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The Importance of Faith

I do not post a lot of actual quotes in my writings from the Bible for the purpose of time and
finding and copying and pasting them. I do it also so that you will hunger and thirst and go and
seek these things in the Word of God for yourself. People as a rule do not read the Bible they
will ne!er ha!e read it through once in their entire life. This is a sad dilemma. "ow can one
base their faith in or on something they do not fully understand. #ou cannot fully understand it
unless you ha!e read fully yet people will base their eternal destiny on a book they ha!e ne!er
read all the way through. $ome would say well that shows real faith no it shows real ignorance.
#ou cannot belie!e something you do not understand. #ou cannot understand it unless you read
it from co!er to co!er. Then we ha!e the dilemma of this particular book is of a deep holy
spiritual origin and e!en though you may get some understanding of it if nothing more than a
carnal natural one you ha!e still missed the core of its origin and purpose that it is a spiritual
book it came from a holy spiritual God who inspired men to write and then to spread those
words and write what they ha!e seen to put them in a book and sent to the people. $o this book
cannot be understood by the natural carnal mind of men it is a book of hidden mysteries and
!eiled truths that can only be fully comprehended with spiritual eyes and ears and a spiritual
mind for the book testifies of this of itself that its words cannot be understood by a carnal
mind neither can a carnal mind be sub%ect to its precepts it then tells us that its words are to be
&spiritually discerned'. It also tells us that no matter who comes and takes the book to eat of its
fruit that they must come with this one ingredient first or the book remains closed and dead to
them. We could say the $pirit of that Book does not come ali!e or manifest itself to %ust anyone
but those who come in humility in deep desire and hunger and thirst to come with this most
important ingredient which is &F(IT"' first then and only then will the $pirit of The Word
come ali!e and begin to speak and re!eal and manifest itself to that person and as long as they
remain humble and thirsty and with real faith that works by lo!e will it continue to water their
thirsty souls and quench all of the demonic hellish firey fleshly lustful desires and deeds of
them self.
The Word says that whosoe!er comes to God as to this Book must come in faith first "e must
belie!e in God and that there is a God. The Word of God tells us that &Without faith it is
I)P*$$IB+, to please this God'. This Word of God tells us that God "imself is The Word of
God so how can you e!er e-pect this God or this Word to e!er enlighten you or speak to you
when you come before it not in faith but in unbelief or meager curiosity from a whim of
maybe you heard someone say such and such about it. It will remain dead to you %ust as much
as the Tree is dead that was cut down that was made into the paper that these words you read in
it were printed on.
Faith is the most important key and ingredient that opens this book that beckons the "oly
$pirits of .ust )en made perfect to come forth with their "oly Ghost to re!eal these di!ine
re!elations and mysteries to the reader. .ust as the Word starts off with &In the beginning' so
must you ha!e a beginning and that beginning is in the realm of your faith you must say unto
your faith &+et there be +ight/ #ou must come to this Word and say within your heart &In the
beginning G*0'.
"uman faith because of the fall in the Garden is become a mi-ture of two forms of faith. *ne is
a belie!ing as to a natural belie!ing in that we belie!e that which we see but we are also
interwo!en with another faith and this faith is in re!erse it is what we call &unbelief' and we
term our belie!ing as Good and +ight and we term our unbelief as ,!il and 0arkness.
It is the Word of God that re!eals to us oursel!es and shows within us the good and the e!il and
how %ust like +ight and $hadows re!eal the *b%ect it shows to us a way a path to truth that
brings life.
1hrist who was &The Word )ade Flesh' told us that "e was &The Way The Truth and The
"e was the Way to find this Great 2nderstanding of Truth that once you find it it would bring
to you out of its treasure its ,ternal +ife. $o we see "e has left us a path to &Take up our cross
and follow him'. 3ow this brings us to our ne-t e-horting on what this means that "e has left
for us how do we find it and what is the way that leads to truth and what does this truth re!eal
as to this life we seek.
The Way of 0eath that leads to +ife4
1hrist was and is The Word made Flesh thus we belie!e "is Words as the Words of the only
begotten of The Father full of Grace and Truth. "is first commandment to us concerning the
Way was that &We follow "im'. "ow can we follow him5 By obeying what he has told us
when we obey we show proof of our belie!ing. $o what is the Way5 "e said &Take 2p #our
1ross and Follow )e'. In other words "e is saying as I ha!e gone to the 1ross and died and
sacrificed myself I did not do it for myself but I did it for you as to lead you re!eal to you
show you a path to walk there in that you may find rest for your soul. 0id he mean to get on a
physical cross and die5 3o thats what "e did for you so you would not ha!e to. $o if the 1ross
means death then what does he mean by taking up my cross and follow him5 "e is saying to
you as we said abo!e that you inside of you you are a being of two identities you are alike
the fabled beast with two heads in one body. Paul spoke of this as Twins. "e referred to them as
an &Inward )an' and an &*utward )an'. Inside of you there is +ight and 0arkness Good and
,!il. There is no point at this time e-plaining how you came to be like this as it would distract
us from out theme bit this is e-plained in many other writings already written and posted.
It is like the fable of the *ld Indian that said one day Inside of you is two wol!es and they are
both fighting for your soul as the young warrior asked the man how do you determine which
one wins the elder said the one you feed the most. #ou are constantly feeding one or the other
and e!ery day one is getting stronger and the other weaker. The Word of God and doing the
good things of life strengthen the inner man in you and when you do wrong or e!il and li!e
according to the ways of the world then you are strengthening the outerman. What 1hrist was
saying to you was for you to *bey the Word of God by ha!ing Faith in The Word of God in
belie!ing what "e has done for you on the 1ross. #ou must bear a cross and that cross is to
&0eny your own thoughts' &$acrifice your own carnal feelings' to look upon the things of
another instead of yourself to li!e your life for the good of others and do not think of yourself.
To keep it simple he is saying to start with you must deny your own thoughts first. By denying
your own thoughts you are taking away their strength you are weakening their hold o!er you.
#ou are taking their power away from them. $o if you deny your own thoughts then what are
you to do5 #ou begin by replacing your own thoughts with the Words of God. #ou begin to
think "is Thoughts. #our thoughts are the darkness and that darkness has become a middle wall
between you and God and it has put you in a prison to sin which is unbelief and has cut you off
from God which is truth and life. $o by denying your own thoughts you are now walking in the
Way "e left for you to walk for you to deny your thoughts your desires and begin to belie!e in
the Word of God. What this does is it brightens the light and remo!es the dark and by it getting
brighter you begin to see more clearly the &Path or Way' that you are to walk and that you by
taking up that cross and denying your self that you ha!e now disco!ered the Way and are now
walking in it by daily denying yourself it is as Paul said &I die daily'. This is the &Way of The
1ross' $elf 0enial but remember not %ust denying yourself of your thoughts but replacing
them by thinking on the Word of God. When I say the word of God we use it in the proper
places. For instance when we get sick our own thoughts tell us we are sick and we feel bad but
the word of God says to our thoughts we are well and healed by "is $tripes as "e is the Great
Physician so "e has already healed us of any and all disease and sicknesses. $ee how we
replaced our own thoughts and feelings with "is Word but we did so in our hearts not our
3ow that we ha!e disco!ered the Way of The 1ross which we seen is a way of self denial we
see it is also a &Way of Faith' it is a Path that must be tra!eled by faith as we deny our
unbelief in our own thoughts we are by faith belie!ing and obeying the Word of God thus we
are now walking in a death like state of self denial that is leading us and bringing forth back to
us +ife. We are sacrificing a temporal life for an eternal one we are denying a temporal thought
of darkness for an eternal thought of +ight. We are dying daily in our outerman that our inner
man will continue to li!e. $o we are dying yet while we are becoming more ali!e e!ery day.
0isco!ering The Truth4
We ha!e disco!ered the Way and we see easily W",6, this Path leads us to as each self
denial brings forth a new re!elation as by unbelief truth is changed into a lie then we can see
what the word meant when it said &They hold the truth in 2nrighteousness'. $o by sacrificing a
thought of darkness of selfishness we release that per!erted life from the prison of capti!ity and
at its death it goes back to God who is the Word and is Truth who ga!e it. There is a great
mystery here we ha!e addressed in other writings concerning holding the truth in
unrighteousness and changing truth into a lie. I want you to see this one point howe!er that
when you deny your own thoughts of darkness you are sacrificing them on your cross and the
unbelief that those thoughts ha!e which is faith in re!erse they in turn release the unbelief in
them and that unbelief is no longer held in capti!ity it is released and changed from unbelief
by your obedience in belie!ing and now that unbelief has been changed back into faith/ #ou
ha!e now increased your faith you ha!e now redeemed back the time you ha!e now released a
truth that was held in unrighteousness back to the state of righteousness. .ust as you are
sacrificing a part of yourself that another part will li!e as you sacrifice one thought of darkness
held by unbelief you are sa!ing that faith in re!erse and redeeming it back to its original state
of belief you are sa!ing a thought or the life or faith in that thought you are stripping that faith
in re!erse or unbelief from the lie that holds it and thus restoring that faith. #ou are disco!ering
What is this truth telling you or showing you5 It is re!ealing to at first that which is part as you
climb each step of the ladder of knowledge you cannot get to the top without touching each
step below the last. In school you ha!e to know in part through each grade till you come to the
&Fullness of The $tature'. Then comes the Graduation. $o we see in part at first as we walk this
pilgrim way with each day we die another part of us is li!ing with each sacrifice of one
deception comes a new light of truth. In other words we are growing in "is Grace and
7nowledge. We start out in a spiritual kindergarden so to speak and then we go through each
grade day by day as we can learn and belie!e and obey and comprehend. ,ach new re!elation is
a &piece of a much bigger pu88le' and as you obtain each new piece in time the "oly Ghost
will begin to put these pieces together and you will begin to see a bigger part of the pu88le a
bigger !iew a more mature understanding will come in time and on and on it will grow day by
day and if the +ord permits and time permits and you ha!e been faithful and obeyed you can
come to a place to where you will see the entire picture the greater truth of we will say &The
Truth' of the matter. That is the point of this is to bring you step by step to a greater truth that
leads to a greater truth till you &(rri!e' at the &Fullness of The $tature' $o The Way was to
bring you to a 0i!ine )ature ,ternal Truth once you ha!e disco!ered this Truth in its fullness
and its entirety then you will disco!er something beyond your wildest dreams. #ou will arri!e
at a destination few ha!e e!er come to you will ha!e become something few ha!e e!er
become you will see something you ne!er dreamed would be so real. $tanding before you
around you in you will be &The +ife'/ The Way will lead you to a Truth so astounding it will
show you The +ife/
+i!ing In The +ife4
when one has disco!ered The Truth and see it for what it is in all of its glory then this Truth or
this &2nderstanding' that you ha!e came to has a gift for you. +ike a peanut in a shell or like a
babe in a mothers womb like a chick in the egg This great Truth and 2nderstanding has within
its being something you ha!e searched for and was the !ery purpose beyond purpose of that
which you was really seeking for. What is Truth is you ha!e no +ife to en%oy it or bask in that
which you fought so hard to obtain for5 The Way was not for naught but its purpose was to lead
you to find truth and truths purpose was that in finding it you would recei!e the gift it has for
you which is its +ife Gi!ing $ubstance it contains &The $pirit of The Word' "e gi!es the
"oly Ghost to them that *bey "im/ What purpose is truth if it does not bring more life for in
all reality it is life we was searching for and thus we lo!e the wisdom of the truth we ha!e
obtained but what good is riches if you ha!e no time to en%oy them say once you disco!ered the
treasure chest you sought for your whole life to open its lid and suddenly die of a heart attack
your purpose and all you did was in !ain. $o we search for the treasure then to ha!e life to
en%oy those treasures life with a purpose with fulfillment with lo!e and peace and %oy and
contentment life in richness and no lack of want or need that you are filled up and
o!erflowing. $o obtaining +ife with purpose and richness is what we was after. Who wants to
li!e fore!er in a state of po!erty and sin and sadness and sickness etc thats not hea!en but hell.
Truth has opened its door its treasure chest and it gi!es to us the gift of eternal life. For within
the ,ternal Truth we ha!e come to 7now it is brought forth within us an ,ternal Faith an
,ternal +ight and in that ,ternal Faith is The ,ternal +ife of The ,ternal $pirit of God who is
+ife Itself. #ou ha!e now entered into &"is 6est' you ha!e now &*btained unto "is Faith'
Truth has re!ealed to you that death was darknessit was unbelief it was lies and deception and
that the reason men die was simply unbelief. 2nbelief got its strength by the +aw and $in which
is 2nbelief was the purpose and strength of 0eath. By faith and self denial you seen what 1hrist
did for you on the 1ross you followed after "im. #ou disco!ered a Great Truth. 0eath was a
+ie $in was a +ie That 1hrist took you out from under the +aw and by doing so "e paid for
all $ins he remo!ed you from the +aw forga!e all $ins and thus by doing so #ou being 3*T
under the +aw anymore means #ou absolutely cannot $in any longer if you can belie!e you
ne!er sinned to begin with but that another writing. This means 0eath has no more power o!er
you and being that you can ne!er e!er die anymore then there is no Gra!e for you to go to.
#ou reckoned yourself dead by the offering up of the Body of 1hrist thus you died by faith
you died. Then by his grace and mercy through the shedding of his blood there was forgi!eness
of all sins thus it was ne!er counted against you from the beginning then you had faith that as
you reckoned yourself dead with him that he also arose from the dead to ne!er die anymore
that you by faith belie!e also that you arose with "im to ne!er e!er die anymore and it is that
faith that makes its so. "is Word is Truth and as you think so you are so when you belie!ed
you died with "im then you truly did die with "im and when you belie!ed you arose with "im
then you truly did rise with him and "e hath &9uickened us Together with "im' meaning
when he was quickened from the dead you was also. #ou see now and belie!e in thine heart the
Word that told you If a man belie!es in me he will ne!er die and that you are his bone and
flesh that you are members of his body that as he is so are you in him. In other words you
ha!e become "im in 0eath and in +ife/ 1al!ary is behind you you are now ali!e fore!er more
that #ou are now in a &2nmo!able 2nshakable ,ternal 7ingdom' one of ,ternal +ight where
there is no darkness there is no sadness no sin no death where only ,ternal .oy peace
happiness and +ife dwells.
#ou ha!e at last been &Translated Into The ,ternal 7ingdom of God' What is that ,ternal
7ingdom5 It is The ,ternal Faith of The +ord .esus 1hrist that #ou ha!e become/ God has now
made #*2 into "is own Image/ 1hrist the Firstborn among many &$ons brought unto
Perfection'. #ou ha!e become ,ternal +ife Itself/ #ou are now in The 7ingdom of God you are
not in the World any longerfor the World was that darkness that was in you and it was
destroyed the !ery minute you began to belie!e by the Brightness of "is 1oming by Faith in
The Word/ #ou ended the World that was in your heart by the sacrifice of 1al!ary and in that
shadowy world of time you began to belie!e you began to awaken from the dead a sleeping
angel awoken by the hearing of faith in the midnight 1ry of "is :oice beckoning unto you to
&1ome 2nto )e'. 3ow you walk as God among men hiding behind the Badger $kin a $a!iour
unto others God appearing in another form not you speaking but 1hrist within you not you
li!ing anymore but 1hrist li!ing #ou as 1hrist appearing before me a $econd Time in the
darkness of their carnal mind of night time sleeping sounding the :oice of God Blowing The
Trump of God #ou The 1oming of The +ord/ 1hrist standing in "ea!en The 7ingdom of
"ea!en Within #ou and you in it it is become &#our $tate of Being' thus from "ea!en you
beckon for them to 1ome that they may find +ife ,ternal +ife as you did to gi!e to them a
0rink of Water from the ,ternal Fountain as you did to (waken them that sleep that 1hrist may
gi!e them +ight which is the +ife men search for.
#ou ha!e walked in that Way that brought you to the Truth that ga!e unto you That +ife/ #ou
ha!e &1ome to Be' you are the &Great I (m'. #ou are now the Way Truth and +ife to another
that will take up their cross and follow you/ (s #ou followed 1hrist/ (men and (men/
This is &The 6e!elation of .esus 1hrist' The 6e!ealing of The Way The Truth and The +ife/

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