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Assignment for Electronics I Year I Sem

Submission date: 15 Oct 2014

1. A transistor operating in CB configuration has Ic 2.!"mA# Ie $.0ma and
Ico 0.01 ma. %hat current f&o's in the co&&ector circuit of this transistor 'hen
connected in C( configuration 'ith a base current of $0uA)
2. *ra' the circuit to imp&ement the fo&&o'ing e+pression
I. , AB-C.A / *0-
II. , AB / AC- / BC / ABC
$. *ra' the 12I characteristic of a 3unction diode and e+p&ain the cut in 4o&tage and pea5
in4erse 4o&tage.
4. (+p&ain the operation of ha&f 'a4e rectifier 'ith neat s5etch and deri4e the necessar6
5. a0 7o' transistor 'or5s as an amp&ifier) (+p&ain its amp&ification phenomenon)
b0 *efine B for a transistor. *eri4e the re&ationship bet'een a and b)
8. S5etch and e+p&ain input and output characteristics of a transistor connected in common
emitter configuration)
9. *escribe :ener brea5do'n mechanism. 7o' is it difficu&t from a4a&anche brea5do'n)
*ra' a :ener diode 4o&tage regu&ator circuit to regu&ate the 4o&tage across a &oad
resistance. (+p&ain its 'or5ing.
". a0 (+p&ain different t6pes of fi&ters used in e&ectronic circuit)
b0 Con4ert the fo&&o'ing:
.225.225010 to binar6
.82$.990" to decima&
.2AC5.*018 to decima&
!. a0 S5etch and e+p&ain input and output characteristics of a transistor connected
in common emitter configuration.
b0 Compare CC. CB. C( t ransi st or amp& i fi er confi gurat i on 'i t h
respect t o input impedance# output impedance# current gain ; 4o&tage
10. a0 Imp&ement the fo&&o'ing boo&ean function 'ith <O=2<O= gate &ogic.
, AC / BC / *
.b0 >sing the postu&ates of Boo&ean a&gebra and the theorem pro4e the
I. a'b' + ab + a'b = a? / b
II. ab? / b'c' + a'c' = ab' + a'c'
11. .a0(+p&ain @#A of a transistor. *eri4e the re&ationship bet'een them)
.b0%rite Short note on B< 3unction diode and Cener *iode.
12. a0 A t r ansi st or i s connect ed i n common emi t t er . C(0 configuration in
'hich co&&ector supp&6 is " 4o&t and the 4o&tage drop across resistance Rc connected
in the co&&ector circuit is 0.5 4o&t. Dhe 4a&ue of Rc = "00 ohm. If 0.!8# determine
.i0 Co&&ector2emitter 4o&tage
.b0 Compare the 4arious transistor connections in terms of input resistance#
output resistance and 4o&tage gain. %hich connection is most common and
'h6 )
1$. a0 %hat are different current components in a pnp transistor) Bro4e the Current
re&ations Ic@I(/ICBO.
.b0 *etermine the 4a&ue of emitter current and co&&ector current of a transistor ha4ing
@0.!" and co&&ector to base &ea5age current is 4 micro amp# the base current is 50
micro amp.)
14. a0S5etch and e+p&ain input and output characteristics of a transistor connected in
common emitter configuration)
b0 *efine A for a transistor. *eri4e the re&ationship bet'een @ and A of a transistor
15. .a0 *ra' the 12I characteristics of a 3unction diode and e+p&ain the cut in 4o&tage and
pea5 in4erse 4o&tage.
.b0 (+p&ain 'ith a neat circuit diagram# the 'or5ing of a bridge rectifier and deduce
e+pression for its2 ripp&e factor and efficienc6. %hat are the ad4antages of this
rectifier o4er the fu&& 'a4e rectifier using t'o diodes )
18. .a0 *escribe :ener brea5do'n mechanism. 7o' is it difficu&t from a4a&anche
brea5do'n ) *ra' a :ener diode 4o&tage regu&ator circuit to regu&ate the 4o&tage
across a &oad resistance (+p&ain its 'or5ing.
.b0 (+p&ain different t6pes of fi&ters used in e&ectronic circuits.

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