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ME 3311 Microcontroller and P LC Notes

Mechatronics De pt .
A decade back the process and control operations were totally implemented by the
Microprocessors only. But now a day the situation is totally changed and it is occupied by the
new devices called Microcontroller. The development is so drastic that we cant find any
electronic gadget without the use of a microcontroller. This microcontroller changed the
embedded system design so simple and advanced that the embedded market has become one of
the most sought after for not only entrepreneurs but for design engineers also.
What is a Microcontroller?
A single chip computer or A CP with all the peripherals like !AM" !#M" $%# Ports"
Timers" A&Cs etc... on the same chip. 'or e() Motorolas *+,," $ntels +-.," /ilogs /+ and P$C
,*0 etc1
A CP built into a single 234$ chip is called a microprocessor. $t is a general5purpose device
and additional e(ternal circuitry is added to make it a microcomputer. The microprocessor
contains arithmetic and logic unit 6A37" $nstruction decoder and control unit" $nstruction
register" Program counter 6PC7" clock circuit 6internal or e(ternal7" reset circuit 6internal or
e(ternal7 and registers. But the microprocessor has no on chip $%# Ports" Timers" Memory etc.
'or e(ample" $ntel +-+. is an +5bit microprocessor and $ntel +-+*%+-++ a ,*5bit microprocessor.
The block diagram of the Microprocessor is shown in 'ig.,
i!"1 #$oc% di&!r&' o( & Microprocessor"
ME 3311 Microcontroller and P LC Notes
Mechatronics De pt .
A microcontroller is a highly integrated single chip" which consists of on chip CP 6Central
Processing nit7" !AM 6!andom Access Memory7" 8P!#M%P!#M%!#M 68rasable
Programmable !ead #nly Memory7" $%# 6input%output7 9 serial and parallel" timers" interrupt
controller. 'or e(ample" $ntel +-., is +5bit microcontroller and $ntel +-:* is ,*5bit
microcontroller. The block diagram of Microcontroller is shown in 'ig.;.
Fig.2.Block Diagram of a Microcontroller
)istin!uis* +et,een Microprocessor &nd Microcontro$$er
S"No Microprocessor Microcontro$$er
, A microprocessor is a general
purpose device which is called a
A microcontroller is a dedicated chip which is also
called single chip computer.
; A microprocessor do not contain
onchip $%#Ports" Timers" Memories
A microcontroller includes !AM" !#M" serial and
parallel interface" timers" interrupt
circuitry 6in addition to CP7 in a single chip.
- Microprocessors are most
commonly used as the CP in
microcomputer systems
Microcontrollers are used in small" minimum
component designs performing control5oriented
< Microprocessor instructions are Microcontroller instructions are both bit
ME 3311 Microcontroller and P LC Notes
Mechatronics De pt .
mainly nibble or byte addressable addressable as well as byte addressable.
. Microprocessor instruction sets are
mainly intended for catering to
large volumes of data.
Microcontrollers have instruction sets catering to
the control of inputs and outputs.
* Microprocessor based system
design is comple( and e(pensive
Microcontroller based system design is rather
simple and cost effective
. The $nstruction set of
microprocessor is comple( with
large number of instructions.
The instruction set of a Microcontroller is very
simple with less number of instructions. 'or" e()
P$C microcontrollers have only =. instructions"
+ A microprocessor has >ero status
A microcontroller has no >ero flag.
The first microcontroller TM4,--- was introduced by Te(as $nstruments in the year
,:?<. $n the year ,:?*" Motorola designed a Microprocessor chip called *+-, which replaced
its earlier chip *+-- with certain add5on chips to make a computer. This paved the way for the
new revolution in the history of chip design and gave birth to a new entity called
@Microcontro$$er0" 3ater the $ntel company produced its first Microcontroller +-<+ with a
CP and ,A bytes of 8P!#M" *< Bytes of !AM an +5Bit Timer and ;? $%# pins in ,:?*. Then
followed the most popular controller +-., in the year ,:+- with <A bytes of !#M" ,;+ Bytes of
!AM" a serial port" two ,*5bit Timers " and =; $%# pins. The +-., family has many additions
and improvements over the years and remains a most acclaimed tool for todays circuit
designers. $BT83 introduced a ,* bit microcontroller +-:* in the year ,:+;. 3ater $BT83
introduced +-c,:* series of ,*5bit Microcontrollers for mainly industrial applications.
Microchip" another company has introduced an +5bit Microcontroller P$C ,*C*< in the year
,:+..The =;5bit microcontrollers have been developed by $BM and Motorola. MPC .-. is a =;5
bit !$4C controller of Motorola. The <-= CA is a =; 5bit !$4C embedded controller of $BM.
$n recent times A!M company 6Advanced !$4C machines7 has developed and introduced =; bit
controllers for high5end application devices like mobiles" $pods etc...
Microcontrollers can be classified on the basis of internal bus width" architecture" memory and
instruction set as <5bit"+5bit",*5bit and =;5bit micrcontrollers.
2-+it Microcontro$$ers) These <5bit microcontrollers are small si>e" minimum pin count and
low cost controllers which are widely used for low end applications like 38& D 3C& display
drivers "portable battery chargers etc.. Their power consumption is also low. The popular <5bit
ME 3311 Microcontroller and P LC Notes
Mechatronics De pt .
controllers are !enasa M=<.-, which is a ;- pin &$P chip with <kB of !#M";.* Bytes of
!AM";5Counters and ,< $%# Pins. 4imilarly ATAM+*; series from ATM83.
8-+it Microcontro$$ers : These are the most popular and widely used microcontrollers .About
..E of all CPs sold in the world are +5bit microcontrollers only. The +5bit microcontroller has
+5bitinternal bus and the A3 performs all the arithmetic and logical operations on a byte
instruction. The well known +5bit microcontroller is +-., which was designed by $ntel in the
year ,:+- for the use in embedded systems. #ther +5bit microcontrollers are $ntel +-=,%+-.; and
Motorola MC*+FC,, and A2! Microcontrollers" Microchips P$C Microcontrollers ,;C.00 "
,*C.0 and ,*C.-. etc...
13-+it Microcontro$$ers: Ghen the microcontroller performs ,*5bit arithmetic and logical
operations at an instruction" the microcontroller is said to be a ,*5bit microcontroller. The
internal bus width of ,*5bit microcontroller is of ,*5bit. These microcontrollers are having
increased memory si>e and speed of operation when compared to +5bit microcontrollers. These
are most suitable for programming in Figh5level languages like C or C
.They find applications
in disk drivers" modems" printers" scanners and servomotor control. 8(amples of ,*5bit
microcontrollers are $ntel +-:* family and Motorola MC*+FC,; and MC*+==; families" The
performance and computing capability of ,* bit microcontrollers are enhanced with greater
precision as compared to the +5bit microcontrollers.
-4-#it Microcontro$$ers :These microcontrollers used in high5end applications like Automotive
control" Communication networks" !obotics" Cell phones "CP!4 D P&As etc..'or 80)P$C=;"
A!M ?"A!M:" 4FA!P 3F?:.;-" ATM83 =; 6A2!7" Te(as $nstruments 9.
TM4=;-';+-;(%;+-=( etc." are some of the popular =;5bit microcontrollers.

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