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12 Hilton Street, Manchester, M1 1JF
+44 (0)161 236 8181
Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
We set out to test how persuasive augmented reality
can be by conducting a study of people between the
ages of 29 and 55. The study focused on parents,
although this is not crucial to the outcome or fndings.
In total, 200 parents took part in the study.
We recreated the famous Pepsi challenge, but this
time comparing traditional display advertising versus
augmented reality. 100 parents were shown a display
advert for a childs toy, while another 100 parents were
shown the childs toy as an interactive augmented
reality experience.
by Matthew Trubow, CEO of augmented reality
developers Hidden Creative
Augmented reality (AR) is a fast emerging tool for
sales and marketing departments, but to help a wider
audience understand the benefts of this technology,
we have produced this report that demonstrates how
augmented reality can drive bottom line sales growth.
The technology allows sales people to put a virtually
enhanced version of a product directly into the hands
of customers and prospects. These products do
more than you would expect. They have the ability
to demonstrate themselves to the audience and
to collect feedback for you, allowing you to better
provide for your customers and to more clearly
communicate with prospects.
One of the most powerful aspects of the selling
process is the affnity customers develop with a
product the moment they touch and engage with it.
Through our research, we have been able to truly
endorse the theory that the outcome is no different if
the product is presented as an augmentation.
This document describes how sales and marketing
teams are currently using the technology, but to
ensure we accurately refect how powerful AR can
be in this environment, we decided to commission
1 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
Each person was then asked two questions:
1. Would you consider buying this toy for a child?
2. How much would you consider paying for the toy?
The duration of engagement the audience had with
each format was also monitored.
The research shows that the more immersive the
engagement, the more likely the customer is to buy, and in
fact they are prepared to do so at a 30% higher price point.
Augmented reality clearly lends well to the sales process by
enhancing the engagement and increasing the audiences
level of immersion.
Although the study compared a print display advert, there
are also obvious major implications for the DOOH, events
and digital marketing sectors.

This research also has revealing implications for all types of
marketers regardless of B2B or B2C specialism. Whether
the product is a complex engineering structure or a FMCG,
people are more likely to buy and at a higher price point.
B2B organisations that sell a physical product will also
deem the fndings very relevant. For example, imagine
during the sales process, being able to demonstrate
products that are too big, dangerous or complex to engage
with frst-hand. Augmented reality technology gives an
innovative and insightful edge to the sales professional by
allowing non-verbal communications with the audience in a
far more informative and immersive way.
AR not only enhances communication but provides sales
people with intelligence on how clients feel about a product
and what they fnd interesting. In other words, when armed
with AR, sales professionals can focus on utilising feedback
gained from the customers use of the experience to shape
the sales process towards making a sale.
Likelihood to buy
After viewing the 2D printed display advert, out of 100
parents, 45% would consider buying the toy for a child.
Out of those who viewed the augmented reality experience,
74% of the parents would consider buying the toy for a
What we found even more intriguing was the price point at
which the parents were prepared to make the purchase.
Attitude to price
Out of those parents that viewed the printed advert, the
average price of 5.99 was attributed as the estimated
retail value of the product. Of those parents that engaged
with the augmented reality experience, they estimated a
higher average price of 7.99.
Advertising engagement
For advertisers there were other relevant fndings with
regard to the depth of engagement with the audience. We
calculated that the parents spent an average of 12 seconds
actively engaged with the print advert. Those parents using
the augmented reality experience did so for an average of
1 minute 23 seconds.
2 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
About Hidden...
Hidden is a marketing communication agency, which specialises in developing augmented reality experiences
for industrial, consumer and commercial uses. The company has a proven track record of delivering projects
with clear, measurable goals for the likes of ABB, Knauf Insulation, BBC and Channel 5. Its senior management
team are pioneers in the feld, and are experts in advising businesses in how to deploy augmented reality,
regardless of their experience and understanding of AR and technology.
For more information please call us on +44 (0)161 236 8181 or visit
The basics
The psychologies underpinning the use of technology in
sales and marketing
Augmented reality and sales strategy
10 ways that augmented reality is improving sales
Appendix one
The basics - Augmented reality for marketers
3 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
The basics
How to fnd out more
Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd 4
If you want to understand how the
technology works and what it is, a
quick overview of technology is
available in our appendix.
An in-depth explanation of the
technology is available in Hidden
Creatives Augmented Reality
Marketing Strategies: the How to
Guide which is available free here
Augmented reality is a term for a camera
enhanced view of a physical real-world
environment, where virtual elements are merged
with the real-life scene creating a mixed reality
of virtual elements and the real world. The
virtual elements, given their nature, can consist
of anything. This could be 3D models, video, web
informationanything. The point here is that
your mind is the only boundary.
Matt Trubow
Hidden Creative Ltd
Technology can be very persuasive if used in conjunction with four key psychological
techniques: touch, storytelling, neuro-linguistics and risk management.
5 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd |
Journal of Consumer Research: October 2009.
The psychologies
underpinning the use of technology in sales and marketing
Risk management
Augmented reality and the psychology of touch
One of the biggest advantages of including augmented
reality in the sales process is the ability to interact directly
with a product or object.
For years sales and marketing professionals have used
psychological techniques to read a situation, ultimately
resulting in increased sales.
The most common technique is the use of touch. Tactility
with a person or object decreases an audiences natural
resistance or defences and helps to change negative
The most recent research into the power of touch is by
Joann Peck and Suzanne B. Shu, called, The Effect
of Mere Touch on Perceived Ownership. Their study
summarises that people are more willing to buy, and to
pay more for an object if they have engaged with a product
through the sense of touch.
Its not always possible to allow the audience the luxury
of touching or engaging directly with a product. For
example, an offshore platform, wind farm or an engineering
mechanism that is a sub-component within a larger
component would be diffcult to engage with. Some of
this comes down to obvious barriers such as safety,
sophistication, size and location of the product.
Many sales professionals, at least those that really want
to understand the people they are selling to, employ the
use or observance of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
This is a technique that explores the different ways in which
people process information, how they communicate and
their associated behaviour patterns and emotions.
The subject matter is complicated but it essentially boils
down to the fact that people can be separated into three
fundamental categories in terms of learning behaviour
Visual learners
Aural or Auditory learners
Kinesthetic or tactile learners
Augmented reality eliminates the barriers to engagement,
and in fact allows for a deeper level of interaction and
provides actual contact time with a product. Additional
information, animations and other details can be highlighted
and further explained with precise detail. Augmented reality
can make the most inexperienced salesperson appear as a
seasoned professional.
When it comes to marketing and selling consumer brands,
marketers also have the beneft of being able to extend
their sales reach by demonstrating products, such as
jewellery and clothing, directly over the internet through
augmented reality.
As with all augmented reality experiences information
about the path and actions of the user are monitored and
can offer valuable insight, feedback and guidance.
For instance, the types and combinations of clothing
viewed via an AR experience can help to guide a marketing
team in the design and construction of a catalogue or
perhaps even next seasons product range. Having this
insight and knowing exactly what appeals to the audience
would be benefcial for any organisation.
6 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
Augmented reality and the psychology of NLP
Visual learners have a high aptitude for digesting images,
diagrams and graphics. Aural learners absorb through
conversation and the written word. Kinesthetic learners
understand through touch and engagement experiences. All
learning styles require deep involvement with the subject in
order for the desired connection to be made.
What cant be ignored is the power that augmented reality
has in lending well to each of these learning styles in a
unique, immersive and intriguing way. By allowing a client
to engage with an augmentation, the sales professional is
appealing to the non-verbal communication patterns of both
the visual and kinaesthetic learner. They can also observe
behaviours and emotions, and react accordingly, endearing
the client to the product and lowering the barrier to closing a
sale or obtaining a contract.
In addition to the mass market intelligence that is
gained directly from the consumer, an AR experience
creates a smart communication channel into the
customers world. This channel can then be utilised to
forward promotions that specifcally address the interests of
the client. This in turn will drive footfall into store, or could
be used to take the customer to a website to further review
the offer, and ultimately make a purchase.
In short, AR gives the vendor the ability to demonstrate
a product to a customer in ways previously thought
impossible and helps to build trust and relationships.
In retail or B2B environments, using touch as a form of non-
verbal communication can lead to impulse purchasing and
can be a powerful way to connect with a consumer.
Storytelling is one of the longest standing and most relied upon sales techniques in the world. Augmented reality once
again is the catalyst, enabling storytelling. AR can be employed to connect with customers using storytelling in a way
that doesnt feel like a sales pitch. This can be delivered over the internet, at an event or in-person. It can also be passed
among colleagues and distributed freely if appropriate.
Below is a link to a video that shows an augmentation Hidden Creative developed for ABB using storytelling, to explain
how a complex engineering system could be deployed by rail.
Other examples of how the storytelling theme is being used in conjunction with augmented reality:
Problem solving
Undiscovered versatility of a new or existing product
Demonstrating performance and key benefts
7 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
Augmented reality and the psychology of stories
Risk is a major barrier for any sales professional, no matter their focus, be it B2C or B2B.
In any sales situation the objections tend to include subjective matters and none more so than in the retail industry,
nonetheless these barriers must be overcome. Consumers must be confdent that a product is reliable and, perhaps even
more so, that it is fashionable too.
Likewise, in the B2B environment, there are always several key objections that a sales person must handle. Many are
obvious and well known to most people in their own industry but the most typical objections are:
Will the product or service make the client more money?
Does the product or service allow the client to lower overheads or reduce costs?
Risks are evident in every scenario but the beneft of augmented reality is how it provides insight to the customers thought
process. This allows the sales professional to address the fundamental barriers directly and overcome the objections.
The technology affords the sales person the ability to present visually how a product could help achieve an objective. For
many, seeing is believing, so having an AR experience on hand can be the difference between winning and losing a sale
or a piece of business.
Augmented reality and the psychology of risk
Process: Demand generation
Naturally customer acquisition is the key element to the sales process. A customer, from a basic perspective, has a
need, a problem or is looking to exploit an opportunity. Sales and marketing content is there to ensure the potential client
reaches the conclusion that a product or service is the right solution.
When used in conjunction with traditional marketing material, augmented reality can guide potential customers to the
answers they are seeking. AR is an attention grabbing technology, but there is more to it than the wow factor. AR is a
powerful non-verbal communication tool that can help any business create demand for its products.
8 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
Augmented reality and sales strategy
Augmented reality can infuence several aspects of the sales process, and by allowing the technology to do its
job, budgetary justifcation for investing in AR is straight-forward.
The following diagram outlines some of the processes associated to the sales cycle and indicates where
marketing technologies such as augmented reality can be used to support these activities.
9 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
Process: Propositioning
Creating an appealing proposal, particularly in the B2B space, is essential to capturing the attention and beginning a
prosperous relationship with a new potential client. Bringing products to life through augmented reality allows businesses
to clearly demonstrate an offering far better than a PowerPoint deck. Death by PowerPoint is a familiar term and
understood by most professionals. AR eliminates the boredom that typically denotes many presentation methods.
In the event that the salesperson is not present to offer a solution face-to-face, as is often the case with the tendering
process, augmented reality really excels. Tender documents are purposefully designed by procurement departments to be
very text-heavy so to appear very similar when placed next to the competition. AR allows you to stand-out by putting the
actual solution in the hands of the potential client. Augmented reality speaks volumes in this type of sales situation and is a
superb way to create a disruptive attention grabbing proposal.
Process: Delivery
The delivery stage is different for every business but for a B2B organisation, the journey only begins once a customer has
been acquired. The acquisition stage is the start of what is intended as a long term relationship that often includes several
phases of delivery, punctuated by numerous project milestones.
Many of the visualisations that may be necessary to support ongoing project efforts could be realised through the use of
augmented reality. When the customer can see, hold and interact with your vision through this type of media it naturally
encourages client buy-in. When you can bring your thoughts to life though the use of AR, it greatly helps to enrich the
clarity of the relationship by allowing you to precisely manage the clients expectations.
Retailers, once a sale is made, begin another more distant journey with the customers. The primary goals in retail are to
establish a brand and build loyalty, ensuring that a customer continues to rely on the product or service. In this sector it is
also traditional to exploit up-selling and side-selling opportunities as well as offering enticement to increase repeat visits.
AR can be used to support all these activities.
Process: Lead qualifcation
Qualifcation is often the most resource consuming of all the early sales stages. Spinning your wheels in the wrong
direction costs the company time and money so streamlining this element of the process is high on the priority list for many
This stage focuses on using AR to establish what a client wants or is interested in. By qualifying the lead and
understanding what they want, management can provide them with a sales team that is right for them. Likewise, products
and services can be tailored accordingly too.

One of the major benefts or AR is maintaining customer interest. This can be done upon initial introduction, sales
demonstration, pitch or presentation. The sharper and more powerful the engagement, the more diffcult your competitors
job becomes.
By furthering a customers engagement with a product through the use of technology, businesses can gather what we refer
to as mass intelligence. Simply put, mass intelligence is the activity of the user that is recorded during their engagement
with the product augmentation. This data can be analysed to determine whats hot and whats not with regard to an
offering. Being able to see exactly what the audience is interested in or interacting with gives organisations the blueprint
to ensure they are communicating clearly with their target market on all levels. This is far more than can be accomplished
through any website or catalogue.
10 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
1. Demand generation: increase
engagement and dwell time online
A good website should be part of a digital strategy to
acquire new customers or generate leads. When AR is
used on websites, it increases dwell time and there is a
proven correlation between the dwell time on site and
conversions (e.g. sales, visits to the contact us page).
2. Demand generation: engaging
advertising (print and DOOH)
Advertising is changing and savy advertising agencies
are incorporating interactive elements into their artwork.
Brands can incorporate an AR experience into an advert
which then drives the user through to a website or provides
them with a coupon or offer to drive footfall into store.
3. Demand generation: events
The events industry is in decline and old fashioned, an
exhibition is no longer as central to marketing budgets
as it once was. Successful events and exhibitors are
increasing interactivity at events which can increase
dwell time on stand and directly help with lead
4. Qualifying: sales and marketing
Too many sales and marketing professionals under
invest in sales and marketing collateral. Some innovative
companies are choosing to invest in the sales process
and make a good frst impression by using AR to bring a
presentation to life.
Sales collateral can be static too but at the end of an AR
experience it is possible to add data capture forms or refer
people onto a website or contact page, thus supporting the
sales process.
5. Qualifying: AR used in credential
The credentials meeting is the chance to impress
and make an impression. Clearly an interactive web
experience will not only captivate attention but as research
shows, AR gives businesses a chance to put products into
the hands of customers helping increase the likelihood to
11 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
6. Qualifying: AR used to demonstrate
Product demonstrations might not be as high pressure
as a pitch situation but it is still a selling opportunity. If it
is impossible to demonstrate the real product then an AR
experience can make an engaging alternative.
7. Proposing: tender documents and
Dont under invest in the pitch stage. Most sales
professionals know it is better to do fve great pitches than
100 average ones, so why not enhance a presentation with
augmented reality?
8. Proposing: modeling designs and
There are some businesses that need to strip back costs
from the sales process. For example, engineering frms
spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on 3D product
models. There are a number of leading engineering
and construction frms who are investing in AR modeling
instead which can be much more cost effective and take
much less time to complete.
Again for some organisations modeling products for clients
can be a major part of the job. Make the process quick
impactful with AR.
9. Delivering: reporting and updating
clients on projects
Selling doesnt stop when a client has been acquired. Most
businesses are constantly trying to convince clients that
their strategy is right or that their product design is the best
solution. An augmentation of a proposed solution can be
a sophisticated and persuasive way to communicate its
10. Delivering: global working practices
Truly global businesses come with their own challenges.
Sometimes it is not feasible to fy out clients to visit a
project site in China or Australia, or perhaps a project is
being coordinated with teams which are located in different
time zones. AR demonstrations can prove to be the death
of distance and reduce the need for expensive international
12 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
The skill of selling is intangible to most and impossible
to learn. It is in part because the ability to connect and
persuade will always be something that few people are
able to do naturally. For this reason, there is little chance
of technology, such as computers, replacing feld sales
staff, and the role of the sales person within organisations
is safe for a good few years to come.
There is of course no reason why technology cant aid
sales teams and improve the process - in fact technology
is already doing so. The last decade has seen the
emergence of tools like Sales Force which has transformed
sales departments by supporting the implementation of
quality business processes, just as human resources
management or engineering is guided by best practice
techniques too.
However, there is always room for improvement and we
feel that marketing technologies can help sales people
to sell more effectively. Not by creating visually stunning
presentations (although this helps) but by using technology
to tap into psychological sales principles and by applying
technology to every step of the sales process, from lead
generation, qualifcation, right through to delivery.
By adopting marketing technologies sales people reap
the benefts of placing a digital version of a product in a
clients hands. Not only is this a powerful way to sell, the
intelligence gained from allowing a customer to explore
a digital version of a product can provide very powerful
intelligence on what customers like most about what they
see. This mass intelligence can be obtained by examining
the path the user takes in exploring the product, as
recorded precisely by the system. This insight can be used
to guide new or existing product development and ensures
sales professionals tailor their presentations and pitches
Sales professionals are always looking for the edge and we
feel that technologies such as augmented reality can be the
point of difference that many corporate organisations need
to help them stand out from the crowd.
The technology is immersive, persuasive and powerful.
What is more, it is becoming more and more accessible as
the cost of producing an augmentation decreases thanks to
increased competition in the marketplace and the lowering
of software licensing costs. Now it is possible to create an
AR experience for much less than the cost of a corporate
I hope you have enjoyed reading this document as much
as I have enjoyed putting the content together. If you have
any more questions regarding augmented reality and
marketing please feel free to contact me.
Matt Trubow, CEO, Hidden Creative Ltd
+44 (0)161 236 8181 or email
13 Copyright Hidden Creative Ltd
The basics
Augmented reality for marketers
OK, lets get the defnitions out of
the way. Augmented reality is a term
for a camera enhanced view of a
physical real-world environment,
where virtual elements are merged
with the real-life scene creating a
mixed reality of virtual elements and
the real world. The virtual elements,
given their nature, can consist of
anything. This could be 3D models,
video, web informationanything.
The point here is that your mind is
the only boundary.
Imagine pointing your smart phones
camera down the road and in return
being presented with information or
data relative to nearby interest points
such as shops and attractions. How
about entering a department store
and having instant access to a guide
to all the individual contents and
a personal, virtual concierge that
directs you to their location.
Another example might be you sitting
at home in front of your webcam,
trying-on augmented luxury watches.
Lastly, how about bringing a brochure
or other marketing document to life
and putting your product in the hands
of your potential client thanks to a 3D
AR experience.
All this and far more is possible with
augmented reality technology.
As a marketing and sales tool,
the scope for augmented reality
is endless. Any sales person will
tell you that the ability to put a
self-demonstrating version of your
product in your clients hand is
crucial, but not always possible, or is
it? AR makes it possible for clients to
visualise any products regardless of
size or location.
There is scientifc evidence that
shows by simply touching a product
for a few seconds, an attachment is
created that often leads to buying or
even paying more for the item.
Marketing and sales teams assisted
by augmented reality are able to
achieve this type of connection.
This is especially powerful as
research into the psychology of
sales indicated that people become
personally attached to a
product within the frst 30
seconds of contact when
presented with a physical
or virtual item.
Augmented reality has a place in
almost every business. It depends
on how you communicate internal
and external messages or reach out
to your potential clients as to how you
approach the use of AR.
There is nothing more conducive
to a sale than putting your product
or service right in the customers
hand. The basis for the technology
is to immerse the audience in the
subject. Sticking to this core value
will keep you on the right track
when developing the idea for your
The immediate uses come in many
forms and are evolving quickly. For
examples of commercial, industrial
and consumer uses of augmented
reality please turn to page 7.
Appendix 1

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