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K. Chatterjee, 75643 Center for NDT P 00 Rv 02 Self study material.

Double Wall Double Image Techniques :

Fr materials a!d "elds i! #m$!e!ts %& mm r less i!
!mi!al diameter, a te#h!i'ue may (e used i! "hi#h the
radiati! $asses thru)h t" "alls a!d the "eld * material +
i! (th "alls is vie"ed fr a##e$ta!#e ! the same
radi)ra$h. Fr du(le "all vie"i!), !ly a sur#e side ,-,
shall (e used. Care shuld (e t e!sure that the
re'uired )emetri#al u!shar$!ess is !t e.#eeded. ,f the
)emetri#al u!shar$!ess re'uireme!t #a! !t (e met, the!
si!)le "all vie"i!) shall (e used.
/t least !e l#ati! mar0er shall (e $la#ed adja#e!t t
the "eld r * ! the material i! the area f i!terest + fr
ea#h radi)ra$h.
1lli$se 2 Fr "elds, the radiati! (eam may (e ffset frm
the $la!e f the "eld at a! a!)le suffi#ie!t t se$arate the
ima)es f the sur#e side a!d film side $rti!s f the "eld
s that there is ! verla$ f the areas t (e i!ter$reted.
3he! #m$lete #vera)e is re'uired, a mi!imum f t"
e.$sures ta0e! &0
t ea#h ther shall (e made fr ea#h
Su$erim$sed 2 /s a! alter!ative, the "eld may (e
radi)ra$hed "ith the radiati! (eam $siti!ed s that the
ima)es f (th "alls are su$erim$sed. ,! this #ase, ima)es
f the t$ a!d (ttm se#ti! #a! !t (e se$arated. 3he!
#m$lete #vera)e is re'uired, a mi!imum f three
e.$sures ta0e! at either 60
r 420
t ea#h ther shall (e
made fr ea#h ji!t.
/dditi!al e.$sures shall (e made if the re'uired
radi)ra$hi# #vera)e #a!!t (e (tai!ed usi!) the mi!imum
!um(er f e.$sures me!ti!ed a(ve.
1lli$se 1.$sure 2
a ,!#m$lete
b 1.#ess
c ,!#lusi!s

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