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Mustafa Deniz
, Burhan Gltekin
, Cem zgr Gerek
, Tevhid Atalk
"#k $adr%
, Muammer &rmi#
TBTAK UZAY, METU Campus 06531, Ankara, Turkey

Mi!e Eas" Te#$ni#a! Uni%ersi"y, Ankara, Turkey
&a#e""epe Uni%ersi"y, Ankara, Turkey
Abstract: "t has *een menti+ned in the literature that,
am+ng the multilevel inverter t+,+l+gies used f+r
-TATC.M a,,li%ati+ns, the %as%aded multilevel
t+,+l+g) is the m+st advantage+us and e%+n+mi%al
+ne' .n the +ther hand, the main ,r+*lem +f this
t+,+l+g) %+mes +ut t+ *e the diffi%ult) +f sustaining
the DC %a,a%it+rs/ mean v+ltages' This issue is ver)
im,+rtant f+r +*taining an +ut,ut v+ltage 0ith l+0
T1D and having e2ual devi%e stresses' "n this 0+rk, a
ne0 DC v+ltage *alan%ing meth+d 3-ele%tive4
-0a,,ing Alg+rithm5 f+r %as%aded multilevel inverter
*ased -TATC.M a,,li%ati+ns is investigated and the
results are given' M+re+ver, these results are
%+m,ared 0ith the +nes +*tained f+r the +ther DC
v+ltage e2ualizati+n meth+ds given in the literature'
Key Words: 'TATC(M, )ACT', Cas#ae Mu!"i!e%e!
*n%er"er, +,!"a-e .e-u!a"i,n
Alm+st all +f the im,lemented transmissi+n level
-TATC.Ms are multi,ulse *ased, *ut it %an *e seen in
the literature that multilevel %+nverter *ased
-TATC.Ms are re,la%ing the multi,ulse *ased +nes
678' Am+ng multilevel inverter 3M9"5 *ased
-TATC.Ms as re,+rted in the literature, %as%aded
%+nverter t+,+l+g) seems t+ *e the m+st ,referred
s%heme due t+ its m+dularit), and least num*er +f
%+m,+nents 6:8' Thus, the Cas%aded Multilevel
"nverter 0ith -tair%ase -0it%hing 3CM";--5 has *een
a h+t resear%h t+,i% re%entl)'
.ne +f the main %+ntr+l diffi%ulties in the %as%aded
M9" *ased -TATC.Ms is t+ *alan%e the DC %a,a%it+r
v+ltages, in +rder t+ maintain l+0 t+tal harm+ni%
dist+rti+n 3T1D5 in inverter +ut,ut v+ltage, e2ual
stresses +n the s0it%hes and %+rre%t eliminati+n +f the
un0anted l+0 +rder harm+ni%s su%h as the <th, =th,
et%' >+r this reas+n, the DC link v+ltages +f ever) 14
Bridge 31B5 sh+uld *e e2ual, 0hi%h means that a
relia*le %a,a%it+r v+ltage e2ualizati+n alg+rithm
sh+uld *e used' "n this 0+rk, a ne0 a,,r+a%h
3-ele%tive4-0a,,ing Alg+rithm5 *ased +n the use +f
s0it%h %+m*inati+n redundan%ies f+r e2ualizati+n +f
DC %a,a%it+r v+ltages has *een ,r+,+sed and the
results have *een %+m,ared 0ith th+se given in the
literature 6?, @8'
A nati+nal ,r+Ae%t has *een initiated t+ determine and
s+lve the ,+0er 2ualit) ,r+*lems +f Turkish
&le%tri%it) Transmissi+n -)stem' .ne +f the maA+r
su*,r+Ae%t ,a%kages +f the nati+nal ,r+Ae%t aims the
design and devel+,ment +f B<0MCAr, T4-TATC.M
,r+t+t),e f+r the ,ur,+ses +f ,rimaril) v+ltage
regulati+n at the @00kC and 7=0kC .D1 lines, and
se%+ndaril) im,r+ving the sta*ilit) limits'
The general s%hemati% +f the 94level C-C4*ased M9"
-TATC.M is given in >ig4' The ,hases +f this
t+,+l+g) %+nsist +f 1Bs %+nne%ted in series' >+r a
CM";-- 0ith nE?, there eFists three 1Bs and three
DC %a,a%it+rs f+r ea%h ,hase' -ele%tive harm+ni%
eliminati+n te%hni2ue is used in this stud)' This means
that the num*er +f inverter ,hase4neutral +ut,ut
v+ltage levels is given *) = 7 : = + = n / 0hereasG it
7? 7 @
= + = n /

f+r the inverter ,hase4t+4,hase
+ut,ut v+ltage' As the num*er +f 1Bs used in%reases,
the num*er +f harm+ni%s that %an *e eliminated fr+m
the +ut,ut v+ltage in%reases' Thus, the +ut,ut v+ltage
%+nverges t+ a sinus+idal 0avef+rm and the T1D
de%reases' "n -TATC.M +,erati+n, the M9" is
intended t+ ,r+du%e rea%tive ,+0er +nl), *ut due t+
the l+sses eFisting in the +verall s)stem, s+me real
,+0er is l+st, resulting in the variati+n +f mean
%a,a%it+r v+ltages'

Can Cbn
Cb1 Cc1
Eb Ec
Fig -%hemati% +f the 94level C-C4Based M9" -TATC.M
The real ,+0er fl+0 int+ and +ut +f the %a,a%it+rs is
%+ntr+lled *) adAusting ,hase differen%e 3H5 *et0een
the s)stem and inverter +ut,ut v+ltages' "n +rder t+
e2ualize the %a,a%it+r v+ltages in ea%h string, +ne +f
the %+nventi+nal meth+ds ad+,ted is t+ %+ntr+l the
t+tal DC %a,a%it+r v+ltage ,er ,hase *) adAusting H,
and individual DC %a,a%it+r v+ltages *) shifting
s0it%hing angles +f ea%h 1B *) an am+unt +f BIH 6:8'
1+0ever, this meth+d ma) give unsatisfa%t+r) results
as seen in >ig4'a f+r s+me +,erating ,+ints 3rea%tive
,+0er +ut,uts5, and %ause +s%illati+ns +r
divergen%e +f the %a,a%it+rs/ mean v+ltages,
*e%ause the %+rres,+nding J" ,arameters used t+
determine H and IH ma) *e time4%+nsuming, and
diffi%ult t+ find' M+re+ver, the J" %+ntr+ls +f H and IH
ma) intera%t 0ith ea%h +ther, resulting in insta*ilit)'
An+ther %+nventi+nal meth+d is t+ use H %+ntr+l +nl),
and t+ s0a, the s0it%hing angles f+r 1Bs in ever)
half4%)%le' 1+0ever, this meth+d %auses even m+re
+s%illati+ns in the %a,a%it+r mean v+ltages, and is n+t
sta*le f+r ever) rea%tive ,+0er referen%e 3Kref5 as seen
fr+m >ig4'*' .n the +ther handG the meth+d ,r+,+sed
in 6<8 uses different s0it%h %+m*inati+ns at the
instants +f level %hanges'
Fig -ingle Jhase Ca,a%it+r Mean C+ltage Cariati+ns f+r 3a5 HLIH
C+ntr+l, 3*5 H C+ntr+l and M+tati+nal -0a,,ing
This meth+d *e%+mes unsatisfa%t+r) f+r high ,+0er
a,,li%ati+ns 0ith l+0 DC %a,a%it+r v+ltage values' "n
+rder t+ im,r+ve this meth+d *ased +n the s0it%h
%+m*inati+n redundan%ies, a ne0 alg+rithm is
"n +rder t+ s+lve the un*alan%e ,r+*lem in %a,a%it+r
DC v+ltages, sele%tive s0a,,ing +f s0it%hing angles,
0hi%h makes use +f s0it%h redundan%) %+m*inati+ns
+f 1Bs, is a,,lied multi,le times during mid4levels, if
ne%essar)' T+ sh+0 the effe%tiveness +f the meth+d
,r+,+sed herein, a ?4,hase, =4level inverter *ased
-TATC.M has *een investigated 3>ig4?5' A t),i%al =4
level inverter +ut,ut v+ltage 0avef+rm has levels
N?Cd%, N: Cd%, NCd%, 0, 4Cd%, 4:Cd%, and 4?Cd% 3>ig4@5'
"nstead +f s0a,,ing the angles ever) half %)%le, a
l+gi%al %+m*inati+n +f 1Bs that 0ill *e in %+ndu%ti+n
is determined at mid4levels N: Cd%, NCd%, 4Cd%, and
4:Cd%' &a%h %a,a%it+r v+ltages are measured in ea%h
,hase, and the) are s+rted 0ith res,e%t t+ their
instantane+us values' Als+, m+nit+ring the %urrent
dire%ti+n, the alg+rithm determines 0hether the
inverter is in %harging m+de +r dis%harging m+de' The
aim is t+ %harge the %a,a%it+r 0ith the l+0est v+ltage
0hen the inverter is in %harging m+de, theref+re the
1B3s5 0ith the l+0est %a,a%it+r v+ltage3s5 is 3are5
taken int+ %+ndu%ti+n' .n the +ther hand, 0hen the
inverter is in dis%harging m+de, the 1B3s5 0ith the
highest %a,a%it+r v+ltage3s5 is 3are5 taken int+
%+ndu%ti+n' This +,erati+n %an *e a,,lied at the
instant +f level %hanges +nl) %+rres,+nding t+ ,+ints
A7, B7,O,17 in >ig' @' 1+0ever, it is needed t+ a,,l)
sele%tive s0a,,ing m+re fre2uentl), 0hen the ri,,le
fa%t+r, 3
5 ' ' 3 C + +
#se" ra"e
5 is high, 0here Krated
is the maFimum rea%tive ,+0er +ut,ut, Crated is the
rated +ut,ut AC v+ltage, and C is the %a,a%itan%e +f
ever) %a,a%it+r'
T+ s+lve the ,r+*lem +f %hanging mean %a,a%it+r
v+ltages, as a ne0 a,,r+a%h ,r+,+sed in this 0+rk,
sele%tive s0a,,ing +f s0it%hing ,ulses %an *e a,,lied
several times additi+nall) at %riti%al ,+ints *et0een A7
P An, B7 P Bn, O, 17 P 1n during all the mid4levels
seen in >ig4@' Thresh+lds are defined f+r %a,a%it+r
v+ltages in +rder t+ de%ide 0hether an+ther s0a,,ing
is needed +r n+t' As a result, the num*er +f s0a,,ings
f+r ea%h mid4level ma) *e different' 1+0ever, the
minimum durati+n *et0een t0+ %+nse%utive
s0a,,ings 3Ts0a,5 %an *e +,timized' "t is +*vi+us that
the s0it%hing l+sses +f the inverter 0ill in%rease f+r
the ,r+,+sed meth+d, s+ a %+m,r+mise sh+uld *e
made, %+nsidering *et0een %a,a%itan%e values and
s0it%hing l+ss'
A @00C, B700kCAr ?4,hase =4level -TATC.M
,r+t+t),e given in >ig4? 0ith the ,arameters 9aE
7'Qm1, and C E ::m>D1B has *een simulated *)
using &MTDCDJ-CAD v@':' The ,r+t+t),e res,+nds
t+ rea%tive ,+0er demand *) %hanging the m+dulati+n
indeF 3m5 6Q8' -ele%tive harm+ni% eliminati+n meth+d
Fig! T),i%al .ut,ut Jhase C+ltage +f the "nverter
Fig" Jra%ti%al -0it%hing -ignals f+r the R,,er Devi%es +f a 1B
3-1&M5 is a,,lied as the m+dulati+n te%hni2ue' The
,r+,+sed v+ltage e2ualizati+n meth+d is a,,lied 0ith
Ts0a, E @00Sse%s' A ,ra%ti%al s0it%hing fre2uen%) f+r
an) semi%+ndu%t+r is ar+und :<04?00 1z at maFimum
as seen in >ig4<, sin%e there is n+ need f+r s0a,,ing
+,erati+n f+r levels N?Cd%, 0, and 4?Cd% and, the
s0a,,ing +,erati+n f+r mid 4 levels is a,,lied ever)
@00 Sse%s, if it is needed' The s0it%hing fre2uen%)
0ill *e mu%h less 3ar+und 7<04:00 1z5 f+r a high
v+ltage4high ,+0er s)stem 0ith m+re 14Bridge
m+dules ,er ,hase' As seen in >ig4Q, f+r a simulati+n
lasting < se%+nds, the average s0it%hing fre2uen%) +f
an) devi%e is ar+und :<0 1z f+r the t+,+l+g) under
%+nsiderati+n' ;hile %h++sing the Ts0a, value, the
main aim is t+ limit the DC %a,a%it+r mean v+ltage
variati+ns *) 7T 0hereasG sustaining the s0it%hing
l+sses +f the devi%es negle%ted %+m,ared t+ the
%+ndu%ti+n l+sses' C+m,aris+n results f+r different
values +f Ts0a, are given in Ta*le47' The %a,a%it+rs/
mean v+ltage 0avef+rms and rea%tive ,+0er res,+nse
are given in >ig4= and >ig4U f+r the ,r+,+sed meth+d'
C+nventi+nal meth+ds f+r e2ualizati+n +f DC
%a,a%it+r mean v+ltages d+ n+t give satisfa%t+r)
results f+r all +,erating ,+ints +f M9" *ased %as%aded
v+ltage s+ur%e -TATC.M a,,li%ati+ns' The ,r+,+sed
meth+d *ased +n a sele%tive4s0a,,ing alg+rithm has
sh+0n *etter ,erf+rman%e in *alan%ing the DC link
v+ltages than %+nventi+nal meth+ds, es,e%iall) f+r
l+0 %a,a%it+r v+ltage, high ,+0er a,,li%ati+ns' The
&MTDCDJ-CAD simulati+ns %arried +ut +n a ?4
,hase, =4level M9" *ased -TATC.M have sh+0n the
su%%ess +f the ,r+,+sed meth+d f+r all +,erating
,+ints' The meth+d %an *e +,timized *) %hanging the

A1 An
B1 Bn C1 Cn
Dn D1
E1 En
F1 Fn G1 Gn
H1 Hn
Fig# Bl+%k Diagram +f the Cas%aded =49evel "nverter Jr+t+t),e
minimum ,eri+d *et0een t0+ %+nse%utive s0a,,ings
3Ts0a,5 in +rder t+ minimize the ri,,le fa%t+r and the
T1D +f inverter +ut,ut v+ltage' A %+m,r+mise sh+uld
*e made *et0een s0it%hing l+ss and value +f
%a,a%itan%e 3andD+r T1D5'
Fig$ T+tal Vum*er +f -0it%hings f+r the R,,er Devi%es +f All ?
Jhases f+r Durati+n +f < -e%+nds
678 9ai W' et al', XMultilevel C+nverters4A Ve0
Breed +f J+0er C+nvertersY, "&&& Trans' "nd'
A,,', v+l'?:, V+'?, ,,'<0Z4<7=, Ma)DWune 7ZZQ
6:8 Jeng >'[' et al', XA Multilevel C+ltage4-+ur%e
"nverter 0ith -e,arate DC -+ur%es f+r -tati% Car
C+nvertersY, "&&& Trans' "nd' A,,', v+l'?:,
V+'<, ,,'77?0477?U, -e,D.%t 7ZZQ
132 Jeng >'[' et al', XA J+0er 9ine C+nditi+ner
Rsing Cas%ade Multilevel "nverters f+r
Distri*uti+n -)stemsY, "&C.V Z=, v+l':, ,,'@?=4
132 Jatil \'C' et al', XDistri*uti+n -)stem
C+m,ensati+n using a ne0 Binar) Multilevel
C+ltage -+ur%e "nverterY, "&&& Trans' +n J+0er
Deliver), v+l'7@, V+':, ,,'@<Z4@Q@, A,ril 7ZZZ
6<8 -irisuk,rasert -', XM+deling and C+ntr+l +f a
Cas%aded 4 Multilevel C+nverter 4 Based
-TATC.MY, Jh' D Dissertati+n, >e*ruar) :00@
6Q8 Cem zgr Gerek, X-eri Ba]l Tam \^,rl
$+k -evi)eli -TATC.M Jr+t+ti,i TasarmY,
&M. _a)n` -\D:00QD<D7'% -a)fa 7<747<Q
&9&C., Aralk :00Q
Fig% Ca,a%it+rs/ Mean C+ltage Cariati+ns
Tab&'( C+m,aris+n +f the -)stem Jerf+rman%es f+r Different Ts0a, Calues
Fig) Mea%tive J+0er Mes,+nse

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