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Auto Complete Typing in an Excel Data Validation

Data Validation
Those that have used Data Validation will know that it is a very handy feature,
especially the List option. The List option allows us to have a cell show a drop-down
arrow, which the user can then select from.
However, when we do the above we must either scroll to the needed item in the
Validation list, or type the whole word. What would be really nice is if Ecel would
AutoComplete based on our list! "nfortunately no such standard feature eists in
The Solution
#. $o to Tools!ptions - Edit and check
Ena"le AutoComplete #or cell $alues
%. &ove your list of items is in the ran'e
immediately a"o$e the Validation cell.
(. Hide the rows above your Validation
)ow, as you type Ecel will look at the list above the Validation cell and
*uto+omplete based on it.
List is Dynamic and%or &esides on Another 'orksheet
Lets say your list is on Sheet( and you wish to use the Validation List with
*uto+omplete on Sheet).
,n -heet# *# Enter *Sheet(+A) and copy down includin' as many spare rows as
needed .say (// rows total0. Hide these rows and use this formula in the 1efers to2 for
a dynamic named range called ,yList2
)ow in the cell immediately below the last hidden row use 8ata Validation and for
the List Source use *,yList
Diferent Shells for Diferent
23 out of 31 rated this helpful
Sean Liming
A7 Engineering
August 2003
Applies to:
Mirosoft! "indo#s! $% Em&edded
'he a&ilit( to ma)e (our appliation the shell is one of )e( features of "indo#s $%
Em&edded* De+ies an start in a
ustom shell instead of starting in the E,plorer shell- #hih pro+ides t#o &ene.ts* 'he .rst
&ene.t is that the s(stem #ill
start faster* 'he E,plorer shell ta)es a signi.ant amount of time to load all of the support
li&raries and .les- #hereas a
spei. appliation #ill most li)el( ha+e fe#er li&raries to load* 'he seond &ene.t is that
aess to a de+ie/s administrati+e
funtions an &e limited- depending entirel( on ho# the ustom shell appliation is #ritten*
Limiting a user/s aess to administrati+e funtions suh as 0ontrol %anel an &e a &ene.t-
&ut there is a small dra#&a):
'he administrator is also limited unless the administrator an start in a diferent shell*
'he ideal solution #ould &e to set up "indo#s $% Em&edded so that the user aount an
start in the appliation shell and
the administrator aount an start in an administrati+e shell* Seurit( features &uilt in to
"indo#s $% Em&edded #ould then
pre+ent users from aessing administrati+e funtions* 'his artile desri&es ho# this
solution an &e implemented*
1egistr( 2s the 3e(
4o# 2t "or)s
Setup for "indo#s $% Em&edded
E,tra 5otes
Registry Is the Key
Mirosoft! "indo#s! $% has a feature that an pro+ide the solution through the registr(*
'he registr( for eah user
aount and administrator aount an &e set up to start a user6spei. shell* 'here are
three )e(s that must &e set up* 'he
.rst t#o are generi for all users* 'his artile refers to the )e(s as 73e(1-7 73e(2-7 and
73e(37 for simpliit(*
3e(1 is a string +alue* "hen "indo#s $% starts- 3e(1 is alled and the default "indo#s
shell is started* 4o#e+er- if the
default +alue is hanged to USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winogon- "indo#s loo)s in the
!K"#$Current$User )e( to start a spei. shell for the user logging on* 2f the spei.
user shell is not found- 3e(2 is alled
and a default shell is started*
3e(: !K"#$%&C'%$M'C!IN"\Software\Microsoft\Windows
'(pe: R",$S-
8alue: S#S:Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winogon
3e(2 pro+ides a default shell if the user shell appliation annot &e found* "hen (ou selet
a shell omponent for a
Mirosoft "indo#s $% Em&edded on.guration- 3e( 2 is set up to the shell appliation as
the default shell*
3e(: !K"#$%&C'%$M'C!IN"\Software\Microsoft\Windows
'(pe: R",$S-
8alue: ".)orer*e.e 9or this an &e a diferent default appliation:
3e(3 sets up a shell for the urrent user or logged6on user* 'hus- the onl( #a( to hange a
partiular user/s shell is to log
on to the user aount and reate this registr( entr(*
3e(: !K"#$Current$User\Software\Microsoft\Windows
'(pe: R",$S-
8alue: c:\windows\system/0\aount shell*e,e- #here aount shell*e,e is the name of
the appliation
!ow It Wor1s
"hen the user logs on- "indo#s uses 3e(1 to determine #hih )e( holds the shell
information* 5ormall(- "indo#s uses
3e(2 ne,t* 4o#e+er- if the +alue of 3e(1 is hanged to
USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winogon-
"indo#s #ill use 3e(3 for the user logging on to start the user/s spei. shell*
0hanging the registr( )e( +alues in a s(stem #ith a registr( alread( set up is fairl(
straightfor#ard* 'he hallenge is ho# to
do this in "indo#s $% Em&edded- #here the registr( is set up during the ;irst <oot Agent
9;<A: proess*
!K%M )e(s an &e set up in 'arget Designer &eause the( are omputer spei.* Setting
up the !KCU )e(s- ho#e+er- is
impossi&le in 'arget Designer &eause the aounts #ill not &e reated until after ;<A runs*
'he user aount and
administrator aount omponents reate onl( the aounts- user names- and pass#ords*
'hese omponents annot &e
used to set up a spei. shell* 'he onl( solution is to set up the spei. shells after the
"indo#s $% Em&edded image has
ompleted the ;<A proess*
Setu) for Windows 23 "m+edded
'he tri) to ma)ing diferent shells for diferent users in "indo#s $% Em&edded is in the
setup* 'here are a fe#
omponents that need to &e part of the on.guration so that 3e(3 an &e set up for the
user/s aount:
Windows %ogon* <eause diferent aounts #ill &e part of the image- "indo#s Logon
9Standard: is a re=uired
omponent for the on.guration* "indo#s Logon supports the a&ilit( to log on to diferent
aounts loall( and
remotel(* <( ontrast- the Minlogon omponent supports onl( logon to a single
administrator aount*
Two User 'ccount com)onents* '#o omputer aounts are re=uired at a minimum> at
least one aount must &e
an administrator aount* 'he User Aount omponent an &e set up to &e an
administrator aount through the
E,tended %roperties page* "hen a user aount is set up as an administrator aount- it
replaes the generi
7Administrator7 aount- ?ust as in other +ersions of "indo#s $%* <eause of the
elimination of the administrator
aount- (ou ma( #ant to onsider using t#o instanes of the User Aount omponent*
@ou an set up one
omponent as an administrator 9#hih #ill ha+e the administrator shell:- and (ou an set
up the other omponent as
a regular user 9#hih #ill ha+e the s(stem shell:*
'utomatic %ogon* Most original e=uipment manufaturers 9AEMs: #ant their s(stems to
start diretl( in the
appliation* 'he Automati Logon omponent an &e added to the on.guration to start
diretl( in the user aount-
#hose shell #ill &e the s(stem/s appliation*
4efaut She* "indo#s $% Em&edded omes #ith se+eral shells: E,plorer- 'as) Manager-
and 0ommand* @ou an
also reate a ustom shell* A shell omponent is re=uired in the on.guration* "hen (ou
selet a shell omponent for
the on.guration- the shell #ill &e the default shell for the "indo#s $% Em&edded image-
so (ou do not need to set
up 3e(2*
;or setting up diferent shells for diferent users- the hosen shell omponent #ill &e the
administrator shell-
and the shell must allo# aess to on.gure the registr( to set up 3e(3* 'as) Manager ma(
&e a good hoie*
'as)Manager is small shell that (ou an use to start other appliations- suh as 0ontrol*e,e
90ontrol %anel: or
1egedit*e,e 91egistr( Editor:* @ou ma( #ant to reate (our o#n administrati+e shell if the
'as)Manager shell is
not appropriate* After the ;<A proess is ompleted- all aounts #ill ha+e the same
administrator shell* @ou
an then log on to an( aount and set 3e(3*
User She* 'he last omponent is the user or s(stem appliation- #hih #ill &e the seond
shell* @our seond shell
omponent should not &e set up as a shell omponent or &e grouped #ith the other shell
omponents* 1ather- the
seond shell omponent should &e treated li)e an( other appliation omponent- suh as
"indo#s Aessories or
'ransmission 0ontrol %rotoolB2nternet %rotool 9'0%B2%: utilities* After the ;<A is ompleted-
(ou an log on to the
user aount and set up 3e(3 to point to the appliation* 2f the appliation omponent is
missing- the default
administrator shell omponent #ill appear*
&ther com)onents* "indo#s Sript Engine and 1egistr( Editor an &e inluded to help
#ith reating 3e(3* @ou an
reate a ustom appliation to perform this tas)*
Setting U) Key5
@ou must set up 3e(1* 2n the E,tra 1egistr( Data- found at the top of the on.guration- add
3e(1 as desri&ed earlier- #ith
the +alue set for USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winogon* 'o
see the E,tra 1egistr( Data
resoure- (ou ma( ha+e to ena&le resoures &( li)ing View- pointing at Resources- and
then li)ing Target 4esigner*
After the on.guration has &een set up- &uilt- and do#nloaded to the target- and after the
;<A proess is ompleted- the
last step is to set up the user aount for the s(stem shell* <eause (ou initiall( set up the
image to start in the administrator
shell- (ou should &e a&le to aess the registr(*
Setting U) Key/
'o set up the user aount #ith the uni=ue shell- (ou must log on to the user aount and
add 3e(3 to set the path to the
s(stem appliation* 5ote that (ou annot log on to the administrator aount to hange the
user aount/s shell* After (ou
log on to the user aount- (ou an use 1egedit*e,e- "indo#s Sript- or another appliation
to reate 3e(3 and set the path
to the appliation*
'he follo#ing is an e,ample of "Sript*
'he follo#ing is an e,ample of 0Sript*
After (ou set 3e(3- (ou an log of and log on again to the user aount andBor the
administrator aount* 'he user
aount/s spei. shell #ill &e started #hen (ou log on to the user aount* 'he
defaultBadministrator shell #ill &e started
#hen (ou log on to the administrator aount*
".tra Notes
<( default- "indo#s Sript engine is set up for "Sript* "Sript uses dialog &o,es for input
and output messages* 0Sript
/"indo#s Sript to set a user shell
set shell C 0reateA&?et97"Sript*shell7:
shellpath C 2nput<o, 97Enter the path and name of the E$E appliation
to &e this user/s shell* E,ample: :D#indo#sDs(stem32Dmd*e,e:7:
if shellpath EF 77 then Shell*1eg"rite
7430UDSoft#areDMirosoftD"indo#s 5'D0urrent8ersionD"inlogonDShell7- shellpath- 71EGHSI7
/"indo#s Sript to set a user shell
set shell C 0reateA&?et97"Sript*shell7:
#sript*stdout*"riteLine 70hange the Shell for this user*7
su& 0hange1eg
#sript*stdout*"riteLine 7Enter the path and name of the E$E appliation to &e this user/s
#sript*stdout*"riteLine 7E,ample: :D#indo#sDs(stem32Dmd*e,e or t(pe JU2' to e,it: 7
if #sript*stdin*AtEndAfStream then e,it su&
shellpath C #sript*stdin*1eadLine
if uase9shellpath: C 7JU2'7 then e,it su&
Shell*1eg"rite 7430UDSoft#areDMirosoftD"indo#s 5'D0urrent8ersionD"inlogonDShell7-
shellpath- 71E
#sript*stdout*"riteLine 7User #ill no# ha+e a ne# shell7
end su&
uses onl( a ommand prompt- #hih is ideal for headless s(stems* @ou an hange to
0Sript onl( from an administrator
aount* 2f (ou deide to use a "indo#s Sript Engine- (ou must modif( the registr( data
for the "indo#s Sript Engine
omponent for the Mirosoft 8isual <asi! Sripting Edition 98<Sript: .le* 0hange
!K"#$C%'SS"S$R&&T\V6S(ie\She\&)en\Command and add 75 to the end of the
+alue 7557\WScri)t*e.e- as sho#n
in ;igure 1*
(igure 5* Changing the registry 8aue for the Windows Scri)t "ngine com)onent
After 3e(3 has &een reated- (ou an log on again to the user aount and see the ne#
shell for the aount* "hen (ou log
on to the administrator aount- the default or administrator shell #ill still &e started*
2f (ou are using remote administration features- &e a#are that 'elnet allo#s more than one
user to &e logged on to the
same omputer- &ut 1emote Des)top 0onnetion or Mirosoft 5etMeeting! allo#s onl( one
user to &e logged on to the
omputer* 1emote Des)top 0onnetion ta)es ontrol of the des)top and logs of users from
a s(stem* 2f (ou plan to use
1emote Des)top 0onnetion- (our s(stem must not &e afeted &( an administrator logon
and a logof of the user aount*
2n addition- after 3e(3 has &een set up- (ou an use ;<resealKfound #ith the 0loning
omponentKto reseal the image for
dupliation* 'he registr( )e( information for the user aount #ill &e preser+ed*
"indo#s $% Em&edded pro+ides a Le,i&le #a( to deplo( the popular "indo#s $%
operating s(stem into a num&er of
em&edded de+ies* 'he a&ilit( to ha+e t#o aounts #ith diferent shells allo#s AEMs to
&uild s(stems that pre+ent users
from aidentall( aessing administrati+e funtions* 'he solution is to the
administrati+e shell as the default shell in
the s(stem and hange the user aount/s registr( )e(s to point to a seond shell*
M Mirosoft 0orporation* All rights reser+ed*
M 201N Mirosoft* All rights reser+ed*
-rupp -,- ./00 Speci#ications - /00 t Telescopic crane
9uildin' type2 Telescopic crane
&a. capacity2 /00 t at ( m &a. loadmoment2 - tm
*les2 : Total wei'ht2 ;< t
Telescopic boom2 #<-=; m 9oom sections2 =
9oom luffin' up to2 :=> in #(/ seconds 9oom etension2
#<-=; m in
(%/ seconds
-uperlift2 -
- m
4oldin' @ib2 - m ofsettable at an'le ->
4ied @ib2
#A-(: m ofsettable at
an'le #/>
4ly @ib2 %#-AA m
&ain boom foot pin
horiBontal offset C2
-#;// mm
&ain boom foot pin
vertical offset D2
- mm
&a. slewin' speed2 # rpm
&a. line speed2 #%/ mEmin &a. line pull2 #%F k)
Total len'th2 %#/// mm Tail swin'2 - mm
+arrier len'th2 %/%// mm Width2 (/// mm
,uter turnin' radius 2 #<F// mm ?nner turnin' radius2 ;(// mm
Turnin' radius boom
- mm
Turnin' radius
foldin' @ib2
- mm
,utri''er base2 #//// ;:// mm
1educed outri''er
- mm
Track .+rawler cranes02 - mm
Track width
.+rawler cranes02
- mm
Carrier engine1 % &9 ,& ==A H* GowerEWei'ht-1atio2 =.%; kWEt
Gower2 =#% kW E F</ G- &a. torHue2
#%%< )m
##// rpm
% *llison Wandler-
FI# .4orward
I reverse0
&a. speed2 <F kmEh $radeability2 %F J
8rive E -teerin'
8rive E -teerin'
Tyres .standard02 #=.// 1%= Tyres .option02 -
Superstructure engine1# &otor des "W-Tandemtriebwerkes
Gower2 %/< kW E %:/ G- &a. torHue2
#%%< )m at
##// rpm
-uperlift mast2 - m 1adius *-9ock2 - mm
&a. counterwei'ht2 ;/ t
- t
+ounterwei'ht carrier
.+rawler cranes02
- t
+entral ballast
.+rawler cranes02
- t

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