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Mark 201 Winter 2013

Feedback and Suggestions

Group Number : 02 Section: F Product Name: Ecsta-Chi
Ashan Aloysius Louis-Simon
Table of Contents Okay
Identification of Needs for New
product/service (2 pg)
- Need(s) fulfilled & why
- Evidence of success + 2 secondary
data sources
Affiliation with other chocolate company is well addressed.
This section should also focus on Maslows needs. With regards to Maslow, in
addition to physiological needs, are there any other needs that would be addressed
by the product? The answer to this uestion may assist in positioning your product
later on.
!ery interesting product.
The e"idence of success should be supported by attached references from credible

Macro-environmental Impact (4 pgs)
- Demographic economic natural
technological political cultural
#se of headings to separate the main macro$en"ironmental factors could facilitate
the organi%ation of the material for the reader.
The intent is to identify and e&plain the significance of the ma'or trends in each of the
( areas that are rele"ant to the product and then to analy%e the potential threat or
opportunity for the marketing of the product. )ou need to be more specific.
The demographic and economic trends are "ery general and do not seem
particularly to affect the product.
*ood points in natural factors, although some uantification as to si%e and growth of
+anadians choosing fair$trade products and biodegradable products would ha"e
been useful as well.
,e technological factors, is the technology behind the product and-or package easy
and-or e&pensi"e to copy by competitors?
.olitical factors are merely general, with no significant items being flagged nor
Segmenting & Targeting (2-4 pgs)
- 2 potential via!le target mar"ets using
minimum # different varia!les for each
- $hosen target mar"et & why
- %ositioning statement (target profile
frame of reference & &'%(competitive
advantage(points of difference)
This section is meant to be after the Macro$/n"ironmental 0mpact, and before the
1ales .otential. .lease refer to the Addendum guidelines.
Target segments are not well defined, nor is it clear how the intent to specify each
segment with 2 different "ariables has been accomplished.
!alue proposition is not specific 3 is it 4more for more5?
.ositioning is okay.
Secondary Data & Sales otential
(2-4 pgs)
- 2 additional secondary data sources to
determine potential mar"et si)e
- 'ample pages attached
- %otential sales estimate influencing
factors *ustification & calculations
This section is "ery weak.
The data pro"ided is not "ery useful and is far too aggregate to be applied in any
meaningful fashion.
1ince you ha"e pro"ided this part before segmenting and targeting, it is not clear
who is your target, and why a certain percentage of that target will buy your product.
.M6 data could be used to pro"ide the sales of indi"idual brands, and this might also
be used in the sales estimates. 7or e&ample, .M6 data on specific competiti"e
brands would be able to pro"ide a bookend for sales estimate for your product.
There is really no credible 'ustification or support for the first year estimate of sales.
Mar!eting Mi" & Complete lan
- +ear , in detail +ear 2 conceptually
(-a. / pgs)
Why is Maslows analysis here in the marketing mi&, where the guidelines suggest
for it to be placed up front?
This section needs to be beefed up with incorporation of strategies for the longer
The guidelines suggest that you are affiliated with a ma'or food company. This aspect
seems to ha"e been ignored, especially in 8istribution.
This section is supposed to be the bulk of the pro'ect. The report dedicates only 2.9
pages to the marketing mi&, which is used up by other topics that should be coered
roduct 6rand name discussion is interesting.
.ackaging should be better described and should indicate any special aspects that
would differentiate the product.
7urther information on the si%e of product :in grams; and details on the "arieties
included in the product should be pro"ided, and a comparison made to other
competiti"e products.
0t might also be useful to consider including an appendi& showing the comparison of
your product to competiti"e offerings.
0t would ha"e been helpful to apply the 2 le"els of product concept to this product to
really focus on the core benefit since it is not e&plicit.
0s there any need to consider the augmented le"el of product 3 perhaps a <$=>>
number or website for any uestions customers might ha"e regarding the nature or
ingredients of the product?
rice The section is weak.
The strategy is not specified. 1hould a skimming or penetration strategy be
recommended and why?
The "alue$added component is not e"ident in the product description.
Although the suggested prices seem to be reasonable, further corroboration
including an appendi& listing potential competiti"e products and prices would help
support the price points.
lace #Distribution C$annels%
The strategy is not specified 3 is it e&clusi"e, selecti"e or intensi"e and why?
0s there a push or pull strategy being employed?
7urther there has to be further discussion as to why ma'or wholesalers, distributors
and-or retailers would carry the product. What incenti"es would there be for these
organi%ations to carry the product?
0t is "ery general.
romotion This section is not "ery clear.
7irst a pull "ersus push strategy needs to be specified and 'ustified.
Trade promotion is conspicuous by its absence.
Mention is made of using tele"ision and maga%ines, but it is unclear as to what target
market they will reach and why they are the right choice for this product and the
target market.
?o ., is mentioned, which might be "ery appropriate for this new product.
#se of ., needs to be included not only to get the message out, but also to increase
the credibility of the product.
?othing is mentioned about 8irect or online marketing.
Ad"ertising should be more specific in terms of what media would be chosen and
why as well as what types of shows would be used, and schedules.
&ibliograp$y & 'eferences Okay
E.hi!its ta!les etc0
$opies of any articles used for
reference material0
The referenced material has not been highlighted to indicate the specific elements
being used in the report.
)verall resentation & *uality #se of headings, sub$headings and bullet$form could help to ensure that key points
are clearly identified and highlighted.
The language is "ery collouial and should be more professional for a business
O"erall the pro'ect should be better researched and supported with impro"ed
suggestions on the marketing mi& to co"er all strategic elements.
A "ery interesting product with an intriguing name, but not much else.
Ma" pg lengt$ Only <( pages@ further material could ha"e been added
Margins & font #double spaced% Okay
(dditional comments
Group Grade Obtained:___10.75_____ out o! 20"

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