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Word can deeply hardly express our sense of

gratitude to our esteemed teacher especially Mr.
Mehtab Alam Sir, H.O.D of computer science, for
his invaluable support especially in the S/W
Engineering concept, our proect guide
Mr.Sami_Patel for his guidance in the concept of
!ast but not the least, "e also than# other
teacher and people "ho directly or indirectly
helped us in ma#ing this proect success.
Thanking You,

Smart Planner An Academic Project
Smart Planner
An Academic Project
Hu##ain. H. "harma$
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 2

Smart Planner An Academic Project
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 3
Smart Planner An Academic Project
We are thankul to our proe!!or """"" or their great !upport and guidance.
We would al!o like to thank our riend! "" or their timel# co$operation and help.
Thank #ou or all tho!e who ha%e directl# or indirectl# contri&uted toward! making
thi! project !ucce!!ul.
Hu##ain H. "harma$
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 4
Smart Planner An Academic Project
()i!ting S#!tem!.......................................................................................................................6
Propo!ed S#!tem.......................................................................................................................7
+e,uirement! Anal#!i!............................................................................................................9
+e,uirement -n%e!tigation................................................................................................9
+e,uirement Speci.cation.................................................................................................9
/ea!i&ilit# Stud#.......................................................................................................................10
Technical /ea!i&ilit#............................................................................................................10
'perational /ea!i&ilit#.......................................................................................................10
(conomic /ea!i&ilit#...........................................................................................................10
0ardware and Sotware +e,uirement.............................................................................11
Operating System: Certified distribti!n !f "in#........................................................................11
1ata 1ictionar#........................................................................................................................13
2!er Pa!!word3.....................................................................................................................13
Addre!! Book3.......................................................................................................................14
Project Proce!!3........................................................................................................................15
Conte)t *e%el........................................................................................................................18
/ir!t *e%el...............................................................................................................................18
Page (%ent!...........................................................................................................................19
Addre!! Book........................................................................................................................21
*ink 'rgani5er......................................................................................................................21
Structure 1iagram..................................................................................................................22
Se,uence 1iagram!...............................................................................................................23
Technologie! u!ed...................................................................................................................29
6SP 76a%a Ser%er Page!8.....................................................................................................30
Apache Tomcat.....................................................................................................................31
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
$%ailing to plan is planning to fail.&, Alan *akein.
Time i! a preciou! commodit#: e%er#one get! an e,ual !hare &ut we u!e it
%er# di;erentl#. We al!o look at time %er# di;erentl#. A&out <=> o u! are
pre!ent and uture oriented? @@> are mainl# uture oriented? A> are pre!ent
oriented and onl# B> o u! ocu! on the pa!t. Societie! ha%e di;erent
attitude! toward time? !ome are ru!hed and punctual? other are rela)ed and
di!regard the clock. Succe!!ul manager!? proe!!ional!? and !tudent! are
uture or goal oriented. Producti%e people ha%e !et their prioritie! and
!cheduled their time accordingl#.
When current need! demand #our attention? whether that i! &ecau!e the
amil# mu!t &e ed or #ou Cmu!tC ha%e a good time with riend!? it &ecome!
harder to careull# plan or the uture. 'ur !ituation and need! inDuence our
time orientation? &ut our time orientation 7and need!8 can &e changed?
leading to more !ucce!! in lie. That i! wh# !cheduling i! !o important: it
ena&le! #ou to order #our u!e o time !o that #ou can achie%e #our goal! in
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 6
Smart Planner An Academic Project
E'i#%ing S(#%&m#
Planner i! not a new concept. 1iarie!? calendar!? note &ook!? appointment
&ook!? !pecial !cheduler!? e%ent planner! are u!ed e%er#where or recording
e%ent!. The!e da#! mo!t computer and cell phone operating !#!tem! come
with !ome kind o !cheduling !otware. (%er#one want! to manage time u!ing
di;erent tool!.
We ha%e !tudied two o the mo!t re,uentl# u!ed calendar application! to
under!tand their merit! and limitation!.
B. 4icro!ot 'utlook Calendar
E. Foogle Calendar
Both are Dooded with unctionalitie!. The# ha%e attracti%e interace! and al!o
come with !ome kind o data&a!e con%er!ion acilitie!. 4icro!ot 'utlook? or
in!tance? al!o com&ine! !cheduler with email manager and i! %er# u!er
riendl#. So what are the limitation!G A! per our o&!er%ation! the primar#
limitation! o the!e application! are a! ollow!3
4icro!ot 'utlook
B. *imited acce!!3 Thi! i! the primar# limitation. The application can onl# &e
acce!!ed rom the de!ktop it i! in!talled. -n thi! age when u!er! tend to
acce!! multiple !#!tem! during a da#? like a computer at home? their mo&ile
phone while tra%elling and at a de!ktop or laptop or per!onal u!age? the#
would like to ha%e acce!! to their planner rom each o the!e !#!tem!.
E. Platorm dependenc#3 4icro!ot 'utlook i! platorm dependent. 1i;erent
%er!ion! would &e re,uired to &e maintained or di;erent operating !#!tem!
like Window!? *inu) and 4ac 'S H.
@. Co!t3 4icro!ot 'utlook i! an e)pen!i%e application. A !tandalone %er!ion
co!t! a&out I BJK 7appro). L?JKK8.
J. Mon intuiti%e3 Since the application i! !o rich in unctionalitie!? the u!age i!
le!! intuiti%e or a new u!er. 0ence the u!er need! to !pend !igni.cant
amount o time learning the di;erent eature! that the application o;er!.
Foogle Calendar
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
Propo!ed S#!tem
-magine a &u!ine!! proe!!ional carr#ing thing! like calendar? calculator?
phone&ook? clock? appointment &ook etc. with him all the time where he tra%el! &ut
what i #ou get it on a !ingle page with le!! e;ort!G Smart Planner i! a !ingle
application or all tho!e eature!. An#thing that keep! #ou inormed and organi5ed
can &e pulled in rom the we& to &e !een at a glance. -t make! it ea!# to !tore?
manage and organi5e inormation. And thi! inormation can &e a! !imple a! one line
ta!k or reminder!.
The ollowing are the main o&jecti%e! or the application to meet3
B. -t !hould &e !imple and ea!# to under!tand a! well a! operate.
E. The data !tored %ia the planner !hould &e !ecure.
@. -t !hould acilitate all the &a!ic ta!k! that a u!er would e)pect rom a planner.
The ollowing would &e the !cope o the application3
1. 2!er Admini!tration3 -n u!er admini!tration u!er can login u!ing u!ername and
pa!!word. Mew u!er ha! to !u&mit u!ername? pa!!word and other detail! to !ign
2. Appointment Admini!tration3 /or appointment admini!tration u!er ha! to !u&mit
date? time? and detail! o appointment. 2!er can delete appointment! that are
not re,uired. All appointment! can &e !een in one glance u!ing the NShow
AppointmentO unction.
3. Phone &ook Admini!tration3 /or addre!! &ook admini!tration u!er ha! to !u&mit
name? addre!!? phone no.? e$mail addre!! o contact per!on. 2!er can delete
addre!! &ook record! according to which data&a!e will &e updated. 2!er can !ee
all record! in one glance u!ing NShow Addre!!e!O unction.
4. +eminder Admini!tration3 /or reminder admini!tration u!er ha! to !u&mit date?
time and detail! o reminder. 2!er can al!o delete unwanted reminder!. 2!er can
!ee all reminder! in one glance u!ing NPiew AllO unction.
The 4ain !creen will contain all the!e module!. -t will al!o &e pro%ided with !ome
utilitie! namel# calendar? calculator? clock and a !earch engine. Thi! !creen will &e
di;erent or each u!er to pro%ide a !ecure interace.
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
B. Addre!! Book
E. +eminder!
@. Appointment!
J. *ink 'rgani5er.
B. 2!er riendl#
E. +elia&le
@. /a!t
J. Scala&le
B. 'rgani5e inormation the wa# #ou want
E. 4anage #our project! ,uickl# and eQcientl#? !a%ing #ou time
@. Track ta!k! and remem&er deadline!
J. +eorgani5e ea!il# whene%er #our need! change
<. Cu!tomi5ation to #our !peci.c need! and circum!tance!
L. Powerul eature! when #ouRre read# to u!e them
=. -nternet and multi$u!er network acce!! or team colla&oration
S. Allow! #ou to add and update #our ta!k! in !econd! $ and then get on with
doing them.
A. /ull# cu!tomi5a&le to your re,uirement!.
BK.0elp! #ou manage and colla&orate with #our team on project! o an# !i5e.
BB.*e!! maintenance.
BE.*e!! operation.
B@.Mo paper work.
BJ.Current and up to date inormation i! a%aila&le.
B<.*e!! po!!i&ilit# o human error!.
BL.Pariou! kind! o report! are helpul or ,uick deci!ion making.
B=.(a!# to handle.
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 9
Smart Planner An Academic Project
!&)uir&m&n%# Ana$(#i#
Thi! in%ol%e! anal#5ing the re,uirement! that the planner mu!t meet.
+e,uirement -n%e!tigation
Thi! acti%it# i! at the heart o !#!tem anal#!i!. 2!ing a %ariet# o tool! and !kill!
anal#!t !tud# the current !#!tem and document! it! eature! or urther anal#!i!.
+e,uirement in%e!tigation relie! on the act$.nding techni,ue!.
/act /inding Techni,ue!3
The %er# .r!t and important !tep in the .eld o !#!tem anal#!i! and de!igning i! to
collect the re,uired inormation o the !#!tem in a detailed manner. Thi! i!
!uppo!ed to &e carried out ater the !tud# o the !#!tem to under!tand the act!
regarding the !#!tem.
There are our act .nding techni,ue! in the pha!e o !#!tem anal#!i!3
+ecord +e%iew!
We ha%enOt u!ed the .r!t three techni,ue! to .nd act! a! thi! project i! not
de%eloped or a particular organi5ation &ut an independent utilit#. So act! are
collected &# o&!er%ing and reerring %ariou! !cheduler pattern! and package!. We
anal#5ed arrangement and !cope o the a%aila&le &u!ine!! !cheduler package! or
comparati%e !tud# o u!er riendline!! and eQcienc#.
+e,uirement Speci.cation
The data produced during act$.nding in%e!tigation are anal#5ed to determine
re,uirement !peci.cation. Thi! i! the de!cription o eature! or new !#!tem.
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 10
Smart Planner An Academic Project
F&a#i*i$i%( S%u+(
Technical /ea!i&ilit#
The technical a!pect o ea!i&ilit# i! largel# concerned with an!wering the ,ue!tion!
who? wh#? where? when? what and how much in the conte)t o &oth e)i!ting and
propo!ed !#!tem. An in%e!tigation o pre!ent procedure i! needed in order to
identi# the %olume!? trend!? re,uencie! that will ! a;ect the de!ign o
an# computer &a!ed !#!tem.
Ba!ed on .nding! o the in%e!tigation? we de!igned input !creen!? output report!
their accepta&ilit# to the u!er compared with other !imilar package! and correction
i! done where%er nece!!ar#.
'perational /ea!i&ilit#
Ba!ic a!!umption in our project i! u!er !hould &e computer literate and know! ta!k
!cheduling. 'ur input !creen! are amiliar with their e)i!ting data proce!!ing
en%ironment. 'ne or Two hour! o training i! !uQcient to train the u!er! o thi!
(conomic /ea!i&ilit#
-n the economic e%aluation we were concerned with comparing the co!t o doing
thing! in a particular wa# to the &ene.t!. We ha%e de!igned thi! !otware or an
open !ource *inu) gTT en%ironment. We are planning to o;er thi! !otware or all
a! a reeware ater te!ting. So u!er would not need to purcha!e thi! utilit#.
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 11
Smart Planner An Academic Project
Har+,ar& an+ So-%,ar& !&)uir&m&n%
Below are the re,uirement! or the !er%er3
Proce!!or3 An# Pentium J or higher proce!!or
4emor#3 4inimum E FB or higher.
A%aila&le 1i!k Space3 4inimum EK FB.
-nternet Connection3 E<L 4BPS or higher
'perating S#!tem3 Certi.ed di!tri&ution o *inu)
6a%a +untime3 6a%a (( < or higher
1ata&a!e3 4#S9* < or higher
We& !er%er3 Apache Tomcat <.< or higher
En%i%( !&$a%ion#hi. Diagram
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
1ata 1ictionar#
2!er Pa!!word3

/ield Mame Ue# Statu! 1ata T#pe 1e!cription
*ogin-d Primar# ke# -nteger 2!er! -1
2!ername Te)t Mame o u!er
Pa!!word Te)t 2!er! pa!!word
/ir!t name Te)t /ir!t name o 2!er
*a!t name Te)t *a!t name o 2!er
Fender Te)t Fender o u!er
Bdate 1ate 1ate o &irth o 2!er
Addre!!B Te)t /ir!t line o addre!!
Addre!!E Te)t Second line o addre!!
Cit# Te)t Mame o Cit#
State Te)t Mame o the State
Countr# Te)t Mame o Countr#
Pin Code -nteger Pin code
Phno -nteger Phone Mum&er
4o& -nteger 4o&ile Mum&er
(id Te)t (mail -d
Securit# 9 Parchar Challenge ,ue!tion B
Securit# A Parchar Challenge ,ue!tion E
/ield Mame Ue# Statu! 1ata T#pe 1e!cription
PU /oreign Ue# -nteger +eerence to +egi!ter
Apno Primar# Ue# -nteger Primar# ke# o ta&le
1ate Parchar 1ate o Appointment
Aname Parchar Mame o Attendee
Time Parchar Time o Appointment
*ocation Parchar Place o Appointment
1e! Parchar 1e!cription o Appointment
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 14
Smart Planner An Academic Project

/ield Mame Ue# Statu! 1ata T#pe 1e!cription
4no Primar# Ue# -nteger Primar# ke# o 4eeting!
1ate Parchar 1ate o 4eeting
Su& Parchar Su&ject o 4eeting
Time Parchar Time o 4eeting
Place Parchar Place 4eeting
+emark Parchar +emark!

/ield Mame Ue# Statu! 1ata T#pe 1e!cription
PU /oreign Ue# -nteger +eerence to +egi!ter
TMo Primar# Ue# -nteger Primar# ke# o Ta!k
/date 1ate Starting 1ate o ta!k
*date 1ate (nding 1ate o ta!k
1e!crip Parchar 1e!cription o Ta!k
Addre!! Book3

/ield Mame Ue# Statu! 1ata T#pe 1e!cription
PU /oreign Ue# -nteger +eerence to +egi!ter
Adno Primar# Ue# -nteger Primar# ke# o add&k
Mame Parchar /ir!t Mame o Per!on
*a!t Parchar *a!t Mame o Per!on
AddB Parchar /ir!t Addre!!
AddE Parchar Second Addre!!
Phre! -nteger +e!idence Phone Mo.
Pho -nteger 'Qce Phone Mo.
Phmo -nteger 4o&ile Mum&er
(id Parchar (mail -d
/ield Mame Ue# Statu! 1ata T#pe 1e!cription
PU /oreign Ue# -nteger +eerence to +egi!ter
*no Primar# Ue# -nteger Primar# ke# o *ink
2rl Parchar 2.+.*. o *ink
1e!cri Parchar 1e!cription o *ink
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 15
Smart Planner An Academic Project
Project Proce!!3
B. 2S(+ A14-M-ST+AT-'M
B.B.C+(AT( *'F-M
B.B.B. F(M(+AT( *'F-M -1
B.B.E. PA*-1AT( P(+S'MA* 1(TA-*S
B.B.@. PA*-1AT( PASSW'+1 P+'C(12+( 1(TA-*S
B.B.J. C+(AT( 2S(+ *'F-M
B.B.<. 2P1AT( 2S(+ 1B
B.E.4'1-/Y *'F-M 1(TA-*S
B.E.B. *'F-M
B.E.E. 1-SP*AY 1(TA-*S
B.E.@. PA*-1AT( C0AMF(S
B.E.J. 2P1AT( 2S(+ 1B
B.@.1(*(T( *'F-M
B.@.B. *'F-M
B.@.E. 1-SP*AY ACC'2MT 1(TA-*S
B.@.@. F(T C'M/-+4AT-'M
B.@.J. 1(*(T-'M P+'C(12+(
B.@.<. 2P1AT( 1B
B.J.C0AMF( PASSW'+1 P+'C(12+(
B.J.B. *'F-M
B.J.E. PA*-1AT( PASSW'+1
B.J.@. PA*-1AT( M(W PASSW'+1
B.J.J. 2P1AT( 2S(+ 1B
B.<./'+F'T PASSW'+1 P+'C(12+(
B.<.B. PA*-1AT( (4A-*
B.<.E. PA*-1AT( 92(ST-'M AM1 AMSW(+
B.<.@. PA*-1AT( M(W PASSW'+1
B.<.J. 2P1AT( 2S(+ 1B
E.B.E. 1AT( S(*(CT-'M
E.B.@. S(T APP'-MT4(MT 1T*S
E.B.J. PA*-1AT( APP'-MT4(MT ATT(M1(( 1T*S
E.B.<. 2P1AT( APP'-MT4(MT 1B
E.B.L. 2P1AT( ATT(M1(( 1B
E.E.4'1-/Y APP'-MT4(MT 1(TA-*S
E.E.E. APP'-MT4(MT S(*(CT-'M
E.E.@. 1-SP*AY APP'-MT4(MT 1(TA-*S
E.E.J. 1-SP*AY ATT(M1(( *-ST
E.E.<. C0(CU 1AT(S
E.E.=. 2P1AT( APP'-MT4(MT 1B
E.E.S. 2P1AT( ATT(M1(( 1B
E.@.1(*(T( APP'-MT4(MT
E.@.E. APP'-MT4(MT S(*(CT-'M
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 16
Smart Planner An Academic Project
E.@.@. 1-SP*AY APP'-MT4(MT 1(TA-*S
E.@.J. 2P1AT( APP'-MT4(MT 1B
E.@.<. 2P1AT( ATT(M1(( 1B
E.J.E. S(A+C0 P+'C(SS
E.J.E.B. PA*-1AT( S(A+C0 C+-T(+-A
E.J.E.E. S(+AC0 P+'C(SS
E.J.@. 1-SP*AY +(S2*T
@. TASU A14-M-ST+AT-'M
@.B.E. 1AT( S(*(CT-'M
@.B.@. S(T TASU 1T*S
@.B.J. 2P1AT( TASU 1B
@.E.4'1-/Y TASU 1(TA-*S
@.E.E. TASU S(*(CT-'M
@.E.@. 1-SP*AY TASU 1(TA-*S
@.E.J. C0(CU 1AT(S
@.E.<. PA*-1AT( C0AMF(S
@.E.L. 2P1AT( TASU 1B
@.@.1(*(T( TASU
@.@.B. 1-SP*AY TASUS
@.@.E. TASU S(*(CT-'M
@.@.@. 1-SP*AY TASU 1(TA-*S
@.@.J. 2P1AT( TASU 1B
@.J.E. S(A+C0 P+'C(SS
@.J.E.B. PA*-1AT( S(A+C0 C+-T(+-A
@.J.E.E. S(+AC0 P+'C(SS
@.J.@. 1-SP*AY +(S2*T
J. P0'M( B''U A14-M-ST+AT-'M
J.B.B. PA*-1AT( MA4( V A11+(SS 1T*S
J.B.@. 2P1AT( P0'M( B''U 1B
J.E.1(*(T( (MT+Y
J.E.B. 1-SP*AY (MT+-(S
J.E.E. S(*(CT (MT+Y
J.E.@. 1(*(T( (MT+Y
J.E.J. 2P1A( P0'M( B''U 1B
J.@.P0'M( B''U B+'WS(+
J.@.B. 1-SP*AY A11+(SS B''U (MT+-(S
J.@.E. (MT+Y S(*(CT-'M
J.@.@. 1-SP*AY 1(TA-*S
<. S(T +(4-M1(+
<.B.S(T +(4-M1(+
<.B.B. PA*-1AT( 1AT( T-4( 1(TA-*S
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
<.B.E. PA*-1AT( +(4-M1(+ T(HT 1(TA-*S
<.B.@. +(4-M1(+ S(*(CT-'M
<.B.J. 2P1AT( +(4-M1(+ 1B
<.E.(H(C2T( +(4-M1(+
<.E.B. C0(CU 1AT( T-4(
<.E.E. (H(C2T( +(4-M1(+ ACT-'M
<.@.1(*(T( +(4-M1(+S
<.@.B. 1-SP*AY +(4-M1(+ *-ST
<.@.E. +(4-M1(+ S(*(CT-'M
<.@.@. C'M/-+4 1(*(T-'M
<.@.J. 1(*(T( +(4-M1(+
L. *-MU '+FAM-W(+
L.B.B. PA*-1AT( MA4( V 2+* 1T*S
L.B.E. 2P1AT( *-MU 1B
L.E.1(*(T( (MT+Y
L.E.B. 1-SP*AY 2+* *-ST
L.E.E. S(*(CT *-MU
L.E.@. 1(*(T( *-MU
L.E.J. 2P1A( *-MU 1B
L.@.*-MU B+'WS(+
L.@.B. 1-SP*AY *-MU *-ST
L.@.E. *-MU S(*(CT-'M
L.@.@. (H(C2T( *-MU
=. +(P'+T F(M(+AT'+
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Da%a/o, Diagram#
Conte)t *e%el
/ir!t *e%el
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Page (%ent!
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Addre!! Book
*ink 'rgani5er
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S%ru0%ur& Diagram
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S&)u&n0& Diagram#
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
T&0hno$ogi&# u#&+
6a%a i! a programming language originall# de%eloped &# 6ame! Fo!ling at Sun
4icro!#!tem! 7which i! now a !u&!idiar# o 'racle Corporation8 and relea!ed in
BAA< a! a core component o Sun 4icro!#!tem!R 6a%a platorm. The language
deri%e! much o it! !#nta) rom C and CTT &ut ha! a !impler o&ject model and
ewer low$le%el acilitie!. 6a%a application! are t#picall# compiled to &#tecode 7cla!!
.le8 that can run on an# 6a%a Pirtual 4achine 76P48 regardle!! o computer
architecture. 6a%a i! a general$purpo!e? concurrent? cla!!$&a!ed? o&ject$oriented
language that i! ! de!igned to ha%e a! ew implementation dependencie!
a! po!!i&le. -t i! intended to let application de%eloper! Cwrite once? run an#whereC.
6a%a i! currentl# one o the mo!t popular programming language! in u!e? and i!
widel# u!ed rom application !otware to we& application!.
/eature! and Bene.t!3
B. Platorm -ndependence
The Write$'nce$+un$An#where ideal ha! not &een achie%ed 7tuning or
di;erent platorm! u!uall# re,uired8? &ut clo!er than with other language!.
E. '&ject 'riented
'&ject oriented throughout $ no coding out!ide o cla!! de.nition!?
including main78.
An e)ten!i%e cla!! li&rar# a%aila&le in the core language package!.
@. CompilerX-nterpreter Com&o
Code i! compiled to &#tecode! that are interpreted &# a 6a%a %irtual
machine! 76P48 .
Thi! pro%ide! porta&ilit# to an# machine or which a %irtual machine ha!
&een written.
The two !tep! o compilation and interpretation allow or e)ten!i%e code
checking and impro%ed !ecurit#.
J. +o&u!t
()ception handling &uilt$in? !trong t#pe checking 7that i!? all data mu!t &e
declared an e)plicit t#pe8? local %aria&le! mu!t &e initiali5ed.
<. Se%eral dangerou! eature! o C V CTT eliminated3
Mo memor# pointer!
Mo preproce!!or
Arra# inde) limit checking
L. Automatic 4emor# 4anagement
Automatic gar&age collection $ memor# management handled &# 6P4.
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 30
Smart Planner An Academic Project
=. Securit#
Mo memor# pointer!
Program! run in!ide the %irtual machine !and&o).
Arra# inde) limit checking
Code pathologie! reduced &#
B#tecode and check! cla!!e! ater loading
Cla!! loader! o&ject! to uni,ue name!pace!. Pre%ent! loading a
hacked Cja%a.lang.Securit#4anagerC cla!!? or e)ample.
Securit# manager determine! what re!ource! a cla!! can acce!! !uch a!
reading and writing to the local di!k.
8. 1#namic Binding
The linking o data and method! to where the# are located i! done at run$
Mew cla!!e! can &e loaded while a program i! running. *inking i! done on
the D#.
(%en i li&rarie! are recompiled? there i! no need to recompile code that
u!e! cla!!e! in tho!e li&rarie!.
Thi! di;er! rom CTT? which u!e! !tatic &inding. Thi! can re!ult in ragile
cla!!e! or ca!e! where linked code i! changed and memor# pointer! then
point to the wrong addre!!e!.
A. Food Perormance
-nterpretation o &#tecode! !lowed perormance in earl# %er!ion!? &ut
ad%anced %irtual machine! with adapti%e and ju!t$in$time compilation and
other techni,ue! now t#picall# pro%ide perormance up to <K> to BKK>
the !peed o CTT program!.
*ightweight proce!!e!? called thread!? can ea!il# &e !pun o; to perorm
Can take ad%antage o multiproce!!or! where a%aila&le
Freat or multimedia di!pla#!.
BB.Built$in Metworking
6a%a wa! de!igned with networking in mind and come! with man# cla!!e!
to de%elop !ophi!ticated -nternet communication!.
6SP 76a%a Ser%er Page!8
6SP technolog# i! de!igned to &e &oth platorm and !er%er independent? created
with input rom a &roader communit# o tool? !er%er? and data&a!e %endor!. 6SP
technolog# u!e! the 6a%a language or !cripting. -t pro%ide! the ro&u!t e)ception
handling nece!!ar# or real$world application!. Application! u!ing 6SP technolog# are
ea!ier to maintain
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 31
Smart Planner An Academic Project
/eature! and Bene.t!3
B. Platorm and Ser%er -ndependence3 6SP technolog# adhere! to the Write
'nce? +un An#where philo!oph# o the 6a%a architecture. -n!tead o &eing tied
to a !ingle platorm or %endor? 6SP technolog# can run on an# We& !er%er and
i! !upported &# a wide %ariet# o tool! rom multiple %endor!.
E. 'pen 1e%elopment Proce!!? 'pen Source3 The 6SP application programming
interace 7AP-8 ha! undou&tedl# &ene.ted and will continue to &ene.t rom
the input! rom an open !ource de%elopment.
@. We& Ser%er independence3 6SP technolog# can run on an# Ser%let container
like Apache Tomcat? B(A We&*ogic or We&Sphere.
Apache Tomcat
Tomcat i! a commercial$,ualit# !er%er !olution &a!ed on the 6a%a Platorm that
!upport! the Ser%let and 6SP !peci.cation!. 4anaged &# the Apache 6akarta Project?
it i! de%eloped in an open and cooperati%e a!hion. -t i! a%aila&le or commercial
u!e under the AS/ licen!e rom the Apache we& !ite in &oth &inar# and !ource
The 61BC AP- i! the indu!tr# !tandard or data&a!e$independent connecti%it#
&etween the 6a%a programming language and a wide range o data&a!e!. The 61BC
AP- pro%ide! a call$le%el AP- or S9*$&a!ed data&a!e acce!!. 61BC technolog# allow!
#ou to u!e the 6a%a programming language to e)ploit CWrite 'nce? +un An#whereC
capa&ilitie! or application! that re,uire acce!! to enterpri!e data.

The AP- make! it po!!i&le to do three thing!3
B. (!ta&li!h a connection with a data&a!e or acce!! an# ta&ular data !ource
E. Send S9* !tatement!
@. Proce!! the re!ult!
The 61BC AP- contain! two major !et! o interace!3 the .r!t i! the 61BC AP- or
application writer!? and the !econd i! the lower$le%el 61BC dri%er AP- or dri%er
writer!. 61BC technolog# dri%er! .t into one o our categorie!. Application! and
applet! can acce!! data&a!e! %ia the 61BC AP- u!ing pure 6a%a 61BC technolog#$
&a!ed dri%er!? a! !hown in the ollowing .gure3
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Smart Planner An Academic Project
4#S9* i! a relational data&a!e management !#!tem 7+1B4S8 that run! a! a !er%er
pro%iding multi$u!er acce!! to a num&er o data&a!e!. The 4#S9* de%elopment
project ha! made it! !ource code a%aila&le under the term! o the FM2 Feneral
Pu&lic *icen!e? a! well a! under a %ariet# o proprietar# agreement!. 4#S9* wa!
owned and !pon!ored &# a !ingle or$pro.t .rm? the Swedi!h compan# 4#S9* AB?
now owned &# 'racle Corporation.
4#S9* i! u!ed in !ome o the mo!t re,uentl# %i!ited we& !ite! on the -nternet?
including YouTu&e? Wikipedia? Foogle and /ace&ook. -t i! written in C and CTT. -t!
S9* par!er i! written in #acc? and a home$&rewed le)ical anal#5er named !,lYle).cc.
4#S9* work! on man# di;erent !#!tem platorm!? including 4icro!ot Window!?
*inu) and 4ac 'S H.
/eature! and Bene.t!3
B. Scala&ilit# and /le)i&ilit#
+un an#thing rom deepl# em&edded application! with a ootprint o ju!t
B4B? or ma!!i%e data warehou!e! holding tera&#te! o inormation
E. 0igh Perormance
Ta&le and -nde) Partitioning
2ltra$a!t load utilitie!
1i!tincti%e memor# cache!
/ull$te)t inde)e!? and more
@. 0igh A%aila&ilit#
+un high$!peed ma!terX!la%e replication con.guration! with +ow$Ba!ed
and 0#&rid +eplication
Speciali5ed Clu!ter !er%er! o;ering in!tant ailo%er
J. +o&u!t Tran!actional Support
Complete AC-1 7atomic? con!i!tent? i!olated? dura&le8 tran!action !upport
2nlimited row$le%el locking
1i!tri&uted tran!action capa&ilit#? and
4ulti$%er!ion tran!action !upport
<. We& and 1ata Warehou!e Strength!
0igh$perormance ,uer# engine
Tremendou!l# a!t data in!ert capa&ilit#? and
Strong !upport or !peciali5ed we& unction!? like a!t ull te)t !earche!
L. Strong 1ata Protection
Powerul mechani!m! or en!uring onl# authori5ed u!er! ha%e acce!!
SS0 and SS* !upport !ae and !ecure connection!
Powerul data encr#ption and decr#ption unction!
Poona College T. Y. B. Sc. [Computer Science] Page 34
Smart Planner An Academic Project
=. Comprehen!i%e Application 1e%elopment
Support or !tored procedure!? trigger!? unction!? %iew!? cur!or!? AMS-$
!tandard S9*? and more
Plug$in li&rarie! to em&ed 4#S9* data&a!e !upport into nearl# an#
S. 4anagement (a!e
2!e (%ent Scheduler automaticall# !chedule common recurring S9*$&a!ed
ta!k! to e)ecute on the data&a!e !er%er
A%erage time rom !otware download to complete in!tallation i! le!! than
.teen minute!
A. 'pen Source /reedom and EJ ) = Support
Around$the$clock !upport and indemni.cation a%aila&le through 4#S9*
(nterpri!e ,ualit# and enterpri!e read#? rom in!tallation to !upport
BK.*owe!t Total Co!t o 'wner!hip
Sa%e on data&a!e licen!ing co!t! and hardware e)penditure!? all while
cutting !#!tem! downtime
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6a%a E3 The Complete +eerence? /ith (dition $ 0er&ert Schildt
Anal#!i! and 1e!ign o -normation S#!tem! $ 6ame! A. Senn
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