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Cytokeratin 7 and Cytokeratin 19 Expressions in
OvaI CeIIs and Mature ChoIangiocytes as
Diagnostic and Prognostic Factors of ChoIestasis
!"#$%&'( *+" ,(+-($.'/0 1$'$2 3+'&$45#$'//0 6($.#&# 7#+$('$//
* Department of Anatomical Pathology
School of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of ndonesia, Jakarta
** Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine
University of ndonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
!"#$%&'()*+ The activitv of liver progenitor cells as bipotent liver stem cells, such as the oval cells, has
been observed. The presence of oval cells and mature cholangiocvtes forming hepatobiliarv ductules mav be
applied to distinguish extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholestasis of the infants.
-./0'*+ This cross sectional studv was performed on 40 parafhn-embedded sections consisting of 2 groups
of 20 cases with extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholestasis of the infants from histophatological examination
in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta between Januarv 2000 and September 2011. The liver hbrosis
grading was reevaluated bv hematoxvlin and eosin and also trichrome staining. The specimens were tested
bv immunohistochemical staining for cvtokeratin (CK) 7 and CK 19 expressions in oval cells and mature
cholangiocvtes. The correlation between CK7/CK19 expressions in oval cells and liver hbrosis were analv:ed
bv Spearmans correlation test.
1.2(3/2+ Expressions of CK7 and CK 19 on oval cells and mature cholangiocvtes performed in hepatobiliarv
ductules, were signihcantlv higher in extrahepatic than intrahepatic cholestasis with p 0.05. CK7 and CK19
expressions in oval cells showed strong correlation with the degree of liver hbrosis with r 0.793, p 0.05 for
CK 7 and r 0.827, p 0.05 for CK 19.
4')#3(25')+ Expressions of CK7 and CK19, in oval cells and mature cholangiocvtes, were higher at
extrahepatic than intrahepatic cholestasis. Expressions of CK7 and CK19 in oval cells were directlv proportional
to the degree of liver hbrosis in cholestasis of the infants.
6.78'&*2+ cholestasis, oval cell, cholangiocvtes, hbrosis, CK7, CK19
9"/"& :.3"$")%. Aktivitas sel progenitor hati sebagai sel punca hati vang bersifat bipotential vang dikenal
sebagai sel oval sudah diteliti. Adanva sel oval dan kolangiosit matur vang membentuk duktulus hepatobiliaris
dapat digunakan untuk membedakan kolestasis ekstrahepatik dan intrahepatik pada bavi.
-./'*.. Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada 40 blok parahn vang terbagi menfadi 2 kelompok vaitu 20 kasus
kolestasis ekstrahepatik dan 20 kasus kolestasis intrahepatik pada bavi vang tercatat di laboratorium patologi
anatomi rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Januari 2000 sampai September 2010. Derafat hbrosis
hati dinilai dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin dan eosin, dan fuga trikrom. Kemudian dilakukan pewarnaan
imunohistokimia untuk menilai ekspresi cvtokeratin (CK) 7 dan CK 19 pada sel oval dan kolangiosit matur.
Korelasi antara ekspresi CK7/CK19 pada sel oval dan hbrosis hati dianalisis dengan ufi korelasi Spearmans.
;"253. Ekspresi CK7 dan CK 19 pada sel oval dan kolangiosit matur vang membentuk duktulus biliaris hati
lebih tinggi derafatnva pada kolestasis ekstrahepatik dibandingkan dengan intrahepatik dengan nilai p 0,05.
Ekspresi CK7 dan CK19 pada sel oval menunfukkan korelasi kuat dengan derafat hbrosis hati dengan nilai
r 0,783, p 0,05 untuk CK7 dan r 0,827, p 0,05 untuk CK19.
>(/-?# @<5 A-?B#. @5 C7.*/ <D@@ <E
F42(G#.+2*& H +&' F42(G#.+2*& @E :I7.#))*(&) *& J9+/ F#//) +&' K+2-.# F"(/+&3*(;42#) +) 8*+3&()2*; +&' L.(3&()2*; M+;2(.) (0 F"(/#)2+)*)
Cholestasis oI the inIants is a rare disease but
still remains as an important problem since it
Irequently leads to severe and terminal liver disease
and also death in children. Determination oI types
oI cholestasis in inIants is important, because it
correlates to the determination oI treatment and predict
the prognosis.
There are still some similarities and
overlapping microscopic Ieatures between extrahepatic
and intrahepatic cholestasis, causing diIfculties in
histopathologic diagnosis when using common routine
Severe liver damage to liver cirrhosis could
be Iound in inIants with cholestasis since 3 months
oI age; thereIore, early diagnosis and rapid treatment
might provide optimal results and increased liIe
expectancy oI the patients. II there is any occurrence
oI liver cirrhosis, liver transplantation would be
the only ultimate option.
The success rate oI surgical
treatment perIormed in inIant with cholestasis also
depends on many Iactors, including the types oI
obstruction and involvement oI liver progenitor cells
in liver regeneration.
Liver progenitor cell plays an important role on
various pathological conditions in the liver. The
presence one oI such cells has been recognized as oval
cell. Oval cells, which have been known as a Iacultative
bipotent liver stem cells, are capable to diIIerentiate
between hepatocytes and cholangiocytes.
Oval cells
do not exist or very rare in normal liver and it will
multiply iI there is any injury or severe infammation in
liver tissue, including in cholestatic liver. The activity
oI liver progenitor cells and study oI liver stem cells
have been observed but specifc markers have not been
Iound. Progenitor cells or ductular markers, such as
cytokeratin (CK)-7 or CK19, were expressed on oval
cells and also mature cholangiocytes in hepatobiliary
ductules or known as ductular reactions.
presence oI oval cells and mature cholangiocytes
Iorming hepatobiliary ductules may be applied to
distinguish between extrahepatic or intrahepatic
cholestasis. Both oI these markers are expected to assist
histopathologic diagnosis accuracy on diIfcult cases
oI cholestasis in inIants.
The aim oI this study was to learn the diIIerences
regarding the degree oI CK7 and CK19 expressions
on oval cells and hepatobiliary ductules in inIant`s
liver biopsy between extrahepatic and intrahepatic
cholestasis. Interestingly, the study was also intended
to recognize the association oI their expressions on oval
cells with liver fbrosis grading. Markers oI CK7 or
CK19 are expected to be applied Ior diagnostic purpose
and prognostic prediction oI cholestasis in inIants.
This study used cross sectional design with
the sample population was liver tissue specimens
consisting oI Iormalin-Iixed paraIIin-embedded
sections, which had been diagnosed as extrahepatic
or intrahepatic cholestasis. The sections were derived
Irom pediatric patients aged 0 to 12 months, who were
clinically diagnosed with cholestasis. All specimens
were reIerred to histopathological examination in
Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta, between
January 2000 and September 2010. The samples were
collected by consecutive sampling. Each specimen
should contain at least 5 portal areas and consequently
was regarded as representative sample. Such samples
were included in the study. II there was no clinical data
about the patient`s age (in months) or the liver biopsy
was not representative, the sample would be excluded.
The amount oI samples in this study was 40 liver tissue
biopsies oI the inIants on paraIfn-embedded section
consisting oI 2 groups oI 20 cases oI extrahepatic and
intrahepatic cholestasis.
Age in months and sex oI patients were recorded.
Histological liver fbrosis grading was reevaluated
by hematoxylin and eosin as well as the trichrome
staining as: F0/none, F1/portal fbrosis without septal
involvement, F2/portal fbrosis with mild septal fbrosis,
F3/portal Iibrosis with severe septal Iibrosis, and
F4/cirrhosis. The subtype oI histopathological diagnosis
oI cholestasis was also recorded. Histopathologic
diagnosis oI extrahepatic cholestasis was made
based on the amount proliIerative characteristics oI
hepatobiliary duct/ductular, in all oI portal areas, which
included portal widening and bile plug. Histopathologic
diagnosis oI intrahepatic cholestasis was made based
on normal or the amount oI hepatobiliary ductular
non-proliIerative characteristics (in idiopathic
neonatal hepatitis) or less than normal or paucity oI
hepatobiliary ductular amount (in Alagille syndrome),
along with giant cell hepatocytes and extramedular
Immunohistochemical studies were conducted
by immunoperoxidase system and using primary
antibodies, consist oI mouse anti-human CK7
6.25<=(3"). Ekspresi CK7 dan CK19 pada sel oval dan kolangiosit matur lebih tinggi derafatnva pada
kolestasis ekstrahepatik dibandingkan intrahepatik. Ekspresi CK7 dan CK19 pada sel oval berbanding lurus
dengan derafat hbrosis hati pada kolestasis bavi.
6"/" $()#5. kolestasis, sel oval, kolangiosit, hbrosis, CK7, CK19
!"# %&'(&#)*+& ,(-.&+/ (0 1+)2.(#&2#.(/(345 6#7+2(/(345 +&' 8*3#)2*9# :&'();(74 ND
84(&#)*+ C.4 6+.O+&2*5 :&*&3 P.*)&-"(&*5 Q+&2()( F(.&+*&
Based on clinicopathological parameters, most
oI patients in intrahepatic cholestasis group were
male aged under 3 months with subtype oI neonatal
hepatitis, fbrosis grading F0 and mild degree oI CK7/
CK19 expression in oval cells. On the other hand, most
patients in extrahepatic cholestasis group were Iemale
and all patients had fbrosis grading oI F4 and moderate
to severe degree oI CK7/CK19 expressions in oval cells
with CK7/CK19 expressions in mature cholangiocytes
perIormed on hepatobiliary ductules were more than
normal. There were statistically signifcant results
between 2 groups oI CK7/CK19 expressions in oval
cells and mature cholangiocytes that were perIormed
on hepatobiliary ductules as shown on Table 1.
monoclonal antibody (1 : 150, Dako) and mouse anti-
human CK19 monoclonal antibody (1 : 200, Novocastra).
Antigen was retrieved Irom deparaIIinized and
rehydrated tissue by microwave oven in sodium citrate
buIIer solution with a pH oI 6.5. Diaminobenzidine
was used as chromogen and the sections were
counterstained with hematoxylin. As a negative
control, non immunized mouse immunoglobulin was
substituted Ior the primary antibody. Expressions oI
CK7 and CK19 in oval cells was calculated by the
number oI oval cells which had small-sized single
cell (about 10 m, less than the size oI cholangiocyte
or hepatocyte and cluster oI maximally 4 small-sized
cells without Iorming oI lumen hepatobiliary ductules).
The cell appeared with brown positive stain on the
membrane and cytoplasm in sinusoid zone 1 and it
was limited to the plate at 5 periportal same areas as
determined by observer; using light microscope with
200 x magniIication, each case was subsequently
scored as grade I, II or III. The determination was:
grade I/ average range 0-10, grade II/average range
11-50, and grade III/average range ~ 50. Expressions oI
CK7 and CK19 in mature cholangiocytes perIormed on
hepatobiliary ductules was determined by calculating
cluster oI 4 or more mature cholangiocytes with
Iorming lumen oI hepatobiliary ductules, which had
brown positive stain on the membrane and cytoplasm in
5 portal same areas as had been determined by observer
using light microscope with 200 x magnifcation. II
there were many clusters oI mature cholangiocytes
with many lumens, 1 lumen would be calculated
as 1 ductule. The average value oI each case was
calculated and was scored as score I or less than
normal by average range 0.5, score II or normal by
average range 0.5-2 and score III or more than normal
by average range _ 3. To uniIy our perception and
to avoid bias, the calculation oI cells was conducted
by 2 observers beIore evaluation Ior quality control.
Independent and blind interpretation was perIormed
by each observer.
In this study, unpaired t-test was perIormed to
evaluate the signifcance oI CK7/CK19 expressions
in oval cells and mature cholangiocytes Iorming
hepatobiliary ductules between 2 groups. The
correlation between CK7/CK19 expressions in oval
cells and liver Iibrosis grading was analyzed by
Spearman correlation test and the value oI p 0.05
was considered as statistically signifcant. Interrater
agreement between 2 observers, was analyzed by
MedCalc version 9.3.9, at least 10 oI all samples
TabIe 1. Data distribution of intrahepatic and extrahepatic choIestasis
Intrahepatic Extrahepatic
n (%) n (%)
18 (90)
2 (10)
6 (30)
14 (70)
Age (months)
< 3
< 3
13 (65)
7 (35)
10 (50)
10 (50)
Subtype of cholestasis
Neonatal hepatitis
Progressive familial intrahepatic
Alagille syndrome
Extrahepatic biliary atresia
16 (80)
2 (10)
2 (10)
20 (100)
Fibrosis grading
15 (75)
3 (15)
1 (5)
1 (5)
20 (100)
Expression of CK7 in oval cells (range 0-41) (range 9-146) < 0.05
11 (55)
9 (45)
1 (5)
9 (45)
10 (50)
Expression of CK19 in oval cells (range 6-54) (range 21-157) < 0.05
4 (20)
15 (75)
1 (5)
11 (55)
9 (45)
Expression of CK7 in mature
(range 0-34) (range 1-115) < 0.05
Less than normal
More than normal
5 (25)
7 (35)
8 (40)
20 (100)
Expression of CK19 in mature
(range 0-32) (range 7-139) < 0.05
Less than normal
More than normal
2 (10)
8 (40)
10 (50)
20 (100)
Strength oI agreement between 2 observers was Iair
until very good with weighted kappa value as shown
in Table 2. There were positive correlations between
CK7/CK19 expressions in oval cells and staging oI
liver fbrosis, with p value and correlation coeIfcient
are shown on Table 3.
>(/-?# @<5 A-?B#. @5 C7.*/ <D@@ N@
F42(G#.+2*& H +&' F42(G#.+2*& @E :I7.#))*(&) *& J9+/ F#//) +&' K+2-.# F"(/+&3*(;42#) +) 8*+3&()2*; +&' L.(3&()2*; M+;2(.) (0 F"(/#)2+)*)
TabIe 3. CorreIation between CK7/CK19 expressions in ovaI
ceIIs and Iiver brosis
VariabIe p CorreIation
CK7 expressions in oval cell and
staging fbrosis
< 0.05 0.793/strong
CK19 expressions in oval cell and
staging fbrosis
< 0.05 0.827/very strong
TabIe 4. Sensitivity, specificity, and criteria of CK7/CK19
expressions in ovaI ceIIs and mature choIangiocyte forming
hepatobiIiary ductuIes or ductuIar reactions
VariabIe Sensitivity Specicity Criteria
CK7 expression in oval cell 90.0 90.0
> 26.2
CK19 expression in oval cell 90.0 95.0
> 29.6
CK7 expression in mature
95.0 95.0
> 8.8
CK19 expression in mature
90.0 100.0
> 6
Sensitivity, specifcity, and criteria or cut oII point
oI CK7/CK19 expressions in oval cells and mature
cholangiocytes perIormed on hepatobiliary ductules
that diIIerentiate the extrahepatic and intrahepatic
cholestasis oI the inIants are shown on Table 4.
Morphologic Ieatures oI CK7/CK19 expressions
in oval cells and mature cholangiocytes perIormed
on hepatobiliary ductules or the ductular reactions in
cholestatic liver oI the inIants are shown in Figure 1 and 2.
TabIe 2. Strength of agreement between 2 observers
Degree of CK7 expression in oval cell 1 Very good
Degree of CK19 expression in oval cell 0.333 Fair
Degree of CK7 expression in mature
1 Very good
Degree of CK19 expression in mature
0.727 Good
Figure 1. Degree of CK7 (a) and CK19 (b) expressions in ovaI ceIIs by score III/severe and mature
choIangiocyte forming ductuIar reactions by score III/more than normaI of extrahepatic choIestasis
with 200 x magnication in the 1 of the same portaI area
Figure 2. Degree of CK7 (a) and CK19 (b) expressions in ovaI ceIIs by score II/miId-moderate and
mature choIangiocyte forming ductuIar reactions by score III/more than normaI of intrahepatic
choIestasis with progressive famiIiaI intrahepatic choIestasis (PFIC) subtype and 200 x magnica-
tion in the same portaI area
(a) (b)



!"# %&'(&#)*+& ,(-.&+/ (0 1+)2.(#&2#.(/(345 6#7+2(/(345 +&' 8*3#)2*9# :&'();(74 N<
84(&#)*+ C.4 6+.O+&2*5 :&*&3 P.*)&-"(&*5 Q+&2()( F(.&+*&
According to literatures, the prevalence oI
intrahepatic cholestasis is higher than extrahepatic and
most patients are Iemale in extrahepatic cholestasis
This study demonstrated similar results.
Assessment oI hepatobiliary duct/ductules and degree
oI liver fbrosis are several parameters that can be used
to distinguish cases oI intrahepatic or extrahepatic
cholestasis as mentioned by Nayak et al.
Anot her st udy demonst rat ed t hat CK 19
expressing the intrahepatic liver stem cells and mature
cholangiocytes in liver tissue can also be used as
a marker, which was reported by Theise et al and Hwang
et al. However, they compared the normal liver with
massive necrosis liver and also using other markers
such as c-kit, alpha-Ietoprotein (AFP), hepatocyte
paraIfn-1 and CD133.
DiIfculty in identiIying the
canals oI Hering (coH) without immunohistochemical
examination has also been suggested by Theise et al
and identifcation would be easier by using trichrome
staining; however, such staining could not be more
sensitive than immunohistochemistry.
In this study, the degree oI CK7/CK19 expression
in oval cells and mature cholangiocyte Iorming
hepatobiliary ductules or ductular reactions were higher
in extrahepatic than intrahepatic cholestasis group. Such
ductular reaction may be caused by severe infammatory
reaction that may occur in cholestasis diseases.
In addition, the involvement oI liver progenitor cells
as oval cells also will increase the ductular reaction.
The existence oI a very strong correlation between
ductular reactions and liver fbrosis in cholestasis has
also been argumented by Pereira et al.
Progression oI the disease in extrahepatic cholestasis
is higher than intrahepatic group. Incidence oI liver
cirrhosis has been Iound in 3-months-old inIants who
had extrahepatic cholestasis without any treatment.
In addition, the number oI oval cells will also increase
and it is associated with the progression oI liver
The presence oI liver fbrosis and cirrhosis
in patients with cholestasis may occur in less than
3 months oI age. It could be Iound in extrahepatic biliary
atresia, which has not been resolved. On the other hand,
in intrahepatic cholestasis group progressive Iamilial
intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) may lead to cirrhosis;
however, the onset oI symptoms is usually more
than 6 months and cirrhosis may develop along with
the duration oI the disease. Portmann et al in his study
Iound that cirrhosis in PFIC may occur in advanced
stages in patients aged between 17 to 60 months.
The opposite condition has been Iound in Alagille
syndrome, in which the ductular reaction is absent. The
absence oI such ductular reaction would not trigger
liver fbrosis consequently; however, fbrosis may
occur but it is usually mild.
This study demonstrated that there were strong or
very strong positive correlations between expression
oI CK7/CK19 in oval cells and liver fbrosis grading
in inIants with cholestasis as shown on Table 3.
It means that expressions oI CK7/CK19 in oval cells
were directly proportional to the degree oI liver
fbrosis in inIant with cholestasis. The ability such
marker to detect the degree oI liver fbrosis early and
to monitor disease progression will be associated with
diagnosis and management oI the disease and also
predict the prognosis. It could be explained that liver
fbrogenesis in cholestatic diseases is also infuenced
by the interaction oI liver progenitor cells and hepatic
stellate cells.
The strength oI agreement between 2 observers
on CK7/CK19 expressions in oval cells and mature
cholangiocytes oI this study was Iair until very good
as shown on Table 2. It could be explained since
2 observers had tried to get same perceptions when
observing the cells by using dual heal microscope
prior to evaluation to avoid bias and have a good
quality control; thereIore, the data was more accurately
Criteria and cut oII point oI CK7/CK19 expressions
in oval cells and mature cholangiocytes perIormed in
hepatobiliary ductules oI this study are shown on Table
4. It could be used to assist histopathological diagnosis
accuracy Ior diIfcult cases oI cholestasis in inIants,
to diIIerentiate the extrahepatic or intrahepatic cause,
as well as to predict the prognosis. Sensitivity oI CK7
and CK19 expressions in oval cells are similar; but
specifcity oI CK19 expression in oval cell is higher
than CK7. ThereIore, CK19 would be a better marker
than CK7 Ior oval cell. In contrast, the marker oI CK7
expression in mature cholangiocyte is more sensitive
than CK19; however, it is less specifc than CK19
The degree oI CK7 and CK19 expressions in
oval cells and mature cholangiocytes perIormed in
hepatobiliary ductules are higher Ior extrahepatic
compared to intrahepatic cholestasis. The degree oI
CK7 and CK19 expressions in oval cells are directly
proportional to degree oI liver fbrosis in cholestasis
oI the inIants.
There are still various questions oI stem cells which
can be investigated Ior Iurther studies in this case,
including: (1) how important is the role oI intrahepatic
liver stem cells, such as small hepatocytes; (2) what
are the role oI stem cells including extrahepatic liver
stem cells derived Irom mesenchymal, hematopoietic,
>(/-?# @<5 A-?B#. @5 C7.*/ <D@@ NN
F42(G#.+2*& H +&' F42(G#.+2*& @E :I7.#))*(&) *& J9+/ F#//) +&' K+2-.# F"(/+&3*(;42#) +) 8*+3&()2*; +&' L.(3&()2*; M+;2(.) (0 F"(/#)2+)*)
embryonic or bone marrow. Further studies could be
conducted regarding these issues with more specifc
Further studies should be perIormed to determine
the Iactors aIIecting stem cells in liver regeneration,
such as the role oI growth Iactor or infammatory
cytokine by more specifc markers. Advanced studies in
the Iuture are necessary in order to assess standard liver
regeneration mediated through hepatocyte by using
markers Ior Ietal and mature hepatocyte diIIerentiation.
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Dvonesia Arv Harfanti
Department of Anatomical Pathologv
School of Medicine, Atma Java Catholic Universitv of Indonesia
Jl. Pluit Rava 2 Jakarta 14440 Indonesia

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