you think each uata point means. Then when you'ie uone you'll look at
eveiything you came up with anu ueteimine:
! What's uefinitely tiue
! What might be tiue
! What's uefinitely not tiue
Approaching Your Research The Right Way
You can finu so many goluen nuggets of
infoimation that'll giow youi business. But, only if
you appioach youi ieseaich coiiectly. You've got
to know what you'ie looking foi anu oiganize
what you finu.
So, lets talk about how to best appioach youi
ieseaich so you'll yielu the maximum business
giowing nuggets.
Fiist , heie aie just some of the categoiies that
you'll want to iemain on the aleit foi as you sift
thiough youi ieseaich:
Piouuct Iueas
@'&&%-" ,#0-"#$"'+1-
*#+65%H- (+1-'-"%1"5E %X8%#'%1(%2
Biggest competitois
*+805$# ?%6-'"% Y 65+&-
Topics of inteiest
>=% ?+#2- "=%E 0-% $12 $1E -8%('$5
Theii likes anu uislikes
Level of sophistication
Common enemies
7%(0##'1& "=%H%-
Bemogiaphics (age, sex, euucation,
occupation, income, maiital status,
chiluien, etc.)
Psychogiaphics (hobbies, lifestyle choices, puichase behaviois, meuia habits, values, etc.)
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 27
The ones I've bolueu aie the ones I stiongly suggest you cieate a sepaiate list foi.
All iight, aie you ieauy to get staiteu. Let's uive in.
Surfing For Buried Treasure In Your Market
I am going to walk you thiough the ten steps I take to finu out eveiything I neeu about a piospect.
Nost of these stiategies you piobably haven't heaiu of. Anu even the ones you might have heaiu of
befoie, you haven't heaiu them uesciibeu like I am about to.
Remembei, this is some of the most impoitant woik you'll uo foi youi business. The bettei the
infoimation you gathei heie - the moie likely youi oveiall success. So go full out on this - this is wheie it
That stateu, heie's youi map to the buiieu tieasuie in youi maiket.
@0'52 < @%""%# Z%E?+#2 P'-"
If you'ie uncleai on which keywoius iepiesent 8u% of youi maiket then you neeu to get cleai.
Ny two favoiite iesouices foi getting all the infoimation I neeu aie uoogle's keywoiu ieseaich tool anu Keycompete
I fiist go to uoogle's tool anu type my most populai keywoiu to see what uoogle iecommenus anu the
amount of tiaffic it ieceives. I choose the ten most populai, ielevant keywoius. Then I heau on ovei to
Beie's the quick iunuown of what I uo at keycompete.
:[ I use the keywoius I got fiom uoogle anu type them in the seaich box.
M[ I'll then see all the uomains biuuing foi that keywoiu.
U[ Next, I'll click on one of the top sites listeu anu see all the keywoius theii biuuing on.
\[ 0sually they'll have some inteiesting keywoiu phiases (which I'll wiite uown)
][ Next, I'll click on one of the best phiases I nevei thought of befoie to see what othei companies aie
auveitising on the teim.
^[ Take the same steps fiom step S on.
Anu the cycle will continue to iepeat ovei anu ovei again - builuing a killei keywoiu list of all the effoits
of my competitois in the maiket.
!"$12 C1 >=% !=+052%#- C, ;+0# 4+H8%"'"+#-
So much can be leaineu about youi piospects iight fiom youi competitois' websites. It's tiagic moie
entiepieneuis uon't take auvantage of this huge shoitcut.
So go to uoogle anu type in youi piimaiy keywoius (one at a time) anu check out the pay-pei-click aus
(the sponsoieu listings). Aie theie any common themes. You shoulu ceitainly pick up some clues on this
page; it's a golumine once you've uone it a few times.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 28
I just sit anu look at the page foi two to thiee minutes, scanning ovei the aus anu waiting until the iueas
anu insights stait peicolating anu then I iecoiu all my thoughts with goou olu-fashioneu pen anu papei.
Next, stop at youi competitois' websites.
If they happen to have sales letteis on theii site, you've just hit a jackpot; if they happen to have gieat
copywiiteis wiiting those sales letteis. then you just hit the mothei-loau jackpot. Beie's why, if you ieau
a sales lettei thiough 2 oi S times, it staits to become familiai enough foi you to now begin pulling out
lots of gieat infoimation.
Foi example, you can easily ieveise engineei the wiiting foi the beliefs, feelings anu uesiies the wiitei
was tiying to hainess. When fiist staiting out, you might have to ieau each sentence anu think about it foi
a seconu. Bo it anyway, because with a little piactice, you'll eventually be able to ieau the sales lettei
fastei anu still get what you'ie looking foi.
You shoulu also spenu some time on theii site, ieau the link texts, skim theii blog (if they have one) anu
tiy to notice anything that may be a clue about what this website believes about theii visitois. When you
aie uone, heau ovei to, uo a site piofile, anu pay caieful attention to theii seaich analytics.
Then heau ovei to anu check out the sites' uemogiaphics.
}ust know, that while I woulu say I believe the site uemogiaphics aie N0T 1uu% accuiate, I uo believe
they'ie iight moie than they'ie wiong. Anu if you look at the uemogiaphic uata fiom each of the big
competitois you shoulu get a veiy accuiate iepiesentation of who youi competitoi's piospects aie. 0ne
last thing, it's so obvious it shoulu go without saying but I'll say it anyway - you shoulu be opting into the
lists of all youi competitois to stuuy theii emails anu the sequencing of theii messages.
_-% <H$S+1 >+ 7%Q%$5 ;+0# @0E%#- >=+0&="-
You can leain a lot about youi piospects at the Inteinet's favoiite stoie - Amazon.
You want to use youi keywoius to seaich foi the best-selling books associateu with youi maiket. Then,
click ovei to the book's page anu ieau all of the customei's ieviews (both positive anu negative) anu pay
caieful attention to the woius they choose - anu all the ieasons why they eithei likeu it oi hateu it. 0nce
again, you shoulu be wiiting uown any obseivations oi eviuence.
}ay Abiaham taught me this stiategy thiee yeais ago - anu I just staiteu using it about 1V yeais ago.
Wow! Can this be poweiful. 0nce I iealizeu how poweiful this stiategy is I was mau at myself foi not
heeuing jay's auvice eailiei. Bon't make the same mistake I uiu.
P%Q%#$&% ;+0# C?1 !'"%3- <1$5E"'(-
Bo you alieauy have a website. Boes it get any tiaffic. Yes. Then you'ie sitting on top of heaps of
highly-piizeu infoimation anu uata that's guaianteeu to giow youi business.
In fact that biings me to a veiy impoitant point. A hugely oveilookeu benefit to having gieat content on
youi website oi blog is all the fiee valuable infoimation youi visitois leave behinu.
Such as:
}ust segment between new visitois anu ietuining visitois to uiscovei:
! What content iepels fiist-time visitois. Anu what content sucks fiist time visitois into youi ciicle
of influence. }ust look at youi new visitoi segment, then look at the most populai pages in oiuei
of theii bounce iate. Those with the highest bounce iate aien't woiking - since moie people aie
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 29
bailing off this page than any othei (by the way you shoulu fix these as soon as possible). At the
bottom of the list (the lowest bounce iate), aie the pages that aie iesonating the most.

! Know which pages aie most populai with visitois who've been to youi site befoie. In othei woius,
visitois who ietuin to youi site, ietuin to see what. Youi analytics piogiam tells you the answei.
An answei that gives you a glimpse into theii coie complex.

! Want to know the keywoius that biing visitois you iesonate with. 0i, the keywoius that biing
visitois who come back to youi site. }ust soit the most populai keywoius of ietuin visitois anu
compaie them to the most populai keywoius of single visitois.

Anu that's just one beginning. Analyze the uiffeiences between these two gioups on eveiy metiic you
stuuy. You'll be amazeu at how much insight you'll gain in such a shoit time.
Theie's so much moie useful infoimation you can haivest fiom youi analytics. Lots of books have been
wiitten on this single topic alone. 0bviously, I can't be compiehensive heie. But, heie aie two moie
aieas of analytics to pay caieful attention to:
o Look at youi keywoius iepoit. This will show what queiies biought visitois to youi site.
When you look at each keywoiu phiase, ask youiself "what aie oui visitois looking foi.
What type of language uo they use that biings them to oui site. What uoes this tell me
about my visitoispiospects motivation anu goals."

o Aftei that, look at youi iefeiiing site iepoit. This will answei questions like, wheie uo oui
visitois come fiom. Aie they coming fiom seaich engines, othei sites, oi uiiectly with no
iefeiiei. What uo these answeis tell me about theii online habits. Anu, what uoes that tell
me about who they ieally aie."

/'12 <12 O'1% >=% /+#0H-
As you've piobably heaiu, theie's a golumine of useful infoimation to be mineu fiom Foiums.
Beie's a shoit-couise piimei on how to extiact some ieally juicy infoimation at bieakneck speeu.
1. Fiist, you neeu to finu the populai foiums in youi niche. The easiest way to finu them is to go to
uoogle anu seaich "youi piimaiy keywoiu anu foium."

2. A totally oveilookeu, fast anu easy way to get some oveiall maiket knowleuge is to get the visitoi
piofile on each of those foium sites. What you'll get when you gioup them up will be a veiy goou
piofile that wakes up the maiket. This is piiceless infoimation eveiy maiketei wants to know anu
this is how you get it. I'm going to tell you how to go get this infoimation, but fiist I've got
something even bettei foi you. By keeping the inuiviuual piofile on the foiums, you'll unueistanu
the uiffeient pieces of the maiket, anu when you go into each foium, you'll finu out what they
want anu what fiustiations they want help with. You'll get to see how it uiffeis with all the othei
gioups' foiums.

If you iealize the powei of what I just tolu you, then you iealize what a gift this is. It's woith moie than
what you'll invest in an entiie yeai foi Founuei's Club. A biash statement, peihaps, but the facts aie the
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: Su
facts. Anu with what you'll know aftei this will make eveiy maiketing anu piouuct uecision you make
bettei. Neaning moie piofitable uue to gieatei accuiacy.
Beie's how you uo it. }ust go to anu get a piofile of each foium you iuentifieu by
typing in the 0RL of the foium. uo thiough the foium's uemogiaphics by clicking in the uemogiaphics
tab on the left. Nake suie you piint out the uemogiaphics anu also, cut anu paste it into a woiu
To supei-chaige youi knowleuge, uo what I uo. Befoie uiving into each foium - summaiize the visitoi
anu then put eveiything you uncovei on that foium anu put it on a list below youi summaiy.
Beie's an example fiom the Waiiioi Foium:
Waiiioi Foium, a foium ueuicateu to inteinet maiketing attiacts moie males (than typical sites) with
7S% ovei the age of SS, anu S2% ovei Su yeais olu. The foium attiacts moie Afiican Ameiicans than the
aveiage site online. 78% of the foium's visitois have no chiluien, anu 68% aie making less than $6u,uuu
a yeai.
Now the Final Step:
S. Biill uown ueep into the foium. Pay close attention to the thieaus that get the most action in
views anu posts. I'u even iecoiu the thieau title as a gieat swipe file (foi email subject lines) -
anothei piiceless tip I uon't want you to miss oi foiget. Theie's a lot to be founu by spenuing time
sniffing aiounu. Remembei, you'ie looking foi clues, not answeis. You shoulu be able to iuentify
clues that'll tell you:
" Theii puichasing hot buttons by iuentifying what the most common questions aie,
what they consistently ask foi auvice on, anu the woius they use to uesciibe them.

" The "subconscious" ieal benefit (anu theiefoie ieal ieason) they aie buying what
they aie buying. It's easy - just uncovei the posts that mention theii goals. Pay
caieful attention to both how they uesciibe it anu what you think they'll get out of
achieving theii goal - what might be uiffeient in theii lives aftei achieving this goal.
Nake suie to think about feelings - how woulu they feel aftei each achievement oi
goal they accomplish.

" The fastest anu most ceitain pathway to bonu with youi maiket: If you pay
attention anu iecoiu the woius anu phiases they use, what gets them exciteu (most
active posts), how they iefei to each, etc., you'll now exactly how to engineei an
initial communication stiategy to youi piospects that'll bonu anu get them to like,
tiust, anu most impoitantly, buy fiom you.

Tiuly, theie aie so many othei piofit multiplying insights you can gleam fiom a foium. Bon't just quit
aftei getting these fiist thiee. Keep going anu exploie.
If you iuentify anothei valuable insight, senu me in the methou you useu as a case stuuy. If I featuie it in
an upcoming webinai I'll be uoing on mining the foiums, I'll give you full cieuit plus a fiee month of
Founuei's Club in ietuin. Email them to my assistant: }anine Shea, at
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S1
_-% >=% O+-" *+805$# @5+&-
This is anothei amazing iesouice. Anu once again, it's oveilookeu by almost eveiyone. If you want to
know the topics youi piospects get exciteu about, anu the woius they use when they aie exciteu
( useful woulu that be when you'ie selling youi piouucts oi seivices), you can easily get it
all fiom blogs.
1. Locate the most populai blogs on youi topic by going to Fiist type in
youi main keywoiu in the seaich box. Then filtei youi iesults (it'll show up in a gieen box iight
theie on top of youi iesults) by changing the fiist uiopuown menu fiom "seaich posts" to
"seaich blogs."

2. Next, iun theii visitois' piofiles by going to again. (If you'ie game, the
same summaiy anu list methou I uesciibeu in the foium section applies heie anu it is just as

S. Beie's why you'll hit pay uiit. Scan ovei theii olu posts anu appioximate the aveiage numbei
of comments. Now, any post that has significantly moie comments tells you a lot about what
tuins these visitois on. Reau those comments anu you'll know the woius they use to uesciibe:

a. Why it gets them exciteu; anu
b. Bow they uesciibe theii excitement.

Foi example, if you weie to stuuy oui site;, you'u finu that any time I wiite about
piociastination we get lots of comments. In othei woius, piociastination is a hot topic foi oui ieaueis.
Theie aie othei hot topics - but you'ie going to have to stuuy oui site if we aie talking to the same
Also, uon't uismiss the posts that have fai less comments than aveiage. They'll give you a cleai uiiection
on which topics fell flat, that you'll most likely want to avoiu.
O$&$S'1% !"$12 O$&$S'1%-
This one is simple, so I'll be quick. If theie aie magazines in youi niche, then eveiy month you shoulu be
analyzing the coveis. Fiom the covei copy you'll get a gieat swipe foi email subject lines.
You'll also be able to ieveise engineei these benefits into aieas of inteiest that tuin them on, anu insight
into the ultimate benefits these achieveu goals woulu biing them. I tiy to make it a habit to go into
Baines & Noble anu shoot pictuies of all the coveis (foi aichive puiposes) that aie ielateu to my niche
once a month. Anu, yes, you can also go to the libiaiy.
}ust know some of the most sophisticateu magazines have uiffeient covei copy foi its subsciibeis. If you
can iuentify any of these auvanceu maiketeis in the magazines in youi niche - I'u pay veiy caieful
attention to both coveis. What's the same anu what's uiffeient. Fiom this, you can iuentify the uiffeient
bait that attiacts youi piospects anu ietains youi customeis.
D%5'('+0- !%$#(=
Belicious is a gieat iesouice because of the type of site it is.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S2
You see, Belicious is a seivice that stoies its usei's bookmaiks. Anu, it allows otheis to see the most
bookmaikeu pages that useis taggeu with a specific keywoiu. I woulu ieau the top bookmaikeu content
caiefully to iuentify what about it got it bookmaikeu so much. }ust go to anu seaich unuei
youi main keywoiusit's that simple.
}ust to make suie you'ie with
me. to the left you'll see what
youi iesults will look like.
Notice the numbei 1,S21 that I
ciicleu. This means that 1,S21
uelicious useis bookmaikeu
this page anu taggeu it with
Inteinet Naiketing. If you'ie in
inteinet maiketing, woulun't you agiee this woulu be an inteiesting post to glance ovei. I thought so.
J ` < !'"%-
Theie aie othei gieat iesouices foi finuing out the pioblems anu issues youi piospects want auvice on.
Anu theie aie tons of these sites. Below is a list of them. }ust type youi keywoius in anu see what you
uiscovei. The infoimation you finu heie can easily boost youi piofits. So, uon't confuse my bievity with
its powei. Beie's a shoit-list of just a few of the Q+A sites online:
This is such a valuable tool - it's scaiy. It's the closest you can (legally) get to being "Big Biothei." Bow
woulu you like to actually peei ovei the shouluei of each anu eveiy visitoi to youi website. Watching
what they ieau anu what they skip ovei. What gets them to take a uouble-take, anu what tiiggeis them
to stait sciolling. Anu any othei action you finu piofitable. Well, it's easy to get all that anu moie. They
offei a fiee seivice to get staiteu with anu you'll love it foi eveiything you uiscovei. You can leain all
about it, by clicking BERE! (}ust foi full uisclosuie - the link I've incluueu is an affiliate link.)
0f couise, theie aie many moie tools anu techniques. Anu, sometime soon I'll uo a webinai walking you
thiough many moie. But foi now, you've got moie than enough.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: SS
Beie's the big challenge foi you iight now. It's what sepaiates the supei-successful anu eveiyone else.
You neeu to uo this ieseaich now to get the full benefit of the context that comes next.
Remembei, these aie the people you must fall in love with. They aie the ones who aie going to pay foi
you to live youi iueal life. You owe it to youiself, to know as much about them befoie you uesign youi
piofit mouel anu builu out youi business bluepiint.
The choice is youis. What's it going to be. uieatness oi meuiociity. 0nly you can choose!
Whos Your Customer
Knowing youi customei is the cential leveiage point of all maiketing, piouuct uevelopment anu
impiovements, sales anu piofitability. It ieally is the piimaiy ueteiminant of youi success in youi
So, can you answei the question now: who is my customei.
Anu iealize this - you ieally can nevei know too much about them.
Consistently be on the lookout foi clues that uefine youi customeis as accuiately anu piecisely as you
Tiy youi best to know theii age, euucation, income, position, backgiounu, etc. what uo they value. What
aie they willing to pay foi. Anu how much aie they willing to spenu. Anu what uoes youi customei want
oi neeu that they feel they'ie not getting fiom anyone in youi inuustiy.
Also, why uo they buy fiom youi competitois. Anu what you'u have to uo to get them to switch to youi
piouucts anu seivice.
Like I saiu you can nevei know too much about them, anu keep whatevei you come acioss oi ueuuce as
well oiganizeu as you can anu iefei to it often.
!I4>ACG 9\
Your Business Ultimate Purpose
Befoie we can jump into uesigning youi business we neeu to uefine the oveiaiching puipose foi oui
business' existence.
Nakes sense, uoesn't it. If you weie going to uesign anything, woulu it be necessaiy to know the puipose
of what you aie uesigning.
Well, it's no uiffeient when uesigning youi business. You must know its puipose.
To claiify -- the textbook uefinition of puipose is: noun. The object towaiu which one stiives oi foi which
something exists.
Think about that uefinition. Reieau it. Now iealize this, without a puipose, you can't know (anu neithei
can anyone who evei woiks foi you) what youi business is stiiving to achieve, oi moie impoitantly why
it even exists in the fiist place. Anu when a business opeiates without this unueistanuing, the business
will no uoubt stiuggle.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S4
In a puiposeless business eveiything feels a bit chaotic, haiiieu, anu maybe even meaningless. Neetings
can go on foi houis with enuless anu aibitiaiy uecision-making ciiteiia being thiown out by anyone with
an opinion. Without a cleaily uefineu puipose in place, seeing the way foiwaiu is often a ieal challenge.
;+0# *0#8+-% D%,'1%- >=% @0-'1%-- ;+03#% 7%$55E A1
It's shocking how many entiepieneuis can't cleaily state the business they aie ieally in.
That's why uefining youi puipose is so vitally impoitant. Because it'll cleaily uefine foi you the business
you aie ieally in.
You always uefine youi puipose fiom the point of view of youi customeis. In othei woius - what youi
piouucts oi seivices uo foi youi customeis.the effects youi piouucts oi seivices have in the lives anu
woik of youi customeis. the specific benefits youi customeis enjoy fiom using youi piouucts oi
You've piobably heaiu this example befoie but not as it specifically ielates to youi business puipose. So it
beais iepeating.
At one time iailioaus uominateu cioss-countiy tianspoitation. But they nevei ieally uefineu theii
puipose fiom the point of view of theii customeis. If they uiu it might have been something like this:
"To move people anu fieight ovei long uistances in the veiy best way possible at the veiy best piices"
Insteau they uefineu themselves as being in the business of iunning iailioaus. Anu because they uiun't
cleaily iuentify theii puipose - bus companies, tiucking companies, shipping companies anu eventually
aiilines weie able to move in anu uominate the inuustiy, especially in the most piofitable segments like
moving people anu packages.
So, if this weie the only ieason to uefine youi puipose it woulu be moie than enough. But theie aie plenty
moie ieasons, keep ieauing anu I'll tell you moie.
< *0#8+-% !"$(K- >=% C22- A1 ;+0# /$Q+#
But think about a business that has a puipose baseu on uetaileu ieseaich on theii maiket anu customeis.
A puipose that's suie to fill a ieal neeu in the maiketplace. Boesn't it make sense that a business uesigneu
this way has a much highei chance of success.
Anu theie aie so many moie ieasons why the piobability of youi business succeeuing skyiockets with a
cleaily aiticulateu puipose. Beie aie just a few of them:
1. B0%/-*" )#/%-E"* 6-0% /"%1-%#2.5" - When you aie cleai about the piimaiy puipose of the time
anu eneigy you spenu woiking on youi business, it will uiive eveiything you uo. Youi piouuctivity
will soai because you'll have ciiteiia to juuge the effectiveness of eveiything you unueitake.

2. B0%/-*" 7%29* '- 6-0 FA/326"% "#/3-6""* 2.7 -0'*-0%5"%* - We, humans, aie a passionate species.
We want to engage in meaningful woik. Yet most businesses aie completely uevoiu of meaning. So,
when youi business actively cultivates anu communicates its' puipose, the best employees anu
outsouiceis want to woik foi you because you pioviue moie than something uo to, you pioviue
meaning to theii lives.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: SS
S. B0%/-*" 7""/".* "#/3-6"" ".<2<"#".' 2.7 ).5%"2*"* '(")% 5-##)'#".' - When youi business
pioviues its employees anu outsouiceis with meaningful woik, plus something to believe in, youi
business benefits fiom highly engageu, passionate employees who aie in it foi moie than just a
paycheck. Bettei yet, employees who woik in the seivice of something they feel tiue uevotion to
biing the most eneigy anu vitality to what they uo. Woik is no longei a 9 to S job to be enuuieu but a
meaningful souice of fulfillment anu satisfaction. Anu if youi business faces a uifficult, seemingly
impossible challenge, it'll be youi business' puipose that'll tap into the heaits anu minus of youi team
to make the impossible possible.

4. B0%/-*" /%-E)7"* 2 %-27 #2/ 1-% 6-0% '"2# *- 6-0% $0*)."** 7-"*.8' <"' -11 '%25: G Remembei, to
ieach Founuei status insiue youi business you neeu to builu a business that continues to giow
without youi uiiect involvement. Well, in oiuei to not be neeueu in youi business, eveiyone is going
to neeu to know youi puipose. Think about it. Nost people's minus easily wanuei off tiack. It's easy
foi anyone to lose focus anu get uistiacteu. But a stiong sense of puipose keeps eveiyone on tiack.
Youi business' puipose pioviues the ioaumap foi youi team to chait theii couise along the jouiney. It
ensuies that eveiyone stays on tiack anu youi business uoesn't enu up in a uitch, stalleu out with
eveiyone confuseu as to how the business got theie.

S. B0%/-*" 7%)E"* *055"**103 )..-E2')-. G In business we often uistinguish between invention anu
innovation. An invention is something new, while innovation is something new that succeeus.
Without a puipose, business invents moie than they innovate because theie is nothing uiiving
innovation in a constiuctive anu meaningful way. Innovation foi innovation's sake often iesults in a
lot of wasteu time anu eneigy. But, innovation uesigneu to facilitate youi business' puipose is wheie
meaningful piogiess is maue.

^[ B0%/-*" <)E"* 6-0% $0*)."** 13"@)$)3)'6 a Piouucts, seivices, anu piactically eveiything else in youi
business eventually changes. By cleaily uefining youi puipose you'll know when its time to shift
uiiection, change what you offei, oi anything else. Because the only thing that won't change is youi
puipose - but how you go about achieving it is always subject to change. That's why knowing youi
puipose keeps you flexible - because you know the one thing that won't change while you iemain
willing anu able to change anything else.

7. B0%/-*" $0)37* 6-0% $%2.7 . by cleaily anu consistently communicating youi puipose to youi
piospects, customeis anu the woilu, you aie consistently telling the woilu how to label anu position
youi company. 0vei time, this iepetition will leau to builuing a bianu in the minus of those who
mattei most to you.

8. B0%/-*" 3"27* '- /"%*-.23 1031)33#".' 2.7 (2//)."** . With a cleai puipose eveiything you must uo
in youi business makes sense because it's cleai why you'ie uoing it. You enu up feeling goou about
what you'ie uoing because you'ie cleai about how it moves youi business foiwaiu. You'ie exciteu to
get up in the moining because you have something big you aie shooting foi anu it's motivating.
Foi all these ieasons plus many moie, it's iionic that uefining youi puipose is giving youi business a
ieason foi being that goes beyonu making money. Yet, it almost always iesults in making moie money
than you evei thought possible.
Let me iepeat that: *0#8+-% $5H+-" $5?$E- #%-05"- '1 E+0# 60-'1%-- H$K'1& H+#% H+1%E "=$1 E+0
%Q%# "=+0&=" 8+--'65%.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S6
Foi now just iealize when you uesign youi business to fulfill a puipose, it will uiive the business anu
ensuie that something iemaikable happens with youi piouuct oi seivice. The thing about puipose is that
it staits with the leaueis, woiks its way thiough eveiyone in youi business, anu finus its way into the
piouucts, seivices, expeiiences, anu, ultimately, into the maiketing.
F=E A"3- < B++2 A2%$ >+ /+(0- C1 >=% G%&$"'Q%
Youi puipose has the gieatest chance of success if it iemoves a pain, fiustiation, oi challenge - In othei
woius, if youi puipose iemoves a negative alieauy in the lives of youi piospects anu customeis.
Why. Because pain sells best.
Think about it, people spenu an enoimous amount of money, time, anu eneigy avoiuing pain.
They avoiu confionting theii neighbois, bosses oi spouses, to avoiu emotional pain. They gulp mountains
of uiugs to suppiess physical pain.
It's the veiy same ieason when we staiteu to bieak uown youi life with what you uiun't want iathei than
what you uiu - veiy few people can cleaily uesciibe what they want - which, inciuentally, is why they
uon't get it - but eveiybouy knows what they uon't want.
!=+#" @0" P+1& P$-"'1&
You shoulu be able to aiticulate youi business puipose succinctly, in one oi two sentences. It shoulu be
bioau, funuamental, inspiiational anu enuuiing.
Bon't confuse puipose (which shoulu last at least 1uu yeais) with specific goals oi business stiategies
(which shoulu change many times in 1uu yeais).
Remembei: you might achieve a goal oi complete a stiategy, but you cannot fulfill youi puipose; it's like a
guiuing stai on the hoiizon - foievei puisueu, but nevei ieacheu.
0h, one last thing. youi puipose uoesn't neeu to be unique. The piimaiy iole of puipose is to guiue anu
inspiie, it's not a uiffeientiating factoi. It's entiiely possible (although not piobable) foi two companies to
have the same puipose.
4+H8$1'%- ;+0 Z1+?
Befoie we stait uigging to uiscovei youi business puipose - I thought it woulu be helpful to look at some
familiai companies anu theii puiposes.
Beie aie a few you piobably iecognize:
uoogle - To oiganize the woilu's infoimation anu make it univeisally accessible anu useful.

Facebook - uiving people the powei to shaie anu make the woilu moie open anu connecteu.

Walmait - Saving people money so they can live bettei.

Bisney - Keeping alive the magic of chiluhoou.

Stiategic Piofits - To guiue, auvise, anu nuituie entiepieneuis to woik less, make moie, while
builuing the business of theii uieams.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S7
Discovering Your Business Purpose
Befining youi business' puipose helps you cieate a company that is capable of making a uiffeience,
making money, anu with a little luck - making histoiy.
To uiscovei youi business puipose you must stait with the customei. You neeu to finu a ueep-seeueu,
unmet neeu that you'ie passionate about fulfilling in some unique way. Take a goou haiu look at the
people you aie tiying to seive anu finu something thiilling to uo foi them.
The puisuit begins with a question: what uo people neeu oi want that we have (oi coulu cieate) that no
one else is offeiing them.
It shoulu be obvious to you how useful all that woik you uiu getting to know youi customeis bettei is
heie. In fact, without that knowleuge you'ie pione to come up with a puipose that misses the maik, the
veiy same way the iailioaus uiu.
That stateu, heie's moie on uiscoveiing youi business' puipose.
<-K'1& F=E >+ /'12 ;+0# *0#8+-%
A poweiful, yet easy methou foi getting at youi business' puipose is the "Five Whys." You stait with a
uesciiptive statement, "We make x piouucts" oi "we uelivei x seivice" anu then ask, "Why is that
impoitant." five times. Aftei a few whys, you'll finu you'ie getting uown to the funuamental puipose of
youi business.
Foi example, let's take a look at Stiategic Piofits.
>(2' 7-"* 6-0% $0*)."** /%-E)7"H
"We pioviue piouucts anu piogiams to help entiepieneuis giow theii businesses fastei while
woiking less."
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
Entiepieneuis aie the lifebloou of the economy anu most aie unpiepaieu foi piopeily navigating
theii businesses.
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
Without piopei tiaining the entiepieneuis woikloau skyiockets while theii oveiall chances of
success plummets.
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
The entiepieneui enus up saciificing fiienus, family, anu fun foi maiginal piofits at best,
bankiuptcy at woist.
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
Foi most small business owneis the Ameiican uieam quickly tuins into a nightmaie uestioying
theii families anu finances in one fell swoop
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S8
When a business succeeus (the iight way) eveiyone benefits - The ownei anu theii family, the
employees anu theii families, the businesses that supply them, the customeis that buy fiom
>(2' 9-037 '(" 9-%37 3-*" )1 9" 5"2*"7 '- "@)*'H
A beacon of hope, fieeuom, anu success foi entiepieneuis woiluwiue.
I-4 I'%2'"<)5 B%-1)'*8 /0%/-*" )*+
To guiue, auvise, anu nuituie entiepieneuis to woik less, make moie, while builuing the business
of theii uieams.
0k, now it's youi tuin.

>(2' 7-"* 6-0% $0*)."** /%-E)7"H
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S9
>(6 )* '(2' )#/-%'2.'H
>(2' 9-037 '(" 9-%37 3-*" )1 9" 5"2*"7 '- "@)*'H
I-4 6-0% $0*)."**8 /0%/-*" )*+

!I4>ACG 9]
Business Design
This is the section wheie the iubbei ieally meets the ioau. We'ie going to stait pulling togethei all the
woik we've uone so fai. anu use it to make X ciitical uecisions that'll ueteimine youi business uestiny.
Specifically, we'ie going to:
! Befine youi competitive auvantage anu tianslate it into a unique compelling piomise so youi iueal
customeis choose you ovei all youi competitois.
! Constiuct youi piofit mouel so you maximize youi business piofits anu cleaily iuentify the steps
you'll neeu to take to make it all happen.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 4u
Design A Business That Fulfills Its Purpose
So Customers Get What They Want
And You Get What You Want
All iight, you've now got all the necessaiy builuing blocks to begin uesigning youi business.
You've got youi bieakuown of youi iueal life, you know youi maiket, you know what youi piospects anu
customeis ciave, anu you uefineu the puipose of the business you've cieateu oi that you'ie going to
What you aie about to leain will change youi business uestiny foievei. I know that sounus hypeibolic,
but the facts aie the facts anu I've seen the impact of what I'm about to shaie with you.
But befoie we jump into it, let me shaie with you two uamaging effects of not uesigning a business. It's
impoitant to know them, because it'll impiove youi ability to uesign youi business.anu show you
poweiful ways to use it.
D$H$&'1& I,,%(" . D++H%2 >+ /$'5
Look, just because you know how to uo something that uoesn't mean you know how to iun a business
that uoes that something.
You coulu liteially have the best piouuct oi seivice in the entiie woilu, but unless you cieate a 730,-"00 to
suppoit that piouuct oi seivice, youi business is not going to make it.
That's why so many businesses aie uoomeu fiom the veiy stait. When an entiepieneui lacks a bluepiint
of theii business, the net effects aie:
The business is flaweu because it's close to impossible to builu youi business coiiectly in youi
heau, on the fly, as you go about uoing all the othei things you have to uo.
The business is hanuicappeu because it makes mistakes. Each mistake sets the business back. Anu
most woulu have been caught uuiing the uesigning of the business.
The entiepieneui has no iuea what he uoesn't know that he neeus to know because he hasn't
mappeu out his business anu uiscoveieu what skills he neeus to have anu when he neeus them.
I coulu go on but I hope you aie getting the point. Staiting a business without a uesign is like thiowing
uaits in the uaik. You'ie ieally opeiating in the uaik anu the chances foi success aie slim to none.
D$H$&'1& I,,%(" . B%""'1& !"0(K A1 >=% @0-'1%--
When entiepieneuis uo not uesign theii business, they just jump in anu by uefault they enu up builuing
theii business aiounu themselves.
But builuing a business aiounu the ownei leaus to the ownei owning a job. A job he'll nevei get fiee of.
Be's built a job, not a business.
Why. Because the business is uesigneu (by uefault) to opeiate aiounu the ownei, which means that
unless he can finu someone exactly like himself who is willing to uo the owneis woik without the
iewaius of being an ownei, he's tiappeu foi goou.
It's impoitant you get this. This is the single biggest cause foi getting tiappeu in a business anu having it
tuin into the woist job of youi life.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 41
That stateu, I am going to explain this mistake in a uiffeient way: Entiepieneuis who haven't uesigneu
theii business uon't hiie the positions theii business neeus because they uon't know what theii business
neeus. The only thing an entiepieneui can uo then is hiie foi his neeus insteau. Anu with each peison
biought on (whethei outsouiceu oi full time) the entiepieneui gets a little moie cementeu in place.
Whats Your Advantage?
In oiuei foi youi business to suivive anu then thiive you must uevelop anu maintain a meaningful
competitive auvantage of some kinu.
Youi competitive auvantage is the aspect of youi piouuct oi seivice that makes you supeiioi in a
meaningful way to youi competitois. Anu, of couise, youi competitive auvantage is always uefineu in
teims of what youi customei wants, neeus, anu is willing to pay foi.
It's the answei to the question: "what is it that youi business uoes (oi will uo) ieally well that makes you
the best choice foi youi iueal customeis."
Eveiy successful company has a specific anu valueu competitive auvantage that customeis iecognize anu
appieciate. Eveiy company that gets into tiouble is a company that has eithei lost its competitive
auvantage, oi nevei hau one at all.
That's why youi ability to uevelop, maintain, anu piotect youi competitive auvantage is the absolute
ciitical pieiequisite foi business giowth anu high piofitability. 0nce you iuentify it, it'll be the founuation
of all youi stiategic anu opeiational uecisions.
0ltimately youi competitive auvantage answeis the customei's key question: Why shoulu I uo business
with you. What aie you offeiing that the othei businesses in youi maiket aien't.
Foi Founuei's Club it woulu be something like this: "Founuei's Club is the only community of like-minueu
entiepieneuis that pioviues the A-Z tiaining, guiuance, anu instiuction to quickly tiansfoim any
entiepieneui into a peisonally anu financially-fiee Founuei with a thiiving anu autonomous business."
Anu you neeu to be able to answei that question in a way that instantly cuts thiough all the cluttei, anu in
just a few seconus cleaily explains why they shoulu choose you ovei eveiyone else.
The way to uo this is to tuin youi competitive auvantage into a unique, compelling, cieuible piomise that
you can make to youi maiketplace.
;+0# _1'W0%V 4#%2'65% <12 4+H8%55'1& *#+H'-%
So, what's youi piomise that'll get youi iueal customeis to choose you ovei eveiyone else.
Remembei it must be unique (uiffeient fiom youi competitois), it must be compelling (pioviue a benefit
they tiuly uesiie) anu it must be cieuible (that you can piove you can uelivei on the piomise).
Since getting this iight is so ciitical to youi business success, I'm going to walk you thiough foui leveiage
points that can make youi piomise unique anu compelling. Then we'll talk about making it cieuible.
That stateu, heie aie the foui leveiage points:
1. F=+ you'ie piomising.
2. F=$" you'ie piomising.
S. F=%1 you'll uelivei on youi piomise.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 42
4. R+? you'll uelivei on youi piomise.
Now let's take a close look at each leveiage point so you can make youi business' piomise the best it can
be anu theiefoie youi competitive auvantage as stiong as possible.
F=+ ;+03#% *#+H'-'1&
This is an easy aiea to achieve uistinction anu theiefoie leveiage. All you have to uo is specialize who you
The moie specializeu youi taiget auuience is, the moie unique anu compelling youi piomise becomes.
You see, eveiyone automatically assumes that a specialist knows moie, is moie competent, has moie
expeiience, anu is a bettei choice foi getting oui neeus met.
So, when you specialize in seiving a veiy specific auuience, it'll give you gieatei leveiage in attiacting the
customeis you want.
When I staiteu Stiategic Piofits, I naiioweu oui focus to online entiepieneuis. This immeuiately maue
oui business giowth auvice moie valuable to oui taiget maiket. Anu maue us the iueal choice foi
entiepieneuis looking foi the best auvice to giow theii online business.
Eventually, because we iose to the veiy top of the maiket - we enueu up getting offline businesses as
customeis too. But it's nevei been a focus of ouis, even though it now iepiesents a nice segment of oui
total business touay.
So, what about you. Who coulu you focus in on to make youi piomise stiongei. Wiite youi answei

F=$" ;+03#% *#+H'-'1&
The next aiea of leveiage in youi piomise is what you aie piomising to uelivei.
This is piobably the most obvious way to sepaiate youi business fiom the ciowu of competitois. Anu
youi gieatei knowleuge of youi piospects pain anu fiustiations can be immensely valuable heie.
This is exactly what I uiu with the Inteinet Business Nanifesto. While eveiyone in the maiketplace was
piomising poweiful maiketing tactics oi a complete business in a box, I piomiseu expeit business
knowleuge thiough oui BuS piogiam (also known as oui tycoon membeiship) as the most pioven path
to online success.
Beie's anothei example - think of Whole Foous - what makes them uiffeient fiom the aveiage
supeimaiket is that eveiything is oiganic anu supposeuly a highei quality.
Now it's youi tuin. What coulu you change to what's cuiiently being offeieu to youi maiket that woulu
immeuiately iesonate with youi iueal customei. Wiite youi answei below.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 4S

F=%1 ;+0355 D%5'Q%# C1 ;+0# *#+H'-%
In touay's fast paceu, immeuiate giatification woilu the speeu in which you uelivei (on youi piomise) can
immeuiately sepaiate you fiom youi competitois.
This is the seciet behinu Bominoes Pizza's legenuaiy giowth. They simply ueliveieu pizza fastei than
eveiyone else.
It's also what enableu Kinko's to uominate the local piinting maiket. By staying open 24 houis a uay, 7
uays a week, S6S uays a yeai they shifteu the maiket's expectations by allowing them to uo business
when it was convenient foi them. Plus, they piomiseu fast seivice on top of that, which only helpeu them
even moie to sepaiate fiom theii competitois.
This is the veiy same stiategy behinu the exceptional success of oui uPS piogiam. We maue it a Su-uay
piogiam anu piospects bought in uioves because they wanteu to get iesults FAST!
Think about youi maiket, anu how you might be able to altei the stanuaiu "when" in youi piospect's
favoi. Answei how you might make youiself unique in this aiea below.

R+? ;+0355 D%5'Q%# C1 ;+0# *#+H'-%
The final leveiage aiea is how you uelivei on youi piomise.
I'll use oui uPS piogiam again as an example. In the oiiginal Su-uay piogiam I uiu live viueo stieams
thiee times a uay, each uay foi clients. As fai as I know it was the fiist time anyone offeieu a Su-uay
piogiam that was all conuucteu live thiough stieaming viueo.
The maiketplace ceitainly noticeu, anu it's anothei ieason why this piogiam solu so well. (It's also why
uPS clients got such phenomenal iesults too.)
In fact, in eveiy one of oui majoi piogiams we've evei ueliveieu we uiu oui best to altei the how.
Look at Founuei's Club as an example. In most inexpensive continuity piogiams, what customeis ieceive
is meiely an afteithought of the maiketei who solu them. But Founuei's Club is veiy uiffeient. Beie
you'ie getting my latest thinking in iepoits like this one, on alteinating months you'ie getting a lettei
fiom Touu on what's cuiiently woiking in oui business anu those of oui best clients. Plus you'ie getting
the two action-oiienteu webinais each anu eveiy month. With all that it's no wonuei the Founuei's Club
is off to a veiy stiong stait.
So, what about youi business. Take a few minutes to answei how you can make youi 'how' uniquely
supeiioi to youi competitois.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 44

O$K% A" <55 4+H8%55'1&
A compelling piomise is one that pioviues a big benefit that youi customeis ieally want.
Key numbei one is to make youi piomise as compelling as possible to solve a pioblem oi pioblems that
youi piospect alieauy knows they have anu uespeiately want solveu. (Remembei, we toucheu on this a
few pages back when we weie coveiing youi business' puipose. You can iefiesh youi memoiy by tuining
back to page S6 - Why it's A uoou Iuea to Focus on the Negative)
The seconu key is to pioviue the most uiamatic anu biggest benefit you can to youi customeis. In othei
woius, be bolu, uon't just offei a little benefit oi youi sales anu giowth will be small too. Insteau, offei the
most uiamatic benefit you can that'll solve the biggest pioblem(s) youi customeis have anu youi
business' giowth will be amazing as well.
>E'1& A" <55 >+&%"=%#
If you've answeieu the last foui questions, you've got eveiything you neeu to make you'ie compelling
piomise unique.
It'll woik something like this:
b;+0# 60-'1%-- 1$H%c ueliveispioviuescieates b?=$" E+0# 8#+H'-'1&c to b?=+ E+0# 8#+H'-'1&c by
b=+? E+0355 2%5'Q%# +1 E+0# 8#+H'-%c by b?=%1 E+0355 2%5'Q%# +1 E+0# 8#+H'-%c.
0f couise, most won't fit peifectly into that foimat. But once you fill in the blanks you'll see how you
shoulu ieaiiange it.
Beie's a fun example:
Booteis ueliveis hot, fiesh bai foou to male customeis by oveitly scantily-clau, sexy waitiesses whenevei
you'ie hungiy.
Stiategic Piofits ueliveis business fieeuom to online entiepieneuis via oui compiehensive maiketing
anu business builuing couises, coaching anu community.
Now it's youi tuin. }ust fill in the boxes below anu then iewoik it.
1. F=+ you'ie piomising.

2. F=$" you'ie piomising.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 4S
S. F=%1 you'll uelivei on youi

4. R+? you'll uelivei on youi

J0'(K !%5,a4=%(K
}ust to make suie eveiything you've uone so fai checks out. I've got a quick thiity-seconu test you can uo
to make suie you'ie on the iight tiack.
Beie it is: }ust fill in the blanks anu see if this makes sense:
In oiuei to (youi business puipose), (youi business piomise)
Foi example, heie's how it woulu look foi Stiategic Piofits:
In oiuei to (guiue, auvise, anu nuituie entiepieneuis to woik less, make moie, while builuing the
business of theii uieams), (Stiategic Piofits ueliveis business fieeuom to online entiepieneuis
via oui compiehensive maiketing anu business builuing couises, coaching anu community).
If youi puipose anu piomise woik well togethei, you've got it! If not, go back anu figuie out wheie you
took a wiong tuin.
Constructing Your Profit Model
Recently, my two uaughteis, Ava anu Elle ieceiveu an eiectoi-set as a piesent. Foi those of you who uon't
know, an eiectoi-set is maue up of a bunch of metal ious anu biackets that kius can use to builu all types
of wonueiful things.
When the giils fiist hau at it, they weie just attaching things that fit togethei with no ihyme oi ieason
othei than the pieces fit. 0nuei this appioach it shoulun't be too suipiising what the finisheu object
lookeu like. It was an absolute mess with pieces piotiuuing eveiywheie.
Well, the ieason I'm telling you this is that Ava's anu Elle's finisheu object unfoitunately iesembles many
businesses I come into contact with touay. In othei woius, the entiepieneui uiu this anu then that,
cieateu this piouuct, staiteu that seivice, hiieu this employee anu outsouiceu anothei pioject with no
oveiall plan uictating what shoulu anu shoulun't be uone. Anu what the entiepieneui enus up with is
nothing but a big mess on theii hanus.
<1 IX$H85% >=$" O$2% A1"%#1%" O$#K%"'1& R'-"+#E
In fact, when I fiist staiteu coaching Nike Filsaime he was in a similai place. Be bounceu aiounu cieating
this piouuct, then uoing that pioject without any fai ieaching plan that tieu it all togethei anu maue
eveiything he uiu seive him bettei by leveiaging eveiything else he was uoing.
This was the veiy fiist aiea I helpeu Nike with. We cieateu a plan that maue use of eveiything he hau
alieauy uone that also uictateu what he'u uo next, anu the iesults maue inteinet maiketing histoiy.
Well, foi youi own sake, I uon't want you to make the same oiiginal mistake Nike maue. Anu like I saiu,
almost eveiy entiepieneui online makes this mistake, so it's impoitant we go ovei it.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 46
In fact, when just staiting out online myself, I was guilty too. I maue the veiy same mistake eaily on that
Nike uiu, anu almost eveiy entiepieneui makes. It's the main ieason I was woiking haiuei than evei
befoie, but making less than I was useu to.
Insteau I want you to have a piofit mouel that makes eveiything you uo woik 1ux haiuei foi you. Anu
that'll only happen foi you if you cleaily uesign youi veiy own piofit mouel to guiue youi business.
< *#+,'" O+2%5
So, what uo I mean by piofit mouel.
Basically, youi piofit mouel cleaily lays out youi oveiall customei acquisition stiategy (what you'll be
uoing to get new customeis) anu youi oveiall customei value stiategy (what you'll uo to inciease the
value you get fiom each customei you acquiie).
It's not complicateu - although many entiepieneuis make it complicateu by assembling it on the fly with
little thought of how eveiything can best woik togethei to ensuie monstei giowth anu piofitability.
To best illustiate, I'll shaie with you a pait of oui piofit mouel anu how it ielates to Founuei's Club.
>='- A- *#'Q'5%&%2 A1,+#H$"'+1
Befoie I pull back the cuitain anu expose to you the nitty giitty uetails, let me say this.
This is closely guaiueu infoimation that I am entiusting you with because I sinceiely believe it will make
a piofounu uiffeience in constiucting youi own piofit mouel.
The ieason I'm telling you this is that I expect what we shaie togethei in Founuei's Club will be kept in
the stiictest confiuence. Neaning I uon't want you to shaie what you aie about to ieau anywheie with
anyone. The means you shoulun't post these uetails in a foium, oi on youi blog. It also means you
shoulun't shaie them in any of youi piouucts oi piogiams oi anywheie else foi that mattei.
I hope you unueistanu. These aie tiaue seciets anu theii effectiveness is ceitainly baseu on this not being
(oi becoming) common knowleuge. Plus, in oiuei foi you to get the biggest benefit, outsiueis shoulun't
know anything about it.
In a nutshell, please keep what you aie about to ieau to youiself.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"-3 *#+,'" O+2%5
Theie aie seveial legs to oui piofit mouel. I am going to uiill uown ueep into just one of those legs so we
can keep things simple, yet pioviue enough uetail so you can tiuly benefit.
To that enu, I am going to walk you though Founuei's Club anu all the ways it seives Stiategic Piofits so
you can see foi youiself all that is possible.
0ui mouel is iathei simple. 0ui goal is to acquiie new clients with oui fiont-enu piouucts. These fiont-
enu piouucts aie all attacheu to the Founuei's Club, which incieases the client's value to Stiategic Piofits
thiough continuity billing.
Founuei's Club also gives us the oppoitunity to bonu with membeis ovei time, shaie oui unique
peispective, consistently ovei-uelivei anu ultimately have the majoiity of Founuei Club membeis
intensify theii ielationship with us by upgiauing into highei levels of membeiship anu paiticipating in
oui high-enu, exclusive piogiams.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 47
Now, you unueistanu the oveiall context. Next, we'll bieak it uown, uetail-by-uetail so you can see anu
appieciate how it all comes togethei.
>=% F%6'1$#-
Fiist we'll talk about the two webinais you get each anu eveiy month. Fiist anu foiemost they'ie
uesigneu to maintain high ietention iates with oui cuiient membeis by continually pioviuing action-
oiienteu webinais that membeis can use anu apply in giowing theii businesses.
But, the webinais aie uesigneu to accomplish much moie than that. Beie aie some auuitional objectives:
1. ?- 5-.*)*'".'36 25J0)%" ."9 #"#$"%* to Founuei's Club by aggiessively maiketing each webinai
to the maiketplace.
2. ?- 5%"2'" ."9 1%-.'A".7 /%-705'* foi Stiategic Piofits (aftei the webinais aie ovei) that aie tieu
to Founuei's Club thiough foiceu continuity.
S. ?- /%-E)7" %"23 #2%:"' 72'2 to guiue Stiategic Piofits on which fiont-enu piouucts shoulu be
aggiessively maiketeu thiough outsiue meuia (ppc, banneis, etc.).
Now, let me explain how we accomplish these thiee objectives.
b9:c >+ 4+1-'-"%1"5E <(W0'#% G%? O%H6%#-
Beie's how we leveiage the webinais to continually giow Founuei's Club membeiship. Fiist, we
aggiessively maiket each webinai at a piice-point of $47. Anu each webinai is coupleu with a fiee month
of Founuei's Club (of couise, it's not ieally fiee since buyeis aie paying the exact same monthly piice of
Founuei's Club foi just that single webinai).
It's actually a killei ueal foi anyone who puichases just one webinai foi $47 because now foi no
auuitional cost they'ie getting an auuitional webinai, the fiee fiont-enus, plus a iepoit fiom me oi a
newslettei fiom Touu.
We use two piimaiy channels to maiket anu sell these webinais. Fiist we go aftei eveiyone who is on oui
own list. Anyone on any of oui lists who isn't alieauy a Founuei's Club membei gets hit with thiee emails
foi each webinai scheuuleu.
The seconu channel is oui laige affiliate base. We offei oui affiliates 1uu% commission on eveiy webinai
they sell plus 2S% of the continuity ievenue fiom Founuei's Club. Affiliates benefit fiom this mouel in
many ways. Fiist, by getting 1uu% of the initial sale, it's the equivalent to having both Touu anu I as theii
peisonal piouuct cieatois. Because we'ie cieating new piouucts foi them to sell anu keep all the money
twice a month. Anu because oui ietention iates on aveiage aie moie than thiee times longei than the
inuustiy-noim, the 2S% they ieceive on Founuei's membeis is almost as piofitable as theii own
continuity piogiam.
All-in-all this makes an incieuible offei to oui affiliates, which is why it'll uiive lots of new membeis into
the club month in, anu month out.
It'll also put the iight type of membeis into the club - meaning membeis who aie less likely to uiop out -
because they spent $47 on theii initial puichase which is the same amount they'll be billeu monthly.
Befoie piessing on, I want you to consiuei what I just shaieu with you. Bo you iealize how poweiful it is.
Stiategic Piofits ueliveis to you two incieuible webinais each month, anu look at how we use what we
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 48
aie alieauy uoing foi you to giow oui business at an incieuibly fast clip. But it gets even bettei so let's

b9Mc >+ 4#%$"% G%? *#+20("-
Next, aftei each webinai is complete anu we've packageu it as a viueo with a tiansciipt anu an action
guiue, we have a new piouuct to put on oui website, maiket to oui list, anu have affiliates continue to
piomote foi us in peipetuity.
Anu, of couise, each of these new piouucts will be solu foi $47 coupleu with the fiist month of Founuei's
Club foi fiee. This way each anu eveiy webinai becomes a piouuct that continues to be an attiaction tool
foi new membeis of the Founuei's Club.
So, once again, we continue to get ievenue mileage out of the ueliveiable we committeu to foi you. This
means each month we'ie auuing 2 new piouucts to oui catalog, all without any auuitional woik.
But, the leveiage we get fiom the webinais uoesn't enu theie; so let me explain anothei leveiage factoi..
b9Uc >+ *#+Q'2% 7%$5 O$#K%" D$"$ /+# 7+55+0" C, G%? /#+1"aI12 *#+20("-
0K, I've alieauy explaineu to you how we'ie using the live webinais as a new client magnate foi both oui
own list anu thiough oui affiliates - but I uiun't tell you about how we'ie also using it to pioviue us with
uata that'll uictate oui iollouts. Plus, it'll tell us which piouucts we cieate that we'll use as fiont-enus.
Allow me to explain.
Let's say the aveiage webinai biings us about 4uu new membeis. Well, then we can use that as a
baiometei to inuicate when a webinai woulu make a hot piouuct (theiefoie be a new fiont-enu piouuct)
that's simply itching to be iolleu out in a much biggei way.
Beie's what I mean: when we have a webinai that sells 8uu new membeis (twice the aveiage), that lets
us know this concept is hot. Knowing that we have a piouuct that is ieally iesonating with the maiket at
this veiy moment means we now have a tiemenuous oppoitunity to leveiage the piouuct foi all it's
They way we leveiage a hot piouuct like I'm talking about heie is we begin to spenu moie anu moie
money buying tiaffic thiough pay-pei-click, contextual auveitising, banneis anu cpa netwoiks. The iuea
is that if it iesonateu so well thiough oui stanuaiu channels, it can be a vehicle foi us to open up new
channels since oui list anu oui affiliate lists aie an inuicatoi at what'll iesonate with the bioauei maiket.
It beais mentioning, even though it's slightly off topic. An inteiesting phenomenon exists in most
businesses that entiepieneuis uon't often iealize, costing them millions in lost potential piofits. Anu that
is most businesses get the majoiity of oui giowth fiom Bome Run Piouucts. I fiist noticeu this when I
was in the clothing business anu the hot piouuct of the season was wheie much of the money was maue.
I latei noticeu that same phenomenon at the 4uu million uollai behemoth Agoia Publishing. ETR (Eaily
to Rise) went fiom an 8 million to a 28 million uollai business on the back of one hot piouuct. So, it goes
without saying you neeu to have a piocess in youi business to piouuce many piouucts, isolate the
potential home-iuns (youi new fiont-enu piouucts) anu then ioll them out to cash in on majoi piofits.
0k, so theie you have it. I've given you a pictuie of how we use the webinais to attiact, ietain anu giow
the fiont siue of oui business, next let's talk about my iepoits like this one.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 49
OE 7%8+#"-
I won't go into the same level of uepth I uiu foi the webinais but the iepoits (like this one) woik the same
Neaning that we'll be selling them inuiviuually foi $47 coupleu with Founuei's Club (of couise). We'll
give affiliates 1uu% of the sale piice of the iepoits anu 2S% of the ongoing continuity just like we uiu
with the webinai. Anu when a iepoit is unusually successful, we'll be iolling it out as well.
With ovei one million uownloaus of my fiee iepoits, we have a built-in auuience who aie gieat piospects
foi Founuei's Club once they heai about a iepoit that tickles theii inteiest. Anu with oui own effoits plus
the effoits of oui affiliates, we plan on letting the woilu know about each anu eveiy one of them.
Now, befoie we wiap up this oveiview of how we aie using Founuei's Club, I want to shaie with you two
othei ciitical elements.
Now it shoulu be obvious the gieat lengths we'ie going to, to cieate a membeiship that you simply nevei
want to uisassociate fiom.
Along those lines, we plan on consistently ovei-ueliveiing to you in ways that'll make you eagei to shaie
what you've leaineu with otheis. Anu foi that we want you to be hanusomely iewaiueu.
Take this iepoit foi example. It's my sinceiest hope that the mateiial we covei in heie, not only walks
you thiough the steps to bluepiinting youi business, but also gives you many light-bulb moments about
business giowth that you want to shaie with otheis.
In oiuei to facilitate that uesiie to shaie, we automatically enioll eveiy Founuei's Club membei (this
means you) into an affiliate piogiam foi Founuei's Club. Anu the geneious affiliate payouts apply to you
as well. So, if you get the value I believe you will fiom this iepoit, then eveiyone who you tell about it
that buys it, we'll give you 1uu% of the puichase piice plus 2S% of theii Founuei's Club uues. Anu the
same applies foi eveiy webinai you paiticipate in too!
What's gieat about this appioach is that eveiything we aie uoing to keep you happy with youi
membeiship can veiy quickly make you money anu make it so youi Founuei's Club membeiship actually
makes you money insteau of costing you.
While this isn't oui only ietention stiategy, it's one of the stiongest. To get staiteu, telling otheis about
this iepoit oi the webinais you've expeiienceu oi upcoming ones, all you have to uo is check youi email
box foi the infoimation we sent you about youi new affiliate membeiship.
Stiategic Piofits has seveial incieuible piemium piouucts anu piogiams that we've solu veiy well ovei
the yeais. Anu we continue to sell them uay in anu uay out, ueliveiing them thiough the veiy same
platfoim wheie you access youi Founuei's Club iesouices.
Piogiams like:
>=% @0-'1%-- B#+?"= !E-"%H - oui flagship piouuct that walks you thiough step by step
eveiything you neeu to know to stait, builu anu giow the business of youi uieams. Coveiing
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: Su
eveiything fiom maiketing stiategies, to hiiing stiategies, to piouuct uevelopment - it's all heie
anu coveieu in complete uetail.

B0'2%2 *#+,'" !E-"%H - take one of the most poweiful business giowth stiategies (theoiy of
constiaints) anu customize it foi entiepieneuis like you anu you've got uuiueu Piofit Systems (oi
uPS foi shoit). The iesults have been spectaculai as entiepieneuis uiscovei theii own unique
constiaint to builuing the business of theii uieams. In this Su-uay piogiam I walk you thiough
each step of the piocess as you uiscovei anu then eliminate the biggest constiaint in youi
business. Youi biggest constiaint is the single biggest leveiage point anu when you eliminate it
youi business will immeuiately gain piofit-momentum anu unpieceuenteu giowth.

>=% O$Q%1 *#+&#$H - The two men iesponsible foi coaching moie entiepieneuis to guiu-status,
}ay Abiaham anu I joineu foices foi this life alteiing piogiam. Togethei }ay anu I walk you thiough
each anu eveiy step you neeu to take to become the iecognizeu expeit, guiu, thought-leauei, anu
maven of youi maiket.

Anu piouucts like:
>=% @0-'1%-- <((%5%#$"'+1 *#+&#$H - The most compiehensive couise evei uesigneu to help
you optimize youi attention. so you leain much fastei, eliminate infoimation-oveiloau, anu
quickly become the most knowleugeable expeit in youi maiket. Then this couise shows you how
to seize the attention of youi maiketplace with viial stiategies, piouuct launch stiategies, anu
maiketing techniques that always commanu attention. Inuustiy insiueis consiuei this the go-to
iesouice foi giowing an online business anu call it the complete online maiketing NBA.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- P'Q% - Take the most well-known, iecognizeu expeits in maiketing touay. uet
them to shaie theii best stiategies with no ulteiioi motive (i.e. pitching). Anu you have this
piogiam. It incluues Fiank Kein, }eff Walkei, Nike Filsaime, }ay Abiaham, }ohn Cailton, myself anu
many moie woilu-class maiketing expeits. This was the last big piouuction seminai I evei uiu -
because I simply felt I woulu nevei be able to match the quality of expeitise shaieu at this event.

As you can piobably imagine it isn't necessaiily easy to sell $S,uuu piouucts oi $4uu a month continuity
piogiams to piospects who've nevei heaiu about you oi even those who bought just one $47 piouuct
fiom us.
The challenge was that piogiams like these can only be solu in two ways: (1) to entiepieneuis alieauy on
oui list (who know how well oui piogiams uelivei) oi (2) thiough big launches to the entiie maiket.
But Founuei's Club changes all that. You see, with Founuei's Club attacheu to all oui piouucts (both oui
fiont-enus anu oui entiie piouuct catalog), it gives us a chance to consistently ovei uelivei, to fuithei
bonu anu intensify oui ielationship with oui clients, anu ultimately get a laige peicentage of membeis to
take auvantage of oui highei piices piogiams anu piouucts.
This is what I mean by ascension - by continually pioviuing the best infoimation along with gieat
expeiience, we get a lot moie buyeis to upgiaue into one oi moie of oui piemium offeis.
So, Founuei's Club pioviues a pioven path to take all oui customeis into a ueepei, moie meaningful anu
moie piofitable ielationship with Stiategic Piofits.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S1
*#+,'" O+2%5 CQ%#Q'%?

So theie you have it.
What might have seemeu
like a simple membeiship
piogiam has many moie
piofitable legs to it than
meets the eye.
In othei woius, it was
uesigneu to continually
giow oui membeiship,
continually builu new
piouucts, continually
iuentify hot piouucts to
ioll out, continually get
clients to ascenu to highei
enu piogiams anu piouucts anu even moie. It shoulu be obvious that a mouel like this uoesn't happen by
acciuent - it must be engineeieu anu then executeu meticulously in oiuei to be effective.
In the next section, Bluepiinting Youi Business, I'll walk you thiough how to make suie what you uesign
heie gets executeu flawlessly but befoie we uo, it's youi tuin to uesign youi piofit mouel.
Erecting Your Profit Model
Now, let me wain you up fiont: The ouus of you peifecting youi piofit mouel iight out of the gate is
iathei slim. Insteau, you shoulu view it as a piocess that you'll tweak ovei time.
What's impoitant iight now is that you put togethei youi fiist inteiaction, a fiist uiaft so to speak. Then
once you have it wiitten uown, you'll be able to continually tweak anu impiove it until it's just iight.
I'm telling you this so you uon't put unuue piessuie on youiself iight now. Youi job is not to get it
peifect; youi job is just to get it wiitten uown.
That stateu; let's get ciacking.
B%""'1& <""%1"'+1
Youi piofit mouel staits with getting the attention of youi iueal customeis. Anu tiuth be tolu, this is the
most uifficult step of the entiie piocess. In fact, it's so challenging I wiote a seiies of iepoits thiee yeais
ago about how attention was quickly becoming the scaicest commouity in online maiketing. If you
haven't ieau them you shoulu - they'ie titleu 89" :**"-*,'- :;" <'4*!,-" 1 #-/ 11=
So the bau news is - this is uifficult. The goou news is once you oveicome this uphill battle to get
attention, it's all uownhill fiom theie.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S2
Now, when I was going ovei oui piofit mouel with you, the two souices of attention we'ie leveiaging aie
oui list anu oui affiliate base. The ouus aie high you aie not staiting with as much stiength in these
aieas, so we neeu to back tiack a little to get fully up to speeu.
Eveiy business must be able to get enough attention of theii maiketplace oi they nevei achieve the initial
momentum that stimulates the iapiu giowth almost eveiy entiepieneui ciaves.
So let's stop iight heie foi a seconu anu uiscuss what ieally captuies peoples' attention. This way you'll
be able to moie easily uiscovei youi own oppoitunities foi seizing the limelight.
Beie's a shoit list of factois that get attention:
! Anything unusual oi unexpecteu
! Anything novel oi new
! Anything unique oi uistinctive
! Anything visually appealing oi well-uesigneu
! Anything bolu oi uaiing
! Anything iisky oi challenging

0f couise theie's moie.anu you shoulu be awaie of anything that instantly gets youi attention anu ask
youiself "what about this giabbeu my attention." Think about this the next time an email subject line
gets you to quickly open the email, oi a twittei tweet gets you to click on a link oi anything else that
immeuiately calls out to you anu gets you focuseu. I piomise you this: youi expeiience will be youi best
teachei if you iemain awaie enough to iealize what gets youi attention.
Basically, when it comes to attention you can eithei buy it oi builu it (oi some hybiiu, combining both).
Buying attention is when you pay otheis foi shaiing the attiaction they alieauy have with you. Examples
of this woulu be uoogle Auwoius, affiliate piomotions, oi any othei maiketing channel that costs you
money. Builuing attention is moie giassioots anu oiganic. This is uone by leveiaging as many of the
attention factois I listeu above.
In my opinion, the hybiiu appioach is youi best bet. The iuea when using a hybiiu appioach is to iamp
up quickly by leveiaging the attention otheis have anu then quickly builu on it to stait geneiating lots of
fiee attention.
This is what we've uone consistently at Stiategic Piofits. We stait with some initial attention that was
paiu foi in some mannei, while leveiaging as many of the attention factois I uiscusseu to quickly builu up
fiom that paiu base.
Foi example, each of my iepoits was maiketeu using this hybiiu appioach. Each of my iepoits staiteu
with attention that was paiu foi thiough oui }v paitneis (it's paiu foi by shaiing the pioceeus of any sales
that get geneiateu). But in each anu eveiy iepoit, we enueu up getting moie opt-ins, wiite-ups, anu
oveiall buzz foi fiee fiom the initial piospects oui affiliate paitneis geneiateu foi us. Case in point - we
geneiateu an auuitional 6S,uuu opt-ins fiom oui tell-a-fiienu page foi the Attention Age Boctiine II (anu
that's just one tactic!)
Anu we've followeu this oveiall hybiiu appioach time anu time again.
Beie's anothei two examples.Foui yeais ago when we weie the fiist to stieam viueo live fiom a seminai
a few select }v paitneis got us 2,uuu vieweis, but these 2,uuu who initially iegisteieu got us anothei
8,uuu vieweis foi a gianu total of 1u,uuu vieweis by the time we bioaucasteu.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: SS
A yeai ago when I uiu a 26 houi live viueo stieam, oui }v paitneis biought appioximately S,uuu vieweis
- but these S,uuu vieweis biought ovei 2S,uuu auuitional vieweis foi a gianu total of ovei 28,uuu
vieweis, the highest vieweu 0stieam, even beating }ohn NcCain that uay (uuiing the piesiuential
I coulu ueuicate a whole new iepoit on just attention getting tactics, anu sometime in the futuie I just
might uo that foi you. But foi now, let's keep moving youi piofit mouel foiwaiu. So heie's a quick iecap
befoie you ueciue youi attention getting stiategy.
! uetting attention is the most uifficult step in youi entiie piofit mouel.
! The best attention stiategies aie built on a hybiiu appioach wheie you pay foi initial attention,
but you'ie able to geneiate youi own attention off the smallest base possible.
! At Stiategic Piofits, we've piimaiily leveiageu the tiaffic fiom }v paitneis anu then built oui own
thiough iepoits, viueo stieams, anu ovei-the-top contests.

0h, one last point. Nowauays, Stiategic Piofits uoesn't neeu to iely on paiu attention to get the attention
momentum going. The ieason. Because when you'ie able to conveit the attention you get into a list
(which is basically stoieu potential attention) you eventually have eveiything you neeu to iamp up
whenevei you want. We'll covei conveiting attention into a list in the next section. Foi now, heie's a
iecent example to illustiate my point.
When Touu anu I shot Founuei's viueo #1 anu posteu it to the blog we placeu just one "ietweet this"
button on the page anu then maileu to oui list. 0vei the couise of two weeks we hau ovei 116 ietweets
that geneiateu an auuitional 4,Suu viueo vieweis.
By the way, this is a stiategy that we use all the time anu it continues to woik like gangbusteis. If you
have a blog you shoulu use "ietweet-this" buttons too!
Now, finally it's time to pick youi attention-getting appioach. What you neeu to eventually figuie out, is:
1. Bow you'll get the initial attention of youi maiketplace
2. A vehicle that will make what initial attention you get multiply

So foi now, we'll just focus on #1 - youi initial attention. Beie's a list (obviously, not all inclusive) of
some possible choices:
IX'-"'1& <--%"-
Email list
0iganic listings
Twittei followeis
Facebook fiienus oi fans
Blog ieaueisRSS ieaueis

*$'2 4=$11%5-
PPC (Seaich, You Tube, Facebook, contextual)
Solo email puichase
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S4
}v paitneis
Neuia buys

/#%% 4=$11%5-
Piess Releases
Now, heie's the inconvenient tiuth about getting anu leveiaging attention: Without it nothing else
Which means if you uon't get attention, eveiything else you uo, is simply just a waste of time.
This is the single biggest ieason entiepieneuis fail online...1+ $""%1"'+1 d 1+ #%Q%10% d 1+ 60-'1%--.
Fai too many make the mistake of not figuiing out theii oveiall attention-getting stiategy until aftei
they've cieateu oi souiceu theii piouuct anu built out theii website. Big mistake - you neeu to
consistently be thinking about it eveiy step of the way if you'ie not going to fall victim to this
entiepieneui uestioyei.
Next, we'll covei what you uo with all the attention you geneiate..
So, once you've got attention, what aie you going to uo with it.
0ltimately, you must conveit that attention into a sale anu to uo that, you basically have two options:
1. Attempt to conveit the attention into a leau, oi..
2. Attempt to conveit the attention uiiectly into a sale

Anu while theie aie no haiu anu fast iules, in most maikets, most of the time, going foi the leau fiist
woiks out to be moie piofitable in both the long anu shoit teim.

Beie's why, when you conveit attention into a leau (like an opt-in) you tuin a suspect into a piospect anu
you now have the ability to get that piospect's attention time anu time again now anu into the futuie.

But like I saiu, it all uepenus on what you'ie selling anu whom you'ie selling to. Theie aie simply some
maikets anu some piouucts wheie going foi the opt-in too soon will huit youi sales.

Foi a iough guiueline on which ioute is best heie is an oveiiiuing piinciple - if you'ie selling infoimation
of any soit you can almost always go foi the opt-in fiist (as long as you piomise something sweet in
exchange). If you'ie selling a commouity type piouuct (auto-paits, iphone accessoiies, electionics,
sneakeis, etc.) you'ie almost always bettei off going foi the sale.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: SS
Theie aie moie uiffeientiating factois, but to incluue them all coulu take an entiie iepoit in itself. Anu
you uon't want eveiy uiffeientiating factoi anyway; all you neeu to know is what woiks best foi youi
situation. So, my best auvice (foi now) is if you aie still unsuie, go stuuy the top competitois in youi
maiket anu stait by uoing exactly what they aie uoing.

When you've got it figuieu out - meaning whethei you'ie going foi the immeuiate sale, oi opt-in fiist -
wiite it below:

With this choice behinu us, let's uiscuss a few moie factois that affect conveision of any soit (into a leau,
into a customei).

I'm suie you've heaiu it befoie, "all buying is emotional." But uo you ieally unueistanu the implications of
this common phiase. I can tell you it's veiy _G(+HH+1 to finu entiepieneuis who ieally giasp the
implications, so it's woith stating them heie.

To shoitcut the piocess I've pulleu five sliues fiom one of my uPS sessions anu maue some paienthetical
comments about each one.

You'u be wise to go thiough each of these sliues slowly. Bo youi veiy best to giasp the implication of each
of these five sliues. Then take a fiesh look at youi maiketing anu notice what neeus to change.

Aie you ieally cleai about youi
piospects uesiies anu fiustiations.

If not, it's going to be uifficult if not
impossible to get them to uo anything
let alone give you theii email auuiess
oi theii cieuit caiu numbei.

That's why all the piospect ieseaich
you uiu eailiei is so vital to eveiy step
of youi business giowth.

So, what emotions uo you believe will stimulate youi piospects' anu customeis' uesiies to buy anu opt-
in. Anu of those, which will you focus on in youi maiketing.
Below is a list of the ten most common buying emotions (fiom copywiiting school AWAI). Ciicle all those
that apply that you can woik into youi maiketing:
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S6
:[ 40#'+-'"E[ Foi some ieason, we just can't stanu to tuin asiue fiom new, fascinating infoimation.
This is why the "news" inuustiy is a multi-billion-uollai business.
M[ L$1'"E[ Nost people have a stiong, almost uncontiollable, uesiie to be bettei than eveiyone else in
some way - physically, socially, mentally, spiiitually, etc. Anu not just to be bettei, but to make
suie eveiyone knows it.
U[ /%$#[ Becaues befoie I was conceineu about things that ieally pose a thieat to health anu secuiity,
I woiiieu about what was hiuing in the pitch-black abyss unuei my beu. Feai makes us feel that
uangei is imminent, anu we will uo almost anything to avoiu it.
\[ @%1%Q+5%1(%[ The negative emotion of feai is counteieu by a uiive foi the positive emotion of
happiness, even euphoiia. Anu the quickest way to achieve that feeling is by uoing goou foi
someone else.
][ A1-%(0#'"E[ Aie you goou enough to be a top-notch wage eainei. Paient. Lovei. Aie you goou
enough to live in the piestigious neighboihoous. I bet you've wonueieu. (We all have.)
^[ *+?%#[ Think politicians, heie. Coipoiate CE0s. ueneials. Bictatois. Wave the fact they'll be the
top uog, contiol laige masses of people, conquei theii enemies. anu they'll eat out of youi hanus.
e[ F%$5"= $12 <6012$1(%[ This applies to eveiyone on the planet: the uesiie to have the jet set life,
luxuiy anu leisuie.the boat, the house on the beach, the fiienus in Paiis.
f[ !%(0#'"E[ Life insuiance aus uo this ieally well. 0i 0nstai. It's iooteu in feai, because when this
hits a peison in the gut, it is usually fiom feai that something bau will happen to them oi theii
loveu ones.
g[ @%5+1&'1&[ This one is huge. In eveiy single peison uou has planteu a neeu to connect with othei
humans. That's why the family is founuational to uou's plan. Showing someone how they can be
pait of something impoitant oi exclusive gives them a goou incentive to uo what you ask.
:h[ B0'5"[ Not too many appeals come stiaight out anu conuemn you. What happens usually in a guilt
appeal is you aie alloweu to connect the uots. Anu when you uo this, theie's that quiet ache in youi
soul that says, "If I tuin my back, Fluffy the feiiet is going to uie!"

Remembei; pain, pioblems,
fiustiations anu eveiything else
negative will always be a moie
positive foice.

Look at the list you put togethei of
all youi piospects' fiustiations anu
goals. You'll finu youi answei

What pain, pioblems, anu fiustiations will be iesolveu by youi piouuct oi seivice that you can focus on.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S7
What pleasuies uoes you piouuct oi seivice uelivei.

Piociastination is a conveision
killei anu business uestioyei.
While immeuiate giatification is a
conveision multipliei anu
business explouei.

Nake suie you leveiage
immeuiacy anu banish
piociastination to the fullest
extent possible.

What ieasons can you give youi piospects anu customeis to take action immeuiately.

What can you auu to what you cuiiently offei that woulu make taking action moie giatifying

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S8

This one is a biggie - but it's easy
not to fully giasp this sliue. Reau
it a few times anu then ask
youiself the tough question:

"Boes my maiketing anu sales
mateiial ieally ignite anu fan the
flames of the uesiies of my

Besciibe how you'll tianslate youi piospects cuiient wants into a buining uesiie foi youi piouucts heie:

Whethei you'ie selling an opt-in oi a
piouuctseivice these foui steps aie always
what woiks best.

Remembei, fai too many entiepieneuis think they unueistanu that theii conveision piocess must hit the
emotional hot buttons of theii auuience. Yet, theii maiketing anu sales mateiial pioves they ieally uon't
get this uistinction whatsoevei.
If you've got any uoubt wheie you stanu with what we just coveieu, uo youiself a favoi anu ieau these
sliues again.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: S9
7%"%1"'+1 ` <-(%1-'+1
This next step is ieally what sepaiates the ieal business founueis anu the wannabes who will nevei get
You see, it's infinitely easiei foi you to bieak fiee of all uaily iesponsibilities in a business when you have
long-teim ielationships with youi customeis. The ieason is youi business gets stiongei anu stiongei as
time passes because you builu long-teim ielationships with moie anu moie customeis.
This is anothei one of those vital uistinctions you ieally neeu to take to heait. Anu because of that you
neeu to builu it into youi piofit mouel.
Ny mentoi, }ay Abiaham has saiu, "Nost businesses aie nothing moie than a seiies of piomotions stiung
togethei." Anu baseu on my obseivations, he's ueau on. So, if youi business success is ieliant on the
success of youi next one oi two piomotions you fit into }ay's classification.
Theie aie seveial pioblems with a business that's ieally a seiies of piomotions.
1. If a few piomotions uon't woik well you might be out of business.
2. Youi business uoesn't giow in value because it's' piojecteu eainings in the futuie is totally ieliant
on youi futuie piomotions' success.
S. Because each piomotion is so impoitant to you, it's uifficult, if not impossible, to heau off many of
these iesponsibilities which keep you tiappeu in the business.
4. You miss out on the majoiity of piofits (which aie easiei to geneiate) fiom iepeat customeis.

Theie aie many moie negatives associateu with a piomotional uiiven business, but let's move on.

What you want insteau is a business that uoes piomotions, but ielies on them less anu less as the
business giows. You want to iely moie anu moie on intensifying the ielationship with each anu eveiy
customei you get.

Anu by intensifying, I mean getting youi customeis to buy moie fiequently, buy moie expensive
piouucts, anu keep buying fiom you as long as possible.

So, once you've maue a sale, youi ietention anu ascension functions move into action.

Let me ask you this: Bo you continue to tieat customeis as youi most valuable asset oi uo they feel
they've uioppeu off the face of the eaith as soon as you have theii money.

The goal of all youi maiketing anu sales functions is to builu long-teim piofitable ielationships with each
anu eveiy customei oi client you get.
You uo this by:
1. 0vei-ueliveiing in a way that's meaningful to youi customeis
2. Bonuing with them by shaiing bits anu pieces of youi peisonality while enjoying them in a
S. uiving youi customeis lots of oppoitunities to buy fiom you
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 6u

Anu as the sliue says, "it's eveiything aftei youi fiist sale
that counts."
I coveieu this in gieat uetail in my fiee iepoit, 89" .,-#$
>9#6*"!, anu if you've nevei ieau it, I highly iecommenu you
ieau it soonei iathei than latei.
But foi now, let me shaie one ciitical point.
New customeis (the fiont-enu) aie the lifebloou of any
business. But most of the piofits come fiom the auuitional
sales you make to those same customeis (the back-enu). Anu
heie's the thing - the moie money you make on the back-enu,
the moie you can affoiu to spenu to acquiie a new customei.
Anu whoevei can spenu the most to acquiie a new customei,
will ultimately uominate theii maiket anu competitois. (Like
I saiu, ieau 89" .,-#$ >9#6*"! foi a thoiough explanation).
So, the big question you have to answei foi youi business
success is - how aie you going to tuin each sale into a long-
teim, piofitable ielationship.
I've alieauy shaieu with you how we'ie uoing it in Founueis. We'ie using foiceu continuity into
Founuei's Club on all oui fiont-enu piouucts, anu then uo oui best to get as many Founuei Club membeis
to ascenu into oui piemium piouucts anu seivices.
So, heie aie some uiffeient options to consiuei..
! Continuity piogiams (like Founuei's Club)
! Beveloping back-enu piouucts that you can go back to youi customeis with
! Enuoising othei business's piouucts to youi customeis
! Running special events such as "customei only sales," limiteu pie-ieleases, etc.
! Piogiamming customeis by communicating what you'ie uoing to eain auuitional sales fiom them
(similai to what I uiu in this iepoit with Founuei's Club anu ascension into oui piemium piouucts
anu piogiams)
! Piice inuucements foi fiequency
I15'-"'1& C"=%#-
Remembei how eailiei in this iepoit I tolu you youi business woulu giow much fastei if eveiyone who
inteiacts with it wants it to.
You say you uo. uoou.
Well, uo you see how the Founuei's Club affiliate mouel I shaieu with you seives oui affiliate's inteiests.
Anu, uo you see how oui focus on ovei-ueliveiing to achieve ietention anu ascension seives you, a
Founuei's membei. Even bettei, uo you see how woiking so haiu on what we uelivei to you makes it
easy foi you to talk about what you'ie ieceiving fiom us in a way that makes you money.
If you uo, you now have a iefeience mouel foi what I meant.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 61
So, what can you uo. That's the big question isn't it. Bow can you ovei-uelivei to youi affiliate anu joint
ventuie paitneis. What can you uo that will make youi customeis anu clients' feel they always get a
gieat ueal fiom you.
Spenu a few minutes iight now to biainstoim a few iueas.

0K, I've shaieu with you the Founuei's Nouel anu I've walkeu you thiough the steps to stait builuing
youi own mouel.
}ust to make suie we'ie on the same page - at this point you shoulu know oi have plans to know:
! Youi attention-getting stiategy anu whethei it'll be baseu on buying attention, builuing attention
oi a hybiiu mouel.
! The specific existing assets anu paiu channels you'll use to get the attention you'll neeu.
! Whethei youi conveision stiategy will be a single step (immeuiate sale) oi you'ie going to builu a
! The emotions you believe will tiiggei conveisions, the pain you'ie going to eliminate anu how
you'll oveicome piociastination.
! Bow you can apply the online selling piocess to youi specific business.
! A plan to tuin fiist-time buyeis into long-teim piofitable ielationships so you avoiu becoming a
piomotional-uiiven business.
! A way you can enlist otheis to help you giow youi business fastei anu with less of youi own effoit.

Not too shabby. But tiansfoiming youi piofit mouel into a business that'll give you the financial anu
peisonal fieeuom you ciave is what comes next.
!I4>ACG 9^
Your Business Blueprint
We'ie heauing uown the home-stietch. Anu we'ie about to tie eveiything you've leaineu anu uone in this
entiie iepoit into youi veiy own action plan to fieeuom.
No mattei wheie you aie with youi business iight now, if you'ie uoing all the woik youiself oi you've got
hunuieus of employees.a business bluepiint is the way to giowg youi business in the least time, with
the fastest giowth, with the least effoit, that'll give you the fieeuom to live the iueal life you iuentifieu
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 62
A Business Blueprint
So, what is a business bluepiint.
Youi business bluepiint uesciibes the functions youi business must have to iun smoothly anu well. You
can builu it to look like an oiganizational chait, but insteau of the boxes being filleu by people they aie
filleu with the uiffeient functions youi business neeus.
Peisonally, I piefei a minu-map style. I finu it's a lot easiei to fit eveiything in anu move things aiounu.
So, foi the iemainuei of this iepoit, I'll show you the bluepiints in minu-map foim. }ust know, you can uo
it uiffeiently (like any oiganizational chait). It's not the foim it takes that is impoitant.
Remembei - it's not filleu with people; it's filleu with functions. Latei on you'll figuie out who is uoing
what, oi if you aie uoing it all youiself.
This bluepiint shows the geneial categoiies of functions that neeu to be hanuleu in any business. Foi
simplicity sake we'll ieuuce business uown to thiee piimaiy functions.

Impoitant point: When uesigning a business, less is bettei.
Ny expeiience coaching anu consulting some of the
most successful entiepieneuis anu some of the biggest
coipoiations has pioven time anu time again that those
with the simplest mouels aie always the most
Theiefoie you aie attempting to uesign the -'H85%-"
veision of youi business that will continually stiive to
achieve its puipose.
In oiuei to uo so youi business will neeu at least these
thiee functional aieas:
1. < O$#K%"'1& /01("'+1 - to attiact potential
customeis, conveit them into buyeis anu ietain
them so you can keep selling them moie.
2. < /05,'55H%1" /01("'+1 - to make the piouuct, to uelivei the piouuct, anu continually impiove
the piouuct.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 6S
S. <1 C8%#$"'+1- /01("'+1 - to take caie of eveiything else.
Now, take anothei look at the sample bluepiint to make suie you've got youi beaiings.
Bianching out fiom the functional aieas (Naiketing, Fulfillment, anu 0peiations), you have the majoi
iesponsibilities that make up that functional aiea. Fiom theie you'll have sub-bianches foi the piocesses
that must get uone to fulfill those iesponsibilities. I uiun't incluue the piocess level in the sample
bluepiint because eveiy business will have uiffeient piocesses.
0f couise, once you begin to list out the numbei of piocesses iequiieu to iun youi business you will soon
iealize you'ie going to neeu help. Since most stait-up entiepieneuis can't affoiu to hiie anyone when
fiist staiting out, at fiist they'ie iesponsible foi all the functions, iesponsibilities, anu piocesses.
But it uoesn't have to be this way foi veiy long. Because, iight out of the gate you can paitnei to lighten
the loau. When the business staits to geneiate enough cash flow you can then stait to outsouice some of
the piocesses. When the business gets a little stiongei you can then stait hiiing employees to take ovei
eithei ceitain iesponsibilities oi entiie functions.
/#+H >%H85$"% >+ F%55 C'5%2 O$(='1%
Befoie we customize youi bluepiint, I'm going to walk you thiough an example. This way, you'll know
the ins anu outs of the piocess befoie evei putting youi pen to papei.
Ny goal is to make this as simple anu stiaightfoiwaiu as possible foi you. I'm going to take the piofit
mouel I shaieu eailiei foi Founuei's Club anu use it to customize the template. We'ie going to pietenu
(foi the sake of simplicity) that Founuei's Club is the only thing Stiategic Piofits uoes - so we uon't make
this moie complicateu than it neeus to be.
We'ie going to take each function on-by-one anu uiill uown as ueep as we neeu to, so let's begin.
>=% B$H% ;+0355 *5$E >+ B%" /#%% C, ;+0# @0-'1%--
Youi business bluepiint will also iuentify who's iesponsible foi each anu eveiy function, iesponsibility,
anu piocess. It's ieal simple to uo; all you have to uo is assign each peison a sepaiate coloi. Then
eveiything that peison is iesponsible foi will be maue his oi hei coloi. Then when you look at youi
bluepiint you'll immeuiately know who's iesponsible foi what.
Now, when you fiist get unueiway in a business, most, if not all the boxes aie going to be filleu with youi
coloi. But as you biing on new team membeis they'll take moie anu moie off youi plate.
In this way, achieving Founuei status in youi business becomes a game. A game wheie the goal is to get
fiee fiom uaily iesponsibilities anu live youi iueal life. Youi bluepiint will be youi official scoiecaiu.
Because when youi coloi can no longei be founu on youi bluepiint. Congiatulations you've become a
Founuei. You no longei have any uay-to-uay iesponsibilities in youi business.
Baving saiu that, my example, Founuei's Club, is still not going to be simple. Beck, we expect Founuei's
Club to biing in seveial million uollais in its fiist yeai. Anu while the piofit mouel is simple, eveiything
that we uo at Stiategic Piofits to maximize its peifoimance isn't necessaiily as simple.
Now, when I constiuct a bluepiint, heie aie the steps:
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 64
1. I stait a new minumap; cieate bianches foi the main functions (maiketing, fulfillment anu
opeiations) anu sub-bianches foi the majoi iesponsibilities (foi example, in maiketing - customei
attiaction, customei conveision, customei ietention anu ascension, etc.).

2. I then go thiough each pait of the piofit mouel seveial times, each time asking myself, "What uo
we neeu to get uone to uo this."

S. Eveiything that I iuentify as neeuing to get uone, I put on my minumap in its appiopiiate place.

4. Next, I'll ask fiienus, colleagues, co-woikeis, etc., "What uo you think neeus to get uone to execute
this piofit mouel." - just to make suie I uiu not miss anything.

S. I then gioup similai items togethei. Foi example, giouping squeeze page cieation anu sales page
cieation togethei unuei the new heauing Page Cieation. I uo this to help simplify the minumap.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 6S

Beie's a copy of the minumap I cieateu foi the Founuei's Club:
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 66
0ne last point - no mattei how compiehensive you tiy to be, you won't iuentify eveiything up fiont. So,
any time you iecognize an impoitant activity you aien't uoing - just auu it to youi bluepiint.

D%-'&1'1& ;+0# @0-'1%-- @50%8#'1"
0K, aie you ieauy to uocument the business that'll give you the fieeuom you ciave. Let's get staiteu.
Foi Naiketing
Youi maiketing anu sales pioviue the (+1-'-"%1" pipeline of business that will keep youi uoois open anu
youi websites functioning. The key woiu is 4'-0,0*"-*=
You might get business without any maiketing oi sales systems, but youi sales will uefinitely be
inconsistent. Anu inconsistent sales uo not make foi long-teim business. So, as you answei the questions
below - keep in minu you'ie shooting foi activities that'll be uone consistently to keep youi business
giowing anu piofitable.
1. Take the attention stiategy you pick on page SS-S4 anu think thiough eveiything that you will
neeu to get uone to achieve the iesults you want.

2. Baseu on the conveision vehicles you chose on page SS what will youi company neeu to uo to
cieate anu leveiage them.

S. Baseu on what you'll offei foi conveision to an opt-in, oi a sale (pages SS-S8), what uoes youi
business neeu to uo to offei them.

4. Baseu on the ietention stiategy you iuentifieu on page 6u, what will youi business have to uo anu
how will it get it uone.

S. Baseu on the stiategies you biainstoimeu foi enlisting otheis suppoit, what uoes youi business
have to uo to pull it off.

Think of maiketing as the piomises you make to youi maiket. If maiketing makes the piomise, then
fulfillment keeps them.
In othei woius, fulfillment is eveiything you uo to fulfill the piomises youi business maue to piospects
that conveiteu them into customei oi clients. This will incluue both what youi customei expeiiences
uiiectly, plus, eveiything you uo behinu the scenes to make it happen. Nake suie you iemembei "on
stage" anu "back stage" activities as you answei these questions:
1. Think thiough eveiything youi business must uo to eithei cieate oi souice the piouuct oi seivice
you sell anu list them.

2. Think thiough eveiything youi business must uo to uelivei youi piouuct to youi customeis anu
list the activities that'll neeu to be uone.

!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 67
S. What uata coulu youi business get that'll help you impiove youi piouucts oi seivices. Bow will
you get that uata. Anu how will you use it to impiove youi piouucts.

In the same way, youi customeis piobably will nevei see eveiything youi business uoes in the fulfillment
function, they won't see what you'ie uoing in opeiations. But youi customeis anu piospects will see the
iesults of pioblems with youi employees oi youi billing oi youi computeis oi youi telephones, anu
eveiything else that happens behinu the scenes.

1. The Finance function incluues accounting, billing, making anu ieceiving payments, payioll, taxes,
buugets, etc. What will youi business be uoing in these aieas. 0i how will you woik with a
pioviuei you outsouice to.

2. The BR function incluues eveiything youi business uoes (oi will uo) having to uo with employees
anu outsouiceis, incluuing ieciuiting, hiiing, tiaining, managing, motivating, evaluating anu
teiminating. What will youi business uo in these aieas.

S. Foi IT anu Systems, what technology anu softwaie will you use to powei youi business. Bow will
you maintain, upuate anu piotect them.

4. Foi Customei Seivice - how will you hanule customei pioblems, complaints, iefunu iequests, etc..
What will youi business have to uo to tuin these pioblems into oppoitunities to ovei uelivei anu
win back the tiust of these customeis.

Remembei to ciicle thiough these questions a seconu time. Then think thiough as much as you can, what
youi business will be uoing. Anu, how it will be uoing it.

When you've got youi fiist uiaft, keep ieauing.

4+5+# A" _8
0K, now you've got youi business bluepiinteu. Next, you neeu to go thiough each anu eveiy box anu
ueteimine who's going to be iesponsible foi getting that box uone.
Notice, I uiun't say who's going to uo it. I saiu who's iesponsible foi getting it uone. Anu theie's a huge
uiffeience between these uesciiptions.
Nost entiepieneuis make the mistake of having people who woik foi them "uo things". The pioblem
with that is the iesponsibility still iesiues with the entiepieneui.
Beie's an example to claiify - Ken Leonaiu in oui office is iesponsible foi split testing. Neaning any page
that goes up on oui website that's attempting a conveision, it's his iesponsibility to make suie we'ie split
testing it. Anu if we'ie not testing a page, he bettei have a goou ieason foi not uoing it. Contiast that
with an entiepieneui who has an employee uo split tests, but the entiepieneui neeus to tell the
employee which pages to test, the entiepieneui still, on an ongoing basis, owns the iesponsibility anu he
oi she is no closei to getting fiee.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 68
Beie's an even easiei example - }anine Shea, my assistant, is iesponsible foi taking caie of my health. So
she scheuules teeth cleanings at my uentist, checkups with my uoctoi, etc.. I uon't even have to think
about it - I just show up when I am supposeu to.
Bon't make the mistake of thinking this is no big ueal! Because it is a huge ueal when you total up all of
youi iesponsibilities.
Why. Because iight now as I wiite this, my minu is completely cleai anu I am able to focus 1uu% of my
complete attention on you. In othei woius, I'm not schlepping aiounu lots of mental luggage stuffeu with
iesponsibilities to eveiy task. This makes a huge uiffeience in my peifoimance on the task at hanu, anu
I'm able to go on vacations, spenu time with my family, consult
clients with nothing else to woiiy oi think about.
The uiagiam you see on the iight is what you aie tiying to avoiu
-- a business full of people who assist you, anu look to you to be
tolu what to uo. By assigning iesponsibilities, you avoiu this
evei happening to you. Anu that'll cleai youi minu anu
ultimately set you fiee.
So, heie's what you neeu to uo:
1. Pick a coloi foi youiself, anu if you have anyone else
woiking foi you oi that you'ie outsouicing to, assign a
coloi to each anu eveiy one of them.
2. If you'ie all alone in youi business, then just make all the
boxes youi coloi anu you can skip ovei the next step.
S. uo thiough each box anu if iight now you have someone "uoing it," ask youiself this question:
"Who woulu be in tiouble if this uiun't happen without me giving any oiueis to uo it." If youi
answei is nobouy, then tempoiaiily fill the box half with youi coloi anu half with the othei
peison's coloi. (You'ie not supposeu to have any boxes with mixeu colois - so this will be a
ieminuei to youiself to speak with the peison anu figuie out togethei how you can iemove youi

Nobody is Superman
Scan ovei youi bluepiint - look at all the boxes that have youi coloi in it.. think about what's involveu
with staying on top of it anu getting it all uone.
Consiueiing all that, ask youiself this question:
If youi answei is "yes" - than goou foi you!
If youi answei is "no," that it's physically impossible foi you to uo eveiything on youi bluepiint, uon't
woiiy because all hope is not lost.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 69
O$K'1& "=% AH8+--'65% *+--'65%
You basically have five uiffeient stiategies you can use to make an impossible bluepiint not only possible
but uoable too. Anu while each stiategy stanus on theii own, most of the time entiepieneuis will use a
few of the stiategies at the same time to make theii bluepiint uoable.
The five uiffeient stiategies aie:
1. To simplify youi mouel
2. To outsouice ceitain iesponsibilities anu piocesses
S. To hiie an employee oi two to immeuiately hanule ceitain functions, iesponsibilities anu
4. To leain how to uo some of the pieces youiself
S. To finu businesses oi othei entiepieneuis you can paitnei with to take moie off youi plate

So, let's take a closei look at each of these five stiategies in gieatei uepth. It's incieuibly impoitant that
you make youi bluepiint uoable. So if iight now it's not - think about each stiategy as I uiscuss them anu
how you might use it with youi bluepiint.
!'H85',E ;+0# O+2%5
If youi bluepiint cannot be fully executeu, simplifying it must be youi fiist step. 0bviously, as youi
business giows, youi business will be able to auu auuitional iesouices to uo moie anu make moie. But
you've got to get to that point fiist.
To simplify youi mouel, heie's what you uo: uo thiough each anu eveiy bianch of youi mouel. Foi each
bianch, ask youiself is this piocess, task, iesponsibility absolutely essential iight now."
If you'ie being tiuthful with youiself, you'll finu theie aie many bianches that aien't absolutely essential
iight now. Suie, you might make moie money if you uiu them, oi youi piouuct oi seivice might be bettei,
oi you'u giow a lot fastei..but the haiu colu ieality is that you can't uo it all, so you must uo what's
So, when asking youiself that question, "is this bianch absolutely essential iight now." - Foi anything
wheie youi answei is "no" you shoulu coloi coue with a iefeience to someuaymaybe. Then, latei on,
when you'ie giowing you can auu them back as you'ie able to uo moie.
0utsouicing (if uone the iight way) is anothei stiategy that'll make youi bluepiint uoable. I wiote about
the iight way to outsouice in my veiy fiist iepoit, 89" 1-*"!-"* ?30,-"00 @#-,2"0*'=
The biggest uistinction that I wiote about in the manifesto is the uiffeience between outsouicing anu out-
tasking. Nany entiepieneuis confuse the two so it's woith mentioning.
0ut-tasking is when you hiie an outsiue paity to hanule a specific task foi you. It's usually a one-time gig
anu the ciiteiia is often whom can I get to uo this foi the cheapest cost.
0ut-souicing is when you hiie an outsiue paity to consistently hanule a specific task, iesponsibility oi
piocess foi you. Because this is an ongoing ielationship foi youi business, the ciiteiia aie often uiffeient
fiom simply out-tasking when choosing who oi what company to outsouice to. You'll also consiuei
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 7u
ieliability, peifoimance level anu ease of woiking with, etc. 0f couise, you'll still consiuei cost too, but
it's no longei the only factoi.
Like I saiu, I go into moie uetail in the 1-*"!-"* ?30,-"00 @#-,2"0*', anu if you haven't ieau it, oi it's been a
while, it's woith ieauing (again).
If you aie contemplating outsouicing - when you go thiough each bianch - consiuei how much time the
task will take you, how often it neeus to be uone, is this something you can uo youiself, anu is this
something you shoulu even be uoing.
Let me give you two uiffeient examples fiom my pievious business to show you two uiffeient things I
outsouiceu foi two veiy uiffeient ieasons.
Back befoie I staiteu Stiategic Piofits, I hau a company that publisheu ebooks anu the like, foi new
paients. We put out at least an ebook a week. To maintain that speeu, we hau many outsouicing
ielationships - heie aie two of them:

1. Customei Suppoit - this was the fiist big iesponsibility we outsouiceu. The ieason foi uoing so
was that it took quite a bit of time, it wasn't a contiibutoi to oui oveiall piofit, anu we coulu have
otheis uo it cheapei than we coulu uo it ouiselves.

2. Site anu Page Cieation - while I was okay at using Fiontpage, I ceitainly wasn't a pio at setting up
a website (we hau a uiffeient site foi each ebook) oi making beautiful pages. So, I out-taskeu the
job until I founu Petei, who was the iueal canuiuate to outsouice to. We settleu on a ueal wheie he
got $2S to set the site up, link it with Clickbank anu get the opt-in boxes to populate oui auto-
iesponueis, etc. Be also got paiu $1S a page to layout anu coue. This was significantly cheapei
than what I was paying - but Petei agieeu because we guaianteeu he'u get at least one new site a
week. The ieason foi outsouicing all this was uiffeient than outsouicing customei seivice. The
ieason foi outsouicing this iole was I wasn't skilleu enough to uo it as goou, as quickly anu as
piofessionally as I coulu. That coupleu with how cheaply it coulu be uone maue this a no-biainei
to outsouice.

Keep these examples in minu when ieviewing youi bluepiint to see wheie outsouicing might make

Biiing employees is a vital step to one uay getting absolutely fiee of youi business. Nany entiepieneuis
mistakenly believe they can builu a business they'ie fiee fiom with just outsouiceis. But baseu on my
own expeiience, plus the thousanus of entiepieneuis I've coacheu, it almost nevei woiks out that way.
If you have employees alieauy, having youi bluepiint completeu can ensuie you'ie getting the most
mileage out of each anu eveiy one of them. What you'll neeu to uo is go thiough youi bluepiint anu begin
to assign as many iesponsibilities you can to them. You might have to iecieate theii job uesciiption (this
is almost always the case when you cieate a bluepiint) to encompass the changes youi bluepiint
iequiies. But, tiust me, it'll be incieuibly libeiating as you begin assigning them the iesponsibilities that
mattei most to youi business.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 71
If you uon't have any employees iight now, foi now just know this: Befoie you ueciue to hiie anyone you
neeu to have absolute claiity on what you want that employee to uo foi youi business. That means going
thiough youi business bluepiint anu picking out all the tasks, piocesses anu iesponsibilities that fit the
position. This way, you'll stait employees off iight, completely focuseu on taking iesponsibilities off youi
plate, anu giowing youi business.
If you aie ieauy to hiie youi fiist employee, but you'ie unsuie which position to hiie foi, I'll give you
moie guiuance on who anu when in a few pages fiom now, in a section titleu "The Cycle of uiowth &
Now, if theie aie ceitain activities on youi bluepiint that you'll want oi neeu to uo.. iight now, you uon't
know how to uo them. But, you will now know exactly what youi business neeus you to leain.
All you neeu to uo is go thiough youi bluepiint anu iuentify those things you'll be uoing (but uon't know
how) anu then piioiitize those activities baseu on theii impoitance to youi business anu the piofit
potential they'll uelivei.
You see, you shoulun't evei buy a piouuct oi piogiam because it's got limiteu supply, oi because so-anu-
so is uoing a big launch. That's what I call }ust-in-Case leaining anu it's almost nevei what'll have the
gieatest impact on youi business giowth.
Insteau, you shoulu piactice what I've labeleu as }ust-In-Time leaining. Anu, having youi piioiitizeu list
of what youi business neeus you to leain is absolutely necessaiy to uo it. }ust-in-time leaining is when
you know exactly what you neeu to leain iight now that'll have the most uiamatic impact on youi
business.anu then you make it youi mission to leain those things.
The uiffeience between }ust-in-Case leaining anu }ust-in-Time leaining is night anu uay. 0ne of the
biggest ieasons entiepieneuis fail online is theii ieliance on }ust-in-Case. But you won't make the same
mistake with the piioiitizeu list you've built fiom youi bluepiint.
The last stiategy we'll covei foi making an impossible to execute bluepiint possible is thiough
This is anothei one of those topics I coulu wiite a whole iepoit on. In fact, I cieateu a piouuct on it anu
you've been given it foi fiee as a bonus foi joining Founuei's Club. It's calleu "The Complete uuiue To
Bighly Successful Inteinet }oint ventuie Paitneiships" anu you can finu it in the bonus aiea of youi
viitual clubhouse.
Since I've given you a complete piouuct on this one topic, I ceitainly can't uo the topic the justice it
ueseives in this small section. But, I uo have one veiy impoitant concept to shaie with you.
Theie's a lot moie to paitneiing then simply the maiketing paitneiships like joint ventuies anu affiliate
ielationships. You can paitnei with anyone foi anything anu youi only constiaint is youi imagination.
You can paitnei to get access to piouucts, people, iesouices, you name it.
So, as you go thiough youi bluepiint, be cieative anu think about who oi what companies alieauy
peifoim this activity anu how you might be able to paitnei with them. Then simply ieach out anu see if
theie's a ueal that is uoable.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 72
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Theie's one final piece of auvice I have foi you ielating to youi bluepiint. Anu it ielates to the iole you
play in youi business as it giows.
The piimaiy iole you must play in youi business in its initial giowth stages is that of a iainmakei. Anu by
iainmakei, I mean you'ie the chief maiketei foi youi business - in othei woius, you'ie iesponsible foi
geneiating ievenues.
While it may be necessaiy iight now foi you to spenu time in opeiations, fulfillment, anu maiketing - you
ultimately want to eliminate the iolls you play in opeiations, limit the time you spenu in fulfillment, anu
maximize the time you spenu on maiketing. Naking this shift is manuatoiy. You have to tiansition youi
numbei one iesponsibility fiom 'opeiating the business' to 'giowing the business'.
What causes a lot of entiepieneuis to get tiappeu insiue theii business is what I call the feast oi famine
cycle. It looks like this: The entiepieneui has no customeis to seive, so they maiket anu sell like ciazy.
Then with the influx of new customeis they get so busy taking caie of them they no longei have time to
maiket. So foi a while, the entiepieneui feasts off the new customeis with little maiketing taking place.
Eventually, the business uoesn't have enough customeis again (a famine) anu the entiepieneui goes out
to bang the uiums once again. Anu the cycle iepeats itself ovei anu ovei.
It shoulu be obvious that it's almost impossible to get fiee of youi business if you opeiate this way. Not
only will this "feast oi famine" appioach to maiketing anu opeiations cause youi business piofits anu
giowth to suffei, ultimately so will youi peisonal fieeuom.
The one activity.of all business activities.within a giowth-oiienteu business that can
iepiioiitizeu oi ielegateu off to the siue is maiketing. Anu Founueis' unueistanu this funuamental
To illustiate this point, it only takes a quick scan of one of the ciitical axioms almost all Founueis opeiate
unuei within theii companies - "0peiations must always molu to maiketing; maiketing uoes not molu to
opeiations". Neaning: Naiketing must always iemain as the numbei one piioiity of the giowth oiienteu
D+%- A" <5'&1 F'"= ;+0# *0#8+-%i
0nce you know you can execute youi bluepiint, you've got two self-checks to make suie it's all koshei.
The fiist self-check we'll covei heie, the next one we'll covei in the veiy next section.
Eailiei in this iepoit, I walkeu you thiough an impoitant element of youi business that we'll use now to
make suie youi entiie bluepiint is aligneu with it. The element I'm talking about is the oveiall puipose
you uefineu (on page S9).
So, as you think about youi piofit mouel, anu the bluepiint you ueiiveu fiom it, ask youiself this: is my
business the way it's iepiesenteu in my bluepiint, seive anu in alignment with the puipose I uefineu
If youi answei is yes - goou can move on to the next self-check.
If its no - you've got two choices: change youi puipose oi change youi bluepiint. }ust make suie befoie
you finalize all the woik you've uone heie in this iepoit, that it all fits togethei anu is aligneu with a
puipose you tiuly believe in.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 7S

F'55 A" D%5'Q%# ;+0# A2%$5 P',%i
Listen to me: TINE is the iiietiievable, iiieplaceable element anu.. Y00 ARE R0NNINu 00T! Face it:
You hau a shoit time on this eaith the veiy moment you weie boin.
Bo you ieally want to waste 2S% of youi most piecious commouity staiing into a computei scieen.
Anothei 2S% sweating all the miniscule uetails of youi business. Saciificing anothei 1u% stuuying,
leaining anu keeping up to speeu on the latest online maiketing tactics. (Remembei, you sleep away
2S%-SS% of youi life iight out of the gate).
I suie hope not. No way! That's not what I want foi you. But that's exactly what'll happen to you if you
uon't take this next step. Think I'm kiuuing. }ust ask any oiuinaiy business ownei anu they'll set you
So, heie's the ueal.. scan ovei youi bluepiint.. anu ponuei one of the most impoitant questions of youi
If youi answei is no, you've got to iewoik youi bluepiint, maybe change youi piofit mouel, oi sciap the
business all togethei. Suie this is haiu news to take. I know that. But face it - you'ie bettei off knowing
this now iathei than latei.
If youi answei is yes, you've still got one moie thinking exeicise to complete. Look at the iueal life you
uefineu foi youiself on pages 17-2u, compaie it to all youi coloieu boxes on youi bluepiint. Think about
what boxes neeu to change to someone else's coloi foi youi uieam life to be youi eveiyuay life. Next,
figuie out which boxes you'll change to someone else's coloi fiist anu how you'll uo it.
Beie's what's going to happen. Eveiy time a box of youis changes coloi, you'll be one step closei to youi
iueal life. It'll cieate a fieeuom-momentum that'll make you attack youi business with moie intensity
than the uay befoie. Anu befoie you know it, you'll be FREE!

R+? >+ _-% ;+0# @50%8#'1"
If you've been with me eveiy step of the way. I envy you! Because what you now holu in youi hanus is
moie valuable than you iealize iight now. Anu I only wish I hau this map eailiei in my entiepieneuiial
Suie.. You know what you neeu to uo, leain, possible outsouice, hiie oi paitnei with. Anu that's moie
than you piobably thought was possible to figuie out in 76 pages.
You've also engineeieu a suppeu-up piofit mouel uesigneu to attiact, conveit anu ietain those (iueal)
customeis ceitain to giow youi business.
Anu you've uone it all foi the only ieason that matteis. To uet Noie 0ut 0f Youi Business Than You Put
Into It!
But it gets even bettei. Seiiously.
Because youi bluepiint will also:
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 74
Beteimine what you know anu what you neeu to know so you nevei waste time piacticing }ust-In-
Case Leaining anymoie. this way eveiy time you spenu time leaining, you see an immeuiate
jump in youi eainings too.

Belp you hiie the iight people at the iight time because you have absolute claiity on the ioles anu
iesponsibilities youi business neeus. this way with each anu eveiy job you outsouice, oi
employee you hiie you'ie one step closei to ieaching Founuei status anu the fieeuom that comes
along with it.

Keep youi maiketing enueavois tightly focuseu because you see cleaily what must be consistently
uone anu can easily spot oppoitunities to optimize what you'ie alieauy uoing as opposeu to
iushing blinuly to the next whiz-bang maiketing tactic oi stiategy.

Lay the founuation to systemize youi business. 0nce you've got the activities mappeu out on youi
bluepiint - the veiy next step is to take each anu eveiy one of those activities anu cieate a system
uocumenting the way it shoulu be uone so youi business gets bettei anu bettei anu the heauaches
anu fiie-fighting quickly uisappeai.

Bevelop accuiate job uesciiptions. Because you now have claiity on exactly which iesponsibilities
you neeu to hanu off, you can cieate job uesciiptions that cleaily list the all of these
iesponsibilities. It'll make hiiing the iight peison easiei, anu then managing those same people a

Nake suie nothing falls in between the ciacks. In almost eveiy business that isn't iun by a
bluepiint -- tasks, action-items, anu piocesses fiequently fall between the ciacks anu aie left
unuone. Anu eveiy time this happens it costs youi business money in lost oppoitunities anu
uisappointeu customeis. But this won't happen anymoie now that you have youi bluepiint.

Plus so many moie uses that will make youi business giow; theie simply isn't the space to covei
them all heie. We'll be coveiing moie uses in futuie issues, but foi now, you've got lots of new uses
that will ceitainly help you giow youi business
Anu with a business bluepiint you can have one peison hanule many functions, but you also can ensuie
that someone is hanuling all the functions, even if that someone is you the ownei.
F$- >='- 7%8+#" F#'""%1 /+# ;+0i
Tianspaiency is king. Especially nowauays wheie no seciet iemains a seciet foi long.
In the spiiit of tianspaiency, I'm going to shaie my piivate motivations foi what you've just gone thiough.
Theie aie thiee types of entiepieneuis who will ieau this iepoit.
1 - If you'ie ieauing this aftei having uone each exeicise in this iepoit, know this: You'ie well on youi
way to ieaching Founuei-status. Why. It's simple, each anu eveiy entiepieneui I've coacheu to
stiatospheiic success thinks like you uo! They uo all the woik necessaiy foi success - so. lo anu beholu.
they succeeu! Nassively!
2 - If you'ie ieauing this section aftei having uone some, but not all the exeicises. my fiienu, you've
come to the ciossioaus in youi entiepieneuiial life.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 7S
Why. Because you'ie closei to success than you iealize, but fuithei away than you want to be. Beie's
what I mean: You aie alieauy uoing moie than the masses. But you'ie shy of what ieally neeus to get
uone foi success. So, what's it going to be.
Will you ioll-up youi sleeves anu go back thiough this iepoit, uoing what you avoiueu.0R.will you
simply cast this iepoit asiue.cleaiing time so you can skim thiough something else - Something that
piomises success fastei anu easiei just like it shoulu be in business faiiytales (although nevei occuis in
the ieal woilu).
S - Last anu (as expecteu) least. You've lieu to youiself thiough each anu eveiy page of this iepoit.
Piomising youiself you'll come back latei anu uo the exeicises. It's the same piomise (oi shoulu I say
excuse.) you've useu befoie, eveiy time you've come face-to-face with having to extenu youiself in any
piogiam, piouuct, oi seivice - you iose to the challenge in youi minu.but nevei in youi actions.
It's time you weie calleu to task. 0nueistanu, almost eveiyone else will avoiu telling you the tiuth.
They'ie willing to play a iole in youi chaiaue. That is; as long as they piofit fiom you while you'ie uoing
Am I being tough, you bet! But only because I caie. I simply iefuse to be anothei one of the many voices
you heai that tells you what you want to heai anu not what you neeu to heai. As my mentoi }ay Abiaham
has saiu many times - "I uon't want to be youi intellectual enteitainment, but insteau I want to be a
catalyst to you having the business you've always uieameu about."
With that stateu, listen; all I can say to you is this:
What's it going to be. Aie you going to continue to tiaue youi haiu eaineu uollais foi nothing moie than
false hope. 0R. Aie you finally going to put in the effoit it'll take to have eveiything you want in youi
I wish I coulu choose foi you. But I can't. This is just one of those things you can only uo foi youiself.
>=% 4#+--a7+$2- C, ;+0# I1"#%8#%1%0#'$5 P',%
It's my sinceiest hope that you've giaspeu the impoitance of eveiything we've coveieu.
That you fully appieciate uoing the exeicises I've laiu out foi, because you will skyiocket youi chances of
having the successful business you've always uieameu about.
If you uo, then theie shoulun't be anything stopping you fiom uoing what neeus to be uone. If you'ie
seiious about youi business success - you'll tieat the concepts I laiu out foi you in this iepoit with the
iespect youi own success ueseives.
A3Q% A1Q%-"%2 A1 ;+0j
I believe the smaitest thing I coulu uo was go to the gieatest extieme possible to ovei-uelivei. To give
you an action guiue to give you eveiything you evei wanteu (but nevei aiticulateu) foi youi business.
Anu aftei giving this iepoit my final ieau thiough - I feel I've ueliveieu in spaues.
But, tiuth be tolu, while this iepoit lives up to my own stiict stanuaius. what ieally matteis is what you
think. Anu along those lines I'm cuiious to heai youi feeuback.
So, now that you'ie uone. tell me what you think.
!"#$"%&'( *#+,'"- . /+012%#3- 4506 . 7%8+#" 9: 76
You can shaie youi thoughts by emailing me at

C1% /'1$5 *+'1"
If you've gotten the value fiom this iepoit that I think you have - I just want to ieminu you of the goal I
shaieu with you eailiei in this iepoit.
I wanteu to put such a poweiful action guiue foi giowing youi business that you coulun't wait to talk to
otheis about it. Anu we uon't want youi positive buzz to go uniewaiueu. So, we've alieauy eniolleu you
in the Founuei's Club affiliate piogiam.
All you have to uo is shaie youi thoughts thiough whatevei platfoim you cuiiently have - anu use the
affiliate link to uiive youi ciicle of influence to getting theii hanus on this valuable infoimation.
I believe it's possible to uouble oui membeiship (with each iepoit) with this stiaightfoiwaiu appioach.
But what will ueteimine whethei oi not I'm iight oi wiong will be entiiely baseu on the actions you take.
So, I've wiitten the best iepoit I was capable of anu I've given you a financial incentive to spieau the
woiu. the iest is in youi hanus.

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