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ASIGNATURA: __INGLES________________________________
CURSO: ___8 A-B-C __________________________ PERIODO: ___3____________
NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: ________________________________________

Comprender textos argumentativos en Ingls, que relacionen el tiempo futuro, la lingstica, y el lxico en estudio;
presentando actividades orales y escritas en las cuales ejercite la normas y valores contemplados en el manual
de convivencia.


Simple past (did-didn`t) and Past-continuous.
Future form: Will.

En el presente taller encontrars ejercicios de los temas estudiados durante el 3 periodo de este ao y el
estudiante deber desarrollarlo en su totalidad.

Se realizar un repaso de los conocimientos previos por parte de los estudiantes, sobre los temas del
Posteriormente se despejarn las dudas e inquietudes que puedan surgir durante la elaboracin del taller
de manera escrita.
Por ltimo se realizar una sustentacin oral o escrita del mismo, de manera individual.
Simple past (did-didn`t). La estructura del pasado simpl e en f orma negati va es:
Sujeto + did + not + verbo principal en presente + complements

I did not remember where I was (I didnt remember where I was)
You did not buy the ingredients (You didnt buy the ingredients)
He did not speak Russian (He didnt speak Russian)

Escribe las siguientes oraciones en forma negativa.
1. I studi ed at thi s uni versi t y f or four years.

2. My f ami l y cel ebrated Thanksgi vi ng Day l ast year.

3. You l i ked your l ast danci ng cl ass


4. I l oved Maths and Techni cal Drawi ng ten years ago.

5. Mar y l i ved the best three months i n her l if e i n Irel and.

6. She was happy i n her j ob

7. The boys wal ked to the school ever y day.

8. We saw some beautif ul f l owers.

9. They cooked some tradi ti onal di shes.

10. You studi ed f or the Engl i sh workshop.

Future form: Se forma utilizando el auxiliar WILL+ verbo en presente
Exampl es:
You wi l l hel p hi m l ater. (f orma af i rmati va)
Wil l you hel p hi m l ater? (f orma i nterrogati ve)
You wi l l not hel p him l ater. (f orma negati ve)
Realiza la forma interrogativa y negativa de las siguientes oraciones:
1. I will send the information this night.

2. I will translate the email.

3. You will help me move this heavy table

4. You will make dinner

5. I will do your homework this morning

6. I will do all the housework myself

7. I'll make some sandwiches

8. Ill get you some coffee

9. Ill see my friends next week

10. John and Mary will get married soon

Selecciona la respuesta correcta teniendo en cuenta el uso de los adverbios de frecuencia:

1 - Which is correct:
Lizaan eats usually spaghetti for breakfast.
Lizaan usually eats spaghetti for breakfast.
2 - Which is correct:
Martha sleeps never at night.
Martha never sleeps at night.
3 - Which is correct:
Amy spends usually weekends away from home.
Amy usually spends weekends away from home.
4 - Which is correct:
Joan often smokes now that she has a new job.
Joan smokes often now that she has a new job.
5 - Which is correct:
Adele never does physical exercise.
Adele does never physical exercise.

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