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Test Plan 3

August/ QA class

Project Description: This project deals with sending mail electronically. Entry
Criteria: When all the functionalities have been coded and unit tested. QA
environment should be ready with the latest code. Exit criteria: No bug should be
left in open state for the current release. Regression testing should be done. Test
Strategy: Regression testing, security testing, Integration testing, Disaster recovery
testing, Performance testing, UAT Significant feature/Scenarios to be tested: Subject Description Trace Expected Result 1 Registration "Validate
that registration is successful in the following scenarios:- a) First Name- Upper
case, lower case, Mixed case, alphanumeric b) Last name- Upper case, lower case,
Mixed case, Alphanumeric c) Id- Upper case, lower case, Mixed case,
Alphanumeric, 8 char, 10 char,32 d) Password-Upper case, lower case, Mixed case,
8 char, 10 char,32" FR1 Registration should be successful. 2 Registration "Valid Subject Description Trace Expected Result 1 Registration "Validate
that registration is successful in the following scenarios:- a) First Name- Upper
case, lower case, Mixed case, alphanumeric b) Last name- Upper case, lower case,
Mixed case, Alphanumeric c) Id- Upper case, lower case, Mixed case,
Alphanumeric, 8 char, 10 char,32 d) Password-Upper case, lower case, Mixed case,
8 char, 10 char,32" FR1 Registration should be successful. 2 Registration "Validate
that registration is not successful in the following scenarios:- a) First name- blank
b) Last name- blank c) Id-blank, 7 char, 33 char, duplicate id d) Password- blank,7
char, 33 char, special char" FR1 Registration should not be successful. 3 Login
Validate that user is able to loging with correct user name and correct password
FR2 Login should be successful. 4 Login "Validate that login is not successful in
the following scenarios:- a) User name- blank, wrong, Right user name with wrong
passowrd) b) Password- blank, wrong, right password(when

QA sizing
Plan upload toQC(Quality Centre)/misc Test Execution 5 0.5 20.5

Please find attached the notes from Session 3 of "SOA and Web Services
Testing" held on Saturday, 8/09/2014. I have also attached the HRS Project
Test cases that we worked on during the session. For Testing Hotel
Reservation Web Services using soapUI: - You can access the Web Service
In our next class - Session 4 of "SOA and Web Services Testing" to be held on
Sunday, 8/09/2014, we will cover: Adding Test Assertions - Not SOAP Fault
Assertion - Contains Assertion - xPath Match Assertion Adding Properties
and parameterization - Reading properties from a file - Transferring
Feel free to email me with any questions you may have around this topic.

Thank you for joining the mock and working towards a job

select * from AdventureWorks2012.Production.ProductInventory where quantity
between 0 and 300 select * from
AdventureWorks2012.Production.ProductInventory where quantity >= 0 and
quantity <=300 select * from AdventureWorks2012.Production.ProductInventory
where quantity not between 0 and 300

SELECT * FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product] where color
Like 'Black' SELECT * FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product]
where name Like '%Crankarm' SELECT * FROM
[AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product] where name Like'%Road Frame -
Black%' SELECT * FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product] where
name not Like'%Road Frame - Black%'

SELECT * FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product] where color is
null SELECT * FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product] where color
is not null

select e.* from employee e inner join works_on w on e.SSN=w.SSN left join
projects p on w.PNO=p.PNO left join Department d on p.dno=d.dno where
d.dno=5 and Salary between 30000 and 40000

select e.* from employee e inner join works_on w on e.SSN=w.SSN left join
projects p on w.PNO=p.PNO left join Department d on p.dno=d.dno order by Dno ,
e.Lname, e.fname

select d.DepartmentID, count(*) from
AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Department d inner join
AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory edh on
d.DepartmentID=edh.DepartmentID inner join
AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee e on
edh.BusinessEntityID=e.BusinessEntityID group by d.DepartmentID having

select p.Pno, count(E.SSN) from employee e inner join works_on w on e.ssn=w.ssn
inner join Project p on w.pno=p.pno group by p.pno having count(e.ssn)>2

Audience Question
Q: I have not received any presentations, Do you send the ppt as well for every day

select p.Pno, count(E.SSN) from employee e Left outer join works_on w on
e.ssn=w.ssn Left outer join Project p on w.pno=p.pno group by p.pno having

create table #table (id bigint identity (1,1), name varchar(50)) insert into #table
(name) select name from Production.Product select * from #table

Thank you for joining the mock and working towards a job

if exists (select ListPrice from [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product]
where ListPrice >130) update [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[Product] set
ListPrice=ListPrice+10 where ListPrice >130 else select 'There is no List Price
Less than 130'

declare @a int , @b int set @b =(select max([productID]) from
[AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[ProductCostHistory] ) set @a =(select
min([productID]) from [Production].[ProductCostHistory] ) select @a, @b while
@a<=@b begin select * from [Production].[ProductCostHistory] where
ProductID=@a set @a=@a+1 end

with cte as( SELECT * , case when Quantity between 0 and 150 then 'Need to order
now' when Quantity between 151 and 250 then 'Start finding purchser to order'
when Quantity between 251 and 350 then 'After one month to order' when Quantity
between 351 and 450 then 'After 2 month need to order' else 'No Need to order' end
as Ordertype FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[ProductInventory] )
select * from cte where ordertype='Need to order now'

SELECT * , case when Quantity between 0 and 150 then 'Need to order now' when
Quantity between 151 and 250 then 'Start finding purchser to order' when Quantity
between 251 and 350 then 'After one month to order' when Quantity between 351
and 450 then 'After 2 month need to order' else 'No Need to order' end as Ordertype
into #cte FROM [AdventureWorks2012].[Production].[ProductInventory] select *
from #cte where ordertype='Need to order now'

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