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Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 11:42 AM

Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCXLVIII [ObamaCare & Incompetence]

Encompassed herein are additional data regarding issues covered in-detail plus derivative concerns
drawn from myriad sources; it appears Drudge/Breitbart are replete with facts, whereas leftie-sites are
filled with MSNBC-style rhetoric. Nevertheless, in each instance, failures of BHOs policies/procedures
are documented, along with depiction of what cudda/shudda been done instead (and why). Typifying
MSNBCs Morning-Joe were a walk-back by Halperin [No 'death panels' in ObamaCare, reversing tweets]
and silence by Dershowitz [Reflecting on a life in law, failing to repudiate prior endorsement of BHO].
Regarding other noise from the lefties, Alec Baldwin claimed his MSNBC Cancellation was due to GLAAD
Spokesman and Andrew Sullivan, even as Alec Baldwin Blasted Bashir and MSNBC's Double Standards;
no one even mentioned the fact that MSNBC Host Ed Schultz Referred to Fox Host as 'Steve Douchey,'
nor did any of these media-types comment on the fact that lara-logan was told-to-take-leave-absence-
from-60-minutes-after-benghazi-story [presumably, because Libya has been discarded from discussion,
lest Hillarys What difference, at this point, does it make? quotation be forcibly reiterated+ or discuss
the fact that Hillary Clinton reaped $450,000 fee for a speech at a Chicago Mercantile Exchange meeting
[presumably, because any attack on her $-raking has been discarded from discussion, lest she tarnish].
{Also, recall that CNN was Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors (c/o Friends of Syria.)}

Corbett's numbers continue to sink, as a new poll suggests the Pennsylvania governor
trails even unknown Democratic candidates; perhaps correlated, a free-market-group is
targeting-pennsylvanias-unpure-republicans. In this regard, despite efforts of the GOP
Establishment, the Tea party remains unscathed in the GOP civil war; indeed, enjoying
enhanced recognition [e.g., when noting the nsa-unraveled civil rights era victory] are
entities such as the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, which is a grassroots
entity dedicated to the movement to take back the Republican Party for the vast and
disenfranchised majority of its members [Reagan conservatives, who believe in small
government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and
a decent America], self-labeled the Republican Wing of the Republican Party. ,Also,
the founder of a healthcare company ponders running for Virginia senate seat, for GOP,
and Iowans worry about ethanol's lost political clout (presaging 16 POTUS-primaries).}

Meanwhile, OBAMA APPROVAL CRATERED IN OHIO; although he won Ohio by 3% in 2012 and by 4% in
2008, a new Quinnipiac poll shows 61% of Ohioans disapprove of Obamas job performance, and he
records the lowest approval rating for the president [34%] of any national or state poll conducted by the
school. Consistent with other polls, 57% of respondents did not feel Obama was trustworthy, with 59%
disapproving of ObamaCare and 45% expecting the quality of their health care to be worse a year from
now. This is why the WaPo headlined: Dems urgently seeking health-care success stories. Although BHO
is trying to change the subject to amnesty, many view such efforts as a last-ditch pitch [as advocates
try to amass support from Republicans already in statewide office]. And all this occurs as other entries
on BHOs Scandal-Sheet [Rahm behind 'Faked' Census Data before Election?, federal-investigators-still-
not-contacting-conservative-groups-targeted-by-irs, and SEAL Team 6 Was Murdered] remain dormant.
{Now, even Jimmy Kimmel is Blasting Obama's L.A. Visit, recalling he was a no-show in Gettysburg.}


Controversies abound, as Colorado ObamaCare Enrollment is Worse Than Worst Case
Projections and Anti-Smoking groups oppose ObamaCare tobacco penalty [arguing it will
push smokers out of insurance policies and make it even more difficult for them to quit].
For the insurance industry, it's not a politicized ObamaCare, it's simply A.C.A. business,
as DaVita will consider closing dialysis units after federal reimbursement cut; for others,
however, its political *Group to hit Enzi on ObamaCare] and ethical [ObamaCare-
undermines-American-values]. {Such issues are covered in the congress newsletter.}

POPE Francis BLASTED CONSUMERISM and "TRICKLE-DOWN" ECONOMICS as global manifestations of
growing income inequality (not new), but he also claimed "trickle-down theories [have] never been
confirmed by facts" (very new); he emphasized Money, politics and economics must serve, not rule.
Perhaps these assertions have been triggered by concerns that the Nov. 18
release of a Motu Proprio
outlining new regulations for the Vatican's Financial Intelligence Authority (an effort to reform the
scandal-plagued Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), a.k.a. the "Vatican bank") may put him in peril
from mobsters, as per Italian anti-Mafia prosecutor Nicola Gratteri.]; it is also possible that worriment is
related to refusing to Resign himself to a Middle East Without Christians [noting that this problem
stretches from Africa to Indonesia]. With these efforts intended to inspire the world [not just Catholics],
it is all the more shocking that obama plans to close the holy-see embassy [insulting all Catholics].
{"[I]n a seemingly paradoxical way, free and disinterested solidarity is the key to the smooth functioning
of the global economy.*E+very economic and political theory or action must set about providing each
inhabitant of the planet with the minimum wherewithal to live in dignity and freedom, with the
possibility of supporting a family, educating children, praising God and developing one's own human
potential. This is the main thing; in the absence of such a vision, all economic activity is meaningless."}

In nanny-state news, Bloomberg's Last Crusade will be to ban Styrofoam Cups and
Berkeley, California is taking regulation to the next level; although smoking is prohibited
in the commercial district, parks, bus stops, and within 25 feet of any building open to
the public, the city council wants to ban smoking in all apartments and condos where
second-hand smoking can spread, including in single family homes [alas, excluding pot
smoking or e-cigarettes]. [The Fives Greg Gutfeld called the move a new kind of moral
policing. Imagine if you applied this to unprotected sex which leads not only to disease
in yourself but can spread disease to others. Bob Beckel was strongly against the ban,
noting that hed exercise his Second Amendment right to bear arms if someone tried to
stop him from smoking. Berkeley City Council also wants to vote on a measure that
would allow taxpayer money to be used for sex change operations for city employees.]
{In follow-up of Common Core, BHOs reading-list includes socialist-communist-authors.}

The dogged effort to create a worldwide caliphate continues unabated, noting good news [Syracuse U.
and Brandeis U. have cut Ties With the Anti-Semitic Al-Quds University] and bad news [new-america-
foundation-promotes anti-zionism]; although the "Moderate" Fatah publicized threats to kidnap, kill and
bomb Jews, israel did not call-up reserves [to prepare for possible attack], as occurred over the summer.
Perhaps its easier to appreciate why Israel is reticent to relinquish the Galilee to the Palestinian Arabs
when it is noted that a 10,000-year-old house was uncovered outside of Jerusalem [recalling that the
Muslims are exhuming/destroying antiquities on the Temple Mount] and BHO Broke its promise when
moving to Close ICBM Squadron [recalling that BHO would link withdrawal to security-guarantees
noting, for example, under-reporting of how Israelis Thwarted a Terror Attack by killing two Suspects].
Indeed, such issues are discussed daily by in its Israel-daily-news-stream.

{Historically, new documents vindicated a zionist-leaders-skepticism-on-truman-administration, even as
an obama-adviser-acknowledged-tense-relationship-between-obama-and-netanyahu-on-iran.}

Illustrating the perils of BHOs pursuit of neo-isolationism [having announced intent to
withdraw and, thus, and the inability to project any strength against the Taliban], the
US-Afghan security pact is in peril as the Afghan Leader and Susan Rice are at Odds;
therefore, as a result, U.S. May Pull Out All Troops by 2014. Compounding this dilemma,
Pakistani Drone Protesters Blocked a NATO Supply Route; perhaps attempting again to
change the subject, after China Set Air Defense Zone over East China Sea [over Japan's
Senkaku Islands], the U.S. Flied B-52s Into China's Newly-declared Air Defense Zone.
While UN Climate Talks are on 'Brink of Collapse,' there is hope in Europe that sanity can
prevail, noting that the Iconoclast reports Wilders is promoting effectively prospects of a
Glorious Revolution of New Patriotism in the European May 2014 Elections

[Happy Thanksgiving!]
Washingtons Thanksgiving Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation
Black Miracle: A Hanukkah/Thanksgiving Poetry Slam


Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 7:10 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCIL [ObamaCare & Incompetence]

The goal here is twofold, with an overall theme of testing prior conclusions by citing updated data;
thus, after having briefly reviewed events-of-the-day, the Iranian situation will be probed by invoking
info *both current and more remote+to detect clues as to what deal-opponents should do ASAP.
Obamas thanksgiving message omitted mentioning the entity *God+ to whom thanks should be given,
while John Stossel described the anti-communist roots of Thanksgiving [This idea that happiness and
equality lie in banding together and doing things as a commune is appealing. It's the principle behind the
Soviet Union, Medicare, the Vietnam War, ObamaCare and so on. Some communal central planning is
helpful, but too much is dangerous.Colonists in Plymouth nearly starved because they didn't
understand that [until they instituted competition]; in Jamestown, some were driven to cannibalism.]
And none of this undermines the fundamental appreciation of "Separation Of Church And State."
{Regarding Benghazi-Gate, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland [R-Ga.] reported all security officers sent to the
consulate ahead of the Islamist militant raid (that killed four Americans) were unarmed. }

There is a certain irony notable on the website where, at the
on-the-issues page, the dominant photo is of when he *and this physician+ spoke @
Arcadia University during a TEA-Party Event [while BHO was pushing ObamaCare]. Thus,
when one notes his having aligned himself against the champions of this movement
[e.g., Cruz, whom he dissed+, his intent to be all things to all people overtly emerges.
Guzzardi just reported that he had just learned that as few as ~15% of the electorate
bases voting on issues, with the others prioritizing other forces [corruption, ads, etc.];
therefore, notwithstanding his having failed to uphold his solemn campaign-promise,
Mike probably plans to skate *while harboring ability to do it again on Immigration+.
{For example, he should speak-out against BHOs pronouncement that Immigrants from
37 Visa Waiver Program countries who have stayed in the United States longer than
permitted can keep living in the U.S. if they are immediate relatives of U.S. citizens.}

As his polling continues to tank [Reuters Poll: Obama Approval Sinks to 38% & GOP Surges Past Dems],
BHO continues to claim 'Republicans in Congress need to work with us!' [slamming the GOP for allegedly
creating 'dysfunction' in D.C.]; yet, noting that the reason for this drop is ObamaCare, it is disappointing
that Mikes colleagues such as jack-kingston have surrendered, as they join the rhetoric of the Media
who push to make ObamaCare right *seemingly forgetting that its difficult to put lipstick onto a sow+.
Indeed, they should be opposing everything BHO is doing to fulfill the prediction in the documentary of
last year [2016], for BHO continues to destroy america. And where is the outrage over the media bias,
for others should join Palin slamming MSNBC Executives who 'Condone' Bashir's 'Vile, Evil Comments'?

Liberal columnist Paul Krugman claims Dems shouldnt WORRY, because BHOs upbeat
tone on fixes to ObamaCares Web site indicates ObamaCare is turning a corner. *BHO
could be deluded or spinning but, after what happened two months ago, one suspects
that the last thing they want is to inflate expectations unduly.+ He further contends the
facts are improving daily and ObamaCare will turn into a Benghazi-type affair, where
Republicans are screaming about a scandal nobody else cares about. But todays events

bespeak ongoing turmoil, as BHO declared a yearlong delay for enrolling small business
and BHO requested the public not to Use the ObamaCare Website This Weekend,
despite the declared-deadline for key-fixes that will [another retrenchment] allow for a
majority of citizens to work through a series of computer-programming repairs. {Also,
a Non-partisan group was paid $1 million to produce positive ObamaCare stories, and a
College Student Faced Backlash After he wrote an Article on ObamaCare Cancellations.}

Despite worldwide persecution of christians by Islamists, pope-francis sanctioned Islamic savagery;
amazingly Angola has become the first country to ban the practicing of Islam. Also, ongoing ping-pong
between BHO/Karzai continued, as Karzai said BHOs Administration Said Taliban are 'Not Our Enemies';
also, a Kuwaiti Newspaper reported [incredibly] that BHO is now Negotiating with Hezbollah Terrorists.
Reflecting internal strife, steven-plaut claimed an israeli-court whitewashed medieval blood-libel, while
Ron Prosor, Israels UN-Ambassador, attacked the Palestinian leadership yesterday at the UN General
Assembly during special discussion on the Palestinian issue and stated that even 1000 UN resolutions
will not change the truth about the 29 of November UN Partition Plan. *Recall yesterdays analysis.+


Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCL [Iran]

After the days events related to Iran are recounted, a backlog of hyperlinks is explored to detect both
clues as to what had been portended and indicia as to what should be pursued ASAP. When Jay Leno
quipped that Obama Told Iran 'If You Like Your Uranium, You Can Keep Your Uranium,' he reflected
what has quickly emerged post-Geneva [construction of the Arak Reactor Will Continue, Iran is
Developing New Boosters for Long-Range ICBM and Iran Launched Biggest Sub Yet in Persian Gulf] as it
became increasingly apparent that the iran-deal-undermined-u-s-credibility, ceding the Advantage in
world affairs to Iran. Opposition was voiced by Joe-lieberman [the US should-halt-this deceitful deal],
Lindsey Graham [Obama Making Deals With Most Murderous Regime In The World], and an iranian-
hostage *Its-like-jimmy-carter-all-over-again]. American public opinion already flipped [41% in-Favor,
43% Oppose] and More Than Three-Quarters of Israelis Reject Iran Deal. One pundit averred facetiously
obama and iran agreed to one day agree on something, as BHO has suddenly created the Obamabomb
and the overall atmospheric is suggestive that islamists have already taken control of-the-white-house.
{Few believe Israel would Nuke Iran [explored at Foreign Policy], for an Obama Advisor Asked Israel Not
to Strike Iran; BHOs behavior has prompted some Critics to wonder whether Obama Loves Iran, or Just
Hates Israel and other pundits to wonder whether he harbors some strategic motive to Boost Iran.}

cnn-and-msnbc-lost-almost-half-their-viewers-one-year [hoo-ray!] as FNC flourishes.

Context The Overall Dilemma [at home and abroad]

Two friends [joseph-puder and david-bedein] have set the tone of worriment; also, Reza Aslan, Board
member of lobbying group for Islamic Republic of Iran, met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and
appeared at a Florida synagogue, and a-rabbi exists who-cant differentiate iran-and-america. Thus,
while the defects in the Nuke-Deal proliferate *particularly noting documented retreat from myriad
resolutions passed by the UN Security Council], Congress may hike sanctions [now or in six months] and
Sen. Lindsey Graham is to seek authorization for use-of-force against Iran; reflecting this capacity
[assuming BHO would ever authorize it], a U.S. pilot scared off Iranians with a Top Gun-worthy stunt.
Holocaust-authority elie-wiesel has warned america to adopt-a-very-harsh-more-truthful-line-with-iran.
{For years, this physician has advocated imposition of a Naval Blockade, to ensure arms arent shipped
to Israels enemies and to ensure oil isnt imported/exported [for Iran cant refine it, just yet].}

Muslims, Stop Blaming Israel - Sinem Tezyapar [Executive Producer at a Turkish TV network.]
Whenever calamities befall Muslim-majority nations, there is always a country to blame: Israel. This
madness of putting the blame on Zionists - and Israel in general - has no basis in logic. The most
surprising part is that so many people believe this without question. We are no longer surprised to hear
Israel's being the scapegoat for every single evil in the world, but Iran's blaming the Zionist entity for a
deadly earthquake was pushing the limits of credulity. This, despite the fact that Jews are a handful of
people, a tiny population when compared to the overall population of the world.
Let's look at what is really going on in the Islamic-Arab world. There is a continuous and unending
stream of hate. Hatred is deeply ingrained in their tradition, in their culture and in their own education.

This fierce, venomous style is what is tearing the Islamic world apart - with Muslims killing Muslims. How
do Jews make Muslims kill other Muslims?
As Muslims, let's stop pointing the finger at others for our problems. It is time for the Muslim world to
take responsibility and to ponder what has gone so horribly wrong with the Muslim world. Superstitions,
innovations, localized traditions and bigotry have replaced the Quran in some Islamic countries. This
hatred has to stop and Muslims must embrace the true spirit of the Quran, which is love, compassion
and brotherhood for all.
As bad as each of the various scandals might have been in isolation, they are collectively far more
ruinous because each one independently suggests the same thing: an administration that has breached
the public trust, violated constitutional values, and abused its power particularly when that power
might have been checked by the will of the people at elections. [Twelve years after 9/11, the U.S.
president has misled the public about its security, abused power in ways that are still not fully
understood, and failed to provide strategic leadership in a world that gets more dangerous by the day.
Iranian nukes are around the corner, Syria could explode in countless different ways, and Obama seems
ill-prepared to handle any of this. But Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are watching opportunistically
for the next U.S. misstep, and the consequences could extend well beyond Obama's second term.]

We need a government that understands terrorist threats to world peace from both groups and states
(such as Iran). Like winning the equally frustrating and long Cold War, beating them requires more
patience and endurance than democracies are likely to have. But beat them we must, so Americans
must reject the siren song of isolationism and not being fooled into thinking a 9/11 memorial is an
excuse for an anti-terror strategy. Thus, its unclear whether anyone can really-negotiate-with-iran, and
its doubly unclear whether Lessons from Past Middle East Weapons Inspections have been learned.

BHOs Driving Intent to Deal with Iran

Obama said he was optimistic that a nuclear deal could be reached with Iran due to their fatwa against
developing a nuclear weapon; this was one of BHOs delusions about iran, symptomatic of obamas-
renewed-iranian-romance. It was untrue [per the middle-east-institute], based on a hoax perpetrated
and debunked in 2005, started by Iranian diplomats and Turkeys Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, while Iran stalled for time as it prepared to continue enriching uranium into nuclear weapons.

After Obama expressed Respect for Irans Right to Nuclear Power, the LA Times reported that the US
and Iran were moving behind the scenes toward direct talks. President Obama reportedly reached out
to Irans relatively moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, through an exchange of letters in recent weeks.
Ironically, obama snubbed the GOP and wouldnt negotiate with terrorists, but talked with iran.

When BHO linked iran and the palestinian-israel peace, BB publicly rebuked him; nevertheless, when it
appeared IRAN was READY TO TALK, u-s expressed openness to-talks-with-iran-at-range-of-levels. Then,
Kerry-said a nuclear-deal-with-Iran-could-be-reached-in-months and Met with Iran's Foreign Minister,
Lisa Daftari; later, a Obama-Rouhani Phone Call was perceived as Another Victory for Iran, for this event
undermined the we dont negotiate with terrorists mantra, noting that Iran is a state-sponsor thereof.

The current agreement with Iran "fits Obama's worldview as it highlights multi-lateralism at the expense
of America's own independence of national security action" Also, the American-Russian agreement
gives Iran a "tailwind" as it "gallops toward becoming a nuclear power." In response, obama-said-iran-

was a-year-or-more-away-from-a-bomb, prompting the-islamist-in-chief to jaw-jaw with iran until it
were to cross the-wmd-finish-line [in-a-side-deal-with-syria, allahs devils bargain-with-americas-foes].

When Obama-softened-on-a nuclear-Iran, he claimed they could Keep-components and just-promise-
not-to-weaponise-them; thus, obama offered to let iran keep nukes in return for peaceful assurances,
and obama-said iran-shouldnt-draw-a-lesson-from-u-s-handling-of-the syria-chemical-weapons-crisis.
The New York Times reported that, during a forum in Dallas, both of Obama's former Cabinet officials
blistered Obama for backing-off his redline, trusting Russia to disarm Syria, and displaying weakness to
Iran. This may explain why a Poll shows a Majority Disapprove of Obama's Handling of Syria and Iran.
Despite Americas world-dominance, obama-talks-from-weakness-not-strength when dealing with syria
and confronting-irans-rouhani, raising the logical query as to whether Obama can Be Taken Seriously.

BBs Warnings to BHO

BB felt that The key-danger was and is delaying efforts to deal assertively with rouhani, and that,
Without Stronger Sanctions, Iran Would Go Nuclear; preventing-a-nuclear-iran-was-therefore viewed as
an-act-of-tikkun-olam. IF BHO replied that a-nuclear-iran was inevitable and, thus, Israel should simply
get-used-to-it, BB undoubtedly felt frustrated due to the inability to convince-obama-about-iran, so he
explained that Syria served as Irans testing ground; in response, as Obama grappled with Syria & Iran,
BB was worried-about-the-rouhani-phone-call [which validated the Iranian] and Warned Obama not to
be Fooled by Iran; after BB told-obama-iran-has-enough-uranium-for-a-bomb, he lamented the fact
that, the centrifuges continued spinning. Reportedly, BB has/had IDed the IDF units involved with any
Iran strike and, despite BHOs entreaties, BB appears not to be interested in trading-iran-for-palestine-
nuclear-peace-talks. Although for different reasons, moshe feiglin claimed israels-strategy-against-iran-
has-collapsed; meanwhile, obama has left-israel-on-its-own-against syria and iran, as he appeases iran
and demonizes-israel. In response to BBs being Prepared to Attack Iran, Obama Vetoed the battle-plan
and Obama Forced Israel to Abandon Attacking Iran Nuclear Sites, vigorously Stopping a Strike on Iran.
{Throughout, the new-york-times-ignored-the-truth-on-iran, editorializing in favor of the u-s managing
israels-enmity-towards-iran; also, NBC News and Politico Spread False Iran Propaganda.}

Rouhani as a Moderate

In myriad ways, newly-elected *actually, chosen by the Ayatollah+ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
[allegedly, a-sexual-predator] has been portrayed benignly [Meet Rouhani, the Moderate Iranian Leader;
rouhani-treats-obama-like-a-chump; Rouhani's false promises; The holes in Rouhani's charm offensive;
obama doesnt understand rouhani; rouhani negotiates with the west to dupe the-uneducated; Rouhani
persuaded the West that he is a "moderate" merely by referring to himself as such; Rouhani-home-with-
USgiftof-silver-griffin; rouhani in the big-apple [by elliott-abrams]; rouhanis ruses [syria-and-nukes];
that-iran-is-now-moderate is a joke; and to-the-world, BB-is-an-extremist-and-rouhani-is-a-moderate].
Specifically, BB was unambiguous and intense [BB warned US and the UN about Iran's 'smiley campaign';
BB claimed Nuke Deal With Iran Is Trap; and BB calls Iranian president's comments deceptive]. Yet,
although Rouhani braged-about-deceiving-the-west-over-nuclear-program and boasted-about-iran-
lying-so-that-it-could-develop-its-nuclear-weapons-program, obama kissed-up-to-iran while iran-was-
hacking-classified-us-computers. Within this context, it is implausible that a sentient human-being
would have believed Rohanis disclaimer [NUCLEAR WEAPONS 'HAVE NO PLACE IN IRAN'S SECURITY'].


Irans International Dissemination of Terrorism

Because iran-uses-terror-as-deterrence, Iran has opposed American interests in Israel [Iranian suspected
of spying for Revolutionary Guards arrested in Israel], in Syria [Iranians Dial Up Presence in Syria and Iran
President Offers to Broker Talks Between Syria Govt. and Opposition and iran-hamas-trying-to-smuggle-
syrian-arms-into-west-bank and Video Reveals Key Iranian Role in Syrian Civil War], in Iraq [Iraqi Forces
'Massacre' Iranian Dissidents - Iranian opposition and human rights groups accuse Iraqi government of
colluding with Tehran to wipe out opposition to Islamic Republic and secret-us-mission-hauls-uranium-
from iraq], with Hamas [with-morsi-gone, hamas-turns-back-to-iran-for-aid and Hamas and Iran Putting
Aside their Differences to Fight Israel], in Germany [German Federal Ministry of the Interior places
emphasis on the growing influence of Iranian operatives in Germany and determines that Tehran is
exploiting the country as a base for activity throughout Europe and iranian-diplomatic-infrastructure-
for-subversion-in-germany-part-2/], in Latin America [IRAN AGGRESSIVELY RECRUITING INVISIBLE
iran-is-now-immersing-young-hispanics-in-anti-americanism-and-islam], in Thailand [Thai Court Jails
Iranian Pair over Bangkok Bomb Plot], in Denmark [iranian-artist-convicted-of-islamophobia-in-denmark,
A Danish-Iranian artist was found guilty of racism for statements she made about Muslim men and
Denmark: Iranian woman convicted of "racism" for noting that Muslim men justify abusing women by
referring to Islamic texts], in America [Israel Arrested Iranian Spy Carrying Photos of US Embassy], and
worldwide [iran, sponsor-of-global-terrorism, holds-conference-for-terror-victims].

Meanwhile, Iran interacts with Russia [Putin travels to Iran for nuke-strategy talks and Russia Hands
Over Nuclear Reactor to Iran], the Saudis and Gulf States [which are 'Shocked' By Obama-Rouhani Chat
and which are thus entertaining an alliance with Israel], turkey [competing with iran and saudi-arabia]
and Syria [Russia-Iran-Damascus-may-crank-up-border-tensions-to-weaken-BBs-hand-in-America].

Irans Internal/External Behavior

Irans-disinformation-war has included trying to project benignity [vide supra et infra] without losing any
stridency [Rowhani talks tough on Iran nuclear rights]; this dynamic was diagnosed by caroline-glick as
emblematic of the syrian-iranian-and-the-north-korean-model, for iran-knows-what-the-west-forgot:
charm-is-cheapexplaining why, even post-Geneva, Iran is building beyond its current level of ~18,000
nuclear centrifuges, and iran continues to crush opposition-activists plus make other nuclear moves.
Meanwhile, regardless of what is transpiring [e.g., syria-chemical-weapons-deal-a-victory-for-iran-and-
its-allies, iranian-official-says], iran-declares-victory-over-obama while BHO laughs-when-asked-about-
iran-trying-to-weaponize-a-nuclear-weapon; through it all, the Iranians let it be known that missiles in
Iranian Military Parades are Capable of Hitting Israel, and irans nuclear-program is pursued on multiple
planes [diplomacy, dishonor, war]. This explains why israels lapid criticized rouhani boycott, as BB
remained-skeptical-of-irans-intentions and israeli officials warned of rapid uranium enrichment-by-iran.

Justifiably, much has been surmised by the-west about rouhani-and-iranian-anti-semitism; after he had
engaged in holocaust-denial [Hassan Rouhani on Holocaust denial: Im not a historian, Im a politician],
iran-state-media-said-cnn-fabricated-translation-of-rouhani-holocaust-remarks [prompting cnn to note
that these contested rouhani holocaust remarks had been provided by a translator-hired-by iranians],
and rouhanis-holocaust-weasel-words were then endlessly parsed. Symptomatic of the Plight of the
Iranian Jewish Community [demanding, for example, that iran come-clean-on-missing-jews] was the

decision of Iranian Jews in U.S. to Reject an Invitation to Meet Rouhani. Noting BHO ignored his plight
[via the Nuke-Deal], an iranian-court-nixed-appeal-from-jailed-american-pastor because Christian
evangelical activities constituted "Zionism"; this American 'spy' [Ex-marine Amir Hekmati] claimed
Iranians had coerced his TV confession and he is being held hostage, per a letter smuggled out of jail.

It had been predicted iran would have-enough-enriched uranium-for-a-bomb in as little as Two Months,
prompting a game of Nuclear Chicken; meanwhile, Irans Revolutionary Guard was said to have warned
rouhani-about-negotiating-with-obama, despite the fact that Rouhanis independence could only be
attacked-from-within [i.e., by the Ayatollah]; meanwhile, it was revealed that Iran's new defense
minister orchestrated attacks on US and Israeli forces [including the 1983 Bombing of US Marine Base].

UN & Sanctions

Again dissing BHO, although Obama was 'willing' to meet Rouhani at UN, Obama and Iranian President
Hassan Rouhani did not meet on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly; BHO had offered to have
"an encounter" between the two leaders, but Iranian officials ultimately declined. [U.S. and Iranian
officials had been discussing the possibility of an Obama-Rouhani meeting for days, but "it was clear that
it was too complicated for them.The Iranians have an internal dynamic that they have to manage and
the relationship with the US is clearly quite different than the relationship that Iran has with other
Western nations," as per a senior administration official.] Yet, obama stalked rouhani, calling the iranian
president after-un-snub; the iranian delegation instead invited a special vip-guest to dinner-party [louis-
farrakhan] and influential rabbi-pinto was invited to meet iranian president rouhani during his NYC visit.
{After a two-year run, NYs-warwick-hotel did not host the iranian delegation for the september-un-ga.}

On the eve of rouhanis UN speech, israeli Intelligence minister-steinitz laid-down Israels-conditions,
and BB focused his UN speech and his meeting with BHO thereafter on demands that must be made of
Iran to halt its nuclear program. A UN report described iranian advances toward uranium-and-plutonium
nuclear weapons, as the IAEA [paradoxically] reported the narrow-defeat of an Anti-Israel Resolution;
backed by Iran and the Arab League, it would have exclusively targeted Israel for criticism.

rouhanimania upstaged-bibi-at-un, as rouhani gave obama cover-to-delay-delay-delay-on-iran-nukes;
reflecting political ties to BHO, israels peres called rouhanis un speech nice but based on a false-reality,
while BB instructed the un delegation-to-skip rouhanis-remarks-at-unga. Meanwhile, portending the
Geneva-Accord, obama told the un-that-secretary-of-state-kerry-will-open-direct-talks-with-iran.

On the sanctions front, part-iran-owned nyc-5
avenue-office-tower-worth-up-to-$700-million has
been cleared-for-seizure-by-u-s-government, israeli-law-center said facebook-is-violating-iran-sanctions,
and Pentagon Contractor Used Iran for Project. ,Of course, Genevas impact on these issues is unclear.-



Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 1:35 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLI [Iran - Action-Item]

Guzzardi is complaining, again, that this physician has failed to state precisely what should be done
regarding the Iranian Nuke-Threat, notwithstanding the extensive database that has been accrued.
Thus, the focus here is to achieve this with precision [and communications to myriad people in D.C. are
being remitted to explore whether these postulates are realistic]; all critique is irrelevant if it fails to lead
to an action-item, and it is to this level that all issues raised in these blasts are thoroughly cognated.
Here, it is clear that the deal is devastatingly-bad, if for no other reason than Iran has contradicted the
BHO-narrative that accompanied its releaseas new revelations *Irak, the sub, the ICBM+ have emerged
during the past few days *of this short week, noting Thanksgivings potential to distract the public+.
Indeed, MSNBC fears discussing Iran so much that it reverted to discussing [the horrors of] ObamaCare!

A week ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Senate will consider new sanctions against Iran
after the two-week Thanksgiving break, giving BHO space to hammer out a deal in Geneva. Of course,
his stance [Senators have offered their own amendments on Iran in the defense authorization bill,
andother senators also have their own sanctions bills. I will support a bill that would broaden the
scope of our current petroleum sanctions, place limitations on trade with strategic sectors of the Iranian
economy that support its nuclear ambitions, as well as pursue those who divert goods to Iran.While I
support the administrations diplomatic effort, I believe we need to leave our legislative options open to
act on a new, bipartisan sanctions bill in December, shortly after we return.+ will have been amended
following the Geneva-event, but this means enhanced Iran-Sanction legislation has been filed.

Rather than recounting myriad arguments articulated by experts, it is perhaps sufficient to quote FNCs
James Rosen, who noted the Plutonium heavy-water [Irak] exception, plus the ultimate goal to define
the level of enrichment Iran would be permitted [without an asterisk, contradicting UN Resolutions that
have repeatedly been passed by the Security Council]. Thus, it would seem plausible that lobbying could
lead to a bipartisan [including Schumer!] effort to pass something substantive [which the House would
presumably endorse+, thus placing into receivership *a longstanding goal articulated in these blasts+
BHOs foreign policy *as adults in the room take charge+; of course, Dems would recoil at the import,
but some accommodation could be made [such as implementation within a month] if key-clarifications
[including those which have already emerged, vide supra] have not been achieved with precision.

True-to-form, the media-libs [including The Jewish Exponent] have been mute, claiming [as was themed
briefly on MSNBC+ the situation is complexa mess *etc.+. As we all learned when taking the SATs,
perhaps the key-answer employed when taking both the Verbal and the Math is when two phenomena
are true, true, but unrelated *rather than linked by causation, in either direction+. Thus, it is vital to
transcend rhetoric from apologists who try to achieve lassitude merely by misdirection/obfuscation.
Jews must resist the dual-loyalty charge [which can be subtly detected, already, whenever BB is quoted]
simply by citing the canary in the coal mine metaphor, even as those who continue to cling to the goal
of bipartisanship [under these, most dire circumstances] must have their hands pealed-away from the
reins of powerif they dont finally *even if transiently+ commit to reversing what some view as Israels
Death Sentence [noting BHO has done everything possible to undermine Israels ability to act alone+.


As Rush would say, Dont Doubt Me. Every assertion herein is tethered to extensive/exhaustive data.
Testing these assumptions by pursuing the ONE time TPMs front-page has the word Iran yields this
squib *Like every other poll, the new Reuters-Ipsos poll shows President Obama is at the lowest
popularity point of his presidency. But the public supports his Iran deal by a 2-1 margin. The American
public simply has zero appetite for more military adventurism or even well-thought-out entanglements
in Middle East. None.+. This reflects the facile linkage BHO has attempted to convey, a binary model
*that Guzzardi immediately IDed as contrary to the tenets of Martin Buber+ whereby a choice is framed
as my way or the highway *here, diplomacy as we see it vs. war as the inevitable outcome+. Thus,
testing this deal by mandating fixes [to employ currently-ambient ObamaCare nomenclature]
would not only be plausiblebut it would appear to be the only proper pathway to adoptASAP!


Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 2:42 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLII [ObamaCare, etc.]

Regarding ObamaCare, note that even the N.Y. Times [on page A1, "ANOTHER DELAY FOR HEALTH LAW
AS SNAGS PERSIST: FUEL FOR G.O.P. CRITICS] has noted the political-damage associated with this move
*Small Businesses Must Wait for a Year While Website Is Fixed+ as it cites past and portends problems
["The administration had previously delayed online enrollment for them to the end of this month from
Oct. 1. The date has now been pushed back to November 2014 for coverage that takes effect in January
2015....The announcement, just before Thanksgiving, was reminiscent of the way the White House
announced, just before the Fourth of July weekend, a one-year delay in the requirement for larger
employers to offer health insurance to employees."] Piling-on [a bit], note how these hyperlinks from
Drudge [Boy with cancer loses coverage after Obamacare launch, Mike Tyson jabs rollout, Lack of
Doctors May Worsen, HHS Drops VERIZON, BOEHNER: 'DELAY ENTIRE LAW'] vindicate Cruzs crusade.

To any disinterested observer, it would appear the world could be converging on BHO
[Obama's Orwellian Thanksgiving, White House Slam GOP's Food Stamp Reforms in
Thanksgiving Message, Another Publication Joins Free Speech Boycott of W.H. Photos,
Poll: Americans Narrowly Oppose Iran Deal, Islamists Arrested in Moscow Readying
Suicide Attacks, Syrian Troops Capture Town Near Lebanon Border] even as libs protest
[Larry King: Talk Radio 'Soapbox for Screaming, Yelling Idiots' Like Limbaugh] and the
KO-Game runs rampant, even in Philly *'Knockout' thugs target student walking down
hallway at high school, Another attack in Philly, NYTIMES, NPR: No big deal]. And anyone
doubting the persistence of domestic anti-Semitism need only consult the latest rant
[Kanye on BHO's Failures: 'Black People Don't Have the Same Connections as Jews'] and
the latest blame-Bush deceit [media-still-feasting-on-bush-fake-turkey-claim]; and those
who dont recognize the intransigence of those Jews who cant abandon FDRs Dems
need only be reminded of a quotation from Theodore Bikel in todays Jewish Forward
*the most contradictory two words in the English language are Jewish Republican+.

Additional troubling hyperlinks span the political horizon, from local [de-blasio-appoints-transition-
imam-who-helped-raise-money-for-hamas] to state-level [FLORIDA: Volusia County School Board caves
to CAIR thugs, will continue using sharia-compliant history textbook that teaches Islamic propaganda
and A gay restaurant server in New Jersey may or may not have been denied a tip] to international
[Bachmann: Iran Nuclear Facilities Must be Bombed, Geneva Deal Obamas Biggest Cudgel to Prevent
Israel Self-Defense and Palestinian Leaders Condemn a Terror Attack against Iran and Israel Concerned
Palestinian Authority Is Destroying Hasmonean Artifacts and The battle over the Temple Mount rages on
and Israeli toddler injured in Jerusalem stoning attack and UK PM Cameron to Britains Jews: I Share
Your Skepticism Over the Iran Deal and The Middle East is in chaos because American power vanished.]
Individually and in the aggregate, albeit to varying degrees sociologically, these fuel anti-BHO fervor.



Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 9:25 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLIII [Iran & Thanksgiving]

After Obama asked BB for 'breather,' BB publicly vowed to banish 'darkness' of Iran nuclear program;
clearly, the Senate must consider providing a legislative-fix to a diplomacy-disaster. This cant be done
as a mandatory vote because this isnt a treaty subject to Senatorial Ratification; but it can be done by
amending the Defense Department Authorization Bill to mandate maximal-sanctions be implemented
immediately if/when Iran cheats on this faux-agreement. As documented earlier, this may already
have transpired *noting the claim from Tehran that BHO lied when issuing his take-home message
regarding what had occurred in Geneva]; furthermore, immediate exposure of black-holes should suffice
when prompting a public outcry against any/all of BHOs Executive Orders that alleviate $-sanctions.

This issue is huge, and BHO cannot be granted a relief from pressure regarding actions
he provoked; he may have thought this could stop his generic polling-slide, but within
only 24-hours, initial 2:1 favorability *Tuesday+ flipped to 2%-negative [Wednesday].
Perhaps acceptance will continue to drop, as Americans recall the devil in details.

And, coupled with Obamas-afghanistan-deal that puts-homes-off-limits-to-us-soldiers, it can be argued
that emboldening-iran should be the last thing America should do, for BHO must be stopped from his
spend-down of both Americas wealth [domestically] and prestige [worldwide] before both are gone;
in BHOs world, Hope trumped experience in Iran deal, but he must be disabused of his self-absorption.
Even the Democratic chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee [Robert Menendez, N.J.]
accused BHO on Wednesday of using "over the top" rhetoric and "fear-mongering" tactics to try to halt
new sanctions against Iran after the U.S. brokered an interim deal with Tehran over its nuclear program.

General Thanksgiving



Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will,
to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor, and Whereas both
Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the
United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful
hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably
to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.

Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by
the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, Who is the beneficent
Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be. That we may then all unite in rendering unto
Him our sincere and humble thanks, for his kind care and protection of the People of this country
previous to their becoming a Nation, for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable
interpositions of His providence, which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war,
for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed, for the peaceable
and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our
safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious
liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge
and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great
Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions, to enable
us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and
punctually, to render our national government a blessing to all the People, by constantly being a
government of wise, just and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed, to
protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to
bless them with good government, peace, and concord. To promote the knowledge and practice of
true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and Us, and generally to grant unto
all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

GIVEN under my hand at the City of New-York, the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
(Signed) George Washington


Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 9:50 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLIV [Necessary Levity]

Perhaps to counterpoint Americas current dire-straits, c/o BHO, consider *reformatted, but unedited+.

How to tell if a Catholic is driving too fast

Jewish Olympic Swimmer?


The Woodpecker Might have to go!


May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more, and
may nothing but happiness come through your door
Don't take life so seriously!






I don't care if you lick windows,
Take the special bus,
Or occasionally pee on yourself
You hang in there sunshine, you're special.
Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back.

Today's Message of the Day is:

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never
regret anything that made you smile.


Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 2:31 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLV [Media]

The most-recent blast has proved popular *Finally a message I understand without using too much
grey matter (not much left).+; in follow-up, also, note persistence of The Mother of Thanksgiving,
emphasis which counterpoints MSNBC's Ronan Farrow views of Thanksgiving: Happy Genocide Day!
The Media are apoplectic, with MSNBCs Chris Matthews fixated on immigration reform and everyone
else focused on Black Friday; meanwhile, echoing the crassly-hyped talking-points emanating from BHO,
MSNBCs Chris Hayes claimed I Will Tell People How to Talk to Relatives on Thanksgiving. CNN has
pitched-in [CNN's Cuomo: Bashir's Comments 'Well-Developed Reference To The History Of Slavery'],
perhaps explaining why November Ratings show Last-Place CNN Lost 59% of its Viewers Over Last Year.
They choose stories as one might choose a card to play in Hearts [avoidance]; although there had been
160 TV News Stories for Duke Rape Allegations, only 3 aired regarding the accusers Murder Conviction.
{They also practice denial (Slate Writer Who May Have Been Victim Dismissed Knockout Game] while
one whose personal experience yields forthrightness, Mike Tyson, claimed Knockout Perpetrators 'Evil';
meanwhile, Drudge cited ongoing evidence of turmoil [Man's jaw, nose shattered in another 'knockout'
attack, Student targeted walking down hallway at high school, and Brooklyn residents hold rally].}

Americans views on the state of the nation are turning increasingly sour, according to a new national
poll by CNN/ORC; less than 25% of the public says that economic conditions are improving, while nearly
40% say the nation's economy is getting worse. And 41% of those questioned in the poll say things are
going well in the country today, down nine percentage points from April, and the lowest that number
has been in CNN polling since February 2012; 59% say things are going badly, up nine points from April.
{These data may grow worse, as the Iranian Suckers deal appears to be Getting Worse All the Time.}

This is a weekly-summary provided by patriot action.
Many of these points have already been made, but are worth recapitulating.

Iran-US: This week the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman denounced the US "fact sheet" on the Iran agreement as a
misrepresentation. Today, 27 November, Foreign Minister Zarif clarified the situation, obliquely. Zarf said the capacity at the Arak
plutonium nuclear reactor construction site is not going to increase. "It means no new nuclear fuel will be produced and no new
installations will be installed, but construction will continue there," Zarif told Iran's parliament in translated comments broadcast on
Iran's Press TV. Zarif also said that uranium enrichment at the Natanz and Fordow facilities will continue at levels around 3.5-5
percent purity, but the facilities' capacities will not be expanded. When asked about this, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain
Nadal said: "In the interim accord, the Arak reactor is specifically targeted and the end of all work at this reactor. In the
agreement and the text, which has been approved by the Iranian authorities, the Arak reactor is clearly targeted."
Comment: Basic contract law in US jurisprudence stipulates no agreement exists when there is no meeting of the minds of the
contracting parties, regardless of the words of the agreement. The absence of a meeting of the minds, i.e., the existence of
different interpretations of terms, is prima facie evidence that no agreement exists. That is what appears to have taken place in
Geneva - two sides used the same words in English, but meant different things. In short, there was no agreement at Geneva. The
strongest evidence of sharp legal practice is the US "fact sheet." In almost no significant substantive respect, the fact sheet fails
to correspond to the actual four-page agreement, which NightWatch used in its analysis. Whoever wrote that fact sheet should be
fired because it makes assertions about Iranian undertakings that are factual misrepresentations. For example, Iran did not agree to
freeze construction at Arak. Iran agreed not to expand Arak beyond existing plans and the US agreed to that, according to the
Iranians. The US fact sheet, however, says Iran agreed to freeze construction at Arak, the plutonium producing reactor. This is a
pivotal issue about which there is no agreement. Today, the US said that construction at Arak does not violate the agreement. The
US statement indicates the Iranian interpretation is the accurate interpretation, not the fact sheet. It also means the Iranians gave
up nothing at Arak because that nuclear site will be under construction far beyond the six month time term of the agreement. Iran

agreed to not expand its capacity to enrich, meaning it agreed to not add more centrifuges. It did not agree to not use its existing
centrifuges, as the US fact sheet contends. It agreed to not expand its nuclear program, but did not agree to not continue is
development under existing capacity limits. The US fact sheet indicates it agreed to halt nuclear development. The actual agreement
requires no "roll back" of the Iranian nuclear program, though the US fact sheet indicates it does. These inconsistencies are the
signs of a rushed job. If the White House fact sheet represents the US understanding of the terms of the agreement, there is no
agreement because the Iranians have an entirely different understanding. They got everything they wanted and sanctions relief.
That explains the Iranian declarations of a diplomatic victory and the celebrations in Tehran. - NightWatch
The nObama Health Insurer Bailout Just Got Bigger
Originally, federal regulations allowed insurers access to taxpayer bailout funds only after they spent at least $60,000 on an
individual...On Monday, the Department of Health and Human Services introduced new regulations lowering that limit to $45,000.
This will transfer billions more dollars from tax payers to insurance companies. This is automatic, entitlement, mandatory spending.
It is not discretionary. Congress has no power to stop this bailout through the appropriations process. The Congressional Budget
Office never considered the possibility that health insurance companies would need a bailout when they scored nObamacare before
it became law. If this bailout proceeds, nObamacare will add billions to the deficit. Didn't he say the nObamacare won't add a dime
to the deficit.
Untrustworthy nObama Stacks Audiences with Hecklers
The Health Care Stack just keeps growing and growing and growing. The nObama poll numbers continue to plummet, and now
Wolf Blitzer is officially concerned at CNN, finally addressed the poll numbers...nObama is now stacking his personal
appearances with hecklers. A lot of people are making a big deal about the heckler in San Francisco at nObama's immigration rally or
appearance. Somebody wrote the script for the heckler, and it allowed nObama to portray the Limbaugh Theorem, "Yeah, I agree
with you, I'm trying to fix it. I'm working with Congress, but, you know, I just can't make law any time I want to." Well, what's
stopping you all of a sudden? You've been making law ever since you became president. The Health Care Stack includes a new
discovery that the unions have been exempted from a bunch of nObamacare fees. It just keeps adding up. I mean, no matter what it
just keeps piling on.
nObama Made Illegal Recess Appointments
President nObama violated the Constitution by claiming to have made three appointments to the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB) when the Senate was not in a ruling made by that body is invalid, the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU)
argues in a friend of the court brief filed Monday at the U.S. Supreme Court. President nObama is the first President in U.S. history
to try to make recess appointments that bypass Senate confirmation, while the Senate was not in recess.
Boy with cancer loses coverage after nObamacare launch
Hunter Alford is the happy kid next door with a big grin who idolizes country music star Blake Shelton. His parents call him a
wild, fun loving, zombie-killing boy who loves the military and police....He is normal in every way, except this 7-year-old
already plays guitar and keyboards and has his heart set on learning to fiddle. Something else sets Hunter apart.He was born with a
rare form of cancer and lost his health insurance on Nov. 1, one month after nObamacare went into effect.Americans were told the
health-care law was designed to help children just like Hunter, born with a deadly pre-existing condition and little means to pay for
expensive treatments.The Affordable Care Act was not supposed to take away the insurance these most-vulnerable children already
had and leave them utterly defenseless against a life-threatening disease.
nObamaCares Cancellations: You Aint Seen Nothin Yet
If President Barack nObama thinks weathering the storm of health-insurance cancellations is tough right now, hed better get
himself an ark by this time next year...By then, according to Fox News,there will be a flood of cancellations, affecting as many as
80 million Americans, followed by recriminations from nObamas fellow Democrats if these and other nObamaCare negatives cost
them dearly in the midterm elections. At present, individual insurance policies are the primary ones being canceled, with
approximately 3.5 million Americans affected thus far. Next year, however, group policies, which are typically purchased by
employers, will be subjected to nObamaCare and thats when the impact of the healthcare law will really be felt.
The speech you were never supposed to see
Given the moral and spiritual state of the nation, some have called it the most important speech given in modern American
history. The address was a prophetic expos of Americas fall from God...a revealing of the biblical signs of judgment
manifesting in America, and a call to return, said Joseph Farah, producer of The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment, the No. 1 faith movie of
2012 and 2013 based on Cahns teachings.The speech became pointed when Cahn addressed his words to nObama: Can you lay your
left hand upon His Word and then with your right hand enact laws against it? Can you invoke the name of God to assume the

presidency and then use the presidency in any way to endorse that which clearly wars against the ways of the God you invoke? Can
you utter the words so help me God if you should in any way take part in helping to lead a nation away from the God whose help you
New rules of engagement a death trap for US troops
The latest U.S.-Afghanistan security agreement tightens the screws on an already-restrictive set of rules of engagement for
forces operating in that country...The proposed Bilateral Security Agreement, announced Wednesday, was hammered out by
Secretary of State John Kerry and Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Approved by President nObama, it would virtually ban U.S.
troops from firing in dwellings, according to The Washington Times. U.S. forces shall not enter Afghan homes for the purposes of
military operations, except under extraordinary circumstances involving urgent risk to life and limb of U.S. nationals, President
nObama pledged in a letter to Karzai, The Times reported. U.S. soldiers are not pleased.
3rd grade lesson presents messianic view of nObama
On the heels of a controversial childrens book about Barack nObama which stated white voters would never vote for a
black president...and that Baracks former pastor said God would damn the United States for mistreating its black citizens
comes a new lesson that casts Americas 44th president in a messianic light. Literally. And surprise its Common Core-aligned. The
lesson plan and accompanying visual presentation were authored by Sherece Bennett, and is for sale on
Its all based on a book titled, Barack nObama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope, by Nikki Grimes.
EPA preparing to unleash a deluge of new regulations
Happy holidays from the nObama administration. Federal agencies are currently working on rolling out hundreds of
environmental regulations, including major regulations...that would limit emissions from power plants and expand the agencys
authority to bodies of water on private property. On Tuesday, the White House released its regulatory agenda for the fall of 2013.
It lists hundreds of pending energy and environmental regulations being crafting by executive branch agencies, including 134
regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency alone.
Will Israel Nuke Iran?
That's the question Micah Zenko poses at Foreign Policy. It's partly a rhetorical question meant to highlight a perceived
double standard in How Israel's nuclear program is treated differently from Iran's...a double standard that isn't really one at
all, since Israel is a democratic country and not a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty in any case. But it's also a practical question,
because of the low probability that normal air strikes would be enough to destroy Iran's dispersed, secretive, and largely buried
nuclear facilities. The short answer is: probably not. Only a small percentage of the Israeli public would favor such a move, and it
would instantly transform Israel into the ultimate pariah state. Israel's current strategy, as far as it is known at the moment, is a
second-strike strategy. It is thought to be arming submarines with nuclear warheads that will automatically launch if any attack is
detected against Israeli territory, guaranteeing massive retaliation against the source of that attack even if there are no Israelis
left to retaliate.


Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 4:12 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLVI [Kurdistan]

A series of blasts have been prepared during the Eagles-Cardinals game; the first one updates an essay
that emphasizes the need to recognize an independent Kurdistan. The 819 word-count does not include
the 13 reference; it is as spare as has been possible to make/sustain the message. Although the
current focus is on Iran, the necessity to help the Kurds would predictably disadvantage Tehran; critique
is, as has been customary, cordially invited!

America Must Recognize Kurdistan
Welcoming the Worlds 197
Nation Could Yield a Strong Democratic Ally
By Dr Robert B. Sklaroff and Dr Sherkoh Abbas

The United States should support the newborn non-Islamist entityKurdistanwhich established a
provisional government in eastern Syria on November 12
. It is has militarily resisted entreaties to be
absorbed by rebels dominated by al-Qaeda, and recognizing this independent entity could provide other
non-Islamist elements a conduit through which a government could be established throughout Syria.
Although others in the region might become irritated by such an initiative, providing a homeland for
approximately 30,000,000 Kurds [the largest ethnic group on the globe without their own government]
could provide America a stable ally in a tumultuous region.

A briefing regarding the fundamental forces at-play may be acquired by reviewing Wikipedia [1] which
lists the involved ethnic groups; the Middle East Forum [2] which provides a Turkish perspective; the
New English Review [3] which analyzes how a post-Assad Syria could integrate Kurds and other
minorities, and FrontPage Magazine [4] which provides an additional historical perspective. Also
relevant are articles we wrote, both five years ago [5] when Kurds were accommodating themselves
with the Iraqi government, and two months ago [6] when it was desirable to promote a paradigm which
did not require America to support either Assad or the rebels. Finally, the legal underpinnings for an
independent Kurdistan in this region were laid in the Treaty of Svres (August 10, 1920), the peace
treaty concluded between the Ottoman Empire and Allies at the end of World War I [7].

The MEF piece notes While Turkey has shown its support for Kurdish autonomy in Syria and Iraq, within
its own borders, Kurdish autonomy is still viewed as a threat, citing The continuing Kurdish problem in

Turkey after Ocalan's capture *8+. Also, it recalls the 1991 entreaty of Prime Minister Suleyman
Demirel (1991-93), who averred Turkey's border, flag, and official language cannot be debated, but
ethnic groups *sic+ demand to retain their own ethnic identity and culture should not be rejected They
have their own history, language, and folklore. If they wish to develop them, let them do so.

Last week, energy-hungry Turkey appeared near to having reached an agreement to import oil from
Iraqi Kurdistan, strengthening the latter and reducing the energy needs of the former. Ankara's relations
with the Kurds of northern Iraq were long encumbered by Turkey's battle with Kurdish separatists on its
own soil but, in recent years, trade and political relations have flourished [9].

Nevertheless, the Kurdish Declaration of Autonomy in Syria was rejected by Turkey and the rebels [10].
Pivotal, therefore, is the need to vet leaders of this autonomy initiative, to ensure support would not be
rendered to terrorists. Throughout, also, the capacity to achieve incremental improvementrecalling
that Turkeys Prime Minister Erdogan is an Islamistis desirable in this war-torn country.

The Syrian Kurdish militia are dominated by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which controls much of
northwestern Syria near the Turkish border; it has links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has
conflicted with Ankara, but which is involved in peace-negotiations with the Turkish government [11].

The main opposition alliance is the Syrian National Coalition, dominated by Sunni Arabs; it blasted the
Syrian-Kurd declaration, claiming it had been issued by hostile forces. This event is viewed as
undermining efforts to maintain ties with the Kurds, during the two-and-a-half-year uprising against the
regime of President Bashar Assad. Illustrative of this initiativewhich Kurds view as hollowis the fact
that the Syrian National Council named a secular Kurdish dissident, Abdulbaset Sayda, as its leader last
year. Nevertheless, the Kurds are alienated from the SNC, in large part due to clashes between the Kurds
and Al-Qaeda loyalists aligned with the SNC.

In any case, consonant with this paradigm is the announcement that Kurdish, Arab and Christian leaders
had agreed to turn Syrian Kurdistan or Rojava into three semi-independent provincial areas, within a
larger Kurdish autonomy in the northeast. Thus, despite their being in a hostile neighborhood, the
Kurds are creating alliances with non-Islamists. Indeed, a recent piece in the widely-read Wall Street
Journal [12] is supportive of this initiative, albeit recognizing ongoing challenges to its success.

Those who lament the decision not to create an independent Kurdistan after the Gulf War (in lieu of the
no-fly-zone) could now be vindicated by the creation of a Homeland for Kurds in Syria, Iraq, Iran and
Turkey; far from providing sanctuary for cross-border attacks, this would allow for peaceful interaction
between Syrian Kurds and those living in a Diaspora. And it would provide America a friend in the
heart of this struggle between Assad and the Islamist-dominated rebels.

These concerns should be a priority during next months peace talks in Geneva, which the opposition
groups plan to attend, noting that More secure than a year ago from the mainly Sunni rebels, whose
ranks are also swelled from abroad by an influx of Islamist jihadi fighters, Assad faces little internal
pressure to make concessions to his enemies *13+.




Dr. Sherkoh Abbas is president of the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria He may be contacted at Dr. Sklaroff is a hematologist, oncologist and internist. He may be contacted at Their prior analysis of this issue (The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan And
Starts In Syria) was initially published on 4/15/2008 (
Political%20Essays/Foreign%20Affairs/kurdistan.htm) and was reprinted on 3/6/2013
( An extended-interview of Dr. Abbas (which includes
elaborative demographic information) was published in June, 2012 [3].


Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 5:07 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLVII [Holocaust Education]

Avid readers may recall lobbying-efforts regarding the need to ensure a unit expressly devoted to
Genocide, Holocaust, and Human Rights Violations is mandatory for 4
, 7
, 10
and 12
graders in
PA; thus, although age-specific programming would be vital, such an effort would serve as a compromise
that would neither constitute an unfunded mandate nor allow for any option to avoid such instruction.
Discovery of this issue by this physician occurred after attending a Holocaust Awareness Museum Gala
and, after analysis of the situation, a tentative-plan was formulated and refined, prior to finalization.

RESOLVED: Chapter 4 of Title 22 shall be amended to ensure that
instruction during Grades 4, 7, 10 and 12 shall include the
Holocaust, genocide, and human rights violations.

There is no reticence to appear tiresome when such a vital concern exists *as is explored in the piece
that has been appended], for the legislature is close to providing the necessary authorization; indeed,
this version [unlike its predecessors, would not require the PA Department of Education] to do anything
because, once the topic has been expressly *and not crudely+ established in the curriculum, many
voluntary entities would rush to provide teaching materials, volunteers and handouts. Time is tight,
because the third-reading & voting in the Senate is imminent; therefore, everyone is cordially invited to
communicate the simple-need to do the following, and this physician will do likewise [in Harrisburg].
{Know that this follows the structure of the statute closely, and would essentially resolve the problem;
also know that a spate of articles depicting the plight of Christians due to Islamism is captured simply by
noting what has transpired recently in Nigeria (northeast, central, and in the Atlantic Ocean.}

Islamic Police Destroy Beer in North Nigerian City
Boko Haram Forces Kidnapped Christian Women to Be Slave Brides
Nigerian Army Bombs Two Boko Haram Terrorist Camps
Pirates seize two Americans off Nigeria's coast
No More Sleeveless T-Shirts: Islamist Police Enforcing Sharia in Nigeria
Nigeria: christian-persecution
death-toll-in northeast-nigeria-attack was at-least-142
Nigerian forces raid building in Abuja, seven killed
Untold story of how Boko Haram overrun Nigerian soldiers, massacre hundreds in Borno
Travel Warning of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE [Bureau of Consular Affairs] for Nigeria as of
6/3/2013: The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of travel to Nigeria and recommends
that U.S. citizens avoid all travel to Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe states because of the proclamation on

May 14, 2013, by the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria of States of Emergency in those
three states.

Greatest Holocaust in Human History has already begun

By Shoebat Foundation on November 28, 2013
By Keith Davies

U.S. Senator Guy M. Gillette introduced a resolution along with eleven other Senators with intent of
devising a plan to save European Jews from persecution:

The Problem is Immediate. The problem is essentially a humanitarian one. It is not a
Jewish problem alone. It is a Christian problem and a problem for enlightened
civilization. We have talked; we have sympathized, we have expressed our horror, the
time to act is long past due. United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,
December 20, 1943, concerning the genocide of the Jews in Europe.

Senator Guy Gillette, a Democrat who did the right thing.

The Senate Foreign Relations committee should repeat the above statement today when it comes to the
Christians of Asia, the Middle East and Africa. A new Holocaust is befalling these Christians. The
Governments of the West, the media and the church are hardly vocal. As for action, their consciences
seem to be collectively devoid of an awareness of their responsibility to humanity. Last year, 165,000
Christians were murdered. Over the last ten years, millions have been displaced in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan,
Nigeria, Guinea, Sudan and other places.

The world powers ignore and do nothing; they are doing even less than they did for the Jews. The
Armenian genocide was the first Holocaust of the twentieth century, started ninety-eight years ago and
the same silence from the West is more than apparent. Even today, the USA government will not
recognize the history of the Armenian genocide out of some twisted concern over Turkeys feelings.
Though a resolution in the House Foreign Affairs committee narrowly passed in 2010 that would
acknowledge the Armenian genocide for what it was, it went no further for fear of upsetting the
relationship between the U.S. and Turkey.
As a result of the Wests silence between 1915 and 1918, 2.2 million Armenian and Chaldean Christians
were brutally hanged, beheaded, starved, forced marched or worked to death. Their fate inspired Hitler
to ethnically cleanse the Jews in a very similar fashion. It was the Islamic-inspired genocide of the

Armenian and Chaldean Christians that is repeating itself in front of your eyes. We on this blog are
documenting this for history, we are crying out in the wilderness for people to awaken. We do not just
speak words but we are acting too. With the help of our readers who generously donate to us, we are
putting in an escape route for hopefully hundreds of thousands people. We are feverishly engaged in
raising the funds to put in a miraculous plan, which has been established but now requires us to attain
several thousand monthly partners to execute this very realistic plan of action. We have several hundred
monthly partners but we need many more. Can you help? If you can, click here. Please also share this
article with other fellow Christians and Jews.

Prior to 1942, Zionist Hillel Kook (aka Peter Bergson) tried to establish a Jewish army to defend against
the Arab armies who would attack the future Israel once the state was eventually established. He was
also involved in helping Jews enter mandate Palestine while avoiding the British restrictions on
immigration. After reading in the newspaper about the mass slaughter of Jews in Europe, Bergson
decided to abandon this cause and set about to try and save his brethren in Europe with the
establishment of an activist movement the emergency committee to save the Jews. His story is
documented in an incredible book called A Race against Death in which his work to save the Jews of
Europe is relayed by the award winning historian David S. Wyman, a non-Jew who has specialized in
documenting the history of the holocaust and especially the Western powers antipathy to the fate of
European Jewry.

Bergson: Rescued Jews.
In 1973, Peter Bergson stated:
On the issue of the extermination of the Jews and our rescue work with the Emergency
Committee. The Jews were being killed it wasnt any more four million to save. We
started off [in December 1942] by saying a memorial to two million dead Jews, save the
others, while the figures were changing like in a race, so many killed and many to go.
You didnt really know if there were still Jews there, you hoped there were.
In Europe, before World War Two, there were about nine million Jews. We know that about two thirds
were murdered. Today, there are about one hundred million Christians living in Muslim majority
countries. The same risk the Jews faced from the Nazis, the Christians face from Islamic fundamentalists.
The Biblical prophecies also indicate that the Christians in tribulation will face a fate similar to what the
Jews faced. Several million have already been brutally murdered against a backdrop of silence from
Christians in the West. We believe that before this ends, as many as seventy million Christians will be
murdered. The tragedy is not only their deaths but that we in the West will have turned the other cheek
to the injustice faced by our brethren.

Only a relatively few will be called to help their brethren. Will you be one of the few to answer that call?
Please help us to save as many as we can and consider an affordable monthly partnership with Rescue


Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 6:21 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLVIII [ObamaDon'tCare]

Yesterday, a shy-but-upset lady graciously permitted use of her modification of the ObamaCare label,
as long as she was provided a h/t; thus, THANX to Ms. Donna Orr, for advising that this phrase be duly
updated to ObamaDontCare. The W.H. claims the ObamaDontCare site now works for 'vast majority,'
having achieved its goal of making work for the "vast majority" of users, two months
after the disastrous start of enrollment in the president's signature health law; others claim otherwise
[Politico: Latest ObamaDontCare Delay Crushed Relaunch Victory & fix deadline missed].
Notwithstanding spin, it seems the vague claim of Officials that the site is improved was Topic-A
during the Sunday Talk-Shows among Rs/Ds, with the consensus being that there remains a Delay;
corroborating this were numerous attempted-users [on FNC/CNN, but not MSNBC] that revealed the
fact that ObamaDontCare already has 500M Lines of Code costing $500M, but its only 60% Completed.
As George Will predicted 'All Hell Is Going To Break Loose' When Employers Dump Plans, heres the spin:

The troubled ObamaDontCare website will be able to support more than 800,000
consumers per day, marking success after weeks of frantic repairs, the administration
said. The site is now online for more than 90% of the time, not including scheduled
downtime for maintenance. It had been crashing and spewing error messages
frequently, thwarting millions of people who tried to visit the site.

"While there is more work to be done, the team is operating with private sector velocity
and effectiveness, and will continue their work to improve and enhance the website in
the weeks and months ahead," the White House wrote in a report outlining its success.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says it has repaired more than 400
items on its "punch list" of bugs and fixes. The agency said it reduced response times
from 8 seconds in late October to less than 1 second and error rates are under 1%.

As pundits compile 2013 political 'turkeys' *to include ObamaDontCare and Congress, also Corbett],
cable-watchers will be exposed primarily to those of FNC [and CNN, to a lesser extent], noting that the
When one recalls that the New York Times is the 'Only Newspaper' Obama Reads, it is not surprising that
the New York Times created a narrative that blamed Tea Party 'Nihilists' for Killing the Senate Filibuster;
the media have, not surprisingly, missed two reverse-racism-type stories [Manufacturing Intolerance
& African-Americans Commit Disproportionate Share of Hate Crimes+; these citations are not hyped,
for the goal simply is to provide a fair and balanced presentation of data that MSNBC-viewers miss.

Also omitted is dissemination of politically-incorrect information [KY Dem Senate
Candidate passes-off cookbook recipes as her own, another BHO Federal judge forces
NYPD to open files to terrorists, and Judge Rules Against CA Bullet Train], for it is
preferableto satisfy their agendato emphasize the false view of Establishment-
GOPers *Former Rep. Tom Davis Sid Virginia GOP Establishment Isn't at War with Tea

REJECT COMMON CORE], for the latter is a current-favorite among those who would
generically endorse governors [Christie/Walker] over forthright senators [Cruz/Paul].

Regarding Immigration Reform, as Obama Visited Activists Fasting for Immigration, after it was noted
a conference with the Senate Is not an Option, amnesty supporters plotted revenge against Boehner.
Regarding the new message by Pope Francis, some say it has been Lost in Translation while, predictably,
a Soros-Funded Catholic Group Denounced Rush Limbaugh's Disagreement with the Popes economics.
{Just discovered: Creator of the Latin American 'Liberation Theology' has been @ Notre Dame Since 01.}


Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 8:19 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLIX [Iran]

The most revealing indication of how desperately BHOs defenders of the Iranian deal have become
emerged @ the end of the interview on FNC of Hayden when, noting that the UK is Targeting GUARDIAN
For Snowden Leaks, he equated any effort to reach an accommodation with him to negotiating with a
terrorist. Of course, this is after BHO signed an agreement with the major state-sponsor of terrorism.
Despite the fact that the Text of the Joint Plan of Action is unambiguous *as parsed in prior blasts+,
Iran's Leaders Emphasized Limitations of the Nuclear Agreement, Iran claimed to need-more-nuclear-
power-plants, and Iran claimed to have final say on nuclear enrichment; meanwhile, Obama Allowed
Irans Arak Heavy-Water [Plutonium] Nuclear Reactor to Advance and, lest any thaw actually have
transpired of-late, Iranians FM said tehran-wont-attend any nuclear-talks-if-zionist-regime-present.
Contrary to BHOs claim that the focus was purely on the Nukes *and not on human rights or any other
admitted the U.S. Will 'Pause' Efforts to Restrict Iran Oil Sales; meanwhile, strategists have suggested
that the ideal way to Dismantle Iran would be to define fault lines rather than Red Lines. Amazingly:

Obama would like to visit Tehran; Tehran and Washington are waiting for the conclusion
of the arrangements prior to Iranian President Hassan Rohani issuing an official invite.
The most important unsettled detail is whether BHO would meet with Supreme Leader
Ali Khamenei; BHO wants to be the first U.S. president to visit Iran since the Khomeini
revolution to show that he is an advocate of peace and dialogue, even with those who
chant death to America, promoting non-military involvement and balance.

A friend complained that this physician has not quoted Pipes often enough, so this is from his website
[The Middle East Forum: On Nov. 24, the six world powers and Iran signed an interim agreement to
temporarily lift some sanctions on Iran in exchange for tighter international inspection of its nuclear
facilities. While President Obama praised the agreement for having "halted the progress of the Iranian
nuclear program," Iran's President Rouhani said that the deal recognized Tehran's "right" to an
enrichment program, and Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif declared that "all Iran's nuclear sites will go on
their normal activities" and that "none of Iran's nuclear programs would stop."]. Note that withdrawal of
America from leadership in the Middle East correlates with *but is not caused by+ Americas having
become less dependent on Middle East oil; this false-claim is a convenient excuse for BHO's failures.

The Libs are laboring to articulate ways to Make the Iran Nuclear Deal Work, claiming
that [after six months, of course] Answers to Key Questions Will Determine Iran Deal's
Success; after having discounted an Israeli Assessment of the Iran Deal and having
recognized that Some U.S. Allies Disapprove of the Iran Agreement, it is admitted that
Iran's Nuclear Program Is Still Growing [and America's Fist Is Shrinking] and a harsh view
['We Are Not at the Table, but on It'] constitutes the Arabs Reaction to the Iran Deal,
while Turkey justifiably Fears a Shiite Alliance. Thus, 'No One in the Region Will Sleep'
until a better Understanding of the Interim Nuclear Deal with Iran has been achieved.

Tremendously flawed is the input of Dennis Ross [who almost was responsible for the
capitulation of Israel to Arafat @ Camp David II, an assertion with which this physician

confronted him when he appeared @ Cheltenham High Schools Five Star Forum+;
thus, when he spins a party-line [How to Think about Obama's Deal with Iran], it is easy
to disarticulate spin from reality *The agreement is neither a breakthrough nor an
abject surrender but rather a cap for a cap, with a limited rollback on each side for
the next six months.+. He elides over key-points established in these blasts, while
claiming falsehoods *this agreement stops the clock for the next six months -- assuming
Iran lives up to its end of the bargain. And the transparency measures, which grant
much greater access than previously, certainly reduce the Iranian incentive to cheat on
the agreement for its duration.+ without noting that the clock isnt stopped, even if Iran
complies, and inspection-access is limited to those sites that Tehran has pre-approved.
,And this is just in the first graph; the rest of this essay is riddled with mendacity.-

Two pieces that require lionization, in contrast, are those by caroline glick [in which she relates israels
plight to the experience of the-pilgrims-and-the-maccabees] and algemeiner [which probes the failure-
of-the-two-state-solution while decimating the (in)famous essay of ian-lustick, whom this physician
heard @ Bryn Mawr a few years ago, and felt able to discount EVERY SENTENCE of what he lectured].
These essays are so rich in detail and potent accuracy that they should be scrutinized and memorized;
indeed, the experience of the Maccabees mirrors the need of the TEA Party Movement to defeat the
Establishment-GOP *just as they defeated the Hellenized Jews+ prior to confronting BHOs Dems.
{Guzzardi also notes correlates in 1912a century agowhen the Progressive-GOPs Teddy Roosevelt
split from Howard Taft, an event that has apparently become the subject of a book by Doris Goodman.}
Two additional essays are particularly ominous [Netanyahu Responded to Olmert Criticism by asserting,
I Will Not Shut Up when Israels Interests Are at Stake and Diplomacy means Cutting Iran some slack];
the former responded to Olmerts having compared BB's criticism of the US to a declaration of war and
having claimed Israel should abdicate its leadership role to America in this struggle against Iran, and the
latter noted that no one cares if Khamenei makes abominable statements but everyone disses Israel.
{Steyn claims the Iranian Deal is Worse Than Munich,1938; updates have come from BB (Iran Sanctions
Regime Is Liable to Collapse) and Rouhani (Iran will Build a Second Nuclear Reactor at Bushehr).}

honest reporting provided three under-the-radar stories in its Israel-oriented daily-
news-stream. First, although UN Watch says such reports are premature, BB may have
ended his 18-month boycott of the controversial UN Human Rights Council in exchange
for a place with the Western European and Others Group. Second, noting how the
issues have been reviewed in the Times of Israel, Bedouin and Arab Israelis rioted over
the Prawer Plan, which seeks to provide Israeli Bedouins with permanent housing and to
settle land disputes. Third, Sky News gave Mohammed Hussein, the Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem, space to threaten all-out war against Israel on the pretext of Israeli demands
that Jews be granted the right to pray on the Temple Mount; meanwhile, after a group
of Muslims attacked Jews for singing Hanukah songs on the Mount on Sunday morning,
four people were arrested and the Temple Mount was closed. {Also, it is necessary to be
aware that The New America Foundation Disgracefully Spreads Anti-Israel Hatred.}

In other areas in the Middle East, American Fighters Siding with Islamists Have Become a Security Risk,
as 18 Sunnis Kidnapped in Iraq were Later Found Shot Dead; furthermore, as Obama was quoted as
having said The Taliban are Not Our Enemies and We Dont Want to Fight Them, a Top US General in
Afghanistan Apologized to Karzai After Drone Strike. [This was another topic which Hayden discounted,
when he characterized Karzai as being a bit over his head and anticipating he will come around.+
Also, PAKISTANIS OUTED A US SPY OVER DRONE STRIKES, and the Saudi Grand Mufti claimed that the

Women Drivers Ban Protects Society from 'Evil.' In the Far East, EMBOLDENED BY the IRAN DEAL,
NORTH KOREA MAY HAVE RESTARTED NUCLEAR REACTOR and jailed an 85-year-old American War Vet;
meanwhile, BIDEN DOES ASIA to retreat from the initial reaction [US TO CHINA: WE WILL NOT BE

Regarding the previously-disseminated Kurdistan-themed essay,
Sherkoh Abbas just reported that he is in D.C. this week;
presumably, he is meeting with like-minded activists such as Frank Gaffney
[Founder and President of the Center for Security Policy]
in an effort to gain recognition of Syrian-Kurdish independence.


Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:07 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLX [Obama]

As BHO has FINALLY dropped in the polls [in BaBa-WaWas interview, he said 'Nowhere to Go But Up'],
voters see him as a 'weak, indecisive leader' who is floundering; predictably [and, with justification],
critics can claim he is the worst president ever. Increasingly, he is a laughing stock [and not just when
mocked by leno], for even Second City has stingingly satirized Obama Worshipers, although his base of
"Low-Information Protester"-loyalists appears unmoved. He unwittingly showcases his own failure.
Thus, its desirable to probe essays focused less on his policies and more on his personality, with the
goal being to discern how best to survive [if not to counter] the next three and a half more years.

Obama unwittingly disclosed his modus operandi in 2012, explaining why he has been able both to win
elections and to be such a failure once in office. In the summer of 2012, he refused to take responsibility
for failures during his first term; as is his wont, he blamed others. Instead of citing the "usual suspect,"
Republicans, he tagged all Americans. He told CBS News; Charlie Rose that his biggest mistake of his first
term was not being a good enough storyteller. *This also harkens to his apology for having lied about
ObamaCare; he simply lamented not having been understood.+ Corrupting Descartes cogito ergo sum,
his modus operandi appears to be a highly-autocratic/elitist posture: I think, therefore you do.

GOP-bashing characterized todays summary of a week of Hardball shows hosted by Chris Matthews,
who claims [incredibly] Republicans Call Obama 'Obama' To 'Delegitimize' Him; this is another one of the
dog-whistle charges, against which the only true defense *which the Libs would love+ would be silence.

Remaining puzzled is ed-schultz, who marvels at BHO, amazed that everyone doesnt love him and
In Writing 'Obama Loses the Media,' Politico's Byers Admits Establishment Press Pro-Obama Bias Until
Now]. They face the fact that FALSE HOPE correlates with FALSE MESSIAH. Even New York Times
columnist Maureen Dowd hit the same note as Brent Bozell ["Losing the Room"], slamming him for
jarringly pressing ahead with his political attack, briefly addressing the slaughter *in D.C.s Navy Yard+
before moving on to jab Republicans over the corporate tax rate and resistance to ObamaDontCare.

This is not to suggest the media have reformed, for some still claim he is The Great Obamazini and claim
"He's really trying" [per Oscar winner Robert De Niro]; for example, during todays Meet the Press,
ideological-pals of BHO [Ezekiel Emanuel and Ezra Klein] were asked to provide a "reality check" on the
relaunch of the ObamaDontCare website and promptly ignored the fact that it had been GROGGY.
Some may feel the-obama-mythology-has-been-shattered, but that hasnt stopped The Economist from
publishing sequential weeks of rehab-oriented essays [last week domestic, this week overseas]; yet,
such broad-brush lib defenses are blind to devilish-details thatindividually and in the aggregate
undermine him, although DEMS may soon decide not to be FOLLOWING OBAMAS AGENDA.

Illustrating the effectiveness of his effort to achieve FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE is this list of 20-of-BHOs-
biggest-achievements-so-far; this is the work of a frustrated ideologue [Hail to the Panderer-in-Chief]
who will even issue an Executive Order Mandating DoD Officials Legitimize Leftist Climate Change
Theories as Scientific Fact. This counters claims by FRIENDS and supporters that he is 'more of a liberal'
and plays the role of disinterested pragmatist; he even claims the need to oppose Forces conspiring
against the middle class and that Hed Be Treated Better In Europe (Whining About Names Im Called
In America), although obama-says-hes-not-worried-about-style-points. Employing phraseology used for
years by this physician, GINGRICH claims OBAMA is 'FOLLOWING FROM BEHIND' and some rephrase this
description by claiming obama has been repositioned (from_leading_from_behind_to_being_behind) .


This blast focuses less on polls [Obama Foreign Affairs Approval Lowest of Presidency] and on what
those who detect his deceit feel [glenn-beck: blood shoots out of my eyes every time i hear obama-talk]
and more on pieces that have probed his background [frank-marshall-davis] and links [jeremiah-wright:
i-made-it-comfortable-for-obama-to-accept-christianity-without-having-to-renounce-islam] and coterie
['Earpiece Envy' - Valerie Jarrett has Secret Service protection] and cohorts [The men behind Barack
Obama part 1 and part 2]; noted also is The Very Radical Racist Background Of Michelle Obama [who
wants-to-control-what-your-kids-eat-and-companies-advertise], and generally ignored are ad hominem
attacks [obamas-near-divorce and why-obamas-really-lost-their law licenses] and conspiratorial attacks
and claims [Obama's Birth Certificate Is Null And Void and Trump: 'Obama is out to get me!'].

Consider this well-sourced-list-of-252-examples-of-his-lying-lawbreaking-corruption-cronyism-etc., and
note the trailer of UNFAIR: THE MOVIE, which alleges abuses of power, cover-ups, and invoking the IRS
*which is a blatantly unfair and corrupt entity, which should be abolished because it cant be reformed+.
Then note that Krauthammer claims BHO has Taken a Very Cavalier Attitude Towards U.S. Constitution
and others have detailed 5-ways-obama-has-trampled-the-constitution; as a result, it is claimed BHO has
been Writing His Own Laws *Hail To Caudillo In Chief+, despite the fact that even the POTUS cant
create, ignore, amend or suspend-law. Thus, it is claimed he has provoked An Outbreak of Lawlessness
via both corruption and incompetence, long ago having abandoned any NEW AGE imagery.


Now consider whether he has been perceived, to varying degrees as deceitful [subversion and treason,
the un-president-ed lies-of-barack-obama, Parents of Benghazi Victims claim Obama and Hillary Lied
to Americans, and even obama-lies-to-u-n-human-rights-official-about-not-having-smoked-in-six-years].
Legendary-journalist-seymour-hersh *whose work this physician noted in the 70s+-called-obama-a-liar,
also lambasting the NSA and the 'pathetic' American media; he specifically claimed the Bin Laden Raid
was 'One Big Lie.' Rand-paul claims he has-lost-his-moral-authority-to-lead-the-nation, and even-the-
associated-press-doesnt-believe-obamas-lies-anymore. He is felt to be a-truly-great-phony who has led
a bad-faith presidency; for example, did he ever retract his claim that his father served in World War II?

When one ponders Obamas Destruction of America [with some claiming America resembles rome],
some [including Norman Podhoretz] wonder aloud why obama seemingly wants to dismantle america;
indeed, James Woods considers him to be the gift from hell, although others disagree with that claim
[which some link to Cloward-Piven, noting his having attended Columbia University]. These theories are
ambient when effort is made to understand what seems to be a confused-foreign-policy; clues abound
[The L.A. Times Suppressed his Khalidi Bash Tape, he appointed zogby to the commission on religious-

freedom, a gop-rep-is-unsure-obama-is an-american, Obamas approach to the Arab-Spring Was
unrealistic, Egyptian Media Said he is a Muslim Brotherhood Member, obamas half-brother helped fund
radical-islamic organizations including the muslim-brotherhood, Obama published details of a missile
base Israel wanted kept secret, obama-linked islamists downplay coptic-suffering and, while Intel
officials warned president al-Qaeda was strengthening, during the election-campaign, BHO boasted of
decimated al-Qaeda. It appears he is more likely to be a dhimmi than a dunce, based on these data.

Levity: The difference between Grandmothers and Grandfathers is depicted thusly:

There was, once, a loving grandfather who always made a special effort to spend time
with his son's family on weekends. Every Saturday morning he would take his 5-year-old
granddaughter out for a drive in the car for some quality timepancakes, ice cream,
candyjust him and his granddaughter.
One particular Saturday, however, he had a terrible cold and could not get out of bed.
He knew his granddaughter always looked forward to their drives and would be very
disappointed. Luckily, his wife came to the rescue and said that she would take their
granddaughter for her weekly drive and breakfast.

When they returned, the little girl anxiously ran upstairs to see her grandfather who was
still in bed. "Well, did you enjoy your ride with grandma?" he asked.

Not really, PaPa, it was boring. We didn't see a single asshole, queer, piece of shit,
horse's ass, socialist left wing Obama lover, blind bastard, dipshit, Muslim camel-
humper or son of a bitch anywhere we went! We just drove around and Grandma
smiled at everyone she saw. I really didn't have any fun.

{This burlesque-humor, reminiscent of burlesque-jokes related by this physicians father,
is inserted to counterpoint any suggestion that BHO is being unduly chastised.}

Here are 33-shocking-facts-which-show-how-badly-the-economy-has-tanked-since-obama-took-office,
and consider this depiction of the inflation caused explicitly by his monetary policies.

After 55 months of Obama, Here's your change!

January 2009 TODAY % chg

Avg.. Retail price/gallon gas in U.S. $1.83 $3.44 84%

Crude oil, European Brent (barrel) $43..48 $99..02 127.7%

Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel) $38..74 $91..38 135.9%

Gold: London (per troy oz.) $853.25 $1,369.50 60.5%

Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL $3.56 $6.33 78.1%

Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL $9.66 $13..75 42.3%

Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. Fob $13..37 $35..39 164.7%

Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall 7.6% 9.4% 23.7%

Unemployment rate, blacks 12.6% 15.8% 25.4%

Number of unemployed 11,616,000 14,485,000 24.7%


Number of fed. Employees 2,779,000 2,840,000 2.2%

Real median household income $50,112 $49,777 -0.7%

Number of food stamp recipients 31,983,716 43,200,878 +35.1%

Number of unemployment benefit recipients 7,526,598 9,193,838 22.2%

Number of long-term unemployed 2,600,000 6,400,000 146.2%

Poverty rate, individuals 13.2% 14.3% 8.3%

People in poverty in U.S. 39,800,000 43,600,000 9.5%

U.S. Rank of Economic Freedom in the World 5 9 n/a

Present Situation Index 29.9 23.5 -21.4%

Failed banks 140 164 17.1%

U.S.. Dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate 89.76 82.03 -8.6%

U.S.. Money supply, M1, in billions 1,575.1 1,865.7 18.4%

U.S.. Money supply, M2, in billions 8,310.9 8,852.3 6.5%

National debt, in trillions $10..627 $14..052 32.2%

Just take this last item: In the last two years we have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27
times as fast as during the rest of our entire nation's history. Over 27 times as fast.


(1) U.S. Energy Information Administration;
(2) Wall Street Journal;
(3) Bureau of Labor Statistics;
(4) Census Bureau;
(5) USDA;
(6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;
(7) FHFA;
(8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller;
(9) RealtyTrac;
(10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ;
(11) The Conference Board;
(12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve;
(14) U.S. Treasury

AMAZING!!! The Cover of a Liberal Newsweek Magazine:


Finally, Matt Patterson and Newsweek speak out about Obama. This is timely and tough. As many of
you know, Newsweek has a reputation for being extremely liberal. The fact that their editor saw fit to
print the following article about Obama and the one that appears in the latest Newsweek, makes this a
truly amazing event, and a news story in and of itself. At last, the truth about our President and his
agenda are starting to trickle through the protective wall built around him by the liberal media....
'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall [he fell down & broke his crown...
All the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again....'

I Too Have Become Disillusioned
By Matt Patterson (Newsweek Columnist Opinion Writer)

Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an
inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, the result of a baffling breed of mass hysteria
akin perhaps to the witch craze of the Middle Ages. How, they will wonder, did a man so
devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage
the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the
world's most consequential job?
Imagine a future historian examining Obama's pre-presidential life: ushered into and
through the Ivy League, despite unremarkable grades and test scores along the way; a
cushy non-job as a "community organizer;" a brief career as a state legislator devoid of
legislative achievement (and in fact nearly devoid of his attention, less often did he vote
"present"); and finally an unaccomplished single term in the United States Senate, the
entirety of which was devoted to his presidential ambitions.
He left no academic legacy in academia, authored no signature legislation as a legislator.
And then there is the matter of his troubling associations: the white-hating,America-
loathing preacher who for decades served as Obama's "spiritual mentor;" a real-life,
actual terrorist who served as Obama's colleague and political sponsor. It is easy to
imagine a future historian looking at it all and asking: how on Earth was such a man
elected president?
Not content to wait for history, the incomparable Norman Podhoretz addressed the
question recently in the Wall Street Journal: To be sure, no white candidate who had

close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an
unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers, would have lasted a single day. But because Mr.
Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberal Dom to have hung out
with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were 'a bit' extreme, he
was given a pass. Let that sink in: Obama was given a pass - held to a lower standard -
because of the color of his skin.
Podhoretz continues: And in any case, what did such ancient history matter when he
was also so articulate and elegant and (as he himself had said) "non-threatening," all of
which gave him a fighting chance to become the first black president and thereby to lay
the curse of racism to rest?
Podhoretz puts his finger, I think, on the animating pulse of the Obama phenomenon -
affirmative action. Not in the legal sense, of course. But certainly in the motivating
sentiment behind all affirmative action laws and regulations, which are designed
primarily to make white people, and especially white liberals, feel good about
Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back.
Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take
no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which
follow. Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to
witness the emotional devastation and deflated self-esteem resulting from the racist
policy that is affirmative action. Yes, racist. Holding someone to a separate standard
merely because of the color of his skin - that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that
isn't racism, then nothing is.
And that is what America did to Obama. True, Obama himself was never troubled by his
lack of achievements, but why would he be? As many have noted, Obama was told he
was good enough for Columbia despite undistinguished grades at Occidental; he was
told he was good enough for the US Senate despite a mediocre record in Illinois; he was
told he was good enough to be president despite no record at all in the Senate. All his
life, every step of the way, Obama was told he was good enough for the next step, in
spite of ample evidence to the contrary.
What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display every time Obama
speaks? In 2008, many who agreed that he lacked executive qualifications nonetheless
raved about Obama's oratory skills, intellect, and cool character. Those people
conservatives included - ought now to be deeply embarrassed.
The man thinks and speaks in the hoariest of clichs, and that's when he has his
Teleprompters in front of him; when the prompter is absent he can barely think or
speak at all. Not one original idea has ever issued from his mouth - it's all warmed-
over Marxism of the kind that has failed over and over again for 100 years. (An example
is his 2012 campaign speeches which are almost word for word his 2008 speeches).
And what about his character? Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything
else for his troubles. Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess. Remember, he
wanted the job, campaigned for the task. It is embarrassing to see a president so willing
to advertise his own powerlessness, so comfortable with his own incompetence. (The

other day he actually came out and said no one could have done anything to get our
economy and country back on track). But really, what were we to expect? The man has
never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly?
In short: our president is a small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the
intellect to handle his job. When you understand that, and only when you understand
that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense. It could not have
gone otherwise with such an impostor in the Oval Office.


Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 11:25 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXI
[TEA Party Movement, Obama, ObamaDon'tCare, Iran, Islamism, Israel]

Much of what emerged overnight serves to corroborate prior-pointsdomestic and overseasand,
thus, the focus remains trained on what should be done; in that regard, Ms. Lois Kaneshiki is visiting
Phillys collar-counties this week to promote the Precinct-Project, which is focused on recruitment of
consistent-conservatives to run in next years GOP-Primary as committee-people, to wit:

Tuesday, Dec. 3rd at 7:00 p.m
Roman Delight, 255 E Street, Warminster
sponsored by Kitchen Table Patriots

Wed. Dec. 4th at 7:00 p.m.
West Goshen Township building
1025 Paoli Pike, West Chester
sponsored by West Chester Tea Party

Thurs., Dec. 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Whitpain Township building
960 Wentz Road, Blue Bell
sponsored by Citizens for Liberty and Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots

Thus, the quote All Politics is Local *c/o father of Tip ONeal+ must be applied effectively, ASAP, despite
recognition [see prior blasts+ that the electoral process has increasingly become nationalized, as
Dems defending BHO seem self-marginalized by reliance on tired/trite counter-intuitive sound-bites
[keith ellison: obama showed integrity by apologizing to those who misunderstood-him-on-obamacare;
Howard Dean: GOP Has Attempted to Undermine Obama as a Human Being; Pols debate Obamas
competence; and Plouffe: People trust this president]; reports are suddenly emerging regarding
BHOs elitist/autocratic uncanny/defensive self-isolation [News orgs expose Obama's WH Photo policy:
"an arbitrary restraint and unwarranted interference in legitimate news-gathering activities"; Limit on
Access Stirs Tensions Between White House Photographer and Press Corps; and Media attacks 'Soviet-
style' publicity policy] and its impact [Most-heckled and lame duck already?], with his reticence to fire
proven-incompetents ['Paper tiger' [Hegel] at the Pentagon, as predicted by some members of the GOP]
even noted on Morning Joe *although they failed to articulate the diagnosis, that he prioritizes
loyalty above-all due to his paradoxical insecuritybecause he knows he unduly relies upon rhetoric].
{A friend just sent an e-mail reminder of BHOs behavior of two months ago, channeled via his AG:
eric-holder and irs-officials-coached-tax-exempt-black-ministers-on-how-to-engage-in-political-activity.}

Meanwhile, POTUS-16 handicapping continues, with 14 serving as a juicy prelude;
Mitch-McConnell may feel its Time for GOP-establishment to stand-up to conservatives
and the GOP may be targeting blue states in battle for Senate [with Ex-senator Smith to
seek N.H. seat+, but controversy persists regarding 08 *Palin Helped McCain in 2008].
Meanwhile, because no incumbent Republican governor has lost a general election

since 2007 and since 2008, the number of Republican governors has increased from 21
to 30 (just four short of the party's all-time high reached in the 1920s), pieces about the
two leading GOP-Govs for 16 *noting that others are available *e.g., Jindal, Kasich,
Pence and Martinez] are emerging, some negative [Christie's 'bizarre behavior' could
undermine presidential chances] and some positive ["Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
and the 2016 agenda"; "Walker is politely scathinga neat trickof Mitt Romney's
campaign, especially of Romney's statement that 'I'm not concerned about the very
poor' because 'we have a very ample safety net*and the imperative is to] help them
escape the safety net.' He adds, 'Outside the Washington beltway, big-government
liberals are on the ropes,' and he thinks Republican governors are in tune with the
nation; if reelected [in 2014], he probably will test that theory." {Reflecting favoritism,
again, Obama spent $600 million on rail projects that benefitted private companies.}

BHOs problems notwithstanding, the effects of his ideology persist, not only in healthcare but also
within the realm of education. Illustrating the damage he has wreaked, note that the governments new
Common Core education standards mandates the Gettysburg Address be taught without mentioning the
Civil War and explaining why President Lincoln was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; instead, consonant with
a faulty pedagogical philosophy [prioritizing egalitarianism and inclusiveness over patriotism and ethics],
the Student Achievement Partners instructions tell teachers to, Refrain from giving background context
or substantial instructional guidance at the outset.This close-reading approach forces students to rely
exclusively on the textand levels the playing field for all students as they seek to comprehend Lincolns
address. {Rather than dwell on such inanities, note this list of 101 must-see war-movies.}


In the spirit-of-the-season, note How the Grinch Stole Healthcare and how-the-glitch-stole-christmas, as
previously-detailed problems regarding the website persist [Plouffe: 'Will Work Really Well' By 2017;
Ezekiel Emanuel: Site improving; Ezekiel Emanuel: Site improving; and Crashes When CNN Tests] and
punditry regarding consequent politics flourishes ['redistribution'; Cardinal Dolan talks ObamaCare; The
Great Destroyer - ObamaCare wreaks havoc on health care, the economy, American freedom and
Obama's presidency; and Inside Race to Rescue Healthcare.Gov, and Obama]. From the perspective of
providers, operational-challenges abound [Doctors Dont Like What Theyve Seen In ObamaCare; Survey
finds doctors rebelling against ObamaCare, famous hospitals declining to join; and gop-doctors-run-for-
congress-amid-obamacare-fiasco]. Dire predictions also abound [Medicaid Is Next Obamacare Crisis;
Corker: Expect Less Choice, Higher Costs Under ObamaCare; Fears Grow that ObamaCare Numbers
Dont Add Up; and ObamaCare Sign Ups Fall 85% Short of Goal]. Perhaps most revealing regarding the
underlying secular philosophy that animates BHO was an op-ed [in the weekly-review section of
yesterdays NY-Times [On Dying After Your Time] in which it was strongly asserted that extending the
human life span would somehow diminish individuals lives. {A friend just sent an e-mail reminder of
BHOs behavior of two months ago, channeled via the HHS and his Dem-colleagues: senate-democrats-


In a prior blast, it was asserted that Congress must act ASAP regarding this historic mistake *per BB+;
unearthed overnight is a roadmap [from a liberal publication, Bloombergs Business-Week] detailing

How Congress Could Derail a Nuclear Deal With Iran as no one has refuted reasons why this Geneva pact
is A Historic and Dangerous Agreement. Instead, its negotiator has been lionized [Politics and a Ruptured
Tendon Don't Faze Lead Iran Negotiator] and Keith Ellison [recall his off-the-wall defense of BHO, supra],
one-of-americas-two-known-muslim-congressman, leads-obamas-house-effort-against-iran-sanctions.
Ignoring fears-over-iranian-deal that have hastened-new-regional alliances, BHO-defender Hayden
claimed the Iran deal a reversal and was the best that could be achieved despite Having Accepted
Iranian Nuclear Enrichment' while inter alia discounting Chinas militarys ambitions against Japan and
Formosa/Taiwan ['Dangerous and dumb' move] and lambasting Snowden [situation is 'catastrophic+.


Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer accrue these data daily, and it appears attacks are increasingly bizarre
[Muslim Mob Throws 15-Year-old Christian Girl Off Building Roof (a three-story-building); Sharia Police
hunt down Gays/Prostitutes @cafetheresa; Saudi Offers to sell Castrated African Slave on Facebook;
and Muslims slaughter dozens of Christians in fresh attacks in central Nigeria] yielding intimidation
[Angola denies claims it banned Islam; Catholic university in Minnesota installs mini-mosques and
Islamic foot baths for Muslims, in Dearborn, Victims of Muslim Hate and Threats "feel safer in Lebanon";
and U.S. commander in Afghanistan apologizes to Karzai for civilian deaths, injuries] that is oxymoronic
[Al-Qaeda in Syria (BHO-backed) claims Infidels (including BHO and world-leaders) Must Be Slaughtered]
and unnerving [A Month of Horror for Christians under Islam: September 2013]. Perhaps illustrating why
the Boston Bombers were not detected ahead-of-time, it seems BHO [abetted Brennan, probably] had
the FBI purge quotes of Qur'an verses favored by jihad terrorists from counter-terror training materials;
this may also explain why Islamic terrorist attacks and deaths hit record high, prompting Intelligence
committee heads to acknowledge that, as the Islamic terror threat escalates, pressure increases on key
US agencies to prevent attacks; indeed, an FBI Report Further Debunks and Exposes Islamic Supremacist
Myths and Lies, providing further urgency to such efforts *notwithstanding claims of anti-Muslim bias+.

Israel & Jewry

As Israeli leaders bitterly bicker over U.S., a defiant BHO said I Will Not Shut Up in reaction to the claim
by Olmert, his Predecessor, who Called His Criticism of Iran Nuke Deal a Declaration of War on U.S.
Ongoing stressors and their one-sided unreasonableness continued to abound [Palestinians to protest
JNF event: Trees are soldiers in occupation; sunni-shia-strife-brings-uncertainty-to-israel; and Muslim
Riots Force Jews From Prayer at Judaism's Holiest Site], as BB planned to meet the Pope and controversy
over last weeks encyclical [characterized as reflecting the-libertarians-failure] raged-on. Sociologically,
While Pews statistics told a story in which intermarriage and the decline of belief in Judaism and
Jewish peoplehood were inextricably linked, those who prefer to celebrate this trend were given
prominent platforms to extol rather than lament the results. A prominent example was an op-ed in
the New York Times by Susan Katz Miller, the author of a book that advocates greater support for raising
children in more than one faith. Miller used the Times platform to claim that those brought up in such
households were not lost to Judaism. But while she cited Pews findings to note the large and growing
numbers of such families, she ignored the implications of the rest of the data, which showed that
children of intermarriage are less likely to educate their children as Jews or to affiliate with the
community. It may well be that they feel comfortable in all settings, including those that are Jewish,
but the odds that they will be Jews or will choose to raise subsequent generations of Jews remain slim.+



Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 4:12 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXII
[Iran, Islamism, Israel, ObamaDon'tCare, Catholicism, Dems, Fitzpatrick]

Too many issues, too little time.


More reports are emerging that iran is set-to-build-second-nuclear-plant; yet, rather than expose this
perfidy, the media reports lamely that Iran Stepped-Up Attacks on Israel After Deal Sealed; reinforcing
the view that BHOs chief goal was to preclude a pre-emptive Israeli attack is awareness, now, that
Israel cannot launch an attack on Iran without the US knowing. Illustrating efforts to assuage angst are
assertions of former-iaea-nuclear-expert-olli-heinonen who, while discussing-pitfalls-in the iran-deal
that "there is no reason to celebrate" despite verifiable results and a timetable for a final agreement:

Nothing in the Iranian nuclear program is being dialed-back; at best, it is a freezing of
important elements. The 19,000 centrifuges in its nuclear facilities will continue
enriching uranium; none will be mothballed or dismantled in the next six months.

Tehran repeatedly operated facilities that were not declared as required by the Non-
Proliferation Treaty (NPT); it hardly ever worked without any reserve capacity, for it has
never put all its eggs in one basket. It could have a secret factory somewhere, in
contrast with other countries (such as Japan, Germany or Brazil) which, although
enriching uranium, are in compliance with their NPT undertakings. Daily visits are
confined to the facilities at Natanz and Fordo.

Uranium oxide is not harmless, but it takes additional time to convert it back for feeding
to the enrichment process. The pact has delayed the Iranians' breakout capacity options
(for breaking-away from the existing monitoring system to produce enough weapons-
grade uranium for a bomb) by two months.

Admiral Shamkhani, the general secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, is
responsible for implementing the agreement, not Rohani; Rouhani is a politician who,
like his predecessors, demands transparency from Israel about its nuclear program.

The biggest short-term threat clearly lies in Pakistan itself, where there are new missile
systems, new tactical nuclear weapons in a country, which is very unstable. I'm not so
sure the Pakistanis have their nuclear facilities under control and always know exactly
where all materials are being stored, as they claim, for they had no idea the most
wanted terrorist in the world lived in the middle of their country. The transport of
nuclear materials, which is important for the Pakistan plans to use its tactical weapons,
is extremely dangerous; terrorists could get the ultimate weapon with its plutonium.



House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers told CNN's Candy Crowley that the sweeping,
Russian-brokered agreement prematurely precluded more wide-ranging armistice between the Syrian
regime and opposition forces. Meanwhile, OSLO POLICE have LOST CONTROL OVER THE CITY, mirroring
what has been happening throughout Europe, as No-Go Zones/enclaves for Non-Muslims Proliferate
(including the police, fire dept and medical first-responders). After Jihadist-terrorists killed, the times
[uk] omitted key-facts; on the other hand, even-in-academia, its difficult to sell boycotting-israel.


Sign-ups may be deterred because 78% Fear ObamaDontCare Site Security; also, it was revealed that
the ObamaDontCare website-maker ran a failed Army Human Terrain System program. Guzzardi is hot
regarding the Senatorial-Hiroshima which occurred quietly more than a fortnight ago; per Krauthammer,
if a bare majority can change the fundamental rules that govern an institution, then there are no rules.
Illustrating how racism-charges are used to protect BHO, a-woman-of-faith-who-loves-america
[professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt Law School] said blacks-have-been-deceived by BHO,
and a [liberal] daily-kos-cartoonist claimed obama-based racism-charges by this [liberal] website are
from squishy-liberals trying to be politically-correct. {It is advised the reader note 46 banned books.}

The Popes Evangelii Gaudium has been controversial; many claim he was incorrect
about capitalism since free-markets are best for the less fortunate {see prior blasts-.
Indeed, the Churchs financier [The Church and Capitalism] claimed, *W+e need to see
to producing resources before talking about how to distribute them. Otherwise, what
we are distributing ispoverty. It is possible that a key error in its translation occurred:
This is the passage in question, in the official English translation:
54. In this context, some people continue to defend
trickle-down theories which assume that economic
growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably
succeed in bringing about greater justice and
inclusiveness in the world.
Heres my own inexpert translation from the Spanish version:
54. In this context, some people still defend spillover
*trickle-down+ theories, which suppose that all
economic growth, favored by the free market, by itself
brings about greater equity and social inclusion in the
I wouldnt venture to try translating from Italian, but Google gives me a
result thats closer to my rendering of the Spanish than to the Vaticans
English version. Im guessing, but have not confirmed, that either the
Spanish or the Italian is the original.
Notice the differences:
The Spanish version states that the free market favors economic
growth; the English version makes that sound like a mere theory.
The Spanish version says that growth by itself will not bring
about social equitya proposition that all but the most doctrinaire
libertarians would accept. The English omits that important phrase.
In the next sentence, the Pope says that the theory described in
#54 has never been confirmed by the facts. If he is saying that
economic growth has not brought about greater equity, as the English

version suggests, the facts are actually quite heavily stacked against
him. If hes saying that growth by itself hasnt done the trick, thats a
much easier argument to defend.

Some claim the gop should focus on limited government in 2014 but, since Complacency is dangerous,
its necessary to Beware of Happy Talk on Immigration; Boehner could again break the Hastert Rule.
Thus, those in PA-8 who adore Mike [as has this physician] must weigh data demonstrating his proclivity
to vote with the Dems [c/o this heritage action scorecard in pa+; the gap with other Rs is undeniable.
This is Guzzardis prcis: Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) is only 10 percentage-points higher than expected
gubernatorial candidate, Rep. Alyson Schwartz (D-PA) [33%-23%]. He is also outscored by two Dems:
Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) and Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) [both at 37%]. To provide some perspective, Sen.
Pat Toomey (R-PA) is at 76%, Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) is at 79% and Rep. John McCain (R-AZ) is at 43%.


PA 8
R 33%

PA 13
D 23%



Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 3:59 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXIII [Iran, Islamism, Israel, ObamaDon'tCare]

If you havent yet signed-up for ObamaDontCaredont! Corroborating concerns raised during recent
Congressional Testimony, it has been revealed that HACKERS claim NO SECURITY was EVER BUILT INTO
the OBAMADONTCARE SITE. Furthermore, as ObamaDontCare Sign-Ups Fall 85% Short of Goal, the NYT
confirmed the ObamaDontCare Website is Still Busted and CBS Reports User Info is Getting Messed-Up
During ObamaDontCare Enrollment. Former-Presser Gibbs claims Obama Admin Should Stop Giving
'Arbitrary Measures' and that it is 'Inexplicable' No One has been Fired over ObamaDontCare Rollout. It
isnt surprising that Obama Hit a Record Low In Real Clear Politics' Poll of Polls, but it is surprising that
the White House has decided to return to ObamaDontCare sales-mode. For a bit of levity, follow this
lengthy vignette:

(Receptionist) Hello, Welcome to Obama Flowers, My name is Trina. How may I help

(Customer) Hello, I received an email from Professional Flowers stating that my flower
order has been canceled and I should go to your exchange to reorder it. I tried
your website, but it seems like it is not working. So I am calling the 800 number.

(Receptionist) Yes, I am sorry about the website. It should be fixed by the end of
November. But I can help you.

(Customer) Thanks, I ordered a "Spring Bouquet" for our anniversary, and wanted it
delivered to my wife's work.

(Receptionist Interrupting) Sir, "Spring Bouquets" do not meet our minimum standards, I
will be happy to provide you with Red Roses.

(Customer) But I have always ordered "Spring Bouquets", done it for years, my wife likes

(Receptionist) Roses are better, sir, I am sure your wife will love them.

(Customer) Well, how much are they?

(Receptionist) It depends sir, do you want our Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum package.

(Customer) What's the difference?

(Receptionist) 6, 12,18 or 24 Red Roses.

(Customer) The Silver package may be okay, how much is it?

(Receptionist) It depends sir, what is your monthly income?

(Customer) What does that have to do with anything?

(Receptionist) I need that to determine your government flower subsidy, then I can
determine how much your out of pocket cost will be. But if your income is below our
minimums for a subsidy, then I can refer you to our Flower Aid department.

(Customer) Flower Aid?

(Receptionist) Yes, Flowers are a Right, everyone has a right to flowers. So, if you can't
afford them, then the government will supply them free of charge.

(Customer) Who said they were a Right?

(Receptionist) Congress passed it, the President signed it and the Supreme Court found
it Constitutional.

(Customer) Whoa.....I don't remember seeing anything in the Constitution regarding
Flowers as a Right.

(Receptionist) It is not really a Right in the Constitution, but ObamaFlowers is
Constitutional because the Supreme Court Ruled it a "Tax". Taxes are Constitutional. But
we feel it is a Right.

(Customer) I don't believe this....

(Receptionist) It's the law of the land sir. Now, we anticipated most people would go for
the Silver Package, so what is your monthly income sir?

(Customer) Forget it, I think I will fore go the flowers this year...

(Receptionist) In that case sir, I will still need your monthly income.

(Customer) Why?

(Receptionist) To determine what your 'non-participation' cost would be.

(Customer) WHAT???? You can't charge me for NOT buying flowers!!!

(Receptionist) It's the law of the land, sir, approved by the Supreme Court. It's $9.50 or
1% of your monthly income.....

(Customer)interrupting) This is ridiculous, I'll pay the $9.50..

(Receptionist) Sir, it is the $9.50 or 1% of your monthly income, whichever is greater.

(Customer) ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? What a ripoff!!


(Receptionist) Actually sir, it is a good deal. Next year it will be 2%.

(Customer) Look, I'm going to call my Congressmember to find out what's going on here.
This is ridiculous. I'm not going to pay it.

(Receptionist) Sorry to hear that sir, that's why I had the NSA track this call and obtain
the make and model of the cell phone you are using.

(Customer) Why does the NSA need to know what kind of CELL PHONE I AM USING????

(Receptionist) So they get your GPS coordinates sir

(Door Bell rings followed immediately by a loud knock on the door)

(Receptionist) That would be the IRS sir. Thanks for calling Obama Flowers, have a nice
day...and God Bless America.

Regarding the Iranian deal, the blame-game has started, as Frank GAFFNEY reports the GOP is felt to
be Complicit in Iranian Nuke Development and a WaPo Columnist wrote Israel is to Blame for Iran's
Nuclear Desires; meanwhile, ominously [and inevitably, under BHO], Hayden explicitly admitted, 'We
Have Accepted Iranian Nuclear Enrichment.' The Dems are finally recognizing the Jihadist Threat [Dianne
Feinstein Says the Unsayable, admitting Jihadists Will Stop Hating the West Only When They Achieve
Shariah Law; furthermore, both Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Rogers (R-MI) have concluded America is
Not Safer from Terrorism than in the recent past. {Also, Momentum is Rising In Israel To Let Jews Pray At
Holy Muslim Temple Mount.}

In media-news, New York Magazine is Cutting Publication Schedule, as MSNBC Claims
Absent Bashir is Merely on Vacation; also, in medical/sociological news, SCIENTISTS
DISCOVERED A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE BRAINS. notes, also ominously, that, In Pa., a Democratic free-for-all has erupted, noting
plummeting approval-ratings of Gov. Tom Corbett. {And Kanes Sandusky Report pends.-



Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 11:34 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXIV [Fitzpatrick, Immigration, GOP]

What had been envisioned yesterday as a terse update focused on BHO has burgeoned, but the issues
encompassed herein both reinforce prior conclusions and prod anti-BHO strategizing. Again, these data
will be grouped butas per Guzzardis suggestionan effort will be made to shuffle the information so
that the priority action-items glisten, updated following assessment of input acquired as recently as last
night [@ a meeting of activists in Bucks County]; specifically, the need to primary Mike Fitzpatrick
persistsand breaks regarding possible candidate*s+ detected @ that event will be pursued
aggressively, for reasons that will not be buried herein.

To recall, we need a wartime-consiglieri [ref. The Godfather] while dealing with the likes
of BHO, as detailed during Tuesday House Judiciary Committee Hearing entitled, The
Presidents Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws; his Failures are myriad,
amplified by how a journalist-ripped obama regarding free-speech. Bachmann said BHO
'Has Rewritten The Constitution For Himself,' and an Expert even Testified that BHOs
having been Ignoring Laws Could Lead to overthrow of Government; recalling
Michelles radical/racist background and how BHOs approval has fallen to
psychological threshold, instability reigns.

One reader advised reprising last months idea by truckers to paralyze D.C. *emulated by french-truck-
drivers who block-roads-as a tax-protest], but this would risk creating a backlash and would not preclude
business being conducted elsewhere; another advised *recalling all of the black-on-white
crimeparticularly targeting Jewsdubbed the knockout game+ protesting the reverse-racism that the
Martin/Zimmerman trial had triggered [knockout-attack-in-mayfair; rabbi roughed-up Don Lemon in
'Knockout Game' Demo; hasidic man victim of latest possible knockout assault in williamsburg; and
Defiant 76-year-old woman died in shootout with gang of three who tried to rob her of bingo money],
but it first would be necessary to formulate what would be envisioned to be accomplished [for the
Lower-Merion/Philly police are not complicit, and nothing seems planned in NYC which concerned-
citizens elsewhere may choose to attend].

Meanwhile, the civil-war within the GOP rages-on [tough-guy-mitch-mcconnell-gonna-
punch-all-those-tea-party-bullies-pow-right-in-the-nose and Conservative Sen.
Candidate Chris McDaniel: GOP 'Needs to Find Its Conscience'], as BHO and his minions
apply prosecutorial discretion to an unprecedented degree. Yesterday, for example,
obamas-Kenyan-born uncle-evaded deportation after a dui-arrest for, after a new
immigration hearing, he received an Immigration OK.

Looming are the results of two Congressional negotiations; the emerging-budget-deal-would-blow-
through-sequester-savings, and heritage-action warns that CONGRESS is RUSHING A $1T FARM BILL;
how Mike votes thereupon will again reflect whether he is a consistent Conservative vs. a big-spending
party-loyalist. Noting that Boehner Hired an Adviser Who Helped McCain Push Amnesty and who
Supports a Path to Citizenship and that Cantor Relentlessly Pushes for Amnesty for Illegal Alien Youth via
his 'KIDS' Act, it is not surprising that the Speaker plans another violation of the Hastert Rule by holding
immigration votes after election filing deadline. Therefore, someone should step-forward to primary

Mike, for he cant be trusted regarding how he would vote in these hot-button areas; and those who
would attempt to ignore this task because Mikes a nice guy who give us access would have to
confront the fact that Mike would not be anticipated to alleviate any antipathy towards how Pat Poprick
runs the BucksCo-GOP.


Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 11:50 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXV [Obama]

Efforts have been made to provide hyperlink-rich info that may not easily be acquired elsewhere but,
sometimes, suggested-citations have been provided that have lacked internet-linkage and have been
lengthy; some have conveyed levitysheik-barrys-gas-marts-opening-across-urban-americaand
others have arrived via e-mail but have not yet been uploaded onto the web [such as the letters from
Israel by Ms. Arlene Kushner]. Challenging are quality-essays such as that which follows, for they lead to
a rich set of pages but not to a replica of the received e-mail; thus, both as a stand-alone and as an
example of the high standards @ that site, consider this [and note how it correlates with the extended
analysis sent 72-hours ago, replete with cites]:

Morning Jolt
. . . with Jim Geraghty
December 3, 2013

Really, Mr. President, There Are Some Problems That Cannot Be Spun

Here we go again.

The * systems that are supposed to deliver consumer
information to insurers still have not been fixed. And with coverage for
many people scheduled to begin in just 30 days, insurers are worried
the repairs may not be completed in time.

"Until the enrollment process is working from end to end, many
consumers will not be able to enroll in coverage," said Karen M. Ignagni,
president of America's Health Insurance Plans, a trade group.

Some insurers say they have been deluged with phone calls from people who believe
they have signed up for a particular health plan, only to find that the company has no
record of the enrollment. Others say information they received about new enrollees was
inaccurate or incomplete, so they had to track down additional data a laborious task
that will not be feasible if data is missing for tens of thousands of consumers.

In still other cases, insurers said, they have not been told how much of a customer's
premium will be subsidized by the government, so they do not know how much to
charge the policyholder.

Talk about a rude surprise:

Bob Shlora of Alpharetta, Ga., was supposed to be a belated
ObamaDontCare success story. After weeks of trying, the 61-year-old
told ABC News he fully enrolled in a new health insurance plan through

the federal marketplace over the weekend, and received a Humana
policy ID number to prove it.

But two days later, his insurer has no record of the transaction, Shlora
said, even though his account on the government website indicates that
he has a plan.

"I feel like this: My application was taken by a bureaucrat, it was put
on a conveyor belt and it's still going around, and it's never going to
leave the building," he said. "I've lost hope. If it happens, great."

Obama administration officials acknowledged today that some of the
roughly 126,000 Americans who completed the torturous online
enrollment process in October and November might not be officially
signed up with their selected issuer, even if the website has told them
they are.

Note that this transaction was done this weekend, not in the opening days of the
troubled site. His transaction occurred after all those fixes were made. So there's some
evidence that the site . . . isn't fixed.

The Obama administration's big song-and-dance Sunday was designed to get some nice,
happy headlines to start the week, and to create the impression among their loyal base
that the site is fixed.

Morning Jolt, Monday morning: "Basically, they're bragging that they think they have
the site significantly improved."

Washington Post, late Monday afternoon:

Around 10 a.m. Monday morning, the Obama administration began
using queuing software to meter entry into the Web
site. At the time, the site had fewer than 40,000 users, somewhere in
the "mid-30,000" range, as Medicare spokeswoman Julie Bataille put it.
"As we looked at error rates, that was the team's determination,"
Bataille said.
Most notably, the queuing system went up before hit its
planned target of handling 50,000 concurrent users. When pressed on
this point, Bataille referred to a separate metric that the administration
has used to measure success: that 800,000 people be able to use the
Web site in a single day.
They can't be honest with us. They don't trust us with the truth, or they fear how the
public will react with the truth. So they tell us everything's working fine, and hope not
enough people notice.

Attention, White House staffers: This is not Syria, some far-off land that people will
eventually forget about. This isn't Benghazi; the country won't eventually move on and
forget about your lies. This is not "Fast and Furious;" most Americans can't just shrug
that it doesn't affect them. This is not the IRS abuse scandal, which you can blame on
some low-level employees in a Cincinnati office, or GSA employees spending taxpayer
dollars on luxury hotels in Las Vegas. This isn't Solyndra. This isn't wiretapping AP
telephone lines or preparing a conspiracy charge against Fox News's James Rosen. This
isn't even the NSA domestic-surveillance scandal, a revelation that really aggravates
people but that fades from the headlines over time.
No, this is the health care of millions of people that you're botching, after years and
years of assuring the public that you can handle this and that they'll love the results of
your efforts, hammered through Congress on party-line votes.
It's infuriating to be on the receiving end of the lie, but the irony is that it's only the
shortest of short-term solutions for the person telling the lie. Their impossible promises
and lies and excuses always end with some variation of "and in the very near future,
you're going to have an easier time, paying less money, to get better health care, we
promise!" The "very near future" then arrives, and lo and behold, their vision hasn't
come to fruition. Because it can't come to fruition, at least not the way they're doing it.
Bruce Webster:
Those of you who have read my posts on ObamaDontCare will
recognize many of the quotes and concepts above, because they apply
as much to the website development effort as they do to the legislation
behind it. It is not surprising, then, that the Obama Administration's
response to profound problems with both the ACA's implementation
and the systems is to push ahead, patching, waving
hands, hiding actual performance and/or outright lying about how the
systems are doing, rather than taking a step back and figuring out what
would actually be best, what would work best, for Americans and
Speaking of Predictable Responses from the President . . .
Ron Fournier is turning into one of the most interesting Obama critics. He's not "one of
us" in the movement conservative sense; he covered Bill Clinton in Arkansas when he
was governor for the Associated Press, then moved to the Washington bureau of that
wire service, serving as Washington bureau chief for much Obama's first term.
Fournier wrote Monday:
President Obama needs to fire himself. Not literally, of course, but
practically: He needs to shake up his team so thoroughly that the new
blood imposes change on how he manages the federal bureaucracy and
A series of self-inflicted wounds during his fifth year in office, capped by
the botched launch of the Affordable Care Act, have Americans

questioning the president's competence and credibility. History suggests
that second-term presidents rarely recover after their approval ratings
fall as much as Obama's have this year
The Affordable Care Act fiasco underscores the need for a significant
overhaul. Despite three years to prepare, the website
didn't work upon launch, and the president misled millions of Americans
by promising during his reelection campaign that they could keep their
insurance plans and their doctors. As The New York Times reported
Sunday, the story of how Obama's team responded to the failures
"reveals an insular White House that did not initially appreciate the
magnitude of its self-inflicted wounds, and sought help from trusted
insiders as it scrambled to protect Mr. Obama's image."
That description is a damning indictment that could be applied broadly
to the Obama years. For all his strengths, Obama is a private, almost
cloistered, politician surrounded by fawning aides who don't
understand why anybody would object to his policies; thus they are
often caught flat-footed by critics. They often put political tactics ahead
of governing, protecting the president's image with narrow-minded
Short of resignation, can you think of anything Obama is less likely to do than follow
Fournier's advice? Overhauling his cabinet would be a de facto admission that he's been
wrong about a lot of things from the beginning. He was wrong about the workability of
the ObamaDontCare legislation as a whole. He appointed the wrong people to his
cabinet and shouldn't have trusted them with these responsibilities. He didn't take the
early warnings seriously enough. Sometimes he'll come close to acknowledging these
hard revelations and the enormity of these mistakes -- "what we're also discovering is
that health insurance is complicated to buy" -- but he usually brushes them off or
quickly discards those inconvenient truths before their ramifications sink in.
He doesn't know how he's doing, and over the weekend, he told us that he still doesn't
know why he doesn't know: "We're evaluating why it is exactly that I didn't know soon
enough that [the site] wasn't going to work the way it needed to."
Think about it -- at the end of November, two weeks after this major failure, he's
admitting he's still not sure why he was in the dark about it for so long. Unless he's lying,
he still doesn't know who was responsible for keeping him informed about the site's
problems and why they didn't tell him. There is little or no indication that anything has
really changed after this massive failure.
This epic obliviousness to how things are really progressing around him leads to
catastrophically bad decision-making. How different would the political scene look today
if, back in late September, President Obama had said, "fine, I'll accept a one-year delay
in the individual mandate to avoid a government shutdown?"
Jonathan Last wrote that Obama was an " American Narcissus" back in 2010. Here's the
real flaw about Narcissus, at least according to the myth: It's not just that he fell in love
with his own image. It's that A) he mistook the mirror's reflection for an actual person,

and thus lost the ability to distinguish between images and reality and B) he was blinded
to everything else.


Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 4:17 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXVI [Media, Bashir, Education, Political Science]


Although one wonders whether there are any-honest-reporters-anymore, this [belated] split is of-
interest for two major reasons; first, it seems the good guys are flourishing *Laura Ingraham Got Her
Own Comic Book and Glenn Becks new book Miracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the
Making of America is required-reading @ Yale+ while the bad guys are flailing *zucker capitulated @
cnn as he Dissed Fox]. Meanwhile, BHO is desperate, as he is to be interviewed by chris-matthews, who-
once-begged-obama-for-his-orders-set-to-interview-prez and who famously claimed BHO triggered a
personal LEG THRILL; some view this as the-latest-in-a-string-of-panicky-decisions, while krauthammer
appears bemused [after having admitted that he disagrees-with-just-about-everything-he-thinks].
Illustrative of how tenaciously the lefties keep trying to defend each other is this observation from an
over-the-weekend talk-show:

WaPo columnist Dana Milbank commented thusly on MSNBC's Martin Bashirs vile
statements about Sarah Palin [advocating urinating and defacating into her mouth
because she compared debt to slavery] for which he apologized.

Milbank: And another thing, which is really quite different. He was
making a very legitimate point about Sarah Palin.

Kurtz: Lets go over this for people who were not following the this.
Sarah Palin had given a speech for which she compared the national
debt and owing money to China to slavery. A lot of people didnt like
that. And, like I said in the beginning, it is fair game to criticize Sarah
Palin. But lets not mix words here. What Bashir said was scripted, read
with graphics that had to be approved by other people at the network
who suggested using her as a toilet.

Dana Milbank: Yes, and I think the legitimate point that he was making
was that these slavery things are brought up too often and this is how
awful slavery is.

Continuing with the good-guy stuff from the journalistic/academic/cultural perspective, note that the
constitutionality of Christmas is pretty-solid; that pope-francis continues challenging assumptions, as he
Sneaks Out Of The Vatican At Night To Serve The poor and admits to having been a club bouncer; that
With bad grades and worst essay ever, JFK still got into Harvard; that a teacher slammed scripted
common-core lessons that must be taught word-for-word; that David Horowitz discussed his new book
(The Black Book of the American Left) with Jamie Glazov; that scientists are increasingly-moving-to a
global-cooling-consensus (noting the UN-sponsored Conference is about money, not Climate Change);
that Paul McCartney Concerts Are Trippy; that a College accused a black professor of racial harassment
against white students (goose=gander); and that the 101 best-selling-books-of-all-time have been
compiled (Great Books updated).

For more than two centuries, our political life has been divided between a party of
progress and a party of conservation. In The Great Debate, Yuval Levin explores the
origins of the left/right divide by examining the views of the men who best represented
each side of that debate at its outset: Edmund Burke and Thomas Paine. In a
groundbreaking exploration of the roots of our political order, Levin shows that
American partisanship originated in the debates over the French Revolution, fueled by
the fiery rhetoric of these ideological titans.

Levin masterfully shows how Burke's and Paines differing views, a reforming
conservatism and a restoring progressivism, continue to shape our current political
discourseon issues ranging from abortion to welfare, education, economics, and
beyond. Essential reading for anyone seeking to understand Washingtons often
acrimonious rifts, The Great Debate offers a profound examination of what
conservatism, liberalism, and the debate between them truly amount to.

Regarding the blind-so-far search for civilizations elsewhere in the universe [the Great Silence+, its
unclear whyif a multitude of civilizations are likely to exist in the Milky Wayno sign of their existence
(in the form of probes or spacecraftor sound, or UFOs) has been detected. Scientists and critical
thinkers (since Enrico Fermi first raised this question back in the 1950s) have struggled to supply a host
of inventive arguments to resolve the problem, and theorized (with mixed reception) has been the claim
that life is so rare, so widely distributed, and the scale of the universe so immense, that the probability
of contact or communication between any two space-faring civilizations is almost non-existent (an
outlook which makes intelligent life find itself in a very lonely, sad and pessimistic state of affairs). As a
result, it has been postulated that sufficiently-advanced civilizations may leave Earths universe by
relocating to black-hole-like destinations [Transcension Hypothesis]. {Inclusion of this idea is to serve
as mind-exercise.}


Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 4:57 PM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXVII [ObamaDon'tCare]

When this physicians son spoke in Doylestown on 10/10 as to the horrors of ObamaDontCare, the
keynoter was Pediatrician Marion Mass, M.D., and she has written a piece distributed by Mike
Fitzpatrick depicting how Free clinics have been hit hard by ObamaDontCare. Of course, omitted is
reference to the fact that Mike voted to fund it, a fact about which Rachel Maddow has consistently
crowed ever since; this is why the latest MSNBC-narrative is to attack the GOP for not proffering ways to
improve the mess *instead of recalling the repeal and replace jingo+. ,Of course, the chatter on
Morning Joe remains deficient, exemplified when Mike Barnicle claimed Scott Brown [were he to run]
would lose handily to Jeanne Shaheen during next years New Hampshire senatorial race because he
only has a summer-home there, whereas Shaheens family has deep roots in the state; note that this
handicapping is absolutely devoid of content.} In any case, as BHO led cheers for himself, the key level of
quiet reassurance upon which he can routinely draw is the fact that, within a month, subsidies will start
flowing, yielding addiction; here, one need contrast listening to a half-hour rant by Rachel Maddow [as
occurred Monday+ attacking the GOP for attacking ObamaDontCarewith FNCs content-laden
data/analysis. {Some predict (gleefully) that the epic-fail of ObamaDontCare-will bring-down

Obama on ObamaDontCare: This Law is Working
Katie Pavlich | Dec 03, 20

[Obama: This Law Is Working, Will Work Into The Future]

Speaking from the White House Tuesday afternoon while flanked by people who have
"benefited" from ObamaDontCare, President Obama said his signature piece of
legislation is working. The speech was part of a new public relations campaign to try and
salvage what's left of the disastrous ObamaDontCare rollout.

"About a half million people are poised to gain health care coverage...and that
number...will keep on growing," Obama said while ignoring the more than five million
people who have lost their health insurance thanks to ObamaDontCare. "This law is
working and will work into the future.

President Obama also asked for the help of the American people watching to "spread
the news" about the healthcare law so more people can get signed up.
"I need you to spread the word about this law, about its benefits...and how folks can
sign up," Obama said.

Yesterday during the White House press briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney said the
administration didn't need to advertise or campaign for the law.

"Ill work with anyone to implement and improve this law, but were not repealing it,"
Obama said. "We aren't going back."

The President finished his speech without taking any questions from the press.

The three prior blasts today detailed the challenge BHO presents and the need to recruit an army
that can sustain an aggressive fight to reverse his excesses [notwithstanding media that ranges from
tolerant to hostile, amidst cultural noise that can provide stimulation & surcease]; again, this is why it
appears Mike Fitzpatrick simply isnt up-to-the-task [based upon prior votes]. Note how the Broken
promise of ObamaDontCare is expected haunt Democrats congressional campaigns and that Polls Show
ObamaDontCare Wave Building Against Senate Democrats; misleading the electorate is, in this instance,
damning, as was recognized by Megyn Kelly, when she grilled/blasted former BHO-advisor Ben LaBolt
over Obamas lies ['You're Too Smart to Believe That!+ and when CNN aired a lame-excuse floated by an
ESPN-columnist as analyst who 'DEFENDS' OBAMA: 'EVERY PRESIDENT IS GOING TO LIE' [obamas-lies-
are-not-a-bad-thing-because-hes-the-president+. A simple test *place the shoe on the other foot+
exposes deceit.}


An overview of the current state-of-affairs received today [directly and forwarded by a reader] provides
a structure upon which myriad hyperlinks can be hung; the situation remains damning:

What Happen When (and If) Actually Works may or may not be workingfor some people. That seems to be the
clearest assessment after the nObama Administration has flubbed two deadlines to get
the nObamaDontCare website working...The disaster has spawned countless news
stories and updates about the websites progress. But heres the most important story: cant fix anything thats wrong with nObamaDontCare.
WH Claims it Will Make Healthcare System More 'Rational, Sane'
WH says websites traffic jam is a success
CONGRESSMAN: My Granddaughter Had 'Number of Glitches' But We Didn't Get Rid of Her

One-third of all 834s failed
The White House touted the success of its fix yesterday by focusing on the improved
customer experience, which turned out to be not all that much improved after all...The
biggest change was that the site now had a formal waiting line, which foreshadows what
will happen when nObamaDontCare floods a limited number of providers with a lot
more demand in a price-controlled economic environment. The administration got very
vague when it came to whether the back-end functions had been fixed, and as the
Washington Post reports this morning, that was where the fix was needed most. A third
of all enrollments in October and November got lost, thanks to the system failures on a
long-established standard:
obama will not repeal-ObamaDontCare-as long as hes president
Nightmare on health site
HEALTHCAREDOTGOV FAILS TO MEET NOV. 30 TARGETS sketched what will-happen-healthcare-gov-actually-works
BHO wont fire anybody over #ObamaDontCare since it would constitute an admission of error
ObamaDontCare, Deconstructed
As an EPIC FAILURE, ObamaDontCare is a Spectacular Success
BHO is selfish
the-lack-of-state-exchanges may bring it down
What's Next [Cruz]
Steny Hoyer Stops Saying 'ObamaDontCare'
Daily Show Has Breitbart Editor in O-Care Critique
ups-dropped 15,000-spouses healthcare
Gallup: More Public Knows About ObamaDontCare, More They Oppose It
ObamaDontCare: Echoes of Stalinism Past
DC Scandal Expert: Haven't Seen 'Disaster' Like ObamaDontCare in a While
Obama Is Lying About ObamaDontCare Lowering Health Care Costs Too
Barletta worries ObamaDontCare will gut volunteer fire departments


WaPo reports that nearly one-third of the nObamaDontCare applications sent to
prospective insurers have errors. The errors include failure to notify insurers about new
customers, duplicate enrollments or cancellation notices for the same person, incorrect
information about family members, and mistakes involving federal subsidies. The
errors have been piling up and since the entitlements Oct. 1 launch and pose the
possibility of a looming disaster as new policies are supposed to kick in next month. -
Fox News
HHS: Hey, we got a million visitors yesterday!
Insurers: Where are the reconciliation and payment systems?
this new and improved ObamaDontCare website seems barely improved at all
Pennsylvanians see some website improvement

New Lawsuit Places nObamaDontCare in Peril
nObamaDontCare is in serious danger...After weathering a Supreme Court challenge
that threatened to gut the law by striking down the individual mandate, major pillars
the business penalty, the individual penalty, and the generous health-care subsidies that
make the exchange plans affordable are being challenged in court, with at least two
lawsuits potentially dealing mortal wounds before New Years Day.The c**** in the
armor is that nObamaDontCare subsidizes plans for people enrolled in through an
exchange established by the state under section 1311 of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act, but in a move Democrats didnt expect, 34 states didnt establish
an exchange. And if people arent able to access these subsidies, they cant be

A federal court will hear arguments today from a group of small business owners in six
states that claim they should not face IRS penalties over nObamaDontCares employer
mandate because their states have refused to comply with the laws requirement to
create localized versions of the troubled insurance exchange program. - Fox News
back in court

nObamaDontCare Nightmare Has Only Just Begun
nObamaDontCare has placed the United States on a suicide mission. Millions of
Americans have lost their health care, as health insurers issuing new policies for
2014...have replaced the health insurance you like and were promised you could keep
with nObamaDontCare-compliant coverage that includes health care services you will
never need, including pre-natal care and childbirth coverage. The second shoe will drop
next year when somewhere between 60-80 million employers begin terminating health
insurance coverage as an employee benefit, simply because the new
nObamaDontCare compliant version of group health care is too expensive.

Security Expert: Now More Dangerous
Proponents of socialized medicine have been celebrating in recent days as the deeply
flawed nObamaDontCare enrollment website has performed somewhat better than
usual...Of course, its current successes are only as compared to a miserable rollout that has reached only 15 percent of its two-month enrollment

target. Still, as more users are able to replace their cancelled policies for a government-
mandated plan, at least one industry expert says the risk for identity fraud has actually
raised since the website improvements.
Admin Refuses to Brief Congress on ObamaDontCare Security Risks.
Worse Than Before 'Fix'
Rogers: WH wouldnt brief us on security gaps even in closed session
Audit: Health care subsidies vulnerable to fraud
Congressman: Using a Risk for Stolen Identity
Audit: Health Care Subsidies Vulnerable to Fraud


Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue -CCLXVIII [Pennsylvania]

Much transpired during recent hours, all of which serves to clarify the PA-landscape as the power-
brokers meet @ the NYC-Waldorf for the PA-Society events to be held this weekend. Thematic are both
the ongoing/expanding civil-war within the GOP and heartfelt efforts to ameliorate its potential-damage
to the Commonwealth; clearly IDed in these blasts are both the education that has been gleaned
from candid individuals and the interventions made. Overall, support for the latter is invited, based on
the former; as usual, if anything has been missed or is erroneous, yall should please so-informfor the
pace-of-events is accelerating. {Specifically, Mike Vereb plans to meet with a bunch of prior-dissidents
to integrate our issues into his plans; Were going to gut the place and start anew, or I wont remain in
this position! Its easy to see why he has skyrocketed, both in popularity with the public and with

Bob Asher *National Committeeman from PA+ told Pam Levy to expand the Diversi-Tea
efforts of the MontCo GOP to mirror the historic effort to invite Log-Cabin-type
individuals to join the party under the (allegedly highly-expansile) tent. This occurred
after she had said [in reply to my public display of disdain @ her prior event, of which
she was reminded] that such outreach required national-approval. I feel it was long
overdue and acted accordingly, acquiring this definitive OK *Pam, send me an e-mail
tomorrow and Ill confirm this plan.+ that assuredly will carry an immediate NATIONAL
[favorable] impact.

I also learned the lie-of-the-land regarding the GOPs plans in the 13
, having chatted with two
potential candidates [and having been apprised of a 3
, whom I met two years ago @ an event
sponsored by the Cheltenham-GOP, who appears to be a carpetbagger from D.C.]. This need not be
perceived as a pro-forma situation, for most-everyone is recognizing the potential for 2014 to serve as a
GOP banner-year comparable to the seismic impact of 2010 *c/o ObamaDontCare+. Downplayed @
the MCRC [MontCo Republican Committee] meeting of last-night were efforts to recruit a primary-
competitor in the 8
, but a few avid readers of these blasts raised the issue during conversations that
had been focused elsewhere; having nixed one name raised by a newfound friend this past Tuesday-
p.m. [due to awareness of his neo-isolationist foreign policy] has not precluded the wheels from turning
and, indeed, the word is out that the approach *that Guzzardi first reported when returning from the
RedState Gathering+ of primarying EVERYONE who voted to fund ObamaDontCare, has been
integrated into the DNA of the TPM [TEA Party Movement] activists. Im just trying to do my part, for its
unlikely Mike will recant.

Without supplying names, Guzzardi returned from Harrisburg meetings armed with
support for efforts to provide an alternative to Corbett, as logistical commitments are
being rapidly established. With all due respect to loyalists, people in his camp have yet
to provide candid reassurance that he will be able to survive the anticipated-to-be-
scathing report by AG-Kane that he allowed Sandusky to languish *one trooper for
three years has been alleged+ while over-reacting after the story broke *Tom killed
JoePA has been charged+. Thus, again, because the-silence-is-deafening, someone
should either prod him to be frank about his actions [and not become testy when the

issue is broached+, or serve on a Hugh Scott Delegation* intent upon asking that he
withdraw. {*Nixon resigned after the PA-Senatorjoined by Goldwater/Rhodes

Meanwhile, as anticipated, oil-suppliers say Pa. fuel tax hike will hit pump prices as a proposed Bill
would nearly double federal gasoline tax, yielding a double-whammy that undermines the Corbett no-
new-taxes pledge [and we all know what happened to Bush-41+; in addition, despite the claim that
Grants aren't the same old payouts, Corbett says, WAMs returned to Harrisburg. Thus, he has not
budgeted ways to reverse infrastructure deterioration, and my perusal of the list applicable to Sen.
Greenleafs district includes pork *such as gateway improvement+. Therefore, when assessing his
previously-articulated priorities, he has raised taxes for transport [which includes mass-transit,
alleviating stress on SEPTA to maximize efficiency] and has ignored the other major issues [pension-
bomb, legislature-size, right-to-work, WAMs, state-stores], while having upped debt [~$6.1 billion, per
Guzzardi+ burdening future *Forgotten+ Tax Payers. ,To facilitate conveying concentrated-info and its
origin, the first-person was employed herein.}

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