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Victor-George Constantinescu

grupa 1717
Victor-George Constantinescu
Grupa 1717
a. Laundry detergents; anti-perspirant sticks
b. Food products: bread, oil, flower, sugar, etc.
c. Household appliances: TV; acuu! cleaner; etc.
d. "ars; houses
1-2. #hen $ consider buying a product, it should generally cater for !y needs. %s a buyer, $
consider !yself to be a decision-!aker. For e&a!ple, when $ buy so!ething $ !ake decisions
according to the noelty of the product $ hae decided to try, according to !y budget and of
course, to other people's reco!!endations regarding that particular product. Therefore, !y
decisions are indiidual but also collectie, in that other people !ay contribute to the!, but
this aspect can ary according to the product type. For instance, $ hae to ad!it that if $ a! to
participate in an official eent where for!al attire is re(uired and where !en should wear
only elegant suits, then when deciding to buy a particular suit, $ generally take into account
!y parents' or friends' point of iew and opt for the brands they reco!!end !e.
3. $ beliee that on a general basis, people assu!e seeral roles in the buying group. For
instance, after purchasing a tooth paste one uses, he)she auto!atically beco!es a user. $f on
the other hand, he)she is pleased with that tooth paste and tells or persuades other people to
try it too, then one beco!es an influencer. This !eans that one beco!es an influencer after
one has got a certain kind of buying e&perience. #hen one !akes a certain *!arket analysis',
he)she co!pares the products and selects the!, in this way assu!ing the role of both decider
and buyer. For instance, in a fa!ily the wo!an's role is ery i!portant because as a rule, she
is the one getting ac(uainted with purchasing certain types of consu!er products. %t the sa!e
ti!e she also beco!es ac(uainted with the products benefits which are related to either cost or
(uality. $n this case, she is both an initiator and influencer as she has the power to persuade
her fa!ily !e!bers on the one hand and deelop their consu!ing habits on the other. +he can
also be a buyer and a user of that product.
4. $t is !y opinion that roles differ according to the product type. The products category
differs according to the product positioning on the !arket and the classes of people the
product addresses to. For e&a!ple, it is harder to beco!e the buyer of a house)car you cannot
nor!ally afford.
Victor-George Constantinescu
grupa 1717
5. ,es they can. -ne can beco!e an initiator when considering buying a house. This role can
change the !o!ent one has the necessary a!ount of !oney to purchase the house. $n this
case, one beco!es a buyer. $n fact, the process of purchasing a house beco!es co!ple& if one
does not hae the necessary su! of !oney to buy the house thus resorting to a bank loan.
%ssu!ing that one considers !aking a personal bank loan to get the necessary su! of !oney
and that he)she finally gets it, the role changes fro! influencer .in trying to conince the bank
that he)she needs the !oney to buy the house/ to buyer.
. $n this situation the child !ay be the initiator, the !other !ay be the influencer as she tries
to conince the father to buy the ideo ca!era and the father hi!self can beco!e both decider
and buyer. These roles can change in accordance with the necessity. For instance, the child
!ay assu!e no role; neither can he)she beco!e the user of the ideo ca!era. This depends on
the consu!er e&perience.
7. $f the pre!ise is that !arketing creates alue, then this aspect e&plains !arketing's role in
an organi0ation. 1oreoer, !arketing assigns all those actiities which accelerate serices or
the !oe!ent of goods fro! the producer to the consu!er. $n other words, it refers to those
actiities connected with distribution, adertising, pro!otion, !erchandising, product
planning, publicity, research and deelop!ent, transportation, sales and serices or
warehousing of goods. For e&a!ple, +ony is a co!pany with a reputable na!e and a great
trade of brand recognition worldwide. The co!pany rapidly presented itself to the world as a
technological inentor capable of creating !any consu!er-friendly products such as the
#alk!an, the transistor radio, and the ca!corder, although it started a s!all 2apanese
teleco!!unications co!pany in Tokyo.
Howeer, $ beliee that at the !o!ent +ony needs to approach an effectie !anagerial
strategy of new product deelop!ent that is likely to achiee success, but at the sa!e ti!e
!ini!i0e risk. $n !y opinion consu!er needs can be satisfied by innoation. Therefore, these
needs !ay relate to new product designs with appeal, new product uses, or the innoatie
deeloping of new groups of product users. 1oreoer, a !ore sophisticated strategy to react
to co!petition is the 3second but better4 strategy. The fir! waits until the co!petitor's
product is reealed and then not only copies it, but i!proes on it. The ob5ectie here is to be
fle&ible and efficient so as to produce a product that will be superior to the co!petition
without incurring the heay !arket deelop!ental e&pense for the product.
Victor-George Constantinescu
grupa 1717
!nit 3
1. a/ W"ic" are the basic (ualities of a car6
b/ W"at is your faorite car type6 +7V .sport utility ehicle/
c/ W"# do you prefer this car6
d/ W"o is the best +7V producer6
e/ W"# do you think %udi 89 is the best car6
f/ W"en is the right ti!e to buy a car6
%nswers to the (uestions aboe:
a/ $ beliee that a car's basic (ualities are: consu!ption, safety and durability
b/ 1y faorite car is the +7V
c/ First of all because they are ery safe and constitute the perfect !atch for
!ountain e&peditions. $ a! ery fond of going in the !ountains. %nother reason is
that this type of car is able to withstand the bu!py roads in :o!ania.
d/ $ a! a fun of the %udi brand, so $ beliee that %udi 89 is the best one.
e/ ;ecause it !eets all the criteria of a sport utility ehicle type.
f/ The !o!ent it responds to so!e needs and after haing done a research on the car
2. ;oth. <enerally, there are co!panies whose profile or field of actiity inoles
short or long distance driing. =.g : eents deliery ; distribution ; sales
co!panies, etc.
3. %s an indiidual, $ think that $ would buy a car only for !y personal interest. $f it
co!es to consider why an organi0ation would purchase a car, then the answer
would be related to the co!pany subsistence, that is, in this conte&t the purchase
of car can beco!e the ob5ect of their work or actiity they perfor!.
4. a. $!pulse buying
b. =&tensie decision !aking
c. =&tensie decision !aking
d. =&tensie decision !aking
e. =&tensie decision !aking
5. $. "onsu!er buying decision process
%. -rgani0ational buying decision process
C. "onsu!er buying decision process;
&. -rgani0ational buying decision process
E. -rgani0ational buying decision process
'. -rgani0ational buying decision process
G. -rgani0ational buying decision process
H. "onsu!er buying decision process
(. "onsu!er buying decision process
). -rgani0ational buying decision process
K. -rgani0ational buying decision process
Victor-George Constantinescu
grupa 1717
1. $n !y opinion consu!er buying behaior deries fro! !arketing !echanis!s. There
is an aspect connected to !utuality. % !arketer will sell his product where necessity is
iable, where necessity e&ists. This habit is for!ed due to the e&istence of necessities
according to which seeral targeted differentiations are !ade. $n this conte&t, so!e people
afford to buy e&pensie products, while others opt for the cheaper ones.
2. >- * ; ?. + ; @. a ; A. c ; B. e ; 9. ,
3. $ personally consider that the factors that influenced the rise in pet food sales are
attributed to hu!an-ani!al bond and big-spending baby boo!ers.
$. Fill in the blanksC
>. personality
?. social factors
@. situational factors
A. personal factor
B. !otie
9. learning
D. psychological factors
E. selectie retention
F. knowledge
>G. selectie distortion
>>. leel of inole!ent
>?. de!ographic factors
>@. ability
Victor-George Constantinescu
grupa 1717
>A. attitude
>B. infor!ation inputs
>9. perception
>D. selectie e&posure
>E. patronage !oties
>F. role
?G. reference group
?>. social class
??. culture
?@. subcultures
En.iron/enta- Organi0ationa- (nterpersona- (n*i.i*ua-
Hurchasing policies ;uying centre structure Hower relationships age
Laws "o!petitie forces "ooperation =ducation leel
=cono!ic conditions :esources "onflict 2ob status
:egulations -b5ecties inco!e
Technological changes personality
C.(nter.ie1 on a foreign holiday
(nter.ie1er2 #hy did you opt for Constanta Holyday Travel?
(nter.ie1ee2 $ chose Constanta Holyday Travel for two reasons: first of all because they treat
each client indiidually and understand what we as custo!ers want, presenting all the details
about the options they hae and about the location chosen. +econd of all, they do not try to
Victor-George Constantinescu
grupa 1717
i!pose any opinion to people and present things as they are. % ery i!portant aspect is that
"onstanta Holiday Trael !oulded its i!age as a leader in the ;lack +ea area touris!.
(nter.ie1er2 How do you think they !anaged to get this reputation6
(nter.ie1ee2 $ think that they got this reputation by a lot of hard work, honesty and integrity
in their business with trael agents and clients, consistency in proiding high-(uality
personali0ed serices, co!petitie rates and e&tensie use of new technologies. %boe all, $
personally consider that though, they !ade it their priority to first gain the trust of trael
agents and their clients and to build the goodwill of their organi0ation.
(nter.ie1er2 #hy did you choose =gypt6
(nter.ie1ee2 ;ecause it has wonderful serices and the right !i& of leisure, business and
entertain!ent which actually !akes it the best destination for both personal and business
trips. $ !ust tell you that $ a! fascinated by the pyra!ids. ,ou know, =gypt has !any
different traelers isiting it eery year and the rich history together with cultural ite!s and
locations !ake it a great destination that traelers fro! all oer the world want to co!e back
(nter.ie1er2 How long did it take you to decide that =gypt is *the destination' for you and
what did you take into consideration when !aking this decision6
(nter.ie1ee2 $ decided i!!ediately after the offer had been presented to !e. $ took into
consideration the e&cellent serices they offered, $ hae already told you that.
(nter.ie1er2 ,ou said that you chose =gypt i!!ediately after the package presentation. $
guess you traeled alone didn't you6
(nter.ie1ee: Io, $ didn't. $ actually coninced !y best friend to acco!pany !e too.
(nter.ie1er: $ see. %part fro! =gypt, did you also hae any other alternaties6
(nter.ie1ee2 $ did. <reece was another option. ;ut =gypt was the *one' for !e to pick
(nter.ie1er2 Jid you engage in any *local' e&perience during your 5ourney6
Victor-George Constantinescu
grupa 1717
(nter.ie1ee2 $ did and one of the !ost unforgettable e&periences was the =gypt Iile "ruise
which is definitely the !ost fantastic and interested thing to do in =gypt. $ spent a few days on
board one of the BK Iile "ruise and sailed for B days along the Iile :ier. %t the sa!e ti!e $
e&plored the !agnificent beauty of the =gyptian 1onu!ents and te!ples.
(nter.ie1er2 #hat would you reco!!end for other traellers who wish to trael to =gypt6
(nter.ie1ee2 $ would recco!end the! to choose "onstanta Trael Holyday first because they
are a ery serious and co!petitie touris! agency. $n this way tourists will hae the
opportunity to take adantage of all beautiful and interesting things in =gypt.

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